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1984年全国24个省、市、自治区,在53个调查点上按统一计划进行了大规模银屑病流行病学调查.调查人口总数为6,617,917人,共计发现银屑病患者11,393人.估计总患病率为1.23‰.为了比较各地的患病率,进行了标准化处理.男性患病率高于女性,城市患病率高于农村,北方患病率高于南方.地处东北的吉林省德惠县和北京首都钢铁公司患病率最高,分别为4.2‰编及4.86‰,而南方广东省农村最低,患病率为0.04~0.07‰.从年发病率也可看出城乡差异,城市的年发病率为同年农村的2~4倍.1984年的全国银屑病发病率为0.12‰,约为当年患病率的十分之一.  相似文献   

本文就湖南省城乡近20万人中银屑病147例进行了临床分析,报告了我省自然人口银屑病患病率为0.76‰,城市患病率高于农村,分别为0.97‰和0.28‰(P<0.005),同时指出银屑病年发病率在城市有上升趋势,应引起广大皮肤科工作者的重视。另外对其发病年龄、性别、临床表现、病因、诱因及伴发疾病等进行了分析,表明银屑病多发于中壮年的人,男性发病率稍高于女性(P>0.05),初发年龄大多发生在40岁以前,而女性较男性约提前10年,临床类型以寻常型、斑型为主、本组银屑病遗传因素约占21.77%,诱因以饮食为主,伴发疾病主要是遗传性疾病和心血管病,鉴于银屑病在夏季常有缓解,甚至完全缓解的,故治疗应以外用芥子气软膏及皮质类固醇激素或其它外用药为主,而中度和重度者可辅以抗有丝分裂药物或中药。  相似文献   

1984年5—12月份我们对贵阳市17个工厂,机关,学校及三都县部份农村进行自然人口普查。发现银屑病155例。分析如下: 一、调查人口数农村普查人口27,988人,银屑病8例,患病率为0.28‰。城镇调查人口65,432人,银屑病147例,患病率为2.24‰。共计93,420人,银屑病155例,总发病率为1.66‰。  相似文献   

本文就太钢地区97299人中291例银屑病进行了临床分析,报告太钢自然人口银屑病患病率为3‰,远较农村为高。经统计学标化处理,男性患病率高于女性1.42倍。对85户银屑病家族689人中的215个银屑病患者进行了探讨,家族患病率31.2‰比自然人口患病率3‰要高得多,故我们认为遗传在银屑病发病中肯定是重要因素。考虑到遗传方式属常染色体显性遗传和多基因遗传。银屑病的治疗,中医中药及中西医结合是个值得研究的方向。  相似文献   

一、引言银屑病的年发病率是指一年内新病例在自然人群中的发生率。计算公式为: 银屑病年发病率=(某年内新发病例数/同年人群人口数)×1000‰ 1984年,全国银屑病流行病学调查组对全国各地进行了一次大规模的银屑病抽样调查。本文仅对银屑病的年发病率及有关问题作一探讨。  相似文献   

福建省麻风流行情况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的通过对建国以来福建省麻风流行情况的分析,揭示全省麻风流行特征和取得的成绩.方法采用马海德编著的<麻风防治手册>中的要求统计各项指标.结果①5年平均年发病率、发现率从1955~1959年的7.82/10万和12.31/10万分别下降至1990~1994年的0.36/ 10万和1995~1998年的0.33/10万;②患病率由1959年最高年代的0.65‰,下降至1998年0.00 7‰,流行范围缩小;③随着年代的推移,发病年龄向高年龄组转移,少年儿童发病率显著下降;④型比在年代分布呈两头高中间低的趋势,男性型比一直高于女性;⑤随着防治工作的深入开展,新发病例病期缩短和畸残率降低.结论建国以来福建省采用的麻风防治策略正确,防治措施得力,该病的流行得到有效的控制.  相似文献   

