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In this prospective clinical study we examined the intravenous application of salmon-calcitonin in eight patients with severe phantom limb pain (Visual Analogue Scale = 50-100). The patients presented at the Acute Pain Service (APS) section of the Second Department of Surgery, University of Cologne. Six of eight patients (75%) had no phantom limb pain after 10 days of intravenous treatment with salmon-calcitonin (maximum of five cycles of calcitonin infusion). Systematic follow-up examinations after 3, 6 and 12 months showed long-term success. Patient satisfaction was examined with a numeric rating scale (NRS 1-6) between the single infusion cycles. When patient satisfaction was low, the physician modified the time period or drug dosage between infusions. This study shows good or excellent results in patient satisfaction for six of eight patients (75%). A prospective randomized trial is required to verify the excellent results of intravenous salmon-calcitonin in a larger population. Alternative pharmacological and operative treatments of phantom limb pain are critically reviewed and assessed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurden an Hand eines Krankengutes von 2135 Erststrumektomien und 226 Rezidivstrumen die Zusammenhänge zwischen Operationsalter und Rezidivhäufigkeit untersucht und dabei festgestellt, daß außer der Intensität der Endemie, der postoperativen Prophylaxe und der Operationstechnik auch die Disposition zum Kropfwachstum einen maßgeblichen Einfluß auf die Rezidivbildung hat. In einer erhöhten Disposition dürfte nicht nur die Ursache für ein frühzeitigeres Kropfwachstum, sondern auch für die größere Rezidivhäufigkeit der Jugendstrumen zu suchen sein.Mit 3 Textabbildungen  相似文献   

122 cases of patients who died in sequel of an accident (recruitment period 1993/94, mean ISS 40 +/- 19) in reach of air rescue base Dresden, Germany, were examined. Data were assessed from autopsy protocol and the protocol of the physician who treated on scene. We analyzed the time course of the emergency, the scheduled emergency medical service and the quality of prehospital diagnosis and therapy by the emergency team. The mean response time was 8.1 +/- 5.9 min, the mean distance between EMS bases und incident location 5.9 +/- 5.7 km. In 94.4% of all cases a mobile intensive care unit--with an emergency physician as crew member--was on scene, in 5.6% a paramedic car. Air rescue by helicopter, including an emergency physician, was performed only in 8.7% of all cases although a helicopter was available in 54% of all accidents. Mechanisms of injury were traffic accident (71.4%), fall (14.3), 5.9% accident on building site, shot and stab injuries (5.9%) and burns (1.7%). 82 patients reached the emergency room alive (67.2% mean ISS 37 +/- 18). Only 26% of all patients were transported directly to a level I trauma center. Mean survival time of all 122 patients was 146 +/- 30.4 h. Severe head injury described by autopsy protocol was diagnosed on scene in 82%. Preclinical treatment was:intubation and ventilation (63%), O2 insufflation (17.4%), no specific treatment (19.6%). Severe thoracic trauma was diagnosed in 54%. Preclinical treatment was:intubation and ventilation (64.8%), O2 application (18.8%), no specific treatment (16.2%). Severe thoracic trauma with hemato-pneumothorax (n = 26) was recognized by the emergency physician in 65.6%, specific therapy (application of chest drain) was performed in 7.1%. Preclinical diagnosis rates concerning abdominal trauma were 29% and 27.8% in case of unstable pelvis fracture. Hemorrhagic shock related to these injuries was found in 44.2%, mean resuscitation volume applicated in these cases was 960 +/- 610 ml. Typical faults in diagnosis and treatment were underestimating of severe trunk trauma and non-consistent use of invasive treatment procedures. Primary transport of the severely injured patient to a level I trauma center by helicopter was performed only rarely.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Um den Einfluß des chirurgischen Traumas beim Ösophaguskarzinom auf das zelluläre Immunsystem zu erfassen, wurden perioperativ in einer prospektiven Studie die Aktivität der natürlichen Killerzellen sowie die Serumkonzentrationen von Interleukin-2, Interleukin-6 un TNF- bei transmediastinaler Dissektion (n=12) vs. transthorakaler En-bloc-Resektion (n=10) der Speiserörhre im Vergleich zu einer Kontrollgruppe mit thorakoabdominalen chirurgischen Eingriffen bei nicht maligner Grunderkrankung erfaßt. Die Bestimmung der NK-Zell-Aktivität erfolgte präoperativ sowie am 4. und 10. Tag postoperativ durch einen standardisierten Europiumchlorid-release-Assay unter Verwendung von K-562-Targetzellen, die Lymphokine Interleukin-2, Interleukin-6 und TNF- wurden zusätzlich am 1. und 7. Tag postoperativ mit stadardisierten ELISA-Assays bestimmt.In unserem Patientengut sank die NK-Zellaktivität am 4. postoperrativen Tag sowohl in der Kontrollgrupe al auch bei beiden Operations verfahren zur Speiseröhrenresektion signifikant (p<0,05) zum Ausgangswert: in der Kontrollgruppe durchschnittlich um 45%, nach transmediastinaler Speriseröhrendissektion (1-Höhlen-Eingriff) durchschnittlich um 34%, nauch transthorakaler En-bloc-Resektion (2-Höhlen-Eingriff) im Mittel um 63% zum präoperativen Wert. Die transthorakale En-bloc-Resektion der Speiseröhre führte durch das größere chirurgische Trauma zu einer stäkeren Abnahme der zytotoxischen Aktivität der natürlichen Killerzellen. Eine Suppression der immunologischen Tumorabwehr insbesondere in der vulnerablen perioperativen Phase kann damit indirekt das Risiko der Manifestation von hämatogene Metastasen auf dem Boden einer intraoperativen Tumorzelldissemination u. a. bedingt durch Tumormanipulation begünstigen und damit prognostisch relevant werden.
Influence of surgical trauma on natural killer cell activity in esophageal carcinoma following transmediastinal dissection compareed with transthoracic en bloc resection
In order to assess the impact of surgical trauma involved in the therapy of esophageal carcinoma on the cellular immune system, a perspective study was performed involving perioperative hematological parameters. The activity of natural killer cells and the serum concentrations of interleuin-2, interleukin-6 and TNF- were measured in 12 cases of transmediastinal dissection and 10 cases of transthioracic en bloc esophageal resection and compared to values of a control group of thoracic and abdominal surgical patients with non-malignant maladies. Natural killer cells assume a central role in the non-specific immunological response in tumor patients. Their main function is the destruction of tumor cells via cytotoxic activities amplified by the release of interleukin-2 and TNF-. Natural killer cell activity was measured prior to surgery and on postoperative days 4 and 10 using a standardized europium chloride release assay, utilizing K 562 target cells. Lymphokines interleukin-2, interleukin-6, and THF- were also measured on postoperative days 1 and 7 using standardized ELISA assays. The activity of natural killer cells in our patient group sank significantly (P<0.05) on postoperative day 4 and likewise in the control group and both study groups, activity sank to the original values. In the control groups, natural killer cell activity averaged 45% of preoperative values, in comparison with an average of 63% following transmediastinal esophageal carcinoma resection (one cavity procedure), and transthoracic en bloc resection patients only reached 61% of preoperative values, transmediastinal dissection patients assumed 75%, and 77% was achieved by control group members. Transthoracic en bloc resection of the esophagus led to a more extreme reduction in cytotoxic cellular activity owing to the greater surgical trauma. Suppression of the immunological tumor resistance, especially in the vulnerable perisurgical pahse, can have an indirect negative effect on the manifestation risk of hematogenic metastases owing to intraoperative tumor cell dissemination resulting from tumor manipulation and may thus be prognostically relevant.

