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目的 探讨一种可以整体上提面中、上部,并解决睑袋、颧部皮肤软组织松弛、鱼尾纹、额纹、鼻唇沟过深的复合除皱术.方法 自2008年2月至2011年5月,共对30例患者施行全面部复合除皱术.额颞部选择发际缘切口与额部切口入路,颞部在颞深筋膜浅层剥离至颞肌前缘及眶外缘,额部在帽状腱膜下剥离至眶上缘及鼻根部,并在眉上1.0cm处及两侧眉峰间离断额肌、皱眉肌和降眉肌.联合应用耳前、耳后切口,行面中、下部超过鼻唇沟的广泛皮下及SMAS下剥离,分别向上、后、乳突3个方向悬吊,对松弛的眼轮匝肌进行悬吊,并将颧脂肪垫向外上方悬吊、固定于颧骨体表面.对于睑袋及颧部松弛严重者,辅以睑袋切口,在面中部骨膜下分离颧骨上分离至鼻唇沟外上1.5cm并悬吊.结果 本组30例患者,术后随访6~24个月,额纹、眉间纹、鱼尾纹、鼻唇沟过深、面中部组织松弛等问题均得以改善,无血肿、面瘫等并发症发生,效果满意.结论 全面部复合除皱术可从根本上改善老年患者面部组织松垂问题,效果持久,只要严格手术操作,避开重要血管、神经及其分支,可作为一种安全、可靠的面部年轻化手术的选择.  相似文献   

目的为提高额颞部除皱术的效果,延长有效时间,从理论与实际观察探讨额颞部老年化改变形成的原因,并采用相应的手术术式进行矫正.方法肿胀麻醉下,通过颞部发际缘切口入路,在颞深筋膜浅面剥离,内达颞肌前缘及眶外缘,下达颧弓上缘,后达耳屏前线.额部切口入路在帽状腱膜下剥离,下达眶上缘外至颞线后至枕外隆突.口腔内上颊龈沟入路在颧骨及颧弓骨膜下剥离.上述各剥离区域相互贯通,最后将颞区皮瓣上提,并将颞浅筋膜与颞深筋膜缝合固定.结果本组共32例,术后眉外侧平均上提8mm,鼻唇沟变浅,获随访的7例为术后3~24个月,除皱效果满意.结论本术式旨在通过广泛剥离解除了额颞部皮肤筋膜上提的羁绊,同时减少上面部降肌的作用,相对增强提肌的作用,再辅以筋膜及皮肤上提固定达到除皱的目的,效果确实、可靠、安全、持久.  相似文献   

目的 为提高额颞部除皱术的效果 ,延长有效时间 ,从理论与实际观察探讨额颞部老年化改变形成的原因 ,并采用相应的手术术式进行矫正。方法 肿胀麻醉下 ,通过颞部发际缘切口入路 ,在颞深筋膜浅面剥离 ,内达颞肌前缘及眶外缘 ,下达颧弓上缘 ,后达耳屏前线。额部切口入路在帽状腱膜下剥离 ,下达眶上缘外至颞线后至枕外隆突。口腔内上颊龈沟入路在颧骨及颧弓骨膜下剥离。上述各剥离区域相互贯通 ,最后将颞区皮瓣上提 ,并将颞浅筋膜与颞深筋膜缝合固定。结果 本组共 32例 ,术后眉外侧平均上提 8mm ,鼻唇沟变浅 ,获随访的 7例为术后 3~2 4个月 ,除皱效果满意。结论 本术式旨在通过广泛剥离解除了额颞部皮肤筋膜上提的羁绊 ,同时减少上面部降肌的作用 ,相对增强提肌的作用 ,再辅以筋膜及皮肤上提固定达到除皱的目的 ,效果确实、可靠、安全、持久。  相似文献   

内镜额颞部上提与面中下部多层次剥离除皱术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
自1995年8月以来,我们对18例面部老化明显者,采用内窥镜技术额颞部上提与面中部行广泛多层次剥离悬吊术,取得良好效果。1手术方法1.1麻醉及切口设计 均在全麻下,于额部发际后2~2.5 cm,在正中及左右颞线上各设计长2cm纵向小切口,耳前切口紧邻耳轮上脚、耳屏及耳垂。1.2额颞部(面上部)剥离 额颞部切口深至帽状腱膜下层,盲视下钝性剥离顶枕部,直到枕骨粗隆;前方剥离额部至眶缘上3 cm,向左右侧掀起颞部头皮,到达颧弓上2 cm处。将内窥镜从其中1个切口放至眶缘上,用内窥镜剥离子在内窥镜监视下充分…  相似文献   

