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新生儿唇腭裂一期矫治术30例   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 探讨新生儿唇腭裂一期修复术围手术期的安全性、可行性。方法 制订详细的手术计划,采用Onizuka法和双瓣后推法对新生儿唇腭裂行一期修复,进行围手术期新生儿全身情况监护,护理,评估,及手术效果评价等。结果 30例新生儿围手术期各项生理指标正常,与正常新生儿无明显差异,手术效果满意,有5例唇腭裂出现牙下瘘。结论 严格掌握适应证,筛选成熟新生儿,新生儿唇腭裂一期修复术是安全的可行的,手术效果良好。  相似文献   

Current cleft lip and palate management in the United Kingdom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This is a report of a national survey into cleft management which was carried out in the spring of 1988. Responses were received from 45 cleft teams in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. A summary of the results is presented covering aspects of neonatal care, presurgical orthopaedics, primary and secondary surgical procedures and orthodontic management. In a majority of centres treatment management is discussed at interdisciplinary combined clinics. A wide range of timings and techniques is used for both surgical and orthodontic therapy.  相似文献   

The early management of bilateral cleft of lip and palate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A model was designed for evaluating protocol and management strategies in the multidisciplinary approach to cleft lip and palate treatment. The treatment history and present status of 45 patients 14 to 22 years of age were evaluated by a plastic surgeon, orthodontist, and speech pathologist. Results indicated that only about half of these patients had completed treatment by one of the specialties by the time they were 14 years or older. Even more surprisingly, only 7 patients (16%) had completed treatment by all three specialties by this age. Factors that may contribute to this low percentage of completed treatments are discussed.  相似文献   

We describe the way our multidisciplinary team manages cleft lips and palates at our centre at the Catholic University of Louvain. Since 1987, we have opted for the neonatal repair of the cleft lip and nose, and closure of the cleft palate at three months of age. Multidisciplinary follow-up then takes place to detect and correct the sequellae. The children are seen once a year by a plastic surgeon, an otorhinolaryngologist, a maxillofacial surgeon, a speech therapist, an audiologist, and an orthodontist. Secondary corrections are scheduled depending on functional, aesthetic, and psychological requirements.  相似文献   

Management of labio-maxillo-palatine clefts has two major requirements: to constitute a multidisciplinary staff (surgical, phonological, orthodontical) intervening as soon as possible and determination of a precise therapeutical chronology not only for primary surgery but also for sequellae. Primary surgical protocol is in cases of total clefts these defined by Malek and Psaume; and for pure labial or incomplete clefts, we perform a neonatal surgery. Integration of interceptive correction of sequellae into thus protocol appears basic: correction of alveolar cleft by gingivoplasty (5 to 7 years) associated with secondary home-graft between 11 to 13 years; early nasal revision since 2 years for functional and aesthetic reasons. Early control of speech development, otologic problems and their management appears a very important point. Introduction of the concept of maxillary distraction appears to us a very important improvement for correcting orthognatic cases with major problems of squeletical growth. Recent introduction of the antenatal diagnosis introduces a new concept in psychological approach of these cases. It is necessary to establish a network for managing these cases since the antenatal period.  相似文献   

Dental arch deformities develop in the embryo and fetus and are severe at birth. The clinician's responsibility to the patient is to guide the natural mechanisms of growth and compensation so that many aspects of the deformities will be alleviated. Scar tissue is an undesirable sequela to surgery, and should ideally not be adjacent to actively growing areas of the maxilla. There are three methods of managing arch deformities: by prevention, by interception, and by correction. The plastic surgeon modifies the deformity and thereby establishes the framework within which the orthodontist and prosthodontist may accomplish fairly minor alterations.  相似文献   



This national survey on the management of cleft lip and palate (CLP) in India is the first of its kind.


To collect basic data on the management of patients with CLP in India for further evaluation.

Materials and Methods:

A proforma was designed and sent to all the surgeons treating CLP in India. It was publicized through internet, emails, post and through personal communication.


293 cleft surgeons representing 112 centers responded to the questionnaire. Most of the forms were filled up by personal interview.


The cleft workload of the participating centers is between 10 and 2000 surgeries annually. These centers collectively perform 32,500–34,700 primary and secondary cleft surgeries every year. The responses were analyzed using Microsoft excel and 112 as the sample size. Most surgeons are repairing cleft lip between 3-6 months and cleft palate between 6 months to 1 year. Millard and Tennison repairs form the mainstay of lip repair. Multiple techniques are used for palate repair. Presurgical orthopedics, lip adhesion, nasendoscopy, speech therapy, video-fluoroscopy and orthognathic surgery were not always available and in some cases not availed of even when available.


