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We investigated the distribution of the molecular M and S forms of Anopheles gambiae and the knock down resistance (kdr) gene associated with pyrethroid and DDT resistance in A. gambiae s.s. at 13 localities across Nigeria. Two-three days old adult female mosquito reared from larval collections were tested using standard WHO procedures, diagnostic test kits and impregnated papers to assess their pyrethroid resistance status. Specimens were identified by PCR assays and characterized for the kdr gene. DNA from adult A. gambiae s.s. collected from human dwellings were also tested for the presence of the kdr gene. The overall collection was a mix of the molecular M and S forms across the mangrove (63:37%), forest (56:44%), and transitional (36:64%) ecotypes, but almost a pure collection of the S form in the Guinea and Sudan-savanna. Results of insecticide susceptibility tests showed that mosquitoes sampled at seven localities were susceptible to permethrin, deltamethrin, and DDT, but populations of A. gambiae resistant to these insecticides were recorded at six other localities mainly in the transitional and Guinea-savanna ecotypes. The kdr gene was found only in the molecular S forms, including areas where both forms were sympatric. The overall kdr frequency was low: <47% in forest, 37-48% in the transitional, and 45-53% in Guinea-savanna. The data suggest that pyrethroid resistance in A. gambiae in Nigeria is not as widespread when compared to neighbouring West African countries.  相似文献   

Mosquito eggs laid within two hours are necessary for transgenic (injection) studies, because mosquito eggs become hard after that period. Thus, in order to have eggs available within this two-hour window, it is important to understand the ovipositional behavior of Anopheles gambiae s.s.. In the present study, the ovipositional behavior of An. gambiae s.s. (Kisumu) was investigated in several different conditions: age of mosquitoes, time post blood meal to access oviposition substrate, and light conditions. Two groups of mosquitoes, 3–5 days old and 9–11 days old were blood-fed. For those mosquito groups, an oviposition dish was set either at 48 hours or 72 hours after the blood meal either in a light condition or in an artificial dark condition. The number of laid eggs was compared among the different conditions. The 3–5 day-old mosquitoes apparently produced a higher number of eggs than 9–11 day-old mosquitoes, while there was no significant difference between the two groups. The number of laid eggs per one surviving blood-fed mosquito in the dark condition was significantly higher than that in the light condition (p = 0.03). Providing an oviposition dish at 72 hours after blood meal resulted in a significantly higher number of laid eggs per one surviving blood-fed mosquito than at 48 hours after blood meal (p = 0.03). In conclusion, the optimal condition to have readily available egg supply for transgenic analysis was as follows: 3–5 day-old mosquitoes with an oviposition dish placed at 72 hours after the blood meal in a dark environment.  相似文献   

Altered patterns of malaria endemicity reflect, in part, changes in feeding behavior and climate adaptation of mosquito vectors. Aquaporin (AQP) water channels are found throughout nature and confer high-capacity water flow through cell membranes. The genome of the major malaria vector mosquito Anopheles gambiae contains at least seven putative AQP sequences. Anticipating that transmembrane water movements are important during the life cycle of A. gambiae, we identified and characterized the A. gambiae aquaporin 1 (AgAQP1) protein that is homologous to AQPs known in humans, Drosophila, and sap-sucking insects. When expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes, AgAQP1 transports water but not glycerol. Similar to mammalian AQPs, water permeation of AgAQP1 is inhibited by HgCl(2) and tetraethylammonium, with Tyr185 conferring tetraethylammonium sensitivity. AgAQP1 is more highly expressed in adult female A. gambiae mosquitoes than in males. Expression is high in gut, ovaries, and Malpighian tubules where immunofluorescence microscopy reveals that AgAQP1 resides in stellate cells but not principal cells. AgAQP1 expression is up-regulated in fat body and ovary by blood feeding but not by sugar feeding, and it is reduced by exposure to a dehydrating environment (42% relative humidity). RNA interference reduces AgAQP1 mRNA and protein levels. In a desiccating environment (<20% relative humidity), mosquitoes with reduced AgAQP1 protein survive significantly longer than controls. These studies support a role for AgAQP1 in water homeostasis during blood feeding and humidity adaptation of A. gambiae, a major mosquito vector of human malaria in sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

