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目的 筛选安全有效新型EV71候选疫苗,为将来EV71疫苗开发应用奠定基础.方法 以重组蛋白VP1为疫苗设计靶点,不同候选疫苗包括灭活疫苗、DNA疫苗、VP1蛋白疫苗在0、2周、4周分别按照不同剂量和肌内注射途径免疫BALB/c雌性小鼠,在0、2周、4周、6周、8周、10周、16周分别采集小鼠尾静脉血,16周处死小鼠,收集小鼠脾脏细胞,检测小鼠体液免疫和细胞免疫功能,筛选评价候选疫苗的疗效和安全性.结果 灭活病毒疫苗、VP1 DNA质粒疫苗、VP1蛋白疫苗免疫小鼠2周后IgG抗体滴度即开始升高,4周后明显升高,8周后达高峰,至少维持16周以上;IgG亚类以IgG2a和IgG1为主.三种疫苗能诱导以γ-IFN和IL-4为主的细胞免疫反应.灭活疫苗疗效优于其他候选疫苗,未发现疫苗相关不良反应.结论 灭活病毒疫苗、VP1 DNA质粒疫苗、VP1蛋白疫苗均能诱导持久的特异性细胞免疫和中和抗体反应,以灭活病毒疫苗疗效较好,需要将来攻毒实验可进一步验证其免疫力.  相似文献   

目的 采用逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)检测我国广东、福建地区2000-2001年手足口病(HFMD)散发病例中的肠道病毒71型(EV71),进而通过扩增VP1节段的核苷酸序列,进行毒株的种系进化分析。方法以肠道病毒特异引物对EV-1、EV-2进行RT-PCR,经琼脂糖凝胶电泳鉴定为阳性的标本,进一步用EV71特异引物对159S、162A进行RT-PCR,扩增的VP1节段经纯化后与测序载体pGEM-T连接,转化大肠埃希菌DH5a,筛选后测序。所得序列与我国深圳、上海、武汉地区的EV71流行株,中国台湾1998年4例HFMD暴发分离的EV71毒株,及来自美国、日本、匈牙利等国家地区的EV71毒株的核苷酸序列,用ClustalX1.8和PHYuP3.5进行比对分析,构建种系进化树。结果 25份标本检测EV71的阳性率为20%,所得序列经种系进化分析,与肠道病毒71型的其他毒株同源,与深圳1998年HFMD散发分离的EV71毒株同源性为94%,与上海2000年HFMD暴发分离株同源性为94%~96%,与武汉1987年HFMD病例中分离的毒株同源性为91%,而与国外EV71毒株同源性仅为82%~84%。结论 EV71是我国南方地区HFMD的主要病原之一;我国大陆地区的EV71毒株在种系进化上有较高的同源性;与我国台湾地区大部分分离株亦有90%~91%的核苷酸同源性,但大陆EV71引起的HFMD发病症状较轻,有别于1998年台湾地区EV71的大暴发。  相似文献   

Summary.  Enterovirus 71 (EV71) is known as one of the major causative agents of hand, foot and mouse disease (HFMD) and is also associated with neurological manifestations such as aseptic meningitis, polio-like paralysis and encephalitis. Recently, large HFMD outbreaks, involving severe neurological complications, have been experienced in Malaysia, Taiwan and some other countries in the Western-Pacific region. To investigate the genetic diversity of EV71 isolates in a single community in Japan, nucleotide sequences of the VP4 region of 52 EV71 isolates in Yokohama City from 1982 to 2000 were determined and the phylogenetic relationship was compared with other referential EV71 strains in Japan and in the world. There were two major genotypes of EV71 in Yokohama City through the 1980’s and 1990’s. Six EV71 isolates in the early 1980’s in Yokohama City were closely related to those from HFMD outbreaks in Japan and from outbreaks of polio-like paralysis in Europe in the 1970’s. During recent HFMD outbreaks in 1997 and 2000, two distinct genotypes of EV71 were co-circulating in Yokohama City as in HFMD outbreaks in Malaysia and Taiwan. However, the genetic diversity of EV71 in Yokohama City was not directly correlated with the severity of HFMD. The results confirmed the circulation of two distinct genotypes of EV71 over the past 20 years in Japan. Received June 25, 2002; accepted September 16, 2002  相似文献   

