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目的探讨成人期股骨头骨骺滑脱症的人工全髋关节置换的方法和疗效。方法16例17髋股骨头骨骺滑脱症患者接受人工全髋关节置换,采用髋臼加深和自体植骨于髋臼内上后方10~3点钟位,以加深和下移髋臼,重建臼顶部和后柱后壁,正确安置各种类型假体。结果对16例17髋的股骨头骨骺滑脱患者平均随访5年10个月,植入骨愈合,关节功能采用Harris评分,优(>90分)13例14髋,良(80~90分)3例3髋,无尚可(70~79分)和差(<70分)的病例。术后3例出现并发症,均已治愈或改善。结论加深髋臼和自体骨植骨重建髋臼顶部和后柱,再行人工全髋关节置换,是治疗成人期股骨头骨骺滑脱症成功的关键。  相似文献   

目的探讨成人期股骨头骨骺滑脱症(SEFH)的影像学和临床特点,并观察采用全髋关节置换术(THR)治疗该病的方法和疗效。方法描述本组26例患者(31髋)的影像学和临床特点,所有SEFH患者均接受THR,对符合CrownⅠ型者采用髋臼加深,对CrownⅡ~Ⅲ型者,采取自体植骨于髋臼内上后方10~3点钟位,以加深和下移髋臼,重建臼顶部和后柱后壁,新臼须适当下移以延长患肢,并正确安置各种类型假体。结果对26例31髋的SEFH患者进行平均5年10个月的随访,植入骨愈合,关节功能采用Harris评分,优(90)17例19髋,良(80~90)9例12髋,无尚可(70~79)和差(70)的患者。术后4例患者出现并发症,均已治愈或改善。结论根据脱位程度,加深髋臼或自体骨植骨重建髋臼顶部和后柱,再行THR,是治疗成人期SEFH成功的关键。  相似文献   

患者,男,13岁,1999年4月12日入院。入院前2个月踢足球剧烈活动后出现左髋节疼痛,休息后症状有所缓解。但每遇行走或左髋关节活动后,疼痛再次加重,伴跛行。入院前1d,摔倒后左髋部着地,觉左髋关节疼痛难忍,不能活动,急送我院摄骨盆正位及左髋关节侧位X线片示:左股骨头骨骺向后下方移位。入院查体:左关节呈半屈外展  相似文献   

目的探讨全髋关节置换术治疗成人继发性股骨头颈短缩的手术操作方法和临床疗效。方法2008年8月至2011年3月,本组采用全髋关节置换术治疗晚期股骨头坏死合并继发性股骨头颈短缩畸形38例,其中男21例,女17例;年龄21~66岁,平均43.6岁。手术均采用后外侧入路,先切开并松解粘连挛缩的髋关节囊,真臼位置安放髋臼假体,先选择小一号股骨试模及短颈股骨头试模进行髋关节复位,在保持髋关节囊张力的情况下再进行髋周围挛缩软组织梯次松解。术后定期门诊随访,X线平片观察假体与骨界面骨愈合情况,Harris髋关节评分评估髋关节功能。结果全部病例随访15~81个月,平均18.5个月,术中术后无血管、神经损伤及骨折并发症。Harris髋关节评分由术前(43.1±4.8)分改善至术后半年(91.2±5.2)分。38例髋术后均立即实现了髋臼及股骨柄的生物性压配与初始稳定,术后3个月X线片上均获骨性固定。结论对股骨头颈短缩进行人工髋关节置换时,术前测量评估和术中定位测量有助于选择合适假体,采用髋关节复位后梯次松解法可安全、有效地对髋关节囊及周围软组织挛缩进行分层松解。  相似文献   

