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目的 观察吸气肌训练(IMT)对老年女性心脏自主神经功能及生活质量的影响。 方法 采用随机数字表法将56例老年(60~70岁)健康女性分为IMT组及对照组,每组28例。IMT组给予IMT训练,训练时吸气阻力值设定为50%最大吸气压(MIP)水平,每周训练5次,持续训练5周;对照组训练方法及干预时间同IMT组,但训练时吸气阻力值设定为5% MIP水平。于干预前、干预5周后测定2组老年对象安静时心率变异性(HRV),采用深呼吸试验记录吸气相心率(HR-in)和呼气相心率(HR-ex),采用世界卫生组织生存质量量表(WHOQOL)评估2组老年对象生活质量情况。 结果 干预后IMT组MIP明显升高(P<0.05),HRV频谱中高频功率(HF)升高、低频功率(LF)与HF比值(LF/HF)降低(P<0.05),在深呼吸试验时HR-in[(74±9)bpm]及HR-ex[(65±5)bpm]均明显下降(P<0.05),WHOQOL量表各项指标(生理领域、心理领域、环境领域、社会领域)评分[分别为(75.6±5.0)分、 (68.7±7.2)分、(66.2±6.8)分和(51.0±6.2)分]均明显升高(P<0.05),与干预前及同期对照组间差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05);对照组上述各项指标数据干预前、后均无显著变化(P>0.05)。 结论 为期5周的IMT训练能显著改善老年女性心脏自主神经功能及生活质量,为制订抗衰老运动康复处方提供了参考资料。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨有氧运动对冠心病患者心脏自主神经功能的影响。 方法:18例女性冠心病患者(实验组),14例女性非冠心病患者(对照组)为本研究的受试者,在康复程序前、后,对她们进行了运动前(安静时)和运动后的心率变异性(HRV)指标的测定,其中包括极低频功率(VLF)、低频功率(LF)、高频功率(HF)、总功率(TP)和低高频比值(LF/HF)。 结果:①与对照组相比,实验组康复程序前安静时VLF、LF、HF和TP均显著降低,而LF/HF显著增高(P<0.01),运动后也有相似的趋势。②与康复程序前相比,12周心脏康复程序后,实验组安静时VLF、LF、HF和TP均有显著增高,LF/HF有所降低(P<0.01和P<0.05);运动后HF显著增高,LF/HF显著降低(P<0.05)。③与安静时相比,康复程序前实验组递增负荷运动后心率变异性指标均无显著性改变;康复程序后实验组递增负荷运动后VLF、LF、TP和LF/HF均有显著降低(P<0.01和P<0.05);对照组递增负荷运动后VLF、LF、HF和TP均有显著降低(P<0.01和P<0.05),LF/HF有显著增高(P<0.01)。 结论:12周运动心脏康复程序不仅可以提高冠心病患者安静时自主神经的调节功能,而且对改善一次急性运动后自主神经的均衡性也有积极作用。  相似文献   

目的:研究帕金森病(Parkinson’sdisease,PD)患者心血管自主神经功能障碍的影响因素。方法:选取2018年3月至2019年8月在河北港口集团有限公司港口医院接受诊治的80例PD患者作为PD组,并选取同期健康志愿者50例作为对照组。PD组进行Hoehn-Yahr(H-Y)分期、统一PD评定量表Ⅲ(Unified PD Rating Scale Ⅲ,UPDRS Ⅲ)评分及PD自主神经症状量表(Scale for Outcomes inPDforAutonomicSymptoms,SCOPA-AU T)评分;所有受试者均进行24h动态血压和24h动态心电图监测,分析两组受试者血压变异性(blood pressure variability,BPV)、心率变异性(heart ratevariability,HRV)指标的变化,探讨PD心血管自主神经功能障碍的影响因素,并进行多元线性回归分析。结果:PD组BPV指标24 h收缩压标准差(standard deviation of 24-hour systolic blood pressure,24h-SBPSD)、日间收缩压标准差...  相似文献   