A growing number of recent reports have implicated Rickettsia felis as a human pathogen, paralleling the increasing detection of R. felis in arthropod hosts across the globe, primarily in fleas. Here Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes, the primary malarial vectors in sub-Saharan Africa, were fed with either blood meal infected with R. felis or infected cellular media administered in membrane feeding systems. In addition, a group of mosquitoes was fed on R. felis-infected BALB/c mice. The acquisition and persistence of R. felis in mosquitoes was demonstrated by quantitative PCR detection of the bacteria up to day 15 postinfection. R. felis was detected in mosquito feces up to day 14. Furthermore, R. felis was visualized by immunofluorescence in salivary glands, in and around the gut, and in the ovaries, although no vertical transmission was observed. R. felis was also found in the cotton used for sucrose feeding after the mosquitoes were fed infected blood. Natural bites from R. felis-infected An. gambiae were able to cause transient rickettsemias in mice, indicating that this mosquito species has the potential to be a vector of R. felis infection. This is particularly important given the recent report of high prevalence of R. felis infection in patients with “fever of unknown origin” in malaria-endemic areas.In 2002, Rickettsia felis, an obligate intracellular bacterium that belongs to the spotted fever group of Rickettsia, was definitively described (1, 2). Over the past 2 decades, an increasing number of reports have implicated R. felis as a human pathogen, paralleling an increase in reports of the detection of R. felis in arthropod hosts throughout the world (1, 3).By 2011, more than 70 human cases of R. felis had been reported worldwide, including in Central and South America, Asia, northern Africa, and Europe (1). More cases have been published since then, including the first probable human cases in Australia (4). In sub-Saharan Africa, recent studies have challenged the importance of R. felis infection in patients with “fever of unknown origin,” with this bacterium detected in up to 15% of such patients (57). In 2011, a potential R. felis primary infection, called “yaaf,” was suspected in the case of an 8-mo-old girl in Senegal with polymorphous skin lesions similar to those seen in patients from Mexico (8). The epidemiologic and clinical picture of this emerging infection in Africa, including its potential vectors, is poorly understood, however.Various arthropods, but primarily fleas, have been associated with R. felis (1, 3). More specifically, the cat flea Ctenocephalides felis is the arthropod in which R. felis has been most frequently detected. To date, it is the sole confirmed biological vector of R. felis, with both horizontal and vertical transmission making this flea a potential reservoir for this bacterium (911). However, in some countries where R. felis appears to be highly prevalent, such as Senegal, neither cat fleas nor other arthropods have been implicated in its transmission (12).Mosquitoes are the most important vectors of infectious diseases in humans, with more than one-half of the global population at risk for exposure to mosquito-borne infections (13, 14). Anopheles gambiae is known to be the primary vector of malaria in Africa, whereas Aedes albopictus is a vector of dengue and chikungunya (15, 16). Interestingly, Ae. albopictus and An. gambiae mosquito cells support R. felis growth (1, 17). In 2012, Ae. albopictus from Gabon and An. gambiae molecular form S (the primary African malarial vector) from Ivory Coast tested positive for R. felis by species-specific real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) (17, 18). More recently, several mosquito species from Senegal were found to harbor R. felis, including Ae. luteocephalus, An. arabiensis, An. ziemanni, An. pharoensis, An. funestus, and Mansonia uniformis (5). These data raise new issues with respect to the epidemiology of R. felis in Africa, including the degree of vector competence of mosquitoes. The objective of this work was to study the acquisition and transmission of R. felis by An. gambiae mosquitoes in an experimental model of infection.  相似文献   