本文通过5年间所做的24侧面部除皱术,对手术除皱进行了探讨。手术切口设计分别在发际缘或发际内3-5cm以及在耳屏前、后。麻醉均为局麻。术中分离范围:(1)额颞部:深达骨膜浅而至眼缘,中央部至鼻根部。两侧在颞浅筋膜浅层。(2)面颈部:沿腮腺嚼肌筋膜浅层和颈浅筋膜浅层进行;上部达颧弓下缘,下部达鼻唇沟,颈部包括双下颌区,前界达颏下部,下界达颈横线,后部包括整个乳突区。术后在乳突区发际内置皮片引流。加压包扎一周。10—14天拆线。作者认为术前应用止血药,对手术后出血有很好的作用。  相似文献   

保留耳前鬓角形态的面中上部多层次除皱术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 介绍一种切口隐蔽、安全、有效、持久的面中上部除皱术式。方法 额部采取冠状切口,颢部切口与鼻唇沟平行,耳前切口位于鬓角后缘。进行面中上部多层次剥离。结果 2002年以来应用该法治疗面中上部老化者46例,效果满意,未发生严重并发症。结论 该术式保留了耳前鬓角的自然形态,切口瘢痕隐蔽,避免了重要神经、血管的损伤,多层次剥离符合解剖学原理,面部年轻化效果持久。  相似文献   

从解剖学角度探讨应用锯齿线行面部提升术的可行性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:以解剖学研究为基础,探讨应用锯齿线行面部提升术的适应证、禁忌证与手术层次。方法:对10例(20侧)防腐人头标本进行头面部逐层解剖,观察面部脂肪分布与眶上血管神经、滑车上血管神经、面神经的走行特点。结果:额正中部皮肤与皮下组织的厚度(1.9±0.2)mm,颞部发际缘处皮肤与皮下组织的厚度(2.4±0.3)mm,面颊部颊脂肪垫处皮肤与皮下组织的厚度(3.1±0.4)mm。眶上血管神经分为内侧支和外侧支,分别穿过额肌、帽状腱膜进入头皮。滑车上血管神经穿过额肌分布于近中线的额部皮肤。面神经颞支向前上方走行于颞浅筋膜深面。面神经颊支出腮腺后走行于表浅肌肉腱膜系统(SMAS)的深面,其分支相互吻合呈立体网格状。结论:额部于额肌深面、颞部于颞浅筋膜浅面、面颊部于SMAS浅面,是锯齿线的安全植入层次。  相似文献   

目的探讨颞部发际缘保留毛囊锯齿形切口除皱术在临床中的应用.方法采用颞部发际缘保留毛囊锯齿形切口、眼轮匝肌悬吊固定、SMAS折叠缝合的方法,提升下垂的外眦角和颧部,去除鱼尾纹,减轻较深的鼻唇沟.结果本组66例患者,其中58例患者经6个月至3年的随访,除2例患者左侧、1例患者右侧切口前缘无毛发生长外,余者切口愈合佳且前缘有毛发生长隐蔽性好,鱼尾纹明显减轻,下垂的外眦角和颧部、较深的鼻唇沟有较明显的改善.结论颞部发际缘保留毛囊锯齿形切口、眼轮匝肌悬吊固定、SMAS折叠缝合的手术方法是一种简便、安全、有效且切口隐蔽的较新的除皱方法.  相似文献   