目的观察吸气肌训练(IMT)对老年女性心脏自主神经功能及生活质量的影响。方法采用随机数字表法将56例老年(60~70岁)健康女性分为IMT组及对照组, 每组28例。IMT组给予IMT训练, 训练时吸气阻力值设定为50%最大吸气压(MIP)水平, 每周训练5次, 持续训练5周;对照组训练方法及干预时间同IMT组, 但训练时吸气阻力值设定为5% MIP水平。于干预前、干预5周后测定2组老年对象安静时心率变异性(HRV), 采用深呼吸试验记录吸气相心率(HR-in)和呼气相心率(HR-ex), 采用世界卫生组织生存质量量表(WHOQOL)评估2组老年对象生活质量情况。结果干预后IMT组MIP明显升高(P<0.05), HRV频谱中高频功率(HF)升高、低频功率(LF)与HF比值(LF/HF)降低(P<0.05), 在深呼吸试验时HR-in[(74±9)bpm]及HR-ex[(65±5)bpm]均明显下降(P<0.05), WHOQOL量表各项指标(生理领域、心理领域、环境领域、社会领域)评分[分别为(75.6±5.0)分、(68.7±7.2)分、(66.2±6.8)分和(5...  相似文献   

目的 探讨高位硬膜外阻滞 (TEB)对原发性扩张型心肌病自主神经功能的影响。方法  30例原发性扩张型心肌病患者 ,胸3~ 4或胸4~ 5棘突间隙穿刺至硬膜外腔 ,留置硬膜外导管 ,每 2h推注 0 5 %利多卡因 3~ 5mL至硬膜外腔 ,持续 4~ 8周 ,适当辅以常规治疗。测定并比较TEB治疗前后 4周 2 4h心率变异 (HRV)指标的差异。结果 TEB治疗 4周后 ,扩张型心肌病患者HRV指标明显提高 ,SDNN由 (75 18± 34 5 1)ms升高至 (110 93± 37 0 6 )ms,P <0 0 1;SDANN由 (6 2 35± 2 7 5 5 )ms升高至 (96 85± 4 0 2 6 )ms,P <0 0 1;LnLF由 5 76± 1 5 0升高至 6 85± 1 4 3,P <0 0 1。结论 TEB可明显提高原发性扩张型心肌病患者心率变异性 ,显著改善扩张型心肌病患者自主神经功能  相似文献   

目的:观察高胆红素血症对新生儿的心率变异性(HRV)的影响。方法:回顾性选择我科治疗的高胆红素血症新生儿162例,根据是否达到换血治疗指征及是否接受换血治疗分为A组(未达到换血指征,未进行换血治疗)89例,B组(达到换血指征,未进行换血治疗)34例和C组(达到换血指征,进行换血治疗)39例,另选取健康新生儿50例作为对照组,分析比较治疗前后HRV各指标的差异。结果:治疗前,A组各HRV指标与对照组差异无统计学意义(均P0.05);治疗前,B组和C组正常窦性R-R间期的标准差(SDNN),总功率(TP)和高频功率(HF)较对照组显著下降(均P0.05)。治疗后,A组各HRV指标与治疗前差异无统计学意义(均P0.05);B组SDNN和HF较治疗前明显升高(均P0.05),C组SDNN、TP和HF较治疗前明显升高(均P0.05),且C组SDNN升高较B组更为显著(P0.05)。Spearman直线相关分析显示,血清总胆红素水平与SDNN、HF呈负相关(r=-0.217,-0.266;P=0.000)。结论:新生儿HRV可作为评价高胆红素血症严重程度的指标,换血治疗对改善重度高胆红素血症新生儿自主神经功能可能有一定积极意义。  相似文献   

目的:探讨病毒性心肌炎患者病程中心脏自主神经功能与心率变异性(heart rate variabili.ty,HRV)、心律失常发生率的动态关系.方法:测定96例急性病毒心肌炎在病程不同阶段(1、3、6个月)的心脏自主神经功能,同时通过动态心电图分析HRV以及各种心律失常的发生情况.结果:①病毒性心肌炎患者病程第1个月内自主神经功能检查有1项或1项以上异常者占58%(56/96),到6个月时,仅占17%,前后比较P<0.01;②HRV时域法分析以24小时内5分钟节段正常R-R间期标准差的平均数及连续正常R-R间期之差的均方根值在疾病初期(1个月时)明显减少,随着时间推移逐渐恢复,到6个月时与1个月比较P<0.01,HRV能谱分析在疾病初期总能谱、低能谱及高能谱均减低,6个月时增高,前后比较总能谱、低能谱均为P<0.01,高能谱为P<0.05;③按自主神经功能检查结果阳性与阴性分为两组,疾病初期阳性组的窦性心动过速、频发室性期前收缩、二联律、成对室性期前收缩及短阵室性心动过速的发生率均高于阴性组(均为P<0.05);6个月时随着心脏自主神经功能及HRV的恢复两组差异均无统计学意义,与1个月时比较各种心律失常的发生率明显减少(均为P<0.05).结论:①急性病毒性心肌炎患者疾病早期(1个月内),自主神经功能受损较明显,同时伴随24小时内5分钟节段正常R-R间期标准差的平均数及连续正常R-R间期之差的均方根值、总能谱、低能谱及高能谱的降低,各种心律失常的发生率较高;②病程6个月时,自主神经功能紊乱以及HRV的异常明显改善,各种心律失常的发生率明显减少.提示病毒性心肌炎急性期内(6个月)心电属不稳定阶段,强调限制运动、适当休息及相应处理的重要性,如不发生病毒再感染,6个月后安全性明显增高.  相似文献   

