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表皮生长因子促进创面愈合的方法学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :探讨不同 EGF用药方法对创面愈合的影响 ,进一步理解创面愈合的机制。方法 :以大鼠为模型 ,于大鼠后背取中厚皮创面 4个 ,分 EGF早期用药组、EGF晚期用药组、EGF持续用药组和对照组 ,观察 EGF用药方法对创面愈合的影响。结果 :应用 EGF后创面愈合速度加快 ,持续用药方法优于早期或晚期用药方法。结论 :通过组织学和超微结构的观察 ,揭示了创面修复的机理和 EGF的作用。  相似文献   

目的探讨鹿茸多肽对皮肤创面愈合的影响。方法将48只大鼠随机分成对照组和实验1组、实验2组、实验3组,每组12只。以大鼠背部脊柱为中心设计5 cm×5 cm创面,实验1组单纯肌肉注射鹿茸多肽,实验2组单纯创口外部用鹿茸多肽,实验3组则肌注与外部混合应用,均每日给药1次,分别于24,6,,8,10,121,4 d观察创面的愈合情况;于第10天测量创面大小,计算愈合面积及愈合速度;计数单位质量组织细菌数;测定肉芽组织羟脯氨酸含量。结果创面愈合面积、愈合速度和肉芽组织羟脯氨酸含量实验3组优于其他3组,而单位质量组织细菌计数低于其他3组。结论鹿茸多肽能够提高皮肤愈合速度,增加组织细胞间连接,加速上皮化生。  相似文献   

Honey is a traditional remedy for the treatment of infected wounds, and is becoming more important as microbial resistance to conventional therapeutic agents increases. A study was conducted to assess the wound‐healing activity of Acacia honey using incision, excision, burn and dead‐space wound models in rats. Different formulations of honey were used and rats were treated topically as well as orally. Both the higher and lower doses of honey produced a significant effect on healing (p < 0.05). The area of epithelization was found to increase, followed by an increase in wound contraction, skin‐breaking strength, tissue granulation. The hydroxyproline content also increased in the rats treated with higher doses of honey compared to control, indicating an increase in collagen formation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The wound healing potency of ethanol leaf extracts of V. trifolia L. and V. altissima L. was evaluated in excision, incision and dead space wound models. Both plants were found to possess significant wound healing activity which was evidenced by a decrease in the period of epithelialization, an increase in the rate of wound contraction, skin breaking strength, granulation tissue dry weight, hydroxyproline content and breaking strength of granulation tissue. Histopathological study of the granulation tissue also showed an increased collagenation when compared with the control group of animals. Of the two extracts, the ethanol leaf extract of V. trifolia showed maximum wound healing activity compared with the leaf extract of V. altissima. However, on comparison with the control group, both leaf extracts were found to possess significant wound healing potency.  相似文献   

目的制备积雪草苷-海藻酸钠修复贴(As-SA RP)并评价其对皮肤创伤修复的效果。方法利用海藻酸钠与Ca2+交联成膜的特点,以积雪草苷为药物模型,通过与海藻酸钠共混的方式成功制备了As-SARP,采用扫描电子显微镜及红外光谱考察共混膜的相容性,并用新西兰大耳兔背部脊柱两侧的全层皮肤建立创伤模型,通过观察各组家兔受损皮肤的愈合状况并测定其受损皮肤组织中胶原(羟脯氨酸作为指标)和促炎症因子(TNF-α、IL-1β和IL-6)的表达水平以考察外敷As-SA RP对皮肤创面的修复效果。结果积雪草苷与海藻酸钠具有良好的相容性,可成功制备As-SA RP修复贴。相较于其他组,As-SA RP处理后皮肤受损处的红肿、出血、感染、渗出液情况明显减少,创面愈合率也相对升高。病理结构显示As-SA RP组家兔皮肤中炎性细胞浸润较少、新生的毛细血管较多、创面皮肤结构较完整且胶原纤维排列相对紧密有序。同时,生化分析结果显示As-SA RP能有效抑制受损皮肤组织中促炎症因子TNF-α、IL-1β、IL-6的高表达,并可明显增高其中羟脯氨酸及胶原纤维含量。结论 As-SARP可在一定程度上提升皮肤对积雪草苷的吸收...  相似文献   