Lum JK  Kaneko A  Taleo G  Amos M  Reiff DM 《Acta tropica》2007,103(2):102-107
A comparison of the patterns of gene flow within and between islands and the genetic diversities of the three species required for malaria transmission (humans, Plasmodium falciparum, and Anopheles farauti s.s.) within the model island system of Vanuatu, shows that the active dispersal of An. farauti s.s. is responsible for within island movement of parasites. In contrast, since both P. falciparum and An. farauti s.s. populations are largely restricted to islands, movement of parasites between islands is likely due to human transport. Thus, control of vectors is crucial for controlling malaria within islands, while control of human movement is essential to control malaria transmission across the archipelago.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of the larval and adult life stages of the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae Giles were studied in Miwani, western Kenya, in relation to meteorological conditions. Larval density within a habitat, the number of larval habitats and sibling species composition were investigated as determinants of larval population dynamics. Female vector densities inside local houses and sibling species composition were investigated as determinants of adult population dynamics. Larval densities were estimated using a modified area-sampling method. Within the habitats, all instars showed a highly aggregated distribution, with the exception of second instars. A longitudinal study on the larval populations of A. gambiae s.l. in two different types of habitat (dirt track and ditch) was carried out, using a novel sampling procedure. A. gambiae s.s. and Anopheles arabiensis, the two sibling species occurring sympatrically in the study area, showed some spatial segregation between the two types of habitat. Rainfall was significantly correlated with the number of A. gambiae s.l. larval habitats during the first 6 weeks of study taking 1 week time lag into account, while over the entire 5-month study period correlations were less clear. With 1 week time lag, rainfall was also significantly correlated with the number of female A. gambiae s.l. collected from CDC-light traps in the study houses. Both larval and adult populations showed a significant increase in the proportion of A. gambiae s.s. within the mixed population of A. gambiae s.s. and A. arabiensis over time. Although not significantly correlated, the ratio of rainfall over precipitation/potential evapotranspiration (P/PE), indicative of the humidity conditions in the area, was probably the driving force of this increase.  相似文献   

Malaria cases caused by the zoonotic parasite Plasmodium knowlesi are being increasingly reported throughout Southeast Asia and in travelers returning from the region. To test for evidence of signatures of selection or unusual population structure in this parasite, we surveyed genome sequence diversity in 48 clinical isolates recently sampled from Malaysian Borneo and in five lines maintained in laboratory rhesus macaques after isolation in the 1960s from Peninsular Malaysia and the Philippines. Overall genomewide nucleotide diversity (π = 6.03 × 10−3) was much higher than has been seen in worldwide samples of either of the major endemic malaria parasite species Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax. A remarkable substructure is revealed within P. knowlesi, consisting of two major sympatric clusters of the clinical isolates and a third cluster comprising the laboratory isolates. There was deep differentiation between the two clusters of clinical isolates [mean genomewide fixation index (FST) = 0.21, with 9,293 SNPs having fixed differences of FST = 1.0]. This differentiation showed marked heterogeneity across the genome, with mean FST values of different chromosomes ranging from 0.08 to 0.34 and with further significant variation across regions within several chromosomes. Analysis of the largest cluster (cluster 1, 38 isolates) indicated long-term population growth, with negatively skewed allele frequency distributions (genomewide average Tajima’s D = −1.35). Against this background there was evidence of balancing selection on particular genes, including the circumsporozoite protein (csp) gene, which had the top Tajima’s D value (1.57), and scans of haplotype homozygosity implicate several genomic regions as being under recent positive selection.The zoonotic malaria parasite Plasmodium knowlesi is a significant cause of human malaria, with a wide spectrum of clinical outcomes including high parasitemia and death (14). Long known as a malaria parasite of long-tailed and pig-tailed macaques (5), the first large focus of human cases was described only in 2004 in the Kapit Division of Sarawak in Malaysian Borneo (6). Since then infections have been described from almost all countries in Southeast Asia (2, 7). Travelers to the region from Europe, North America, and Australasia also have recently acquired P. knowlesi malaria (7, 8). Until the application of molecular assays for specific detection, human P. knowlesi malaria was largely misdiagnosed as Plasmodium malariae, a morphologically similar but distantly related species (1, 6, 9, 10). Studies in the Kapit Division of Sarawak in Malaysian Borneo have indicated that P. knowlesi malaria is primarily a zoonosis with macaques as reservoir hosts (11) and that the forest-dwelling mosquito species Anopheles latens is the local vector for P. knowlesi (12). Other members of the Anopheles leucosphyrus group are vectors in different parts of Southeast Asia and may determine the geographical distribution of transmission (13, 14).Although P. knowlesi malaria is regarded as an emerging infection, there clearly have been increased efforts in detection made since its existence as a significant zoonosis was discovered, and specific detection has been enhanced by the declining numbers of human cases caused by other malaria parasites in Southeast Asia (15). Aside from the first two human cases described several decades ago (5), there is direct evidence of human P. knowlesi infections from ∼20 y ago in Malaysian Borneo and Thailand obtained by retrospective molecular analysis of material from archived blood spots and slides (10, 16), and molecular population genetic evidence indicates the zoonosis has been in existence for a much longer time (11). The genetic diversity of P. knowlesi is high within humans as well as macaques, with sequence data on three loci [the circumsporozoite protein (csp) gene, 18S rRNA, and mtDNA genome] indicating extensive shared polymorphism and no fixed differences between P. knowlesi parasites from humans and monkeys sampled in the same area in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo (6, 11). Analysis of samples from a smaller number of humans and monkeys in Thailand showed alleles of the P. knowlesi merozoite surface protein 1 (msp1) gene to be similarly diverse in both hosts (16), and there were shared polymorphisms of the csp gene in parasites from a few infections examined in humans and macaques in Singapore (17). Recent multilocus microsatellite analysis has indicated a deep population subdivision in P. knowlesi associated with long-tailed and pig-tailed macaques; both major types infect humans and occur sympatrically at most sites in Malaysia, but the two types show some additional geographical differentiation across sites (18).Human populations have grown very rapidly in the Southeast Asian region and encroach on most of the wild macaque habitats, so it is vital to know if P. knowlesi parasites are adapting to human hosts or to anthropophilic mosquito vector species, either of which could cause human–mosquito–human transmission. Initial analysis of the P. knowlesi reference genome sequence (strain H) highlighted some unique features of the genome of this species (19), namely, schizont infected cell agglutination variant (SICAvar) and knowlesi interspersed repeat (KIR) variant antigen genes, which were widely dispersed instead of being predominantly localized in subtelomeric regions as seen in large gene families in Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax (20). Here, we analyzed genomewide diversity in P. knowlesi and conducted scans for signatures of balancing and directional selection, revealing extremely high genetic diversity and significant structuring of this species into subpopulation clusters that appear to be reproductively isolated as well as loci that show evidence of recent strong selection.  相似文献   

