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乳腺导管扩张症   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨乳腺导管扩张症的诊断和治疗。方法 对76 例乳腺导管扩张症的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 该病主要临床表现为乳房肿块(31 例,40.78 % ) ,脓肿(24 例,31.58 % ) ,乳头内陷(52 例,68.42 % ) ,乳头溢液(21 例,27.63 % ) ,乳瘘(21 例,27.63 % ) 。术前误诊率55.26 % (42/76) ,其中20 例(26.32 % ) 误诊为乳癌。本组均经手术治疗,治愈率为92.11 % (70/76) 。结论 乳腺导管扩张症易误诊,术中病理检查是确诊的可靠方法;彻底切除或切开病变的乳管是手术成功的关键。  相似文献   

乳腺导管扩张症   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
乳腺导管扩张症(maary duct ectasia,MDE)最初由Bloodgood[1]于1923年提出,文献报道中,MDE有许多名称,如浆细胞性乳腺炎、粉刺性乳腺炎、导管周围乳腺炎、乳腺分泌性疾病、乳腺静脉曲张样瘤等.Dixon[2]认为这些命名只是反映了该病不同阶段的表现,将其命名为导管周围乳腺炎/乳管扩张症较为合理.  相似文献   

Dural ectasia and the Marfan syndrome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The not-uncommon spinal abnormalities associated with Marfan's syndrome rarely undergird clinical problems, and neurological features accompanying such bone abnormalities are rare. In such unusual circumstances it is a widened vertebral canal that attracts attention: the substrate of such widening is dural ectasia with bone erosion, presumably due to hydraulic forces operating via the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). When neural symptoms or findings do occur they may be related to stretching and traction mechanisms. This study of a symptomatic patient defined with reasonable clarity the abnormal anatomy, and some neurological symptom relief was achieved by attempting to alter the CSF dynamics. The relevant literature has been sampled to elucidate the condition.  相似文献   

Duct ectasia consists of dilation of the mammary ducts and is clinically manifested as nipple discharge, which is more commonly multiductal, bilateral, and colored. To identify clinical factors that might be related to duct ectasia. A case-control study was carried out on a population of 150 patients divided into two groups. Group 1 (the experimental group) comprised 100 patients with multiductal, bilateral, and colored nipple discharge, clinically representing the nipple secretion of duct ectasia. Group 2 (the control group) was composed of 50 patients without nipple discharge. The odds ratio of duct ectasia was three times higher for current smokers (p=0.04). Likewise, smokers from the duct ectasia group had smoked for a longer time (median 25 months) compared to smokers from the control group (median 15 months) (p=0.02). Parity, history of abortion or termination, breast-feeding, hormonal contraceptive use, and history of breast abscess did not increase the risk for duct ectasia. The group of women with duct ectasia was associated with current tobacco smoking.  相似文献   

Periductal mastitis/duct ectasia   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Periductal mastitis/duct ectasia affects major breast ducts and is poorly understood. A variety of different terms have been used for this condition and these probably reflect different stages in one disease process.It appears to be responsible for 1–2% of all symptomatic breast conditions. Although the incidence is higher in postmortem studies, much of what is included as so-called periductal mastitis orduct ectasia in these studies is duct dilatation, which occurs as part of normal breast involution.Periductal mastitis appears to be the primary condition with duct ectasia being the outcome. The cause of this periductal mastitis is uncertain, although bacteria, particularly anaerobic organisms, appear to play some role. Clinically, this condition can present with noncyclical mastalgia, nipple discharge, nipple retraction, a subareolar breast mass with or without overlying breast inflammation, a periareolar abscess, or a mammillary fistula.Antibiotics effective against the organisms isolated from this condition are effective in resolving periareolar inflammation and are useful when combined with surgery in mammillary fistula.
Resumen La mastitis periductal/ectasia ductal que afecta a los ductos o canalículos mamarios principales es una entidad poco conocida. Una variedad de términos ha sido utilizada para designarla, términos que probablemente reflejan diferentes estadios de un mismo proceso patológico.La entidad parece ser responsable del 1–2% de todas las entidades sintomáticas que se presentan en los senos. Aunque la incidencia más alta se presenta en exámenes postmortem, mucho de lo que se incluye comomastitis periductal o ectasia ductal en estos estudios corresponde realmente a la dilatación ductal que ocurre como parte de la involución mamaria normal.La mastitis periductal parece ser la condición primaria y la ectasia ductal el resultado final. La causa de esta mastitis periductal no aparece clara, aunque las bacterias, especialmente los organismos anaeróbicos, parecen jugar algun papel. Clínicamente esta condición puede presentarse con mastalgia no cíclica, secreción por el pezón, retracción del pezón, masa subareolar con o sin inflamación concomitante del seno, absceso periareolar, o fístula mamilar.Los antibióticos de demostrada eficacia contra los microorganismos que han sido aislados de cultivos en esta condición clínica son efectivos en cuanto a lograr la resolución de la inflamación periareolar y son de utilidad cuando se combinan con cirugía en casos de fístula mamilar.

Résumé La mastite péricanalaire ou ectasie canalaire est une maladie peu connue des canals galactophores majeurs. La variété de termes utilisés pour désigner cette affection témoigne probablement des stades évolutifs de la même maladie.Cette affection serait responsable de 1 à 2% des toutes les maladies symptomatiques du sein. Bien que l'incidence soit plus élevée dans les études postmortem, bien des cas étiquetés mastite péricanalaire ou ectasie canalaire semblent en fait être une dilatation canalaire qui se voit dans l'involution normale du sein.La mastite péricanalaire apparaît comme le primans movens; l'ectasie en est le résultat. La cause de la mastite péricanalaire n'est pas connue avec certitude mais il semble que les bactéries, et notamment des anaérobies, jouent un rôle. Cliniquement, cette affection se présente comme des mastalgies non-cycliques, avec écoulements ou rétraction mammelonnaires, masse sousaréolaire avec ou sans inflammation du sein avoisinant, abcès périaréolaire ou fistule mamillaire.Les antibiotiques adaptés aux organismes retrouvés dans cette affection sont efficaces dans la résolution de l'inflammation périaréolaire et sont également utiles combinés à la chirurgie en cas de fistule mamillaire.

