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Multiple primary malignancies in head and neck cancer   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Multiple primary (MP) malignancies were found in 9.7% of 1961 patients with primary head and neck cancer diagnosed at The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, during the years 1975 to 1985. The index tumors were divided into six main groups. Out of the 190 MP malignancies, 46.9% were synchronous and 53.1% were metachronous. Seventy-four percent of MP lesions were noted during the first year after diagnosis of the index primary tumor. Patients with an index tumor in the upper aerodigestive tract had a significantly increased risk of developing a second cancer in the head and neck area. This risk was 5.94 for the oral cavity, 6.98 for the pharynx, 3.57 for the larynx, and 7.02 for the esophagus. Patients with an index tumor in the salivary gland or the thyroid gland had, respectively, a 3.59 and a 7.38 higher risk than the general population of developing a second tumor. Efforts aimed at improving the survival of patients with head and neck cancer must incorporate strategies for the prevention, early detection, and treatment of MP neoplasms.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: The objectives were to quantify the incidence of clinically unsuspected thyroid tissue in cervical lymph nodes encountered during neck dissection in patients with head and neck carcinoma, to describe the location and histological aspect of these inclusions, and to assess their clinical significance. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study. METHODS: The histological records of 1123 neck dissections in 752 patients with head and neck carcinoma were reviewed. In cases with thyroid inclusions, the pathological diagnosis was reviewed and an immunohistochemical study against thyroglobulin and calcitonin was carried out. RESULTS: Clinically unsuspected thyroid tissue was found in lymph nodes in 11 of the 752 patients with head and neck carcinoma treated with neck dissection. In five cases, the thyroid inclusion was compatible with a metastases of an occult papillary thyroid carcinoma. In the other six cases, a collection of thyroid follicles without malignant characteristics was found beneath the lymph node capsule. These latter cases were considered benign thyroid inclusions. A thyroidectomy was performed in three of the patients with lymph node metastases of the papillary carcinoma. An occult papillary carcinoma was found in only one case. The other two patients had been treated previously with radiotherapy for an early-stage glottic carcinoma. Immunohistochemical study did not find calcitonin-positive cells within the benign thyroid inclusions. After a follow-up period ranging from 1.2 to 8.2 years, no patient had any kind of local, regional, or distant relapse related to the thyroid disease. CONCLUSION: The incidence of unsuspected thyroid tissue in lymph nodes of patients with head and neck carcinoma treated with neck dissection was 1.5%. Both lymph node metastases of a papillary carcinoma and benign thyroid inclusions were found. The study results suggest that the incidental finding of thyroid tissue in the lymph nodes during a neck dissection in patients with head and neck carcinoma does not necessarily indicate the need for aggressive therapy.  相似文献   

Patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) have a high risk of developing second primary tumors (SPTs). Most of the studies concerning triple endoscopy (laryngoscopy, digestive tract endoscopy and bronchoscopy) describe the frequency and stage of the SPT, but not its impact on survival. This study is a matched pair analysis that included patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the UADT who were subjected to a triple endoscopy before the first treatment, matched with patients who did not undergo triple endoscopy. One hundred and thirty-five patients were included in each group. The diagnosis of an SPT was more frequent in the initial triple endoscopy group than in the control group (34 and 20 cases, respectively). In the initial triple endoscopy group, 50.0 % of these tumors were diagnosed simultaneously, whereas in the control, only 5.0 %. No significant differences in the survival rates or in clinical stage of the SPTs were found in the two groups. There was no difference in the clinical stage of the SPT and the survival rates of the patient groups who underwent triple endoscopy at the initial evaluation and those subjected to only a routine evaluation and follow-up.  相似文献   

Endoscopy techniques are used to diagnose and to determine the extent and exact location of malignancies in the head and neck region, bronchial tree and esophagus. Panendoscopy is used to find the primary tumor in the case of metastatic disease from unknown primaries or to detect a simultaneous second primary tumor at the time of diagnosis of a malignancy in the upper aerodigestive tract (UADT). The value of panendoscopy has been debated lately because of the relatively small proportion of malignant findings and because of the lack of convincing data concerning its effect on survival rates. However, despite the relatively low proportion of positive findings, their significance is often crucial for the individual patient. The significant number of late metachronous, second primaries, especially in the lungs, also emphasizes the importance of follow-up endoscopies. This study consists of 203 consecutive patients with squamous cell cancer (SCC) of the upper aerodigestive tract who underwent panendoscopy in Turku University Central Hospital as part of the initial diagnostic workup from 1992–1999. Eight patients with synchronous second primaries were found to represent a prevalence of 3.9%, and in addition, 19 patients with metachronous tumors were diagnosed. In the case reports we illustrate the importance of some of these findings.  相似文献   

