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L G Allen  E Hahn  D Caton  S P Kalra 《Endocrinology》1988,122(3):1004-1013
We have studied the LH secretion pattern evoked by diminution in the opioid tone produced by iv naloxone (NAL) infusion between 1100-1400 h on proestrus, the LH secretion pattern occurring spontaneously between 1430-1730 h on proestrus and the LH secretion pattern produced by exogenous LHRH administered either as a 10 ng/pulse at 20-, 30-, or 60-min intervals or infused continuously at a rate of 30 ng/h between 1200-1700 h in rats given pentobarbital at 1100 h on proestrus. Infusion of 0.5 ng NAL/h raised plasma NAL levels to 200-300 ng/ml and augmented LH secretion, as evident by increments in pulse amplitude and frequency discharge to one every 37.5 min from an average of one every 75 min in saline-infused control rats. A 4-fold increase in circulating NAL levels, produced by 2 mg/h NAL infusion, further augmented the frequency of LH episodes to 30-33 min and induced a surge-like LH secretion pattern which resembled that seen on the afternoon of proestrus. Further analysis of the secretory pattern of the preovulatory LH surge (n = 7) showed LH pulses of increased amplitude during the basal phase (n = 4), ascending phase (n = 2), and plateau and descending phases (n = 3); in two rats the LH rise was steep, and no LH pulses were identified. A LHRH pulse (10 ng/pulse) delivered at 20- or 30-min intervals or continuous infusion of LHRH at a rate of 30 ng/h produced LH surges, with peak levels reaching the range seen on the afternoon of proestrus. Further, despite the fact that 10 ng LHRH/pulse at 20-min intervals reproduced a proestrous-type LH surge, only 40% of the LHRH pulses were followed by identifiable LH pulses. Surprisingly, despite the observations that NAL evoked robust LH episodes, the basal pattern of FSH secretion in these rats was not altered. These findings show that a decrease in opioid tone on proestrus accelerates episodic LH discharge to the range that occurs after gonadectomy. A quantitative relationship between the degree of restraint on the opioid tone imposed by NAL and the magnitude of the LH response can be demonstrated. The evidence suggests that the preovulatory LH surge may occur in an episodic fashion and that it can be reproduced by LHRH delivered at a frequency rate of LH pulses seen in ovariectomized rats.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Physiological concentrations of progesterone (20-100 ng/ml), maintained by the insertion of implants into 30-day-old rats, delayed first ovulation, and withdrawal of progesterone on day 47 of age synchronized first ovulation in rats. Inhibition of ovulation involved negative feedback regulation of tonic LH and FSH secretion, blockage of gonadotropin surges, and suppression of preovulatory, but not antral, follicular growth. Removal of implants resulted in a rapid decline in serum progestrone from 100 to 5 ng/ml within 0-12 h. Between 0-36 h there were progressive increases in serum concentrations of LH and FSH, enhanced accumulation of estradiol by individual follicles incubated in vitro with or without exogenous substrate, and marked progressive increases in the content of LH (but not FSH) receptors in both thecal and granulosa cells. These events were followed by gonadotropin surges at 48 h (1800 h on day 49), ovulation, and morphological and biochemical signs of luteinization, including decreases in follicular gonadotropin receptor content and estradiol accumulation, evident by 60 h. With the exception of changes in basal LH, this sequence of events is remarkably similar in time and pattern to that after the decline of progesterone on diestrous day 2 and ovulation on proestrus of a 5-day cycle. Although a direct effect of progesterone on ovarian follicular cell function cannot be excluded, the data suggest that subtle but sustained increases in LH (and possibly FSH) are required for the enhanced follicular accumulation of estradiol and LH-binding activity occurring between diestrus and proestrus of the rat estrous cycle. Thus, perhaps some of the mystery surrounding the endocrine events between diestrus and proestrus can be ascribed to changes in serum LH that have been too small and/or variable for current nonserial sampling methods and RIAs to detect reliably.  相似文献   