There has been an increase in malaria cases in southern African countries in recent years due to the presence of populations of Anopheles funestus that are resistant to the pyrethroid class of insecticides. Since A. funestus is one of the major African malaria vectors, knowledge of its genetic structure will benefit control strategies, such as the management of insecticide resistance, by allowing predictions to be made of possible spread of the resistance. This study uses microsatellite DNA markers to analyze samples from five countries in east (Kenya and Uganda), central (Malawi) and southern (South Africa and Mozambique) Africa. There were deviations from Hardy-Weinberg expectations for some loci in all population samples but this was probably due to the presence of null alleles. High levels of genetic diversity were observed (mean alleles per locus = 6.5-10; unbiased H=0.23-0.89). Low differentiation was observed between Kenya and Uganda (average F(ST)=0.002, R(ST)=0.0001) and between Mozambique and South Africa (F(ST)=0.0004, R(ST)=0.02), contrary to high differentiation among the central and southern Africa samples (average F(ST)=0.023, R(ST)=0.027). High differentiation was measured across the region (mean F(ST)=0.04, R(ST)=0.08), east versus Malawi (F(ST)=0.067, R(ST)=0.089) or southern Africa populations (F(ST)=0.068, R(ST)=0.15). A test of isolation by distance along the east-central-south transect gave evidence (R(2)=0.50, P<0.001) that geographic distance limits gene flow in A. funestus.  相似文献   



To test the potentiality of the leaf extract of Pedalium murex (P. murex) and predatory copepod Mesocyclops longisetus (M. longisetus) in individual and combination in controlling the rural malarial vector, Anopheles culicifacies (An. culicifacies) in laboratory and field studies.


P. murex leaves were collected from in and around Erode, Tamilnadu, India. The active compounds were extracted with 300 mL of methanol for 8 h in a Soxhlet apparatus. Laboratory studies on larvicidal and pupicidal effects of methanolic extract of P. murex tested against the rural malarial vector, An. culicifacies were significant.


Evaluated lethal concentrations (LC50) of P. murex extract were 2.68, 3.60, 4.50, 6.44 and 7.60 mg/L for I, II, III, IV and pupae of An. culicifacies, respectively. Predatory copepod, M. longisetus was examined for their predatory efficacy against the malarial vector, An. culicifacies. M. longisetus showed effective predation on the early instar (47% and 36% on I and II instar) when compared with the later ones (3% and 1% on III and IV instar). Predatory efficacy of M. longisetus was increased (70% and 45% on I and II instar) when the application was along with the P. murex extract.


