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The topography of the EEG of human neonates is studied in terms of its power spectral density and its estimated complexity as a function of both the postmenstrual age (PMA) and the sleep state. The monopolar EEGs of three groups of seven neonates (preterm, term and older term) were recorded during active (AS) and quiet sleep (QS) from electrodes Fp1, Fp2, T3, T4, C3, C4, O1 and O2. The existence of changes between groups and sleep states in the power of delta, theta, alpha and beta bands and in the dimensional complexity of these electrodes was tested. Additionally, the nonlinearity of the EEG in each electrode and situation was analyzed. The results of the spectral measures show an increment of the power in the low frequency bands from AS to QS and with the PMA, which can be mainly traced on central and temporal electrodes. This change is shown as well by the dimensional complexity, which also presents the greatest differences in the central derivations. Moreover, the signals show evidence of nonlinearity in almost all the groups and situations, although a dynamic change from nonlinear to linear character is apparent in the central electrodes with increased PMA. As a result, it is concluded that nonlinear analysis methods provide a clear portrait of the integrated brain activity that complements the information of spectral analysis in the characterization of the brain development and the sleep states in neonates.  相似文献   

Age-related impaired reflex sensitivity in a human hand muscle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Resting cardiac rates are reduced 40% by nutrient deprivation in two-week-old rats while arterial pressure is maintained at stable levels. Previous evidence implicated arterial baroreceptors and suggested the hypothesis that the cardiac rate changes result from increased baroreceptor sensitivity following nutrient deprivation. In order to test this hypothesis, cardiac reflex responses were elicited by graded doses of phenylephrine and sodium nitroprusside before and after nutrient deprivation. Although cardiac rate decelerations in response to phenylephrine were greater in fed pups (p less than 0.05) and acceleration in response to nitroprusside were greater in the deprived condition (p less than 0.01), these could be attributed to 'ceiling' and 'floor' effects of the resting cardiac rates characteristic of the two nutrient conditions. Sino-aortic denervation eliminated cardiac reflex responses, substantiating their dependence on baroreceptor afferents. Regression analysis of cardiac reflex responses to arterial pressure changes failed to show changes in baroreceptor sensitivity that would support the hypothesis. Alternate mechanisms mediating the nutrient effect on cardiac rate (e.g., involving neural and peptide hormonal pathways) should be pursued.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggested that in the nucleus tractus solitarius, cardiovascular responses to serotonin may involve the simultaneous activation of more than one receptor subtype. In the present study, the cardiovascular effects of the local application of serotonin and different serotonin3 agonists and antagonists into the nucleus tractus solitarius were analysed in intact and unilaterally ganglionectomized rats. Unilateral injections of serotonin (5-15 nmol) produced a dose-dependent increase in blood pressure and partially antagonized the arterial baroreflex responses evoked by an i.v. injection of phenylephrine. Similar blood pressures response were obtained after unilateral microinjections of phenylbiguanide (5 nmol) and 2-methyl-serotonin (5 nmol), two serotonin3 receptor agonists. Bilateral microinjections of serotonin or phenylbiguanide produced more pronounced blood pressure effects and antagonized completely the baroreflex responses. Both blood pressure and baroreflex effects were antagonized by prior injections of specific serotonin3 antagonists such as zacopride (100 pmol) and ondansetron (100 pmol). Concomitant autoradiographic studies performed in intact and ganglionectomized rats, using [125I]iodozacopride, confirmed that serotonin3 receptors in the nucleus tractus solitarius are mainly located on vagal afferent fibers. In addition, serotonin microinjections made in the nucleus tractus solitarius ipsilateral to the ganglionectomy revealed a significant reduction in cardiovascular responses compared to intact animals. These results suggest that in the nucleus tractus solitarius of the rat, serotonin is involved in the reflex regulation of blood pressure through the stimulation of serotonin3 receptors presumably located on vagal afferent fibers. Since bicuculline antagonized the serotonin-mediated pressor responses, a serotonin3-dependent activation of an inhibitory GABAergic system within the nucleus tractus solitarius might be involved in blood pressure regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