Management of CLP differs in India. Primary surgical practices are almost similar to other studies. There is a lack of interdisciplinary approach in majority of the centers, and hence, there is a need for better interaction amongst the specialists. A more comprehensive study with an improved questionnaire would be desirable.  相似文献   

Psychological issues in cleft lip and palate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The treatment of cleft lip and palate extends over the infancy, childhood, and adolescence of individuals who are born with this condition. The children and their families contend with multiple surgeries throughout these years. Depending on the severity of the cleft, the families may also need to cope with speech therapy, ear infections, learning disabilities,and various orthodontic treatments. The end result of these treatments and interventions should be a child, teen, or adult who is an appropriately contributing member of society at each stage of development. The psychological support needed to enable a child to meet that goal should be provided by family, school, the surgeon, and other members of the cleft treatment team. These adults should demonstrate a belief in the child's ability to cope with the challenges of cleft lip and palate treatment and should focus the child on the efficacy he will gain from having had the experience of growing up with a cleft lip and palate.  相似文献   

Speech after repair of isolated cleft palate and cleft lip and palate.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The speech of children with isolated cleft palate (CP) repaired by one surgeon has been compared with the speech of children with some form of unilateral cleft lip and palate (CLP) repaired by the same surgeon. All palate repairs included an intravelar veloplasty. We identified 57 children (5--12 years old) with cleft palates repaired in infancy, of which three patients with other medical problems were excluded. Of the 54 patients, 44 (81%) attended for review (27 CP, 17 CLP). Video recordings were analysed by two speech and language therapists, using the Cleft Audit Protocol for Speech. The CP patients had no evidence of permanent fistulas. Final speech outcomes were similar for CP and CLP patients. Intelligibility was normal in 10 (37%) CP and nine (53%) CLP patients. Mild consistent hypernasality was present in five (18.5%) CP and four (23.5%) CLP patients. No patients had moderate or severe hypernasality or nasal emission. Mild consistent hyponasality was present in five (18.5%) CP and five (29%) CLP patients. Moderate consistent hyponasality was present in one (4%) CP patient. Dysphonia was present in eight (30%) CP and seven (41%) CLP patients. Cleft-type characteristics were noted in 11 (41%) CP and nine (53%) CLP patients. No CLP patients but 10 (37%) CP patients had required a pharyngoplasty (P=0.004, Fisher's exact test). Possible reasons for this (age, cleft type, surgeon and surgery) are discussed.  相似文献   

Separate clefts of the lip and of the palate (CL-CP) may belong to the same etiological class as the cleft lip with or without cleft palate CL(P), or a child may have two separate anomalies, CL and CP. This theory was tested in Finnish cleft patients. Among 2471 cleft cases, there were 66 CL-CP (2.7%). Adequate medical records were available for 62 children: 45 boys (73%) and 17 girls (27%). Familial occurrence was recorded in 6 cases (10%). Of the cleft cases among the near relatives, 5 were CL(P) and one CP. The prevalence of hypodontia was 37% among 38 subjects studied, as compared with 8.2% in the CL-, 29.8% in the CP- and 48.1% in the CLP controls. Conical elevations of the lower lip were observed in none, as compared with 0.8% of the CL(P)- and 39% of the CP controls. It was therefore assumed that the CL-CP belongs to the same etiological class as the CL(P).  相似文献   

We aimed to evaluate the treatment protocols for cleft lip and palate that are used in Brazil, to compare them with the ones proposed from elsewhere, and to discuss the official data about admission for treatment of cleft lip or palate, or both, in Brazil. We also assessed the importance of integrated action of different specialities to treat this condition. A questionnaire related to attendance protocols was developed and sent out to all Brazilian Plastic Surgery Services connected to the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery, and to other units involved in such treatment. We also studied the data produced by the Brazilian Department of Health about the operations done during the past five years. Many protocols were identified, but despite much controversy in many areas, a consensus was reached about the surgical techniques, the age group most suitable to be operated on, and there was total agreement about the need for multidisciplinary management. According to the State Department of Health, the number of operations done in 1995 was 9696, and this had increased to 21?022 in 1999. The state of São Paulo had done 17?636 (84%) of all procedures in 1999.  相似文献   

目的:探讨三种唇腭裂修复术对语音恢复的影响.方法:选择65例唇腭裂患者,随机分为反向双Z术组、咽后壁瓣成形术组、腭因肌瓣术组,观察吹水泡时间、软腭抬高角度α0、腭最高点与咽后壁的最短距离d(mm)、语音清晰.结果:三组患者术后吹水泡时间、软腭抬高角度α0、腭最高点与咽后壁的最短距离d(mm)、语音清晰度均明显优于术前(P<0.05),组间比较无显著性特征(P>0.05).结论:手术方式是恢复唇腭裂患者语音的最佳选择,三项检查是评价腭音闭合不全的有效手段.  相似文献   

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