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美国生物恐怖应对多级实验室网络对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国政府高度重视反生物恐怖能力建设,但仍有许多需要完善的地方,研究分析美国生物恐怖防御实验室网络建设的经验对于我国做好反生物恐怖基础设施建设具有重要的启示和现实意义。1美国生物恐怖应对多级实验室网络简介为了使生物恐怖的应对更为有效,1999年,美国疾病预防控制中心(CDC)召开了一个专家会议,研究生物病原体应对清单。其判断标准为病原体引起大规模疾病的能力,病原体通过气溶胶或其他方式播散的能力,病原体在人群中传播的能力,人员的易感性等[1]。根据这些指标,病原体及生物毒素被分为A、B、C三类。根据该CDC公布的分…  相似文献   

目的:对近年来国内外重要的生物恐怖袭击应对处置演习进行分析和总结,为生物袭击应对准备和处置能力建设提供借鉴.方法:收集演习事例,归纳分析演习情景设置中所用的生物剂种类和袭击类型、演习产生的效果及其存在的问题;总结演习的类型及其特点,以及不同类型演习对生物恐怖袭击应对准备和处置能力的检验作用等.结果与结论:要做好生物袭击事件应对处置能力准备,生物袭击应对处置演习在检验、磨合、培训环节发挥着重要的作用.在组织、检验应对处置能力准备演习时要根据演习检验的目标,设计好演习情景想定并选择适当的演习类型.  相似文献   

2007年,日本文部科学省为“安全安心科学技术项目”设立了题为“日本的反生物恐怖技术和研发现状调研”的课题。其研究目的是调研反生物恐怖的相关信息,并在分析生物恐怖危险的基础上讨论今后需要研究开发的先后顺序,为制定研发路线图及政府决策提供参考。该课题组2008年3月提交了最终报告。本文根据报告的内容,将日本反生物恐怖相关研究的现状作一介绍。  相似文献   

生物防御特需药物是反生物战、反生物恐怖以及应对突发生物事件的重要手段,加强国家生物防御特需药物研发能力是维护国家主权领土完整、维护国家利益拓展和遂行非战争军事行动等保障国家和军队生物安全的基础和关键。当前,国际生物防御科技进展迅猛,世界主要发达国家日益重视生物防御特需药物的研究、开发与储备。该文以美国为例,分析其生物防御特需药物研发现状及主要特点,并提出加强我国相关研究的对策建议。  相似文献   

美国生物防御战略计划分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物恐怖与新发、突发传染病应对是当今人类社会面临的重大安全问题.美国高度重视生物防御能力建设,发布了多项与生物防御相关的国家战略并开展了一系列的生物防御计划.本研究分析了美国《21世纪生物防御》、《应对生物威胁国家战略》等生物防御战略以及生物盾牌计划、生物监测计划等生物防御计划的特点及对我国的启示.美国生物防御战略引领其生物防御计划的实施,生物防御计划推动其生物防御能力的提升,同时其生物防御能力建设结合了自然发生传染病的应对.我国应建立明确的生物防御战略,有计划分阶段地实施生物防御计划,同时加强对自然发生新发、突发传染病的应对能力建设.  相似文献   

苗运博  王磊 《军事医学》2021,45(9):700-705,717
日本国内对生物恐怖威胁一直高度重视,其生物防御系统在应对生物恐怖威胁的过程中逐渐发展起来.该文回顾了日本生物防御力量的发展历程,归纳其法规体系和应对机制建设,调研现有应急力量构成,并分析日生物防御的优缺点,以期为我国生物防御能力建设提供借鉴.  相似文献   

生物恐怖的现实威胁与医学对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了生物恐怖的现实威胁,从医学科技的角度总结了发达国家反生物恐怖的经验,讨论了我国生物防御能力建设面临的关键问题,提出了国家生物防御能力的发展策略.  相似文献   

美国生物防御对策研究与国家战略储备药物分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国政府为应对日趋严峻的生物恐怖威胁,出台了一系列针对生化袭击的法规和研究计划.本文研究了以生物盾牌计划为核心的美国国家生物防御应对策略及其衍生计划,包括卫生与公众服务部( DHHS)/生物医学高级研究发展局(BARDA)生物恐怖应对计划及预算方案、以疾控中心(CDC)病原体清单为基础的顶级核化生威胁对策方案及其他重要病原体生物防御治疗研究计划等.分析了目前以上述研究为依托纳入国家战略储备体系的药物及研发趋势.  相似文献   

作者运用自由列举访谈法、系统分析法、德尔菲法、层次分析法,对军队医院应对生物恐怖能力要素构成进行分析,提出军队医院应对生物恐怖能力评价指标体系.所构建的军队医院应对生物恐怖能力评价指标体系具有较高的科学性和可靠性.  相似文献   

