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背景和目的:临床研究中免疫检查点抑制剂相关性肺炎(checkpoint inhibitor-related pneumonitis,CIP在程序性死亡[蛋白]-1(programmed cell death-1,PD-1)和程序性死亡[蛋白]配体-1(programmed cell deathligand-1,PD-L1)抑制剂引起的免疫相关不良反应(immune-related adverse event,irAE)致死原因中排第一位,而真实世界CIP的流行病学情况缺乏大宗人群研究报道。本研究旨在了解中国真实世界中肺癌免疫治疗的CIP发病率,并进一步总结其特征、治疗现状和转归。方法:回顾并收集2019年1月—2021年9月在广州医科大学附属第一医院和同济大学附属上海市肺科医院首诊肺癌且接受了免疫检查点抑制剂(immune checkpoint inhibitor,ICI)治疗的患者基本临床信息,以及CIP患者肺炎的发生时间、等级、治疗方案和转归。总结CIP在研究队列以及各亚组CIP的发病率、发病特点、危险因素以及CIP患者接受免疫抑制治疗的临床现状以及转归。结果:共纳入2031例免疫...  相似文献   

张雪  李大可 《肿瘤防治研究》2020,47(11):894-899
免疫检查点抑制剂(ICIs)在癌症治疗中显示出较好的疗效,但随着ICIs的快速应用,免疫相关不良事件(irAE)也越来越引起人们的关注。几乎全身器官皆可发生irAE,但风湿性irAE似乎具有不同的临床特征。本文就ICIs治疗引起的风湿性irAE的流行病学、临床特征及管理原则进行综述,并探讨其可能的潜在致病机制。  相似文献   

近年来,免疫检查点抑制剂(ICI)在黑色素瘤治疗中取得了显著的成效,但是T细胞功能的活化也引起了一系列免疫相关不良反应(ir AE)。不同于传统化疗的不良反应,ir AE有着独特的临床表现和处理要求。虽然ir AE的发生和管理逐渐得到临床医生的重视,但一些常见ir AE的发生机制、临床表现、诊断和鉴别及其综合监测管理仍需进一步总结和归纳,以便提高临床医生工作水平和临床试验设计质量。而且不同ir AE的发生机制、糖皮质激素的治疗影响、原有自身免疫疾病患者的治疗风险等问题仍存在争议。本文阐述ICI治疗黑色素瘤引起的ir AE相关临床表现特点和诊疗管理措施,旨在对ir AE管理策略和研究方向提出具有指导意义的意见。  相似文献   

目前临床上免疫检查点抑制剂(ICI)应用广泛,常见的不良反应包括皮肤、胃肠道、内分泌和肝脏不良反应,肺脏和心脏不良反应相对较少,但可能致命。类固醇全身治疗是对抗免疫治疗相关不良反应(irAE)的主要治疗手段,如对类固醇治疗没有反应,则需要考虑使用免疫调节剂。掌握irAE的发生率、发病机制、常见类型及其治疗策略,可为IC...  相似文献   

过去的几年中,免疫治疗在肿瘤治疗领域取得了不可忽视的成绩,为肿瘤患者带来了新的希望,但免疫检查点抑制剂在阻断肿瘤细胞免疫逃逸的同时,也可能导致免疫耐受失衡,发生免疫相关不良反应。免疫检查点抑制剂相关肺炎是免疫检查点抑制剂应用过程中出现的免疫相关性不良反应之一,此类不良反应临床症状、影像学表现及病理表现均不典型,且有潜在的致死性,增加患者的死亡率。随着免疫检查抑制剂越来越多的投入临床,相关病例也逐渐增多,需要临床医生对高危患者密切观察,疑有免疫检查点抑制剂相关肺炎发生时及时识别、尽早做出相应的处理,并在此类肺炎痊愈后谨慎评估是否可以继续使用免疫治疗。本文就其临床表现、诊断及治疗等作一综述,以提高临床医生对此类药物治疗引起的免疫相关性肺炎的认识,为此类药物的临床应用提供参考。  相似文献   

