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An empirical study of psychosis in borderline personality disorder   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To assess the nature and prevalence of psychotic symptoms in borderline personality disorder, the authors reviewed the cases of 33 patients meeting DSM-III criteria for borderline personality disorder, using both "narrow" and "broad" definitions of psychosis. Only eight patients displayed psychotic symptoms meeting the "narrow" DSM-III definition; in all of these cases, the symptoms appeared to be attributable to either severe drug abuse or major affective disorder, present simultaneously with borderline personality disorder. The remaining patients displayed only "broadly defined" psychotic symptoms or symptoms that appeared to be under voluntary control. These findings weigh against the assumption that borderline personality disorder lies "on the border" of classical psychotic disorders.  相似文献   


Impulsivity is a characteristic syndromal and neurobehavioral feature of borderline personality disorder (BPD). Research suggests an important interaction between high negative emotions and low behavioral inhibition in BPD. However, knowledge about the generalizability across stimulus categories and diagnosis specificity is limited. We investigated neural correlates of hypothesized impaired response inhibition of BPD patients to negative, positive and erotic stimuli, by comparing them to non-patients and cluster-C personality disorder patients. During fMRI scanning, 53 BPD patients, 34 non-patients and 20 cluster-C personality disorder patients completed an affective go/no-go task, including social pictures. BPD patients showed more omission errors than non-patients, independent of the stimulus category. Furthermore, BPD patients showed higher activity in the inferior parietal lobule and frontal eye fields when inhibiting negative versus neutral stimuli. Activity of the inferior parietal lobule correlated positively with the BPD checklist subscale impulsivity. When inhibiting emotional stimuli, BPD patients showed an altered brain activity in the inferior parietal lobe and frontal eye fields, whereas previously shown dysfunctional prefrontal activity was not replicated. BPD patients showed a general responsivity across stimulus categories in the frontal eye fields, whereas effects in the inferior parietal lobe were specific for negative stimuli. Results of diagnosis specificity support a dimensional rather than a categorical differentiation between BPD and cluster-C patients during inhibition of social emotional stimuli. Supported by behavioral results, BPD patients showed no deficiencies in emotionally modulated response inhibition per se but the present findings rather hint at attentional difficulties for emotional information.


Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is closely related to suicidal behavior, and suicide attempts per se are considered a diagnostic criterion. However, there has been no previous study of completed suicides and BPD. The present study is based on a population of 134 consecutive psychiatric suicides from 1961 to 1980 in a catchment area of 250,000 inhabitants. Clinical records were retrospectively diagnosed according to the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines and DSM-III. There was a progressive increase in proportion of borderline suicides during the time period. The overall proportion of BPD, however, was only 12%, indicating that borderline patients are not seriously overrepresented among patients committing psychiatric suicides. Demographic variables, earlier psychiatric care, and suicidal behavior in the borderline group are described and analyzed.  相似文献   

Little empirical information is available regarding the process of self-soothing in borderline individuals, as well as in normal subjects. This study examined the frequency of used of soothing "things," soothing "behaviors," and soothing "psychological activities" in three groups: borderline personality disorder, major depressive disorder without concurrent personality disorder, and college students. Results indicated that: (1) borderline individuals reported using soothing things at comparable levels to the other two groups; (2) borderline subjects and those with major depressive disorders used more adaptive soothing behaviors than did college students; (3) borderline subjects used more maladaptive soothing behaviors than the other two groups; and (4) borderline individuals used psychologically soothing activities at frequencies comparable to the other two groups. These results are intended to begin the process of developing a soothing profile for individuals with borderline personality disorder.  相似文献   