Predator survival test showed that the methanolic extract of P. murex is non-toxic to the predatory copepod, M. longisetus. Experiments were also conducted to evaluate the efficacy of methanolic extract of P. murex and M. longisetus in the direct breeding sites (paddy fields) of An. culicifacies. Reduction in larval density was very high and sustained for a long time in combined treatment of P. murex and M. longisetus.  相似文献   

Because free-insecticide treated net distribution is planned in Benin (West Africa) during the next few years, we investigated the type, frequency and distribution of insecticide resistance mechanisms in Anopheles gambiae and Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes in four localities selected on the basis of contrasting agricultural practices, use of insecticides and environment. Bioassays with WHO diagnostic test kits were carried out using pyrethroid, carbamate, organophosphate and organochlorine insecticides. An. gambiae mosquitoes were identified to species and to M or S molecular forms using PCR techniques. Molecular and biochemical assays were carried out to identify kdr and Ace.1 mutations in individual mosquitoes and to detect any increase in the activity of enzymes typically involved in insecticide metabolism (oxidase, esterase and glutathion-S-transférases). WHO diagnostic tests showed high frequency of resistance in An. gambiae and Cx. quinquefasciatus to permethrin and DDT in three areas. This was consistent with the presence of target site insensitivity due to kdr mutation and to increased metabolism through enzymatic activity. Kdr was expressed in both M and S forms. However, less than 1% of An. gambiae or Cx. quiqnuefasciatus showed the presence of the Ace.1R mutation. Carbamate/OP resistance was present at higher frequency in Culex than in An. gambiae. Dieldrin resistance was present in both species at all four localities. A higher frequency of pyrethroid-resistance was found in An. gambiae mosquitoes collected in urban areas compared to those collected in rice growing areas. The expansion of vegetable growing within urban areas probably contributed to selection pressure on mosquitoes. The detection of multiple resistance mechanisms in both An. gambiae and Cx. quinquefasciatus in Benin may represent a threat for the efficacy of ITNs and other forms of vector control such as indoor residual spraying in the future.  相似文献   

Volatile oils extracted by hydrodistillation from six plant species growing in the Kenyan coast, Croton pseudopulchellus Pax, Mkilua fragrans Verdc. (Annonaceae), Endostemon tereticaulis (poir.) Ashby, Ocimum forskolei Benth., Ocimum fischeri Guerke and Plectranthus longipes Baker (Labiateae), were evaluated for repellency on forearms of human volunteers against Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto. All oils were found to be more repellent (RC50 range = 0.67-9.21 x 10(-5) mg cm(-2)) than DEET (RC50 = 33 x 10(-5) mg cm(-2)). The individual components of the oils were identified by GC-MS and GC co-injections with authentic standards. The repellency of 15 of the main constituents of the different oils (which had not been previously assayed) was evaluated. Although some of these showed relatively high individual repellencies, none was comparable to the parent essential oils. Partial synthetic blends of selected constituents with moderate or relatively high individual repellency against the vector were also assayed. Four of these exhibited activities comparable to or higher than those of the corresponding parent oils, indicating interesting blend effects in the repellent action of the oils against the mosquito. The implication of these results in the utilization of the plants is discussed.  相似文献   

Following the implementation of two dams in the Senegal River, entomological and parasitological studies were conducted in three different ecological zones in the Senegal River Basin (the low valley of Senegal River, the Guiers Lake area and the low valley of Ferlo) every 3 month in June 2004, September 2004, December 2004 and March 2005. The objective of this work was to study the influence of environmental heterogeneities on vector bionomics and malaria epidemiology. Mosquitoes were collected when landing on human volunteers and by pyrethrum spray catches. In the parasitological survey, blood samples were taken from a cohort of schoolchildren under 9 years during each entomology survey. Seven anopheline species were collected: Anopheles arabiensis, Anopheles gambiae M form, Anopheles funestus, Anopheles pharoensis, Anopheles coustani, Anopheles wellcomei and Anopheles rufipes. A. arabiensis, A. funestus and A. pharoensis were predominant in the low valley of the Senegal River, A. funestus in the Guiers Lake area and A. arabiensis in the low valley of Ferlo. Mosquito populations' dynamics varied temporally depending on the rainy season for each zone. The anthropophilic rates varied between 6 and 76% for A. gambiae s.l. and 23 and 80% for A. funestus. Only 4/396 A. pharoensis and 1/3076 A. funestus tested carried Plasmodium falciparum CS antigen. These results suggest the implication of A. pharoensis in malaria transmission. The related entomological inoculation rates were estimated to 10.44 in Mbilor and 3 infected bites in Gankette Balla and were due, respectively, to A. pharoensis and A. funestus. Overall, 1636 thick blood smears were tested from blood samples taken from schoolchildren with, respectively, a parasite and gametocyte average prevalence of 9 and 0.9%. The parasite prevalence was uniformly low in Mbilor and Gankette Balla whereas; it increased in September (16%) and then remained stable in December and March (22%) in Mboula where malaria transmission was not perceptible. However, significant differences were observed over time for parasite prevalence in Mbilor and Mboula villages whereas; it was only in Gankette Balla village where gametocyte prevalence was significantly different over time. Our study demonstrates the influence of ecological changes resulted from dams implementation in the Senegal River on the composition of vectorial system, malaria transmission and epidemiology. Such changes should be thoroughly surveyed in order to prevent any possible malaria outbreak in the Senegal River Basin.  相似文献   

