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输卵管液细胞因子与输卵管炎性不孕   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年不孕症发病率有逐渐上升趋势,其中输卵管炎性不孕占30%~40%。输卵管是摄取卵子、精卵运输及成熟、受精和植入前胚胎发育的场所,在人类生殖过程中发挥极重要作用。这些作用主要通过输卵管液这个媒介实现,输卵管液多种细胞因子成分扮演关键角色。阐明输卵管液细胞因子成分对精卵运输及其功能发挥、受精和早期胚胎的作用及其在输卵管炎性不孕发病中的作用,对预防和治疗输卵管炎性不孕有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

哺乳动物输卵管不仅是配子运行的通道和受精场所,并且对精子活动力、精子顶体反应、精卵黏附和识别、穿卵及早期胚胎的发育等都有极为重要的作用.由于这些作用主要通过输卵管液这个媒介进行,因此,输卵管液中丰富的蛋白成分无疑在这些过程中扮演了关键的角色.阐述哺乳动物输卵管液蛋白的成分及其对精子功能、受精和早期胚胎的作用,这对全面了解受精过程和机制、对某些不育症的诊治以及最终对生殖过程的干预,如新型避孕疫苗的研制等都具有重要的理论和实践意义.  相似文献   

哺乳动物输卵管不仅是配子运行的通道和受精场所,并且对精子活动力、精子顶体反应、精卵黏附和识别、穿卵及早期胚胎的发育等都有极为重要的作用。由于这些作用主要通过输卵管液这个媒介进行,因此,输卵管液中丰富的蛋白成分无疑在这些过程中扮演了关键的角色。阐述哺乳动物输卵管液蛋白的成分及其对精子功能、受精和早期胚胎的作用,这对全面了解受精过程和机制、对某些不育症的诊治以及最终对生殖过程的干预,如新型避孕疫苗的研制等都具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

哺乳动物的受精发生在输卵管,输卵管的作用关系到精子的运输、贮留,以及卵的运送受精,配子与受精卵的发育等。1.精子的输送与贮留:精子靠自身的运动由阴道经子宫到达输卵管,输卵管对精子也有能动的输送作用。卵子的寿命比精子短,因此受精以前精子已经被贮留在女性生殖道内,在治疗不孕症时应选择排卵前性交、人工授精或输卵管内人工授精(HIT)。2.卵的拾取:排出的卵子由输卵管繖端拾取而进入输卵管,拾卵障碍是不孕原因之一,尤其在子宫内膜异位症的病例,腹水中存有拾卵抑制因子(Ovum capture inhibitor;OCI),阻碍拾卵功能,可能是该病引起不孕的原因。对输卵管性不孕者进行显微外科手术,输卵管开口术比输卵管吻合术  相似文献   

输卵管有输送精子、捕获卵、受精、受精卵发育及输送受精卵的功能,由于极易因感染发生输卵管炎及各种病态而致卵管性不孕,近年来随着生殖医学的进步多采用外科疗法及体外受精-胚移植法(IVF-ET)或GIFT等生殖技术,IVF-ET分娩率11.8%,GIFT20.6%,对卵管闭塞者行输卵管端端吻合术、输卵管子宫角吻合术等效果较好。  相似文献   

慢性输卵管炎致不孕90例治疗体会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨口服金刚腾胶囊结合输卵管通液术治疗隧性输卵管炎致不孕的价值。方法:对某院近5年门诊治疗慢性输卵管炎不孕90例归纳总结。结果:对慢性输卵管炎性不孕,口服金刚腾胶囊结合输卵管通液术较输卵管通液术结合用抗生素治疗有明显优势,受孕率明显提高。结论:中药金刚腾对治疗慢性输卵管炎致不孕有明显疗效。  相似文献   

复方丹参注射液治疗输卵管炎症性阻塞临床研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 输卵管炎症所致的输卵管阻塞及粘连是导致女性不孕的重要原因。对输卵管炎性阻塞所致的不孕临床仍多采用生理盐水、抗生素(庆大霉素、链霉素或青霉素)、透明质酸酶或α-糜蛋白酶、地塞米松配方经官腔灌注行输卵管通液,同时给予抗生素或服用中药及理疗等,其临床治愈率一般为30%~70%。我们  相似文献   

输卵管阻塞或通而不畅是女性不孕的重要原因,约占1/3,病变原因以炎症为主[1]。对输卵管炎性不孕临床多应用输卵管通液术。本站自2002年10月~2004年10月,对输卵管性不孕患者在通液术时联合替硝唑子宫灌注治疗,取得了满意的效果,现报告如下。一、资料与方法1.临床资料对象为本站就诊的不孕症患者,经行输卵管碘油造影术,诊断为输卵管炎性阻塞或通而不畅,年龄23~42岁,原发不孕11例,占17%,继发不孕54例,占83%。2.方法通液时间选择月经干净3~7天。通液药液:生理盐水10ml,庆大霉素80000U,a-糜蛋白酶4000U,地塞米松5mg,2%利多卡因5ml。灌注药液:…  相似文献   

