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Frequent comorbidity between panic disorder (PD) and mood disorders has been widely reported in clinical and epidemiological studies and, recently, an increasing attention has been paid to the cooccurrence of PD and bipolar disorder (BD). Several studies have shown that an imbalance of serotonin activity could be related to panic symptoms. Tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (TPH2) are plausible candidates for the association with PD. The aim of this study is to investigate a possible association between TPH2 gene polymorphisms and the PD comorbidity susceptibility.Our sample consisted of 515 patients; 274 patients with BD (subtypes I and II), including 45 patients with lifetime panic disorder comorbidity and 241 controls. These patients were genotyped for eight tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms of the gene of human TPH2. We found significant differences between patients with BD, with panic disorder comorbidity, and controls in the allelic analysis (rs4448731, P=0.0069; rs4565946, P=0.0359; rs4760820, P=0.0079; rs1487275, P=0.0439) and genotypic analysis (rs4448731, P=0.011; rs4760820, P=0.0259). We also identified significant differences between patients with BD, with and without panic disorder comorbidity in the allelic analysis (rs4448731, P=0.004; rs4565946, P=0.011; rs11179000, P=0.031; rs4760820, P=0.018; rs1487275, P=0.038; rs10879357, P=0.023) and genotypic analysis (rs4448731, P=0.004; rs4565946, P=0.010; rs4760820, P=0.023; rs10879357, P=0.052). The haplotype analysis in the group of patients with BD, with and without panic disorder comorbidity, was also significant (rs4448731-rs4565946, P=0.0190; rs4448731-rs4565946, P=0.0220; rs10506645-rs4760820, P=0.0360). Further studies are needed to replicate the positive association that we observed.  相似文献   

Tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) is the rate-limiting enzyme in the synthesis of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT). An association study in bipolar affective disorder I or unipolar major affective disorder was performed by using a Bfa I restriction site polymorphism within intron 7 of the tryptophan hydroxylase gene. A total of 118 bipolar, 125 unipolar, and 437 control subjects were used in the study (1:3.7 bipolar:control, 1:3.5 unipolar:control). There were no significant differences in TPH allele or genotype frequencies between the affective disorder and control groups. In addition, bipolar and/or unipolar subjects with or without a history of suicide attempts were compared for the TPH polymorphism. No significant differences were found between suicidal and nonsuicidal groups in major affective disorder, in contrast to a previous study suggesting an association of this polymorphism with a history of suicide attempts among alcoholic violent offenders. Am. J. Med. Genet. (Neuropsychiatr. Genet.) 81:245–247, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Experimental studies on serotonin (5-HT) availability suggest a role for 5-HT synthesis rate in panicogenesis. Recently, it has been discovered that the tryptophan hydroxylase gene isoform 2 (TPH2), rather than TPH1, is preferentially expressed in the neuronal tissue and, therefore, is primarily responsible for the regulation of brain 5-HT synthesis. In the present case-control genetic association study we investigated whether panic disorder (PD) phenotypes are related to two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) of TPH2, rs1386494 A/G and rs1386483 C/T. The study sample consisted of 213 (163 females and 50 males) PD patients with or without affective comorbidity and 303 (212 females and 91 males) matched healthy control subjects. The allelic and genotypic analyses in the total sample did not demonstrate significant association of PD with the studied SNPs, suggesting that these polymorphisms may not play a robust role in predisposition to PD. However, an association with rs1386494 SNP was observed in the subgroup of female patients with pure PD phenotype, indicating a possible gender-specific effect of TPH2 gene variants in PD.  相似文献   

Lai  Te-Jen  Wu  Chia-Yen  Tsai  Hsu-Wen  Lin  Yi-Mei J  Sun  H Sunny 《BMC medical genetics》2005,6(1):1-10


Cryptic chromosome imbalances are increasingly acknowledged as a cause for mental retardation and learning disability. New phenotypes associated with specific rearrangements are also being recognized. Techniques for screening for subtelomeric rearrangements are commercially available, allowing the implementation in a diagnostic service laboratory. We report the diagnostic yield in a series of 132 subjects with mental retardation, and the associated clinical phenotypes.


