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Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAggEC) are associated with persistent diarrhea in young children. Some of these organisms produce a low-molecular-weight, heat-stable, plasmid-encoded enterotoxin that has been named EAggEC heat-stable enterotoxin 1 (EAST1). We have cloned a 4.4-kb DNA fragment from the virulence plasmid of prototype EAggEC strain 17-2, which expresses enterotoxic activity as measured by electrogenic response in Ussing chambers mounted with rabbit ileal tissue. DNA-sequence analysis of this fragment identified an open reading frame (ORF) encoding a cysteine-rich polypeptide of 38 amino acids (M(r), 4100). Insertional and deletional mutations in this ORF resulted in loss of enterotoxic activity. The ORF was cloned into a T7 expression vector, and postinduction culture filtrates exhibited enterotoxic activity and increased ileal tissue cGMP levels. A synthetic peptide consisting of predicted amino acid residues 8-29 also showed enterotoxic activity. These data indicate that this ORF, named astA (EAggEC heat-stable enterotoxin), represents the EAST1 structural gene. EAST1 shows significant homology with the enterotoxic domain of heat-stable enterotoxin a (STa) of enterotoxigenic E. coli and with guanylin, a mammalian analog of STa. Unlike STa, which requires six cysteines and three disulfide linkages for full biological activity, both EAST1 and guanylin contain four cysteine residues. Based on the cGMP data and the sequence homology to STa and guanylin, it is predicted that EAST1 stimulates the particulate form of guanylate cyclase through the same receptor-binding region as STa and guanylin.  相似文献   

We report an intracellular peptide delivery system capable of targeting specific cellular compartments. In the model system we constructed a chimeric protein consisting of the nontoxic B subunit of Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin (EtxB) fused to a 27-mer peptide derived from the DNA polymerase of herpes simplex virus 1. Viral DNA synthesis takes places in the nucleus and requires the interaction with an accessory factor, UL42, encoded by the virus. The peptide, designated Pol, is able to dissociate this interaction. The chimeric protein, EtxB-Pol, retained the functional properties of both EtxB and peptide components and was shown to inhibit viral DNA polymerase activity in vitro via disruption of the polymerase-UL42 complex. When added to virally infected cells, EtxB-Pol had no effect on adenovirus replication but specifically interfered with herpes simplex virus 1 replication. Further studies showed that the antiviral peptide localized in the nucleus, whereas the EtxB component remained associated with vesicular compartments. The results indicate that the chimeric protein entered through endosomal acidic compartments and that the Pol peptide was cleaved from the chimeric protein before being translocated into the nucleus. The system we describe is suitable for delivery of peptides that specifically disrupt protein-protein interactions and may be developed to target specific cellular compartments.  相似文献   

The incidence of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) was investigated at oral rehydration therapy clinics in Ibadan and Ile-Ife. The incidence rate of ETEC was 74 (21.3%) of the 347 diarrhoeal stool samples examined. ETEC incidence rate was 25.1% in Ibadan and 12.0% in Ile-Ife. Children aged between 0 and 18 months appeared most susceptible in both centres. A higher incidence of ETEC occurred among the male (31.9%) than female (17.0%) subjects at Ibadan but no such difference was obtained at Ile-Ife where 12.5% of males and 11.4% of female subjects were infected. The results obtained in this study suggest ETEC played a prominent role in infantile diarrhoea in the two centres studied.  相似文献   

A new technique, checkerboard immunoblotting (CBIB), has been applied to detect and to differentiate heat-labile enterotoxins, (LTs), from enterotoxigenic strains of Escherichia coli of human origin using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies. Optimal conditions of production and release of LTs were defined using CBIB. LT release was enhanced when E. coli cells were treated with 8 M urea. LT production was highest when E. coli strains were incubated with shaking (200 rpm) at 37 degrees C for 12 h in CAYE-2 medium. Two hundred and five strains of E. coli, isolated from patients with diarrhea in Japan, Thailand, the United States, Mexico, and Brazil, were examined for LT. Of 133 LT-positive strains, 4 (3%) produced an LT that reacted like H-LT-1 (originally isolated from E. coli strain H-74-114) while 126 strains (94.7%) produced LT that reacted like H-LT-2 (originally isolated from strain H-10407) or H-LT-3 (from strain H-240-3). Three strains of human origin (2.3%) produced an LT that reacted like P-LT (produced by E. coli strains of porcine origin). This study shows that CBIB, a simple, efficient, and practical assay, might be useful for epidemiologic surveys and for evaluation of serologic responses to LTs and antitoxic vaccines.  相似文献   