We evaluated the stretch reflex activities of the elbow flexor and extensor muscles considering the relationship between the reflex electromyographic (EMG) responses and their corresponding standardized muscle stretch velocities. Specifically, muscular stretch velocity was estimated by using ultrasonograms. Stretch reflex EMG responses were elicited in the biceps brachii, brachioradialis and triceps brachii with a ramp-and-hold rotation at the elbow joint, which consisted of various angular velocities for the extension- or flexion-direction. The whole muscle stretch velocity induced by each ramp-and-hold rotation was calculated on the basis of fibre length changes associated with the elbow joint angle. A linear regression equation was fitted to the relation between the whole muscle stretch velocity and the reflex EMG responses, and the variables from the equation were used to quantify sensitivity of each reflex EMG component. The reflex EMG responses were increased as the ramp-and-hold rotational velocity increased. There were no significant differences in the recorded magnitudes of reflex EMG responses with equivalent joint rotational velocity between the brachioradialis and the triceps brachii medial head. These muscles showed the highest reflex responses in the flexor and extensor muscles, respectively. To the contrary, the reflex EMG response elicited by the standardized muscle stretches was significantly greater in the extensor muscles, indicating a higher reflex sensitivity. This was because of the lower muscle stretch velocity of the triceps brachii with an equivalent elbow joint rotation. The stretch reflex sensitivity in both the elbow flexor and extensor muscles might be regulated so as to make the reflex responses the same when the equivalent joint rotational velocity is applied to these muscles.  相似文献   

From the spontaneous sequence method, a new index of baroreceptor function has recently been proposed, the baroreflex effectiveness index (BEI). BEI quantifies the number of times the baroreflex is effective in driving the sinus node. In this study we examined how different cognitive-attentional demands modulates BEI and baroreceptor reflex sensitivity (BRS). Eighty three students performed three tasks: mental arithmetic, memory, and visual attention. Results indicate that BRS reliably decreases during mental arithmetic and increases slightly during visual attention. BEI increases during the visual attention task. The overall pressure change of the systolic blood pressure ramps decreases during tasks with respect to baseline periods and cannot explain the effect found in BEI (in effect, BEI works against this underlining influence). The modulation found in BRS and BEI as a function of cognitive demand is in accordance with the Laceys' intake/rejection theory. Specifically, it is suggested that BRS is more sensitive to internal cognitive elaboration conditions, while BEI is more sensitive to external attention conditions.  相似文献   

