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目的 对正常妊娠不同孕期女性血清总蛋白和白蛋白水平进行观察和分析.方法 选取来我院体检并建档的健康孕妇735例,将其分为孕早、中、晚期及临产后组;以同期来院体检的健康同年龄段女性178例为非妊娠对照组,测定血清总蛋白和白蛋白浓度,并进行比较.结果 正常妊娠女性血清总蛋白在孕中、晚期及临产后与同年龄段非妊娠女性对照组比较,均低于对照组,且随着孕周的增加而不断降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);血清白蛋白在孕早、中、晚期及临产后与同年龄段非妊娠女性对照组比较,均低于对照组,且随着孕周的增加而变化显著,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);各年龄组中同一年龄组血清总蛋白和白蛋白在孕早、中、晚期及临产后之间分别两两比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 正常妊娠女性在不同孕期血清总蛋白和白蛋白水平有一定差异,且随着孕周的递增而差异显著,妊娠女性应定期检测血清蛋白水平,对优生优育有着重要临床的意义.  相似文献   

目的探讨重症烧伤患者烧伤休克早期使用人血白蛋白的治疗效果。 方法选择宁夏医科大学附属石嘴山市第一人民医院烧伤整形科自2019年1月至2021年10月收治的重症烧伤患者77例为研究对象,采用随机数字表法将患者随机分成试验组和对照组,试验组41例,对照组36例。患者入院后均行抗感染治疗,保护各脏器功能,监测患者的各项生理指标,银离子敷料包扎创面等处理。试验组患者烧伤后第1个24 h输入胶体液量的50%使用羟乙基淀粉130/0.4氯化钠溶液和新鲜冰冻血浆于烧伤后8 h内输注,剩余50%胶体液量在烧伤后16 h内输注,人血白蛋白液于烧伤12 h后进行输注;烧伤后第2个24 h的胶体液量使用新鲜冰冻血浆+人血白蛋白液输注;烧伤后第3、4个24 h根据血常规和生化检查补充人血白蛋白液。对照组患者烧伤后第1个24 h输入胶体液量的50%使用羟乙基淀粉130/0.4氯化钠溶液500 mL和新鲜冰冻血浆于烧伤后8 h内输注,剩余50%胶体液量(新鲜冰冻血浆)在烧伤后16 h内输注;烧伤后第2个24 h的胶体液量使用新鲜冰冻血浆和人血白蛋白液,人血白蛋白液于烧伤36 h后输注;烧伤后第3、4个24 h根据血常规和生化检查补充人血白蛋白液。统计2组重症烧伤患者烧伤后第1、2、3、4个24 h输注的胶体液量、液体总入量、白蛋白补入量、每小时尿量;记录重症烧伤患者烧伤后第1、2、3、4个24 h血清白蛋白含量及烧伤48 h后红细胞比容、血红蛋白、血小板、C反应蛋白情况;计算2组烧伤48 h后休克指数。数据比较采用非配对样本t检验或非参数检验。 结果烧伤后第1、2、3、4个24 h,试验组输入胶体液量分别为(0.37±0.15)、(0.23±0.10)、(0.07±0.01)、(0.02±0.01) mL·kg-1·%TBSA-1,均少于对照组[(0.58±0.17)、(0.29±0.09)、(0.08±0.01)、(0.05±0.01) mL·kg-1·%TBSA-1],2组比较差异均有统计学意义(t=5.759、2.752、4.378、13.130,P<0.05);烧伤后第1、2、3、4个24 h,试验组液体总入量分别为(2.31±0.21)、(1.56±0.10)、(1.01±0.13)、(1.02±0.13) mL·kg-1·%TBSA-1,均少于对照组[(2.55±0.22)、(1.62±0.14)、(1.13±0.25)、(1.09±0.25) mL·kg-1·%TBSA-1],差异均有统计学意义(t=4.894、2.183、2.689、1.568,P<0.05);试验组患者烧伤后第1、2个24 h的白蛋白补入量分别为(76.64±4.26)、(67.43±7.20) g,均高于对照组[(62.57 ±4.43)、(55.72±4.89) g],差异均有统计学意义(t=14.190、8.230,P<0.05);试验组伤后第3、4个24 h的白蛋白补入量分别为(44.07±4.46)、(24.49±5.25) g,均低于对照组[(46.68±6.06)、(38.65±7.01) g],差异均有统计学意义(t=2.169、10.110,P<0.05);试验组患者烧伤后第1、2、3个24 h的尿量均高于对照组,烧伤后第4个24 h的尿量低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(t=2.363、2.194、3.591、11.170,P<0.05);烧伤后第1、2、3、4个24 h,试验组血清白蛋白含量均高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(t=2.505、4.517、40.140、3.544,P<0.05)。烧伤48 h后,试验组红细胞比容、血红蛋白、C反应蛋白分别为(36.57±6.48)%、(121.16±13.16) g/L、(209.54±32.57)×109/L,与对照组[(39.83±7.47)%、(134.64±18.94) g/L、(116.72±39.84)×109/L]比较均降低,差异均有统计学意义(t=2.051、3.662、5.003,P<0.05);试验组血小板水平(30.67±9.27) mg/L,高于对照组[(40.52±7.69) mg/L],差异有统计学意义(t=11.240,P<0.05)。烧伤48 h后,试验组休克指数0.64±0.13,对照组休克指数0.76±0.12,试验组明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(t=4.189,P<0.05)。 结论烧伤休克期早期使用人血白蛋白可以有效扩容,纠正低蛋白血症,减少液体复苏总入量,恢复脏器功能不全,为重症烧伤患者救治提供有利条件。  相似文献   

