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硬斑病样基底细胞癌1例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
患者女,36岁。前额起淡黄色斑块6年,5分币大,质硬,略高出皮面,表面光滑平坦,可见毛细血管扩张,中央有一绿豆大浅溃疡。组织病理表现为基底细胞瘤团呈小团索壮或腺体样镶嵌在增生的结缔组织间,可见特征性裂隙。 相似文献
<正> 患者男,52岁。主诉:面部斑块2年。现病史:患者2年前无明显诱因于鼻左侧出现一肤色丘疹,曾于外院行冷冻治疗,嗣后皮损复发并缓慢增大,无破溃,偶有轻度瘙痒,于2008年2月来我科就诊。 相似文献
皮肤转移癌在临床上不少见,但极易误诊,现将1例皮肤转移癌误诊为硬斑病样基底细胞癌病例报告如下.1 病历摘要患者男,66岁.右肩胛部结节4个月余.患者于2009年4月右肩胛部发现一结节,约蚕豆大,局部红肿,其后中央出现破溃伴疼痛感,于当地医院行手术切除,病理诊断为右背硬斑病样基底细胞癌,术后未做进一步检查及治疗.2009年7月,患者发现原手术瘢痕上及其周围又出现包块,渐增大,伴痒痛,于2009年8月13日到我院就诊.患者自觉近半年体力及体重明显下降,二便正常. 相似文献
例1女,38岁,因面部皮疹30余年就诊。例2女,70岁,因鼻背皮疹5年,右面部皮疹1年伴糜烂3个月就诊。例1和例2鼻背上皮损均表现为浸润性斑块,皮肤镜检查符合基底细胞癌,皮肤组织病理检查证实为硬斑病样型。例2右面部皮疹经病理证实为结节型基底细胞癌。均采用Mohs显微外科手术治疗。 相似文献
Xinyi Ma Guihua Wang Aditya Kuwadekar Min Zhao Weili Hu Yeqin Wu Zhongliang Yi Xianen Xu Li Xu 《Journal of cutaneous pathology》2018,45(3):223-225
Granular cell basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is a rare histopathological variant of BCC. Our review of the literature revealed only 17 previously identified cases. We report the case of a 47‐year‐old man who presented with an ulceration on his right upper lip which was subsequently removed. Histopathologic examination revealed that the tumor was composed solely of granular cells with numerous cytoplasmic eosinophilic round inclusion bodies. Mitotic figures ranged from 8 to 15 per 10 high‐power fields, with a Ki‐67 proliferative index of ~5%. Immunohistochemically, the granular cells showed strong and diffuse positivity for Ber‐EP4, pan‐cytokeratin, AE1/AE3, CK5/6 and p63 and focal positivity for lysozyme, CD68 (clone KP1) and Bcl‐2. 相似文献
患者女,67岁.主因左耳后皮疹20年,溃烂2年余就诊.患者自述20年前左耳后长出一绿豆大小皮肤色丘疹,无自觉症状,数年后丘疹略增大,表面变粗糙,当地医院诊断刺瘊,自行数次用头发捆勒祛除之,未见效,皮疹增长缓慢无不适感.近5年常令其子用烟头烫,2年来丘疹反复糜烂、渗液、结痂,基底渐增大,色变黑,皮疹增大至鸽卵大小,中心溃烂不愈,无痛、痒感. 相似文献
Klaus J. Busam 《Journal of cutaneous pathology》2014,41(1):45-50
Granular cell change in basal cell carcinoma (BCC) occurs rarely. Only 11 such cases have been reported; all of them were solitary nodular BCC. We report herein a case of multiple granular cell BCC with infundibulocystic features. The tumors presented as papules on the anterior neck of a 44‐year‐old female with a prior history of a well‐differentiated squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the tongue and radiation involving the area in which BCC developed. Microscopically, the tumors were circumscribed small dermal nodules composed of epithelial cords with granular eosinophilic cytoplasm and entrapped infundibular keratocysts. Given the eosinophilic appearance of the tumor, history of SCC and the lesions multiplicity, the initial biopsy was first interpreted as metastatic SCC. The correct diagnosis of granular cell BCC was established upon rereview of the slides at a cancer center. Given the diagnostic controversy, immunohistochemical stains were performed. The tumor cells expressed Ber‐EP4, CD63 (NKI/C3) and CD68. The tumors were compared to the prior SCC finding different morphologies. Extensive clinical evaluation showed no evidence of recurrent SCC. This report expands the clinicopathologic spectrum of granular cell variant of BCC and documents for the first time eruption of multiple such tumors in a localized area. 相似文献