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Ninety-three total hip arthroplasties were examined radiographically and clinically to investigate the best method of correction in protrusio acetabuli. Fifty-three percent were treated with cement alone, 36% with mesh or protrusio shell, and 11% with bone graft. Long-term follow-up study revealed a high percentage of immediate and late radiolucent lines. The highest rate of loosening, 50%, occurred in the cement alone group, which had not been corrected to within 10 mm of anatomic position. Sex, cause of protrusio, age at operation, and degree of osteopenia were not significantly different between the groups. The follow-up period was longer in the cement alone group, but this did not account for the excessively high rate of loosening. Correction of the anatomic position in protrusio deformity is vital, whether accomplished with cement, mesh, protrusio shell, or bone graft. Late radiolucent lines are common and do not reliably indicate loosening.  相似文献   

This retrospective study examined the results of 29 total hip arthroplasties on patients with protrusio acetabuli, implanted with a dual-geometry shell with a mean follow-up of 48 months (range, 24-110). All surgeries were performed using a conical reamer in addition to a spherical reamer with morsellized autogenous graft packed into the medial acetabular protrusio defect. The Harris Hip Score increased from 41 to 85. There were no cases of aseptic loosening of the acetabular component by radiographic criteria. In 93% of the cases (27 hips), the bone graft appeared incorporated, and in 83% of the cases (24 hips), there were no radiolucent lines present. Using a 2-stage technique of bone preparation to insert a dual-geometry acetabular cup, excellent results were obtained in these 29 hips.  相似文献   

目的探讨人工全髋关节置换治疗髋臼内陷症的方法及早期疗效。方法 2006年1月-2010年2月,收治髋臼内陷症16例16髋。男6例,女10例;年龄39~72岁,平均56.5岁。病程1年6个月~35年,中位病程6.4年。左髋7例,右髋9例。原发性3例,继发性13例。髋关节Harris评分为(49.5±5.5)分。髋臼内陷按Dunlop等的诊断标准分度:轻度3例,中度9例,重度4例。患者均行人工全髋关节置换,髋臼重建时采用植骨及非骨水泥型髋臼假体恢复患髋股骨偏心距及髋臼旋转中心。结果术后16例切口均Ⅰ期愈合,无感染及下肢深静脉血栓形成等并发症发生。患者均获随访,随访时间12~62个月,平均37个月。末次随访时,髋关节Harris评分为(90.5±4.5)分,与术前比较差异有统计学意义(t=49.578,P=0.000)。X线片显示假体位置良好,无松动、下沉,植骨与髋臼融合,无髋臼再次内陷。结论人工全髋关节置换治疗髋臼内陷时,采用植骨及非骨水泥型髋臼假体恢复患髋股骨偏心距及髋臼旋转中心,可获满意早期疗效。  相似文献   

目的探讨人工全髋关节置换术中髋臼内陷的处理方法及早期疗效。方法 2006年7月至2012年12月,收治继发性髋臼内陷症21例28髋,男12例17髋,女9例11髋;年龄26~68岁,平均56.3岁;原发疾病:类风湿关节炎9例14髋,强直性脊柱炎6例8髋,感染4例4髋(结核和化脓性关节炎各2例2髋),髋臼骨折畸形愈合2例2髋;轻度髋臼内陷6髋、中度髋臼内陷12髋、重度髋臼内陷10髋。患者均行人工全髋关节置换,术中单纯植入生物型臼杯6髋,打压植骨后直接植入生物型臼杯18髋,直接植入骨水泥杯2髋,打压植骨后骨水泥杯固定2髋。结果术后21例28髋切口均一期愈合,无感染及下肢深静脉血栓形成等并发症发生。患者均获随访,随访时间12~78个月,平均42个月。末次随访时,髋关节Harris评分为(87±4.1)分,术前Harris髋关节评分平均(45±3.3)分,较术前有显著差异,优22髋,良6髋,优良率100%。臼杯平均外翻角(42±3.5)°。植骨均骨性融合,无臼杯再次内陷及松动。髋关节活动度增加:屈曲增加(64.3±4.5)°,外展增加(20.5±3.5)°,内旋增加(16.5±2.5)°,外旋增加(19±2.5)°。末次随访时X线片显示所有假体均获得骨性稳定。术前股骨头内陷3~30 mm,平均13 mm;术后股骨头内陷0~5 mm,平均2 mm。人工股骨头旋转中心外移3~28 mm,平均10.5 mm。假体位置良好,无松动、下沉,植骨与髋臼融合,无髋臼再次内陷。结论人工全髋关节置换治疗髋臼内陷时,恢复患髋股骨偏心距及髋臼旋转中心,可获满意早期疗效。  相似文献   

