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麻疹-腮腺炎-风疹-水痘(MMRV)联合疫苗自21世纪初上市以来,已应用十余年,显示出良好的免疫原性,不良反应小.MMRV疫苗的引进及应用,或有助于提高接种人群的依从性,从而有效控制相关疾病的发生.本文对MMRV疫苗的现状进行综述,以期为相关机构制定免疫策略提供参考.  相似文献   

A randomized trial was conducted to assess the immunogenicity and reactogenicity of yellow fever vaccines (YFV) given either simultaneously in separate injections, or 30 days or more after a combined measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine. Volunteers were also randomized to YFV produced from 17DD and WHO-17D-213 substrains. The study group comprised 1769 healthy 12-month-old children brought to health care centers in Brasilia for routine vaccination. The reactogenicity was of the type and frequency expected for the vaccines and no severe adverse event was associated to either vaccine. Seroconversion and seropositivity 30 days or more after vaccination against yellow fever was similar across groups defined by YFV substrain. Subjects injected YFV and MMR simultaneously had lower seroconversion rates - 90% for rubella, 70% for yellow fever and 61% for mumps - compared with those vaccinated 30 days apart - 97% for rubella, 87% for yellow fever and 71% for mumps. Seroconversion rates for measles were higher than 98% in both comparison groups. Geometric mean titers for rubella and for yellow fever were approximately three times higher among those who got the vaccines 30 days apart. For measles and mumps antibodies GMTs were similar across groups. MMR's interference in immune response of YFV and YFV's interference in immune response of rubella and mumps components of MMR had never been reported before but are consistent with previous observations from other live vaccines. These results may affect the recommendations regarding primary vaccination with yellow fever vaccine and MMR.  相似文献   

Klein NP  Shepard J  Bedell L  Odrljin T  Dull P 《Vaccine》2012,30(26):3929-3936


Invasive meningococcal disease can have devastating outcomes, especially in high-risk groups such as infants. As infants are recommended to receive multiple vaccines during a single office visit, this phase 3 study assessed the safety and immune response to MenACWY-CRM at alternative visits in older infants and concomitant use with measles, mumps, rubella, varicella vaccine (MMRV) at 12 months of age.


Two age groups were concurrently enrolled: 7- to 9-month-old infants who received 2 doses of MenACWY-CRM at 7–9 and 12 months and were randomized 1:1 to receive MenACWY-CRM with or without MMRV at 12 months, and 12-month-old infants who received MMRV only at12 months. Using predefined non-inferiority criteria, immune responses to the antigens in MMRV were compared between those who did and did not receive MenACWY-CRM; immune responses to MenACWY-CRM as measured by the percentage of subjects with human serum bactericidal activity (hSBA) titers ≥ 8, were compared between those who did and did not receive concomitant MMRV. Adequacy of the immune response to 2 doses of MenACWY-CRM administered at 7–9 and 12 months was also assessed. Local and systemic reactions, adverse events resulting in withdrawal or requiring medical attention and serious adverse events were monitored.


Concomitant administration of MMRV with MenACWY-CRM did not affect the immune response to either vaccine. The 2-dose series of MenACWY-CRM induced adequate immune response to all 4 serogroups. No increased reactogenicity was observed with MenACWY-CRM + MMRV compared with MMRV alone, and there were no study-related serious adverse events.


Concomitant administration of MenACWY-CRM with MMRV vaccinations at 12 months was well-tolerated, without safety concerns. Robust immune responses to all components of both vaccines were produced and all criteria for non-inferiority were met, supporting the use of a 2-dose regimen of MenACWY-CRM in this age group.  相似文献   

目的:探讨4~6岁儿童接种麻疹-流行性腮腺炎-风疹联合减毒活疫苗(MMR)后的加强免疫原性与安全性。方法:分别在山西省、内蒙古自治区以及北京市招募曾有8月龄和18月龄接种过1剂麻疹-风疹联合减毒活疫苗和MMR疫苗免疫史的4~6岁儿童作为研究对象,分为4、5、6岁组,进行MMR疫苗加强免疫研究。接种MMR疫苗前与接种后3...  相似文献   

目的 比较吸附无细胞百白破灭活脊髓灰质炎和b型流感嗜血杆菌(结合)联合疫苗(DTaP-IPV//PRP~T联合疫苗)与吸附无细胞百白破联合疫苗(DTaP)、b型流感嗜血杆菌结合疫苗(Hib结合疫苗)、注射用灭活脊髓灰质炎疫苗(IPV)的免疫原性和安全性.方法 受试者随机分为三组.试验组(A组和B组)分别于2、3、4月龄...  相似文献   