We applied commercially available subtelomeric fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). All patients referred for subtelomeric screening in a 5-year period were reviewed and abnormal cases were further characterized clinically and if possible molecularly.


We identified nine chromosomal rearrangements (two of which were in sisters) corresponding to a diagnostic yield of approx. 7%. All had dysmorphic features. Five had imbalances leading to recognizable phenotypes.


Subtelomeric screening is a useful adjunct to conventional cytogenetic analyses, and should be considered in mentally retarded subjects with dysmorphic features and unknown cause.  相似文献   

Irregularities of dopaminergic and serotonergic neurotransmission have been implicated in a variety of neuropsychiatric disorders. DOPA decarboxylase (DDC), also known as aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase, is an enzyme involved directly in the synthesis of dopamine and serotonin and indirectly in the synthesis of noradrenaline. Therefore, the DDC gene can be considered as a candidate gene for affective disorders. Recently, two novel variants were reported in the DDC gene: a 1-bp deletion in the promoter and a 4-bp deletion in the untranslated exon 1. Subsequently, an association case-control study including 112 English patients and 80 Danish patients with bipolar affective disorder (BPAD) revealed a significant association with the 1-bp deletion. This finding prompted us to analyze whether this effect was also present in a larger and ethnically homogeneous sample of 228 unrelated German patients with BPAD (208 patients with BP I disorder, 20 patients with BP II disorder), 183 unrelated patients with unipolar affective disorder (UPAD), and 234 healthy control subjects. For both BPAD and UPAD we could not detect a genetic association with either variant. Thus, our results do not support an involvement of the 1-bp or 4-bp deletion within the DDC gene in the etiology of affective disorders.  相似文献   

Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme in the metabolism of catecholamines, is considered a candidate gene in bipolar affective disorder (BPAD) and has been the subject of numerous linkage and association studies. Taken together, most results do not support a major gene effect for the TH gene in BPAD. Genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity may partially explain the difficulty of confirming the exact role of this gene using both association and linkage methods. Four hundred one BPAD patients and 401 unrelated matched controls were recruited within a European collaborative project (BIOMED1 project in the area of brain research, European Community grant number CT 92-1217, project leader: J. Mendlewicz) involving 14 centers for a case-control association study with a tetranucleotide polymorphism in the TH gene. Patients and controls were carefully matched for geographical origin. Phenotypic heterogeneity was considered and subgroup analyses were performed with relevant variables: age at onset, family history, and diagnostic stability. No association was observed in the total sample or for subgroups according to age at onset (n=172), family history alone (n=159), or high degree of diagnostic stability and a positive family history (n=131). The results of this association study do not confirm the possible implication of TH polymorphism in the susceptibility to BPAD. Am. J. Med. Genet. (Neuropsychiatr. Genet.) 88:527–532, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sixty-eight patients with bipolar affective disorder and 88 controls were investigated for genetic association of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). No significant association between bipolar affective disorder and TH was found. Thus the hypothesis that TH is involved in the pathogenesis of bipolar affective disorder was not supported. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In the past decade, several chromosomal regions have been analyzed for linkage with bipolar affective disorder (BPAD). There have been conflicting results regarding the involvement of X-chromosomal regions in harboring susceptibility genes for BPAD. Recently, a new candidate gene (SYBL1) for BPAD has been described on Xq28. SYBL1, which maps to the Xq pseudoautosomal region (PAR), encodes a member of the synaptobrevin family of proteins involved in synaptic vesicle docking, exocytosis, and membrane transport. A subsequent case-control association study, including 110 US-American patients with BPAD and 119 unrelated controls, investigated a potential etiological role of a novel polymorphism (G-->C transversion) in a regulatory region of the SYBL1 gene. In this analysis, the C allele showed a statistical trend to be more frequent in males with BPAD than in respective controls (P=0.06). This finding prompted us to verify whether a similar effect was also present in a larger German sample of 164 unrelated patients with BPAD (148 patients with BP I disorder, 16 patients with BP II disorder) and 267 controls. We observed a significantly increased frequency of genotypes homozygous for the C allele in females with BPAD in comparison with controls (P=0.017). Thus, our data strengthen the role of the SYBL1 gene as a candidate gene for BPAD.  相似文献   