We evaluated 19 hips of 15 rheumatoid arthritis patients with protrusio acetabuli that had been surgically treated with total hip arthroplasty (THA) using a support ring; four hips were replaced with a TACT cup supporter, one hip with a Kerboull plate, six hips with a Ganz ring, and eight hips with a Müller ring. The average age was 60.2 years (range 48–75 years), and the average follow-up was 38 months (range 6–74 months). Two patients (three hips) died before the final follow-up, and two patients (two hips) underwent revision owing to loosening of the Ganz ring. Hip functions were rated according to the evaluation chart of hip joint functions of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA score). The mean total JOA score was 25.2 ± 8.6 preoperatively and 55.6 ± 8.7 postoperatively. Radiographically, 17 hips (minus the two revised hips) showed satisfactory incorporation of bone graft and no loosening of the support ring. The mean depth of protrusio acetabuli for these 17 hips was 3.5 ± 4.1mm before operation, 2.8 ± 5.1mm just after operation, and 2.3 ± 3.9mm at the final follow-up (no significant difference at the critical rate of 5%). Our study indicated the usefulness of THAs using a bone graft and a support ring in RA patients with protrusio acetabuli.  相似文献   

Severe pincer impingement (acetabular protrusio) is an established cause of hip pain and osteoarthritis. The proposed underlying pathomechanism is a dynamic pathological contact of the prominent acetabular rim with the femoral head‐neck junction. However, this cannot explain the classically described medial osteoarthritis in these hips. We therefore asked: (1) Does an overload exist in the medial aspect of the protrusio joint? and (2) What is the influence of three contemporary joint‐preserving procedures on load distribution in protrusio hips? In vivo force and motion data for walking and standing to sitting were applied to six 3D finite element models (normal, dysplasia, protrusio, acetabular rim trimming, acetabular reorientation, and combined reorientation/rim trimming). Compared with dysplasia, the protrusio joint resulted in opposite patterns of von Mises stress and contact pressure during walking. In protrusio hips, we found an overload at the medial margin of the lunate surface (54% higher than normal). Isolated rim trimming further increased the medial overload (up to 28% higher than protrusio), whereas acetabular reorientation with/without rim trimming reduced stresses by up to 25%. Our results can be used as an adjunct for surgical decision making in the treatment of acetabular protrusio. © 2014 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 33:106–113, 2015.

Thirty primary total hip arthroplasties were performed for protrusio acetabuli in 23 patients (mean age, 46 years) using impacted autologous bone grafting and a cementless porous-coated hemispheric cup without the use of metal cages or rings. At 2 to 10 years' follow-up (mean, 4.2 years), there was satisfactory radiographic evidence of consolidation of the graft in all cases. All acetabular components were considered to be stable with no instance of graft resorption. Clinical results were considered as excellent in 14 hips, good in 13 hips, fair in 2 hips, and poor in 1 hip. For younger patients with protrusio acetabuli, use of an uncemented porous-coated hemispheric cup with peripheral press-fit fixation and restoration of bone stock with impacted autologous bone grafting reflect a technically straightforward procedure that appears to give satisfactory medium-term results.  相似文献   

Total hip arthroplasty (THA) is an increasingly common procedure among elderly individuals. Although conversion THA is currently bundled in a diagnosis related group (DRG) with primary THA, there is a lack of literature supporting this classification and it has yet to be identified whether conversion THA better resembles primary or revision THA. This editorial analyzed the intraoperative and postoperative factors and functional outcomes following conversion THA, primary THA, and revision THA to understand whether the characteristics of conversion THA resemble one procedure or the other, or are possibly somewhere in between. The analysis revealed that conversion THA requires more resources both intraoperatively and postoperatively than primary THA. Furthermore, patients undergoing conversion THA present with poorer functional outcomes in the long run. Patients undergoing conversion THA better resemble revision THA patients than primary THA patients. As such, patients undergoing conversion THA should not be likened to patients undergoing primary THA when determining risk stratification and reimbursement rates. Conversion THA procedures should be planned accordingly with proper anticipation of the greater needs both in the operating room, and for in-patient and follow-up care. We suggest that conversion THA be reclassified in the same DRG with revision THA as opposed to primary THA as a step towards better allocation of healthcare resources for conversion hip arthroplasties.  相似文献   