<正>股骨头骨骺滑脱(slipped capital femoral epiphysis,SCFE)是一种原因不明的疾病,好发于骨骼生长最快的年龄段,在有或无明显外伤的情况下,股骨头骨骺在干骺端滑移,导致髋部疼痛、活动受限及下肢跛行等症状~([1])。目前国内外文献报道多为儿童或青少年的单侧股骨头骨骺滑脱,而成人双侧股骨头骨骺滑脱的报道十分罕见。现就笔者所在医院治疗的1例成人双侧股骨头骨骺滑脱症病例进行报道。  相似文献   

目的探讨髋关节表面置换术与大直径股骨头全髋关节置换术两种手术方法的优势并比较两者的短期疗效。方法从2006年1月至2007年12月,笔者对年轻活跃的髋关节疾病患者进行随机分组,分别对79例患者(85髋)行髋关节表面置换术,同期对128例患者(145髋)进行大直径股骨头初次全髋关节置换术,患者平均年龄54.7岁(39-69岁);男119例,女111例,术前诊断包括股骨头缺血性坏死(24,29例),发育性髋关节发育不良(26,51例),强直性脊柱炎(9,14例),髋关节骨性关节炎(20,34例)。比较两组患者的手术时间、术中出血量、手术切口长度、输血比例以及术后深静脉血栓、术后脱位和感染的发生率,同时分别评估两组患者Harris髋关节评分。结果两组患者在术中出血量,输血比例,使用的股骨头直径,术后髋关节脱位发生率,下肢深静脉血栓发生率以及术后6个月髋关节活动度方面无显著差异。大直径股骨头全髋关节组患者在手术时间,手术切口长度的比较上优于髋关节表面置换组,差异有显著意义。两组患者Harris评分均较术前有显著改善。结论髋关节表面置换术和大直径股骨头全髋关节置换术在年轻髋关节疾患患者中都能获得满意的近期效果,近期效果的比较中显示大直径股骨头全髋关节置换术在手术时间,手术切口长度上具有优势;而髋关节表面置换术在保留骨量和患者运动功能恢复上具有优势。其远期结果有待于进一步的随访。  相似文献   

混合型全髋关节置换术治疗股骨头缺血性坏死中期评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的回顾性研究混合型全髋关节置换术(total hip arthroplasty,THA)治疗股骨头缺血性坏死的疗效及其影响因素。方法1998年1月至2001年6月,对采用同一类型混合假体行THA的股骨头缺血性坏死患者57例(61髋)进行至少6.5年的影像及临床随访。观察髋臼、股骨假体的位置及其周围的骨质改变,并测量臼杯内衬的磨损速度与磨损方向。假体的生存率采用Kaplan—Meier分析,分别以髋臼、股骨假体的无菌性松动和任何原因所致的翻修为终点。结果患者Harris评分从术前平均(39.0±6.0)分(25~56分),提高到末次随访时平均(90.4±4.6)分(80-100分)。截至末次随访时,1髋(2%)出现骨盆局灶性骨溶解,拟行植骨治疗;7髋(11%)出现股骨局灶性骨溶解。聚乙烯内衬平均线性磨损率为(0.14±0.05)mm/年(0.02-0.45mm/年)。Kaplan-Meier生存分析表明,以任何原因导致的翻修或再手术为终点,髋臼与股骨假体的生存率分别为98%(95%置信区间,0.96-1.00)和100%(95%置信区间,0.95-1.00),以假体无菌性影像学松动为终点,髋臼与股骨假体的生存率均为100%(95%置信区间,0.95-1.00)。结论应用混合型假体行THA可以为晚期股骨头缺血性坏死患者提供完好的中期固定及临床效果。然而,由于聚乙烯磨损、骨溶解等潜在危险因素的存在,长期效果仍须进一步随访。  相似文献   