目的改建大肠杆菌不耐热肠毒素B亚单位(LTB)基因序列以提高重组LTB(rLTB)原核表达量,确定重组改建LTB(rrLTB)粘膜免疫佐剂活性。方法按大肠杆菌偏爱密码子合成全长LTB基因的核苷酸序列。构建pET32a-rLTB原核重组表达质粒及pET32a-rLTB-E.coliBL21DE3表达系统,提取重组质粒并测定其插入的rLTB基因序列。采用SDS-PAGE和BioRad凝胶成像分析系统鉴定rrLTB表达产量,并与未改建的重组LTB(roLTB)比较。采用GM1-ELISA确定rrLTB和roLTB结合牛GM1的能力。分别以幽门螺杆菌重组尿素酶B亚单位(rUreB),检测rrLTB和roLTB对rUreB对幽门螺杆菌SS1株感染BALB/c小鼠保护作用及产生特异性S-IgA的增强效应。结果pET32a-rLTB-E.coliBL21DE3经1 mmol/LIPTG诱导后,rrLTB表达量约占细菌总蛋白的35.4%,为roLTB(2.8%)的12.6倍。GM1-ELISA结果证实rrLTB和roLTB均能与牛GM1结合。单一rUreB对感染小鼠的免疫保护率为66.7%,但与rrLTB或roLTB合用时,保护率可至91.6%,并可提高感染小鼠特异性S-IgA产生量(P<0.01)。结论改建的LTB基因能明显提高表达量,所表达的rrLTB仍保持较强的粘膜免疫佐剂活性。  相似文献   

Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is a common cause of acute diarrhea in resource-poor settings. We report that some ETEC strains elicit a reduction in trans-epithelial electrical resistance (TER) in polarized T84 epithelial cell monolayers. The effect was irreversible up to 48 hours after a three-hour infection and was observed with heat-labile enterotoxin (LT)-producing strains, but not with heat-stable enterotoxin (ST)-producing strains. Using purified LT, a mutant with reduced ADP-ribosylating activity, and the LT-B subunit alone, we demonstrate that TER reduction requires a functional enterotoxin. Treatment of monolayers with LT or LT-producing strains of ETEC increases paracellular permeability to fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextran. Our data suggest that LT-producing ETEC strains may induce intestinal barrier dysfunction.  相似文献   

the Escherichia coli heat-stable toxin (ST I) is encoded within a transposon (Tn1681) flanked by inverted repeats of insertion sequence 1 (IS1) [So, M., Heffron, F. & McCarthy, B. J. (1979) Nature (London) 277, 453-456]. By subcloning restriction fragments and by insertion mutagenesis, we located precisely the gene for ST I within the transposon. We determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the central portion of Tn1681 (i.e., that part flanked by IS1) and identified the coding sequence of the toxin. From the nucleotide sequence, we deduced a probable amino acid sequence for ST I. The NH2-terminal portion of the amino acid sequence is extremely hydrophobic and bears a striking resemblance to the signal sequence of the fd phage minor coat protein. By using a subcloned restriction fragment containing the gene for ST I but no IS1 sequences, we determined (i) that the ST toxin with activity assayable in suckling mice (ST I) is genetically distinct from the St toxin assayable in ligated ileal loops (ST II) and (ii) that ST I can be responsible for diarrheal disease in different animals.  相似文献   

Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is an enteric pathogen that causes cholera-like diarrhea in humans and animals. ETEC secretes a heat-labile enterotoxin (LT), which resembles cholera toxin, but the actual mechanism of LT secretion is presently unknown. We have identified a previously unrecognized type II protein secretion pathway in the prototypic human ETEC strain, H10407 (serotype O78:H11). The genes for this pathway are absent from E. coli K-12, although examination of the K-12 genome suggests that it probably once possessed them. The secretory pathway bears significant homology at the amino acid level to the type II protein secretory pathway required by Vibrio cholerae for the secretion of cholera toxin. With this in mind, we determined whether the homologous pathway of E. coli H10407 played a role in the secretion of LT. To this end, we inactivated the pathway by inserting a kanamycin-resistance gene into one of the genes (gspD) of the type II secretion pathway by homologous recombination. LT secretion by E. coli H10407 and the gspD mutant was assayed by enzyme immunoassay, and its biological activity was assessed by using Y-1 adrenal cells. This investigation showed that the protein secretory pathway is functional and necessary for the secretion of LT by ETEC. Our findings have revealed the mechanism for the secretion of LT by ETEC, which previously was unknown, and provide further evidence of close biological similarities of the LT and cholera toxin.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli isolated from children with diarrhea were tested for enterotoxin production and for hybridization with gene probes for heat-labile (LT) and heat-stable (ST-H and ST-P) enterotoxin. Fecal specimens were also examined directly for genes coding for enterotoxins. E. coli that hybridized with the cloned enterotoxin gene probes was identified by colony hybridization from 46 children, by enterotoxin production from 38 children, and by specimen hybridization from 37 of 304 children examined. Eighty-six percent (473 of 550) of E. coli that hybridized with the cloned DNA probes produced enterotoxins. Four E. coli that hybridized with the LT and 73 E. coli that hybridized with the ST-H probes were nonenterotoxigenic. These isolates were subsequently shown not to hybridize with other constructions of the same probes and did not hybridize with synthetic single-stranded oligonucleotides directed against the LT or ST genes.  相似文献   

The ability of membrane ABH blood group-active glycoconjugates to act as receptors of the heat-labile enterotoxin of Escherichia coli (LTh) was studied in vitro and in vivo when GM1 was blocked by the cholera toxin B subunit. Rabbits were classified as AB or H based on intestinal ABH-antigenic activities. Brush border membranes from AB rabbits contained 4 times more LTh binding sites than the H ones. LTh interaction could be inhibited by lectins that recognize ABH determinants. LTh induced a similar dose-dependent secretory response in ligated ileal loops of both types of animals. Anti-AB antibodies and Ulex europaeus I lectin could significantly reduce the fluid accumulation in AB and H rabbits, respectively. LTh caused adenylate cyclase activation even when GM1 was blocked, and this effect was abolished by the addition of specific ABH ligands. These results suggest that ABH glycoconjugates are involved in the host secretory response to LTh in rabbit intestine.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The receptor-binding B subunit of Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin (EtxB) is a highly stable, nontoxic protein that is capable of modulating immune responses. This study was conducted to determine whether mucosal administration of EtxB can block collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) and to investigate the mechanisms involved. METHODS: Clinical arthritis in DBA/1 mice was monitored following mucosal administration of EtxB on 4 occasions. The dependence of disease prevention on receptor binding by EtxB and the associated alterations to the immune response to type II collagen (CII) were assessed. Adoptive transfer experiments and lymph node cell cocultures were used to investigate the underlying mechanisms. RESULTS: Both intranasal and intragastric delivery of EtxB were effective in preventing CIA; a 1-microg dose of EtxB was protective after intranasal administration. A non-receptor-binding mutant of EtxB failed to prevent disease. Intranasal EtxB lowered both the incidence and severity of arthritis when given either at the time of disease induction or 25 days later. EtxB markedly reduced levels of anti-CII IgG2a antibodies and interferon-gamma (IFNgamma) production while not affecting levels of IgG1, interleukin-4 (IL-4), or IL-10. Disease protection could be transferred by CD4+ T cells from treated mice, an effect that was abrogated upon depletion of the CD25+ population. In addition, CD4+CD25+ T cells from treated mice were able to suppress anti-CII IFNgamma production by CII-primed lymph node cells. CONCLUSION: Mucosal administration of EtxB can be used to prevent or treat CIA. Modulation of the anti-CII immune response by EtxB is associated with a reduction in Th1 cell reactivity without a concomitant shift toward Th2. Instead, EtxB mediates its effects through enhancing the activity of a population of CD4+ regulatory T cells.  相似文献   

ETEC肠毒素基因多重PCR检测方法的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
肠毒素性大肠杆菌的致病性与其具有粘附性的菌毛和产肠毒素的能力密切相关。由于菌毛的血清型多而复杂 ,肠毒素只有不耐热肠毒素 (LT)和耐热肠毒素 (ST)两种 ,因此成为研究的对象。用三对扩增产物分别为 1 1 0bp、2 37bp、368bp的引物建立了检测LT和STⅠ、STⅡ毒素基因的多重PCR方法。扩增产物分别用HindⅢ、HincⅡ、Sau3AⅠ限制性内切酶酶切 ,均得与预期一致的 2个片段。对各个参考株的检测结果为 1 0 0 %符合。结果表明该多重PCR方法具有很好的特异性和敏感性。该方法可用于肠毒素性大肠杆菌腹泻病的辅助诊断以及大肠杆菌的分类检测  相似文献   