The gluteal compartment syndrome is uncommon and is discussed in only a few published case reports. The simultaneous bilateral gluteal compartment syndrome is exceptionally rare and is tackled in only 4 case reports to date. We report a case of bilateral gluteal compartment syndrome after total hip arthroplasty under epidural anesthesia and discuss its management.  相似文献   

目的探讨全髋置换术治疗髋关节发育不良(DDH)的手术方法并评价其临床疗效。方法12例DDH患者根据Crowe分型:Ⅰ型2例,Ⅱ型4例,Ⅲ型4例,Ⅳ型2例。全部采用B iom et全髋假体置换。髋臼假体均为生物型固定,股骨假体除2例骨水泥固定,其余为生物型固定。3例髋臼重建利用自体股骨头于髋臼前外方植骨造盖,9例于真臼水平将髋臼内移;3例股骨重建于转子下截骨短缩并纠正前倾;Ⅲ、Ⅳ型DDH行关节周围软组织松解。结果患者术后均未出现坐骨神经麻痹、下肢深静脉栓塞、切口感染及早期人工关节脱位等并发症。肢体延长最多4.8 cm,平均2.8 cm。随访6个月~2年,Harris髋关节评分由术前平均40.7分提高到84.5分,未发生人工关节脱位或假体松动。结论对有症状的DDH或强烈要求改善步态的年轻患者,全髋置换术是一种有效的治疗方法。  相似文献   

Total hip arthroplasty (THA) in the adolescent patient has historically shown relatively poor survivorship. This study reports the results of THA in young patients using contemporary ceramic bearings. Twenty-four THAs were performed using ceramic bearing surfaces in patients 20 years old or younger (mean, 16.4; range, 12-20). Average follow-up was 52 months (range, 25-123 months). The survival rate was 96%, with 1 revision for a loose acetabular component. Other complications included a peroneal nerve palsy that resolved and 2 dislocations in 1 patient. Postoperatively, the Modified Harris Hip Score mean was 93.4 (range, 66-100). This study shows promising results at short-term to midterm follow-up in very young patients who undergo THA using ceramic-on-ceramic components.  相似文献   

Patients with standard total hip arthroplasties may have reduced hip abduction and extension moments when compared with normal nonosteoarthritic hips. In comparison, patients after resurfacing total hip arthroplasty appear to have a near-normal gait. The authors evaluated temporal-spatial parameters, hip kinematics, and kinetics in hip resurfacing patients compared with patients with unilateral osteoarthritic hips and unilateral standard total hip arthroplasties. Patients with resurfacing walked faster (average 1.26 m/s) and were comparable with normals. There were no significant differences in hip abductor and extensor moments of patients with resurfacing compared with patients in the standard hip arthroplasty group. This study showed more normal hip kinematics and functionality in resurfacing hip arthroplasty, which may be due to the large femoral head.  相似文献   

We have investigated the results of primary total hip arthroplasty (THA) performed in patients with developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). Through the New Zealand Joint Registry, we identified all patients with DDH undergoing primary THA (n = 1205) and all patients with primary osteoarthritis (OA) undergoing primary THA (n = 40 589) between January 1, 1999, and December 31, 2008. Postoperative outcomes, baseline information, and operative characteristics were analyzed and compared between the DDH and the OA groups. There was no significant difference in Oxford Hip Score or revision rate between the 2 groups. Our results support THA as a successful surgical option in the management of degenerative arthritis in DDH, with comparable functional outcomes and revision rates to THA performed for primary OA.  相似文献   

目的总结人工全髋关节置换术(total hip arthroplasty,THA)治疗化脓性髋关节炎后遗骨关节病的研究进展。方法广泛查阅国内外近年相关文献,就THA治疗化脓性髋关节炎后遗骨关节病的时机、髋臼侧及股骨侧处理方法以及假体类型选择等方面进行总结分析。结果THA是治疗化脓性髋关节感染后遗骨关节病的有效手段,为避免感染复发,建议感染静止期达10年以上时手术。此类患者可能存在髋臼侧发育不良,髋臼覆盖率差,行THA时可选择高位造臼、髋臼内陷截骨、结构性植骨、Cage、钽金属垫块或3D打印假体等方式处理;股骨侧可能存在股骨髓腔细小、股骨颈前倾角增大、颈干角增大、大转子延长和骨质差等问题,行THA时可通过股骨截骨及选择合适型号假体进行处理。化脓性髋关节炎后遗骨关节病患者多较年轻,为获得更好的远期假体生存率,首选非骨水泥型假体。结论THA可有效治疗化脓性髋关节炎后遗骨关节病,但手术难度大、手术并发症相对较多,术者应有充分认识。  相似文献   

