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In 1982, 89 men from all over the FRG participated in an investigation of sperm density and the presence of selected persistent environmental chemicals in their semen. Semen concentrations for the following chemicals were measured: lead, cadmium, hexachlorobenzene (HCBC), a-hexachlorocyclohexane (a-BHC), DDT and metabolites, dieldrin and polychlorobiphenyls (PBC). Heavy metal analyses were performed by Zeeman-AAS with direct sample measurement. A method for the quantitative determination of chlorinated hydrocarbons in semen by liquid-liquid extraction, clean-up and quantitation by gas chromatography with an electron capture detector. Recovery rates ranged from 72 to 120%. Compound identification in samples was confirmed by negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Heavy metals and organochlorine compounds in semen were present in the same concentration range as in blood or other biofluids. Occupational exposure as well as extraordinary environmental exposure appeared to influence semen concentrations. Students in chemistry showed elevated levels of organochlorine compounds. Men who lived in the vicinity of an atmospheric source of heavy metals showed strikingly the vicinity of an atmospheric source of heavy metals showed strikingly elevated levels of semen lead and cadmium. We were unable to find a statistically significant correlation between sperm density and any of the variables examined in this study including: orgonochlorine compounds summed or individually; lead and/or cadmium; and tobacco consumption. Significant correlations were found between the simultaneous occurrence of lead and cadmium and between the simultaneous occurrence of HCB, DDT and DDE.  相似文献   

精子染色质结构分析与精液参数的相关性研究   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
目的 :研究精子染色质结构分析 (SCSA)与精液参数的相关性 ,探讨评估精液质量的可靠方法。 方法 :将5 11份精液标本流式细胞术SCSA结果与精液常规分析结果进行多参数的相关性分析。 结果 :与变性精子百分数(COMPαt)呈低度正相关 (r在 0 .10~ 0 .3 0 )的参数是粘度、本次射精间隔时间、精子畸形率、c级精子密度 ;呈低度负相关的参数 (r在 - 0 .3 0~ - 0 .10 )是曲线速度、直线速度、平均路径速度 ;呈中度正相关 (r在 0 .3 0~ 0 .70 )的参数是精子密度、d级精子率和d级精子密度 ;呈中度负相关 (r在 - 0 .70~ - 0 .3 0 )的参数是平均移动角度、a级精子密度和精子存活率。 结论 :流式细胞术能简单、快速、准确地评估损伤和变性精子的百分数 ,其结果 (COMPαt)与精液参数部分相关 ,并不是完全独立于精液常规检查的指标。SCSA对评估生育力具有重要意义  相似文献   

The cognition and assessment of various spheres of behaviour and vital activity of man are possible only through a systemic approach to its study. It is necessary to point out the different levels of methodological approach to the problem of a successful development of andrology and to determine their tasks and limitations. The main sections of research of andrology must include: medico-biological, philosophic-anthropological, sociological, and psychological investigations of personality. Accordingly andrology is at a junction of the natural and social sciences, i.e. an interdisciplinary science.  相似文献   

J. Brotherton 《Andrologia》1989,21(5):407-415
Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) has been estimated in 79 samples of human seminal plasma using three different methods. The Serono "ter" double antibody-polyethylene glycol "hCG-beta" radioimmunoassay, which uses a polyclonal antibody and estimates intact HCG plus free beta-subunit, gave concentrations of 37 +/- 21 (18-112) mIU/ml 1st IRP 75/537 (n = 46). Concentrations were much less with assays that utilised monoclonal antisera. The Pharmacia-LKB "DELFIA" fluoroimmunoassay, which estimates intact hCG only, failed to detect hCG in 16/76 (21%) of samples and detected only a trace (less than 2 mIU/ml) in 32 samples, but was able to estimate authentic hCG in 28 samples, the highest concentration being 25 mIU/ml. The proportion monoclonal/polyclonal hCG in these samples was highly variable at 4-122 (mean 37) %. The. Medgenix oligo-monoclonal immunoradiometric assay, which estimates intact hCG plus free beta-subunit more specifically, gave even lower concentrations. It failed to detect hCG in 6/54 (11%) of samples and detected only a trace in 27 samples, but was able to estimate hCG in 21 samples, the highest concentration being 20 mIU/ml. The proportion of monoclonal/polyclonal hCG in no case exceeded 0.2%. It is concluded that authentic hCG does occur in human seminal plasma, but only in about a third of samples. The origin of this hCG is discussed.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to evaluate 792 semen of high (greater than or equal to 6 ml) and low (less than or equal to 1 ml) volume and sperm counts ranging from 0.1 to 200 x 10(6) per ml. Particularly emphasized were: motility percentage and grade, percentage viability, morphologically normal sperm and immature cells, and the concentration of fructose in semen (mg/ml). The Duncan multiple range test and the Kruskal-Wallis test with multiple comparison of ranks were used in the statistical analyses. The results show that abnormal semen volume influence neither the basic tendency of andrological parameters to change in accordance with sperm counts of semen nor to correlate with each other. The quality of motility was significantly higher in specimens of high semen volume as compared to those of low semen volume. The concentration of fructose in semen was generally higher in specimens of high volumes than in those of low volumes, including semen devoid of sperm. It was assumed that in general increased semen volume does not affect the quality of other andrological parameters, thus being probably unrelated with fertility potential. The considerably lower values of both motility and viability characterizing the semen of low volume would suggest a lower fertility potential of specimens affected by this type of abnormality.  相似文献   