Disturbances in serotonin neurotransmission are implicated in the etiology of many psychiatric disorders, including bipolar affective disorder (BPD). The tryptophan hydroxylase gene (TPH), which codes for the enzyme catalyzing the rate-limiting step in serotonin biosynthetic pathway, is one of the leading candidate genes for psychiatric and behavioral disorders. In a preliminary study, we found that TPH1 intron7 A218C polymorphism was associated with BPD. This study was designed to investigate sequence variants of the TPH1 gene in Taiwanese and to test whether the TPH1 gene is a susceptibility factor for the BPD.  相似文献   

Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme in the metabolism of catecholamines, is considered a candidate gene in bipolar affective disorder (BPAD) and has been the subject of numerous linkage and association studies. Taken together, most results do not support a major gene effect for the TH gene in BPAD. Genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity may partially explain the difficulty of confirming the exact role of this gene using both association and linkage methods. Four hundred one BPAD patients and 401 unrelated matched controls were recruited within a European collaborative project (BIOMED1 project in the area of brain research, European Community grant number CT 92-1217, project leader: J. Mendlewicz) involving 14 centers for a case-control association study with a tetranucleotide polymorphism in the TH gene. Patients and controls were carefully matched for geographical origin. Phenotypic heterogeneity was considered and subgroup analyses were performed with relevant variables: age at onset, family history, and diagnostic stability. No association was observed in the total sample or for subgroups according to age at onset (n = 172), family history alone (n = 159), or high degree of diagnostic stability and a positive family history (n = 131). The results of this association study do not confirm the possible implication of TH polymorphism in the susceptibility to BPAD.  相似文献   

A family study of psychiatric diagnoses was performed in 29 children of bipolar patients and 37 children of normal controls, ages 6-17. There were no differences in major or minor affective diagnoses between the patient and control groups, but there was an increase of non-specific diagnoses in the patient group. Using DSM-III criteria, 10% of patients' children and 14% of controls' children had had at least one episode of major depression. This suggests that major depression in children is not familially related to adult bipolar major affective disorder. The observed prevalence of depression in childhood is increased when both direct interview of children and interview of parents are performed.  相似文献   

Evidence for a bipolar disorder (BPD) susceptibility locus on chromosome 22q11 has been provided in several studies. One candidate gene that maps to this region is the G-protein α subunit gene Gαz (GNAZ). We have identified a common silent polymorphism in GNAZ exon 2 by single strand conformation polymorphism analysis. The frequency of this polymorphism was determined in a control population (n=84) and in patients with BPD (n=88). The data showed a statistical trend toward a difference in the distribution of alleles in patients with BPD compared with control subjects (chi square=3.2, 1 df, P=0.073, two-tailed). No significant difference was detected when the GNAZ polymorphism was analyzed in control subjects and schizophrenia patients (n=63, P=0.92). These data continue to provide some support for a BPD susceptibility gene on 22q11, possibly in linkage disequilibrium with the GNAZ 309 polymorphism. Am. J. Med. Genet. (Neuropsychiatr. Genet.) 88:324–328, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a severe behavioral disorder in children known to have a substantial genetic component. Prior studies have implicated serotonin genes in the etiology of ADHD but have not examined tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH), which is a rate-limiting enzyme in serotonin biosynthesis. The current study examined the relationship between the A218C and A-6526G polymorphisms of the TPH gene and ADHD. Three hundred sixty-two unrelated ADHD probands and their biological parents were recruited to participate in this study. No biased transmission of any allele of the two polymorphisms was observed using TDT analysis. However, haplotype analyses found that the rare 218A/-6526G haplotype was significantly not transmitted to probands with ADHD (chi(2) = 4.4995, P = 0.034), regardless of subtype. Although this finding for ADHD in the Chinese Han population.  相似文献   

