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In order to establish whether the increased B.S.P. secretion in the bile following phenobarbital administration is the consequence of change in the bile output or represents a consequence of the enzymatic induction, the dynamics of the elimination of 131J-B.S.P. was studied in animals treated with ANIT and Phenobarbital in the conditions of isolated perfused liver. At the same time the levels of the conjugation enzyme of B.S.P. were also determined. It was noted that after Phenobarbital the biliary elimination of 131J-B.S.P. is in correlation with the important increase of the output; in the animals treated with ANIT, on the other hand, the biliary excretion of B.S.P. is minimal. The biliary elimination is directly proportional to the increased of the bile output and reflects the changes found in the perfusate. Our findings allow us to assume that the increased of the bile output and in a smaller extent the result of the stimulation B.S.P. conjugation with Gluthation.  相似文献   

In the heart the interaction of the thyroid hormones, the catecholamines and the effect of the beta-blocker was studied. The binding of the radioactive noradrenalin (3H-NA) was higher in the particles of the thyreotoxic myocardium of the dog got by centrifugation at 1,000 and 78,000 g. The 3H-NA-binding was inhibited with propranolol, isoprenalin and in lower concentrations with trimepranol in dogs and also in rats. In the myocardium of the thyreotoxic dogs 3H-NA was less superseded with isoprenalin, in the myocardium of thyreotoxic rats less with non-active norarenalin in comparison to euthyroid animals. The thyreotoxicosis caused an increase of the activities of phosphorylase, of the lipases, of the calcium-dependent ATPase, the protein kinase in presence of histone, further a decrease of the activity of adenyl cyclase, particularly in presence of sodium fluoride and a decrease of the concentration of the cyclic adenosine monophosphate in the myocardium of the rats and dogs, respectively. The pharmacological thyreotoxicosis decreased the concentration of the heart glycogen. This decrease was inhibited by the beta-blocker trimepranol, but not by the alpha-blocker phentolamine. Three possibilities of the explanation of the findings of this complex study are cited. The influence of the thyroid hormones and beta-blockers 1. on the transport and calcium metabolism, 2. on the synthesis of the heart proteins, 3. on the backbinding control of the hormonal effect at cellular level.  相似文献   

This work presents the results of the numerical and physical modelling of the hot torsion of a hardly deformable 5XXX series aluminium alloy. Studies were conducted on constrained torsion with the use of the STD 812 torsion plastometer. The main purpose of the numerical tests was to determine the influence of the accuracy of the mathematical model describing the changes in the yield stress of the tested material on the distribution of strain parameters and on the stress intensity. According to the preliminary studies, in the case of numerical modelling of the torsion test, the accuracy of the applied mathematical model describing the changes in the rheological properties of the tested material and the correct definition of the initial and boundary conditions had a particularly significant impact on the correctness of the determination of the strain parameters and the intensity of stresses. As part of the experimental tests, physical modelling of the hot torsion test was conducted. The aim of this part of the work was to determine the influence of the applied strain parameters on the distribution and size of grain as well as the microhardness of the tested aluminium alloy. Metallographic analyses were performed using light microscopy and the electron backscatter diffraction method. Due to the large inhomogeneity of the deformation parameters and the stress intensity in the torsion test, such tests were necessary for the correct determination of the so-called representative area for metallographic analyses. These types of studies are particularly important in the case of the so-called complex deformation patterns. The paper also briefly presents the results of preliminary research and future directions in which it is planned to use complex deformation patterns for physical modelling of selected processes combining various materials.  相似文献   

To evaluate the knowledge and manner of cafe, pub and restaurant (with/without alcohol) workers in our city center about the ban on restriction of indoor smoking. To determine the preparation about the ban, smoking characteristics of workers, the knowledge on passive smoking. A questionnaire was performed to workers. The type of workplace, the number of workers, existence of a restriction of indoor smoking, any preparation about the ban were asked. The job of worker, whether the worker has a knowledge on the ban or not, the idea of the workers on the necessity and practicability of the ban were asked. Smoking history and the knowledge about passive smoking of workers were recorded. Fagerstrom nicotine dependent test (FNDT) was performed to smokers. Eighty four work places with 568 workers included in the study. The questionnaire was performed to 337 workers whose mean age was 29.1/years. 292 of workers were male. 190 of cases were current smokers. 166 of cases (49.3%) know the meaning of passive smoking. Alcohol offering was made at 8 of workplaces. Smoking was forbidden in 20 of workplaces. A preparation was performed about the ban in 30 of (46.9%) other workplaces. 88.4% of workers have knowledge on the ban, 64.7% of them know the punishment of the noncompliance of the ban. 81.3% of the workers believe the necessity and 45.7% of them believe the practicability of the ban. Smokers and especially who's FNBT > 5 have a stronger belief on the necessity and practicability of the ban. We determined that the preparation about the ban was inadequate although there was an little time for the put into practice the law. So we think that the controls of workplaces should be happened frequent.  相似文献   