Inhibin-Werte im menschlichen Spermaplasma und in den accessorischen Geschlechtsorganen
Mittels eines spezifischen Radio-Immun-Assays wurde Inhibin im Spermaplasma von Patienten mit Oligozoospermie und Normozoospermie und in den accessorischen Geschlechtsorganen gesunder Männer (Hoden, Nebenhoden, Prostata, Bläschendrüsen — Homogenate von Autopsie-Material) bestimmt. Für das Seminal-Inhibin ergab sich eine positive Korrelation zur Spermatozoendichte. Bei den accessorischen Geschlechtsorganen fand sich in der Prostata ein Maximum für Inhibin im Vergleich zu den Bläschendrüsen und zu den Nebenhoden.  相似文献   

Summary: The aim of this study was to correlate human seminal fructose determinations by enzymatic UV method with protein content, using three different methods (Biuret, Lowry, Meulemans).
On one hand, the incidence on fructose levels of partial deproteinization after treatment by perchloric acid was tested: the fructose levels values increased after deproteinization 14.1 ± 3.7 versus 4.2 ± 1.7 mMol/l.
On the other hand, physiologically, semen proteolysis occurs for many hours after collection and concerns mainly low molecular weight proteins. No modifications were found in protid levels and fructose concentrations during the first four hours, at 20° C.
All these data seem to indicate a better linkage of fructose to the highest molecular weight proteins and might explain the absence of fructose rise during the first four hours.
Zusammenfassung: Ziel dieser Studie war, die enzymatisch über U.V. ermittelte Fruktose des menschlichen Spermaplasmas mit dem mittels drei verschiedener Methoden (Biuret, Lowry, Meulemans) bestimmten Proteinspiegel in Korrelation zu bringen. Einerseits wurde die Inzidenz der Deproteinisierung durch Perchlorsäure auf den Fruktose-Spiegel untersucht: dieser erhöht sich nach Deproteinisierung auf 14.1 ± 3.7 gegen 4.2 ±1.7 mMol/l und andererseits die physiologische Proteolyse, die mehrere Stunden nach Kollekte auftritt und die niedermolekularen Proteine betrifft: innerhalb der ersten vier Stunden wurde bei 20° C keinerlei Veränderung des Proteinspiegels oder der Fruktose angetroffen.
Das Ganze scheint letztlich auf eine bessere Bindung der Fruktose an die hochmolekularen Proteine hinzuweisen und könnte das Fehlen einer Fruktose-Erhöhung innerhalb dieser vier Stunden erklären.  相似文献   

Approximately between 9 and 19 years of age 28 adolescents with one and 26 with both retractile testicles were andrologically examined and followed up. Retractile gonads during puberty often remained of subnormal size with the long axis shorter than 34 mm. In both groups in 50 to 60% of cases low sperm values were ascertained. The findings of azoospermia were only sporadic. In 40 cases a repeated examination of ejaculates after longer intervals was carried out. It was found that sperm values remained mostly on the level of the first examination which was performed in the majority of cases in the same year with the first emission of semen or in the following year. A more pronounced amelioration of sperm findings was ascertained only in about 12% of cases.  相似文献   