Measles, mumps, and rubella are three common viral childhood diseases that can have serious complications. Active immunization against these diseases became possible with the development of live attenuated virus vaccines in the late 1960s. Vaccines against these three diseases were combined into trivalent (Priorix™, GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals and M-M-RII™, Merck & Co., Inc.) or tetravalent vaccines including the addition of a live attenuated VZV Oka strain (Priorix-Tetra™, GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals and ProQuad™, Merck & Co., Inc.). In this study, we report the complete nucleotide sequence of the vaccine strain genomes of the measles (Schwarz and attenuated Edmonston Enders), mumps (RIT 4385 and JL1 component of Jeryl Lynn), and rubella (Wistar RA 27/3) viruses included in the two tetravalent vaccines. Sequencing analysis of the individual virus components in the commercially distributed tetravalent vaccine lots showed that there are no nucleotide differences between the measles, mumps (JL1 component), and rubella vaccine strain genomes of Priorix-Tetra™ and ProQuad™. The observed genetic identity of the individual strains in both vaccines is consistent with their clinical profiles; Priorix-Tetra™ and ProQuad™ are both well tolerated and elicit protective immune responses against these three childhood diseases.  相似文献   

Children aged 11 to <24 months received 2 intranasal doses of live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) or placebo, 35 ± 7 days apart. Dose 1 was administered concomitantly with a combined measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (Priorix). Seroresponses to measles and mumps were similar between groups. Compared with placebo, response rates to rubella in LAIV + Priorix recipients were statistically lower at a 15 IU/mL threshold (83.9% vs 78.0%) and the prespecified noninferiority criteria were not met. In a post hoc analysis using an alternate widely accepted threshold of 10 IU/mL, the noninferiority criteria were met (93.4% vs 89.8%). Concomitant administration with Priorix did not affect the overall influenza protection rate of LAIV (78.4% and 63.8% against antigenically similar influenza strains and any strain, respectively).  相似文献   



Japanese encephalitis (JE) is the most important cause of viral encephalitis in Asia.


In this randomized, open-label, multicenter trial in 550 children aged 12 to 18 months in Taiwan, children received one dose of JE-CV and one dose of MMR vaccine. Vaccines were either administered separately 6 weeks apart (Groups ‘JE-CV’ and ‘MMR’, named after which vaccine was given first), or concomitantly (Group ‘Co-Ad’). JE neutralizing antibody titers were assessed using PRNT50. MMR antibody levels were determined by ELISA.


All groups had low seroprotection/seropositivity rates (<10%) before vaccination for all antigens. Forty two days after vaccination, on either Study Day 42 or 84, seroconversion rates for all antigens were high in all groups, irrespective of the order of vaccinations. Seroconversion for JE ranged from 96.9% in Group Co-Ad on D42 to 100% in Group MMR. Non-inferiority was demonstrated for all analyses as the lower bound of the 95% CI of the difference in seroconversion rates between groups was above the pre-defined limit of −10.0%. The immune responses remained high for all antigens and well above the level of protection 12 months after vaccination in all groups. There were no safety concerns.


JE-CV is safe and induces a strong protective immune response which persists over 1 year when co-administered with MMR vaccine.  相似文献   

A combined vaccine against measles (Edmonston-Zagreb 19 strain), mumps (Rubini strain) and rubella (Wistar RA 27/3 strain) was administered to a group of 46 children aged 10–12 months simultaneously with booster doses of compulsory diphtheria-tetanus toxoid and oral poliovirus vaccine. A second group of 53 children aged 15–24 months who had received booster doses of the compulsory vaccines 5 to 12 months before was also vaccinated.The same seroconversion rates (100%) and similar antibody titers for rubella were observed in both groups. The same seroconversion rates for mumps (93%) and similar rates for measles (98 and 94%) were observed in the two groups.Significantly lower antibody titers for measles and mumps were found in the first group, but they were compensated by an earlier protection, a reduction of number of visits for immunization, costs for the community, and improvement in parental compliance.These results confirm that Edmonston-Zagreb 19 and Rubini strains are still immunogenic even when they are combined with Wistar RA 27/3 strain. Moreover, a long term follow-up in order to verify the persistence of protective antibody levels in both groups of children, could suggest that combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccine could be given earlier (at 10–12 months of age), simultaneously with booster doses of diphtheria and tetanus toxoid and of trivalent oral poliovirus vaccine.  相似文献   

国产流感裂解疫苗的免疫效果及安全性观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
我国是流感的高发区,每年均有不同程度流行,严重威胁人民健康.接种流感疫苗是预防流感的最佳方法.安全性、免疫原性较好的疫苗将成为未来流感疫苗的发展方向.为了解国产流感病毒裂解疫苗在人群中接种的安全性和免疫效果,并与同类进口流感疫苗做对比,于2006年11月至2007年4月在陕西省屑县进行临床研究,结果报告如下.  相似文献   

