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谷胱甘肽硫-转移酶研究进展   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
谷胱甘肽硫 -转移酶 (glutathioneS -transferas es,GSTs)是一组具有多种生理功能的蛋白质 ,主要存在细胞液中。在哺乳类动物各组织中均含有不同种类的GSTs,其含量和活性亦各不相同。其中以肝脏中含量最高 ,约占肝脏可溶性蛋白的 5%。GSTs能催化还原型的谷胱甘肽 (glutathione,GSH)的巯基 ( -SH)结合到疏水的化合物上 ,使亲电子的化合物变成亲水的物质 ,易于从胆汁或尿液中排泄[1 ] 。通过这种方式将体内各种有潜在毒性的物质及亲脂性化合物降解排出。某些GSTs同功酶含有非硒依赖…  相似文献   

Inter-species variation of schistosome 28-kDa glutathione S-transferases.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The 28-kDa glutathione S-transferase from Schistosoma mansoni (Sm28GST) is a candidate vaccine antigen. To evaluate the antigenic and phylogenetic variations between the 28-kDa GSTs from 4 species of schistosome, we have cloned and sequenced the 28-kDa GSTs from Schistosoma haematobium (Sh28GST) and Schistosoma bovis (Sb28GST). Sb28GST and Sh28GST are more similar to each other (97%) than to Sm28GST (90%) and particularly to the 28-kDa GST from Schistosoma japonicum (Sj28GST, 77%). Antisera directed against the major Sm28GST epitopes revealed differences in the recognition of the 28-kDa GSTs from the other schistosome species suggesting that these regions have been subjected to evolutionary pressure. The consequences of such species-specific epitopes on the development of a multi-species anti-schistosome vaccine are discussed.  相似文献   

Luo L  Wang Y  Feng Q  Zhang H  Xue B  Shen J  Ye Y  Han X  Ma H  Xu J  Chen D  Yin Z 《Molecular immunology》2009,46(5):848-857
We have reported that intracellular glutathione S-transferases P1 (GSTP1) suppresses LPS (lipopolysaccharide)-induced excessive production of pro-inflammatory factors by inhibiting LPS-stimulated MAPKs (mitogen-activated protein kinases) as well as NF-kappaB activation. But under pathogenic circumstances, physiologic levels of GSTP1 are insufficient to stem pro-inflammatory signaling. Here we show that LPS-induced up-regulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in RAW246.7 cells is significantly reduced by incubating cells with recombinant GSTP1 protein. In vivo study demonstrates that treatment of mice (i.p.) with recombinant GSTP1 protein effectively suppresses the devastating effects of acute inflammation, which includes reduction of mortality rate of endotoxic shock, alleviation of LPS-induced acute lung injury and abrogation of thioglycolate (TG)-induced peritoneal deposition of leukocytes and polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs). Meanwhile, GSTP1 prevented LPS-induced TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, MCP-1 and NO production. Further investigation by using confocal microscopy and flow cytometry shows that recombinant GSTP1 protein can be delivered into RAW246.7 cells, mouse peritoneal macrophages and HEK 293 cells suggesting that extracellular GSTP1 protein could be transported across plasma membrane and act as a cytosolic protein. In conclusion our research demonstrates a new finding that increasing cellular GSTP1 level by supplement of recombinant GSTP1 effectively suppresses the devastating effects of acute inflammation.  相似文献   

