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虎啸九州展雄姿,玉兔携春又迎新。《实用皮肤病学杂志》迎来了她3岁的生日,难忘的日子里,有您的劳动,有他的汗水,有我们的心血,更有各  相似文献   

朱琪 《中国性科学》2005,14(10):41-43
2005年8月上旬,搜狐网上出现一篇题为《比贞操更宝贵的是爱和生命》的文章。主要内容是劝说面临强奸的女性,只要放弃贞操,不进行抵抗,再预备一个避孕套要求对方使用,就可以免受伤害,保全性命,事后再告官求助于法律解决。从表面上看,这样的主张很人性化,但实际上向强奸犯示弱并不能保证安全,因为为了防止告发,强奸犯有时会杀人灭口,所以受害者即使不进行抗拒,也仍然可能被杀。这样的案例并不罕见。进而辨析《比贞操更宝贵的是爱和生命》的深层含义,却不难发现这是色狼强奸犯之流为自己在施暴时不至于受到抵抗而施放的烟幕弹:用花言巧语让受害…  相似文献   

自古以来,创伤就伴随着人类的活动而存在,外科创口包括各种化学、物理、机械、生物损伤因素或手术引起的创口.按照时限可以分为急性和慢性创口;按照有无感染可分为感染性和非感染性创口[1].清创是创口处理的必要步骤,并发挥重要作用,清创过程中,需要选择清洗液和消毒液处理创口,目前临床常用的清洗液有水、生理盐水等,最常用的消毒液是各种含碘制剂,其消毒效果好,没有明显的细胞毒副作用,但因过敏、对甲状腺及肾脏的影响,应用范围受到限制.  相似文献   

20100497药疹发病机理研究的几个热点/艾哈万德(上海交大瑞金医院皮肤科),郑捷∥实用皮肤病学杂志.-2009,2(3).-149~152①病毒性感染与药疹,如EB病毒感染引起的传染性单核细胞增多症患者使用氨苄西林皮疹发生率100%,对照组仅9%,且病情缓解后再次服用则几乎不发生药疹,故认为针对EB病毒和HHV6感染后机体产生的免疫应答,有助于清除病毒,但也为药疹的发生和发展提供了有利的环境。②免疫应答与药疹,a.药疹的免疫组化,b.细胞因子在药疹中的作用。③细胞凋亡与药疹。④药物代谢与药疹。结论,用药史、遗传因素,药物相互作用,影响药物代谢及排泄功能的疾病,活性代谢物的增殖,解毒功能障碍  相似文献   

性,事关国本   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我的专业不是性学,而是科学社会主义理论。我介入性学领域的活动差不多二十年了,并且还在继续,欲罢不能。主要原因是受组织委派和自己认识到性这个问题极其重要。性,是人类生活的一个重要内容,是人类最基本的需求之一,是历史和社会发展的决定因素之一。性命,性命,没有性就没有命。人的生命从开始到结束都离不开性。人生说到底就是维持和延续生命。可以毫不夸张地说,性乃人生之本。我从自己专业的视角看性:一方面它是关于“男欢女爱”的个人私事,同时它也是事关家国、社会和人类的大事。首先,性,事关国策。计划生育作为国策与性是不可分割的。当然,如果我们仅仅从计划人口数量来认识性的问题是极不全面的。我们必须认识到,人既是生产  相似文献   

1呼吸的重要性正确的呼吸供给身体充足的氧气以滋养细胞,使心情畅快,也有助于产生欣快感甚至性高潮。要体会到长时间亲密的爱意、极乐的兴奋,正确的呼吸是关键。呼吸听来是很简单的事,但实际上要做到正确呼吸不容易。人们有一种常见的毛病,一般呼吸很浅,几乎没有扩胸,呼进肺的气体不够用,当然,浅呼吸不利于健康。1.1深呼吸练习深呼吸练习有以下3种:(1)生命之源:留意呼吸是从你身体的哪个部位开始的。是从喉部?胸腔?腹部?用力让一口气从身体的较深部位发出。每一次吸气都要跟踪气息所走的轨迹,在呼出气体之前,用手按住气体所停的部位。再把手…  相似文献   

易苹 《中国性科学》2011,20(11):63-64
(作者按:我在从事性心理咨询的工作中,一位咨客的讲述引起我的兴趣,觉得对大家颇有帮助,现整理如下,以飨读者)我和妻子结婚两年,小日子过得和谐恩爱。虽然我们走进婚姻已经两年,在外人看来已是"老夫老妻",但妻子给我的感觉,还是一如新婚时那样,甜蜜  相似文献   

卖淫嫖娼这类丑陋现象,原本在社会主义新中国已消声匿迹。但近些年来,藉我国改革开放、搞活经济之机,又卷土重来兴风作浪,严重干扰了我国社会风气和精神文明建设,已成为某些人腐化堕落的渊源和性病、艾滋病传染的源泉,对青少年的健康成长尤其是对女性青少年的摧残危害尤烈。我们呼吁政府有关部门尽快制定治理整顿的政策,加强教育管理和必要的惩治、打击。同时也呼吁全社会关注此类问题,树立社会、个人新风正气,自觉抵制腐朽生活方式的侵袭。  相似文献   