目的 评价水痘减毒活疫苗的安全性及免疫原性.方法 按随机、双盲的抽样原则,以国产水痘疫苗为对照,对600名1~12岁儿童接种水痘减毒活疫苗,在接种前后分别采集受试者血清,同时观察其临床反应,利用膜免疫荧光法(FAMA法)检测收集到的血清的水痘抗体滴度,并用统计学方法对结果进行分析.结果 试验苗和对照苗不良事件总反应率分别为30.5%和35.0%,二者比较无统计学差异.水痘易感者血清抗体阳转率分别为100.0%和98.73%;抗体GMT分别为1: 48.6和1: 39.0.水痘非易感者血清抗体4倍增长率分别为89.33%和77.42%;抗体GMT分别为1: 139.10和1: 153.07.两组抗体阳转率无显著性差异,但易感者接种试验疫苗组受试者抗体GMT高于接种对照疫苗组.结论 试验疫苗有良好的安全性和免疫原性,可用于预防水痘-带状疱疹病毒感染.  相似文献   

During a 2009–2010 mumps outbreak in a New York State village, a third dose of measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine was administered to children in three schools as a control measure. Information on local and systemic adverse events (AE) was collected by a self-report survey distributed to all children in grades 6–12. A comprehensive search for AE following MMR vaccination was conducted using physician records and the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). A literature search was performed for published reports pertaining to AE associated with mumps-containing vaccine, using the Jeryl-Lynn strain, from 1969 to 2011. A total of 1755 individuals received the third dose; 1597 (91.0%) returned the survey. Of those, 115 (7.2%) reported at least one local or systemic AE in the 2 weeks following vaccination. The most commonly reported AE were “pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site” (3.6%) and “joint or muscle aches” (1.8%). No serious AE were reported in the survey, physician records or through VAERS. The proportions of AE found in the present study were lower than or within the range of those reported in prior studies of first- and second-dose MMR vaccine studies. The results of this study suggest that a third dose of MMR vaccine administered in an outbreak setting is safe, with injection site reactions reported more frequently than systemic reactions. However, to assess risk for rare or serious AE after a third dose of MMR vaccine, longer term studies would be required.  相似文献   

In an open, randomized, multicenter, controlled clinical trial in the US, 773 adults were administered either a combination hepatitis vaccine (Twinrix: 720 EL.U inactivated hepatitis A antigen and 20 mcg recombinant hepatitis B surface antigen per milliliter) on a 0, 1, 6 month schedule or corresponding monovalent vaccines concurrently (Havrix, 1440 EL.U/ml of hepatitis A antigen at 0, 6 months and Engerix-B, 20 mcg of hepatitis B surface antigen at 0, 1, 6 months). Non-inferiority testing for the primary endpoint, severe soreness, and equivalence testing for the secondary endpoints, anti-HAV seroconversion and anti-HBs seroprotection, showed that safety and immunogenicity were comparable in the two groups.  相似文献   

目的 观察倍尔来福~(TM)甲、乙型肝炎(甲、乙肝)联合疫苗的安全性和免疫原性。方法以高中一年级(成人组)和小学1~5年级(儿童组)学生为研究对象,按对甲、乙肝病毒均易感、只对甲肝病毒易感和只对乙肝病毒易感分为AB组、A组和B组,按0、1和6个月三剂程序分别接种甲、乙肝联合疫苗、灭活甲肝疫苗和重组乙肝疫苗。疫苗剂量成人组每剂含甲肝病毒抗原500U和(或)HBsAg10μg,儿童组减半。疫苗接种后72h内观察副反应,免疫后2、7个月采集血清标本检测抗-HAV和抗-HBs。结果 儿童AB组和成人AB组局部副反应发生率分别为0.58%(2/344)和2.56%(8/312),全身副反应发生率分别为9.88%(34/344)和5.45%(17/212),与对照组相比差异无显著性。局部反应主要是轻度疼痛,全身反应主要是低热。免疫后7个月,两组抗-HAV阳转率均为100%,与A组相同;抗体滴度(GMT)分别为33 910mIU/ml和23 435 mIU/ml,显著高于A组;两组抗-HBs阳转率分别为97.30%和96.63%;GMT为103 mIU/ml和102 mIU/ml,抗-HBs阳转率及GMT均与B组差异无显著性。结论 倍尔来福~(TM)甲、乙肝联合疫苗与单价甲肝灭活疫苗和单价重组乙肝疫苗具有相同的安全性和免疫原性。  相似文献   



Concern arose in 2010 that reactogenicity, particularly febrile seizures, to influenza A/H1N1-containing 2010–2011 trivalent seasonal inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) could occur in young children who had been previously immunized and/or infected with the pandemic strain. We conducted a pre-season study of 2010–2011 TIV safety and immunogenicity in children 12–59 months of age to inform public health decision making.