Glutathione S-tranferases (GSTs) are phase II drug metabolizing enzymes, they play crucial role in detoxification of environmental pollutants, carcinogens, drugs, xenobiotics and oxidative stress products. Genetic differences in expression and activity of GSTs are due to the existence of polymorphic alleles which encode them. Because of genetic polymorphism the GST activity has altered that lead to the increased susceptibility for toxic chemical compounds. GST genetic polymorphism is the main reason for many neurological dysfunctions. GST has over expressed in epileptic brain and pi (π) GST has used to predict stroke; mu (μ) and pi (π) GST are over expressed in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Null and single nucleotide polymorphism of GST has associated with many neurodisorders. Over all, it can be concluded that the GST genetic polymorphism has associated with neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas sp. strains, able to degrade aromatic compounds such as phenol, were chosen to investigate the occurrence and characteristics of glutathione S-transferases (GSTs). Affinity chromatography purification showed the presence of at least one GST in each studied strain. The purified proteins exhibited a great variety in the N-terminal sequences and different enzyme activities with the standard GST substrates tested. Two Pseudomonas strains, M1 and CF600, were chosen to investigate the GST activities under different growth conditions. Therefore, cells were grown either on phenol or on different nonaromatic carbon sources in the presence and absence of increasing phenol concentrations. In strain M1 a strong correlation between the activities of the catechol 1,2-dioxygenase and GST was observed in all the tested conditions. Moreover, growth on different organic acids also affected GST activity levels, with a negative correlation with the specific growth rate determined by each substrate. These results suggest a possible function of GST as a response to specific metabolic conditions determined by phenol toxicity and/or catabolism and the metabolic status of the cells. The same experiments performed with the CF600 strain did not show induction of GST activity in any of the tested conditions, indicating that GST_CF600 probably has a different role in cell metabolism. Native gel electrophoresis gave indications that GST dimerization could be an important process in the modulation of GST activity.  相似文献   

The expression of cytosolic glutathione S-transferase (GST) isoenzymes has been assessed in a series of 74 primary human breast carcinomas using an immunohistochemical method. GST pi was detected in sections from all 74 tumours; it was expressed by non-epithelial (stromal and inflammatory) cells in 62 tumours (84 per cent), but by tumour epithelium in only 35 (47 per cent). Non-neoplastic mammary epithelium was uniformly positive for GST pi. Expression of GST alpha and mu was observed in 19 and 42 per cent of the tumours, respectively, and was largely confined to the neoplastic component. Lack of staining of tumour epithelium for GST pi was significantly associated with poorer tumour differentiation (higher grade). There was no association between expression of any of the three isoenzymes and either menopausal status or expression of c-erbB-2 oncogene protein product. Immunohistochemistry is a useful method for the investigation of expression and cellular localization of GSTs within tumours; such data are needed to improve our understanding of the role of these enzymes in neoplasia and in resistance to cytotoxic drug therapy.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical response to chemotherapy and treatment outcome of breast cancers patients in the presence of the GSTM1 null/present, GSTT1 null/present, and GSTP1 IIe105Val polymorphisms. Genotyping of GSTP1 rs1695, GSTT1 deletion and GSTM1 deletion was carried out on a 384-well plate format on the Sequenom MassARRAY platform. Of 382 patients, 202 patients showed good response to chemotherapy, 51 died, and 155 showed progression at the end of the study. Patients carrying GG genotype and G allele of GSTP1 rs1695 were associated with poor response to chemotherapy. In the Cox proportional hazards model, after adjusting for potential confounding factors, patients carrying GG genotype and G allele of GSTP1 rs1695 were correlated with a shorter overall survival (OS). Variants of GSTP1 rs1695 are associated with response to chemotherapy and PFS and OS of breast cancer patients, and this gene polymorphism could help in the design of individualized therapy.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to assess the developmental pattern of copper- and zinc-containing superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD), manganese-containing superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and catalase (CAT) activity in rat brain. The enzymes studied were assayed in different brain regions (cerebral cortex, striatum, cerebellum and brainstem) and enzyme values were corrected for erythrocyte contamination. The cerebral ontogenetic pattern of these enzymes is characterized by increasing CuZnSOD activity, a progressive decrease in CAT activity and, after an initial 10-day fall, increasing GSH-Px activity. The activity of MnSOD appeared to be quite stable up to 40 weeks of age. Similar and comparable changes were seen in all brain regions studied.  相似文献   