颜义哲 《中国骨伤》1997,10(2):52-53
例1,男,17岁,徒步野营途中右髋弹响后持续性疼痛2天、体检:发育营养状态良好,右下肢跛行,右够内收外旋位,X线观够正位片示右股骨头骨骺较健侧略扁,股骨颈上缘延长线切过股骨头骨骺上方,蛙式位片示右股骨头骨骺向后下方移位。诊断疲劳性股骨头骨骺滑脱。治疗行持续皮肤牵引,轻柔手法旋转摆正右下肢呈外展中立位,床边X光检查骨骺复位正常,持续牵引4周,不负重休息3个月。结果随访2年步态功能正常,X线示双侧股骨头发育正常,骨髓正常融合。例2,,女,14岁,长跑途中右髓部弹响后持续性疼痛1天。体检:发育营养状态良好,右下肢…  相似文献   

Lou LM  Yao ZJ  Wu WP  Ran YX  Wu X  Li SH 《中华外科杂志》2007,45(16):1095-1097
目的探讨分步髋周软组织松解与平衡重建髋臼后,行全髋关节置换术(THA)治疗成人CroweⅢ~Ⅳ型髋关节发育不良的效果。方法2001年1月至2006年1月,对29例(31髋)CroweⅢ~Ⅳ型成人髋关节发育不良患者行THA,其中男性7例,女性22例,患者平均年龄53岁(38~65岁)。CroweⅢ型22髋,Ⅳ型9髋,Harris评分术前平均42.6分。全部患者均为手术外侧人路,采用分步髋周软组织松解延长患肢,真臼位置重建髋臼后,行THA。结果患肢延长2.5~4.5cm,1例因髋臼外展角稍大出现术后脱位。29例患者术后随访1~5年,平均3.2年。Harris评分术后平均85.4分,关节疼痛缓解,活动功能满意,元假体松动和翻修病例。结论在重度髋关节发育不良THA中,通过有效的软组织松解和平衡,在真臼位置重建关节,可以最大程度地恢复患髋解剖形态和生理功能。  相似文献   

目的对使用非骨水泥型假体行全髋关节置换术(totalhiparthroplasty,THA)治疗的股骨头缺血性坏死患者进行术后中期的影像学及临床评估,回顾性研究非骨水泥型假体的疗效及其影响因素。方法对1998年1月至2001年3月,采用非骨水泥型假体行THA治疗的股骨头缺血性坏死患者71例(80髋)进行至少5年的随访。临床评估以Harris评分为标准。影像学评估根据术后随访时骨盆正位与髋关节正、侧位X线片,观察髋臼、股骨假体的位置及其周围骨质的改变,并测量臼杯内衬的磨损速度、磨损方向。假体的生存率采用Kaplan-Meier分析,分别以髋臼、股骨假体的无菌性松动和任何原因所致的翻修为终点。结果共54例(62髋)患者获得至少5年的随访,术前Harris评分平均为(44.0±8.4)分(21~50分),终末随访时平均为(92.4±5.7)分(78~100分)。截至末次随访时无一例翻修或表现为影像学无菌性松动。1髋出现骨盆局灶性骨溶解,12髋出现股骨局灶性骨溶解。聚乙烯内衬平均线性磨损率为(0.125±0.074)mm/年。Kaplan-Meier分析假体生存率为1.0(95%可信区间,0.98~1.00)。结论多孔涂层非骨水泥型假体可为晚期股骨头缺血性坏死患者提供良好的中期固定及临床效果。然而,因为聚乙烯髋臼的磨损不可避免及假体周围骨溶解等潜在因素的存在,长期效果仍须进一步随访。  相似文献   



Total hip replacement has been advocated for the treatment of degenerative hip diseases secondary to slipped capital femoral epiphysis; nonetheless, outcomes of this procedure have not been well established. We reviewed the outcomes of modern total hip replacements in patients who suffered from slipped capital femoral epiphysis.


A retrospective study was carried out on 32 total hip replacements performed on 28 patients who suffered from slipped capital femoral epiphysis from August 1994 to January 2007. The average age at the time of surgery was 45?years. Clinical evaluation was performed using the Harris Hip Score, radiographic assessment measuring cup and stem orientation, the extent of osteolysis around the implant, and leg length discrepancy. The average follow-up was 98?months (range 25–204?months).


