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转化医学是近年来新兴的医学研究模式,其核心理念是将基础研究和临床进行统一和结合。《细菌学检验》是检验专业重要的专业课。本教研室在转化医学理念的指导下,对理论和实验教学进行教学改革,重点培养检验系学生的临床实践操作能力。本文介绍了该课程目前理论教学、实验教学和教师方面存在的问题,并在转化医学理念的指导下进行教学改革的具体方法,提高了教学质量,培养出兼具动手和分析能力,毕业即能胜任临床细菌学检验工作的人才。  相似文献   

专业型研究生是近来我国医学教育改革的重要措施,心血管学科由于其专业性及复杂性较强,积极探索行之有效的培养模式对心血管学科至关重要。整合医学思维对心血管专业型研究生临床实践能力培养与科研创新能力的塑造具有重要作用,其实现途径更值得深思与总结。  相似文献   

<正>医学论文是医学科学研究、医学临床实践工作的文字总结,也是医学科学研究工作的重要组成部分。医学论文的写作是每一位科研人员、临床医务人员及研究生应该掌握的基本技能之一,医学论文作为医学科研成果的载体和临床实践的经验总结,不仅是医学信息储存、交流的重要手段,同时也是促进科研成果转化的重要形式~([1]),更是医务人员借鉴、提高医学临床诊治水平,服务于病人的有效途径。所以,如何撰写一篇科学性强、创新性突出、实用性好且富含逻辑的医学论文,是作者和  相似文献   

由上海市学位委员会主办,上海中医药大学、上海中医药大学附属曙光医院共同承办的2012年"面向转化医学的中西医结合肝病研究"上海市研究生暑期学校,将于2012年7月26日至8月5日在上海举行。本期课程将聚焦于中西医结合肝病的转化医学,围绕临床难点与研究热点,聘请著名专家讲授中西医结合  相似文献   

巫相宏 《内科》2011,6(4):371-373
临床医学研究生培养对我国的医学事业具有重要意义,但目前我国对临床医学研究生培养存在一些缺陷,包括科学学位研究生培养比例过高,强调科研能力而忽视临床能力的培养,对临床医学研究生考核机制不健全等。我们要减少科学学位型研究生培养规模,对临床医学研究生建立统一的临床考核制度,加强科学学位型研究生临床能力的培养,提高科学学位型研究生的综合素质,以适应社会对他们的要求。  相似文献   

医学学术型研究生体系是我国培养高层次医学创新人才的重要举措,是提升国家医学研究水平和医疗保障能力的核心要素。与医学专业型研究生培养体系不同,国家对学术型研究生的科研能力培养有着更高的要求和定位。因此,亟需完善和提高相关的培养模式,以期满足国家和社会对学术型研究人才的需求。分子生物学是一门在分子水平探究生命现象的科学,是认识生命基本过程继而探索疾病病理生理规律的基础性学科。提高医学学术型研究生的分子生物学理论功底、思维能力和实践技能将为其创新能力的培养起到积极的促进作用。本文拟从阐述分子生物学在医学学术型研究生创新能力培养中的重要意义入手,深入剖析目前此方面的培养现状,并针对性地提出相关解决措施和方法,以期提升分子生物学教学在医学学术型研究生创新能力培养中的作用。  相似文献   

梳理了转化医学的概念,分析了中医学术传承的现状,探讨了转化医学理念指导下的中医学术传承,以期推动学术经验的传承及传承人才的培养,将中医学术经验更好地推广和应用。  相似文献   

近年来,转化医学受到世界各国的广泛专注与重视,国内也积极开展了加强转化医学研究的探索与研讨。结合单位实际,笔者从转变科研体制、转变科研理念、转变科研平台建设模式三个方面,探索建立以首席研究者负责制(PI)为代表的转化医学研究机制,推进临床一基础结合型的转化医学研究,打造临床科研兼顾型转化医学支撑平台。  相似文献   