For centuries, Hypericum perforatum has been used in folk medicine to treat wounds. In the present study, the wound healing activities of extracts of H. perforatum ssp. perforatum (HPP) and H. perforatum ssp. veronense (HPV) were evaluated by comparing with a titrated extract of Centella asiatica (TECA) on NIH3T3 fibroblasts. The cells were incubated with the extracts. Using microscopical methods by staining cells, mitotic ability, morphological changes and collagen production in the fibroblasts were evaluated as parameters to approach possible wound repair mechanism(s). The wound healing activity caused an increase in the percentage of polygonal fibroblasts and in collagen granule numbers in fibroblasts of HPP and HPV. At 1 µg/mL, HPP caused a greater increase in mitotic cell numbers than HPV. The most increases in polygonal cell numbers were observed with HPV at 1 and 10 µg/mL. The number of collagen granules was increased with 1 µg/mL HPV being higher than HPP. As an indication of cytotoxic effects, round cells in response to HPV and HPP extracts, were found to be increased in concentrations higher than 10–50 µg/mL. The results indicated that the two subspecies of H. perforatum have different wound healing profiles as a result of the fibroblast migration and stimulation of collagen synthesis. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus has been a clinical problem for hundreds of years. Over 194 million people suffer from this disease worldwide. Improper control of diabetes may result in diabetic foot ulcer or even amputation. Granulation formation is an important issue essential for ulcer healing. The CRL-7522 fibroblast cell line and primary fibroblasts from a diabetic foot ulcer patient were used to model the wound healing enhancing activities of two clinically efficacious Chinese herbal formulae, Formula 1 (F1) and Formula 2 (F2) and their component herbs. Results showed that the two formulae and four of their component herbs, Radix Astragali, Radix Rehmanniae, Rhizoma Alismatis and Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae significantly enhanced CRL-7522 cell viability. However, these component herbs showed compromised effects on the viability of primary fibroblasts cultured from the ulcerous tissue of a diabetic patient. Interestingly, F1 and F2 enhanced the viability of primary cultured fibroblasts from the diabetic patient even in the face of insulin resistance. These results further support the previously reported clinical efficacies of the two formulae on healing diabetic foot ulcers.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

Astragaloside IV is the chief ingredient of Radix Astragali, which has been used in the Traditional Chinese Medicine as a major component of many polyherbal formulations for the repair and regeneration of injured organ and tissues. This study is to investigate the influence of astragaloside IV on both of the wound healing and scar formation.

Materials and methods

For the in vitro evaluation, the influence of the astragaloside IV in the wound scratch test of keratinocytes and the secretion of transforming growth factor-β1, a key factor contributing to scar formation were determined. With the rat skin excision model, the in vivo regulation of astragaloside IV on wound closure, angiogenesis and collagen disposition were also evaluated.


Astragaloside IV was shown to significantly promote the migration of keratinocytes in wound scratching assay. The superior effect of Astragaloside IV was observed at 100 μmol/L, in which the recover rates was increased with 2 and 3 folds after 48 h and 96 h respectively than that of blank control (P < 0.01). Animal skin closure measurement showed that astragaloside IV could stimulate the wound healing, e.g. with 21% recover in contrast to the 8% of blank control at the 6th day. Biomechanic and Masson's trichrome stain analysis indicated that astragaloside IV may improve the strength of the repaired skin and promoted the angiogenesis and collagen synthesis. Meanwhile, the picrosirius-sirus red stain and Elisa test definitely showed the anti-scar effects of astragaloside IV by decreasing the levels of collagen I/III and TGF-β1 secretion by firbroblasts with a dose-dependent manner (25-100 μmol/L).


Astragaloside IV was shown a promising natural product with both healing and anti-scar effects for wound treatment. These results give the evidence for the application of astragaloside IV in the treatment of injury.  相似文献   


Aim of the study

The present study was undertaken to evaluate the wound healing effects of the four chief saponins of Astragalus species [cycloastragenol (CA), astragaloside IV (AG), cyclocephaloside I (CCI) and cyclocanthoside E (CCE)].

Material and methods

Effects of cell viability and proliferation of the isolated compounds were evaluated by the MTT assay on human keratinocyte. The wound healing activity was studied by using in vitro wound healing, proliferation and migration scratch assay. In order to see in vivo effectiveness of the compounds, an animal study with Sprague-Dawley male rats at the age of 12 weeks was carried out, and then the main histological outcomes were investigated to observe reepithelization, neovascularization, and presence of inflammatory cells, granulation tissue amount and maturation.