Children immunized with 1 or 2 doses of the pandemic vaccine, with or without the 2009–10 TIV, received 1 or 2 doses of 2010–11 TIV in an observational, multicentre Canadian study. Standard safety monitoring was enhanced by a telephone call at ∼24 h post-TIV when adverse events were expected to peak. Summary safety reports were rapidly reported to public health before the launch of public programs. TIV immunogenicity was assessed day 0, and 21 days after final vaccination. Clinical Trials Registration NCT01180621.


Among 207 children, a general adverse event was reported by 60.9% of children post-dose one and by 58.3% post-dose two. Only severe fever (>38.5 °C) was more common in two-dose compared to one dose recipients (16.7%, n = 4 v. 1.0%, n = 2). At baseline 99.0% of participants had A/H1N1 hemagglutinin inhibition (HAI) titers ≥10, and 85.5% had a protective titer of ≥40 (95% CI 80.0, 90.0). Baseline geometric mean titers (GMT) were higher in recipients of a 2-dose schedule of pandemic vaccine compared to one-dose recipients: 153.1 (95% CI 126.2, 185.7) v. 78.8 ((58.1, 106.8, p < 0.001). At 21 days, all regulatory criteria for influenza vaccine immunogenicity were exceeded for A/H1N1 and H3N2, but responses to the B antigen were poor. No correlations between reactogenicity and either baseline high influenza titers or serologic response to revaccination were evident.


Infants and toddlers who received AS03-adjuvanted A/H1N1 2009 vaccine up to 11 months earlier retained high titers in the subsequent season but re-exposure to A/H1N1 2009 antigen in TIV resulted in no unusual adverse effects and 100% were sero-protected for A/H1N1 after receipt of the 2010–11 TIV.  相似文献   

This study compared immune responses of healthy Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal infants to Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) components of a DTaP-HBV-IPV/Hib combination vaccine, 1 month after completing dosing at 2, 4 and 6 months of age. Of 112 infants enrolled in each group, 94 Aboriginal and 107 non-Aboriginal infants qualified for the immunogenicity analysis. Anti-PRP concentrations exceeded the protective minimum (≥0.15 μg/ml) in ≥97% of infants in both groups but geometric mean concentrations (GMCs) were higher in Aboriginal infants (6.12 μg/ml versus 3.51 μg/ml). All subjects were seroprotected (anti-HBs ≥10 mIU/mL) against HBV, with groups having similar GMCs (1797.9 versus 1544.4 mIU/mL, Aboriginal versus non-Aboriginal, respectively). No safety concerns were identified. We conclude that 3-dose primary vaccination with DTaP-HBV-IPV/Hib combination vaccine elicited immune responses to Hib and HBV components that were at least as high in Aboriginal as in non-Aboriginal Canadian infants.Clinical Trial Registration NCT00753649.  相似文献   

BackgroundYoung children can suffer severe consequences of norovirus gastroenteritis. We performed a dose-finding study of a bivalent virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine candidate (TAK-214) in healthy 1–8-year-old children.MethodsIn this phase 2 study two age cohorts (1–3 and 4–8 years of age inclusive, N = 120 per cohort) of children enrolled from Finland, Panama and Colombia were initially randomized 1:1:1:1 to four groups which were further split into two equal subgroups, to receive one or two intramuscular doses of four TAK-214 formulations containing 15/15, 15/50, 50/50 or 50/150 μg of GI.1/GII.4c genotype VLPs and 0.5 mg Al(OH)3 at 28 days interval. ELISA Pan-Ig and histoblood group antigen-blocking (HBGA) antibodies against each VLP were measured on days 1, 29, 57 and 210. Parents/guardians recorded solicited local and systemic adverse events (AE) and any unsolicited or serious AEs (SAE).ResultsAll formulations were well-tolerated across both age cohorts and dosage groups with no vaccine-related SAEs reported. Solicited AEs were mostly mild-to-moderate, resolved quickly, and did not increase after the second dose. Pan-Ig and HBGA responses induced after one dose were only slightly increased by the second dose. Across dose groups at Day 29 after one dose GI.1 Pan Ig seroresponse rates (SRR) were 82–97% and 81–96% and GII.4c SRR were 79–97% and 80–91% in 1–3 and 4–8 year-olds, respectively. Respective rates were to 92–93% and 73–92% for GI.1, and 77–100% and 62–83% for GII.4c at Day 57 following two doses. HBGA responses had similar profiles. Both Pan Ig and HBGA geometric mean titers persisted above baseline up to Day 210.ConclusionsAll dosages of TAK-214 displayed acceptable reactogenicity in 1–8-year-old children and induced robust, durable immune responses after one dose which are further increased after two doses.  相似文献   

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