Between May 1993, and September 1994, a randomized, blinded clinical trial was conducted to evaluate measures of growth and body composition in 63 (32 males; 31 females) healthy, low-birth-weight infants (940–2250 g) who were randomly assigned to an infant formula with docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n3, DHA, 0.2 wt%) from fish oil or to a control formula. A preterm formula with or without DHA was fed beginning at 7–10 days prior to hospital discharge through 43 weeks postmenstrual age (PMA). Then, from 43-59 weeks PMA, infants were fed a term infant formula with or without a corresponding amount of DHA. Growth (weight, length, head circumference), regional body fatness (triceps, subscapular, suprailiac skinfold thicknesses), circumferences (arm, abdominal, chest), and estimates of body composition determined by total body electrical conductivity (TOBEC) (fat-free mass [FFM]) were evaluated. Growth was slower in males fed the DHA formula. They had significantly (P < 0.05) smaller gains in weight, length, and head circumference between study enrollment to 59 weeks PMA than those fed the control formula. At 51 weeks PMA, males in the DHA group had significantly smaller head circumferences (P < 0.05) and lower FFM (P < 0.05). At 59 weeks PMA, males in the DHA group weighed less (P < 0.05), had shorter recumbent lengths (P < 0.01), smaller head circumferences (P < 0.05), and lower FFM (P < 0.01) than those fed the control formula. Energy intakes from formula (kcal/d), however, were lower at 51 weeks (P < 0.05) and 59 weeks (P < 0.05) PMA in males fed the DHA formula. Adjusted for body weight (kcal/kg/d), mean energy intakes from formula at 51 and 59 weeks PMA were not significantly different between feeding groups. The differences in recumbent length, head circumference, and FFM remained statistically significant after controlling for energy and protein intakes (P < 0.01). For all males, neither FFM nor total body fat (TBF), when expressed as a percentage of total body weight, differed significantly between feeding groups. Among females, there were no significant differences between the feeding groups in measures of growth, body composition, or energy intake. The results indicated that infant formula with fish oil containing DHA and EPA in a 5:1 ratio had a significant, negative effect on growth and body composition in males during the first 6 months of life. It is not clear why the growth deficits were limited to males and not females. The eicosanoids, bioactive metabolites of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, may mediate several important growth hormones. The present results do not support the addition of DHA alone in infant formulas. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 11:457–467, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper briefly reviews the historical evolution of ideas about how baroreflexes operate and continue to regulate arterial blood pressure during exercise. Observations from studies conducted in conscious humans and animals are emphasized and three main questions are asked. First, do baroreflexes contribute to arterial blood pressure regulation during exercise? Second, if baroreflexes contribute to blood pressure regulation during exercise, how do they do it? Third, are there any pathophysiological conditions in which manipulation of baroreflexes or baroreflex 'dysfunction' might alter exercise responses? In this context, ideas related to baroreflex resetting during exercise are emphasized, and the potential improvement in exercise tolerance in cardiovascular disease that might be achieved by electrical stimulation of the carotid sinus nerve is highlighted. Additionally, the key contributions of John Shepherd and the late David Donald (along with their colleagues) on related issues are noted.  相似文献   

The effect of prior instruction on stretch reflex activity was compared in two separate age groups of healthy subjects. No clear differences were found for amplitude modulation and reaction items between the younger (25.6 +/- 3.2 years) and the older group (56.6 +/- 6.5 years) of subjects. A significant difference was observed in the absolute magnitudes of the background activity, short latency and long latency reflex activities which were higher in the older group of subjects than in the younger subjects.  相似文献   

In humans, the relationship between advancing maternal age andthe incidence of trisomy has been long established, but thepossible effect of increasing age of the father remains controversial.Using a fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) approach todirectly examine individual sperm for aneuploidy of the sexchromosomes and chromosome 18, we have analyzed  相似文献   

Arousal from sleep can be a protective response to life-threatening stimuli. Hence, faults within state-switching processes may lead to fatal events. To investigate the role of the nervous system during cardiac failure triggered by phasic, vagally mediated stimulation, we analysed autonomic and behavioural reactions in 50 premature neonates during quiet sleep (QS) -- a sleep state characterized by a preponderance of tonic, parasympathetic activity. Bradycardia was induced with a standardized ocular compression test. Neither awakening nor behavioural escape reactions were observed during or after an episode of bradycardia. Eighty-six per cent of the provoked bradycardic episodes induced central apnoea. During QS, the neonates' respiratory response and arousability were found to be time-dependent: when the test was performed early in the QS episode, apnoea was more frequent (94%), and no sleep state change occurred. When ocular compression was performed in the later part of the QS episode, a transition towards active sleep was observed, together with significantly fewer episodes of apnoea (64%). These results indicate that a progressive decrease in the respiratory system's responsiveness to phasic, parasympathetic stimulation occurs during QS, whereas arousability increases. Our study suggests that newborns could be more vulnerable to potentially fatal events during the initial portion of a QS episode.  相似文献   

