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Countries with social health insurance (SHI) systems display some common defining characteristics - pluralism of actors and strong medical associations - that, in dealing with crisis times, may allow for common learnings. This paper analyses health system responses during the COVID-19 pandemic in eight countries representative of SHI systems in Europe (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Slovenia and Switzerland). Data collection and analysis builds on the methodology and content in the COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor (HSRM) up to November 2020. We find that SHI funds were, in general, neither foreseen as major stakeholders in crisis management, nor were they represented in crisis management teams. Further, responsibilities in some countries shifted from SHI funds to federal governments. The overall organisation and governance of SHI systems shaped how countries responded to the challenges of the pandemic. For instance, coordinated ambulatory care often helped avoid overburdening hospitals. Decentralisation among local authorities may however represent challenges with the coordination of policies, i.e. coordination costs. At the same time, bottom-up self-organisation of ambulatory care providers is supported by decentralised structures. Providers also increasingly used teleconsultations, which may remain part of standard practice. It is recommended to involve SHI funds actively in crisis management and in preparing for future crisis to increase health system resilience.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the health policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the four Visegrad countries – Czechia, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia – in spring and summer 2020. The four countries implemented harsh transmission prevention measures at the beginning of the pandemic and managed to effectively avoid the first wave of infections during spring. Likewise, all four relaxed most of these measures during the summer and experienced uncontrolled growth of cases since September 2020. Along the way, there has been an erosion of public support for the government measures. This was mainly due to economic considerations taking precedent but also likely due to diminished trust in the government. All four countries have been overly reliant on their relatively high bed capacity, which they managed to further increase at the cost of elective treatments, but this could not always be supported with sufficient health workforce capacity. Finally, none of the four countries developed effective find, test, trace, isolate and support systems over the summer despite having relaxed most of the transmission protection measures since late spring. This left the countries ill-prepared for the rise in the number of COVID-19 infections they have been experiencing since autumn 2020.  相似文献   

BackgroundTelemedicine, once defined merely as the treatment of certain conditions remotely, has now often been supplanted in use by broader terms such as ‘virtual care’, in recognition of its increasing capability to deliver a diverse range of healthcare services from afar. With the unexpected onset of COVID-19, virtual care (e.g. telephone, video, online) has become essential to facilitating the continuation of primary care globally. Over several short weeks, existing healthcare policies have adapted quickly and empowered clinicians to use digital means to fulfil a wide range of clinical responsibilities, which until then have required face-to-face consultations.ObjectivesThis paper aims to explore the virtual care policies and guidance material published during the initial months of the pandemic and examine their potential limitations and impact on transforming the delivery of primary care in high-income countries.MethodsA rapid review of publicly available national policies guiding the use of virtual care in General Practice was conducted. Documents were included if issued in the first six months of the pandemic (March to August of 2020) and focussed primarily on high-income countries. Documents must have been issued by a national health authority, accreditation body, or professional organisation, and directly refer to the delivery of primary care.ResultsWe extracted six areas of relevance: primary care transformation during COVID-19, the continued delivery of preventative care, the delivery of acute care, remote triaging, funding & reimbursement, and security standards.ConclusionVirtual care use in primary care saw a transformative change during the pandemic. However, despite the advances in the various governmental guidance offered, much work remains in addressing the shortcomings exposed during COVID-19 and strengthening viable policies to better incorporate novel technologies into the modern primary care clinical environment.  相似文献   

Journal of Public Health - Europe is a destination for many migrants, a group whose proportion of the overall population will increase over the next decades. The cardiovascular (CV) risk...  相似文献   

After the outbreak of the new COVID-19 disease, the mitigation stage has been reached in most of the countries in the world. During this stage, a more accurate data analysis of the daily reported cases and other parameters became possible for the European countries and has been performed in this work. Based on a proposed parametrization model appropriate for implementation to an epidemic in a large population, we focused on the disease spread and we studied the obtained curves, as well as, investigating probable correlations between the country's characteristics and the parameters of the parametrization. We have also developed a methodology for coupling our model to the SIR-based models determining the basic and the effective reproductive number referring to the parameter space. The obtained results and conclusions could be useful in the case of a recurrence of this insidious disease in the future.  相似文献   

