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Perceptions of pharmacy and medical journal quality vary widely. One objective measure of the quality of a scientific journal is the impact factor that can be defined as "a measure of the frequency with which the 'average article' in a journal has been cited in a particular year." The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical pharmacology journals available through the Science Citation Index and determine those that have the greatest impact. From these data, it appears that the premier primary literature journal in clinical pharmacology is Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics while the premier review journal has been Clinical Pharmacokinetics. Possible explanations for impact factor fluctuations over time are also discussed.  相似文献   

1 One hundred different drug advertisements from each of seven leading medical journals have been assessed.

2 Information about drug interactions, adverse reactions, mode of action, absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and cost was seldom provided in UK journals.

3 A requirement should exist that drug advertisements include such clinically important information. Only a few pharmaceutical companies are attempting to educate doctors through their marketing and promotional material in advertisements in medical journals.


目的:调查阿莫西林致肝损害的发生情况及其临床特点。方法:收集1979-2009年国内外医学文献中阿莫西林所致肝损害的病例报告,对阿莫西林致肝损害的患者年龄、用药情况、给药剂量、不良反应发生时间和特点及转归等进行分析。结果:共有24篇个案报道文献纳入统计,涉及阿莫西林所致肝损害患者为25例,男性15例,女性10例,平均年龄为59岁。其中应用阿莫西林5例,阿莫西林/克拉维酸20例。不良反应可发生在用药期间,也可发生于停药数周后,发生时间中位数为开始给药后19d,治愈时间中位数为6周。死亡4例。结论:阿莫西林、阿莫西林/克拉维酸均可致肝损害,老年人发生率高。临床使用中应注意其肝损害的发生。  相似文献   

The incidence of 10 selected hospital pharmacy programs in short-term hospitals which contained a pharmacy was surveyed. A short questionnaire was mailed to a national sample of 738 hospitals. The 10 programs surveyed were: unit dose drug distribution; pharmacy-prepared i.v. admixtures; pharmacy-controlled drug administration; radiopharmaceutical dispensing; drug usage review; use of computers in the dispensing process; 24-hour pharmacy service; participation in group purchasing; pharmacy operation of central supply; and pharmacists' authority to select the brand or supplier of drugs. In addition, the volume of drug and supply purchases was determined. A large number of pharmacies (41%) belonged to a group purchasing plan, and a high percentage (67%) reported that pharmacists had authority to select the source of supply for all drug orders unless noted otherwise by the prescriber. Less than 10% of the hospitals had both complete unit dose drug distribution and intravenous admixture programs; an additional 10% had implemented such programs partially. Only 17% of the pharmacies in large hospitals were open 24 hours a day. Computer-assisted medication dispensing was used by 13% of the large hospitals and 5% of the small hospitals. Total pharmacy purchases for all short-term hospitals in 1974 was estimated to be 1.5 billion dollars.  相似文献   



Legal liability is an increasing concern in many areas of medicine, although the extent to which this alters the practice of medicine is unclear. To date the risk for litigation against medical toxicologists serving in the role of poison control center (PCC) consultants has not been assessed.


A survey questionnaire was mailed to medical toxicologists in the United States to assess their litigation history with regard specifically to their role as PCC consultants. In addition, state laws were examined for statutes that provide protective language with regard to medical toxicologists working as PCC consults.


This survey revealed that most medical toxicologists have served or currently serve as PCC consultants. Most had some degree of concern over legal liability, and several had been sued as a result of PCC consultations. Several states have specific statutes that limit the legal liability of PCCs and their employees, including medical directors and consulting medical toxicologists.


Based on the survey results, legal action against toxicologists serving as PCC consultants appears to be an uncommon occurrence. Lawsuits are usually based upon nonfeasance and have typically been settled or dropped before trial.


Legal liability is a concern for PCC consultants. However, legal action against consultants appears to be rare, and respondents to the survey indicated that it did not affect their advice or willingness to serve as PC consultants. A limited number of states have enacted laws that provide protection for medical toxicologists serving as PCC consultants.  相似文献   

The work of the paediatric clinics in nine general-practitioner hospitals in country towns in the Bath Health District during 1972 was analysed with respect to the pattern of referrals and methods of management. It is concluded that no child suffered harm from being seen in a clinic without full laboratory and x-ray facilities. Nearly 98% of the consultations were deemed, even with a long period of hindsight, to have been completely satisfactory. The tremendous benefit to the patients and their families of being seen in a hospital near their home is not bought at the cost of a second-rate medical service.  相似文献   

The pharmacist is an active member of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) team in many hospitals, dispensing medications, maintaining records, providing drug information, calculating doses, and mixing intravenous fluids. We surveyed 135 emergency department nursing directors across the country to assess the methods of and persons responsible for documentation during CPR. Ninety-five (70 percent) completed surveys were returned, showing that documentations was usually done by a nurse (81 percent), by a nurse and pharmacist (9 percent), by a pharmacist (7 percent), or by others (ward clerks, paramedics, or physicians) (3 percent). CPR flowsheets (83 percent), nurses' notes (7 percent), or other methods (10 percent) including notes on paper towels and blackboards are used to record such information in the emergency department. Most respondents were fairly confident (49 percent) or very confident (48 percent) that they could recreate the resuscitative sequence from the information recorded; 2 percent did not have confidence in the reproducibility of the data. Respondents felt that cardiac rhythms (83 percent), drugs and dosages administered (34 percent), and temporal sequence of events (33 percent) could be more accurately recorded during CPR. A majority of respondents (57 percent) felt that an automated recording system would be useful. We conclude that there appears to be considerable variability in the method of documentation of events during CPR in emergency departments throughout the country. Future efforts in emergency care should include the involvement of pharmacists in the development and implementation of a uniform database for use by field and hospital personnel during CPR.  相似文献   

新时期医学期刊编辑的素质要求   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高素质的医学编辑创造高品质的医学期刊,一支高素质的编辑队伍是医学期刊生存的基础。在新时期,医学编辑只有不断加强本身专业技能,提高自身素质,包括伦理道德素质、循证医学素质、市场意识素质和编辑技能素质等,才能更好地适应面临的新形势,并有可能在国际、国内医学期刊竞争中占据一席之地。  相似文献   

当前,我军转型建设进入了重要阶段。为了更好地服务部队,军队医学期刊创新发展应聚焦使命任务,始终坚持正确的办刊方向,关注现实问题,提高服务部队的针对性、实效性,注重质量办刊,增强理论指导的权威性和创新性;整合优势资源,推动医学期刊内涵发展。  相似文献   

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