Neurotensin (NT) localizes within dopaminergic neurones in the mesocortical, mesolimbic and nigrostriatal systems, and it is now clear that NT can selectively modulate dopaminergic neurotransmission. It has therefore been proposed that altered NT function might contribute to the pathogenesis of neuropsychiatric disorders in which disordered dopaminergic neurotransmission is suspected. We have previously screened the gene encoding NT in a sample of schizophrenic and bipolar subjects, and identified three sequence variants. These have now been tested for association with bipolar disorder using a case-control sample of unrelated bipolar subjects and matched controls. No evidence for association was found, and our data therefore suggest that sequence variation in this gene does not make an important contribution to susceptibility to bipolar disorder.  相似文献   

Results from molecular and pharmacological studies point to involvement of the gene coding for the phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase type II-alpha (PIP5K2A) in the development of schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder (BPAD). The PIP5K2A gene locus, which is located on chromosomal region 10p12, has been implicated in the development of both disorders by independent linkage and association studies. On a cellular level, PIP5K2A is an enzyme component of the metabolism of inositol phosphate, which has been considered a potential target for the therapeutic action of lithium in BPAD patients. Given that the PIP5K2A gene is a promising candidate for the development of both disorders, we performed an association study between genetic variants at the PIP5K2A locus and 268 patients with schizophrenia, 260 patients with BPAD and 325 ethnically matched healthy controls. We failed to detect association to either disorder using PIP5K2A gene variants through single-marker and haplotype analysis. Therefore, our data does not support an involvement of the PIP5K2A locus in the etiology of either schizophrenia or BPAD in the German population.  相似文献   

Two recently described adjacent DNA polymorphisms [(GT)12-18 and (CT)4-5] in the 5'-regulatory region of 5-HT2C receptor gene were analysed in a sample of 88 bipolar patients and 162 controls, all of Spanish origin. Statistical analyses revealed no overall allele or genotype associations with the disease. A haplotype analyses between the (GT)12-18/(CT)4-5 motif and a Cys23Ser variant of the 5-HT2C gene (which had previously been genotyped in the same sample) showed similar distributions between cases and controls. Only a slight increase of s-Ser23 haplotype was found in the subgroup of bipolar women with family history of psychiatric illness (OR=1.24 [95%CI: 1.12-1.38]).  相似文献   

In the past decade, several chromosomal regions have been analyzed for linkage with bipolar affective disorder (BPAD). There have been conflicting results regarding the involvement of X‐chromosomal regions in harboring susceptibility genes for BPAD. Recently, a new candidate gene (SYBL1) for BPAD has been described on Xq28. SYBL1, which maps to the Xq pseudoautosomal region (PAR), encodes a member of the synaptobrevin family of proteins involved in synaptic vesicle docking, exocytosis, and membrane transport. A subsequent case‐control association study, including 110 US‐American patients with BPAD and 119 unrelated controls, investigated a potential etiological role of a novel polymorphism (G→C transversion) in a regulatory region of the SYBL1 gene. In this analysis, the C allele showed a statistical trend to be more frequent in males with BPAD than in respective controls (P = 0.06). This finding prompted us to verify whether a similar effect was also present in a larger German sample of 164 unrelated patients with BPAD (148 patients with BP I disorder, 16 patients with BP II disorder) and 267 controls. We observed a significantly increased frequency of genotypes homozygous for the C allele in females with BPAD in comparison with controls (P = 0.017). Thus, our data strengthen the role of the SYBL1 gene as a candidate gene for BPAD. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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