目的:观察老年带状疱疹后神经痛患者的自主神经状态。方法:选取老年带状疱疹后神经痛患者33例为观察组(P组),正常老年人50例为对照组(C组)。采用HRV检测仪,观察两组的心率变异性情况。结果:P组心率变异性频谱分析低频正常化单位(LF%)、低高频功率比值(LF/HF)明显高于C组(P>0.05);高频功率(HF)、低频功率(LF)和高频正常化单位(HF%)与C组相比无统计学差异性(P>0.05)。结论:老年带状疱疹后神经痛患者自主神经功能紊乱,交感神经功能处于优势。  相似文献   

吴逸南  葛志明  李方  贺红  张运 《新医学》2006,37(1):30-32
目的:探讨慢性心力衰竭与心脏自主神经功能变化的关系。方法:采用动态心电图和UCG分析66例慢性心力衰竭患者(心衰组)和50名健康人(对照组)的心率变异性及其与心功能的关系。结果:心衰组24h(全程)正常窦性心搏间期的标准差(standard deviation of normal numberofintervals,SDNN)、每5min平均正常窦性心搏间期的标准差(standard deviation of per-5 min averages normal number of intervals,SDANN)、相邻正常窦性心搏间期之差的平方根值(root mean square values of the standard deviation between adjacent normal number of intervals,RMSSD)、相邻正常窦性心搏间期差值超过50ms的个数占总窦性心搏数的百分率(percentage of differences exceeding 50 ms between adjacent normal number of intervals,PNN50)显著低于对照组(P〈0.05-0.01)。随心功能的下降,心衰组SDNN和SDANN降低但比较差异无统计学意义,RMSSD和PNN。随着心功能的下降而显著下降,SDANN、SDANN、RMSSD、PNN50与左心室射血分数、左心室舒张早期和晚期充盈速度比值呈正相关,与左心室舒张末期内径、左心室收缩末期内径、左心室后壁舒张末期厚度、心室间隔舒张末期厚度呈负相关(均为P〈0.05)。结论:慢性心力衰竭患者心脏自主神经功能异常,且损害程度与心功能减退、左心室肥大程度有关。  相似文献   