银屑病好发于青壮年,但我国对本病患者初发年龄的调查研究少有报道.本文对银屑病患者的初发年龄作了调查和统计分析,现报告如下. 一、调查方法和结果我们对1979~1985年在门诊作过治疗登记的银屑病患者共1246例,进行初发年龄的调查,其平均初发年龄为26.53岁.其中男837例(67.17%),平均初发年龄28.77岁,女409例(32.83%),平均初发年龄21.94岁.有阳性家族史者208例,占16.69%,其平均初发年龄23.82岁,其中男139例,平均初发年龄24.73岁,女69例,平均初发年龄22岁;无家史的1038例患者的平均初发年龄为27.07岁,其中男698例,平均初发年龄29.57岁,女340例,平均初发年龄21.93岁.本组银屑病患者性别与初发年龄之间的关系见下表.  相似文献   

银屑病是一种世界范畴内发病率较高的慢性全身性疾病.我国1984年由24个省、市、自治区协作,进行流行病学调查,结果说明目前我国至少有123万患者,总患病率为1.23‰.本文仅就与恶性肿瘤关系进行统计,以供防治研究参考. 银屑病与恶性肿瘤并发,国内医药学期刊已报告35篇83例,其中用免疫抑制剂治疗银屑病后出现各类白血病29例;银屑病并发鳞状上皮癌19例,其中1例伴发砷角化症;基底细胞癌2例;鲍温氏病1例;肺癌5例,其中1例伴发皮肌炎;食道癌2例;贲门癌2例、胃癌3例、直肠癌1例;肝癌6例;胰腺癌1例;乳腺癌3例、宫颈癌4例;膀胱癌1例;网织细胞肉瘤2例、纤维肉瘤1例、恶性肉芽肿1例.  相似文献   

目的 了解海南省常住人口银屑病流行病学情况.方法 在海南省18个市县各选择10个乡镇或社区作调查点,采取多阶段抽样(分层抽样、单纯随机抽样、整群抽样相结合)的方法,调查对象签署《知情同意书》后,由调查员填写《海南省银屑病流行病学研究登记表》,并将调查所得数据录入EpiData 3.1软件,用SPSS17.0软件进行统计学分析.结果 抽样35 314人,实际应答30 935人,应答率87.60%,男女性别比1.2∶1,年龄(33.86±17.78)岁.发现银屑病46例,总患病率1.49‰,标化患病率为1.42‰,标化患病率男性(1.85‰)较女性(0.84‰)高,男女患病率差异有统计学意义(x2=6.86,P< 0.01).初发年龄(33.49±14.61)岁.临床分型中以寻常性为最多见(38例,占82.60%).诱发银屑病的危险因素为精神紧张.对生活质量的影响社交障碍占89.13%,活动障碍占73.91%,心理障碍占86.97%.结论 海南省常住人口银屑病患病率低于国内平均水平,多种因素在银屑病发生、发展中起作用.  相似文献   

银屑病是世界各地都有的疾病,由于病因尚不明了,亦无特效疗法,因此,不同程度的影响着患者的身心健康、学习和工作。所以,国内外都在研究本病。关于银屑病的发病率,各地报告颇不一致,各医院皮肤科门诊病人的发病率为2.998%、7%、10%左右。自然人群中的发病率为0.5‰、2.8‰、5.3‰、8.4‰。这些报告由于调查方法、调查项目等不相一致,所以有一定的局限性。1984  相似文献   

银屑病的发病与气象因素关系的初步探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
方法 用单因素分析、多因素回归分析和各气象因素之间相关分析三种方法 ,对我国银屑病年发病率与气象因素的关系进行了研究。结果 单因素分析显示年平均气温、年平均气压、年降水总量、年平均相对湿度、年实测日照总时数对银屑病发病均具有显著影响 (P<0 .0 5 )。多因素回归 (后退法 )分析发现年平均气温是银屑病发病的主要影响因素。年平均气温具有高度显著性差异 (P<0 .0 1)。各气象因素之间相关分析发现年降水总量、年实测日照总时数、年平均实际日照强度与年平均气温高度相关 (P<0 .0 1)。结论 气象因素的变化在银屑病的发病及流行分布上是一个不可忽视的自然因素。  相似文献   