It is the aim of the physiotherapy in angiology at the classified clinical picture to perform a differential therapy, i.e. physiotherapeutic means graded in their dosage. The domain of physiotherapy in the disturbances of the peripheral arterial blood supply of stage I and II is the active kinesitherapy according to the interval principle. Following the laws of training physiology it induces functional and morphologic processes of adaptation in musculature and skin. In stage III and IV the apparative physiotherapy is used under a curative purpose with dosed serial application. As to the functional disturbances of the blood supply it is the aim of physiotherapy to influence the incorrect vegetative regulation. In the disturbances of the venous reflux measures for the tonisation of the wall of the vein, for the activation of the muscle pump and for the promotion of the resorption of the venous stasis by compression are the basic elements of physiotherapy. Every form of physiotherapy in diseases of the vascular system is dependent on the active cooperation of the patient and his discernment into necessity.  相似文献   

About 30% of amenorrhoeic women have a disturbed prolactin secretion. In about 10% the cause is a hypophyseal-suprahypophyseal tumour. Taking into consideration the degree of severity of the galactorrhoe, the amenorrhoe is connected with incontinence of milk. Also disturbances of the male potency may with partly similar symptomatology be conditioned by a hyperprolactaemia. For the development of hypogonadism the physiologic effect of prolactin gives sufficient explanations. With the introduction of dopaminergic substances which influence the disturbed regulating circle hypothalamus-hypophysis in the sense of an inhibition of the prolactin secretion new conservative possibilities for the therapy of disturbances of fertility are the result. With adequate recommendations for the radioimmunologic determination of prolactin the WHO made allowance for the central position of prolactin in the pathogenesis of hypogonadism. In particular the existence of hypophyseal microadenomas presumes a close cooperation between gynaecologists, radiologists, ophthalmologists and endocrinologists in the clarification of hyperprolactinaemic disturbances of fertility.  相似文献   

The discharge frequency of primary muscle spindle afferents was recorded out of the tibial anterior muscle of the cat under a ramp-and-hold stretch. The rate of the ramp stretch was increased stepwise from 1 to 100 mm/s. Its amplitude was kept constant and was 7 mm. Whereas the initial length of the host muscle was enhanced in steps of 3 mm to reach a maximal augmentation of the muscle length of 12 mm. The decrease of the discharge frequency from the dynamic peak (the discharge frequency at the end of the dynamic phase of stretch) onto the static value (the discharge frequency 3 s after the end of the dynamic phase of stretch) comprises the receptor adaptation which had been analysed. Two components could be defined in the course of the adaptation, the fast and the slow decay (fig. 2). The border between the two components is the discharge frequency of static maximum. The static maximum is the first discharge frequency at the beginning of static phase of stretch. The static maximum increases with the initial length (fig. 3) and is independent of the stretch rate. The fast decay, the decrease of the discharge frequency from the dynamic peak onto the static maximum, lasts for only some 10 ms. The degree of the fast decay turns out to the dependent on the rate of ramp stretch by a power function whose exponent has in the mean a value of 0.5 (fig. 4).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

II. Elasticity Parameters in Various Ages Power-extension diagrams of longitudinal and transversal stripes of the Aorta thoracica were recorded by means of an elctro-mechanical measuring instrument. The samples were taken from 108 male Sprague-Dawley rats aged 9, 15 and 24 months. The following parameters describing age-dependent alterations were calculated from the hysteresis loops of three consecutive extension-relaxation cycles: 1. the maximum power 2. the area of the first hysteresis loop 3. the characteristic of the relaxation-part of the third cycle. The maximum power and partly the areas of the hysteresis loops increased with age. The curves obtained by longitudinal stripes were approximated to a linear function (y = a + bx) plus a power-function (y = cxd). Their constants were explained as indices to the plasticity of the aorta, the retraction-power of the elastic fibres, the degree of the spiralization of the collagen fibres and the amount and/or the stability of the collagen. The ageing changes of these parameters indicated an increase of plasticity, an increase in the retraction-power of the elastic fibres, a rise of the pitch of the collagen spiral and an increase in the amount and/or in the stability of collagen. The curves from the extension of the transversal stripes revealed a different extension characteristic and could be described as the sum of two power functions. The causes of this different behaviour are not yet clearly understood.  相似文献   

