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Ideas about intersectoral action and policy-making for health (ISA) are prominent among public health professionals. They are often presented as effective ways to address root causes of poor health and health inequality, and as such the best way to promote population health. The implementation of such ideas has proven difficult though. In this paper we argue that neo-institutional theory can help us conceptualize implementation challenges by pointing to implicit expectations and contradictions associated with the ISA idea itself. With Denmark as empirical case, we conducted a document analysis of recommendations for municipal ISA. The analysis shows how the recommendations provide a very abstract conceptualization of ISA that does not give much practical guidance for action. We show how ISA is discursively constructed with buzzword qualities as the natural way to organize health promotion, by being presented as a means to produce better quality services, more cost-effective operations and ensure the future of the welfare state, while at the same time hardly changing much at all. By applying the lens of institutional logics we show how ISA, although being vaguely defined, offer ambiguous normative and symbolic repertoires for action. We discuss the implementation challenges associated with this advocacy rhetoric and suggest that the domination of the corporation logic may appear to reduce the political character of ISA and potentially conflict with the ideals of health as a matter of social justice and human rights.  相似文献   

Intersectoral action on health determinants has long been recognized as an important factor in achieving better population health. Nevertheless, there is no process that provides empirical evidence to policy-makers on the extent of intersectoral collaboration. We aimed to fill this gap by conducting case studies in two municipalities in Cuba, a country well known for its intersectoral practice and good health outcomes. We surveyed an intentional sample of key members of Health Councils – virtual intersectoral spaces in Cuba – about links and related actions they had with other sectors on eleven health determinants. Using network analysis we were able to produce measures to evaluate and characterize the network of sectors. Findings show that the two municipalities were similar in reported importance of health determinants, extent of long-term engagement in intra-sectors actions and level of collaboration with other sectors for virtually all determinants. Municipalities also showed similar overall levels of collaboration for most determinants when considered as a network of different sectors (network density). However municipalities showed differences in the central role played by some sectors (centrality index). We further used the network analysis blockmodeling technique to typify the municipal Health Councils. We found that while one Health Council can be typified by a single well connected network structure, the other has two distinct structures with more sparse connections. We conclude that intersectoral collaboration can be assessed by the use of network analysis measurements. This approach is novel and provides evidence to decision-makers about their role and their effort towards collaboration in achieving better health outcomes.  相似文献   

The concept of vulnerability is frequently used in public health policies to develop tailored interventions or dedicate proportionately more resources to certain sub-populations. However, once segments of the population are identified as vulnerable, they are rarely consulted regarding whether this label is acceptable before instituting interventions. Instead, it is implicitly assumed that the targeted individuals identify themselves as vulnerable and experience an unambiguous and consistent need for public health assistance. In this paper, using public health interventions during heat waves as a case study, we question such assumptions. A qualitative study was conducted in Montreal, Canada involving two focus groups among populations specifically targeted by the heat action plan as vulnerable: one composed of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, and one composed of individuals who have alcohol or drug addictions. Findings revealed significant heterogeneity in the definition and experience of vulnerability as it is used in the context of a heat action plan in Montreal. We found differences between the two focus groups in several areas including sources of information they had access to within the heat action plan measures and their perspectives regarding the appropriateness of specific measures in the heat action plan. We then observed differences within each of the focus groups in several areas including their social networks relationships. The concept of vulnerability is often used in public health policies. Yet, while this concept may be convenient for shaping policies to reduce inequalities in health, the heterogeneity of populations defined as vulnerable should not be underestimated.  相似文献   

Noting the lack of research on how early childhood education (ECE) programmes within family literacy programmes influence Latino children's early language and literacy development, this study examined key features of ECE programmes, specifically teacher–child interactions and child engagement in language and literacy activities and how these features relate to Latino children's early language and literacy development. Participants were 181 Latino children (3–5 years old) from low-income families enrolled in 22 ECE programmes within family literacy programmes. Teacher–child interactions were of medium quality on socioemotional support and low quality on instructional quality. Latino children spent about 20% of their day engaged in language and literacy activities. Multilevel regression analysis results showed that the length of Latino children's engagement in language and literacy activities in ECE programmes was more strongly related to their English oral language skills and alphabet knowledge than the quality of teacher–child interactions.  相似文献   