目的:对精浆酸性磷酸酶(ACP)和γ-L-谷氨酰转肽酶(γ-GT)活性检测进行比较,并分析ACP和γ-GT活性与精液参数的相关性。方法:133例精浆标本,分别检测ACP活性和γ-GT活性。随机留取2例精浆标本,1例用于ACP批内检测,另1例用于γ-GT批内检测。随机留取4例标本,2例用于ACP批间检测,另2例用于γ-GT批间检测。用计算机辅助的精液分析(CASA)系统分析精液标本的精液量、pH、精子密度、活动率、a+b级活动精子百分率等参数。同时分析ACP和γ-GT活性与精液参数的相关性。结果:精浆ACP活性和γ-GT活性呈显著性正相关(r=0.570,P=0.000)。ACP的批内变异系数(CV)为13.72%,批间CV分别为13.80%和15.49%。γ-GT批内CV为7.68%,批间CV分别为7.76%和9.73%。精浆ACP活性和γ-GT活性均与pH值呈显著负相关(r=-0.330,P=0.000;r=-0.388,P=0.000)。γ-GT活性与精子密度呈显著正相关(r=0.165,P=0.045),而ACP活性与精子密度无显著相关(r=0.048,P=0.546)。ACP活性和γ-GT活性均与精子活动率、(a+b)级活动精子百分率、精液量、禁欲时间以及年龄无显著相关性。结论:精浆γ-GT活性检测的精确性高于ACP活性检测,两者与精液参数的相关性基本类似。提示精浆γ-GT活性检测比ACP活性检测更适合用来评价前列腺功能。  相似文献   

W. KRAUSE 《Andrologia》1980,12(2):130-134
Der Nachweis einer carcino-embryonalen antigenähnlichen Immunreaktivität im menschlichen Sperma
Eine Substanz, die im Radioimmunoassay für carcinoembryonales Antigen (CEA) erfaßt wird, wurde in normaler menschlicher Samenflüssigkeit gefunden. Ihre Konzentration beträgt im Mittel 118 ng/ml. Sie ist unabhängig von der Spermatozoenzahl und auch bei Verschlußazoospermie in gleicher Höhe auffindbar. Sie ist dem Tumor-CEA von Coloncarcinomen immunologisch ähnlich, wie anhand der Parallelität der Verdünnungskurven dargestellt wird. Gelchromatographisch wird sie ebenfalls im gleichen Bereich wie iodiertes CEA gefunden.  相似文献   

Charakteristika des Split-Ejakulates bei unterschiedlicher Spermatozoendichte
Bei 38 Split-Ejakulaten (jeweils zwei Portionen) wurden Spermatozoendichte, Motilität, Viabilität und Morphologie untersucht. In der ersten Fraktion waren die Spermatozoendichte, sowie die Motilität und Viabilität jeweils signifikant höher, während in der zweiten Fraktion keinerlei Unterschiede hinsichtlich des Prozentsatzes morphologisch normaler Spermatozoen festzustellen waren. Aus diesen Befunden wird die Schlußfolgerung gezogen, daß Split-Ejakulate einen Vorteil gerade bei der Oligozoospermie erbringen, indem man die Split-Ejakulate zur homologen Insemination verwendet.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate which of the various parameters of semen analysis that are most significantly related to the obtainment of pregnancy. A follow up questionnaire was sent to 1953 couples, who had been examined for infertility, and 1,480 (76%) replied. We focused on 713 of these couples, in whom the female partner had a normal fertility set-up (potentially fertile). This study suggests that sperm vitality and sperm concentration bear the most significant relation to pregnancy. Evaluation of a couple's fertility potential by means of the life-table method shows a gradual increase in the pregnancy rate of all couples, irrespective of semen quality, during a observation period of 10 years. The pregnancy rate after 5 years was 14% in a group with reduced semen quality and 44% in a group with normal semen quality.  相似文献   

Dr.  P. SCHRAMM  O. OSTER 《Andrologia》1987,19(2):193-197
Arsenic concentration was measured by atomic absorption spectrometer in ejaculates of 13 subfertile men, 6 control individuals and pool-ejaculate of 24 further andrological patients. While the detection limit was 1 microgram/l, arsenic concentration amounted to 2 micrograms AS/l in ejaculates. In the cellular fractions of seminal fluid, concentration of arsenic was under the detection limit. Arsenic concentration of smokers and non-smokers did not differ.  相似文献   

Round cells of 42 ejaculates were characterized by their surface antigens using monoclonal antibodies and the immunocytochemical APAAP-technique. In this way immature germ cells, polymorphonuclear leukocytes, lymphocytes and their subpopulations could be distinguished. It was also attempted to correlate the incidence of these cells, sperm parameters and other clinical data.  相似文献   

Summary:  Spectroscopic analysis of seventeen normal and pathological semen samples was done to reveal the different elements present in it. The sensitivity of the instrument was 1 μg/g. The observed elements include sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, boron, silicon, thalium, vanadium, aluminium, mercury and gold. This is the richest source of gold reported in biological materials. An attempt was done to locate the origin of these elements. Thus gold is released from caput epididymis.
Zusammenfassung:  Das Vorhandensein verschiedener Spurenelemente im normalen und pathologischen Spermaplasma und ihre Herkunft
Spektroskopische Analysen von siebzehn normalen und pathologischen Spermaproben wurden vorgenommen, um die darin enthaltenen Spurenelemente nachzuweisen. Die Empfindlichkeit des instrumentes betrug 1 μg/g. Die beobachteten Spurenelemente umfaßten Natrium, Magnesium, Kalzium, Phosphor, Eisen, Mangan, Zink Kupfer, Bor, Silicium, Thallium, Vanadium, Aluminium, Quecksilber und Gold. Es handelt sich um den größten Goldanteil, der in biologischen Materialien nachgewiesen wurde. Es wurde der Versuch unternommen, die Herkunft dieser Spurenelemente zu lokalisieren. Dabei zeigte sich, daß Gold vom Nebenhodenkopf freigesetzt wird.  相似文献   