对2015-2019年我院11 602例性病门诊送检的梅毒标本检测结果及患者资料进行回顾性分析。结果示2015-2019年每年TPPA阳性率均明显高于RPR阳性率,差异均具有统计学意义(均P<0.05);女性与男性梅毒阳性率差异无统计学意义。农村、县城、市区梅毒阳性率依次升高,且差异具有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。梅毒阳性主要集中在20~50岁年龄段。农民工的梅毒阳性率发病率最高,其次为销售服务人员、大货车司机。  相似文献   

目的 了解凉山地区青少年15种皮肤病发病情况。方法 以在校初中和高中生为调查对象,采用分层整群抽样方法确定2所城区中学、3所农村中学为调查点。受调查者填写调查问卷,接受皮肤科专科医师检查。 结果 共调查7747人,年龄12 ~ 20 (15.86 ± 1.86)岁。发现皮肤病患者6379例,总患病率为82.34%;平均每人患有(1.34 ± 0.97)种皮肤病。患者人数(患病率)痤疮为4698例(60.64%)、雀斑2219例(28.64%)、毛发苔藓966例(12.47%)、湿疹皮炎792例(10.22%)、荨麻疹511例(6.60%)、丘疹性荨麻疹195例(2.52%)、白癜风37例(0.48%)、银屑病55例(0.71%)、寻常疣166例(2.14%)、扁平疣168例(2.17%)、手足癣317例(4.09%)、体癣142例(1.83%)、黄褐斑62例(0.80%)、鲜红斑痣26例(0.34%)和太田痣15例(0.19%)。男性痤疮患病率(63.91%)高于女性(58.50%);女性湿疹、毛发苔藓、雀斑、黄褐斑、银屑病患病率高于男性。汉族雀斑患病率(29.58%)高于彝族(25.93%);彝族痤疮、白癜风、银屑病、黄褐斑患病率高于汉族。城区痤疮、丘疹性荨麻疹患病率高于农村;农村荨麻疹、雀斑、黄褐斑和毛发苔藓患病率高于城区。结论 凉山地区青少年皮肤病总体患病率较高,15种皮肤病中患病率前5位的分别是痤疮、雀斑、毛发苔藓、湿疹和荨麻疹,男性与女性、汉族与彝族、城区与农村皮肤病患病率有明显差异。  相似文献   

本文就河南农村105.545人中银屑病387例进行了临床分析,报告了河南周口地区农村自然人口银屑病患病率为0.37%,认为各地患病率高低与地理气象因素有关.指出银屑病发病人数有增多趋势,以期引起重视.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between psoriasis severity and concentrations of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) in plasma and scales from psoriatic lesions, measured with an enzyme immunoassay in 24 patients and analysed with respect to psoriasis area and severity index (PASI). The mean plasma concentrations of both proteins in psoriatic patients significantly exceeded the control values. The proteins were also detectable in scales. There was a significant correlation between plasma MMP-1 concentration and the disease duration. The PASI values showed significant positive correlation with plasma TIMP-1 and significant negative correlation with MMP-1 content in scales. The highest plasma MMP-1 concentration was observed in patients with mild forms whereas the highest plasma TIMP-1 concentrations were demonstrated in severe forms of psoriasis. Our results confirm the role of these proteins in pathogenesis of psoriasis. In severe forms, a decrease in both MMP-1 and TIMP-1 was observed in scales, suggesting their insufficient tissue expression, which can be a crucial element of psoriasis aggravation.  相似文献   

