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黄义鹏 《医疗装备》2011,24(1):90-90
BECKMAN COULTER GENS全自动五分类血球分析仪采用独特的VCS技术。其中V(体积法)用于分析细胞体积。C(电导法)用于分析细胞核型。S(散射法)用于分析细胞颗粒特性。测试时,患者标本通过分血片等样本分配系统进人搅拌杯中,在加入溶血剂搅拌,溶血,破坏红细胞。剩下的白细胞在压力的作用下进入流式通道。运用VCS联合检测方法,在流式通道的某一位点,对通过的单列白细胞,进行逐个的、同时的和三重的检测及三维分析,以确定其亚群性质。  相似文献   

关于ICD-10编码自动生成计算机实现的一种改进方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《中国医院管理》杂志2001年第9期潘燮文同志的《计算机录入病案首页同步检索ICD码的方法》一文,提出了通过分类目—亚目—名称3个层次检索生成ICD码的方法,我们在编写统计分析管理软件中疾病编码自动生成模块时,使用了其中的方法,但在试运行过程中发现,对于多数常见疾病的编码,此方法的生成速度不很令人满意。我们又对潘燮文同志的方法作了一些改进,现将此方法介绍如下:1 构造数据库表 我们在使用潘燮文同志介绍的方法构建数据库时,为了使用的方便,在此基础上又增加了两个字段:疾病别名和注  相似文献   

目的:针对阿尔茨海默病的纵向研究中不同时间点的影像数据缺失的问题,提出一种基于pix2pix模型的生成对抗模型3Dpix2pix-AGE。方法:首先对pix2pix模型的架构进行改进,分别采用V-Net和密集连接的卷积网络(densely connected convolutional networks,DenseNet)架构作为生成器和判别器的架构;其次对pix2pix模型的损失函数进行改进,引入年龄损失来控制图像纵向变化;最后基于阿尔茨海默病神经影像学计划(Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative,ADNI)数据集中受试者的基线图像生成24个月的纵向图像。采用五折交叉检验进行3Dpix2pix-AGE模型验证,通过定量评估和定性评估2种方式评估生成图像的质量。结果 :生成的纵向图像与真实纵向图像具有较高的相似度,可以用来预测阿尔茨海默病患者的病程进展。结论:3Dpix2pix-AGE模型可以生成高质量的阿尔茨海默病患者的纵向图像,为ADNI数据集中缺失的纵向神经影像数据的生成提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   

HP LaserJet 4V/4MV Post Script 打印机具有图形功能,能将Microsoft Word文档解释为以*.prn格式的镜像图形文件。Ghost软件能读取、预览、打印以*.prn格式存储的文档。  相似文献   

目的:为确保医疗数据在上报过程中的安全性,提供一种安全的医院数据上报解决方案。方法:采用基于安全隔离网闸的数据交换技术保证上报数据的安全性,同时保障医院的内部网络安全、可靠地运行。结果:基于网闸的数据上报的实现不仅可确保内网信.g-系统的安全.而且高效地实现了内外网的数据交换,为数据上报提供了一条安全便捷之路。结论:采用安全隔离网闸技术实现数据上报,可确保院内网的信息安全,为医院的信息化建设提供有力的保障。  相似文献   

B-D测试是专门用于预真空压力蒸汽灭菌器冷空气排除效果的检测.本院采用自制测试包监测,以往因B-D测试纸直接贴于布面,经高温蒸汽后图案的部分染料粘在布面上,引起图案不均匀白色斑点,误认为试验失败.工作中经反复试验观察,发现了一种切实可行办法,既提高了B-D测试的成功率,又保证了灭菌的安全性,现将真体方法和优点介绍如下.  相似文献   

胸膜腔穿刺未,是临床医生常用基本操作技能之一。以往的操作不仅增加了操作者的劳动强度,还加大了感染的几率,故笔者对此方法做了改良,以供同行们参考运用。  相似文献   

胸膜腔穿刺术,是临床医生常用基本操作技能之一。以往的操作不仅增加了操作者的劳动强度,还加大了感染的几率,故笔者对此方法做了改良,以供同行们参考运用。  相似文献   

随着医学科学的发展,医院感染问题越来越引起医学界的高度重视.据统计,手传播细菌造成的感染约占医院感染的30%.近年来,随着对医院感染认识的提高,医务人员越来越重视手部的清洁消毒工作.现介绍一种简便易行的手消毒方法.  相似文献   

神经病靶酶活性测定(NTE)是目前筛选有机磷化合物迟发神经毒性能力的唯一生化试验方法。我国现阶段研究中多采用经典的Lowry氏法测定被检生物样品中的蛋白含量,据以推算NTE活性,其操作费时、复杂,不适于大样本检测。Bradfordf提出用蛋白—染料复合物试验较Lowry氏方法快速而且灵敏,最低检出量为2ug。为此,我们就这一方法本身从几个方面做了探讨。  相似文献   

COULTER血液分析仪的测试原理及分类的实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李复银 《医疗设备信息》2007,22(7):52-52,17
本文比较详细的介绍了 COULTER公司血液分析仪的测试原理和分类方法,通过了解五分类血液分析仪的原理能更好帮助我们选择和使用五分类血液分析仪.  相似文献   