Kistler-Nitschmann改良低温乙醇法[1]工艺,是人血白蛋白工业化生产中使用最为普遍的工艺,该工艺可制备出符合临床要求的人血白蛋白。为了提高人血白蛋白收率,对低温乙醇法中的部分工艺参数进行了改进。调查12批次原料血浆的白蛋白收率和12批次成品的浊度和纯度,结果显示工艺参数的改进不影响人血白蛋白成品质量属性的稳定,同时,人血白蛋白的收率也有所提高。  相似文献   

抗前S_2单克隆抗体Q19/10可以抑制HBV白蛋白受体和PHSA之间的反应,PHSA同样可以抑制抗前S_2单抗Q19/10和前S_2抗原之间的反应,提示HBV白蛋白受体和前S_2抗原决定簇可能为同一段前S_2蛋白成份。不同类型的植物凝集素可以影响HBV白蛋白受体和PHSA结合活力,ConA具有抑制作用,而PWM和PHA却呈增强作用,表明糖基在HBV白蛋白受体的结合力上具有调节作用。  相似文献   

目的比较肾病患儿在采用BCG法与琼脂糖电泳法(电泳法)测定血清白蛋白(ALB)结果的差异. 方法 BCG法测定血清ALB的浓度;用电泳法测定血清ALB浓度(双缩脲法测定TP).结果正常对照组(31例),两种方法测定结果差异无显著性意义(p>0.05).急性肾炎组(35例),两法测定结果差异无显著性(p>0.05);肾病综合征组(36例),两法测定结果差异有非常显著性意义(p<0.01). 结论肾病综合征患儿作ALB测定时,用电泳法优于BCG法,更能客观地反映患儿的ALB水平.  相似文献   

目的 为了解母婴间血清前白蛋白 (PA)、白蛋白、IgG、总蛋白的关系。方法 用免疫单向检测法测定 4 0对早产母婴及 14 8对足月健康母婴血清PA、白蛋白、IgG及总蛋白的含量。结果  4 0例早产儿母亲血清PA、白蛋白、总蛋白显著高于早产儿脐血血清PA、白蛋白、总蛋白 (P <0 .0 0 1)。母亲血清IgG低于新生儿脐血血清IgG(P <0 .0 5 ) ;14 8对足月儿母亲血清PA显著高于新生儿脐血血清IgG(P <0 .0 1) ,母亲血清IgG显著低于新生儿脐血血清IgG(P <0 .0 1) ,母婴间血清白蛋白及总蛋白无明显差异 ;各孕周母婴间血清IgG、总蛋白相关分析呈正相关 ,母婴间PA无相关性 ;早产儿组血清白蛋白、IgG、总蛋白、PA均非常显著低于足月儿组 (P <0 .0 0 1) ;新生儿体重与前白蛋白水平呈正相关 ,早产儿、足月儿体重与PA水平分别呈中度 (r =0 .4 1)和高度 (r=0 .5 8)相关。结论 孕妇的全面营养尤其是蛋白营养状况与其胎儿及新生儿的营养状况有非常密切的关系 ;PA的测定可以作为评估新生儿宫内或宫外蛋白营养状况的敏感生化指示。  相似文献   