BackgroundVaccination is one of the most effective measures to prevent influenza illness and its complications; influenza vaccination remained important during the COVID-19 pandemic to prevent additional burden on health systems strained by COVID-19 demand.ObjectivesWe describe policies, coverage, and progress of seasonal influenza vaccination programs in the Americas during 2019–2021 and discuss challenges in monitoring and maintaining influenza vaccination coverage among target groups during the COVID-19 pandemic.MethodsWe used data on influenza vaccination policies and vaccination coverage reported by countries/territories via the electronic Joint Reporting Form on Immunization (eJRF) for 2019–2021. We also summarized country vaccination strategies shared with PAHO.ResultsAs of 2021, 39 (89 %) out of 44 reporting countries/territories in the Americas had policies for seasonal influenza vaccination. Countries/territories adapted health services and immunization delivery strategies using innovative approaches, such as new vaccination sites and expanded schedules, to ensure continuation of influenza vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, among countries/territories that reported data to eJRF in both 2019 and 2021, median coverage decreased; the percentage point decrease was 21 % (IQR = 0–38 %; n = 13) for healthcare workers, 10 % (IQR = -1.5–38 %; n = 12) for older adults, 21 % (IQR = 5–31 %; n = 13) for pregnant women, 13 % (IQR = 4.8–20.8 %; n = 8) for persons with chronic diseases, and 9 % (IQR = 3–27 %; n = 15) for children.ConclusionsCountries/territories in the Americas successfully adapted influenza vaccination delivery to continue vaccination services during the COVID-19 pandemic; however, reported influenza vaccination coverage decreased from 2019 to 2021. Reversing declines in vaccination will necessitate strategic approaches that prioritize sustainable vaccination programs across the life course. Efforts should be made to improve the completeness and quality of administrative coverage data. Lessons learned from COVID-19 vaccination, such as the rapid development of electronic vaccination registries and digital certificates, might facilitate advances in coverage estimation.  相似文献   

This article compares the health system responses to COVID-19 in Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania from February 2020 until the end of 2020. It explores similarities and differences between the three countries, building primarily on the methodology and content compiled in the COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor (HSRM). We find that all three countries entered the COVID-19 crisis with common problems, including workforce shortages and underdeveloped and underutilized preventive and primary care. The countries reacted swiftly to the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, declaring a state of emergency in March 2020 and setting up new governance mechanisms. The initial response benefited from a centralized approach and high levels of public trust but proved to be only a short-term solution. Over time, governance became dominated by political and economic considerations, communication to the public became contradictory, and levels of public trust declined dramatically. The three countries created additional bed capacity for the treatment of COVID-19 patients in the first wave, but a greater challenge was to ensure a sufficient supply of qualified health workers. New digital and remote tools for the provision of non-COVID-19 health services were introduced or used more widely, with an increase in telephone or online consultations and a simplification of administrative procedures. However, the provision and uptake of non-COVID-19 health services was still affected negatively by the pandemic. Overall, the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed pre-existing health system and governance challenges in the three countries, leading to a large number of preventable deaths.  相似文献   

As COVID-19 vaccines become available to the public, there will be a massive worldwide distribution effort. Vaccine distribution has historically been unequal primarily due to the inability of nations with developing economies to purchase enough vaccine to fully vaccinate their populations. Inequitable access to COVID-19 vaccines will not just cause humanitarian suffering, it will likely also be associated with increased economic suffering worldwide. This study focuses on the U.S. population and its beliefs about future COVID-19 vaccine donation by the U.S. to low- and middle-income countries.This study carried out a survey among 788 U.S. adults. Variables include demographics, COVID-19 vaccine priority status, COVID-19 vaccine donation beliefs, and Social Dominance Orientation.Analyses showed that older respondents were both less likely to endorse higher levels of COVID-19 vaccine donations and were more likely to want to wait until all in the U.S. who want the vaccine have received it; those who identified as Democrats were more likely to endorse higher levels of future COVID-19 vaccine donation than Republicans; and those scoring higher on SDO were both less likely to endorse higher levels of COVID-19 vaccine donations as well as more likely to want to wait until all in the U.S. who want the vaccine have received it. Policymakers, as well as healthcare providers and public health communication professionals, should give consideration to those messages most likely to engender support for global prevention efforts with each audience segment.  相似文献   