Today the operative treatment of the carcinoma of the stomach is methodically mature. The prognosis is determined from the moment of the extension of the tumour. The establishment of the operability and of the tactical operative approach presumes an exact preoperative determination of the stage of the tumour using all possible diagnostic methods. While X-ray examination of the stomach and gastroscopy seize only the extension of the area of the tumour, the laparoscopy gives the possibility of an evidence of the deep growth of the tumour and metastasizing of the tumour and saves a test laparotomy for inoperable patients. A continuous interdisciplinary cooperation renders possible an immediate admission of the patient to a surgical clinic.  相似文献   

The mechanism of interaction of a presequence with isolated yeast mitochondria was examined. A synthetic peptide corresponding to a matrix-targeting signal was covalently labeled with a fluorescent probe. Binding of the presequence to the surface of the mitochondria and translocation of the presequence into the interior of the mitochondria could then be monitored directly in solution by measuring changes in the steady-state fluorescence of the attached fluorophore. The binding step was rapid and reversible. Quantitation of the binding under equilibrium conditions suggested that the initial association of the presequence with the surface of the mitochondria occurred by partitioning of the presequence directly into the lipid bilayer of the outer membrane. Subsequent translocation of the bound presequence into the mitochondria was monitored by measuring the rate of disappearance of presequences sensitive to digestion by added trypsin. The efficiency of translocation was high, and the rate of the translocation was dependent on the electrical potential across the inner membrane. At physiological concentrations of presequence, the rate displayed first-order kinetics with respect to the concentration of bound presequence and had a rate constant of 0.19 min-1 at 20 degrees C. Several kinetic models for the translocation of the presequence are presented that are consistent with the experimental results.  相似文献   

He was the son of a prominant pharmacist. His early education was in the public schools, and in 1854 he graduated the youngest in his class from the College of the City of New York, then known as the Free Academy. In 1857 he earned an M.A. degree from the same institution. By clerking for his father and through contact with local physicians, he developed an interest in surgery. In 1859 he received his degree in medicine from the New York College of Physicians and Surgeons, and became a pupil and assistant to Gurdon Buck (of Buck's Extension). In 1861 he entered the Army and for most of the Civil War was in charge of the general hospital at Frederick, Maryland. He saw its capacity increase to 3,000 patients because of its proximity to the battlefields of Shenandoah, South Mountain, Antietam, and Gettysburg. Following the war, he practiced in New York City, ultimately becoming chief of the surgical service at Roosevelt Hospital. He subsequently was appointed Professor of surgery at Woman's Medical College and the College of Physicians and Surgeons. He was said to be among the most brilliant surgeons of his time. He was one of the first in the United States to adopt Lister's technique of antisepsis; he was among the early workers in brain surgery and one of the first to recognize duodenal ulcer as a pathologic entity. He was the earliest to advocate appendicostomy. His operation for carcinoma of the rectum, a more practical modification of the procedure described by Maunsell (which was recently presented in this section*) is described in the classic article here reproduced. Weir went on to become president of the American Surgical Association, New York Surgical Society, and New York Academy of Medicine. He was made an honorary fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, and was one of five surgeons so honored by the American College of Surgeons at its first convocation. He died April 6, 1927, at the age of 89. Maunsell HW. A new method of excising the two upper portions of the rectum and the lower segment of the sigmoid flexure of the colon. Dis Colon Rectum 1981;24:649–54. Read at the Fifty-second Annual Meeting of the American Medical Association, in the Section on Surgery and Anatomy, and approved for publication by the Executive Committee of the Section: W. J. Mayo, H. O. Walker, and A. J. Ochsner.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND. The mechanics involved in development of the inlet component of the morphologically right ventricle are, as yet, undecided. Some argue that this component is derived from the descending limb of the ventricular loop, and that the inlet and apical trabecular components of the muscular ventricular septum have separate developmental origins. Others state that the entirety of the right ventricle grows from the ascending limb of the loop, and that the muscular septum, apart from its outer component, has a unitary origin. We now have material from human embryos at our disposal, which, we believe, solves this conundrum. METHODS AND RESULTS. We used a monoclonal antibody against an antigen to neural tissue from the chick to demarcate a ring of cells separating the descending (inlet) and ascending (outlet) limbs of the developing ventricular loop of the human heart. Preparation of serial sections of graded human embryos enabled us to trace the fate of this ring, and hence the formation of the inlet of the right ventricle, to the completion of cardiac septation. Eight embryos were studied, encompassing stages 14-23 of the Carnegie classification. The ring of cells initially separating the ascending and descending limbs of the ventricular loop were, at the conclusion of ventricular septation, located within the atrioventricular junction, sequestrated for the most part in the terminal segment of atrial myocardium. CONCLUSIONS. Our study conclusively shows that the inlet component of the morphologically right ventricle is derived from the ascending limb of the embryonic ventricular loop, and that the inlet and apical trabecular components of the muscular septum are derived from the same primary ventricular septum.  相似文献   