Summary Biological and biochemical characters of seven enterovirus 71 (E71) isolates were compared. Four isolates (two from patients with hand, foot and mouth disease [HFMD] and two from patients with encephalitis) grew in cynomolgus monkey kidney cells both at 39.5 and 35° C. However, the remaining three strains (from patients with HFMD) grew at 35° C, but not at 39.5° C. Three temperature-resistant and two temperature-sensitive strains were tested for neurovirulence in monkeys. Temperature-resistant strains were shown to be neurovirulent, whereas temperature-sensitive strains were less neurovirulent. The results suggest correlation between temperature-sensitive growth and neurovirulence in monkeys of E71. Variation in the electrophoretic mobility of the viral polypeptides was detected in three out of seven strains. The fingerprinting of oligonucleotides generated from the viral genome showed similar patterns in two isolates from patients with HFMD and one from patient with encephalitis and variable patterns in each genomic map of remaining four strains. These variations of polypeptide patterns and of oligonucleotide maps could not be correlated with pathogenicity (encephalitis or HFMD), temperature-sensitive growth and neurovirulence in monkeys.With 4 Figures  相似文献   

A large scale outbreak of hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD) occurred in Taiwan in 1998, in which more than 80 children died of shock syndrome with pulmonary edema/hemorrhage. Enterovirus 71 was implicated as the cause of this outbreak. In order to understand the virological basis responsible for mortality on this scale, nucleotide sequences of VP1 that is important for serotypic specificity, and the 5'-non-coding region (5'-NCR) that is important for replication efficiency, were analyzed comparatively. Phylogenetic analysis of both VP1 and 5'-NCR of nine EV71 isolates derived from specimens of fatal patients and seven isolates derived from uncomplicated HFMD patients showed that all but one isolate fell into genotype B. The one distinct isolate from a case of uncomplicated HFMD belonged to genotype C that was clustered along with one isolate from Taiwan in 1986. Complete sequence analysis of two selected isolates, one from the spinal cord of a fatal case and one from the vesicle fluid of a patient with mild HFMD, confirmed a high degree (97-100%) of identity in nucleotide sequence throughout the entire genome, except focal regions of 3C and 3'-NCR where the nucleotide homology was 90-91%. The identity of the deduced amino acid sequence in the 3C region that encodes viral proteinase dropped further to 86%, a result of missense mutations at the first nucleotide position of many codons.  相似文献   

目的 了解柯萨奇病毒A组6型、肠道病毒71型手足口病临床特点,为指导临床诊断,调整手足口病防控策略提供科学依据.方法 采用前瞻性调查的方法,收集2013至2014年在北京市西城区手足口病临床确诊病例信息,将手足口病原核酸检测阳性的病例分为CA6、EV71组,分析比较2组的临床特点、流行特征、预后等.结果 CA6组130例,EV71组121例.2组的年龄、性别分布差异无统计学意义.CA6组发热比例高达82.3%,明显高于EV71组(34.7%,P<0.05),其中大于等于38℃占85.0%.CA6组出现大疱疹(7.4%)、恢复期脱皮(16.9%)、脱甲(10.0%)的比例高于EV71组(P<0.05).不同年份流行主要毒株不同.结论 与EV71感染相比,CA6感染引起的高热比例较高,部分病例可表现为大疱疹、脱皮、脱甲,整体预后较好.CA6和EV71感染所致的HFMD发病高峰季节不一致.  相似文献   

Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a childhood illness frequently caused by genotypes belonging to the enterovirus A species, including coxsackievirus (CV)-A16 and enterovirus (EV)-71. Between 2010 and 2012, several outbreaks and sporadic cases of HFMD occurred in different regions of Spain. The objective of the present study was to describe the enterovirus epidemiology associated with HFMD in the country. A total of 80 patients with HFMD or atypical rash were included. Detection and typing of the enteroviruses were performed directly in clinical samples using molecular methods. Enteroviruses were detected in 53 of the patients (66%). CV-A6 was the most frequent genotype, followed by CV-A16 and EV-71, but other minority types were also identified. Interestingly, during almost all of 2010, CV-A16 was the only causative agent of HFMD but by the end of the year and during 2011, CV-A6 became predominant, while CV-A16 was not detected. In 2012, however, both CV-A6 and CV-A16 circulated. EV-71 was associated with HFMD symptoms only in three cases during 2012. All Spanish CV-A6 sequences segregated into one major genetic cluster together with other European and Asian strains isolated between 2008 and 2011, most forming a particular clade. Spanish EV-71 strains belonged to subgenogroup C2, as did most of the European sequences circulated. In conclusion, the recent increase of HFMD cases in Spain and other European countries has been due to a larger incidence of circulating species A enteroviruses, mainly CV-A6 and CV-A16, and the emergence of new genetic variants of these viruses.  相似文献   

