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目的 观察寰枢椎与副神经及第2颈神经的解剖关系,以及观察胸锁乳突肌和斜方肌的神经支配特点,为寰枢关节错位致胸锁乳突肌和斜方肌疼痛提供解剖学依据。 方法 对3具共6侧成年人颈部尸体标本进行解剖,观察寰椎横突与副神经、寰枢外侧关节与第2颈神经前支、寰枢椎椎间孔外韧带的解剖结构,以及观察胸锁乳突肌和斜方肌的神经支配特点,测量副神经与寰椎横突尖的最短距离。 结果 (1)胸锁乳突肌和斜方肌均受副神经和颈丛(第2~4)神经支配,并且副神经与颈丛神经存在交通支联系。(2)副神经走行在寰椎横突前方,二者关系密切,副神经与寰椎横突尖的距离为4.84~7.60 mm(左侧)和3.22~6.80 mm(右侧)。(3)寰枢椎存在椎间孔外韧带,该韧带与第2神经相连,并附着在寰椎横突。(4)第2颈神经前支贴着寰枢外侧小关节向前走行。 结论 寰枢关节错位可能会刺激副神经及第2颈神经或其前支,从而引起胸锁乳突和斜方肌紧张、疼痛。  相似文献   

目的:了解大鼠副神经及其分支与膈神经主干相邻关系,为副神经移位膈神经重建高位颈髓损伤大鼠呼吸功能提供显微解剖学依据.方法:在16倍手术显微镜下解剖40只健康雄性SD大鼠双侧副神经及其分支.用精确度为0.001 mm游标卡尺测量副神经各段的直径、长度以及与膈神经主干起始端的距离.结果:副神经出颈静脉孔后(4.191±0.135)mm即分出胸锁乳突肌支,该支长(5.657±0.283)mm,直径(0.221±0.039)mm,与膈神经主干起始端的距离为(10.041±3.181)mm;副神经锁骨上段两斜方肌支之间主干直径为(0.274±0.032)mm,与膈神经主干起始端的距离为(5.154±0.782)mm;副神经锁骨下水平发出内、外侧支之前的直径为(0.216±0.027)mm,与膈神经主干起始端的距离为(-1.416±0.216)mm.另外测量大鼠膈神经主干起始段直径为(0.208±0.016)mm.结论:副神经锁骨下水平发出内、外侧支之前的直径与膈神经主干起始端直径较接近,且可直接缝接膈神经重建高位颈髓损伤大鼠的呼吸功能.  相似文献   

在专供研究用的18具(男9,女9)成人尸体上解剖,观察了36侧胸内、外侧神经和肌皮神经。胸内、外侧神经主干长度分别为42.81±4.18mm和40、55±3.12mm,主干入肌处的宽度分别为1.29±0.09mm和1.57±0.09mm,厚度分别为0.63±0.04mm和0.68±0.05mm。胸内侧神经中有28侧(77.8%)发出1-3支分支入肌,其上支长度为30.69±2.61mm;胸外侧神经中有26侧(72.2%)发出1-3支分支入肌,其上支长度为35.97±3.22mm。肌皮神经的自然长度为43.87±3.41mm,无损伤分离出的长度为22.94±2.17mm,起始处的宽、厚度分别为2.90±0.11mm和1.76±0.07mm。肌皮神经起点与胸内、外侧神经起点之间的距离分别为43.14±3.81mm和50.57±3.71mm。  相似文献   

目的:为副神经移位膈神经重建高位颈髓损伤大鼠呼吸功能提供显微解剖学依据。方法:30只健康雄性SD大鼠在16倍手术显微镜下解剖双侧副神经、膈神经及其分支。用精确度为0.001m m游标卡尺测量各段的直径、长度、副神经及其分支与膈神经主干起始端的距离。结果:大鼠膈神经主干起始部直径为(0.207±0.051)m m。副神经出颈静脉孔后(4.191±0.135)m m即分出胸锁乳突肌支,该支长(5.657±0.283)m m,直径(0.221±0.039)m m,与膈神经主干起始端的距离为(10.041±3.181)m m;副神经锁骨上段两斜方肌支之间主干直径为(0.274±0.032)m m与膈神经主干起始端的距离为(5.154±0.782)m m;副神经锁骨下水平发出内、外侧支之前其直径为(0.216±0.027)m m,与膈神经主干起始端的距离为(-1.416±0.216)m m。结论:副神经锁骨下水平发出内、外侧支之前其直径与膈神经主干起始端直径较接近,且可直接与膈神经缝接。  相似文献   