目的:探讨免疫检查点抑制剂(ICI)治疗非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)患者发生免疫检查点抑制剂相关性肺炎(CIP)的发生情况和免疫治疗疗效的关系,分析接受ICI 治疗的NSCLC患者的预后相关因素。方法:回顾性分析2020 年3月至2023 年3月在新疆医科大学附属肿瘤医院接受ICI 治疗145 例NSCLC患者的临床资料,将患者分为CIP 组和非CIP 组,随后将发生CIP 的患者分为轻度(1、2级)CIP 和重度(3、4级)CIP 两个亚组,通过Kaplan-Meier 法比较生存曲线,分析CIP 的发生及严重程度对于患者PFS 及OS的影响。通过单因素及多因素COX风险比例回归模型分析与PFS 和OS相关的预后因素。结果:145 例患者中有26例患者出现CIP,发生率为17.93%,重度CIP 发生率为3.45%。CIP 组患者PFS 明显长于非CIP 组患者(12.3 vs 7.6个月,P<0.05),CIP 组与非CIP 组的OS比较差异无统计学意义(16.2 vs 15.8个月,P>0.05)。亚组分析显示,轻度CIP 和重度CIP 相比,PFS(12.2vs 12.9 个月)及OS(16.1 vs 17.8 个月)均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。多因素COX 回归分析显示,CIP[HR=0.55,95%CI(0.33,0.90),P=0.02]、免疫疗程>6 个[HR=0.51 ,95%CI(0.31, 0.85),P=0.01]是影响患者PFS 的有利预后因素,免疫疗程>6 个[HR=0.4,95%CI(0.18, 0.88),P=0.02]是影响OS的有利预后因素。结论:CIP 的发生率为17.93%,CIP 的发生与PFS 的延长密切相关。免疫疗程>6个是影响NSCLC患者PFS、OS的有利预后因素。  相似文献   

免疫检查点抑制剂(ICPIs)已成功应用于多种恶性肿瘤的治疗,但在应用的过程中也会发生免疫相关不良反应(irAEs)。皮肤不良反应为常见的irAEs,病变较轻者主要表现为斑丘疹、苔藓样皮炎、大疱性类天疱疮、白癜风、银屑病和硬皮病;病情较重甚至危及生命的皮肤不良反应包括史提芬强生症候群和中毒性表皮坏死松解症;其他包括药疹伴嗜酸性粒细胞增多和系统症状、Sweet′s 综合征、秃头症、Grover′s病和副肿瘤综合征等。本文将对ICPIs治疗相关皮肤不良反应诊治进行综述。  相似文献   

免疫检查点抑制剂(immune checkpoint inhibitors,ICIs)作为癌症治疗领域最重要的进展,为癌症患者带来新的希望。ICIs主要针对细胞程序性死亡受体-1(programmed cell death receptor-1,PD-1)、程序性死亡配体-1(programmed death-ligand 1,PDL1)以及细胞毒性T淋巴细胞相关蛋白-4(cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4,CTLA-4)。随着使用ICIs增加,越来越多的免疫相关不良反应(immune-related adverse effects,irAEs)被报道,其中内分泌腺体的累及尤为常见。这些irAEs的发病机制不完全明确,临床表现复杂,需要得到临床医生的充分重视。本文就ICIs作用机制及irAEs中的内分泌相关不良反应的研究进展作一综述,归纳总结其现有发病机制研究、流行病学及临床表现。   相似文献   

随着癌症生物学和发病机制研究的不断深入,免疫检查点抑制剂(ICIs)得以问世,为晚期肿瘤患者带来了新的生存希望,从而开启了癌症免疫治疗的新时代,但随着免疫治疗在临床上的广泛应用,免疫相关不良事件(irAEs)也逐渐显现出来,并广泛为一线临床医师所熟知。免疫检查点抑制剂可激活T细胞攻击体内的正常组织和器官,并导致多种不良反应。而免疫检查点抑制剂相关肺炎(CIP)是irAEs中较为罕见且预后较差的并发症之一。本文参考目前国内外相关文献,就部分ICIs的治疗机制及CIP的发病率、危险因素、发生机制、临床表现、影像学表现与CIP的分级及治疗管理作一综述。  相似文献   

近年来,通过增强机体免疫系统对肿瘤细胞的杀伤作用,免疫检查点抑制剂(immune checkpoint inhibitor,ICI)在抗肿瘤治疗中的应用获得了显著的临床疗效.然而,多项证据表明,免疫治疗在激活免疫系统的同时可导致独特的免疫相关不良反应(immune-related adverse event,irAE)...  相似文献   