With hindsight, the main weakness behind the ineffective response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in some countries has been the failure to understand, and take account of, the multilayered systemic interdependencies that spread the effects of the pandemic across social, technological, economic and health-care dimensions. For example, to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, all people were required to rapidly adjust to social distancing and travel restrictions. Such a complex behavioural response entails adaptation to achieve a full recovery from the systemic shock. To capitalize on the positive effects of disruption to the status quo, much more complex socioeconomic modelling needs to be considered when designing and evaluating possible public health interventions that have major behavioural implications. We provide a simple example of how this reasoning may highlight generally unacknowledged connections and interdependencies and guide the construction of scenarios that can inform policy decisions to enhance the resilience of society and tackle existing societal challenges.  相似文献   

COVID-19 emerged initially from Wuhan, Hubei province, China, in late December 2019, and since then, it has spread globally to be declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The Caribbean region started reporting COVID-19 cases in early March 2020, triggering new regional public health crises. The initial suspects and confirmed cases across the Caribbean countries were mainly imported cases and from cruise ships. The clinical manifestations varied from fever, cough, and malaise in mild cases to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and shock in severe cases. The Caribbean Public Health Agency has provided frequent updates on the preventive strategies and quarantine measures across the Caribbean member states. COVID-19 has had a serious impact on the Caribbean region''s health system, economy, and psychology. This review presents the Caribbean perspective of COVID-19, detailing the epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, management, and preventive and surveillance measures. Vaccine hesitancy was found to be a major challenge that needs appropriate health education strategies to address the public. Strong leadership and regional collaboration among the Caribbean member states are necessary to provide optimal real-time data to the public and implement appropriate and effective guidelines in the island states.  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情的暴发与蔓延,给公共卫生安全体系带来巨大挑战。文章以新冠肺炎疫情为例,剖析疫情暴发与应对过程中所暴露的公共卫生安全问题及其链锁机制,从多层面、多主体探析公共卫生安全危机产生的深层次原因。目前,亟待提高全社会安全意识、完善公共卫生法律体系、整合社会资源,引导社会合作与社会参与共同建立常态化应急准备机制,同时建立卫生问题国内多部门协同治理的联防联控机制以及国际合作机制协同,强化事后反思与容错机制,以期铸就公共卫生安全的严密防线。  相似文献   

当前全球六大洲、114个国家、领土或地区受到新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情不同程度的影响,WHO已宣布本次疫情构成"全球大流行"。为进一步加强对全球新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的防控,应对全球疫情升级对中国的挑战,本研究着重回答3个问题:新型冠状病毒肺炎全球流行现状及各国防疫情况;全球疫情对中国影响;中国应对全球疫情的短期预案和中长期策略建议。  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe objective of this study was to describe and analyze the impact of the coronavirus disease COVID-19 on health policy, social- and health system, and economic and financing system to prevent, treat, contain and monitor the virus in Finland.MethodsThis study provides early outcomes of health policy measures, social- and health system capacity as well as economic challenges in COVID-19 pandemic in Finland. This paper is based available documents and reports of different ministries and social, health and economic authorities collected online. This was complemented by other relevant pandemic data from Finland.ResultsThe impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the Finnish society has been unpredictable although it has not been as extensive and massive than in many other countries. As the situation evolved the Government took strict measures to stop the spread of the virus (e.g. Emergency Powers Act). Available information shows that the economic consequences will be drastic also in Finland, albeit perhaps less dramatic than in large industrial economies.ConclusionsFinland has transferred gradually to a “hybrid strategy”, referring to a move from extensive restrictive measures to enhanced management of the epidemic. However, health system must be prepared for prospective setback. It is possible, that COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the development of digital health services and telemedicine in Finnish healthcare system.  相似文献   

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