Cryopreserved semen depots from 93 patients who had terminated contract with the CRYO-BANK-KREFELD were evaluated for prefreeze quality and post-thaw motility after a few days and after long-term storage (mean = 44 month). 2/3 of these patients had onkological disease. Only 20% of the ejaculates were normozoospermic and showed motility after thawing of more than 20%. The average recovery rate after long term storage was only 28% and revealed a significant decrease with time of about 20%. The concentration of motile spermatozoa, especially in patients with testicular cancer (x = 2.1 mill/ml), was so much reduced one must assume that in the most cases of semen banking there was no chance to achieve pregnancy.  相似文献   

A total of 429 semen samples were studied. Two hundred and twenty-nine samples with normal characteristics were processed following a basic procedure; the remaining 200 were normal and pathological samples that were analyzed pre and post swim-up. Semen specimens were allowed to liquefy for 30 minutes and sperm count, motility, velocity and linearity were determined using the Cellsoft Automatic Semen Analyzer. In normal patients, a significant increase of motility, velocity and linearity (p less than 0.001) post swim-up, was observed. Sperm recovery in this group was 13.9 +/- 1% of the whole motile sperm population. In the polyzoospermic group, recovery of motile spermatozoa post swim-up was significantly decreased as compared with the normal group (p less than 0.001). In the asthenozoospermic group (plus either hypospermia or hyperspermia, or with more than 30% of motile spermatozoa or less than 30% of motility), no variations of velocity or linearity as compared to the normal group were observed. In all the pathological groups studied, a significant increase in velocity and linearity (p less than 0.001) post swim-up, was observed.  相似文献   

目的 :建立测定人精液维生素E含量的反相高效液相色谱法。 方法 :用正己烷萃取人精液维生素E ,氮气吹干 ,以甲醇定容 ;以维生素E作外标 ,用紫外检测仪检测 ,波长为 2 0 5nm。 结果 :线性关系为y =0 .30 2 9+0 .0 0 730x,r=0 .9994,回收率在 85 %~ 115 %之间 ,检测限为 4.5 35× 10 -2 μmol/L ,测定 1份样品约需 12min。  结论 :本法与比色法或荧光法比较 ,测定人精液中维生素E含量准确 ,特异性强 ,灵敏度高 ;结果提示不育病人精子密度越高精液维生素E含量越高。  相似文献   

Dr.  G. VERHOEVEN  O. STEENO 《Andrologia》1979,11(2):163-167
Beweise für den Prostata-Ursprung der Gamma-Glutamyltrans-peptidase-Aktivität im menschlichen Sperma
Anhand von Untersuchungen bei 100 Spermaproben von andrologischen Patienten, bei 7 Split-Ejakulaten und einer Spermaprobe von einem Mann mit congenitalem Fehlen des Ductus deferens und der Bläschendrüsen wird über dei Gamma-Glutamyl-Fehlen des Ductus deferens und der Bläschendrüsen wird über die Gamma-Glutamyl-transpeptidase-Aktivität (GGTP) im menschlichen Sperma berichtet. Dieses Enzym ist im Sperma etwa 500 mal aktiver als im Blutserum. über seine Herkunft bestand bisher keine Klarheit. Zwischen der Spermatozoendichte und der GGTP-Aktivität ergaben sich keine Beziehungen, wie derartige Korrelationen auch nicht zur Fruktose-konzentration und zur sexuellen Carenz herzustellen waren. Bei der Untersuchung der Split-Ejakulate zeigte sich, daß die GGTP-Aktivität der ersten Fraktion jene der zweiten Fraktion übertraf; das Gegenteil traf für die Fruktosekonzentration zu. Bei dem Patienten mit angeborenen Fehlen des Samenleiters und der Bläschendrüsen fanden sich hohe Werte für GGTP-Aktivität. Die Autoren ziehen aus ihren Befunden, die im Zusammenhang mit den Literaturangaben stehen, die Schlußfolgerung, daß beim Menschen die Prostata als Ursprung der GGTP-Aktivität im Spermaplasma an-gesehen werden kann.  相似文献   

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