BackgroundWhile expectations of integrated public health policy (IPHP) promoting public health are high, assessment is hampered by the concept's ambiguity. This paper aims to contribute to conceptual clarification of IPHP as first step in further measurement development.MethodsIn an online concept mapping procedure, we invited 237 Dutch experts, 62 of whom generated statements on characteristics of IPHP. Next, 100 experts were invited, 24 of whom sorted the statements into piles according to their perceived similarity and rated the statements on relevance and measurability. Data was analyzed using concept mapping software.ResultsThe concept map consisted of 97 statements, grouped into 11 clusters and five themes. Core themes were ‘integration’, concerning ‘policy coherence’ and ‘organizing connections’, and ‘health’, concerning ‘positioning health’ and ‘addressing determinants’. Peripheral themes were ‘generic aspects’, ‘capacities’, and ‘goals and setting’, which respectively addressed general notions of integrated policy making, conditions for IPHP, and the variety in manifestations of IPHP. Measurability ratings were low compared to relevance.ConclusionThe concept map gives an overview of interrelated themes, distinguishes core from peripheral dimensions, and provides pointers for theories of the policy process. While low measurability ratings indicate measurement difficulties, the core themes provide pointers for systematic insight into IPHP through measurement.  相似文献   

促进基本公共卫生服务均等化是新医改的五项重点工作之一。文章通过问卷调查与知情人深入访谈,收集了黑龙江省四个县基本公共卫生服务项目开展的相关资料,分析了黑龙江省四个县开展基本公共卫生服务的现状及存在的问题。政府购买基本公共卫生服务是对逐步实现公共服务均等化的有益探索,同时对地方政府如何提高服务购买和有效监管提出了新的挑战。  相似文献   

Despite calls to better prepare children for school entry, children with social, emotional, or behavioural needs continue to experience limited access to care that meets their needs. Despite frameworks for Positive Behaviour Intervention and Support (PBIS) that may aid in addressing children’s needs, bringing those frameworks to scale in early childhood requires examination. This study explores the impact of a state agency-sponsored professional development system on the implementation of a PBIS framework by 132 educators representing seven different types of early childhood programmes (i.e. Head Start, child care centre, special education, etc.). Significant differences in implementation were observed by programme type in both the initial level of implementation and changes in implementation after receiving training and monthly coaching. Implications and future research are discussed relative to implementation supports that may need to vary by programme type when trying to bring a PBIS framework to scale in early childhood.  相似文献   

This paper will argue that the UK has seen several phases of public health improvement since the Industrial Revolution, and that each of these can be linked to major shifts in thinking about the nature of society and health itself. The authors are not, however, attempting to delineate firm sequences of events (or imply causality) as this would require a level of analysis of the relationship between economy, society and culture which is beyond the scope of this paper. Rather, it is suggested that each phase of health improvement can be thought of in metaphorical terms as a 'wave'. The first wave is associated with great public works and other developments arising from social responses to the profound disruptions which followed the Industrial Revolution. The second wave saw the emergence of medicine as science. The third wave involved the redesign of our social institutions during the 20th Century and gave birth to the welfare state. The fourth wave has been dominated by efforts to combat disease risk factors and the emergence of systems thinking. Although a trough of public health activity continues from each wave, none exerts the same impact as when it first emerged. This paper will discuss the complex challenges of obesity, inequality and loss of wellbeing, together with the broader problems of exponential growth in population, money creation and energy usage. As exponential growth is unsustainable on a finite planet, inevitable change looms. Taken together, these analyses suggest that a fifth wave of public health development is now needed; one which will need to differ radically from its forerunners. The authors invite others to join them in envisioning its nature and in furthering the debate about future public health.  相似文献   

At present, there is no conceptual model by which public health could be represented as intersectoral governance collaborating with society and the state, and acting as a collective on the determinants of health. In this article, our interdisciplinary group, representing core competencies in public health, suggest two complementary conceptual models as frameworks for a diverse public concerned with public health and its core functions. The first conceptual ‘core model’ roots from the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. It represents the interrelationships of the three main poles united at the biopower level: the collectivity (entire population), the contemporary state and public health. In the second conceptual model, we present the various components in the meta-network of public health governance. We also present the roles of heterogeneous actors and how they can collaborate within a prominent process of capacity building and development of practice in public health. Thus, we emphasize the importance of intersectoral partnerships the contemporary state can make with public health without inducing any rupture with the social fabric. Our two complementary models can help actors from all sectors better understand the most frequent questions in public health governance (functions, roles, ingredients) and the challenges that intersectoral actors may very likely encounter in the implementation of these frameworks. The sustainability of well-balanced transdisciplinary and intersectoral partnerships contribute to a successful implementation of public health governance, and most importantly to a good health status for the collectivity.  相似文献   