Two total hip replacements failed, one for stem aseptic loosening and the other for modular neck failure. The cumulative survival rate at 9?years was 92.8?%. If the end point was revision for implant loosening, the survival rate improved to 96.8?% at 9?years. The only complication recorded was an intraoperative fracture of the lesser trochanter immediately treated with cerclage wire. At the latest follow-up, the Harris Hip Score averaged 86 (range 70–97). Leg length discrepancies greater than 1?cm were present in 18 cases before surgery, and in only 6 cases after surgery.


We recommend total hip replacement for patients who suffer from slipped capital femoral epiphysis because of the satisfactory survival, low complication rate, and the possibility of restoring leg length.  相似文献   

In 50 consecutive cases of slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) from 49 families, the heredity was analyzed by radiographic examination of the first-degree relatives and by interview regarding the second-degree relatives. In four of the 49 families, SCFE was obvious in one or more first-degree relatives; and in another 13 families (14 relatives), radiographic signs of SCFE were found besides the primary case.

The familial accumulation was much higher than expected from incidence studies, indicating a hereditary factor in the etiology.  相似文献   

Abnormally high stresses involving the capital femoral physis were found in a series of valgus slipped capital femoral epiphysis cases. Using a single leg stance model we studied 10 hips in seven patients in which the epiphysis was lateral and posterior in relation to the femoral neck and calculated that shear stresses were high enough to be associated with failure of the physis. Valgus neck shaft angles and lateral tilt of the physes were seen in all cases.  相似文献   

In 50 consecutive cases of slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) from 49 families, the heredity was analyzed by radiographic examination of the first-degree relatives and by interview regarding the second-degree relatives. In four of the 49 families, SCFE was obvious in one or more first-degree relatives; and in another 13 families (14 relatives), radiographic signs of SCFE were found besides the primary case. The familial accumulation was much higher than expected from incidence studies, indicating a hereditary factor in the etiology.  相似文献   

Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) is a posteromedial displacement of the epiphysis on the metaphysis. Superolateral displacement of the epiphysis, the valgus SCFE, was first described by Müller, although some authors question its existence. We report 4 additional cases and review the literature regarding valgus SCFE. A retrospective review was performed; the child's sex, race, age, weight and height, symptom duration, type of SCFE (stable/unstable), and slip severity were recorded. There were 105 children (67 boys and 38 girls) with 141 idiopathic SCFEs. Four children were noted to have 7 stable valgus SCFEs. Statistically significant differences between the valgus and varus SCFEs were noted for symptom duration and body mass index, and valgus SCFEs tended to be less severe. When combining the data from the literature and the author's institution, there were 22 children with 30 valgus SCFEs at average age of 12.4 +/- 1.8 years; weight, 69.3 +/- 20.6 kg; height, 155.3 +/- 12.4 cm; and body mass index, 27.l +/- 7.1 kg/cm. The demographics of children with valgus SCFE are similar to children with routine SCFE except for sex: 76% of valgus SCFEs occurred in girls. Awareness of valgus SCFEs is necessary for both diagnosis and treatment. In a "valgus" SCFE, Klein line will always be normal, emphasizing the need for lateral radiographs when evaluating all children for SCFE. Single central screw fixation must be approached with caution because the more medial screw entry point places the screw path in immediate proximity to the femoral neurovascular bundle.  相似文献   

Unstable slipped capital femoral epiphysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

《Acta orthopaedica》2013,84(6):510-512
In 50 consecutive cases of slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) from 49 families, the heredity was analyzed by radiographic examination of the first-degree relatives and by interview regarding the second-degree relatives. In four of the 49 families, SCFE was obvious in one or more first-degree relatives; and in another 13 families (14 relatives), radiographic signs of SCFE were found besides the primary case.

The familial accumulation was much higher than expected from incidence studies, indicating a hereditary factor in the etiology.  相似文献   

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