目的:利用脚踏开关远距离脚踏控制PC进行医疗图像采集。方法:脚踏开关通过9针串口与PC连接,并由软件编程实现控制PC.软件由VC++6.0在Windows2000操作系统中编程实现。结果:顺利实现了脚踏开关控制PC进行医疗图像的采集。结论:脚踏开关具有脚踏控制和控制距离远等优势,可节省人力,同时可保持图像采集的实时性与精确性。该方法技术可应用于各类医学影像设备(如CT、X线机、造影机、超声仪、内窥镜等)的图像采集工作站中。  相似文献   

探讨了如何使用可编程控制器(Programmable Logic Controller,PLC)控制X射线机射线发生部分的各项基本参数。  相似文献   

李秀红 《医疗设备信息》2011,(10):155-157,154
目的探讨医学图像中强化病灶边缘、提高图像清晰度及明确病变范围方法。方法采用VC++6.0编程,分别用Laplace、Prewitt、Sobel、Roberts等几个算子对医学图像进行边缘增强,找出各种方法的优势和不足。结果Laplacian和Roberts算子增强效果好,但是降噪效果差;Prewitt、Sobel算子降噪效果好,增强能力差。结论对于结构复杂、噪声影响大的部位应多采用Prewitt、Sobel算子;对于结构简单、噪声影响小的部位应多采用Laplace、Roberts算子。  相似文献   

In view of the high costs of building diagnostics and repair subsequent to water damage—as well as the large medical diagnostic and healthcare costs associated with mold growth in buildings—commitment to a philosophy of proactive preventive maintenance for home, apartment, school, and commercial buildings could result in considerable cost savings and avoidance of major health problems among building occupants. The author identifies common causes of mold growth in buildings and summarizes key building design and construction principles essential for preventing mold contamination indoors. Physicians and healthcare workers must be made aware of conditions within buildings that can give rise to mold growth, and of resulting health problems. Timely advice provided to patients already sensitized by exposure to molds could save these individuals, and their families, from further exposures as a result of inadequate building maintenance or an inappropriate choice of replacement housing.  相似文献   

Bernard's discrimination model is frequently used in the supervision of counseling practice. The advantages of this model include its simplicity, flexibility, and research support across a variety of interdisciplinary domains. When working from the foundation of Bernard's discrimination model in counseling supervision, use of narrative techniques can be helpful in reducing supervisee anxiety, promoting creativity, and exploring and solidifying personal and vocational values.  相似文献   

Elder care has undergone a marketization in recent years in which various models for care management have been introduced with the aim of making assessments efficient. This article investigates the effects the care management model has on resource allocation for home care when handling the requests of older persons in the needs assessment process. Sixteen tape-recorded assessment conversations with associated case-file texts were analyzed through discourse analysis. The results show that a managerialist thinking has had a partial impact on the assessment process where the documentation requirements have entailed bureaucratization in terms of the transfer that occurs from talk to text. The findings from the study nevertheless indicate that the assessment conversations have clear elements of an individual-centred perspective in which there is room for a care rational dialogue. This constitutes a welfare policy dilemma today. Providing for older people’s requests should be on the basis of quality and an individual-centred perspective and care management has had a contrary effect in which focus is directed instead towards needs assessment and bureaucratic processes.  相似文献   



Hospital environment represents a congenial situation where microorganisms and susceptible patients are indoors together. Thus, the objective of this study is to provide fundamental data related to the microbial quality of indoor air of Jimma University Specialized Hospital wards, to estimate the health hazard and to create standards for indoor air quality control.


The microbial quality of indoor air of seven wards of Jimma University Specialized Hospital was determined. Passive air sampling technique, using open Petri-dishes containing different culture media, was employed to collect sample twice daily.


The concentrations of bacteria and fungi aerosols in the indoor environment of the wards ranged between 2123 – 9733 CFU/m3. The statistical analysis showed that the concentrations of bacteria that were measured in all studied wards were significantly different from each other (p-value=0.017), whereas the concentrations of fungi that were measured in all sampled wards were not significantly different from each other (p-value=0.850). Moreover, the concentrations of bacteria that were measured at different sampling time (morning and afternoon) were significantly different (p-value =0.001).


All wards that were included in the study were heavily contaminated with bacteria and fungi. Thus, immediate interventions are needed to control those environmental factors which favor the growth and multiplication of microbes, and it is vital to control visitors and students in and out the wards. Moreover, it is advisable that strict measures be put in place to check the increasing microbial load in the hospital environment.  相似文献   

This study discusses the role of public relations for image creating in health services. Hospitals require public relations activities to distinguish them from competitors, provide bidirectional communication between the society and the hospital, and assist to create of a strong hospital image and culture. A satisfaction survey was conducted on 264 patients who have received health services at Maltepe University Hospital. The research focused on how the Hospital's examination, care, catering and physical services; doctor and nurse politeness towards patients and patient relatives, their attitudes and behaviors; examination, check-in, bedding and discharge operations; public relations activities in and out of the hospital were perceived. Another subject of the study was the degree of recommendation of patients who have been served by the hospital's health services to prospective patients seeking treatment.  相似文献   

PB-840呼吸机是一台适用于新生儿,儿童,成人兼用型呼吸机。该机功能齐全,技术特点突出,满足了临床更广泛,更高要求的需求。本文对PB-840型呼吸机技术特点进行透析。  相似文献   

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