Objective:We aimed to retrospectively analyze the toxicity profiles and predictors of immune-related adverse events (irAEs) as well as the correlation between irAEs and the clinical efficacy of multi-type immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) in patients with advanced pan-cancer in a real-world setting.Methods:We retrospectively analyzed data from 105 patients with advanced pan-cancer treated with multi-type ICIs at the First Hospital of Jilin University between January 1, 2016 and August 1, 2020. We used logistic regression analyses to investigate the associations of irAEs with clinical baseline characteristics, blood count parameters, and biochemical indicators during treatment. Receiver operating characteristic curves were used to determine cutoff values for parameters and area under the curve values. Kaplan–Meier and Cox multivariate regression analyses were performed to estimate the relationships of baseline characteristics and irAEs with progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS).Results:A lower relative lymphocyte count (cutoff = 28.5%), higher albumin level (cutoff = 39.05 g/L), and higher absolute eosinophil count (AEC) (cutoff = 0.175 × 109/L) were significantly associated with the occurrence of irAEs, among which a higher AEC (cutoff = 0.205 × 109/L) was strongly associated with skin-related irAEs [odds ratios (ORs) = 0.163, P = 0.004]. Moreover, a higher lactate dehydrogenase level (cutoff = 237.5 U/L) was an independent predictor of irAEs of grade ≥ 3 (OR = 0.083, P = 0.023). In immune cell subgroup analysis, a lower absolute count of CD8+CD28 suppressor T cells (OR = 0.806; 95% confidence interval: 0.643–1.011; P = 0.062), which are regulatory T lymphocytes, was associated with the occurrence of irAEs, although the difference was not statistically significant. Furthermore, a higher percentage of CD19+ B cells was associated with the occurrence of irAEs of grade ≥ 3 (P = 0.02) and grade ≥ 2 (P = 0.051). In addition, patients with any grade of irAE had a significantly high PFS (8.37 vs. 3.77 months, hazard ratios (HR) = 2.02, P = 0.0038) and OS (24.77 vs. 13.83 months, HR = 1.84; P = 0.024).Conclusions:This retrospective study reports clinical profile data for irAEs in unselected patients in a real-world setting and explored some parameters that may be potential predictive markers of the occurrence, type, or grade of irAEs in clinical practice. Evidence of a correlation between safety and efficacy may facilitate a complete assessment of the risk-benefit ratio for patients treated with ICIs.  相似文献   

Immune checkpoint inhibitors are becoming an increasingly common treatment for advanced gastrointestinal cancer, but the possibility of immune-related adverse events has raised concerns. This study aimed to evaluate the risks of immune-related adverse events between patients who received immune checkpoint inhibitors and those who received chemotherapy among different types of gastrointestinal cancer. The study utilized data from the multicenter TriNetX database in the United States covering the period between 2015 and 2022. Hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals were used to describe the relative hazard of immune-related adverse events based on comparing time-to-event rates. Our study revealed that the incidence of immune-related adverse events was significantly higher in patients who received immune checkpoint inhibitors and chemotherapy compared to those who received chemotherapy only in treating gastrointestinal cancer. CTLA-4 inhibitors tended to have a higher rate of immune-related adverse events compared to PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors. Our study found a lower mortality rate among patients who developed immune-related adverse events compared to those who did not after propensity score matching (HR, 0.661; 95% CI 0.620–0.704; p < .01). We provide important real-world data on the incidence and impact of immune-related adverse events in patients with advanced gastrointestinal cancer treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors. Our study's results support clinicians in making informed decisions about the potential benefits and risks of immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy for patients with gastrointestinal cancer.  相似文献   

目的:描述中国人群中免疫检查点抑制剂(ICI)相关不良事件(AEs)的状况。方法:截止至2019年9月22日,检索PubMed、Web of Science和Embase数据库中所有ICI相关的临床试验,入组中国患者或主要是中国人群的试验将会被纳入本研究,汇总并比较治疗相关不良事件(TRAE)和免疫相关不良事件(irAE)的发生率。结果:纳入13个试验合计1 063例患者,其中922(86.7%)例接受ICI单药治疗,141(13.3%)例接受ICI联合化疗或抗血管生成治疗。在所有患者中,任意级别的TRAE、1-2级TRAE、3-5级TRAE、任意级别irAE、1-2级irAE、3-5级irAE的累计发生率分别为84.1%、63.3%、20.9%、43.3%、40.0%、3.0%;与ICI单药治疗相比,ICI联合化疗或抗血管治疗显著提高了3-5级TRAE(46.1% vs 17.0%,P<0.001)和3-5级irAE(7.1% vs 2.0%,P=0.015)。通过比较不同ICI之间的毒性谱,我们发现了一些药物特异性不良反应。结论:ICI相关的不良事件一般为轻度,中国人群耐受性良好。但是,当ICI与化疗或抗血管治疗联合使用时,3-5级的TRAE和irAE会显著增加。  相似文献   