Second primary tumours occur frequently in patients with a history of head and neck malignancies. Delays in making an early and correct diagnosis can seriously affect the therapy management and survival. This was a retrospective study of 120 patients with a history of head and neck cancer, presenting with a second primary tumour. Current follow-up strategies and the use of routine sonographic imaging of the head and neck regions were evaluated, and the impact that tumour chronology, the tumour site and the various treatment modalities have on the survival were assessed. Forty-two per cent of patients developed a metachronous second malignancy more than five years after diagnosis of the index tumour. The accuracy of colour-duplex sonography in detection of second primaries in the head and neck was 82.3 per cent. First and second primary tumours located in the larynx were observed to have the highest five-year survival rate. Patients who developed metachronous tumours had a five-year survival rate of 68.9 per cent for the index tumours, and a 26 per cent five-year survival rate with the occurrence of a second neoplasm. With synchronous tumours a mean survival time of 18 months and a five-year survival rate of 11.9 per cent was found (p < 0.0001). Where clinically appropriate an aggressive treatment strategy was employed and yielded the most favourable results with a five-year survival rate of 66.8 per cent and 35.9 per cent for index tumours and second primary malignancies, respectively. Since more than 40 per cent of the metachronous second primaries in patients with a history of head and neck malignancy occur beyond the five-year follow-up period, an extended protocol with individually adjusted close monitoring of high-risk patients seems appropriate. Colour-duplex sonography is a valuable screening investigation for the early detection of second primary tumours. The treatment of a second primary is often less successful than for the same malignancy occurring primarily. The prognosis of synchronous tumours is significantly lower when compared to malignancies of a metachronous nature, despite some encouraging individual results. Only the early implementation of aggressive treatment methods for second primaries is successful in terms of survival.  相似文献   

头颈部恶性肿瘤的评估是其诊疗过程中最重要的环节之一,是成功施治的前提和关键。评估内容不仅包含原发灶和转移灶的位置、范围,也应同时涵盖器官功能状态以及治疗方案的合理性,并贯穿术前、术中及术后随访的全过程。本文论述了头颈部常见恶性肿瘤围手术期的评估方法,着重强调在规范化的前提下对不同肿瘤、不同病例进行精准化、个体化的评估,...  相似文献   

We evaluated a modified technique of administering anesthesia without a tube and with spontaneous respiration during video-assisted tele-laryngo-tracheo-broncho-endoscopy (TLTBE). The endoscopy was performed as an alternative to rigid ventilatory bronchoscopy during screening for synchronous tumors in the tracheobronchial tree in patients who had head and neck malignancies. Thirty consecutive patients who required diagnostic panendoscopy were selected for this study. During direct-suspension laryngoscopy, anesthesia was delivered by administering intravenous bolus injections of propofol at 0.5 to 2 mg/kg every 5 to 10 minutes. A good view of the larynx, trachea, and main bronchi was obtained with a 50-cm 0 degree telescope, which caused no obstruction of the airway. During laryngoscopy, arterial oxygen saturation levels, pulse rates, and blood pressures were stable in all patients. No apnea was associated with the use of propofol during any procedure, and we observed no intraoperative or postoperative complication in any patient. Video-assisted TLTBE is appropriate for patients with a grade 1 or 2 larynx, good cardiopulmonary function, and no significant airway obstruction. It is a safe and time-saving alternative to rigid ventilatory bronchoscopy for staging primary tumors and for screening for synchronous tumors in the respiratory tract.  相似文献   

Incidence and sites of distant metastases from head and neck cancer.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The incidence of distant metastases in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is relatively small in comparison to other malignancies. Distant metastases adversely impact survival and may significantly affect treatment planning. The incidence of distant metastases is influenced by location of the primary tumor, initial T and N stage of the neoplasm, and the presence or absence of regional control above the clavicle. Patients with advanced nodal disease have a high incidence of distant metastases, particularly in the presence of jugular vein invasion or extensive soft tissue disease in the neck. Primary tumors of advanced T stages in the hypopharynx, oropharynx and oral cavity are associated with the highest incidence of distant metastases. Pulmonary metastases are the most frequent in SCC, accounting for 66% of distant metastases. It may be difficult to distinguish pulmonary metastasis from a new primary tumor, particularly if solitary. Other metastatic sites include bone (22%), liver (10%), skin, mediastinum and bone marrow. An important question remains as to how intensely pre- and postoperative screening for distant metastases should be performed. Preoperative chest X-ray is warranted in all cases. If the primary tumor and nodal status place the patient at high risk for pulmonary metastasis, then preoperative computed tomography scan of the chest should be done. Screening for distant metastases at other sites is usually not indicated in SCC of the upper aerodigestive tract. Postoperatively, annual X-rays of the chest are usually sufficient, but in high-risk situations a chest X-ray performed every 3-6 months may be beneficial. Certain histologic types of primary tumor have greater or lesser propensity to metastasize distantly, and have a different natural history. Adenoid cystic carcinoma metastasizes frequently, even in the absence of extensive local or regional disease. Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma and neuroendocrine carcinomas also metastasize widely. Extensive evaluation for distant metastases is justified for these tumors. Knowledge of the natural history of various neoplasms and the factors that contribute to distant metastases as well as good judgement are essential for cost-effective treatment planning and decision-making with regard to pre- and postoperative evaluation for distant metastases in cancer of the head and neck.  相似文献   