Ohne Zusammenfassung Aus dem st?dtischen Krankenhaus Moabit, Chirurgische Abteilung. [Direktor: Geh. Med.-Rat Prof. Borchardt.].)  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown different results concerning the effects of smoking on neuromuscular blocking agents. Some reports indicate that smokers need higher doses of vecuronium, but are more sensitive to atracurium. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of smoking on onset and recovery time after a single 0.6 mg/kg intubating dose of rocuronium an analog of vecuronium. Methods: Following institutional approval and informed consent, 20 smokers (>10 cigarettes/day) and 20 nonsmokers were included in the study. Following oxazepam premedication and induction with fentanyl and thiopental, single-twitch stimulation of the ulnar nerve was performed every 10 s. Following stabilisation of control responses, patients received rocuronium 0.6 mg/kg for intubation. Anaesthesia was maintained with enflurane ≤0.8 vol.% (end-tidal) and 65% nitrous oxide in oxygen. Onset time and recovery to 25% and 75% of the twitch control values were recorded. Results: Onset and recovery times were not different between smokers and nonsmokers. Conclusions: The results of the present study suggest that chronic nicotine exposure does not change onset time or duration of rocuronium neuromuscular blockade. A previous study found a greater need for vecuronium in smokers and discussed stimulation of the neuromuscular junction and enhanced biotransformation due to the enzyme-inducing properties of nicotine. The differences in our results could be partly due to a longer period of refraining from smoking in our patients, leading to very low nicotine blood concentrations without the proposed receptor-stimulating effect. Another cause for different behaviour of the two analogs could be different elimination pathways. Recent investigations suggest that rocuronium may not be eliminated principally by the liver. Therefore, enhanced nicotine-induced biotransformation, as suggested for vecuronium, would not occur with rocuronium.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es ergab sich im Tierversuch Anstieg des Blutharnstoffes und des Blutammoniaks nach R?ntgenbestrahlung. Sowohl Ammoniak wie Harnstoff stammen sehr wahrscheinlich aus rapid zerfallendem Zelleiwei? her, wie bereits für andere N-haltige Stoffe wohl zuerstHeile, nach ihmKlewitz u. a., neuerdings wiederRother angenommen haben.   相似文献   

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