毛秀秀  陈婷  王磊 《军事医学》2021,45(3):303-308
生物恐怖问题由来已久,美国炭疽邮件事件之后更是引起全球的广泛关注.病毒性生物恐怖剂是实施生物恐怖的重要手段,而疫苗是预防疾病发生的有效工具.该文主要介绍了美国针对天花病毒、埃博拉病毒、马尔堡病毒、拉沙病毒和马秋波病毒等病毒性生物恐怖剂的疫苗研发情况,包括具有应用前景的候选疫苗及其研发机构、所处研发阶段等,针对我国生物恐...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of the present study was to examine the kinetics of oxygen uptake (VO2) during decremental ramp exercises after incremental ramp exercise above the anaerobic threshold. METHODS: Triangle exercise consisting of incremental and decremental exercises, and trapezoid exercise in which a constant load was inserted between incremental and decremental exercises were carried out. RESULTS: Blood lactate (La) increased in incremental phases during triangle and trapezoid exercises, and showed a further increase at constant work during trapezoid exercise. It significantly decreased during decremental exercise. Initial VO2 level during decremental exercise was significantly higher in trapezoid exercise than in triangle exercise. The VO2 level then exponentially decreased and later showed a linear decrease during both exercises. These VO2 kinetics were expressed by an approximate equation. The time constant expressing the exponential manner was about one minute on average in both exercises. The slope of the linearly decreasing phase of VO2 was significantly related to La at 100 watts during the decremental exercise. CONCLUSIONS: VO2 kinetics during decremental exercise after incremental exercise above the anaerobic threshold consists of at least three components: initial level, exponentially decreasing phase, and linearly decreasing phase.  相似文献   

根据电动转椅Coriolis加速度刺激法对半规管系统能产生复合刺激作用的原理,设计了一套提高前庭稳定性的简易锻炼方法。结果表明,Ⅰ组(晕机锻炼组)经锻炼后前庭植物神经反应消失;Ⅱ组(晕机对照组)两次检查的参数无变化;Ⅲ组(正常锻炼组)经锻炼后前庭适应性机能得到进一步巩固。经实际飞行检验,本法具有远期效果。本法无须仪器及锻炼器材,容易掌握,能综合性地提高严重晕机反应的飞行人员及健康飞行人员的前庭系统的适应水平。  相似文献   

Who should exercise? What exercises should be performed and with what frequency and duration? What benefits can be expected from such exercises? These are some of the questions frequently asked of physicians who care for elderly and post-menopausal patients. Data are conflicting, but significant conclusions can be drawn that will help provide the answers to these questions. This article is written to guide physicians' recommendations to their patients regarding postmenopausal exercise.  相似文献   

During 370 days 9 healthy young volunteers were exposed to antiorthostatic hypokinesia. Group A consisting of 4 subjects performed exercises similar to those regularly made by Mir crewmembers and Group B consisting of 5 subjects did not exercise for 120 days and then performed experimental exercise regimens. It was demonstrated that the health status of men long exposed to head-down tilting can be controlled with the aid of various countermeasures. As a result of the exposure, orthostatic and exercise tolerance diminished. In view of the fact that the changes observed were more pronounced in the Group B subjects, it can be concluded that the countermeasures used were more effective in Group A subjects.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo compare trunk muscle activity levels among a variety of therapeutic aquatic exercises designed for patients with low back pain.Study designQuantitative observational laboratory study.SettingSports medicine clinic housed in a University.ParticipantsEleven physically active males aged 25.7 ± 5.53 years.Main outcome measuresSurface electromyographic (EMG) data from muscles rectus abdominis (RA), external oblique (EO), lower abdominals (LA), multifidus (MT), and erector spinae (ES) were recorded and then normalized to a maximal voluntary contraction.ResultsEMG values during abdominal bracing and Swiss ball exercises for muscles RA, EO, LA, and ES were significantly greater than most other exercises tested that included pelvic tilt, marching, hip abduction, and alternating arm exercises (P = .04–.001). EMG values of muscle LA were also greater for the abdominal hollowing exercise, whereas muscle MT displayed the greatest EMG values during the hip abduction exercise when compared to most other exercises tested (P = .02–.001).ConclusionsThe aquatic exercises that maximize trunk muscle activity in the healthy males studied are abdominal bracing and Swiss ball exercises. Some muscles were selectively activated during abdominal hollowing (LA) and hip abduction (MT) exercises when compared to most other exercises.  相似文献   

Experiences of the Regional Radiation Physics and Protection Service (RRPPS) in performance assessment of diagnostic X-ray QA instrumentation and on-patient dosemeters are recounted. Issues relating to the provision of realistic and reproducible reference conditions for calibrated X-irradiations are considered and summary statistics from test measurements of dose and kVp meters are provided. For both dose and kVp meters it is indicated that as many as 25% of instruments used in routine use in the U.K. may require some adjustment before they can truly be said to be performing as the manufacturer intended. Results from intercomparison exercises for patient dosimetry services are also discussed. It is apparent that, for those centres participating in the exercise, dose assessments are generally being obtained to within a bias and a relative standard deviation of less then 10%.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Home exercise programmes and exercise programmes carried out in a clinical setting are commonly advocated for the treatment of lateral elbow tendinopathy (LET), a very common lesion of the arm with a well-defined clinical presentation. The aim of this study is to describe the use and effects of strengthening and stretching exercise programmes in the treatment of LET. ECCENTRIC EXERCISES: Slow progressive eccentric exercises for LET should be performed with the elbow in extension, forearm in pronation, and wrist in extended position (as high as possible). However, it is unclear how the injured tendon, which is loaded eccentrically, returns to the starting position without experiencing concentric loading and how the "slowness" of eccentric exercises should be defined. Nor has the treatment regimen of the eccentric exercises of a supervised exercise programme been defined. STRETCHING EXERCISES: Static stretching is defined as passively stretching a given muscle-tendon unit by slowly placing and maintaining it in a maximal position of stretch. We recommend the position should be held for 30-45 s, three times before and three times after eccentric exercises during each treatment session with a 30 s rest interval between each procedure. The treatment region of static stretching exercises when a supervised exercise programme is performed is unknown. DISCUSSION: A well designed trial is needed to study the effectiveness of a supervised exercise programme for LET consisting of eccentric and static stretching exercises. The issues relating to the supervised exercise programme should be defined so that therapists can replicate the programme.  相似文献   

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