Neurotensin (NT) has been implicated in the central regulation of LH and PRL secretion in the rat. We investigated the importance of NT release to the neural events that trigger the preovulatory LH surge and coincident PRL surge, using as our animal model ovariectomized (OVX) rats treated with estrogen and progesterone to induce reliable and robust surges. To interfere with the action of endogenous NT in the basal forebrain, we administered a NT antiserum (NTAS) in a series of bilateral microinjections aimed at the anterior border of the medial preoptic area. One week after OVX, rats bearing cerebral guide cannulae received Silastic capsules (3 x 15 mm; sc) containing 17 beta-estradiol. Two days later, beginning at 0830 h, conscious rats were administered either NTAS or control serum bilaterally in a series of four 100-nl injections spaced at 30-min intervals. After an initial blood sample, rats received progesterone (4 mg, sc) at 1200 h; blood samples were then taken at 1-h intervals from 1400-2100 h. Blood samples were obtained from conscious, freely moving rats via a chronic atrial catheter implanted previously. Plasma levels of LH and PRL were measured by RIA, and the location of microinjection sites was verified histologically. Administration of NTAS caused a 66% reduction in the magnitude of the LH surge without altering its timing, whereas the PRL surge was unaffected. These results provide strong evidence that NT in the basal forebrain participates in the steroid-induced LH surge and suggest that NT plays a role in the preovulatory LH surge.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out on 4 day cyclic rats or immature rats induced to ovulate by administration of pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin. Removal of the ovaries and adrenal glands at 17.00 h of pro-oestrus, i.e. after the critical period, prevented the appearance of the surge of LH. Sham-operation or removal of only one of the sets of glands had no effect. This indicates that the preovulatory increase in the concentration of oestradiol is not solely responsible for the surge of LH; the presence of a steroid, secreted by the ovaries and adrenal glands in the late afternoon of pro-oestrus, is also required. Attempts were made to reinstate the surge of LH in ovariectomized, adrenalectomized rats by administration of one of the steroids normally secreted in late pro-oestrus. Corticosterone, 20alpha- and 20beta-hydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one and 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone all had no effect. Progesterone injected at the time of the operation stimulated the release of LH but only after the plasma concentration had reached its maximum 3--5 hr after injection. Testosterone also stimulated the release of LH some hours after administration.  相似文献   

It is well known that the estrogen-induced LH surge in ovariectomized (ovx) rats is invariably far less in magnitude than the preovulatory LH surge or that induced by progesterone (P) in estrogen-primed ovx rats. Recent studies show that a decrease in hypothalamic inhibitory opioid tone by the neural clock (NC) is responsible for the induction of the preovulatory LH surge on proestrus. Therefore, we hypothesized that the diminished LH response in estrogen-treated ovx rats may be due to an inadequate reduction in opioid tone. To test this hypothesis the effects of transiently decreasing the opioid tone with an opiate receptor antagonist, naloxone (NAL), on LH secretion in estrogen-primed, short term (5 days) and long term (4 weeks) ovx rats were examined. NAL (2 mg/h) was infused iv from 1100-1400 h on day 2 in rats receiving either sc implants (two, 15 mm each) filled with 17 beta-estradiol (300 micrograms/ml in oil) or sc estradiol benzoate (EB; 10 micrograms/rat) injections at 1000 h on day 0. For comparison of NAL- and P-induced LH responses, EB-primed short and long term ovx rats received P injection (2 mg/rat, sc) instead of NAL infusion at 1100 h. Estrogen treatment alone induced a spontaneous rise in plasma LH on the afternoon of day 2, with peak LH levels ranging between 1.5-2.4 ng/ml. NAL infusion markedly enhanced the LH surge in both groups of ovx rats. In short term ovx rats NAL-induced peak LH levels (5-6 ng/ml) were less than those observed in rats receiving supplemental P treatment or that observed previously on proestrus (10-15 ng/ml). However, in long term EB-primed ovx rats, NAL infusion evoked LH surges equivalent to those observed after P injection. In addition, analysis of the episodic LH secretion pattern showed that NAL infusion accelerated the frequency and amplitude of LH discharge and significantly changed the contour of LH episodes. These results show that a transient decrease in inhibitory opioid tone before a spontaneous LH rise in estrogen-treated ovx rats can accelerate episodic LH secretion to culminate in LH surges that resemble those induced by P and the preovulatory LH surge. Therefore, these observations are in accord with the view that the NC-induced curtailment in the inhibitory opioid tone may be inadequate in estrogen-treated rats; NAL infusion and P treatment intensify decrements in inhibitory opioid tone to reinstate the preovulatory-type LH surge in these rats.  相似文献   