Owing to the development and spread of pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles gambiae in Africa there is an urgent need to develop alternative insecticides to supplement the pyrethroids. Chlorfenapyr is a pyrrole insecticide first commercialized for the control of agricultural pests and termites. Performance against An. gambiae bearing kdr (pyrethroid and DDT resistance) or Ace-1(R) insensitive acetylcholinesterase (organophosphate and carbamate resistance) mechanisms was studied using a variety of adult bioassay tests including a simulated-experimental hut system (tunnel tests) that allows uninhibited mosquito behaviour/insecticide interactions. Strains resistant to pyrethroids and organophosphates showed no cross resistance to chlorfenapyr. In cone bioassays on treated netting the mortality of adult mosquitoes showed an unexpected curvilinear response, with highest mortality occurring at intermediate dosages. Adults expressed irritability to chlorfenapyr at higher dosages, which might explain the dosage-mortality trend. Toxic activity of chlorfenapyr was slow compared to conventional neurotoxic insecticides and additional mortality occurred between 24h and 72 h. In tunnel tests, the dosage-mortality trend showed a more typical sigmoid response and most mortality occurred during the first 24h. Mosquito penetration through the holed, treated netting showed only limited inhibition and blood-feeding was not inhibited. Mortality rates in the kdr strain exposed to chlorfenapyr treated netting in tunnel tests were much higher than with permethrin treated netting over the same 100-500 mg/m(2) dosage range. Chlorfenapyr has potential for malaria control in treated-net or residual spraying applications in areas where mosquitoes are pyrethroid resistant. For treated-net applications chlorfenapyr might be combined with pyrethroid as a mixture to provide personal protection as well as to give control of resistant mosquitoes.  相似文献   