All the compounds increased both fibroblast proliferation and migration, but the effects were much superior for CA at 1 ng/ml concentration. Among the compounds, based on the histological findings, 5% CA preparation was found to be the most remarkable in vivo wound healing agent showing greater cell density, more regularly organized dermis and more newly formed blood vessels.


Results of this study indicate that the cycloartane-type saponins are the principal constituents responsible for wound healing activities of the roots of Astragalus species substantiating its use in traditional medicine.  相似文献   

目的:观察负压封闭技术结合紫草油纱布治疗创面的效果.方法:采用敷料负压技术结合紫草油纱布对不同感染创面进行处理.结果:经过该方法处理创面后创面愈合时间缩短.结论:敷料负压技术结合紫草油纱布处理创面与传统的方法相比较,具有创面愈合速度加快、降低交叉感染的优点.  相似文献   

目的 探讨皮肤再生医疗技术对肛瘘术后创面愈合的影响.方法 将2019年3—7月在右江民族医学院附属医院肛肠科住院治疗的60例肛瘘患者随机分成2组,对照组30例术后创面采用传统方法 处理,实验组30例术后创面采用皮肤再生医疗技术处理,观察2组术后第3,7,14,21天创面分泌物、肉芽组织以及肛门疼痛情况,检测2组术前及术...  相似文献   


Aim of the study

The multiple sclerosis is an immuno-mediated disorder of the Central Nervous System characterized by inflammatory processes and neurodegenerative changes. It has been shown that the endocannabinoid system is altered in this disease and that the exogenous cannabinoids may play a possible role in its therapeutic management. The aim of the present study was to investigate the efficacy of crude extracts of Cannabis sativa on motor symptoms in the chronic relapsing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (CREAE), a murine model of multiple sclerosis.

Materials and methods

CREAE-induced mice were injected by different crude ethanolic extracts from Cannabis sativa, containing Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabidiol, or cannabinoid-free, respectively. The effect of the combined treatment with Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol extracts has also been investigated. All extracts were administered in acute and chronic experimental protocols.


The chronic administration of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol-rich extract resulted in a significant reduction of neurological deficits that lasted until the end of the observations. The acute and chronic treatments with the cannabidiol-rich extract resulted unable to induce changes of neurological signs. However, during the relapse phase a significant decrease of neurological scores was observed. The combined treatment with Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol extracts was ineffective, whereas the acute administration of the cannabinoid-free extract showed a significant improvement.


Our study shows a patchy effect of different cannabinoid extracts on CREAE-induced motor deficits. Although the effect of crude extracts of Cannabis sativa here reported need to be further investigated to define the exact therapeutic target of each cannabinoid, it may represent a possible therapeutic approach for the management of the multiple sclerosis.  相似文献   

目的观察艾条温和灸促进肛周脓肿术后创面愈合及防治术后并发症的临床疗效。方法将80例肛周脓肿术后患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,每组40例。两组术后均常规治疗,并以祛毒汤冲洗脓腔,治疗组同时予创面温和灸;观察两组创面愈合时间及术后疼痛、水肿等并发症情况。结果与对照组比较,温和灸组创面愈合时间明显缩短(P〈0.05),术后疼痛、水肿评分均低于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论温和灸能显著缩短肛周脓肿术后创面愈合时间,减轻术后疼痛、水肿等并发症。  相似文献   


Aim of the study

Genus Aloe has been traditionally utilized for medicinal purpose for decades. Compared with Aloe vera gel, the qualitative assessment for the therapeutic effects of the other two Aloe species, Aloe ferox Miller and Aloe arborescens Miller, for their topical wound healing was less addressed. Therefore, the aim of present study is to provide the positive evidence for Aloe ferox Miller and Aloe arborescens Miller supporting their therapeutic properties for topical treatment of skin wounds.

Materials and methods

Two types of the whole-leaf juice prepared from either Aloe ferox Miller or Aloe arborescens Miller were used in this study. Incision wound healing was investigated using both the rat and rabbit model. The wound closure rate with and without the topical administration of the whole-leaf juice were monitored. The changes in wound characteristics were traced and wound severity was scored on different days. The anti-microorganism actions of each whole-leaf juice preparation were evaluated by measuring their inhibition growth effects on four bacterial strains and three fungal spores. The toxic influence owing to topical application of Aloe whole-leaf juice on intact and damaged skin was also assessed.