Distant metastasis in malignancies of the head and neck   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is a well known fact that disease in head and neck cancer remains confined above the clavicle in a majority of cases for a considerable length of time. The causes of death in head and neck cancer patients are known to be due to lymph node metastasis, fungation, asphyxia, cachexia, invasion of major vessels and infection. Distant metastasis occurs late in the disease. However, many reports have appeared in the literature which indicate a high incidence of distant metastasis in head and neck malignancies. Merino et al. (1977), in a clinical study, have indicated an incidence of 10.9 per cent. Studies based on autopsy findings, however, quote a much higher figure (30 per cent, Papac, 1984; 57 per cent, Gowen and Dessuto Nagy, 1963). Dennington and Caster (1980) reported that at least seven per cent of patients with head and neck cancer have distant metastasis when first seen. The present study was designed to find out the incidence of distant metastasis in our head and neck cancer patients.  相似文献   

In the present study 109 cases of Heck swellings were subjectedto F.V.A.C. examination. H vases teere found to he positive for lymphomas with 62.5% eases presenting as cervical lymphade.nopathy. Median age of presentation tints 48 years with preponderance of femulr patients. 57.2% of the patients presented in stage I of the disease.  相似文献   

Fluosol-DA 20%, a synthetic perfluorocarbon emulsion first developed as a blood substitute, is currently being investigated as a radiation sensitizer. Theoretically, an oxygen-carrying perfluorocarbon emulsion combined with oxygen inhalation might be able to increase tumor response by decreasing the relative proportion of hypoxic tumor cells. Twenty-one patients with advanced head and neck malignancies receiving primary radiation therapy were evaluated for treatment-related toxicity. Mucosal reactions and weight loss during treatment in the group of patients who received the perfluorocarbon emulsion and the group who did not were comparable. Late sequelae appeared comparable. No patient in either group who completed radiation therapy required an interruption of the treatment course. We conclude that Fluosol-DA 20% is a tolerated adjunct to primary radiation therapy. Further study is needed to determine whether the agent will improve local/regional tumor control.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE/HYPOTHESIS: To review the incidence of, and risk factors for myocardial injury after head and neck surgery to help optimize patient care and develop perioperative cardioprotective strategies. STUDY DESIGN: Observational cohort study. METHODS: Records of 65 patients surgically treated for upper aerodigestive tract squamous cell carcinoma between 2005 and 2006 were reviewed. Information about cardiovascular history, tumor characteristics, details of surgery, and postoperative complications were recorded. Patients had troponin assays on the third postoperative day. Logistic regression was used to identify risk factors for postoperative myocardial injury. RESULTS: The average age at presentation was 62+/-12 years. There were 46 (71%) males and 19 (29%) females. Troponin-positive and -negative groups were matched for age, sex, cardiovascular risks, comorbidity, site, tumor-node-metastasis status, and duration of the operations. Sixteen (25%) patients had postoperative myocardial injury including five clinical myocardial infarctions. Factors identified as independent predictors of postoperative myocardial injury were blood pressure level (odds ratio [OR] 1.17; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.04-1.31; P<.02), intraoperative heart rate variability (OR 1.33; 95% CI 1.04-1.71; P<.02), and the degree of postoperative inflammatory response (OR 1.07; 95% CI 1.02-1.13; P<.001). CONCLUSIONS: Postoperative myocardial injury is a known independent predictor of cardiovascular prognosis. Its incidence in head and neck patients could potentially be reduced through stringent blood pressure management, tight intraoperative heart rate control, and dampening of the postoperative inflammatory response. Troponin testing is a valuable screening tool, and patients who have elevated levels postoperatively should be closely monitored and referred to a cardiologist for optimization of cardiovascular care.  相似文献   

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