颞部发际缘保留毛囊锯齿形切口除皱术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨颞部发际缘保留毛囊锯齿形切口除皱术在临床中的应用。方法 采用颞部发际缘保留毛囊锯齿形切口、眼轮匝肌悬吊固定、SMAS折叠缝合的方法,提升下垂的外眦角和颧部,去除鱼尾纹,减轻较深的鼻唇沟。结果 本组66例患者,其中58例患者经6个月至3年的随访,除2例患者左侧、1例患者右侧切口前缘无毛发生长外,余者切口愈合佳且前缘有毛发生长隐蔽性好,鱼尾纹明显减轻,下垂的外眦角和颧部、较深的鼻唇沟有较明显的改善。结论 颞部发际缘保留毛囊锯齿形切口、眼轮匝肌悬吊固定、SMAS折叠缝合的手术方法是一种简便、安全、有效且切口隐蔽的较新的除皱方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨一种单一切口、能减轻手术后瘢痕性脱发和鬓角不对称的颞部除皱方法.方法:将手术切口设计在颅后中线上,从帽状腱膜深层钝性分离,进入颞区在颞浅筋膜深分离至眶外侧,充分上提颞部组织后切除多余头皮组织,最后分层缝合.结果:经手术后1~12月的观察,患者的眉、外眦上提效果明显,减少瘢痕性秃发和鬓角不对称并发症出现.结论:后置切口式颞部除皱术是一种有效的颞部除皱方式.  相似文献   

目的探讨改良中面部除皱手术的方法,以及手术要点与优势。方法对43例面中部皮肤及软组织松弛的女性,采用颞部“w”形+耳前倒“L”形切口,在皮下和SMAS筋膜之间分离组织间隙达到设计范围,并在耳前纵向解剖分离一“舌形”SMAS筋膜瓣,大小约2.5em×1.5cm;将筋膜瓣掀开,在SMAS筋膜前侧断缘,斜向上45。对位拉紧缝合,使口角上提,鼻唇沟变浅;再将预制的SMAS筋膜瓣向上提紧,缝合固定于颧弓处;下颌缘及部分颈部皮肤上提,去除颞部及耳前多余皮肤并缝合固定。结果本组共43例患者,术后随访3~18个月,鼻唇沟明显变浅,下颌缘及颈部形态清晰,效果满意。结论采用改良中面部除皱术能有效改善口角、鼻唇沟、下颊部及部分颈部的皮肤松弛,同时手术切口张力小,瘢痕不明显,位置隐蔽,且术后皮肤紧致、弹性好,表情自然,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The amount of lift achievable in the temple region has been limited by traditional uniplanar dissection techniques. A biplanar temple-lifting technique (BTL), involving a biplanar dissection both deep and superficial to the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) of the temporal region, is described. This study compares the amount of temporal lifting that can be achieved using a uniplanar dissection with that achieved using a biplanar dissection. METHODS: Thirty-seven patients underwent bilateral temple lifting. Deep dissection was performed on the surface of the deep temporalis fascia. The skin flap was pulled in a superolateral direction and the skin overlap at the wound edge was measured. A SMAS flap was then dissected beneath the dermis from the anterior wound edge to the temporal hairline. The SMAS flap was suspended superolaterally and fixated to the deep temporalis fascia. The skin flap was again pulled in a superolateral direction and the amount of skin overlap was measured and compared. RESULTS: The average potential temple skin that could be excised using the traditional dissection technique was 15.1 mm (range, 7-24 mm). The average temple skin that was excised using the biplanar dissection technique was 21.8 mm (range, 14-30 mm). The biplanar technique was shown to offer, on average, a 48% increase in lift relative to the skin-only approach. There were no cases of wound dehiscence, necrosis, or overcorrection. CONCLUSION: Using the BTL technique to create a temporal SMAS flap, dissected free from overlying dermis as well as from deep temporal fascia, provides a more secure suspension of the temporal flap and significantly greater temple lift than a uniplanar dissection. The deep layering absorbs the tension of the lift, allowing for tensionless skin closure, thus decreasing the potential for scarring, hair loss, and necrosis. The increased mobility and higher suspension of the temporal flap allows for more skin excision and therefore a more pleasing lateral brow height.  相似文献   

A technique is described in which superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) is plicated from the deep temporal fascia above the zygoma to the level of the earlobe. This procedure requires only an extended preauricular incision. The neck is dealt with by liposuction. This technique is ideally suited to the younger patient requesting facelift and is based on a sound understanding of the anatomy of SMAS. The outcome of 35 patients who underwent this procedure during a 3.5-year period are described. There were no cases of facial nerve paresis or hair loss. There were no cases of skin necrosis but two patients developed small hematomas and one patient complained of a stretched preauricular scar. The mini facelift leads to a satisfactory result in the younger patient requesting rhytidectomy. The technique is simple and safe and can easily be performed on an ambulatory basis. Complications are uncommon and of a minor nature.  相似文献   

