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In clinical practice and epidemiological surveys, anthropometric measurements represent an important component of nutritional assessment in the elderly. The anthropometric standards derived from adult populations may not be appropriate for the elderly because of body composition changes occurring during ageing. Specific anthropometric reference data for the elderly are necessary. In the present study we investigated anthropometric characteristics and their relationship to gender and age in a cross-sectional sample of 3,356 subjects, randomly selected from an elderly Italian population. In both sexes, weight and height significantly decreased with age while knee height did not. The BMI was significantly higher in women than in men (27.6 SD 5.7 v. 26.4 SD 3.7; P<0.001) and it was lower in the oldest than in the youngest subjects (P<0.05) of both genders. The 75th year of age was a turning point for BMI as for other anthropometric measurements. According to BMI values, the prevalence of malnutrition was lower than 5 % in both genders, whereas obesity was shown to have a higher prevalence in women than in men (28% v. 16%; P<0.001). Waist circumference and waist: hip ratio values were higher for the youngest men than for the oldest men (P<0.05), whereas in women the waist: hip ratio values were higher in the oldest women, suggesting that visceral redistribution in old age predominantly affects females. In conclusion, in the elderly the oldest subjects showed a thinner body frame than the youngest of both genders, and there was a more marked fat redistribution in women.  相似文献   

This study was designed: 1) to evaluate the effect of weight loss on body fat distribution, 2) to determine whether indices of body fat distribution can be considered as a prognostic indicator for the ability to lose weight and 3) to evaluate whether a change of body fat distribution is associated with changes in plasma glucose, lipids and lipoproteins in both sexes in order to evaluate a gender difference.

63 obese subjects (41 women and 22 men) were treated on an outpatient basis with an energy-reduced, protein-enriched low calorie diet (3150-4200 kJ/day) for a 6-month period. They were divided in different groups according to gender and body fat distribution using the waist-to-hip circumference ratio.

Body fat topography can be altered by dieting, but not by more than it increases when a person gains weight. Body fat distribution seems to be a significant prognostic indicator for the ability to lose weight in women but not in men. Although body weight and the waist-to-hip circumference decreased significantly, no relationships were found between percent decrease in these parameters and percent changes in plasma glucose, lipids and lipoproteins.

We conclude that an important caloric deficit may lead to a series of metabolic improvements but that gender and the type of fat distribution are important confounding factors in the prediction of metabolic success.  相似文献   

[目的]了解不同类别社会资本(人际信任、社会支持、社会参与)对我国农村户籍老年人健康的影响及性别差异.[方法]基于2017-2018年中国老年健康影响因素跟踪调查(CLHLS)数据对9068名60岁以上农村户籍老年人进行分析.[结果]社会参与(正式和非正式)和人际信任对农村户籍老年人健康状况的积极影响显著,有社会参与的...  相似文献   

L D Middaugh  B M Kelley 《Alcohol》1999,17(3):185-194
Food-deprived C57BL/6 (C57) mice of either sex responded for oral ethanol rewards delivered on ratio schedules of reinforcement, thus extending to female C57 mice effects previously reported only for male members of the strain. Lever responding for ethanol reward was influenced by thirst motivation (post- vs. preprandial tests), time of access to ethanol reward, ethanol concentration, and reinforcement schedule. A particularly high response output for 12% ethanol delivered on a PR2 schedule (e.g., approximately 1400/15 min test session) indicates its efficacy as a reinforcer for C57 mice. Estimated consumption of ethanol differed from lever responding when reward access time was relatively long (10 s) and response demand of the reinforcement schedule was low, but paralleled lever responding when reward access time was restricted (3 s) and response demands were greater. Gender influenced lever responding for ethanol reward and its consumption, the difference depending upon reward access time and reinforcement schedule. When the response demands were low and the reward access time long, females tended to respond more than males for ethanol reward; with greater response demands and shorter reward access time, males tended to respond more. In conjunction with our companion report, the present study helps define the behavioral conditions under which ethanol is rewarding for C57 mice and establish the conditions under which ethanol reward differs for male and female mice.  相似文献   

