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We report a case of pulmonary tuberculosis who developed tuberculous mediastinal and later cervical lymphadenopathy while on antituberculous chemotherapy. She responded to the addition of oral corticosteroids to her regimen. The relevant literature regarding the pathogenesis, varied manifestations and the clinical importance of recognising a paradoxical response is discussed.  相似文献   

1 病例资料 患者女性,58 岁,因"晕厥一次,腹痛4 天"就诊.患者静息状态下无明显诱因突然意识丧失,无四肢抽搐、无口吐白沫,约10 min 自行转醒,即感持续性腹痛,无胸闷、胸痛、恶心、呕吐、腹泻、血便及黑便、呕血和肉眼血尿,晕厥时由旁边家人扶助,没有跌倒及撞击情况.门诊检查除外主动脉夹层,因心电图异常及心肌损伤标记物升高,以"急性冠脉综合征"收住院.既往否认高血压、糖尿病,身体健康,无不良嗜好,否认家族遗传病史.20 d 前双下肢外伤骨裂,草药包敷卧床至今.  相似文献   

正1病例资料患者男性,36岁,无明显诱因出现畏寒,约持续10 min后开始发热,体温波动在38℃~41℃。发热后出现阵发性的咳嗽,咳黄色黏液痰,痰量大约30 ml/d。畏寒、发热无规律性,每日凌晨4~5时盗汗,发热出汗后自感乏力不适。遂就诊于山西省曲沃县人民医院,行胸部平片检查提示双肺感染,给予输  相似文献   

A 68-year old male was referred to our hospital for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Chest X-ray film revealed left diffuse pleural thickening. Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis was started with streptomycin, isoniazid and rifampicin. Three months later, although smear and culture of the patient's sputum became negative for M. tuberculosis, he started to complain of dyspnea on exercise and left chest pain. Biopsies of a pleural tumor and a left subclavicular lymph node were done and a diagnosis of invasive thymoma with pleural dissemination and bone and lymph node metastasis was established. After three cycles of combination chemotherapy consisting of cyclophosphamide, adriamycin and vincristine, left chest pain disappeared and pleural thickening showed shrinkage.  相似文献   

A 78-year-old male was admitted to our hospital because of fever, sputum and cough. Chest X-ray showed infiltrative shadows in the right lung field. Smears of his sputum were positive for acid-fast bacilli. We found multiple subcutaneous abscesses on the right distal forearm. Microscopic examination of skin biopsy specimens revealed granulation tissues with the proliferation of epitheloid cells with the scattering infiltrations of neurophils, giant cells and histiocytic cells. The examination of the PAS stained specimen revealed fungal elements and a black fungus, Exophiala jeanselmei, was isolated by the cultures of pus from the abscess. He was diagnosed as pulmonary tuberculosis complicated with subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis caused by Exophiala jeanselmei and was successfully treated with anti-tuberculosis drugs and anti-fungal agent, 5-fluorocytosine.  相似文献   

A 64-year-old woman complained of chest pain, back pain and dry cough. Chest X-ray film showed marked left hilar enlargement and left pleural effusion. Biopsy of the bronchial mucosa and demonstrated small cell carcinoma of the lung. Treatment with cisplatin, adriamycin and etoposide led to regression of symptoms and chest X-ray findings within 3 months. She received maintenance chemotherapies at the outpatient clinic for 2 years after the first therapy. Thirty-months after the first admission, chest X-ray film showed multiple small nodules in the left upper lobe. Chest tomography and high-resolution computed tomography showed acinar or lobular nodules disseminated in the left upper lobe. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was obtained from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of the left upper lobe. Pulmonary tuberculosis in a long-term survivor of small cell carcinoma of the lung is very rare.  相似文献   

A 29-year-old male complaining of fever and general fatigue was admitted to our hospital. On admission chest X-ray showed infiltrative shadows with cavities in the bilateral lung apical areas, and sputum examination for acid fast bacilli was smear positive, Gaffky 1. He was treated as pulmonary tuberculosis (TB), and chest X-ray findings and sputum examination improved after a few months of treatment with antituberculous chemotherapy (INH, RFP, EB, PZA). However, tuberculous cold abscess appeared in retropharyngeal area, subcutaneous tissue of thoracic cage and retroperitoneal space, and shortly later, bone and joint TB were recognized in shoulder and wrist joints and vertebrae. The findings of vertebral foci were not recognized by a simple X-ray picture of vertebrae. at that time, but MRI of vertebrae showed low intensity areas with ring enhancement in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. Despite treatment with antituberculous agents, new bone and joint TB had developed in many tissues and had accompanied with cold abscess in adjacent tissue, whereas pulmonary TB had improved after the initial transient worsening. The appearance of bone and joint TB was most probably caused by the initial transient worsening of hidden bone and joint TB as a part of the initial systemic transient worsening of tuberculosis. After treatment for 4 months, pulmonary TB as well as bone and joints TB had improved. Tuberculous cold abscess in retropharyngeal may be secondary to cervical vertebral TB but is now rarely seen. In this case, involvement in many tissues such as retropharyngeal area, subcutaneous tissue of thoracic cage and retroperitoneal space were seen, and these findings are now uncommon and usually represents involvement secondary to contiguous infection.  相似文献   

We report a case of pulmonary tuberculosis, which was preceded by skin tuberculosis. 65-year old male was admitted to our hospital complaining of skin eruption which last one year. Skin biopsy proved granuloma with acid-fast bacilli. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was detected by PCR examination using skin biopsy and skin tuberculosis was confirmed. Chest roentogenography demonstrated small nodules with bilateral infiltrates compatible with pulmonary tuberculosis. M. tuberculosis was attained by culture examination using sputa sample. In this case, skin tuberculosis was a first clinical sign to suggest pulmonary tuberculosis. Peripheral blood test showed that he has developed adult T-cell leukemia and this could be an important factor for developing skin tuberculosis. Although skin tuberculosis becomes rare disease, physician should pay attention for this disease as differential diagnosis of lasting eruption.  相似文献   

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