Results and Conclusions

Our results indicated that the two types of whole-leaf juice preparations exhibit the therapeutic properties, including facilitation of the healing process, selective inhibition of the microbial growth and zero side-effect on the skin, during the observation period. It is concluded that both of Aloe whole-leaf juice preparations have the positive potential for skin medicinal application.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacology relevance

Croton zehntneri is a Euphorbiaceae species native to northeastern Brazil, where teas and beverages made from Croton zehntneri leaves are used as healing agents. To our knowledge, there is no experimental study supporting this claim of pharmacological activity.

Materials and methods

Full-thickness excisional wounds were made in the left and right sides of the dorsum of anesthetised Swiss mice, and a topical pharmaceutical formulation, developed by including essential oil extracted from the leaves of Croton zehntneri (2% and 20% EOCz) in pluronic-127 (PF-127), was administered to mice twice daily for 15 days post-wounding. To evaluate the contribution of trans-anethole, the major constituent of EOCz (85.7%), in the wound healing activity of EOCz, the effect of the topical administration of trans-AT on wound tissue repair was also evaluated and compared to other groups. A macroscopic analysis of swelling and exudates was performed and scored as 0 (missing), 1 (light), 2 (moderate) and 3 (intense). The number of capillaries and leukocytes was counted in hematoxylin and eosin (HE)-stained sections of the injured tissue. For extracellular matrix remodelling analysis, fibroblasts and collagen fibres present in the photomicrography of the Masson’s Trichrome (MT)-stained sections were counted. Each experimental group comprised six mice.


At day 3 post-wounding, it was observed that treatment with 20% EOCz greatly reduced the swelling and exudates with a similar magnitude to the dexamethasone treatment. The inflammatory cell infiltration and angiogenesis were not altered by either the EOCz- or trans-AT treatments. In contrast, an acceleration of the wound closure was observed, with an enhanced number of fibroblasts and collagen fibres in both the 20% EOCz- and trans-AT-treated mice.


Our data indicate that EOCz exerts significant wound healing activity, demonstrating its relevant therapeutic potential.  相似文献   

目的 观察中药熏洗联合窄谱红光照射治疗肛周脓肿术后创面的临床效果及其对血清炎症细胞因子的影响.方法 将42例低位肛周脓肿患者根据随机数字表法分成治疗组和对照组,各21例.治疗组采用中药熏洗联合窄谱红光照射;对照组采用高锰酸钾坐浴联合窄谱红光照射.观察2组患者术后不同时间节点的创面疼痛、肉芽生长和创面分泌物情况,以及治疗...  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

Three important Anglo-Saxon medical texts from the 10th century contain herbal formulations for over 250 plant species, many of which have yet to be evaluated for their phytochemical and/or pharmacological properties. In this study, three native British plants were selected to determine antimicrobial activity relevant to treating bacterial infections and wounds.

Materials and methods

Several preparations of Agrimonia eupatoria L., Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. and Potentilla reptans L. were screened for antimicrobial activity against selected Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria of relevance in wounds using a 96 well plate microdilution method (200, 40 and 8 μg/mL). Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values were determined for the most potent extracts from 2 to 0.004 mg/mL and HPLC chromatograms examined by multivariate analysis. Principle components analysis (PCA) was used to identify chemical differences between antimicrobial activity of the crude extracts.


The HPLC–PCA score plots attributed HPLC peaks to the antimicrobial activity with all three plants inhibiting growth of Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus by >50% in four or more extracts. The first two principal components (PC) represented 87% of the dataset variance. The P. reptans 75% ethanol root extract exhibited the greatest range of activity with MIC50 at 31.25 μg/mL to a total MIC that was also the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) at 1 mg/mL. Additionally, the root of P. reptans, inhibited growth of Gram-negative bacteria with the 75% ethanol extract having a MIC50 at 1 mg/mL against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the decoction a MIC50 at 3.9 μg/mL against Escherichia coli.