Both sexes of C57BL/6 (C57) mice consumed substantial quantities of ethanol without food or water deprivation whether access was continuous or limited. Food deprivation increased the amount of ethanol consumed, and the amount consumed depended upon when the animals were tested with reference to their daily food allotment. Ethanol consumption was greater if the mice were tested postprandially, high thirst motivation, rather than preprandially (approximately 10 vs. approximately 4.5 g/kg/30 min). Preference for ethanol over water, however, was greater when mice were under low thirst motivation (i.e., tested preprandially or with water available during the test). Compared to males, female mice consumed more of a high-ethanol concentration solution (10%) when access was continuous or limited to the first hour of the dark (active) phase of the circadian cycle. Also, in contrast to males, female mice exhibited increased ethanol consumption across days of drinking experience. Finally, although ethanol consumption under the food deprivation conditions of this experiment did not differ according to sex, females had higher blood ethanol concentrations than male C57 mice, a finding not previously reported for rodents but common to humans.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined the influence of marriage on health-related behavior in Asian populations. The present study examined the effect of marital status on smoking in Korea. Data from two rounds of a nationally representative survey (1999 and 2003) were analyzed (57,246 women and 52,769 men). Marital status-specific prevalence ratios for smoking were estimated using log binomial regression after adjusting for age, survey year, occupation and education level. Smoking prevalence declined with age for men, but rose for women. Smoking rates were higher for unmarried men and women compared to their married counterparts. However, the gap in smoking rates between unmarried and married women (especially younger women <45 years) was much greater than the gap between unmarried and married men. The study found that marital status had a stronger protective influence on smoking in women than men, which contrasts with the gender pattern reported previously in western studies. The findings suggest the influence of a culture which discourages married women from smoking, and "liberates" divorced women from cultural sanctions against smoking in marriage.  相似文献   



The metabolic syndrome (MetS) is highly prevalent in Western older populations. MetS is an intriguing entity, because it includes potentially reversible risk factors. Some studies have suggested an inverse correlation between MetS and health-related quality of life (HRQoL), but data regarding older subjects are scanty and conflicting. The aim of this study was to assess the association between HRQoL and MetS in older, unselected community-dwelling subjects.


We analyzed data of 356 subjects aged 75+ living in Tuscania (Italy). HRQoL was assessed using the Health Utilities Index, Mark 3. Diagnosis of MetS was defined according to the National Cholesterol Education Program’s ATP-III criteria.


MetS was reported by 137 (38%) participants. According to linear regression analysis, MetS was associated with significantly better HRQoL in men (B = 0.19 95% CI = 0.06–0.32; p = 0.006), but not in women. Also, when the regression model was analyzed in men, MetS was associated with better HRQoL (B = 0.17, 95% CI = 0.01–0.32; p = 0.035) only among participants aged 80+. No significant associations were found in men between HRQoL and any of the single components of MetS.


MetS is not associated with worse HRQoL among community-dwelling elderly; it is associated with significantly better HRQoL among the oldest men.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between suicide and aging from a gender perspective, examining the socially imposed boundaries of masculinity and femininity in the lives of elderly people who committed suicide. It is a qualitative study in which 50 psychosocial autopsies conducted with elderly relatives were selected from 10 cities in the North, South, Northeast and Midwest of Brazil. In this article we have identified situations of gender vulnerabilities in the lives of 13 people who committed suicide: 10 men and 3 women selected for their exemplary character. Two main categories were listed: the first refers to femininity including the "gender destiny" experienced by elderly women who commit suicide when they can no longer care for themselves or work. The second concerns the hegemonic masculinity in crisis, in which old men die after changing from the role of providers due to retirement or illness. It should be stressed that gender norms, codes of honor, power inequalities and stereotypes affect both women and men in terms of susceptibility to suicidal behavior.  相似文献   

Smoking in Vietnam, as elsewhere in Asia, is strongly sex-linked. A 1997 national prevalence survey found about half of males but just 3.4% of females used tobacco regularly. Little is known about smoking-related health awareness or attitudes in Vietnam. There is concern that women may take up smoking if rapid social change brings alteration in traditional gender norms that discourage this behaviour. Effective tobacco control depends upon accurate understanding of prevailing knowledge and views. This paper reports on a 1999-2000 collaborative study into smoking attitudes, practices and health awareness, with particular reference to gender norms. A survey, based partly on findings from initial focus groups, was administered to young female students (n = 1018) and factory workers (n = 1002) in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam's largest metropolis. Participants were recruited through random cluster sampling. Results indicated that smoking continues to be shunned by the vast majority of young urban students and factory workers, although prevalence was slightly higher than found in national surveys, and there was a moderate degree of experimentation. Perhaps of greater concern was the degree of ambivalence voiced about taking up smoking in the future. Moreover, while nearly all expressed awareness of negative health effects of tobacco, these were vaguely worded and excluded key mortality risks. Gender norms appeared to be strongly enduring, with female non-smoking attributed overwhelmingly to its 'inappropriateness'. Male smoking was seen as normative. Overall, workers (representing a low-income, less-educated population) had higher rates of tobacco use and less health knowledge than students. The paper concludes with a discussion about ramifications for public health interventions.  相似文献   