科学出版社最新出版的《索尔皮肤病手册》中文翻译版,着重介绍了皮肤科常见疾病的诊断与治疗,图文并茂,言简意赅,浓缩了皮肤病学的精华。该书有三大特色:首先,内容简单,注重基础,针对性强,适合研究生  相似文献   

随着人们生活方式的不断变化,新疆性传播疾病在不同民族中蔓延,已成为常见的公共卫生问题.从事本专业的医务人员面临着严峻的职业暴露现象,物理或化学等因素危害着从事性病门诊工作人员的健康,为此,制定严格的自我防护制度,不仅能避免性病门诊内部的交叉感染,而且能确保自身的安全.现就本人在医院感染控制科工作期间性病门诊中多见的有害因素及个人防护方面谈几点体会.  相似文献   

目的:探讨社区更年期妇女群体的心理干预模式及干预效果,为建立有效的干预方案提供依据.方法:采用随机对照试验的方法,对3个社区143名更年期妇女进行为期2天的团体心理咨询、健康教育讲座,对照组50人不做任何干预.干预前后采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)对更年期妇女进行评价.结果:团体心理咨询、健康讲座等干预后,两组对象SCL-90两表得分除"恐怖"一项外差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),其中总分和大部分项目差异高度显著(P<0.01).结论:团体心理干预可改善社区更年期妇女的生活质量,对于提高社区更年期妇女的心理健康水平有显著效果.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify psychological factors associated with chronic recurrent vaginal candidiasis. DESIGN: A cross sectional exploratory study of women with chronic, recurrent vaginal candidiasis. PATIENTS: 28 women found culture positive and treated for vaginal candidiasis by a clinic physician at least twice within the past 6 months. All women reported that they had experienced vaginal thrush six or more times within 1 year. A comparison group comprised 16 women with no history of recurrent vaginal candidiasis, of similar age range, and recruited from a women's family planning service. METHODS: Both groups were compared on demographic criteria, sexual health histories, mental health, and psychological health characteristics. A purpose designed structured interview was administered alongside a battery of standardised psychometric instruments measuring mood, satisfaction with life, self esteem, and perceived stress. RESULTS: The two groups showed considerable similarities, with no significant differences in demographic characteristics and most sexual health issues. However, women with recurrent vaginal candidiasis were significantly more likely to suffer clinical depression, to be less satisfied with life, to have poorer self esteem, and to perceive their lives as more stressful. Additionally, women with recurrent vaginal candidiasis reported that their candidiasis seriously interfered with their sexual and emotional relationships. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, this study identified many areas of psychological morbidity associated with chronic vaginal candidiasis, and indicates that development of appropriate psychological treatment initiatives in this area is long overdue.  相似文献   

女性生育健康不但与身体健康有关,也与心理健康有关,而自身价值及社会地位得到尊重也关系到心理健康。道家思想有崇阴色彩,道家文化尊重女性,道家医学者们从古至今一直关注女性健康,在调理和治疗等方面总结出了大量宝贵经验。充分挖掘道家养生学中对女性生育健康有意义的内容,可以为现代女性带来益处。本文试分析不孕女性的心理问题,并拟定基于道家养生思想的相应对策。  相似文献   

ObjectiveThis study aimed to explore women’s experiences related to recovery from obstetric anal sphincter muscle injuries (OASIS) one year after childbirth.MethodThis is a qualitative study based on written responses from 625 women approximately one year after childbirth in which OASIS occurred. Data was obtained from a questionnaire distributed by the national Perineal Laceration Register (PLR) in Sweden. Inductive qualitative content analysis was applied for analysis.ResultsThe theme “Struggling to settle with a damaged body” indicated that the first year after OASIS involved a struggle to settle to and accept living with a changed and sometimes still-wounded body. Many participants described problems related to a non-functional sexual life, physical and psychological problems that left them feeling used and broken, and increased worries for their future health and pregnancies. However, some women had adjusted to their situation, had moved on with their lives, and felt recovered and strong. Encountering a supportive and helpful health care professional was emphasized as vital for recovery after OASIS.ConclusionThis study provides important insights on how women experience their recovery approximately one year after having had OASIS at childbirth, wherein many women still struggled to settle into their damaged bodies. Clear pathways are needed within health care organizations to appropriate health care services that address both physical and psychological health problems of women with prolonged recovery after OASIS.  相似文献   

ObjectiveIntimate partner violence (IPV) against women occurs in all settings. Exposure to intimate partner violence, especially during pregnancy, is associated with serious adverse health outcomes and is recognized as a global health issue.AimTo describe the prevalence of physical, psychological, and sexual intimate partner violence among pregnant women in Sweden during current pregnancy, and to investigate potential associations between exposure and sociodemographic characteristics and health.MethodsBetween October and December 2020, a cross-sectional survey study was conducted at 35 midwifery clinics in Stockholm, Sweden.ResultsThe questionnaire was answered by 3399 pregnant women. The results showed that 2.1% of the women reported exposure to intimate partner violence during pregnancy, with exposure to psychological violence being most common (1.8%), followed by exposure to physical violence (0.6%) and sexual violence (0.1%). Exposure to intimate partner violence was significantly associated with living situation and depressive symptoms, as well as education, country of birth, and employment status.ConclusionExposure to intimate partner violence occurs even during pregnancy and it is crucial to identify pregnant women exposed to intimate partner violence in order to inform clinical practice and to provide adequate support. More research is needed to develop screening instruments to detect violence against pregnant women.  相似文献   