Ageing infrastructure leads to the need for a proper assessment and final decisions considering its state. In the case of prestressed concrete structures, knowledge of the residual state of prestressing is the crucial factor. Therefore, reliable diagnostic techniques for determining the residual value of the prestressing force are needed. This information is subsequently used in the process of the quantification of the load-carrying capacity and remaining service life of prestressed concrete structures. The presented paper introduces an evaluation of a monolithic 62-year-old prestressed concrete bridge, which was built in 1959. The assessment was carried out as a result of concerns after exposure of the anchorage area of the bridge, which was executed during the construction of the new system of anti-flood barriers in the town of Banska Bystrica in central Slovakia. Therefore, the diagnostic survey and subsequent determination of the residual prestressing force included the application of the saw-cut method, the structural response method, and the Barkhausen noise technique. Finally, the experimental program supported by numerical analysis provided information about the actual state of prestressing in the bridge. Results of performed analysis suggested that the state of prestressing of the bridge in question does not significantly differ from the expected level of prestressing after 62 years of service. Subsequently, obtained conclusions enabled the determination of the load-carrying capacity for future use in the form of a pedestrian bridge.  相似文献   

German-shepherd dogs from the South Korean provinces of Gangwon and Gyunggi were used in a study exploring both the detection of Babesia gibsoni infection, by use of a PCR-based assay, and the nucleotide sequences of part of the P18 gene of the parasite. Nine (1.8%) of the 501 dogs checked were found PCR-positive. Although the prevalence of the infection appeared slightly higher in the male dogs than in the female (2% v. 1.7%), and in the dogs aged <3 years than in the older animals (2.7% v. 1.1%), these differences were not statistically significant. In addition, the prevalences of infection among the dogs from Gangwon (in the east of the country) and those from Gyunggi (in the west) appeared similar. All nine PCR-positive dogs were confirmed to have B. gibsoni infection by the microscopical examination of thin bloodsmears, which revealed that 0.1%-3% (mean=1.5%) of the dog's erythrocytes harboured the parasite. The nucleotide sequences of the P18 gene of B. gibsoni from each of the PCR-positive dogs were identical to each other and to the corresponding sequence - recorded under accession number AB053292 in the DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) - previously determined for isolates of B. gibsoni from Japanese dogs. Although the PCR products sequenced in the present study represent only a part of the P18 gene of B. gibsoni, it seems that South Korean and Japanese dogs carry a similar strain of B. gibsoni. These results may help to clarify the phylogenetic position of the B. gibsoni found in South Korea.  相似文献   

In order to study the morphological effects of exposure of the jejunum to low ethanol concentrations, we perfused hamster jejunum with 2.1–4.8% ethanol. Following 45 min exposure, many of the villi developed fluid-filled blisters. To compare these findings to the effect of an inert solute at similar concentrations, we perfused hamster jejuna with mannitol. This caused necrosis of the villus tips but no blister formation. Therefore the blisters were the result of the action of ethanol. The rat jejunum was less resistant to ethanol than that of the hamster. We suggest that the initial insult of the freely permeant ethanol is deep to the epithelium, resulting in accumulation of edema under the epithelium.Supported by MRC Grant No. MA. 4257.Part of this study was presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of the American Gastroenterological Association in Miami in 1976. Some portions of this work are included in the PhD thesis of J. E. Fox and formed a part of the material for the 1977 Student Research Prize of the Canadian Foundaiton for Ileitis and Colitis awarded to J. E. Fox.  相似文献   