孟雨  白玉贤 《现代肿瘤医学》2022,(18):3418-3422
免疫检查点抑制剂在某些恶性肿瘤治疗中带来令人瞩目的成果,为癌症的研究和治疗方案的发展开辟了一个新的时代。随着越来越多地使用这类药物,广泛的免疫相关不良事件随之产生,甚至部分患者被迫终止治疗,影响预后,这引起了研究者们的密切关注,由于免疫相关不良事件的发生机制尚不明确,所以现阶段暂无公认有效的控制途径。本文综述了免疫检查点抑制剂治疗中常见的相关不良事件,对重点问题总结分析,以期尽早做出诊断及处理,提高患者生存率。  相似文献   

Tissue-resident memory T cells (TRM) are a specialized subset of T cells that reside in tissues and provide long-term protective immunity against pathogens that enter the body through that specific tissue. TRM cells have specific phenotype and reside preferentially in barrier tissues. Recent studies have revealed that TRM cells are the main target of immune checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy since their role in cancer immunosurveillance. Furthermore, TRM cells also play a crucial part in pathogenesis of immune-related adverse events (irAEs). Here, we provide a concise review of biological characteristics of TRM cells, and the major advances and recent findings regarding their involvement in immune checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy and the corresponding irAEs.  相似文献   

李慧敏  李宏  罗琴 《现代肿瘤医学》2023,(13):2546-2552
近年来,静脉血栓栓塞症(venous thromboembolism, VTE)已成为仅次于恶性肿瘤本身的第二位死亡原因。在精准治疗时代,既往标准癌症治疗手段已证实与VTE形成密切相关,如手术、化疗以及抗血管生成靶向治疗等。当代基于程序性死亡受体及其配体(programmed cell death 1 or its ligand, PD-1/PD-L1)或细胞毒性T淋巴细胞抗原4(cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4,CTLA4)为治疗靶点的免疫检查点抑制剂(immune checkpoint inhibitors, ICIs)的应用日趋成为常态并已成为指南推荐。然而,由ICIs诱导的各种非靶向自身免疫表现即免疫相关不良事件(immune-related adverse events, irAEs)不容忽视,其诱导的全身炎症对止血系统的影响迄今尚未得到适当研究。因此,临床医生非常有必要加强对ICIs相关VTE不良事件的认识。本文就ICIs相关VTE的发生率、危险因素、发病机制及临床管理原则等方面进行综述,以期为临床实践中免疫治疗相关静脉血栓的一级预防及精准治...  相似文献   

免疫检查点抑制剂(immune checkpoint inhibitors,ICIs)是一类新兴的抗肿瘤药物,它能极大程度的改善晚期癌症患者的临床预后,提高患者的生存率。ICIs通过阻断T细胞表面的共抑制受体来激活免疫系统,以发挥抗肿瘤的作用。但是在发挥其卓越治疗作用的同时,也可能会给患者带来许多不良反应,称为:免疫相关不良事件(immune-related adverse events,irAEs)。胃肠道毒性反应作为第二大高发的ICIs引发的irAEs,可对患者造成极其严重的影响,危重时甚至可导致患者死亡。ICIs诱导的胃肠道毒性反应种类繁多,最常见的反应为腹泻和胃肠道炎症。我们将重点了解ICIs类药物的作用机制、发生胃肠道毒性反应患者的临床症状及辅助检查结果,以便临床中及早的发现并诊断,方便管理与治疗。以期最大限度的在避免毒性反应的同时发挥ICIs的治疗作用。  相似文献   

Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) targeting CTLA4 and PD1 constitute a promising class of cancer treatment but are associated with several immune-related disorders. We here review the literature reporting neurological adverse events (nAEs) associated with ICIs. A systematic search of literature, up to February 2016, mentioning nAEs in patients treated with ICIs was conducted. Eligible studies included case reports and prospective trials. One case seen in our ward was also added. Within the 59 clinical trials (totalling 9208 patients) analysed, the overall incidence of nAEs was 3.8% with anti-CTLA4 antibodies, 6.1% with anti-PD1 antibodies, and 12.0% with the combination of both. The clinical spectrum of neurological disorders was highly heterogeneous. Most of these nAEs were grade 1–2 and consisted of non-specific symptoms such as headache (55%). The incidence of high grade nAEs was below 1% for all types of treatment. Headaches, encephalopathies and meningitis were the most commonly reported (21%, 19% and 15%, respectively). Among the 27 case reports, the most common nAEs were encephalopathies, meningoradiculoneuritis, Guillain-Barré like syndromes and myasthenic syndromes. The median time of nAEs onset was 6 weeks. In most cases, drug interruption and steroids led to neurological recovery, even in conditions where steroids are not usually recommended such as Guillain-Barré syndrome.  相似文献   

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