目的 为了解高血压病合并糖尿病患者心率变异性与自主神经功能的关系,研究2型糖尿病(2型DM)合并原发性高血压(EH)与单纯2型DM、单纯EH对心率变异性(HRV)的影响。方法 对86例2型DM或EH患者(其中30例2型DM合并EH,28例为单纯2型DM,28例单纯EH),进行24h HRV时域及频域分析。同时与年龄、性别相当的20例健康成年人HRV资料比较。结果 (1)单纯EH患者与对照组比较,代表心率总变异程度的全部正常R—R间期的标准差(SDNN)[(116&;#177;23)ms与(140&;#177;17)ms,P<0,05]、每5min R-R间期均值的标准差(SDANN)[(110&;#177;21)ms与(131&;#177;22)ms,P<0.05]和SDNN的均值(SDNNI)[(46&;#177;10)ms与(60&;#177;14)ms,P<0.05]明显下降;代表迷走神经功能的正常相邻R—R间期差值的均方根(rMSSD)[(23&;#177;6)ms与(39&;#177;10)ms,P<0.05]和正常相邻R—R间期差值>50ms的百分比(PNN50)[(4.4&;#177;1.9)%与(9.6&;#177;3.6)%,P<0.05]也有下降;频域招标VLF升高[(731&;#177;226)Hz与(440&;#177;237)Hz,P<0.05),HF[(351&;#177;36)Hz与(744&;#177;72)Hz,P<0.05]和LF[(764&;#177;126)Hz与(963&;#177;156)Hz,P<0.05]明显下降。(2)单纯DM患者与对照组比较,SDNN[(110&;#177;22)ms与(140&;#177;17)ms,P<0.05],SDANN[(106&;#177;20)ms与(131&;#177;22)ms,P<0.05]和SDNNI[(44&;#177;11)ms与(60&;#177;14)ms,P<0.05]明显下降;rMSSD[(22&;#177;6)ms与(39&;#177;10)ms,P<0.05]和PNN50 [(4.2&;#177;1.6)%与(9.6&;#177;3.6)%,P<0.05]也有下降;VLF升高[(716&;#177;256)Hz与(46&;#177;237)Hz,P<0.05],HF(320&;#177;48)Hz与(744&;#177;72)Hz,P<0.05]和LF[(744&;#177;121)Hz与(963&;#177;156)Hz,P<0.05]明显下降。(3)与单纯DM患者和单纯EH患者比较,有EH合并症的2型DM患者,SDNN[(96&;#177;18)ms与(110&;#177;22)ms,(116&;#177;23)ms,P<0.01]、SDANN[(86&;#177;16)ms与(106&;#177;20)ms,(110&;#177;21)ms,P<0.01]和SDNNI[(30&;#177;10)ms与(44&;#177;11)ms,(46&;#177;10)ms,P<0.01]明显下降;rMSSD[(15&;#177;7)ms与(22&;#177;6)ms,(23&;#177;6)ms,P<0.01]和PNN50[(2.4&;#177;1.2)%与(4.2&;#177;1.6)%,(4.4&;#177;1.9)%,P<0.01]也明显下降;VLF升高[(1236&;#177;366)Hz与(716&;#177;256)Hz,(731&;#177;226)Hz,P&;lt;0.05],HF[(169&;#177;25)Hz与(320&;#177;48)Hz,(351&;#177;36)Hz,P<0.05]和LF[(544&;#177;108)Hz与(744&;#177;121)Hz,(764&;#177;126)Hz,P<0.05]也明显下降。结论 EH患者和DM患者存在着HRV异常,其异常程度与病变轻重成正比,有EH合并症的DM患者异常更显著。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of training load and exercise mode on heart rate variability and heart rate recovery (HRR) in healthy individuals. The subjects were divided into three groups: sedentary (SED), resistance trained (RT) and aerobically trained (RT). Resting and postmaximal exercise RR intervals were recorded on supine and seated position, respectively. The HRV indices calculated in the resting position were RMSSD and LF and HF power densities. The following HRR indices were calculated throughout the 5‐minute postmaximal recovery period: semi‐logarithmic regression analysis of the first 30 s (T30); absolute difference between the peak and 60 s HR (HRR60s); and mono‐exponential time constant of HRR (HRRτ). The RMSSD on subsequent 30‐s segments (RMSSD30s) on recovery period was also calculated. Both RT and AT groups presented faster HRR than SED (P<0·05). The aerobic trained group was the only group that presented vagal reactivation, when analysing the RMSSD30s. There were no correlations between the Baecke sport score and the HRV vagal‐related indices. However, it was significantly correlated with HRR. It was concluded that that the training load positively influences the HRR, but has no effect on the HRV at rest and that the type of exercise, showed a marked influence on HRV recovery.  相似文献   

Functional training (FT) promotes benefits in various physical abilities; however, its effect on autonomic modulation, cardiorespiratory parameters and quality of life in the healthy adult population is unknown, and thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of FT on these variables in healthy young women. The study consisted of 29 women, distributed into two groups: the FT Group (FTG; n = 13; 23 ± 2·51 years; 21·90 ± 2·82 kg m?²) and the Control Group (CG; n = 16; 20·56 ± 1·03 years; 22·12 ± 3·86 kg m?²). The FTG performed periodized FT for 12 weeks, three times a week. The following were evaluated: autonomic modulation (heart rate variability), cardiorespiratory parameters and quality of life (SF‐36 Questionnaire). The Student's t‐test for unpaired data or the Mann–Whitney test was used to compare the differences obtained between the final moment and the initial moment of the studied groups (P<0·05). The FTG demonstrated significant improvements in quality of life and autonomic modulation (P<0·05), but not in the cardiorespiratory parameters. Functional training was able to produce improvements in autonomic modulation and quality of life.  相似文献   