小儿肾病两种血清白蛋白测定方法结果比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 比较肾病患儿在采用BCG法与琼脂糖电泳法 (电泳法 )测定血清血红蛋白 (ALB)结果的差异 .方法 BCG法测定血清ALB的浓度 ;用电泳法测定血清ALB浓度 (双缩脲法测定TP) .结果 正常对照组 (31例 ) ,两种方法测定结果差异无显著性意义 (p >0 .0 5 ) .急性肾炎组 (35例 ) ,两法测定结果差异无显著性 (p >0 .0 5 ) ;肾病综合征组(36例 ) ,两法测定结果差异有非常显著性意义 (p<0 .0 1) .结论 肾病综合征患儿作ALB测定时 ,用电泳法优于BCG法 ,更能客观地反映患儿的ALB水平  相似文献   

研究了荧光素与牛血清白蛋白(BSA)相互作用的荧光光谱及其最佳测试条件和影响因素。在pH2.2,荧光素-牛血清白蛋白复合物的荧光强度最大,其激发波长(Ex)为467nm,发射波长(Em)为515nm。在BSA1.8~500mg/L范围内,该复合物荧光强度与BSA浓度成线性关系,F:25.776C+2.8082,r=0.9999。该法简单、快速、灵敏、稳定、成本低。  相似文献   

目的探讨脊液白蛋白/血清白蛋白比值的变化与颅内感染性疾病性质的关系. 方法分析了38例颅内感染性疾病患者的临床表现及脊液白蛋白/血清白蛋白比值. 结果 38例颅内感染性疾病出现不同程度的脊液白蛋白/血清白蛋白比值变化,与正常组比较有显著差异. 结论化脓性脑膜炎脊液白蛋白/血清白蛋白比值最大,结核性次之,病毒性较小.脊液白蛋白/ 血清白蛋白比值变化可作为诊断及鉴别颅内感染疾病性质的参考指标.  相似文献   

Serum albumin (SA) is the main transporter of drugs in mammalian blood plasma. Here, we report the first crystal structure of equine serum albumin (ESA) in complex with antihistamine drug cetirizine at a resolution of 2.1 Å. Cetirizine is bound in two sites—a novel drug binding site (CBS1) and the fatty acid binding site 6 (CBS2). Both sites differ from those that have been proposed in multiple reports based on equilibrium dialysis and fluorescence studies for mammalian albumins as cetirizine binding sites. We show that the residues forming the binding pockets in ESA are highly conserved in human serum albumin (HSA), and suggest that binding of cetirizine to HSA will be similar. In support of that hypothesis, we show that the dissociation constants for cetirizine binding to CBS2 in ESA and HSA are identical using tryptophan fluorescence quenching. Presence of lysine and arginine residues that have been previously reported to undergo nonenzymatic glycosylation in CBS1 and CBS2 suggests that cetirizine transport in patients with diabetes could be altered. A review of all available SA structures from the PDB shows that in addition to the novel drug binding site we present here (CBS1), there are two pockets on SA capable of binding drugs that do not overlap with fatty acid binding sites and have not been discussed in published reviews.  相似文献   

目的:探讨安定静脉注射后脑电图(EEG)变化鉴别脑肿瘤的价值。方法:对大脑半球肿瘤组13例以及对照组(为非肿瘤性疾病,如脑血管病、脑炎)22例进行安定静脉注射,比较注射前后EEG改变。结果:安定静脉注射后,脑肿瘤区δ、θ慢波指数、频率、波幅无明显变化,慢波上一般不增加快波;脑血管病和脑炎则反之。结论:安定静脉注射EEG改变对脑肿瘤的鉴别及其定位有重要参考价值,弥补了常规EEG之不足。  相似文献   