The study seeks to understand the relation between preschool children's mode of participation and negotiation strategies during play and their theory of mind (ToM) development in the Hong Kong context. Forty-two 5-year-old children were recruited. Their emotional and cognitive ToMs were assessed along with expressive language ability. Children's play was observed twice in naturalistic and laboratory settings. Parents completed a questionnaire on their child's emotional and cognitive ToM development, including demographic information and social economic status indexes. The results showed that 5-year-old Hong Kong children mostly engaged in associative and cooperative play and employed two-way, reciprocal strategies in their play. Parent report of emotional ToM predicted children's play strategy in both naturalistic and laboratory settings. Child measure of cognitive ToM predicted their play strategy in the laboratory setting. The study advocates more play time in kindergarten in order to foster an empathetic generation.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the parents’ perceived unmet needs in early childhood healthcare services among Indigenous, non‐English‐speaking background (NESB) and English‐speaking background (ESB) children and the related barriers. Method: Data was from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC). Rao‐Scott chi‐square was used to examine the level of parents’ perceived unmet needs in three ethnic groups in early childhood healthcare services over a 12 month period. Survey logistic regression was used to assess the association between the groups of infants and the barriers to utilisation. Results: Ten per cent of Australian infants have at least one parents’ perceived unmet need in early childhood healthcare services. NESB (15.3%) and Indigenous (15.1%) infants were more likely than ESB infants (9.9%, p<0.001) to have parents’ perceived unmet needs in health care services. The barriers to service access include cost, transport problems, child care difficulties, service availability and family reasons. Parents of ESB infants were more likely to cite operating hours as the major barrier to accessing services. Conclusion: There were parents’ perceived unmet needs in a number of health services for all Australian infants, but at different levels by Indigenous, NESB and ESB groups. The most common barrier to services utilisation related to cost or private health insurance, availability and accessibility of service provision and other socioeconomic issues. Implications: Policy attention and operational changes are required to improve equity in accessing early childhood services, as well as to improve the overall access to healthcare services for all Australian infants.  相似文献   

Amidst the winds of change that are blowing across the UK public health (PH) landscape in relation to the essential abilities and national standards that are required for the 'art and science' of PH, the preparation for a new cadre of 'PH professionals' is already underway. Several postgraduate masters programmes in public health (MPH) have taken on board the challenge of addressing the requisite sets of skills and expertise as a guide to their content and delivery. Although there are recommendations regarding teaching PH to undergraduate medical students, little consensus seems to exist on teaching postgraduate PH to non-medically qualified professionals, health managers and administrators. Employing a case study approach, this article analyses the methods used, philosophies and processes, structure and organization, outcomes to date, and lessons learnt from MPH programmes implemented at two institutions in the UK. The programmes have been initiated recently, and have had the opportunity to take on board the recent national guidelines about training standards. The findings indicate that preparatory work of the programmes, and the challenges and strengths in meeting the recent policy developments in PH training are pertinent points. The MPH programmes highlight key issues in interprofessional education and its purpose, its process and its outcomes in relation to multidisciplinary specialist practice. These programmes provide a variety of models for others wishing to develop or restructure their postgraduate PH teaching programmes. The finalization of the national standards for specialist practice in PH in the UK is encouraged, along with clearer working definitions of the domains of expertise required. Collectively, attention to these measures can ensure that the processes which teaching programmes embrace to refine their content and delivery will equip tomorrow's professionals with PH knowledge and skills.  相似文献   


Formative assessment and effective use of data to support student learning are key components of practice in early childhood (EC) centres. Although Trinidad and Tobago has developed an impressive EC care system, to decrease the achievement gap which international studies have shown to be significant in core subjects, educational planners must ensure that teachers make better use of data. This study explored data use practice in eight geographically diverse EC centres. Using maximum variation sampling, data were collected from focus group teacher interviews, observation and document analysis. Thematic analysis and constant comparison were used to identify differences across sites and to generate theory on practice. The theory identifies data use practice in an emerging Caribbean society lacking a robust data culture and with limited professional development opportunities. Implications for policy, professional sdevelopment and system reform of the EC sector in Trinidad and Tobago are included.  相似文献   

文章对国内公共卫生服务均等化及国外健康不均等的情况进行了简要的描述;分析了河北省公共卫生服务的情况;针对存在的问题,提出了促进河北省基本公共卫生服务均等化的相关措施和建议。  相似文献   

对源于临床医疗领域的随机对照试验(RCT)在大型公共卫生干预尤其是社区干预中拓展应用存在的外部效度和内部效度方面的局限性进行了重点阐释,认为外部效度受到社会和行为效应修饰问题的严重制约,且其传统的内部效度优势也因公共卫生项目因果路径长等特征而不能充分发挥,并指出一系列限制其现实可行性的因素。建议在大型公共卫生干预项目中,主要根据评价结论的用途并结合现实条件来确定合适的评价研究设计。针对意在检验因果关系的探索性项目,建议采用更广泛意义上的实验设计,包括整群随机试验设计、分阶渐进随机试验设计和N-of-1设计等,以改善传统RCT的现实可行性问题,同时,应发挥定性研究方法的优势,尽可能开展过程评价和项目监测以弥补内部效度方面存在的缺陷;对于因果关系已得到验证的示范项目或应用型项目,建议采用准实验设计,如时间序列设计或多重基线设计等,以及流行病学观察性研究方法,以保证充分的外部效度。  相似文献   

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