F H Bronson  F S Vom Saal 《Endocrinology》1979,104(5):1247-1255
The regulation of the preovulatory release of LH by steroids was examined in the mouse, a species in which ovulation is strongly influenced by priming pheromones. Ovariectomized mice were implanted with estradiol in Silastic capsules to involve negative feedback. Preovulatory-like LH surges then were induced by injections of either estradiol benzoate (EB) or progesterone. LH surges were not observed in the absence of steroid injection. LH surges always occurred at lights out on a 14-h light, 10-h dark cycle on the day after EB injection but occurred on the same day as progesterone injection. The amount of EB or progesterone injected seemed unimportant but, in either case, had to be given within a limited diurnal period of sensitivity. LH surges comparable to those of intact proestrous females were produced either by injecting both EB and progesterone or by manipulating the background dose of encapsulated estradiol. In the latter regard, when ovariectomized females were implanted with a wide range of doses of estradiol (0.1--1000 microgram/capsule), a decided window phenomenon became apparent. That is, LH surging could be induced by steroid injections only within a limited range of background doses of encapsulated estradiol. The relationship of the above findings to the pheromonal control of LH secretion and ovulation in mice is as yet unclear.  相似文献   

C E Grosvenor  F Mena 《Endocrinology》1980,107(4):863-868
We have compared the effectiveness of TRH and a rat hypothalamic PRL-releasing factor (PRF; previously incubated with rat serum to destroy TRH) in stimulating the release of PRL into the plasma of conscious lactating rats when injected before and after pituitary PRL had been depleted and transformed into releasable PRL by 10 min of suckling. TRH (1.25 microgramsss) and PRF [equivalent to 2.5 stalk median eminence (SME) fragments] each caused a small increase (38 and 30 ng, respectively) in the plasma PRL concentration within 10 min when injected into nondepleted mothers. The levels then fell quickly. Suckling, by comparison, caused a sustained 175 ng/ml increase above basal levels. Though PRL depletion occurred, as expected, as a result of suckling, there was no measurable depletion within the pituitaries of TRH- or PRF-injected rats. By contrast, the iv administration of TRH (doses ranging from 2-250 ng) and hypothalamic PRF (doses ranging from 0.2-1.0 SME equivalent) after depletion-transformation had been effected by 10 min of suckling resulted in a rapid and, in most instances, a sustained elevation in the plasma PRL concentration comparable to that seen after suckling. Dose-response relationships, though, were not clearly evident with either PRF or TRH. Neither saline, 1.25 microgram TRH previously incubated in serum, 50 mU oxytocin, 1 microgram dopamine, 25 microgram LHRH, nor an extract of cerebral cortex prepared in the same manner as hypothalamic TRH caused plasma PRL to rise after PRL depletion. We conclude that TRH and possibly a separate hypothalamic PRF have a stimulatory action upon the releasable, but not upon the depletion-transformation, phase of PRL secretion in the lactating rat.  相似文献   