Severe hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) is sometimes associated with critical complications that can cause substantial child mortality. Activity of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) may influence the outcomes of enterovirus 71 (EV71) infection. This case-control study aimed to assess the association of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the gene encoding the VDR with the severity of EV71-associated HFMD. We selected four VDR SNPs based on linkage disequilibrium and functional prediction, and we tested them using the SNPscan multiple SNP typing method for potential association with severity of EV71-associated HFMD. We found a significant association in the case of rs11574129 (G vs A: odds ratio (OR), 0.3439; 95% confidence intervals (CI), 0.1778-0.6653) and rs739837 (T vs G: OR, 0.5580; 95%CI, 0.3352-0.9291). Our results suggest that these two SNPs may influence the severity of EV71-associated HFMD.  相似文献   

Thirteen enterovirus 71 (EV71) isolates were obtained from both fatal and non-fatal infections of patients seen in Peninsula Malaysia and in Sarawak during an outbreak of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) in Malaysia in 1997, with incidences of fatal brainstem encephalomyelitis. The isolates were identified using immunofluorescence staining, neutralization assays, and partial sequencing of the 5' untranslated regions (UTR). Assessment of the potential genetic relationships of the isolates using the partial 5'UTR sequences suggested clustering of the isolates into at least two main clusters. Isolates from Peninsula Malaysia were found in both clusters whereas Sarawak-derived isolates clustered only in cluster II. Isolates derived from fatal infections, however, occurred in both clusters and no distinctive nucleotide sequences could be attributed to the fatal isolates. Examination of the nucleotide sequences revealed at least 13 nucleotide positions in all the isolates which differ completely from the previously reported EV71 5'UTR sequences. In addition, at least 11 nucleotide position differences within the 5'UTR were noted which differentiated cluster I from cluster II. Predicted secondary RNA structures drawn using the nucleotide sequences also suggested differences between isolates from the two clusters. These findings suggest the presence of at least two potentially virulent EV71 co-circulating in Malaysia during the 1997 HFMD outbreak.  相似文献   

目的 分析重症71型肠道病毒感染手足口病的临床表现特点及综合护理措施.方法 收集我院2013年5月-2014年5月期间诊治的重症71型肠道病毒感染手足口病患者58例作为研究对象,采用回顾性方法分析患者的临床资料,总结临床表现特点和综合护理措施.结果 研究结果显示,病毒71型手足口病患儿主要分布于1~3岁的婴幼儿群体,临床表现主要为皮疹和发热,大部分患儿合并有肢体抖动及易惊.通过对患儿实施隔离观察、生命体征监测、口腔护理、并发症预防等综合性护理干预后取得了良好的临床效果,患儿的发热、皮疹等临床症状得到明显的缓解,白细胞、血糖水平均恢复正常,护理前后比较差异具有统计学差异(P<0.05).结论 重症71型肠道病毒感染手足口病主要发生于婴幼儿群体,患儿的临床表现主要为皮疹、发热,通过对患儿实施隔离观察、生命体征监测、口腔护理、并发症预防等综合性护理干预可获得良好的临床效果.  相似文献   