The impact of use of bed-nets treated with alphacypermethrin, at 20 mg (ai)/m2, in comparison to untreated nets or no nets on malaria vectors and malaria incidence was studied in tribal villages of Malkangiri district, Orissa state, India, which are highly endemic for falciparum malaria. Treated or untreated nets were supplied to the villagers in June 1999 and the nets were re-treated in September 1999, just before the rise in vector abundance and malaria incidence. The seasonal pattern of indoor resting Anopheles fluviatilis females was similar in all the three groups of villages before the start of intervention and the indoor resting catches were not significantly different between treatment-groups (two-way ANOVA, F = 1.53; d.f. = (2, 78); P = 0.2). During intervention, the indoor resting catches differed significantly among treatment groups (two-way ANOVA, F = 38.9; d.f.= (2, 66); P < 0.005). There was a 99% reduction in the indoor resting catches of An. fluviatilis in villages with treated nets and 61% reduction in villages with untreated nets compared with no-net villages. Comparison between villages with and without treated nets showed that there was 97% reduction in indoor resting catches in villages with treated nets. Pair-wise comparison showed that the reductions between villages with and without nets as well as between villages with treated and untreated nets were significant (Dunnett's C-test, P < 0.05). The indoor resting catches of Anopheles culicifacies did not differ significantly among the three groups of villages either before (F = 0.99; d.f. = (2, 121); P = 0.4) or during intervention (F = 0.21; d.f. = (2, 66); P = 0.8). Bioassay with 3 min exposure to treated bed nets showed 100% mortality of An. culicifacies for 2 months and with An. fluviatilis for 4.5 months after which tests were not carried out. In villages with treated nets, the Annual Parasite Incidence (API) significantly declined (P < 0.05) by about 65.7% and prevalence of infection among children (< 15 years) declined by 57.1%, whereas in villages with untreated nets, there was only 34% reduction in API and 13% in the prevalence of infection. In villages with treated nets, there was 48% reduction in API and 64% in prevalence of infection compared with villages with untreated nets. The impact of use of treated bed nets on other arthropod pests lasted for at least 1.5 months. After 1.5 months, observations on arthropod pests were not continued. The use rate of treated nets varied from 49.8 to 93.7% in three seasons and about 68.3% of treated bed nets and 60% of untreated nets were in good condition 1 year after distribution. Out of 489 users of treated net, five people complained of a burning sensation on the face (skin irritation) for 5 days following the distribution of treated nets. There were no other complaints of any discomfort in using the treated nets. The use of alphacypermethrin treated bed nets at 20 mg (ai)/m2 can be one of the options for reducing the vector abundance and incidence of malaria in this area.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum malaria originated in Africa and became global as humans migrated to other continents. During this journey, parasites encountered new mosquito species, some of them evolutionarily distant from African vectors. We have previously shown that the Pfs47 protein allows the parasite to evade the mosquito immune system of Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes. Here, we investigated the role of Pfs47-mediated immune evasion in the adaptation of P. falciparum to evolutionarily distant mosquito species. We found that P. falciparum isolates from Africa, Asia, or the Americas have low compatibility to malaria vectors from a different continent, an effect that is mediated by the mosquito immune system. We identified 42 different haplotypes of Pfs47 that have a strong geographic population structure and much lower haplotype diversity outside Africa. Replacement of the Pfs47 haplotypes in a P. falciparum isolate is sufficient to make it compatible to a different mosquito species. Those parasites that express a Pfs47 haplotype compatible with a given vector evade antiplasmodial immunity and survive. We propose that Pfs47-mediated immune evasion has been critical for the globalization of P. falciparum malaria as parasites adapted to new vector species. Our findings predict that this ongoing selective force by the mosquito immune system could influence the dispersal of Plasmodium genetic traits and point to Pfs47 as a potential target to block malaria transmission. A new model, the “lock-and-key theory” of P. falciparum globalization, is proposed, and its implications are discussed.The most deadly form of malaria in humans is caused by Plasmodium falciparum parasites. Malaria originated in Africa (1, 2) and is transmitted by anopheline mosquitoes. The disease became global as humans migrated to other continents and parasites encountered different mosquito species that were sometimes evolutionarily distant from African vectors (3). For example, anophelines of the subgenus Nyssorhynchus (malaria vectors in Central and South America, such as Anopheles albimanus) diverged from the subgenus Cellia (malaria vectors in Africa, India, and South Asia) about 100 Mya (4). P. falciparum parasites are transmitted by more than 70 different anopheline species worldwide (3), but compatibilities differ between specific vector–parasite combinations (5). For example, P. falciparum NF54 (Pf NF54), of putative African origin, effectively infects Anopheles gambiae, the main malaria vector in sub-Saharan Africa; but A. albimanus is highly refractory to this strain (68); whereas Asian P. falciparum isolates infect Anopheles stephensi (Nijmegen strain), a major vector in India, more effectively than A. gambiae (9). Similar differences in compatibility have been reported between Plasmodium vivax and different anopheline species (10, 11). The A. gambiae immune system can mount effective antiplasmodial responses mediated by the complement-like system that limit infection (12). We have previously shown that some P. falciparum lines can avoid detection by the A. gambiae immune system (13) and identified Pfs47 as the gene that mediated immune evasion (14). Here, we present direct evidence of selection of P. falciparum by the mosquito immune system and show that providing P. falciparum with a Pfs47 haplotype compatible for a given anopheline mosquito is sufficient for the parasite to evade mosquito immunity. The implications of P. falciparum selection by mosquitoes for global malaria transmission are discussed.  相似文献   