To investigate the contribution of hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion to the midcycle gonadotropin surge in the human, the response of luteinizing hormone (LH) to competitive GnRH receptor blockade achieved by administration of a range of doses of a pure GnRH antagonist was used to provide a semiquantitative estimate of endogenous GnRH secretion. The LH response to 5, 15, 50, and 150 micrograms/kg s.c. of the NAL-GLU GnRH antagonist ([Ac-D-2Nal1,D-4ClPhe2,-D-Pal3,Arg5,D-4-p-met hoxybenzoyl-2-aminobutyric acid6,D-Ala10]GnRH, where 2Nal is 2-naphthylalanine, 4ClPhe is 4-chlorophenylalanine, and 3Pal is 3-pyridylalanine) was measured in normal women in the early and late follicular phases of the menstrual cycle, at the time of the midcycle LH surge and in the early luteal phase. LH decreased in a dose-response fashion after administration of the GnRH antagonist in all cycle phases (P < 0.0001). When this suppression was expressed as maximum percent inhibition, there was no difference in response during the early and late follicular and early luteal phases. However, at the midcycle surge, there was a leftward shift of the dose-response curve with significantly greater suppression of LH at the lower antagonist doses in comparison to the other cycle phases (P < 0.005), but no difference at the highest dose. Thus, we draw the following conclusions. (i) There is a consistently greater degree of LH inhibition by GnRH antagonism at the midcycle surge at submaximal degrees of GnRH receptor blockade than at other phases of the menstrual cycle in normal women. (ii) This leftward shift of the dose-response relationship to GnRH receptor blockade suggests that the overall amount of GnRH secreted at the midcycle surge is less than at other cycle stages. (iii) These data confirm the importance of pituitary augmentation of the GnRH signal at the time of the midcycle gonadotropin surge in the human.  相似文献   

Pulsatile luteinizing hormone release during pregnancy in the rat   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The present studies were designed to characterize LH release during pregnancy in the rat. Unanesthetized animals with jugular cannulae were bled for 3 h between 1000-1300 h on days 6-8, 14-16 or 22 of gestation (50 microliters whole blood/5 min). Plasma estradiol and progesterone values both increased from days 6-8 to days 14-16. However, while plasma estradiol levels increased further between days 14-16 and day 22, plasma P levels had declined 86%. The percent coefficients of variation obtained for alterations in blood LH levels at each stage of pregnancy were all significantly greater than intraassay variation, indicating that LH release was pulsatile at each stage. Although there were no significant differences in mean blood LH levels, pulse amplitude, or frequency between days 6-8 and 14-16, the individual patterns of LH release clearly varied between these 2 groups, and most notably within the 14-16 day group. Fifty-three percent (9 of 17) of the LH records in rats on days 14-16 were nonpulsatile compared to only 20% (3 of 15) on days 6-8. However, despite a trend toward an absence of pulsatile LH release on days 14-16, mean frequency at this time did not differ from days 6-8, since on days 14-16 the remaining 8 animals demonstrated 3.5 pulses/3 h, while on days 6-8 the other 12 rats averaged only 2.5 pulses/3 h. On day 22, there was a marked increase in mean blood LH levels compared with either days 6-8 or 14-16. This increase was due to an increase in mean LH pulse frequency. All 15 rats demonstrated pulsatile LH secretion, a significantly greater incidence of pulsatile LH release than on days 14-16 (100% vs. 47%). These data demonstrate that LH release is pulsatile during pregnancy in the rat, and changes in the characteristics of this secretion occur at different stages of gestation.  相似文献   

Injections of the dopamine (DA) precursor L-dopa and the 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) precursor 5-hydroxytryptophan, beginning 6 hr before the predicted preovulatory release of LH, abolished the LH surge and blocked ovulation. The inhibitory effect of the drugs on the preovulatory release of LH was not reversed by injection of progesterone. This showed that the drugs inhibited LH release by acting on the central nervous system rather than peripherally, by inhibiting the release of progesterone from the ovary. The turnover rates of DA and 5-HT were estimated during the ovulatory cycle in the median eminence, the posterior hypothalamus, and the anterior hypothalamus. The turnover rates of the two monoamines were estimated from their rates of accumulation after inhibiting their catabolism with the monoamine oxidase inhibitor pargyline. Turnover of DA and 5-HT in the median eminence was depressed during the preovulatory release of LH and decrease in the anterior hypothalamus when preovulatory LH levels were increasing. Observations were also made of changes in the concentrations of hypothalamic DA, 5-HT, noradrenaline (NA), and adrenaline (A) during the ovulatory cycle. Concentrations of DA, 5-HT, and NA increased in the anterior hypothalamus and decreased in the posterior hypothalamus during the 4 hr before the peak of the preovulatory release of LH. These results strengthen the view that hypothalamic DA and 5-HT play a role in the regulation of the preovulatory release of LH by a reduction in inhibitory inputs on LHRH neurones.  相似文献   