Hand, foot and mouth disease is a common illness in children and is usually caused by coxsackievirus A 16 and enterovirus 71. It has been noted that enterovirus 71 infection is more severe with significantly greater frequency of serious complications and fatality than coxsackievirus A 16. Therefore, it is important to develop a rapid and specific assay for discriminating coxsackievirus A 16 and enterovirus 71 in hand, foot and mouth disease outbreaks. In this study we designed two sets of RT-PCR primers specific for coxsackievirus A 16 and enterovirus 71. One hundred and eighty-nine viruses were evaluated for this molecular diagnosis assay. Among 110 enterovirus 71 strains, the enterovirus 71 specific primers gave clear signal for 107 clinical enterovirus 71 isolates and three reference enterovirus 71 strains. None of coxsackievirus A 16, other enteroviruses or non-enteroviruses show signal for enterovirus 71-specific primers. On the other hand, among 28 coxsackievirus A 16 strains, the coxsackievirus A 16-specific primers detect 27 clinical isolates and one reference strain but show no cross-reaction with other viruses. The molecular assay developed in this study provides a sensitive and specific way to distinguish coxsackievirus A 16 and enterovirus 71 induced hand, foot and mouth disease, which will be a useful rapid diagnostic method in future outbreaks.  相似文献   

Among the enteroviruses, polioviruses and enterovirus 71 (EV71) are two major neurotropic viruses causing serious neurological manifestations. While polioviruses are being eradicated globally by vaccination, EV71 still has the potential to cause a large outbreak such as that in Taiwan in 1998, in which there were many fatalities. In this study, we determined the neurovirulence of EV71 by neuropathological analysis of cynomolgus monkeys after experimental infection with five EV71 strains, which were isolated from individual patients with fatal encephalitis; meningitis; and hand, foot, and mouth disease. After intraspinal inoculation, the monkeys developed neurological manifestations within 1-6 days post-inoculation, irrespective of the inoculated strains. These manifestations included not only pyramidal tract signs such as flaccid paralysis, but also extrapyramidal tract signs such as tremor and ataxia. Histological and viral examinations confirmed virus replication in the spinal cord, brainstem, cerebellar cortex, and dentate nuclei, and cerebrum. The strains isolated during the 1970s and 1990s showed no particular differences with respect to neurotropism. Thus, it is clear that EV71 has a wider neurotropism than that of polioviruses.  相似文献   

Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) has mostly been caused by enterovirus 71 (EV71) and coxsackievirus A16 (CA16). CA 16 was the most common cause of HFMD in 2010. EV71 had a high prevalence in 2008-2009 and has been identified with a higher frequency since 2011. Nearly complete genome sequences of three EV71 strains (2008-2009 strains) and two CA16 strains (2010 strains) obtained from outbreaks in Thailand in 2008 to 2010 were characterized. Based on a phylogenetic tree of the complete VP1 region, three EV71 strains grouped into the B5, C1 and C4 genotypes, and two CA16 strains grouped into the C genotype. Based on sequence analysis, nucleotide changes were found to cluster in the internal ribosome entry site (IRES) element of the 5′-untranslated region (5′-UTR). Amino acid differences identified in all strains were located in the non-structural protein. These data also provide the molecular epidemiology of EV71 and CA16 outbreaks in Thailand.  相似文献   

A 15-month boy with fatal hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) exhibited atypical symptoms and progressed rapidly to death. An autopsy was performed the next day and tissue sections were stained for histopathological examination. His intestinal samples were tested for enterovirus 71 (EV71), and the whole-genome sequence of EV71 was analyzed. An autopsy revealed that the central nervous system, lungs, and gut displayed severe meningitis and brainstem encephalitis, remarkable pulmonary congestion, edema, moderate inflammatory infiltration, and hemorrhage as well as intestinal mucosal congestion, epithelial necrosis, thinning intestinal wall, and submucosal lymphoid follicular hyperplasia. The heart showed myocardial interstitial congestion, myocardial edema, and some inflammatory infiltrates. There were no significant alterations in the architecture of other organs. EV71 antigen and apoptotic cells were detected in brain, lung and intestine by immunohistochemical staining and TUNEL (TdT-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling) respectively. Intestinal contents and intestinal autopsy samples of this case were positive for EV71, and the EV71 strain was classified as subgenogroup C4. In China, the severe forms of HFMD were mostly caused by EV71 subgenogroup C4 infection. Severe intestinal damages may relate to EV71 subgenogroup C4 infection. Thus, children with severe EV71 HFMD may have serious pathological changes in their central nervous system, lungs, and gut. Physicians should pay special attention to infants with atypical symptoms, particularly in EV71 epidemic areas for early diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   

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