The results indicate a moderate antimicrobial activity against common wound pathogens for P. reptans suggesting it may well have been effective for treating wound and bacterial infections. Anglo-Saxon literary heritage may provide a credible basis for researching new antimicrobial formulations. Our approach encompassing advanced analytical technologies and chemometric models paves the way for systematic investigation of Anglo-Saxon medical literature for further therapeutic indications to uncover knowledge of native British plants, some of which are currently lost to modern Western herbal medicine.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

The leaves of Kalanchoe petitiana A. Rich (Crassulaceae) are used in Ethiopian folk medicine for treatment of evil eye, fractured surface for bone setting and several skin disorders including for the treatment of sores, boils, and malignant wounds.

Aim of the study

In order to scientifically prove the claimed utilization of the plant, the effects of the extracts and the fractions were investigated using in vivo excision, incision and dead space wound models.

Materials and method

Mice were used for wound healing study, while rats and rabbit were used for skin irritation test. For studying healing activity 80% methanolic extract and the fractions were formulated in strength of 5% and 10%, either as ointment (hydroalcoholic extract, aqueous and methanol fractions) or gel (chloroform fraction). Oral administration of the crude extract was used for dead space model. Negative controls were treated either with simple ointment or sodium carboxyl methyl cellulose xerogel, while positive controls with nitrofurazone (0.2 w/v) skin ointment. Negative controls for dead space model were treated with 1% carboxy methyl cellulose. Parameters, including rate of wound contraction, period of complete epithelializtion, hydroxyproline contents and skin breaking strength were evaluated.


Significant wound healing activity was observed with ointment formulated from the crude extract at both 5% and 10% concentration (p<0.01) compared to controls in both excision and incision models. In dead space model, 600 mg/kg (p<0.01) but not 300 mg/kg significantly increased hydroxyproline content. Fractions showed variable effect, with the chloroform fraction lacking any significant effect. Both 5% and 10% formulations of the aqueous and methanolic fractions significantly increased wound contraction, decreased epithelializtion time and increased hydroxyproline content in excision wound model (p<0.05) as compared to controls. These fractions were also endowed with higher skin breaking strength in incision wound model (p<0.01).


The present study provided evidence that the leaves of Kalanchoe petitiana A. Rich possess remarkable wound healing activities supporting the folkloric assertion of the plant. Fractionation revealed that polar or semi polar compound may play vital role, as both aqueous and methanolic fractions were endowed with wound healing activity.  相似文献   

王婷  王潇  李佳鑫  傅超美  耿福能  瞿燕  章津铭 《中草药》2019,50(10):2339-2346
目的采用响应面法优化美洲大蠊药渣中多糖提取工艺,并考察其促创面愈合的作用,为美洲大蠊药渣综合利用提供思路。方法在单因素实验基础上,采用Box-Behnken设计最佳美洲大蠊多糖提取工艺,并分析其单糖组成。采用0.1、0.05、0.025 g/mL美洲大蠊多糖作用于创面损伤模型小鼠,计算创面愈合率,用苏木精-伊红和天狼猩红染色评价创面愈合程度。结果美洲大蠊多糖的最佳提取工艺为碱液浓度0.02mol/L,提取时间1.65h,提取温度62℃,该条件所得多糖转移率为13.68%,且由甘露糖、鼠李糖、葡萄糖醛酸、半乳糖醛酸、葡萄糖、半乳糖、岩藻糖7种单糖组成。创面愈合实验表明,第3、6、9、14天多糖给药组创面愈合率均高于模型组,且组织切片染色表明该多糖组分能促进胶原和肉芽组织生成,从而促进创面愈合。结论响应面法优化的提取工艺切实可靠,提取率高;美洲大蠊药渣提取多糖能促进小鼠创面愈合,提示美洲大蠊药渣中多糖具有开发为创面用相关产品的应用前景。  相似文献   

Capsaicin (8-methyl-n-vanillyl-6-nonenamide), caused a concentration dependent leakage of chromate through an egg lecithin (phosphatidyl choline) liposomal preparation. Capsaicin treatment of liposomal suspensions caused a maximum leakage of marker chromate at 20 min and then attained a plateau from 30 min onward. Treatment of liposomes with various concentrations of capsaicin (μg/mL loposomal suspensions) showed that lower concentrations of capsaicin (< 0-0.1 μg/mL) caused greater chromate leakage than higher concentrations (0.1-0.5 μg/mL). This dual effect of capsaicin on liposome membrane was accompanied by an increased amount of malondialdehyde formed (an important end product of lipid peroxidation) at lower concentrations (<0.10 μg/mL) than at higher concentrations (0.1-0.5 μg/mL).  相似文献   

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