随着老龄化社会的到来,我们在日常工作中,越来越经常的遇到外周动脉粥样硬化症(PAD)的问题。特别是间歇性跛行。早期的肢体疼痛,导致活动减少,卧床时间延长,严重影响了老年人的生活质量。外周血管疾病又常常与心脑血管疾病同源,相伴相随,早期制动,大量平滑肌细胞丢失,加重了肌肉萎缩及器官的失代偿[1]。因此,早期诊断治疗外周血管疾患,对保护肢体功能,延缓衰老有重要意义。1流行病学流行病学调查显示,间歇性跛行与年龄之间关系密切[2],30岁组的发病率仅为2%,70岁组可高达7%以上。发病率与年龄间有明显相关关系。影响它的危险因素与其他心…  相似文献   

随着老龄化社会的到来, 我们在日常工作中, 越来越经常的遇到外周动脉粥样硬化症(PAD)的问题.特别是间歇性跛行.早期的肢体疼痛,导致活动减少,卧床时间延长,严重影响了老年人的生活质量.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES. To assess long-term trends in cigarette smoking according to the combined influence of sex and education, this study examined smoking prevalence in successive US birth cohorts. METHODS. Data from nationally representative surveys were examined to assess smoking prevalence for six successive 10-year birth cohorts stratified by race or ethnicity, sex, and educational attainment. RESULTS. Substantial declines in smoking prevalence were found among men who had a high school education or more, regardless of race or ethnicity, and slight declines among women of the same educational background were revealed. However, little change was found in smoking prevalence among men of all race/ethnic groups with less than a high school education, and large increases were found among women with the same years of schooling, especially if they were White or African American. CONCLUSIONS. These data suggest that persons of low educational attainment have yet to benefit from policies and education about the health consequences of cigarette smoking.  相似文献   

Purpose To estimate the prevalence of visual impairment (VI) in a population sample of older adults of the province of Cuenca, Spain and to evaluate the impact of VI on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in this population group. Methods Cross-sectional observational study of the cohort of all persons over the age of 64 years from an urban area and rural nucleus of the province of Cuenca, Spain. Sociodemographic data were obtained and the VF-14 and SF-12 questionnaires were administered in an interview. One ophthalmologist evaluated the visual acuity (VA) and the presence of lens opacities, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related maculopathy. Prevalence of VI and blindness was defined according to the WHO criteria (0.5 log MAR ≤ VA < 1.2 log MAR and VA ≥ 1.2 log MAR) and the European criteria (0.3 log MAR ≤ VA < 1 log MAR and VA ≥ 1 log MAR) in the better eye. Results The study enrolled 1155 people out of a total of 1435 who were invited to participate (response rate 80.5%). The prevalence of VI and blindness according to the WHO criteria was 6.3 and 2%, respectively. Using the European criteria, the prevalence of VI was 21.1 and 2.4% the prevalence of blindness. The prevalence of VI was greater in older subjects (p < 0.0001); no significant gender-related differences were observed. The mean VF-14 score and means of the Physical Composite Score (PCS) and Mental Composite Score (MCS) of the SF-12 were lower in women than in men for all categories of visual acuity. The mean VF-14 score diminished as the degree of VI increased in all the pathologies studied, except glaucoma. The mean PCS score differed significantly by categories of VI, cataract, and diabetic retinopathy. The mean MCS score only differed with the degree of impairment of diabetic retinopathy. Conclusions The prevalence of VI was among the highest reported until now in adults over 64 years old and increased with age. The deterioration in quality of life related to visual function increased with increased degree of VI for all the pathologies studied (cataract, diabetic retinopathy, age-related maculopathy) except glaucoma. The HRQOL was consistently worse in women than in men for all categories of deterioration of visual acuity.  相似文献   

The advances in the manipulation of human tissues, the development of cryobiology, paediatric cardiac surgery, the impossibility of obtaining an ideal prosthetic cardiac valve and the surgical treatment of cardiovascular infections have revived interest in the use of homografts. The donors of these homografts can be: a) Live donors: aortic and pulmonary valve of the recipient of a heart transplant; b) Multiorgan donors with a diagnosis of death according to neurological criteria, whose heart is rejected for heart transplant; c) Cadaver donors with asystolia of less than 8 hours. Homograft cardiac valves are the substitute of choice in aortic valve endocarditis, patients with counter-indications for anticoagulation, reconstruction of the outflow tract of the right ventricle, aortic valve replacement in children and young adults through the Ross operation, and an optional indication is the aortic valve and/or rising aorta replacement in patients over 60 years of age. Although there are not sufficiently broad series of homogratfs with arterial substitutes, with respect to the number of patients and time of evolution, the results suggest that this can benefit patients with vascular infection, immunodepressed patients or complex patients whose technique during the operation might require a homograft.  相似文献   

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