We studied how posture influences the effects of transdermal scopolamine on autonomic cardiovascular regulation in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study of 10 healthy young volunteers. We recorded the electrocardiogram and auscultatory sphygmomanometric and continuous non-invasive finger arterial pressure (Finapres device) to obtain signals for the beat-by-beat R–R interval and systolic, mean and diastolic pressures. R–R interval and arterial pressure variabilities were characterized by power spectral analysis. Scopolamine increased the mean R–R intervals and reduced arterial pressure in both the supine and the standing positions, but did not affect blood pressure variability. Scopolamine increased the total variability of R–R interval and its mid- (0·07–0·15 Hz) and high- (0·15–0·40 Hz) frequency band power in the standing position during controlled breathing at 0·25 Hz. In the supine position, scopolamine did not affect R–R interval variability. In the deep breathing test, scopolamine increased the maximal expiratory–inspiratory R–R interval ratio. This study showed that low-dose scopolamine increases vagal cardiac inhibition in both supine and standing positions in healthy volunteers. However, scopolamine increases heart rate variability only in the standing position during partial vagal withdrawal. The study also demonstrates that transdermal scopolamine decreases blood pressure in healthy young subjects.  相似文献   

Heart rate variability (HRV) is a noninvasive and practical measure of cardiac autonomic nervous system function, mainly the sympathetic and parasympathetic modulations of heart rate. A low HRV has been shown to be indicative of compromised cardiovascular health. Interventions that enhance HRV are therefore beneficial to cardiovascular health. Whole‐body vibration (WBV) training has been proposed as an alternative time‐efficient exercise intervention for the improvement of cardiovascular health. In this review, we discuss the effect of WBV both acute and after training on HRV. WBV training appears to be a useful therapeutic intervention to improve cardiac autonomic function in different populations, mainly through decreases in sympathovagal balance. Although the mechanisms by which WBV training improves symphathovagal balance are not yet well understood; enhancement of baroreflex sensitivity, nitric oxide bioavailability and angiotensin II levels seem to play an important role.  相似文献   

Meta‐analyses have shown that isometric handgrip training reduces blood pressure in normotensive and hypertensive subjects. However, the effects on cardiac autonomic modulation are still controversial. Thus, the aim of this systematic review and meta‐analysis was to analyse the effects of isometric handgrip training on cardiac autonomic modulation in normotensive and hypertensive subjects. For this, Medline, Cinhal, Embase, Spordiscus and PEdro were searched for relevant studies published until December 2018. Randomized controlled trials investigating the effect of isometric handgrip training on heart rate variability parameters were considered eligible. Parameters were obtained in time (standard deviation of all the RR intervals‐SDNN, root mean square of successive differences between the normal adjacent RR intervals‐RMSSD and the percentage of adjacent intervals with more than 50 ms‐PNN50) and frequency domain (low frequency‐LF, high frequency‐HF and sympathovagal balance‐LF/HF). Mean difference (MD) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) were calculated using an inverse variance method with a random effects model. Seven trials were included in the systematic review and meta‐analysis, totalling 86 participants. No significant effect was observed in heart rate variability parameters after isometric handgrip training (4 trials to SDNN: MD = ?1.44 ms and 95% CI = ?8.02, 5.14 ms; RMSSD: MD = ?1.48 ms and 95% CI = ?9.41, 6.45 ms; PNN50: MD = 0.85% and 95% CI = ?1.10, 2.81%; 7 trials to LF: ?0.17 n.u. and 95% CI = ?6.32, 5.98 n.u.; HF: MD = 0.17 n.u. and 95% CI = ?5.97, 6.30 n.u.; and LF/HF: MD = 0.13 and 95% CI = ?0.34, 0.59). In conclusion, current literature indicates that isometric handgrip training does not improve heart rate variability.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effect of active recovery on autonomic and haemodynamic responses after exercise in healthy adults. Nineteen healthy young male individuals underwent two experimental sessions: exercise with active recovery (AR) and exercise with passive recovery (PR). The exercise sessions comprised three phases: warm-up (5 min), exercise phase (cycle ergometer, 30 min, intensity between 60 and 70% of the heart rate reserve) and recovery (5 min). In the AR, the subjects remained cycling in the recovery phase at intensity between 30% and 35% of heart rate reserve, while in the PR, the subjects stopped the exercise after finishing the exercise phase. Blood pressure and heart rate were measured before and over the 30 min after the interventions. There were no differences for systolic and diastolic blood pressures, heart rate and rate pressure product between active and passive recovery sessions. Also, all heart rate variability parameters changed similarly after exercise with passive or active recovery sessions. In summary, exercise with active recovery does not affect the autonomic and haemodynamic responses after moderate-intensity aerobic exercise in healthy young male individuals.  相似文献   