On account of its frequency, its severe sequelae for individual and society and an account of the hitherto insufficient possibilities for prevention and cure the peptic ulcer of the stomach and the duodenum is a severe problem in health policy. To the conditions of development known from epidemiology belong genetic as well as environmental factors. For the participation of genetic predispositions plead among others the familial accumulation and the connection with ABO-blood-groups. Environmental factors are evidently more important. Conspicuous are geographic differences and temporary trends of the frequency of ulcer. Psychosocial factors is attributed an important role among the developmental conditions. Ventricular ulcer and duodenal ulcer differ epidemiologically and pathophysiologically. In the ventricular ulcer the question is apparantly the local expression of a diffuse lesion of the mucous membrane. Due to a lesion of the barrier of the mucous membrane the increased rediffusion of hydrogen ions is the cause. Reflux of the duodenal juice, drugs and disturbances of circulation participate in this. In the duodenal ulcer the mucous membrane is healthy, but is not able to resist the increased and prolonged exposition to hydrochloric acid and pepsin. Disturbances of the nervous and humoral regulation of the production of acid and its inhibition are apparantly the cause.  相似文献   

Following the intentions of the "Heimgesetz" partizipation of the residents does not only concern a better protection of their interests, but also a change in the traditional, hierachical structure of organization of the homes for the aged. A realization of this aim is not only faced by the position of power of the management. On the one hand the law itself restricts the nature and the range of the partizipation of the residents concerning decisionmaking in the institution. On the other hand the residents' committee got too little power to carry through the interests of the residents against the interests of the institution. So a considerable change in the traditional structure of the organisation is not very likely.  相似文献   

1. In non-Hodgkin-lymphomas with leucaemic form of the course a significant percental decrease of the number of T-lymphocytes and an also significant increase of the number of B-lymphocytes was to be proved. The increase of the B-lymphocytes concerned among others cells which carry the ME-receptor. 2. In non-Hodgkin-lymphomas with aleucaemic form of the course in decrease of the absolute number of lymphocytes a relative and absolute increase of the subpopulation of lymphocytes carrying the ME-receptor was provable. 3. In the course control of 7 patients with non-Hodgkin-lymphoma under polychemotherapy in 5 cases a discrepancy between the number of rosette-forming cells and the total number of lymphocytes appeared. 4. In the monotherapy of patients with CLL in favourable clinical development a percental increase of the T-cells is objectifiable after one year. A similar development was to be found in 3 patients after the first cycle with CVP.  相似文献   

The main aim of the investigation was to determine the impact of the content of nickel and the content of slurry on the nature of the microstructure and physical properties of the final products. In the study, six types of slurries were examined and prepared, differing in both the amounts of content of Ni metallic phase particles (5 vol.%, 10 vol.%, and 20 vol.%) and the amount of content of solid content in the prepared slurries (35 vol.%, and, 50 vol.%). The centrifugal slip casting (CSC) method in a magnetic field was used to fabricate the composites. This technique allowed the production of high-density ZrO2-Ni composites after sintering. Composites containing 50 vol.% of the solid content were characterized by a relative density equal to 99%. Applying the magnetic field allows controlling the distribution of the ferromagnetic phase (Ni) in the ceramic matrix (ZrO2). Based on the results obtained, it was found that the nature of the composites obtained is influenced by the rheological properties of the slurries, depending on their composition. The applicability of the CSC in the magnetic field technique for the production of the composite is characterized by a gradient in the distribution of components on the longitudinal section and has been proved. Based on the obtained results, a model for shaping the microstructure of composites with a longitudinal section was proposed. This work enabled a better understanding of creating microstructures in materials fabricated by centrifugal slip casting in a magnetic field.  相似文献   

Between January 1991 and December 2006, 56 patients having a partial atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD) were operated. The purpose of this retrospective study is to analyze the immediate and long-term results of the surgery by granting of the importance to two main problems which are the disturbances of the rhythm and the conduction and the residual mitral regurgitation (MR). The mean age of our patients is of 10 and a half years with a net feminine ascendancy. Ninety-three percent of the patients were in regular sinus rhythm. No case of complete atrioventricular block (AVB) was noted. The MR was of grade I in 28,5% of the cases, grade II in 60% of the cases and grade III and IV in 7,5% of the cases. The MR was mild in 4% of the cases. The correction was made under cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and consisted of a suture of the mitral cleft in most of the cases with lock of the ostium primum by a patch of pericardium. The perioperative mortality was 1,8% of the cases. The disturbances of the rhythm and the conduction were noted in 34% of the cases. All the patients were controlled with a mean follow-up of six years and seven months. The secondary mortality was nil. The MR, at mid-term follow-up, was mild in 78% of the cases. The partial AVSD is a congenital heart disease, the spontaneous evolution of which can be burdened by complications, notably the disturbances of the rhythm and the conduction, as well as the heart failure. This justifies a premature surgical repair.  相似文献   

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