A case of cervical dural ectasia in von Recklinghausen's disease is reported. A 36-year-old female was admitted to our hospital with complaints of hypesthesia in the extremities and gait disturbance. Plain cervical x-ray films showed dilated interpediculate distance and increased A-P diameter of the cervical spinal canal. Myelography showed abnormally dilated subarachnoid space at C4-C7 level. Metrizamide CT scan also revealed abnormally dilated subarachnoid space, which was at the ventral site of the spinal cord. No tumors, arachnoid cysts, syringomyelia were noticed. From the above-mentioned radiological findings, dural ectasia in von Recklinghausen's disease was suggested. In the discussion, it was emphasized to consider dural ectasia in the differential diagnosis of the dilated spinal canal.  相似文献   

A prospective study was established to determine whether, using suitable transport media, bacteria could be isolated from the lesions of mammary duct ectasia. The results indicate that both aerobic and anaerobic organisms are present in a high proportion of patients with nipple discharge associated with this condition and in all patients who develop peri-areolar sepsis (abscess and mammillary fistulae) as part of the syndrome. The lesions of duct ectasia are therefore not sterile and the possibility exists that bacteria have a role in the aetiology and pathogenesis of this condition.  相似文献   

开腹手术中 ,胆总管结石行胆总管切开探查T形管引流是目前临床上应用最广泛、最成熟的手术方式 ,但有时也会导致一系列并发症 ,且病人住院时间较长。我院于 1 998年 1月至 2 0 0 0年 1 0月有选择性地对 83例术前诊断胆总管结石病人采用经胆囊管行胆总管探查取石术 ,获得满意的疗效。现报告如下。临床资料   1 .一般资料  本组 83例 ,男 2 5例 ,女 58例 ,年龄 2 5~ 72岁 ,平均45 .6岁。术前均行B超或CT检查诊断胆总管结石。病人均有上腹疼痛病史 ,肝总管或肝内胆管结石 1 5例 ,胆总管扩张 76例 ,慢性胆囊炎、胆囊多发结石 58例 ,既…  相似文献   

目的探讨胆囊管残端部分开放联合胆道造影在胆囊管结石治疗中的临床应用价值。方法2010年2月~2012年12月,对55例胆囊管结石行四孔法腹腔镜胆囊切除术。全麻,术中明确“三管”关系后夹闭胆囊管近侧端,剪开远侧部分胆囊管管壁,钝性挤压远端,挤出可能残留结石直至清亮胆汁流出,自胆囊管开放口置管行术中胆道造影,判断有无结石残留。术后观察腹部症状体征、肝功能指标,常规行B超复查,必要时行MRCP检查,明确有无胆囊管结石残留或继发胆总管结石残留。结果55例手术均获成功。术中经胆囊管残端开放钝性挤压,15例有残留小结石挤出。术中胆道造影,1例发现继发胆总管结石残留,多次反复挤压取石失败,术后第3日行ERCP+EST取石成功,余54例无结石残留。术后2例不明原因上腹疼痛,肝功能、B超及MRCP检查均无异常,予以对症解痉治疗后腹痛缓解,余均顺利康复。结论对胆囊管结石行腹腔镜胆囊切除术时,采用胆囊管残端开放法,通过钝性挤压胆汁溢出,冲出可能残留结石,辅以经胆囊管残端插管胆道造影,及早发现胆囊管结石残留或继发胆总管结石残留,增加腹腔镜胆囊切除术的安全性。  相似文献   

目的探讨腹腔镜下经胆囊管取石治疗胆囊结石合并非扩张性胆总管结石的临床价值。方法腹腔镜下切除胆囊之前切开胆囊管,插入C管行胆道造影,发现胆总管结石后,在C形臂X线机透视下,经胆囊管插入金属网篮或取石球囊,取出胆总管结石同时经胆囊管放置C管引流。结果36例手术均获成功,结石全部取净。手术时间90~150min,平均125.4min;术后住院时间4~7d,平均5.4d;C管引流时间3~4d。36例术后随访3个月,B超检查均无胆漏,无胆道残余结石,无胆总管狭窄或扩张。结论腹腔镜下经胆囊管取石治疗胆囊结石合并非扩张性胆总管结石,具有创伤小、效果好、并发症少、恢复快等优点,是一种值得推荐的微创治疗方法。  相似文献   

间置空肠代胆管在胆道外科的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为预防胆道内引流术后肠胆反流发生,对143例需行胆道内引流的病人,选择间置空肠代胆管和人工乳头术,其中胆总管狭窄65例,胆总管囊性扩张症60例,胆总管损伤15例,胆管癌切除5例。通过观察:①胆管和十二指肠引流液淀粉酶测定;②碘剂T管造影;③钡餐造影;④十二指肠镜检。发现间质空肠组胆管液淀粉酶值明显低于十二指肠液;造影剂及钡剂不向空肠段返流。130例人工乳头呈半球形或扁平形粉红色粘膜突起,15例乳头萎缩;术后无上腹痛、低烧、黄疸等慢性胆管炎和再梗阻症状。认为间置空肠代胆管和人工乳头术能有效控制肠、胆返流,从而减少返流性胆管炎的发生。  相似文献   

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