研究生的培养制度和模式是对研究生培养过程的一种合理的、有效的设计和安排,是实现研究生教育目标的重要保障措施,也是保证和提高研究生培养质量的关键所在。改进培养制度和模式就是根据社会发展对不同人才的需要,及时调整培养目标,及时为社会培养出高质量的高层次急需人才,从而适应国际社会竞争的需要。1明确不同层次和不同类型医学研究生的培养目标目前,医学研究生教育是我国培养医学高层次人才的最高层次教育,培养层次分为博士、硕士两个相对独立的层次。医学博士研究生的培养以攻读学术型为主,其目标在于知识创新和通过科学研究取得创…  相似文献   

"2012年度的北大糖尿病论坛(PUDF)"于5月5~6日在北京九华山会议中心隆重举办。本届论坛以"糖尿病转化医学"为主题,会议邀请到美国CDC糖尿病流行病学与统计学分支负责人、美国埃默里大学的K.M.Venkat Narayan教授作"糖尿病转化医学研究———理念和发展"的主旨报告。Narayan教授是转化医学概念的提出者之一,在转化医学领域有很深造诣。Narayan在报告中介绍了转化医学的概念和发展概况,内容精辟。本刊征得Narayan教授的同意,由北京大学人民医院内分泌科罗樱樱医师翻译整理,现发表如下,以飨读者。  相似文献   

The American College of Physicians supports the need for reform throughout the continuum of training in internal medicine. Today's internists must have the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to meet the challenges of an expanding body of medical knowledge and a rapidly evolving system of health care delivery. Suggested priorities for undergraduate medical education include redesigning curricular experiences to afford students earlier and more exposure to career opportunities in internal medicine, improving ambulatory education, exposing students to outstanding faculty role models in internal medicine, and incorporating educational experiences during the fourth year that optimize its value and relevance to the student's future career plans in internal medicine. Internal medicine residency training should remain a 3-year experience, with a component of core education common to all trainees and a component of customized training in the third year targeted toward the resident's career goals. Residency programs should be designed around educational rather than institutional service needs. The ambulatory component of training requires substantial reform in its structure, sites, content, and timing. Team-based models should be used both for patient care and for flexibility in design of residency training. Better faculty models must be developed that build on the concept of a "core faculty," improve the rewards for teaching faculty, and provide appropriate faculty development focusing on a necessary set of educator competencies.  相似文献   

信息化教学的发展为航空航天医学专业课程的教学改革提供了机遇,为进一步完善航空航天心血管教学内容创造条件。超星学习通是一个移动知识空间服务平台,基于此平台具备的独特优势,将以问题为中心的教学方法(PBL)、翻转课堂和微课等教学方式与学习通平台相结合应用,使航空航天心血管教学资源得到充分利用。教师在为学生构建知识体系的同时,也在协助学生建立自主学习和合作学习等基本学习方式,注重思维引导和素质培养。超星学习通平台在航空航天心血管教学的应用,对提升教学效果有推动作用。  相似文献   

Aims: Stiffening of the large arteries is a common feature of aging and is exacerbated by a number of disorders such as hypertension, diabetes, and renal disease. Arterial stiffening is recognized as an important and independent risk factor for cardiovascular events. This article will provide a comprehensive review of the recent advance on assessment of arterial stiffness as a translational medicine biomarker for cardiovascular risk. Discussions: The key topics related to the mechanisms of arterial stiffness, the methodologies commonly used to measure arterial stiffness, and the potential therapeutic strategies are discussed. A number of factors are associated with arterial stiffness and may even contribute to it, including endothelial dysfunction, altered vascular smooth muscle cell (SMC) function, vascular inflammation, and genetic determinants, which overlap in a large degree with atherosclerosis. Arterial stiffness is represented by biomarkers that can be measured noninvasively in large populations. The most commonly used methodologies include pulse wave velocity (PWV), relating change in vessel diameter (or area) to distending pressure, arterial pulse waveform analysis, and ambulatory arterial stiffness index (AASI). The advantages and limitations of these key methodologies for monitoring arterial stiffness are reviewed in this article. In addition, the potential utility of arterial stiffness as a translational medicine surrogate biomarker for evaluation of new potentially vascular protective drugs is evaluated. Conclusions: Assessment of arterial stiffness is a sensitive and useful biomarker of cardiovascular risk because of its underlying pathophysiological mechanisms. PWV is an emerging biomarker useful for reflecting risk stratification of patients and for assessing pharmacodynamic effects and efficacy in clinical studies.  相似文献   