在20具(男10女10)共40侧成人尸体上解剖了颈后三角,观测了支配斜方肌的诸神经的走行、定位,分支分布情况和该区内淋巴结的数目、排列情况。38侧(95%)斜方肌主要由副神经支配,掩盖段长78.01±12.98mm,显露段长50.04±13.00mm,其中36侧(90%)同时有C_3、C_4前支加入副神经成直接进入斜方肌;2侧(5%)仅由C_3、C_4前支支配斜方肌。副神经在出胸锁乳突肌后缘和入斜方肌前缘两处距乳突尖分别为63.11±13.82mm和83.35±17.56mm。颈深上淋巴结多位于副神经显露段上1/3附近,有较大淋巴结2.2±1.6个,其余细小,可呈链状排列于副神经两侧,而c_3前支也常在该段加入副神经。锁骨上淋巴结位于锁骨上窝,距离c_4前支入肌处较近。本文认为,斜方肌是由多条神经共同支配的,在淋巴结活检时都易受损而造成斜方肌的瘫痪,由此可知,斜方肌瘫痪并不仅见于副神经受损,也可能是C_3、C_4前支受损造成的,须引起重视。  相似文献   

目的:采用组织化学方法研究大鼠副神经及其分支和膈神经主干起始部的运动纤维数量,为副神经移位膈神经重建高位颈髓损伤后呼吸功能提供理论依据。方法:在16倍手术显微镜下解剖30只健康雄性SD大鼠双侧副神经及其分支和膈神经主干起始部,用亚铁氰化铜法进行乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)组织化学染色,通过VIDS-Ⅲ型图像分析仪进行运动纤维计数。结果:大鼠副神经起始段运动纤维数为(451±43)根、胸锁乳突肌支运动纤维数为(182±12)根、锁骨上段运动纤维数为(279±29)根、副神经锁骨下水平发出内、外支之前其运动神经纤维为(209±32)根。膈神经主干起始部运动神经纤维数为(237±41)根。结论:副神经锁骨下水平发出内、外支之前其运动神经纤维数与膈神经主干起始部运动神经纤维数较为接近。可作为动力神经移位膈神经重建高位颈髓损伤后呼吸功能。  相似文献   

目的为甲状腺上动脉胸锁乳突肌支为蒂的锁骨瓣转位修复下颌骨缺损提供解剖学依据。方法在36侧成人尸体标本上,观察甲状腺上动脉胸锁乳突肌支的走行、分支、分布及吻合。结果甲状腺上动脉胸锁乳突肌支起源恒定,距锁骨上方(7.9±0.8)cm处分为升支和降支,降支主干外径(1.0±0.2)mm。72.2%的降支直达锁骨,27.8%的降支与颈横动脉或肩胛上动脉锁骨支吻合分布锁骨。结论以甲状腺上动脉胸锁乳突肌支为蒂半片锁骨瓣转位可修复下颌骨小面积缺损。临床应用1例取得成功。  相似文献   

副神经的临床应用解剖学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 :通过尸体解剖 ,观察副神经的行程及其分支支配 ,为更合理的利用副神经移位治疗臂丛神经损伤提供解剖学依据。方法 :显微解剖 30侧颈肩部人体标本 ,观测副神经在颈后三角区以及斜方肌深面的主干行程、分支部位及其毗邻和肌支支配情况。结果 :副神经在胸锁乳突肌后缘乳突下方 (5 .2± 1.8)cm处穿出 ,向后、外、下斜行跨过颈后三角区 ,在锁骨中点后方 (5 .0± 1.6 )cm处进入斜方肌深面筋膜内 ,在斜方肌的深面副神经仍呈单干向下走行 ,沿途发出 3~ 6个分支支配斜方肌 ,在肩胛冈下方 (5 .0± 1.5 )cm副神经不同平面分出的终支水平进入斜方肌。结论 :在肩胛冈下方不同平面选择性的切断副神经移位治疗臂丛损伤而保留斜方肌上部的神经支配和部分功能是可行的。  相似文献   

新生儿颈内静脉穿刺置管术的应用解剖   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的为新生儿颈内静脉穿刺置管术提供解剖学基础.方法对15具30侧新生儿尸体标本的颈内静脉及相关结构进行解剖观测.结果颈内静脉外径左(5.6±1.7)mm,右(6.5±1.0)mm.颈内静脉与头臂静脉夹角左(114±8)°,右(145±9)°,颈总动脉与胸锁乳突肌前缘交点位于胸锁乳突肌前缘的近中点处,其交点平面以下颈内静脉长度为(2.7±0.5)cm,左、右头臂静脉和上腔静脉长度分别为2.4、1.4和1.8cm.结论新生儿颈内静脉下段口径粗大,与颈总动脉伴行毗邻清楚,变异较小.穿刺易在颈总动脉与胸锁乳突肌前缘交点稍外侧进针,插管长度左侧为7.0cm,右侧为6.0cm.  相似文献   