MPTP toxicity in the mouse brain and vitamin E   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1-Methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) caused transient alterations in vitamin E levels in every brain region examined. However, vitamin E returned to normal levels within a few hours in all brain regions but the substantia nigra, where at 2 days vitamin E levels first rose above normal levels. Vitamin E deficient mice were much more susceptible to MPTP toxicity than controls, in terms of lethality and DOPAC depletion in the substantia nigra. However, in the same vitamin E deficient mice, the striatum was partially protected from neurotransmitter and metabolite depletion by MPTP. The mechanism of toxicity of MPTP may differ in the striatum and the midbrain.  相似文献   

Transport of histidine, valine, or lysine into rat brain slices and across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) was determined in the presence of atypical nonprotein amino acids. Competitors of histidine and valine transport in slices were large neutral amino acids including norleucine, norvaline, alpha-aminooctanoate, beta-methylphenylalanine, and alpha-aminophenylacetate. Less effective were aromatic amino acids with ring substituents; ineffective were basic amino acids and omega-amino isomers of norleucine and aminooctanoate. Lysine transport was moderately depressed by homoarginine or ornithine plus arginine; large neutral amino acids were also similarly inhibitory. Histidine or valine transport across the BBB was also strongly inhibited by large neutral amino acids that were the most effective competitors in the slices (norvaline, norleucine, alpha-aminooctanoate, and alpha-aminophenylacetate); homoarginine and 8-aminooctanoate were ineffective. Homoarginine, ornithine, and arginine almost completely blocked lysine transport, but the large neutral amino acids were barely inhibitory. When rats were fed a single meal containing individual atypical large neutral amino acids or homoarginine, brain pools of certain large neutral amino acids or of arginine and lysine, respectively, were depleted.  相似文献   

Ketonemic states complicating late pregnancy are accompanied by lower brain weights in the newborn. Potential mechanisms whereby ketone bodies might inhibit cell proliferation were therefore examined in the fetal rat brain slice by measuring their impact on the de novo pathway for pyrimidine biosynthesis. DL-beta-hydroxybutyrate (10.8 mM) and acetoacetate (5.4 mM) were both found to diminish the incorporation of NaH14CO3 into [14C]UMP by 30%. This effect was similar in fetal tissues from fed and 48-h starved mothers. Graded concentrations of DL-beta-hydroxybutyrate (1.4-43.2 mM) resulted in a progressive inhibition that could not be explained either by isotope dilution consequent to ketone body oxidation or by a generalized inhibition of protein synthesis. The inhibition was not reversed with 10 mM glutamine, the principal nitrogen substrate for de novo biosynthesis of pyrimidines. When the conversion of orotic acid into UMP was blocked with 6-azauridine, DL-beta-hydroxybutyrate (10.8 mM) inhibited the incorporation of NaH14CO3 into orotic acid by 28%. By contrast, maximally inhibitory concentrations of this ketone body (43.2 mM) had no effect on the incorporation of [6-14C]orotic acid into [14C]UMP. Is is concluded that ketone bodies inhibit the de novo biosynthesis of pyrimidines in fetal brain slices and that they do so at a site proximal to orotic acid formation.  相似文献   

Systemic administration of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) is toxic to the nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons and produces a syndrome similar to Parkinson's disease. Conversion of MPTP to 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridine (MPP+) by monoamine oxidase-B (MAO-B) appears necessary for this neurotoxicity. When MPTP was used as the substrate for the histochemical localization of monoamine oxidase activity on sections of the rat brain, only a few specific sites were found in which MPTP oxidation to MPP+ occurs. These include the noradrenergic and serotoninergic neurons of the brainstem and the histamine neurons of the caudal hypothalamus. Dopamine neurons themselves do not display the capacity to oxidize MPTP. It is proposed that the conversion of MPTP to MPP+ occurs via MAO-B within serotonin and histamine neurons which may innervate the substantia nigra where the toxin MPP+ could be released and then taken up into the dopamine neurons.  相似文献   