Summary The conditioned reflex changes were formed in the human electroretinogram. The ERG was registered with the aid of an active electrode soldered into the contact lens. The EEG of both occipital regions was registered simultaneously. Light (which gave about 600 lux illumination on the pupil) served as an unconditioned stimulus. Sound served as conditioned stimulus (60 decibel over the threshold of hearing, 250 cycles per sec) which had no effect by itself on the ERG. Numerous combinations of this sound with the light stimulus brought about the development of conditioned reflex changes in the ERG. This was manifested by the fact that in response to the mild light stimulation, preceded by sound, the amplitude of the electroretinographic wave b became higher than in response to the weak stimulation by light alone. In both cases the light which was employed as a stimulus gave an illumination on the pupil equal to about 80 lux and the wave b the amplitude of which was much lower than in light stimulus with 600 lux. The conditioned reflex changes were simultaneously observed in the EEG.Presented by Active Member of the AMN SSSR V. V. Parin  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Greater musculotendinous stiffness may enhance spinal stretch reflex sensitivity by improving mechanical coupling of the muscle spindle and the stretch stimulus. This heightened sensitivity would correspond with a shorter latency and higher-amplitude reflex response, potentially enhancing joint stability. OBJECTIVE: To compare spinal stretch reflex latency and amplitude across groups that differed in musculotendinous stiffness. DESIGN: Static group comparisons. SETTING: Research laboratory. PATIENTS OR OTHER PARTICIPANTS: Forty physically active individuals (20 men, 20 women). Intervention(s): We verified a sex difference in musculotendinous stiffness and compared spinal stretch reflex latency and amplitude in high-stiffness (men) and low-stiffness (women) groups. We also evaluated relationships between musculotendinous stiffness and spinal stretch reflex latency and amplitude, respectively. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Triceps surae musculotendinous stiffness and soleus spinal stretch reflex latency and amplitude were assessed at 30% of a maximal voluntary isometric plantar-flexion contraction. RESULTS: The high-stiffness group demonstrated significantly greater stiffness (137.41 +/- 26.99 N/cm) than the low-stiffness group did (91.06 +/- 20.10 N/cm). However, reflex latency (high stiffness = 50.11 +/- 2.07 milliseconds, low stiffness = 48.26 +/- 2.40 milliseconds) and amplitude (high stiffness = 0.28% +/- 0.12% maximum motor response, low stiffness = 0.31% +/- 0.16% maximum motor response) did not differ significantly across stiffness groups. Neither reflex latency (r = .053, P = .746) nor amplitude (r = .073, P = .653) was related significantly to musculotendinous stiffness. CONCLUSIONS: A moderate level of pretension (eg, 30%) likely eliminates series elastic slack; thus, a greater change in force per unit-of-length change (ie, heightened stiffness) would have minimal effects on coupling of the muscle spindle and the stretch stimulus and, therefore, on spinal stretch reflex sensitivity. It appears unlikely that differences in musculotendinous stiffness influenced spinal stretch reflex sensitivity when initiated from a moderate level of pretension. Consequently, differences in musculotendinous stiffness did not appear to influence dynamic joint stability with respect to reflexive neuromuscular control.  相似文献   

The characteristics of 40 C-fibres arising from the aortic arches of 15 normotensive rabbits have been investigated. The conduction velocity of the fibres varied between 0.5-1.8 m/s (0.91±0.05, mean ± S.E.). The activation threshold for all the fibres lay between 70–140 mmHg. 32 medullated fibres from the same animals had thresholds between 35 and 90 mmHg. After correction for the time delay in conduction the firing in the C-fibres occurs in early systole. Pressure response curves were constructed for 10 medullated and 18 C-fibres. The mean activity at 100 mmHg was, for the C-fibres 5.0 Hz and for the medullated fibres 34 Hz. At 130 mmHg the activity in the C-fibres was 13 Hz and in the medullated fibres 68 Hz. Thus C-fibres from the aortic baroreceptor regions are activated at higher pressures than the medullated fibres and have lower discharge frequencies. Noradrenaline did not influence the pressure response curves of the C-fibres. It is concluded that the arterial baroreceptor C-fibres may exert a weak tonic influence on the vasomotor centre at normal pressures but are likely to be of greater importance when the arterial pressure rises acutely.  相似文献   

Direct assessment of the effect of age on P.T.C. sensitivity   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  

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