F Petraglia  W Vale  C Rivier 《Endocrinology》1986,119(6):2445-2450
Because endogenous opioid peptides (EOP) and CRF are activated during stress and decrease LH levels when injected centrally, we have explored the roles of these peptides in the stress-induced inhibition of LH secretion. Three opioid peptide systems [i.e. endorphin (END), enkephalin, dynorphin (DYN)], are present in the hypothalamus, acting on different opiate receptor subtypes (i.e. mu, delta, kappa). We first evaluated which EOP might be involved in the stress-induced decrease of LH levels. Immunoneutralization of EOP and pharmacological blockade of opiate receptors were used to reverse the decrease in LH induced by inescapable intermittent footshock in castrated male rats. Anti-beta-END and anti-DYN-A serum (intracerebroventricularly [icv]) or pretreatment with beta-END antagonist, beta-human END-(6-31) (2 and 5 nmol, icv), or with kappa-antagonists, Mr1452 MS and Mr2266 BS (10 mg/kg BW, ip), reversed electroshock-induced decrease in LH concentrations. beta-funaltrexamine (beta-FNA), an irreversible mu 1-opiate receptor antagonist, was partially effective in blocking the inhibitory effect of stress on LH levels. Neither passive immunization with anti-enkephalin nor the pretreatment with the delta-opiate receptor antagonist, ICI 154,129, (10 and 100 nmol, icv) modified the effect of stress. We then evaluated which endogenous opioid ligands and/or receptors might mediate the inhibitory effect on LH levels of 2 nmol ovine CRF injected icv. Anti-beta-END serum and beta-human END-(6-31), reversed the CRF-induced decrease of LH concentrations, whereas beta-FNA was only partially active. Anti-DYN-A and anti-ENK serum, kappa- and delta-antagonists did not prevent the decline of LH levels in rats receiving CRF centrally. These data suggest that stress-induced inhibition of LH secretion involves the stimulation of beta-END and DYN-A systems via mu/epsilon- or kappa-opiate receptors and that the decrease in circulating LH levels induced by centrally administered CRF may be mediated by the activation of beta-END system. Therefore, it is possible that the activation of the central CRF/beta-END pathway may play an important role in the stress-induced inhibition of reproductive functions.  相似文献   

The effect of luteinizing hormone (LH) on the respiration of isolated cumulus cell complexes (the oocyte surrounded by cumulus granulosa cells) obtained from immature Sprague-Dawley rats injected with 10 IU pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin on day 30 was investigated. The cell complexes were isolated from preovulatory follicles of rats killed at specific time intervals on the day preceding ovulation, i.e., on day 32. The samples were incubated in Eagle's tissue culture medium. Oxygen uptake was recorded either with the Cartesian diver technique or with a recently described microspectrophotometric technique using hemoglobin as an indicator. Exposure to exogenous bovine LH in vitro or in vivo or to endogenous LH, i.e., the preovulatory LH-surge, resulted in a marked decrease in respiratory activity of the cumulus cell complex, as revealed by both techniques. The cumuli exposed to LH showed an oxygen uptake of approximately 40-65% of the control cumuli. The results suggest that LH has a direct effect on this cell complex resulting in a decreased oxidative metabolism.  相似文献   