本文主要从当前性健康教育中性别教育现状出发,指出教师在性健康教育中存在对性别教育的忽视、性别形象刻板化等问题及其对青少年产生可能带来的不良影响。影响主要表现为:限制生命更好更自由发展的可能性;传递性别刻板形象其结果是宣传男尊女卑的思想,压制女生的创造性,同时也增加了男生的心理压力;强化女生的外貌,忽视女生的人格尊严。建议教育行政部门在中小学性健康教育教师中加强性别平等意识的培训。  相似文献   

A survey of psychological disturbance was conducted in a sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinic, using the general health questionnaire, the Crown-Crisp experiential index, and the illness concern questionnaire. Of 381 patients who completed the questionnaire, 158 (43%) had general health questionnaire scores indicating that they were psychiatric cases. Psychological disturbance was more common in women. The association between general health questionnaire caseness and patients' reports of concerns and worries about illness in relation to their presenting complaint was significant. The Crown-Crisp experiential index scores of cases were lower than those characteristic of patients attending psychiatric clinics, and much of the psychological disturbance found by this and other surveys of STD clinics may therefore represent distress in relation to the presenting problem. Of the 381 patients, 14 (4%) appeared to have an abnormal or unwarranted level of distress in relation to their presenting complaint.  相似文献   

Estrogens are known to have protective and favorable influences on skin health; conversely, androgens oppose the actions of estrogens. Estrogen's chemical messages are transmitted via the classical nuclear hormone estrogen receptors (ER) alpha and beta and the rapid‐acting G‐coupled membrane estrogen receptor. Androgens [both testosterone and 5α‐dihydrotestosterone (5α‐DHT)] bind the same androgen receptor. Estrogen levels peak in the mid‐ to late 20s in women and then decline by 50% by 50 years of age and dramatically decrease further after menopause. The loss of estrogens with aging contributes to diminished dermal health, whereas estrogen hormone therapy [eg, oral conjugated equine estrogens (CEE)] restores skin health. Several reports suggest positive correlations between the levels of circulating estrogens and: (1) perceived age, (2) attractiveness, (3) enhanced skin health, and (4) facial coloration in women. Based upon a psychological dermato‐endocrine perspective, the positive correspondence of high estrogens levels with perceived age and facial attractiveness in women especially with aging demonstrates the importance of hormonal influences on observed dermal health and youthful appearance.  相似文献   

传统观念认为美是由带着一定社会文化影响的个体的眼睛来评判的,但进化心理学认为双眼及其背后的心理机制是人类经历了数百万年进化而来的.适应器的产生和变化是以利于人类生存和繁衍为导向的.远古男性面临着择偶方面的适应性问题,在成功解决了反复出现的与繁殖有关的特定问题后,他们就进化出了一套相应的心理机制——对于与女性繁殖价值和生育力相关且可直接观察到的品质非常敏感,他们的后代就会通过遗传使其保存和传递.由于进化过程非常缓慢,所以现代男性其实是远古环境的设计产物(女性也是如此),他们拥有着一些与远古祖先相同的择偶偏好,在这些偏好中,首当其冲的就是女性的体貌.通过女性的体貌特征,例如高挑的身材、修长的腿部、匀称的体型、光洁的皮肤、亮泽的长发、挺拔的乳房,男性就能够判断她们的健康状况、繁殖价值和生育力.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Human papillomavirus (HPV) testing has been proposed for inclusion in the UK cervical screening programme. While testing may bring some benefits to the screening programme, testing positive for HPV, a sexually transmitted virus, may have adverse social and psychological consequences for women. The aim of this study was to examine the social and psychological impact of HPV testing in the context of cervical cancer screening. METHOD: In-depth interviews generating qualitative data were carried out with 74 women participating in HPV testing in England between June 2001 and December 2003. Purposive sampling was used to ensure heterogeneity in age, ethnic group, marital status, socioeconomic background, cytology, and HPV results among participants. RESULTS: Testing positive for HPV was associated with adverse social and psychological consequences, relating primarily to the sexually transmitted nature of the virus and its link to cervical cancer. Women described feeling stigmatised, anxious and stressed, concerned about their sexual relationships, and were worried about disclosing their result to others. Anxiety about the infection was widespread, but the impact of testing positive varied. The psychological burden of the infection related to women's relationship status and history, their social and cultural norms and practices around sex and relationships, and their understanding of key features of HPV. CONCLUSION: HPV testing should be accompanied by extensive health education to inform women and to de-stigmatise infection with the virus to ensure that any adverse impact of the infection on women's wellbeing is minimised.  相似文献   

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