Field tests conducted on adult Anopheles mosquitoes using standard WHO procedures, diagnostic kits and test papers in south-western Nigeria showed pyrethroid (deltamethrin and permethrin) resistance in adult populations of Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto. The knock-down resistance (kdr) mutation involved in pyrethroid resistance was only found in the molecular S form of An. gambiae s.s. even in area where both molecular M and S forms occurred in sympatry. The absence of the kdr mutation in the M form suggests an additional pyrethroid resistance mechanism in An. gambiae s.s.  相似文献   

Malaria remains a major public health problem in Madagascar, as it is the first cause of morbidity in health care facilities. Its transmission remains poorly documented. An entomological study was carried out over 1 year (October 2003-September 2004) in Saharevo, a village located at an altitude of 900 m on the eastern edge of the Malagasy central highlands. Mosquitoes were sampled weekly upon landing on human volunteers and in various resting-places. Out of 5515 mosquitoes collected on humans, 3219 (58.4%) were anophelines. Eleven anopheline species were represented, among which Anopheles funestus, Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles arabiensis and Anopheles mascarensis. Out of 677 mosquitoes collected in bedrooms by pyrethrum spray catches and in Muirhead-Thomson pits, 656 (96.9%) were anopheline belonging to these four latter species. The proportion of mosquitoes that fed on human varied according to the resting-places and the mosquito species: 86% of An. funestus resting in bedrooms fed on humans, whereas only 16% of An. funestus and 0% of An. mascarensis resting in pits fed on humans. The proportion of anopheline mosquitoes infected with human Plasmodium was measured by circumsporozoite protein-ELISA: 10/633 An. funestus (1.58%), 1/211 An. gambiae s.l. (0.48%) and 2/268 An. mascarensis (0.75%). The annual entomological inoculation rate (number of bites of infected anophelines per adult) was estimated at 2.78. The transmission was mainly due to An. funestus and only observed in the second half of the rainy season, from February to May. These results are discussed in the context of the current malaria vector control policy in Madagascar.  相似文献   

Temu EA  Minjas JN  Tuno N  Kawada H  Takagi M 《Acta tropica》2007,102(2):119-125
The role of Anopheles funestus group in malaria transmission was investigated in Bagamoyo coastal Tanzania, in the process of characterizing the area as a malaria vaccine testing site. Mosquitoes were sampled inside houses and multiplex PCR was used to identify 649 specimens. The following species were found: A. funestus s.s. (84.3%), A. leesoni (13.6%), A. rivulorum (1.5%) and A. parensis (0.6%). Multiplex PCR of 147 blood-fed specimens showed that over half (57.1%) of the identifiable blood meals were taken from human hosts, and human blood index in A. funestus and A. leesoni was 55% and 82% respectively. Plasmodium falciparum infection rate determined by nested PCR was 11% in A. funestus s.s. Although the abundance was low, 26 specimens of A. leesoni, two of A. rivolurum and one of A. parensis were found positive for P. falciparum. The presence of four A. funestus species in Tanzania emphasizes the relevance to define precisely their spatial and temporal distribution, specific behaviour, ecology and exact role in malaria transmission.  相似文献   

The incubation period for malaria parasites within the mosquito is exquisitely temperature-sensitive, so that temperature is a major determinant of malaria risk. Epidemiological models are increasingly used to guide allocation of disease control resources and to assess the likely impact of climate change on global malaria burdens. Temperature-based malaria transmission is generally incorporated into these models using mean monthly temperatures, yet temperatures fluctuate throughout the diurnal cycle. Here we use a thermodynamic malaria development model to demonstrate that temperature fluctuation can substantially alter the incubation period of the parasite, and hence malaria transmission rates. We find that, in general, temperature fluctuation reduces the impact of increases in mean temperature. Diurnal temperature fluctuation around means >21°C slows parasite development compared with constant temperatures, whereas fluctuation around <21°C speeds development. Consequently, models which ignore diurnal variation overestimate malaria risk in warmer environments and underestimate risk in cooler environments. To illustrate the implications further, we explore the influence of diurnal temperature fluctuation on malaria transmission at a site in the Kenyan Highlands. Based on local meteorological data, we find that the annual epidemics of malaria at this site cannot be explained without invoking the influence of diurnal temperature fluctuation. Moreover, while temperature fluctuation reduces the relative influence of a subtle warming trend apparent over the last 20 years, it nonetheless makes the effects biologically more significant. Such effects of short-term temperature fluctuations have not previously been considered but are central to understanding current malaria transmission and the consequences of climate change.  相似文献   

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