The distribution of neurons which concentrate testosterone or its metabolites in the brain of 2-day old female rats was determined using autoradiography. A specific topographic pattern of neurons which concentrate testosterone or its metabolites was obtained similar, but not identical, to the one found in adult male rats. The demonstrated sites of nuclear uptake and retention of testosterone or its metabolites by specific neurons in the neonatal brain probably provide the anatomical substrate for sexual differentiation of the brain.  相似文献   

It has been known that glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) can reduce lipid hydroperoxides through their Se-independent glutathione peroxidase activity and that these enzymes can also detoxify lipid peroxidation end products such as 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE). In this article, recent studies suggesting that the Alpha class GSTs provide a formidable defense against oxidative stress are critically evaluated and the role of these enzymes in the regulation of oxidative stress-mediated signaling is reviewed. Available evidence from earlier studies together with results of recent studies in our laboratories strongly suggests that lipid peroxidation products, particularly hydroperoxides and 4-HNE, are involved in the mechanisms of stress-mediated signaling and that it can be modulated by the Alpha class GSTs through the regulation of the intracellular concentrations of 4-HNE.  相似文献   

To determine the loading and maintenance dosage of glutathione (GSH) for patients suffering from reactive oxygen species (ROS) injury such as acute paraquat intoxication, a kinetic study of reduced GSH was performed in synchrony with that of cysteine (Cys), cystine (Cys2), and methionine (Met). Human subject's porticipitation was voluntary. The effective dose of Cys, Cys2, and Met against ROS in fibroblast cells generated by paraquat was assessed using laser scanning confocal microscopy. Both Cys and Met suppressed ROS in a dose-dependent manner at concentrations of 1-1,000 microM; the concentration required to suppress ROS by 50% was 10 microM for Cys and 50 microM for Met. Using metabolite kinetics with the assumption that Cys and Met are the metabolites of GSH, expected concentrations of Cys and Met of above 20 and 50 microM were estimated when GSH was administered at 50 mg/kg body weights every 205.4 min for Cys and 427.4 min for Met.  相似文献   

目的探讨还原型谷胱甘肽对新生大鼠缺氧缺血性脑病脑组织超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、丙二醛(MDA)的影响。方法将7日龄Wistar新生大鼠40只随机分为假手术组、缺氧缺血组(参照文献制作缺氧缺血模型)、还原型谷胱甘肽干预组(模型成功后阿托莫兰400mg/kg,ip)、维生素C干预组(模型成功后唯西300mg/kg,ip),各组均在规定的时间内处死动物,测定实验侧脑组织匀浆SOD和MDA含量。结果与假手术组比较,缺氧缺血组大鼠脑组织SOD含量显著降低(P〈0、01),而MDA含量显著增高(P〈0.01)。与缺氧缺血组比较,还原型谷胱甘肽干预组脑组织SOD含量显著增高(P〈0.01),而MDA含量显著降低(P〈0.01)。结论还原型谷胱甘肽能够干预缺氧缺血性脑病脑组织内自由基清除酶的活力,降低局部脂质过氧化物的含量。  相似文献   

A two-dimensional COSY-based localization sequence was designed to allow the in vivo monitoring of proton metabolites in rat brain [particularly gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutamine, taurine and myo-inositol]. The sequence incorporated OSIRIS signal localization, B1-insensitive water suppression and phase-sensitive COSY acquisition. The method was used to study the effects of the GABA-transaminase inhibitor vigabatrin on rat brain metabolite concentrations. Wistar rats were treated daily for 3 days with an oral dose of vigabatrin (200 mg/kg, n = 4). Localized COSY spectra were obtained during a 120 min acquisition from a 270 microl central brain voxel and compared with nine untreated control animals. Significant elevations were observed in GABA (267% of control, p < 0.005, Mann-Witney test), glutamine (130% of control, p < 0.005) and taurine (113% of control, p < 0.05). Changes in GABA and taurine were consistent with previous data on the action of Vigabatrin, and support a previously hypothesized link between these compounds. The increase in glutamine was more surprising and may reflect the balance between the level and/or site of GABA-transaminase inhibition and downregulation of GABA synthesis.  相似文献   

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