背景:血友病性关节炎常累及多个关节,包括膝、踝和肘关节等,髋关节相对较少见,但其效果相对于其他髋关节疾病较差,骨结构异常、软组织挛缩、骨质较差以及术中术后出血是常见的影响因素。目的:评估THA治疗终末期血友病性髋关节病变的临床及影像学结果。方法:2002年5月至2012年6月行THA治疗21例(24髋)血友病性髋关节病变患者,20例为甲型血友病,1例为乙型血友病;年龄15~49岁,平均30.0岁。回顾性分析患者的一般资料、凝血因子水平、出血量和并发症情况,并随访髋关节Harris功能评分以及影像学结果。结果:随访12~133个月,平均66个月。平均总出血量、显性出血量和隐性出血量分别为3559 m(l1494~7576 ml)、1441 ml(600~3440 ml)和2118 m(l534~4402 ml)。术中出血量和术后引流量平均为721 m(l300~2000 ml)和720 m(l200~2950 ml),平均输血量为5 U(0~14 U)。Harris评分由术前平均37分(15~81分)改善至末次随访时的平均93分(53~99分)。1例患者术中发生股骨近端劈裂骨折,1例发生深静脉血栓(DVT)。其他并发症包括皮肤溃疡合并血肿形成1例、一过性坐骨神经麻痹1例。所有假体均可见骨长入,无凝血因子抗体、感染、假体松动、骨溶解、应力遮挡、异位骨化和脱位等并发症。结论:THA治疗终末期血友病性髋关节病变的中期随访临床及影像学结果良好,其成功的关键在于娴熟的手术技术、有效的凝血因子替代、采用非骨水泥型假体以及相关科室的团体合作。  相似文献   

目的探讨僵直髋患者行全髋关节置换术(THA)的临床疗效。方法采用THA治疗16例僵直髋患者(21髋),比较手术前后髋关节被动屈曲度、Harris评分。结果患者手术均顺利完成。16例患者均获得随访,时间6个月~3年。未出现术后切口感染、脂肪栓塞、下肢静脉血栓、假体松动等并发症。末次随访时,被动屈曲度由术前0°提高至62°~96°(76.5°±8.3°)(P<0.01);Harris评分由术前14~38(27.2±2.8)分提高至67~92(84.1±6.5)分(P<0.01);髋关节功能:优8髋,良9髋,可3髋,差1髋,优良率17/21。结论THA治疗僵直髋,能够减轻髋关节疼痛,增加髋关节活动度,改善髋关节功能,提高患者的生活质量。术前的充分准备及丰富的手术经验是手术成功的关键。  相似文献   

Total hip arthroplasty is a well-established procedure in the treatment of end-stage degenerative arthritis of thehip. Long-term follow-up studies have indicated varied results in cemented arthroplasty and has prompted further research into additional methods of fixation other than cement as well as the improvement of cementing techniques. More recent long-term follow-up studies of cemented arthroplasty have demonstrated that superb results can be achieved and maintained, but require precision in both the preparation of bone, cementing techniques, and positioning of the implant.This article outlines the precise technology necessary to achieve long-term stability in cemented total hip arthroplasty in both the acetabulum and femur. No attempt has been made to discriminate specific shapes and types of materials of the individual implants.  相似文献   

This study examines the responsiveness of the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) and Short Form-36 (SF-36) in patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty. Eighty-nine patients completed the WOMAC and SF-36 preoperatively and postoperatively. Standardized response means (SRMs) and effect sizes (ES) were used to measure responsiveness. Mean follow-up was 17 months. The SRMs for the WOMAC ranged from -0.93 to -1.49, and the ES ranged from -1.02 to -1.53. The SRMs for the SF-36 ranged from 0.22 to 1.64, and the ES ranged from 0.20 to 1.97. The highest values occurred with the physical functioning, bodily pain, and Physical Component Summary Scales. This study demonstrates a similar level of responsiveness of the WOMAC and several components of the SF-36. This suggests that the isolated use of the SF-36 may be adequate to monitor outcomes after total hip arthroplasty. There may still be a role for the WOMAC when comparing outcomes of specific designs or techniques of total hip arthroplasty.  相似文献   

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