人体寄生虫学在医学本科生教育层面的教学,要怎样顺应转化医学发展的潮流、把握转化医学提供的创新机遇,在深人学习、体会转化医学基本内函和创新启示的基础上,应运一系列有效措施,改进医学本科生人体寄生虫学教学现状,提升该课程的教学质量,仍是需认真思考和协同攻关的研究课题。本文探讨了人体寄生虫学所涉及转化医学的一些相关问题。  相似文献   

新时期航空兵部队的快速发展对航空航天医学本科生岗位胜任能力提出了更高的要求,鉴于目前航空航天医学本科生岗位胜任能力的现状及存在的问题,我们在航空航天医学教学中进行了一系列改革。本文以心血管系统为例,介绍了我们在航空航天医学教学改革中的一些实践经验和心得体会。  相似文献   

Y. Lin  R. L. Haspel 《Vox sanguinis》2017,112(2):97-104
As transfusion is a commonly identified overused intervention, there is a clear gap between evidence‐based and clinical practice. To close this gap, there is not only a need for increased transfusion medicine educational opportunities but for those using structured and proven instructional methods. Kern and colleagues have defined important steps to be considered in curricular design: general needs assessment; targeted needs assessment; goals and objectives; educational strategies; implementation; and evaluation and feedback. We use this framework to examine the current state of transfusion medicine educational initiatives for the non‐transfusion medicine physician.  相似文献   

转化医学旨在构建基础医学与临床实践之间的桥梁。对转化医学的正确理解可有助于临床医生在该领域发挥自主能动性。临床医生应该积极走进实验室解决身边的实际问题,但一定要进得去、出得来。对转化医学的正确认识有助于提高医生对疾病诊、治、防的水平。  相似文献   

Translational research requires basic innovation and development, an infrastructure for deployment to the experimental clinical arena and a distribution system to connect patients to innovation. The University of Minnesota cardiovascular program led the way in translational medicine after World War II. Subsequently, it briefly lost its way. Learning from the lessons of the past, cardiovascular medicine at Minnesota is being reborn as a twenty-first century organization developing medical innovation from ideas and translating the product to patients in a complex healthcare system.  相似文献   

转化医学研究是探索促进基础医学和临床医学相结合的关键环节,能打破基础研究到临床实践之间的壁垒,运用基础研究取得的成就,改善临床的预防和诊疗.心血管疾病发病和预后的早期预警和风险分层是改善疾病防治的必经之路.文章将以青年冠心病为例,阐述目前疾病精准防治的困境以及转化医学研究如何通过实现疾病发病和预后的早期预警和风险分层从...  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Although the inpatient setting has served as the predominant educational site of internal medicine training programs, many changes and factors are currently affecting education in this setting. As a result, many educational organizations are calling for reforms in inpatient training. This report reviews the available literature on specific internal medicine inpatient educational interventions and proposes recommendations for improving internal medicine training in this setting. METHOD: We searched Medline for articles published between 1966 and August 2004 which focused on internal medicine training interventions in the inpatient setting; bibliographies of Medline-identified articles, as well as articles suggested by experts in the field provided additional citations. We then reviewed, classified, and abstracted only articles where an assessment of learner outcomes was included. RESULTS: Thirteen studies of inpatient internal medicine educational interventions were found that included an outcome assessment. All were single institution studies. The majority of these studies was of poor methodological quality and focused on specific content areas of internal medicine. None assessed the effectiveness or impact of internal medicine core inpatient experiences or curriculum. CONCLUSION: This review identifies significant gaps in our understanding of what constitutes effective inpatient education. The paucity of high quality research in the internal medicine inpatient setting highlights the urgent need to formally define and study what constitutes an effective "core" inpatient curriculum.  相似文献   

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