Plasma surface modification technique was used to add amino groups onto the surfaces of polypropylene beads by exposing them to anhydrous ammonia plasma. Through these amino groups, albumin was attached to the polypropylene beads. Attached albumin was further stabilized by crosslinking with glutaraldehyde. The effect of washing albuminated polypropylene beads with saline and human plasma was investigated. It was found that after initial rapid removal of albumin, the concentration of attached albumin tended to reach a steady-state. After 52 h of washing, the amount of albumin retained on the beads varied between 125 and 171 μg/cm2.  相似文献   


We have investigated the effect of therapeutic doses of diazepam (7 μg/mouse) on the association of actin with the macrophage cytoskeleton using cytochemical and morphological methods.

Results obtained indicated that diazepam was able to modulate the content of actin in macrophages; such an effect proved to be time-dependent. After fixation and staining for indirect immunofluorescence with actin antibody, peritoneal macrophages from mice treated for short time with diazepam, showed a fluorescent intensity increase compared to control mice. The fluorescent intensity augmented reaching peak value within 14 days of treatment. Afterwards, this value dropped below control value for mice that underwent longer treatments. In the in vitro experiments concentrations of 10?5 M, diazepam inhibited a well cell spread and a lower amount of actin after 15 min of incubation was also revealed.

These results suggest that administration of diazepam in vivo plays a role in both the nonspecific and specific immune response, producing in the macrophages a reorganization process of microfilaments.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of therapeutic doses of diazepam (7 μg/mouse) on the association of actin with the macrophage cytoskeleton using cytochemical and morphological methods.

Results obtained indicated that diazepam was able to modulate the content of actin in macrophages; such an effect proved to be time-dependent. After fixation and staining for indirect immunofluorescence with actin antibody, peritoneal macrophages from mice treated for short time with diazepam, showed a fluorescent intensity increase compared to control mice. The fluorescent intensity augmented reaching peak value within 14 days of treatment. Afterwards, this value dropped below control value for mice that underwent longer treatments. In the in vitro experiments concentrations of 10-5 M, diazepam inhibited a well cell spread and a lower amount of actin after 15 min of incubation was also revealed.

These results suggest that administration of diazepam in vivo plays a role in both the nonspecific and specific immune response, producing in the macrophages a reorganization process of microfilaments.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the recognition pattern of bovine serum albumin (BSA), a major dietary protein by serum IgG and IgA antibodies. Anti-BSA IgG and IgA antibodies were measured by ELISA technique in 3 different cohorts: 578 unselected persons, 84 new-onset insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) patients and 103 atopic persons. In order to characterize the recognition pattern of the different BSA domains, recombinant BSA and recombinant fragments covering the 3 BSA domains were produced. BSA digestion was monitored in simulated gastric fluid experiments by means of domain specific monoclonal antibodies. IgG and IgA antibody titres to native BSA were highest in IDDM patients. The three major BSA domains were equally well recognized by IgG antibodies of the three cohorts. Interestingly all three study groups showed a dissociation of their IgG and IgA antibody response to the first BSA domain. The ratio of IgG to IgA antibodies recognizing this domain was 93%/42% in controls, 92%/37% in IDDM patients and 80%/47% in atopic persons. In simulated gastric fluid experiments, the first BSA domain was the first to become undetectable to specific monoclonal antibodies during digestion. In conclusion humoral IgG and IgA antibodies recognize the major BSA domains with different frequencies. The N-terminal domain of BSA, the first to be degraded during simulated gastric digestion is less well recognized by IgA antibodies. This suggests that early digestion is negatively correlated to the IgA antibody response and that the IgA response associated to the gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) and the systemic IgG antibody responses are independent.  相似文献   