The heat-labile toxin (LT) is one of the major virulence factors of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC). We recently described that 20 polymorphic LT variants are present in ETEC strains isolated globally. Two of the variants, LT1 and LT2, are particularly common and we found that they were associated with clonal ETEC lineages that express the colonization factors (CFs), CFA/I, CS1+CS3, CS2+CS3, and CS5+CS6. ETEC expressing these CFs are frequently found among ETEC strains isolated from cases with diarrhea. ETEC expressing the colonization factors CS1+CS3, and CS2+CS3 are found in 2 discrete clonal lineages and express the LT1 variant and heat stable toxin (STh). Although they clearly are virulent they neither produce, nor secrete, high amounts of LT toxin. On the other hand ETEC strains expressing LT, STh, CFA/I and LT, STh, CS5+CS6, carry the LT2 variant and produce and secrete significantly more LT toxin. Despite differences in toxin production, LT1 and LT2 are found in ETEC lineages that have managed to spread globally confirming that these variants are important for ETEC virulence.  相似文献   

The B subunit (BS) of cholera toxin and that of the heat-labile enterotoxin (LT) of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) are antigenically similar. We therefore assessed whether a combined cholera toxin BS/whole-cell (BS-WC) oral vaccine against cholera conferred cross-protection against LT-producing ETEC (LT-ETEC) diarrhea in a randomized, double-blind field trial among rural Bangladeshi children and women. The 24,770 persons who ingested two or more doses of BS-WC vaccine were compared with 24,842 controls who took two or more doses of killed whole-cell (WC) oral cholera vaccine. Sixty-seven percent fewer episodes of LT-ETEC diarrhea were noted in the BS-WC group than in the WC group during short-term (three-month) follow-up (P less than .01), but no reduction was evident during the ensuing nine months. Short-term protection was particularly notable against LT-ETEC diarrhea causing life-threatening dehydration (protective efficacy, 86%; P less than .05).  相似文献   

The heat-stable enterotoxin B (STB) of Escherichia coli is a 48-amino acid extracellular peptide that induces rapid fluid accumulation in animal intestinal models. Unlike other E. coli enterotoxins that elicit cAMP or cGMP responses in the gut [heat-labile toxin (LT) and heat-stable toxin A (STA), respectively], STB induces fluid loss by an undefined mechanism that is independent of cyclic nucleotide elevation. Here we studied the effects of STB on intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i), another known mediator of intestinal ion and fluid movement. Ca2+ and pH measurements were performed on different cell types including Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK), HT-29/C1 intestinal epithelial cells, and primary rat pituitary cells. Ca2+ and pH determinations were performed by simultaneous real-time fluorescence imaging at four emission wavelengths. This allowed dual imaging of the Ca(2+)- and pH-specific ratio dyes (indo-1 and SNARF-1, respectively). STB treatment induced a dose-dependent increase in [Ca2+]i with virtually no effect on internal pH in all of the cell types tested. STB-mediated [Ca2+]i elevation was not inhibited by drugs that block voltage-gated Ca2+ channels including nitrendipine, verapamil (L-type), omega-conotoxin (N-type), and Ni2+ (T-type). The increase in [Ca2+]i was dependent on a source of extracellular Ca2+ and was not affected by prior treatment of MDCK cells with thapsigargin or cyclopiazonic acid, agents that deplete and block internal Ca2+ stores. In contrast to these results, somatostatin and pertussis toxin pretreatment of MDCK cells completely blocked the STB-induced increase in [Ca2+]i. Taken together, these data suggest that STB opens a GTP-binding regulatory protein-linked receptor-operated Ca2+ channel in the plasma membrane. The nature of the STB-sensitive Ca2+ channel is presently under investigation.  相似文献   

目的提高普通的单基因聚合酶链反应(PCR)检测产毒性大肠杆菌(ETEC)的时效。方法以ETEC44813(STp+)、ETEC19449(STh+)和ETEC44815(LT+)三个标准株为模板,建立了检测产毒性大肠杆菌多重PCR扩增系统。结果杂交工程株H10907(STp+),PSLM004(STh+)和PMM030(LT+),杂交的结果都是阳性,54株菌株经PCR检测,其中LT+8株、STp+2株、STh+7株、LT++STp+10株、LT++STh+10株、STp++STh+4株和LT++STp++STh+13株。结论用一次PCR扩增可检测和鉴别ETEC,比单基因PCR更加快速、经济。  相似文献   

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