ObjectiveDeficits in mentalization ability have been theorized to underlie borderline personality disorder (BPD) and have led to mentalization-based treatments. Yet there has been little empirical investigation into whether mentalization deficits do differentiate the BPD population from healthy controls, and the specific nature of these differences.MethodFive pre-existing Theory of Mind (ToM) tasks that assessed simple to complex mentalization capacity in both the affective and cognitive domains were administered to the same groups of age and gender matched patients with BPD and controls. Self-report measures assessed cognitive and affective empathy and childhood trauma and abuse.ResultsThe BPD group did not differ significantly from the healthy control group on basic cognitive false-belief picture-sequencing tasks, or on overall accuracy when discriminating mental states from viewing images of eyes, and attributing emotions based on social events. They were, however, significantly less accurate in identifying positive mental states on the Reading the Mind in the Eyes (RME) task and showed significantly more mentalization errors on affective and cognitive understanding of faux pas (faux pas total score p < .01) and on a Joke Appreciation task (p = .01), that required integration of multiple perspectives. They also self-reported less empathic perspective taking (p < .01). Observation of patterns of performance hinted at specific underlying biases (e.g. a default tendency to use superficial black-and-white attributions to others, such as, “he is mean”, when explaining behavior). It was also found that as childhood experiences of punishment increased, adulthood mentalization ability decreased on all affective ToM tasks and on the cognitive and affective components of understanding faux pas.ConclusionsThe BPD group was as capable as controls in undertaking simple mentalization. However, deficits in mentalization capacity became evident when mentalization tasks became more complex and required the integration of multiple perspectives. Increasing childhood experiences of punishment were related to decreasing mentalization ability in adulthood. Findings support the use of treatments to improve mentalization skills in BPD, however, further research is needed to better specify the nature of underlying mentalizing biases in this population.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests disturbed emotional learning and memory in borderline personality disorder (BPD). Studies investigating the neural correlates of aversive differential delay conditioning in BPD are currently lacking. We aimed to investigate acquisition, within-session extinction, between-session extinction recall, and reacquisition. We expected increased activation in the insula, amygdala, and anterior cingulate, and decreased prefrontal activation in BPD patients. During functional magnetic resonance imaging, 27 medication-free female BPD patients and 26 female healthy controls (HC) performed a differential delay aversive conditioning paradigm. An electric shock served as unconditioned stimulus, two neutral pictures as conditioned stimuli (CS+/CS?). Dependent variables were blood-oxygen-level-dependent response, skin conductance response (SCR), and subjective ratings (valence, arousal). No significant between-group differences in brain activation were found [all p(FDR) > 0.05]. Within-group comparisons for CS+unpaired > CS? revealed increased insula activity in BPD patients but not in HC during early acquisition; during late acquisition, both groups recruited fronto-parietal areas [p(FDR) < 0.05]. During extinction, BPD patients rated both CS+ and CS? as significantly more arousing and aversive than HC and activated the amygdala in response to CS+. In contrast, HC showed increased prefrontal activity in response to CS+ > CS during extinction. During extinction recall, there was a trend for stronger SCR to CS+ > CS in BPD patients. Amygdala habituation to CS+paired (CS+ in temporal contingency with the aversive event) during acquisition was found in HC but not in patients. Our findings suggest altered temporal response patterns in terms of increased vigilance already during early acquisition and delayed extinction processes in individuals with BPD.  相似文献   

We explored identity disturbance and some of its correlates and antecedents in patients with personality disorder (PD) pathology. A group of inpatients who all were diagnosed as PD on self-reports were divided as those with (28 patients) and without (62 patients) identity disturbance on the basis of the DSM-III-R borderline PD identity item criterion. The division of the patients was tested and found to be valid. Both groups were compared with each other. Seventy-five percent of patients with and 340 of patients without identity disturbance received the definite interview diagnosis of PD. The syndrome of identity disturbance was encountered in basically all PD types. In contrast, half of all patients with PD presented no identity disturbance. Identity disturbance did not predispose to specific axis 1 disorders and suicidal behavior, and it was not correlated convincingly with childhood traumatic experiences and parental bonding scores. The results neither support the DSM conceptualization of identity disturbance as an exclusive characteristic of borderline PD, nor the Kernberg's concept of identity disturbance as an essential of borderline personality organization which should be found in almost all PD types.  相似文献   

EEG in borderline personality disorder   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Neuroimaging has become one of the most important methods in the investigation of the neurobiological underpinnings of borderline personality disorder. Structural and functional imaging studies have revealed dysfunction in different brain regions which seem to contribute to borderline symptomatology. This review presents relevant studies using different methodologies: volumetry of limbic and prefrontal regions, investigations of brain metabolism under resting conditions, studies of serotonergic neurotransmission, and challenge studies using emotional, stressful, and sensory stimuli. Dysfunction in a frontolimbic network is suggested to mediate much, if not all of the borderline symptomatology.  相似文献   

The authors offer their theory that multiple personality represents a "special instance" of borderline personality disorder, that the introjects are composed of a representation of the self, a representation of the object, and an affective bond.  相似文献   


1. 1. Twelve patients with borderline personality disorder and not suffering a major depression were treated with fluoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, in an open label trial. All of the patients improved, and 75% were rated as much or very much improved.

2. 2. Treatment was generally very well tolerated, but careful dosage titration was important in some patients, especially to manage agitation.

3. 3. Improvement has been maintained with continued treatment throughout the follow-up period which ranged up to six months.

4. 4. Incidental findings suggest fluoxetine may also be of use in treating substance abuse, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, late luteal phase dysphoria disorder, dysthymic and cyclothymic disorders, and seasonal pattern depression.

5. 5. These preliminary results support the hypothesis that borderline personality disorder may be related to a central scrotonergic deficit.