孕期的怕——宫外孕 1.宫外孕:精卵在输卵管处完成受精后应沿着输卵譬向子宫腔移动,常常会由于吕种原因,孕卵会找错地方。这就发生了宫外孕。常见的宫外孕地点为输卵管,约占有gO%以上,以及腹腔。卵巢等。 2慢性输卵管炎是引起输卵管阴塞的常见原因,它也可能引起管腔狭窄,从而阴住孕卵的通道。 3 先天性的输卵管发舀异常。 4 宫内节窜器放署不当,引起输卵管发炎,除此之外,子宫内膜异位症等也是发生宫外孕的原因。孕期的怕——流产 流产分力早期流产和晚期流产。早期流产发生在怀孕二二周以副。主要的原回为接触有毒物\基…  相似文献   

输卵管收缩活性障碍被认为是输卵管妊娠和输卵管性不孕的主要原因之一,在人输卵管组织中存在P1—受体(腺苷受体)已得到证实,但迄今为止在文献上尚无关于P2—受体(ATP受体)参与输卵管收缩活性的报道。为研究人输卵管中存在嘌呤受体(P1—和P2—受体)及其生理、病理生理作用,对由于子宫及其附件各种疾病而手术切除的输卵管进行研究,根据输卵管组织学检查结果分成3组:1组输卵管有不同程度退行性改变。2组慢性输卵管炎。3组急性化脓性输卵管炎。  相似文献   

The policy statement on infertility issued by the International Medical Advisory Panel of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and adopted by the Central Council of the IPPF in November, 1984, is provided. The IPPF recognizes that subinfertility and infertility is a part of family planning and provides suggestions for how Family Planning Associations (FPAs) can provide supportive assistance in this area of concern. Depending on the facilities and resources available at specific clinics, FPS can provide preventive, counseling, diagnostic, treatment, and referral services. FPAs can play a major role in prevention. Many conditions which cause infertility are preventable, and these include sexually transmitted diseases, infections stemming from abortion and childbirth, and possibly tuberculosis. IUDs increase the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease and may increase the risk of infertility; however, a direct relationship between IUDs and infertility has not been established. Injectable contraceptives may delay the return of fertility but do not lead to permanent infertility. Barrier methods protect againsr sexually transmitted diseases, and oral contraceptives may provide protection from pelvic inflammatory disease. FPAs should be familiar with the major causes of infertility in their region and adopt an advocacy role by promoting community programs to control sexually transmitted diseases which may play a role in infertility, to improve obstetric care, to increase access to reproductive health services, and to provide reproductive educational services for adolescents. FPAs can work in cooporation with other agencies concerned with infertility prevention and management. FPAs can play a direct role by educating their clients about infertility prevention. Most FPAs do have have the facilities and personnel to provide diagnostic and treatment services, but they can provide referral services. They should establish a link with centers which are fully equipped to provide diagnostic and treatment services. FPAs, with appropriately trained personnel, may offer screening services such as taking sexual histories and providing instruction in the timing of sexual intercourse. Clinics, with appropriate laboratory facilities, may offer endometrial biopsy, postcoital testing, and semen analysis.  相似文献   

Mycoplasmas have been well established as pathogens of the bovine urogenital tract, and produce pathologic lesions resulting in infertility. Serologic examination of cattle with infertility problems with Mycoplasma bovigenitalium and Mycoplasma agalactiae subsp. bovis show a high incidence of positive reactors suggesting that mycoplasmas play an important role in bovine infertility. The similarities of pathologic lesions in the urogenital tract of cattle and women with infertility problems and the frequency of isolation of mycoplasmas from human females suggest closer examination for mycoplasmas in human infertility. Studies with bulls suggest that mycoplasmas as a cause of human male infertility should not be ignored.  相似文献   

Autobiographical narratives of infertility are situated in both the private and public domains, particularly since the advent of assisted reproductive technology. Narratives of infertility told by 31 Australian women reveal that the tension between the public and the private is an uncomfortable one for the narrators. Infertile women must deal not only with the blow inflicted by infertility to their sense of self, but also with the difficulties of presenting a simple and coherent life story in the social world. The women expressed resentment at the public expectation that they should justify their desire to become mothers. Infertility support groups play a role in the construction and dissemination of a public narrative of infertility that is not pathological.  相似文献   