Background Eczema affects approximately 10% of all schoolchildren in the western world and has shown an increase over the past decades in ‘developing’ countries. Numerous factors have been suggested that might contribute to the increasing prevalence of eczema. A plausible explanation is the role of environmental factors. As part of the ‘hygiene hypothesis’ it has been thought that eczema is more common in urban than in rural communities, but such a notion has never been assessed systematically. Objective Our aim was to assess whether there is a rural/urban gradient for the prevalence of eczema and, if so, to what extent. Methods All data sources were identified through a search in MEDLINE and EMBASE. All primary studies comparing the prevalence rate of eczema between urban and rural populations were assessed for eligibility. Included articles were reviewed for methodological quality and a relative risk was calculated to indicate the risk of eczema in urban over rural areas. Results Twenty‐six articles were included for analysis. Nineteen showed a higher risk for eczema in an urbanized area, of which 11 were significant. Six studies showed a lower risk of eczema in an urbanized area, of which one was statistically significant. One study had a relative risk of 1·00. Results were more homogeneous among studies of good methodological quality. A pooled relative risk could have been calculated but was not because of heterogeneity. Conclusion There is some evidence of a higher risk for eczema in urban compared with rural areas, suggesting that place of residence may have a role in the pathogenesis of eczema. Future reviews on environmental circumstances should be carried out to reveal the factors associated with a higher prevalence of eczema in urban areas and the association with other allergic diseases.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) is a mitogen that stimulates cell division of various cells of epidermal origin. The present study was undertaken to clarify whether the serum level of EGF is correlated with the disease activity during local therapy with dithranol in psoriasis. We examined serum EGF concentrations in acute and chronic psoriasis before and after topical treatment with dithranol and the correlation with Psoriasis Activity and Severity Index (PASI). Male patients were divided into two groups: acute psoriasis (AP, 18 cases) and chronic psoriasis (CP, 17 cases). A control group C consisted of 20 healthy male volunteers. Radioimmunoassay of EGF was performed using the reagent pack (Amersham, UK). In the CP group mean EGF was higher before treatment than in the AP and C groups, but not significantly. EGF concentration after local treatment was higher in the CP group than the AP group (P < 0.02); the AP group, however, showed statistically significant decrease of EGF after the treatment (P < 0.04). No correlation between EGF and PASI was found. Serum EGF concentration increased in 19/35 treated patients.  相似文献   

Effect of heliotherapy on the cost of psoriasis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A 2-year trial was conducted to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of heliotherapy for psoriasis. The course and cost of psoriasis of 46 Finnish patients were first closely monitored for 1 year, then the patients received a 4-week supervised heliotherapy treatment in the Canary Islands, Spain, after which they continued to be followed for another year. Heliotherapy dramatically reduced the severity of psoriasis and also seemed to have favourable long-term effects on psoriasis. The mean direct cost of the 4-week heliotherapy for one patient was FIM12,289 (£1 = FIM7.0 in 1989). The cost of flights and half-board in Spain formed nearly 60% (FIM7033) of the total cost. In the year preceding heliotherapy, the mean direct annual cost of antipsoriasis therapy was FIM7335 and in the year after FIM5700, a reduction of 22% in annual costs; this change was not statistically significant because there were large variations in costs among patients. The costs of heliotherapy exceeded manyfold the mean monthly cost of conventional psoriasis therapy. There were no overall savings using heliotherapy in those patients suffering mainly from moderately severe psoriasis. Heliotherapy saved costs only in those patients with severe psoriasis that required expensive medication or ward treatment. Although heliotherapy cannot be regarded as an economical treatment for the average patients with psoriasis, it clears psoriasis effectively and is preferred by patients. Thus, heliotherapy constitutes an alternative for patients suffering severe psoriasis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: HIV/sexually transmitted disease interventions in sub-Saharan Africa have largely been focused on urban areas, where sexual behavior is supposed to be more risky than in rural areas. GOAL: The goal of this study was to measure sexual risk behavior among young adults in Nyanza province in Kenya and to compare rural and urban areas. STUDY: In a cross-sectional study, 584 household members aged 15 to 29 years in Kisumu town and the rural districts Siaya and Bondo were selected by multistage random sampling and were administered a face-to-face questionnaire. RESULTS: For women, sexual behavior was more risky in rural than in urban areas, also after adjusting for sociodemographic differences. Rural women reported less frequently being a virgin at marriage, a higher number of lifetime partners, and less consistent condom use with nonspousal partners. For men, sexual risk behavior was equally high in urban and rural areas. CONCLUSIONS: The potential for further HIV spread in rural Nyanza is large. HIV/sexually transmitted disease interventions should be expanded from urban to rural areas in Nyanza.  相似文献   

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