Long standing oral submucous fibrosis is associated with involvement of the oral submucosa and the muscles of mastication leading to difficulty in mouth opening. Various surgical modalities are mentioned for release but each has its own limitations. This article introduces a new technique of release of submucous fibrosis and reconstruction using superficial temporal fascia flap and split skin graft. The surgical technique involves a pre-auricular incision extending into the temporal region with dissection carried out in the sub follicular plane to develop the superficial temporal fascia flap to its maximum extent. The masseter muscle origin is released from the zygomatic arch and the temporalis muscle insertion is released from the coronoid process through an external approach. The entire fibrosed mucosa is released intraorally to create a mucomuscular defect thus achieving full mouth opening. The superficial temporal fascia flap is then brought in and sutured to the intraoral defect, which is then covered with a split thickness skin graft. This procedure is performed bilaterally. A total of five patients were treated with this new technique and all of them showed good mouth opening in long term follow up. There was no donor site morbidity. The incision line is well hidden in the hair bearing area. A well vascularised superficial temporal fascia flap brings in good blood supply to the area of affected muscle and mucosa to improve its function.  相似文献   

浅表肌腱膜系统多重悬吊的全颜面除皱术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的探索一种操作简单、安全、效果持久的全颜面除皱术式,以利于推广应用。方法采用浅表肌腱膜系统(superficial musclo-aponeurotic system,SMAS)多重悬吊法进行全颜面除皱术,首先进行广泛皮下组织分离;接着应用1号丝线折叠缝合切口前1~2cm的SMAS,缝合间距1cm,折叠量约1~2cm,将颈阔肌后缘略做分离,向后上与胸锁乳突肌筋膜缝合;再用4-0可吸收线将眼轮匝肌及口角、鼻翼附近的SMAS分区向外上悬吊缝合。结果两年来临床应用此法为48例进行手术,术后随访6~16个月,无面神经损伤、血肿等严重并发症,受术者对手术效果均满意。并发症包括:颞部秃发3例,暂时性不对称2例,耳后瘢痕增生2例。结论本法克服了单纯皮下分离除皱时疗效不持久的缺点,避免分离SMAS造成的面神经损伤。实践证明,SMAS多重悬吊的全颜面除皱术是一种操作简单、安全、效果持久的除皱术式。  相似文献   

Elevation of the temporoparietal fascial flap by conventional T or Y incisions in the temporal region frequently leaves conspicuous scarring, hair thinning, or baldness. To avoid such undesirable effects, endoscopic-assisted harvest of the temporoparietal fascial flap was performed in 9 patients with microtia. Through two horizontal incisions in the temporal region, the temporoparietal fascia was dissected, and the flap was harvested using bipolar scissors and coagulating shears. Flaps were dissected and harvested successfully without any complications in 7 patients, although extra incisions were required to facilitate coagulation in 2 patients. The authors introduce this harvesting technique and describe some representative cases. Using endoscopic guidance, this is a versatile, safe procedure with minimal morbidity, and is applicable to other reconstructive procedures that require a temporoparietal fascial flap, including the free flap.  相似文献   

Multiple authors have sought ways to improve nasolabial folds, jowls, and jaw lines with face-lifting procedures. The retaining ligaments of the face support facial soft tissue in the normal anatomic position. However, with age, gravitational changes occur, and fat descends into the plane between the superficial and deep facial fascia. Face-lift procedures are designed to lift these sagging tissues. To date, the authors have not found a study that quantifies the amount of vertical advancement gain when a face-lift operation is performed with elevation of the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS). The movement was studied in 22 rhytidectomy SMAS flaps, and measurements of the vertical advancement were compared using two different SMAS patterns. Elevation and fixation of the SMAS was accomplished under the same conditions, and by the same surgeon. A high SMAS elevation was performed after skin and retaining ligaments were released. Precise measurements were obtained at the medial and lateral edges of the SMAS and before and after a backcut release from the zygomaticus major muscle. The results demonstrated an average improvement in medial flap shift gain of 14.04 mm after the release. There were no complications from these measurements during a 16-month follow-up period. The authors believe this is a particularly interesting finding because it demonstrates and quantifies an increased medial SMAS advancement shift with this maneuver, and therefore improves the cosmetic appearance of the jowls and the midface. Excellent aesthetic results were obtained with a high level of patient satisfaction.  相似文献   

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