Despite ample evidence pointing to an obligatory involvement of progesterone in ovulation, the mechanisms responsible for the ovulation promoting effects of intrafollicular progesterone are unclear. The objectives of this study were to determine if ovulation, luteinization and the gonadotropin surge-induced regulation of select extracellular matrix-degrading enzymes and their inhibitors, and mRNAs for prostaglandin (PG) biosynthesis and metabolizing enzymes are blocked following suppression of the intrafollicular increase in progesterone. Bovine preovulatory follicles were injected with the 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase inhibitor trilostane or diluent and collected at 0, 12, and 24 h after GnRH induction of the preovulatory LH surge. Intrafollicular trilostane administration blocked the preovulatory increase in follicular fluid progesterone resulting in concentrations similar to those observed at time 0 post-GnRH injection. The preovulatory increase in follicular fluid PGE(2) and PGF(2alpha) was reduced in trilostane-treated follicles and accompanied by upregulation of prostaglandin dehydrogenase mRNA in the granulosal and thecal cells. However, follicle rupture was not blocked by inhibition of the preovulatory rise in intrafollicular progesterone, and normal serum progesterone concentrations were observed during subsequent luteal development. Effects of trilostane administration on preovulatory changes in mRNA abundance and protein/activity in preovulatory follicles for most regulators of extracellular matrix remodeling examined were distinct from changes previously observed following the inhibition of intrafollicular prostaglandin synthesis. Results suggest that the preovulatory increase in intrafollicular progesterone may not be obligatory for bovine follicle rupture, luteinization, or regulation of prominent matrix-degrading proteinases and their inhibitors associated with ovulation.  相似文献   

Levels of luteinizing hormone-releasing factor (LH-RF), the spontane ous preovulatory surge of luteinizing hormone (LH) and the copulatory reflex release of LH were studied by radioimmunoassay in rats. Blood samples were taken at 9.00, 12.00, 15.00, 18.00, and 21.00 hours of proestrus. LH peaks related to LH-RF values were observed at 18.00 hours in 8 of 11 animals. Plasma LH levels were markedly increased in 13 of 22 animals following mating, though there were no parallel increases in LH-RF. It is concluded that the concentration of plasma LH-RF does not reflect the level of LH-RF in hypophysial blood.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if endogenous opioid peptides (EOPs) influence the pattern of pulsatile luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion on days 6-8, 14-16 and 22 of gestation in the rat. Unanesthetized animals with two jugular cannulae were initially infused with 0.9% saline during which the control pattern of pulsatile LH release was determined. Possible EOP involvement was then determined by infusion of the EOP receptor antagonist naloxone. Plasma estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P) values increased between days 6-8 and 14-16. While plasma E2 values remained elevated through day 22, plasma P values declined by 90%. As previously reported, mean blood LH levels during the control period on day 22 were higher than on days 6-8 and 14-16 due to an increase in LH pulse frequency. At each stage of gestation naloxone infusion increased mean blood LH levels. This stimulatory action of naloxone was reduced in a dose-dependent fashion by simultaneous infusion with morphine, demonstrating that this effect is mediated via EOP receptors. There was no difference in the in vivo pituitary responsiveness to LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) between rats infused with saline or naloxone at any stage of pregnancy, demonstrating that the stimulatory effect of naloxone was not exerted at the pituitary level. Naloxone increased both the amplitude and frequency of pulsatile LH secretion on days 6-8, and stimulated frequency on days 14-16. The effect on amplitude could not be assessed on days 14-16 because too few rats exhibited pulsatile LH secretion prior to naloxone infusion. The increase in pulse frequency was similar on days 6-8 and 14-16. Although naloxone increased LH pulse amplitude and frequency on day 22, these increases were significantly less than those seen on days 6-8 and 14-16, respectively. Pituitary responsiveness to LHRH was less at all stages of pregnancy in comparison to responsiveness in ovariectomized rats, and progressively declined from days 6-8 through day 22. The lowest responsiveness to LHRH was seen on day 22 and contributed, at least in part, to the diminished increase in LH pulse amplitude in response to naloxone infusion on day 22 compared to days 6-8. The reduced naloxone-induced increment in LH pulse frequency on day 22, occurring coincident with a precipitous decline in plasma P levels, suggests a decreased EOP suppression of pulse frequency at this time.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Although LHRH can stimulate the release of both LH and FSH from the pituitary, there are a number of instances in which the secretion of LH and FSH are divergent. Previous studies from our laboratory have indicated that pulsatile LH and FSH secretion are independently regulated by gonadal factors. We have, therefore, reexamined the role of LHRH in regulating pulsatile gonadotropin secretion by evaluating the effect of passive LHRH immunoneutralization on LH and FSH secretion in castrate adult male rats. Injection of 500 microliters ovine anti-LHRH serum no. 772 (LHRH-AS) into 2-week-castrate rats caused an 85% suppression of mean plasma LH levels by 2 h, which lasted through 48 h. Mean plasma FSH, however, was reduced by only 19% after 2 h and by only 59% after 48 h. When cannulated 2-week-castrate rats were bled every 10 min, both LH and FSH were secreted in a pulsatile manner. Injection of 500 microliters LHRH-AS caused an immediate abolishment of LH pulses and a rapid reduction in mean plasma LH through 24 h. Pulsatile FSH secretion, as characterized by the parameters of pulse frequency and amplitude, was unaffected by LHRH-AS, although mean plasma FSH levels were significantly reduced. Collectively, the results suggest that pulsatile FSH secretion is regulated by a separate factor(s) distinct from LHRH, but that LHRH is required for the maintenance of elevated FSH levels.  相似文献   