江苏省农村地区不育症患病率影响因素的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
本研究应用单因素及多因素的分析方法研究了江苏省农村地区不育症患病率的影响因素。初步结果表明,该地区不育症患病率为5%。不育症在高龄妇女、低经济水平夫妇、较早或较晚结婚及吸烟妇女中高发。分析结果提示,在不同地区各影响因素的作用也不同。除妇女年龄因素外,苏南地区妇女烟酒嗜好和妇女文化程度对不育症患病率的影响较苏北地区明显,而苏北地区夫妇经济水平和妇女已婚年数的影响较苏南地区更大。  相似文献   

Autobiographical narratives of infertility are situated in both the private and public domains, particularly since the advent of assisted reproductive technology. Narratives of infertility told by 31 Australian women reveal that the tension between the public and the private is an uncomfortable one for the narrators. Infertile women must deal not only with the blow inflicted by infertility to their sense of self, but also with the difficulties of presenting a simple and coherent life story in the social world. The women expressed resentment at the public expectation that they should justify their desire to become mothers. Infertility support groups play a role in the construction and dissemination of a public narrative of infertility that is not pathological.  相似文献   

目的 :探讨宫腔内人工授精 (IUI)对男性因素引起不孕的疗效。方法 :对男性因素引起的不孕症患者 881例按自愿选择原则分 3组进行治疗。A组为自然周期的卵泡成熟后采用IUI治疗 ;B组为采用超促排卵 (COH)治疗 ,卵泡成熟后采用IUI治疗 ;C组为采用COH治疗 ,卵泡成熟后指导性生活。结果 :A、B两组间妊娠率无显著性差异 (P>0 0 5 ) ;而A、B两组与C组比较有显著性差异 (P <0 0 1)。结论 :男性因素引起的不孕可采用IUI治疗 ,COH未能提高男性因素不孕的妊娠率  相似文献   

目的:对原发不孕≥5年,男方精液正常或原发不孕≥4年,伴男方精液异常但达不到卵胞浆内单精子显微注射(ICSI)指征的患者,探讨是否存在IVF联合ICSI治疗的必要性与可行性。方法:2006年8月~2009年3月接受体外助孕的夫妇中,选取符合指征者,采用常规超排卵方案,同一周期取得的卵子随机分半,分别进行常规体外受精(IVF)与ICSI治疗。卵裂球≥4个且碎片≤30%的胚胎为可用胚胎。结果:共78个周期采用IVF联合ICSI治疗,其中常规IVF受精失败或低下(LFR)17个周期(21.8%);同期常规IVF治疗204周期,其中LFR8个周期(3.9%),两者LFR周期发生率有显著差异(P<0.005)。研究组共获959枚卵子,其中行常规IVF 470枚,受精率56.8%,行ICSI 408枚,受精率72.3%。两者受精率有显著差异。78个周期临床妊娠率为37.2%。结论:存在对原发不孕≥5年,男方精液正常或原发不孕≥4年,伴男方精液异常但达不到ICSI标准者行IVF联合ICSI治疗的必要性,可明显减少不受精情况的出现。对常规IVF与ICSI均受精的周期,可优先选择移植常规IVF胚胎,以减少子代遗传和先天缺陷的风险。  相似文献   

抗精子抗体与抗子宫内膜抗体在女性不孕中的检测价值   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:研究抗精子抗体(AsAb) 与抗子宫内膜抗体(EmAb) 的检测对女性不孕(育) 症的应用价值, 为临床提供可靠诊断及治疗依据。方法: 应用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA法) 对656例不孕妇女进行了抗精子抗体与抗子宫内膜抗体检测, 同时与健康孕妇作对比研究。结果: 全组女性不孕病例检测AsAb总阳性占40 .24% ( 264 /656 ), 其中血清阳性率16. 62 (109 /656), 健康孕妇血清AsAb阳性率则为4. 35 (2 /46), 经统计学处理, χ2 =3 .89, P<0 .05; 而原发不孕占39. 60%(177 /447), 继发不孕占41. 63% (87 /209)。EmAb检测不孕组为33. 54% ( 220 /656 ), 健康孕妇组为4 35% ( 2 /46 ), 两组对比P<0 .01。结论: AsAb和EmAb的检测对女性不孕(育) 症的诊断和预后具有极其重要的价值。  相似文献   

目的:探讨宫腔镜治疗不孕不育症的疗效。方法:选择本院2017年1月~2019年1月输卵管梗阻性不孕症患者300例,根据随机数字表法进行分组,各组为150例,对照组、观察组分别采取传统方法进行输卵管通液术、宫腔镜辅助输卵管插管通液术治疗,比较两组疗效。结果:和对照组对比,观察组治疗有效率明显更高,复发率明显更低,受孕率明显更高,P<0.05。结论:宫腔镜下输卵管插管通液术在治疗输卵管梗阻性不孕症中发挥着重要的作用,能够确保输卵管的通畅,从而有利于提高患者的受孕率。  相似文献   

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