胸锁乳突肌锁骨头锁骨瓣修复下颌骨缺损的应用解剖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:为带胸锁乳突肌锁骨头为蒂锁骨瓣移位术提供解剖学基础。方法:在40侧成人尸体标本上,解剖观察胸锁乳突肌的形态,血供来源,分布特点及其与锁骨的关系;2例新鲜标本上作模拟术式。结果:胸锁乳突肌血供丰富,其锁骨头的主要血供为甲状腺上动脉胸锁乳突肌支,外径1.52±0.1mm,其入肌点相当于胸锁乳突肌前缘中下1/3交界处;锁骨内侧端主要血供由甲状腺上动脉胸锁乳突肌支(82.5%)的骨膜支及其与颈横动脉(10%)或肩胛上动脉的锁骨支(2.5%)构成的丰富吻合支供血。结论:以胸锁乳突肌锁骨头带半片锁骨瓣转位修复下颌骨缺损是可行的。  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to find and to evaluate morphometorically the unmyelinated nerve fibers in the human mandibular nerve using a light microscope. Our report demonstrates for the first time the presence of the unmyelinated nerve fibers of the human mandibular nerve stained by a special method. Our results also indicate that there is a morphometric change with aging in the unmyelinated axons of the nerve.  相似文献   

Thoracodorsal nerve distributes to the latissimus dorsi muscle. The aim of this study was to investigate the anatomic variation of the spinal nerve compositions of thoracodorsal nerve and to confirm which spinal nerve is a main component in participating amount. The most frequent type was consisted of C7 and C8 in 60%. Next frequent type was C6, C7, and C8 in 25%. Third type was C6 and C7 in 10% and fourth type was C7 alone in 5%. The diameter of each spinal nerve comprising thoracodorsal nerve was 1.20 +/- 0.23 (mean +/- SD) mm at C7, 0.43 +/- 0.15 mm at C8, and 0.33 +/- 0.09 mm at C6. These results show that the C7 nerve was the main component of thoracodorsal nerve and the anatomic variation appeared at the spinal nerve that participate by small amounts, as be excepted (C6 and C8).  相似文献   

Unmyelinated nerve fibers of the oculomotor nerve have occasionally been observed in experimental animals with the use of electron microscopes, but no details concerning normal oculomotor nerves in humans have been published. We measured and analyzed unmyelinated nerve fibers in the human oculomotor nerve with an image analyzer and a computer, using a new staining method, the Luxol fast blue-periodic acid-Schiff-hematoxylin (LPH) discriminative staining method which is the only one suitable for morphometric research on nervous tissues. We studied the numbers and transverse areas of unmyelinated fibers of the oculomotor nerve in 20 cadavers. The number of unmyelinated axons did not change with age, but the mean transverse area decreased with age. These fibers were distributed diffusely in the transverse area of the oculomotor nerve, not localized in any part of the nerve. These findings may be important for the analysis of clinical and neurological signs in relation to aging and ophthalmologic functions.  相似文献   

在解剖一具老年男性标本时,见左侧肌皮神经并正中神经及尺神经形态变异(附图)。经查有关文献,此类变异较为少见,现报道如下:  相似文献   

The formation and distribution of the sural nerve are presented on the basis of an investigation of 31 legs of Japanese cadavers using nerve fascicle and fiber analyses. Nerve fibers constituting the medial sural cutaneous nerve were designated as 'T', whereas those constituting the peroneal communicating branch were designated as 'F'. In 74.2% of cases (23/31), the T and F fibers joined each other in the leg, whereas in 9.7% of cases (3/31) they descended separately. In 16.1% of cases (5/31), the sural nerve was formed of only the T fibers. The sural nerve gave off lateral calcaneal branches and medial and lateral branches at the ankle. The lateral calcaneal branches always contained T fibers. The medial branches consisted of only T fibers, whereas most of the lateral branches consisted of only F fibers (71.0%; 22/31). In addition to the T and F fibers, P fibers, which derived from the superficial and deep peroneal nerves, formed the dorsal digital nerves. The P fibers were entirely supplied to the medial four and one-half toes. However, they were gradually replaced by the T and F fibers in the lateral direction. The 10th proper dorsal digital nerve consisted of T fibers only (38.7%; 12/31), of F fibers only (19.4%; 6/31) or of both T and F fibers (38.7%; 12/31). These findings suggest that the T fibers are essential nerve components for the skin and deep structures of the ankle and heel rather than the skin of the lateral side of the fifth toe. The designation of the medial sural cutaneous nerve should be avoided and only the T fibers are appropriate components for naming as the sural nerve.  相似文献   

The completion by vertebrates of micturition, defecation, and copulation via the cloaca or its derivatives is hypothesized to be best explained by the existence of a thirteenth cranial nerve, the cloacal nerve, which, similar to the facial and trigeminal nerves, functions as a mixed cranial nerve containing both general and special components.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to analyse unmyelinated nerve fibres of the human lesser splanchnic nerve in relation to the ageing process. With the help of an image-analyser, we examined 30 human lesser splanchnic nerves. The analysis was conducted with the use of a new staining method that makes it possible to discriminate various structures of the nervous tissue. Our report provides for the first time information on the ageing process of the human lesser splanchnic nerve fibres. The results indicate that a decrease in transverse area and perimeter of unmyelinated axons is one of the important changes occurring in the human lesser splanchnic nerve during the ageing process.  相似文献   

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