Receptors for polymerised human albumin are present on the pre-S sequence of the envelope protein of HBV and on the hepatocyte membrane and are thought to be involved in uptake of the virus by hepatocytes. Using a solid phase radioimmunoassay we demonstrate binding of HBsAg to polymerised human serum albumin (pHSA) in both HBe antigen-positive and -negative patients, and this binding is linearly related to the HBsAg titre in both groups. There are probably several modes of interaction between HBsAg and pHSA. Here we show that pHSA binds to the 22,000-dalton polypeptide of HBsAg, which does not contain the pre-S sequence. This pHSA-HBsAg interaction is inhibited by physiological concentrations of human serum albumin, suggesting that the albumin known to be present in the envelop of HBsAg plays a role in this binding. The inhibition of pHSA/HBsAg interaction by native albumin suggests that this interaction is probably not an important mechanism of virus uptake during infection of hepatocytes.  相似文献   

目的对重组人血清白蛋白/粒细胞刺激因子融合蛋白(rHSA/GCSF)开展药效学、药理学和毒理学动物评价研究,以确认其安全性和有效性。方法①对rHSA/GCSF开展的药效学研究内容主要有:以恒河猴骨髓细胞为研究系统,在体外条件下培养骨髓粒细胞-巨噬细胞集落(CFU-GM),计数不同浓度的rHSA/GCSF对CFU-GM数的影响的体外药效学评价;以小鼠~(60)Coγ照射、氟尿嘧啶注射液所致的鼠白细胞低下和对~(60)Coγ射线照射致食蟹猴白细胞低下的治疗作用。②药理学研究观察了rHSA/GCSF对小鼠中枢神经系统和狗呼吸及心血管系统功能的影响。③毒理学研究考察了rHSA/GCSF静脉和皮下给予小鼠、食蟹猴的急性毒性反应,以及长期和反复给药对大鼠和食蟹猴的安全性做出评价。④rHSA/GCSF的药代/毒代试验则是对~(125)I-rHSA/GCSF不同剂量单次皮下注射给予小鼠、大鼠后,rHSA/GCSF在各器官的分布、总放射性和TCA沉淀放射性的动力学参数测定,以及对不同剂量rHSA/GCSF连续给药食蟹猴后的血浆药物浓度及代谢动力学参数开展了考察。结果①rHSA/GCSF可以使骨髓的粒白细胞系(粒系)增生活跃,骨髓粒系造血细胞及成熟中性粒细胞均明显增多;对氟尿嘧啶所致小鼠白细胞减少症有明显的治疗作用,在使用化疗药早期,可以减缓白细胞的降低,特别是可以使粒白细胞提前恢复到正常水平;rHSA/GCSF可显著缩短食蟹猴白细胞减少症放疗模型产生的白细胞低下持续时间,使外周血白细胞加速恢复,尤其以中性粒细胞的增加为主,同时对红细胞和血小板的影响不大。②从获得的PD/PK数据t_(1/2)来看:rHSA/GCSF半衰期平均值约为38.6 h;单次皮下注射rHSA/GCSF,在500、1500、3000μg/kg剂量范围内对小鼠中枢神经系统无影响,与戊巴比妥钠无协同作用;单次皮下注射rHSA/GCSF在50、200μg/kg剂量范围内对狗呼吸和心血管系统无明显影响。实验表明rHSA/GCSF单次皮下和静脉注射给予小鼠的最大耐受量(MTD)≥37.5 mg/kg,单次皮下注射给予食蟹猴的最大耐受剂量为11.6 mg/kg:长期反复给药对大鼠的基本安全剂量为300μg/kg,对食蟹猴则是≥150μg/kg。结论 rHSA/GCSF融合蛋白每4天给药1次,对放、化疗所致的动物外周血白细胞减少症具有治疗作用,与市售常规rhGCsF每天注射1次相比具有长效作用。所获得的大量药效学、药代动力学、毒理学、毒代动力学的试验数据可供正在开展的临床试验研究参考,并具有很好的指导意义。  相似文献   

Parameters characterizing the processes of association, transport, and dissociation of fatty acid molecules on the corresponding binding sites of plasma albumin in patients with atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus were studied by electron paramagnetic resonance method. In these patients transport function of albumin differed from normal. It should be emphasized that these differences were specific for atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus, which is of considerable diagnostic value.  相似文献   

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