A total of 71 healthy volunteers opting to have a routine influenza vaccination were investigated for potential changes in cardiovascular autonomic tone resulting from the temporary inflammatory effects of an influenza vaccination. A number of temporal and frequency domain parameters of heart rate and breathing were assessed 2–5 days prior to vaccination and 1–4 days postvaccination. Three lead electrocardiograph (ECG), beat‐to‐beat finger blood pressure and chest plethysmography signals were measured. After an extended resting period, patients performed metronome‐guided breathing at six breaths per min for a period of 2 min. Standard Ewing tests of autonomic function were also performed. All volunteers completed a vaccine symptom questionnaire. A subgroup of 15 volunteers who reported significant symptomatic reaction to the vaccination for at least 24 h following vaccination were identified based on the results of the questionnaire. A significant reduction in measures of heart rate variability (HRV) obtained during metronome‐guided breathing was noted following vaccination in the subgroup of 15 symptomatic volunteers. No significant changes were observed in standard Ewing assessment, fractal dimension analysis, baroreflex sensitivity assessment or resting HRV. There was no evidence of significant reduction in autonomic tone following vaccination in the full sample of 71 volunteers. Results suggest a significant change in HRV response to a small inflammatory provocation and suggest further investigation of the inflammatory causes of dysautonomia is of value.  相似文献   

Background  Obesity has been associated with significant abnormalities of the cardiac autonomic regulation. However, the precise impact of increasing body weight on cardiac autonomic function and the metabolic and hormonal contributors to these changes are presently unclear. The aim of our study was to explore in subjects with increasing values of body mass index (BMI) the alterations of cardiac autonomic function and to establish the potential role of various metabolic and hormonal contributors to these alterations.
Materials and methods  We investigated time and frequency domain heart rate variability (HRV) parameters taken from 24-h Holter recordings, and several anthropometric, metabolic and hormonal parameters (plasma glucose, insulin, triglycerides, free fatty acids, leptin and adiponectin) in 68 normoglycaemic and normotensive women (mean age of 40 ± 3 years), subdivided according to their BMI into 15 normal body weight (controls), 15 overweight, 18 obese and 20 morbidly obese.
Results  Heart rate was increased and HRV was decreased in the morbidly obese group as compared with controls. In overall population, a negative association linked body fat mass (FM) to HRV indices. None of the metabolic and hormonal parameters were significantly related to the HRV indices, after they were adjusted for the body FM.
Conclusions  Morbidly obese, normoglycaemic and normotensive young women have increased HR and low HRV, indicating an abnormal cardiac autonomic function and representing a risk factor for adverse cardiovascular events. A decrease of HRV parameters is associated with a progressive increase of body FM. Other metabolic and hormonal factors, characterising obesity, do not show an independent influence on these HRV alterations.  相似文献   

目的:通过在坐位和卧位两种不同体位下,观察健康人进行不同强度抗阻运动时心血管反应及主观感受水平的变化.方法:20名观察对象随机采取坐位、卧位,轻、重两种弹性阻力下,进行每组5min,共4组的右侧伸膝抗阻运动的间歇性运动训练,静止期及每次运动前后均采集观察对象的心率、血压和心率变异性、自觉疲劳程度和焦虑水平等指标.结果:不同体位下的心率(HR)、低频与高频的比值(LF/HF)、高频功率(HFms2)、标准化低频功率(LFn.u.)和标准化高频功率(HFn.u.)差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),在体位与阻力的交互作用下这几个指标差异也有统计学差异(P<0.01),不同阻力间HR差异有统计学差异(P<0.01).卧位下两级阻力间HR差异有统计学差异(P<0.01).结论:实验结果提示,体位对心血管反应的影响较明显,而轻阻力负荷下,其阻力差引起的心血管反应差异不明显.各项客观指标对于训练过程中机体的变化灵敏性高于主观感受指标.  相似文献   

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