Author Keywords: borderline personality; fluoxetine; pharmacotherapy; serotonin reuptake inhibitor  相似文献   

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious psychiatric syndrome that is most often associated with emotional instability and impulsive-aggression. However, BPD is also characterized by distinctive cognitive features. We review the empirical literature on four types of cognitive disturbance in BPD: 1) transient, quasi-psychotic cognition, 2) dissociation, 3) social cognitive biases, and 4) neurocognition. Finally, we describe a cognitive neuroscience model of BPD that can guide future empirical study of the mechanisms of the disorder and its psychosocial and pharmacologic treatment.  相似文献   

Computed tomographic (CT) scans of brains of patients with borderline personality disorder and normal volunteers were analyzed for ventricle-brain ratios, third ventricular size, and evidence of frontal lobe atrophy. There were no significant differences between the two groups on any of these measures except for a narrower third ventricle in borderline patients, which could be accounted for by the narrower third ventricle observed in female subjects overall. While borderline patients may show signs of subtle neurological dysfunction, they do not show evidence of structural brain pathology.  相似文献   

Glaser J‐P, Van Os J, Thewissen V, Myin‐Germeys I. Psychotic reactivity in borderline personality disorder. Objective: To investigate the stress relatedness and paranoia specificity of psychosis in borderline personality disorder (BPD). Method: Fifty‐six borderline patients, 38 patients with cluster C personality disorder, 81 patients with psychotic disorder and 49 healthy controls were studied with the experience sampling method (a structured diary technique) to assess: i) appraised subjective stress and ii) intensity of psychotic experiences. Results: All patient groups experienced significantly more increases in psychotic experiences in relation to daily life stress than healthy controls, borderline patients displaying the strongest reactivity. Borderline patients, moreover, reported significantly more hallucinatory reactivity than healthy controls and subjects with cluster C personality disorder. Paranoid reactivity to daily life stress did not differ between the patient groups. Conclusion: These results are the first to ecologically validate stress‐related psychosis in BPD. However, psychotic reactivity was not limited to expression of paranoia but involved a broader range of psychotic experiences including hallucinations.  相似文献   

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is characterized by interpersonal disturbances, but the neurocognitive aspects of these symptoms are poorly understood. We hypothesized that patients with BPD have impaired perception of emotional expressions, which are related to symptoms of interpersonal dysfunction. To control potential confounding factors, this study excluded subjects with comorbid diagnoses known to be associated with impaired affect perception. We tested 43 outpatients with BPD and 26 healthy controls on emotion recognition tasks (facial, prosodic, and integrated facial/prosodic), nonemotional facial feature recognition, and interpersonal antagonism (Buss-Durkee Hostility Index). Patients with BPD showed normal ability to recognize isolated facial or prosodic emotions but had impaired recognition of emotions in integrated facial/prosodic stimuli, as well as impaired discrimination of nonemotional facial features. In patients with BPD, impaired recognition of integrated emotional stimuli was associated with interpersonal antagonism, particularly suspiciousness and assaultiveness. These results suggest that patients with BPD have deficits in higher order integration of social information, which may be related to some of the more serious symptoms of the disorder.  相似文献   

Different domains of executive function such as working memory and response inhibition were investigated together with elementary cognitive processes in borderline personality disorder (BPD). Patients with BPD (N=28) were compared to nonpatient controls (NP, N=28) on eight tasks (e.g. n-back, Go/NoGo, CPT-AX). In order to separate impairments in different cognitive domains and to assess the influence of more elementary cognitive processes on executive functioning, tasks were embedded in a reaction-time-decomposition approach. BPD patients solved tasks with accuracies comparable to those of nonpatients. The only exception was the n-back task, for which working memory is required: here, error rates were higher and increased more prominently in BPD patients depending on working memory load. In most tasks, movement times were shorter for BPD patients than for nonpatients, while the quality of task-solving was comparable. The faster processing in the BPD group was observable starting with the simplest task, i.e. a simple reaction-time task. These findings suggest that domains of executive functioning are differentially affected in BPD. In contrast to load-dependent deficits in working memory, response inhibition processes were unimpaired. Faster action-related processes could be observed in BPD patients in a variety of tasks; however, these did not influence executive functioning.  相似文献   

A case series of 10 patients with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD) presenting with auditory hallucinosis is examined. In this series, the hallucinations were persistent, longstanding, and a significant source of distress and disability. Extrapolating from this series to our sample of 171 patients with BPD suggests that a form of auditory hallucinosis may occur in almost 30% of this population. The failure to emphasize this phenomenon in current systems of classification risks misdiagnosis or inappropriate treatment. Use of terms such as pseudohallucination or quasi hallucination dismisses the phenomenon as unimportant or as "not real." There is an emerging literature on the frequency of hallucinosis among nonpatients. A basis for understanding different forms of hallucination is discussed with reference to the concept of "normativity." We propose a nomenclature for hallucinosis that is expressed in positive terms, reflecting the clinical significance of the phenomenon in different contexts: (1) normative hallucinosis, (2) traumatic-intrusive hallucinosis (as in our series), (3) psychotic hallucinosis, and (4) organic hallucinosis.  相似文献   

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