Phytoestrogens can produce inhibitory effects on gonadotropin secretion in both animals and humans. The aims of this study were 2-fold: 1) to determine in vivo whether genistein and coumestrol act on the GnRH pulse generator to suppress hypothalamic multiunit electrical activity volleys and associated LH pulses and/or on the pituitary to suppress the LH response to GnRH; and 2) to examine the effect of these phytoestrogens on GnRH-induced pituitary LH release in vitro and to determine whether estrogen receptors are involved. Wistar rats were ovariectomized and chronically implanted with recording electrodes and/or indwelling cardiac catheters, and blood samples were taken every 5 min for 7--11 h. Intravenous infusion of coumestrol (1.6-mg bolus followed by 2.4 mg/h for 8.5 h) resulted in a profound inhibition of pulsatile LH secretion, a 50% reduction in the frequency of hypothalamic multiunit electrical activity volleys, and a complete suppression of the LH response to exogenous GnRH. In contrast, both genistein (1.6-mg bolus followed by 2.4 mg/h for 8.5 h) and vehicle were without effect on pulsatile LH secretion. Coumestrol (10(-5) M; over 2 or 4 h) suppressed GnRH-induced pituitary LH release in vitro, an effect blocked by the antiestrogen ICI 182,780. It is concluded that coumestrol acts centrally to reduce the frequency of the hypothalamic GnRH pulse generator. In addition, the inhibitory effects of coumestrol on LH pulses occur at the level of the pituitary by reducing responsiveness to GnRH via an estrogen receptor-mediated process.  相似文献   

The effects of various pharmacological treatments, designed to perturb central catecholaminergic neurotransmission, on the pattern of LH release during the preovulatory period in the domestic hen were studied. Treatment of hens with either L-dihydroxyphenylalanine or diethyldithiocarbamate which raised the concentration of dopamine in the hypothalamus by 42 and 110% respectively, or with apomorphine, attenuated the preovulatory surge of LH. In contrast, treatment with either alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine which produced a 65% decline in the concentration of dopamine in the hypothalamus without affecting the concentrations of noradrenaline or adrenaline or treatment with pimozide did not affect the LH surge. While treatment with propranolol was similarly ineffective, phenoxybenzamine attenuated the LH surge to a marked extent. These observations suggest that the preovulatory surge of LH in the hen is influenced by facilitatory alpha-adrenergic and inhibitory dopaminergic mechanisms. Evidence to corroborate these findings was sought by determining the steady-state concentrations of dopamine, noradrenaline and adrenaline in five discrete diencephalic regions of the hen throughout the ovulatory cycle.  相似文献   

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