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儿童青少年运动员铁营养状况及其影响因素的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对北京575名共13个项目的儿童青少年运动员(其中男299人、女276人,年龄在6—26岁)进行了铁营养状况及有关影响因素的系列研究。主要结果:1.儿童青少年运动员的贫血检出率,>14岁组男女的贫血率分别是22.5%和36.9%,≤14岁组男女分别是30.9%和57.9%;分析了运动员缺铁与多种因素有关研究结果提示青少年运动员在系统训练期铁供给量应比一般静态生活者高。作者提出:采用猪血球粉(含有血红蛋白铁)研制成复方血片和全血片治疗运动员缺铁性贫血,一个月后可使Hb提高0.8—1.0g/dL。  相似文献   

广西运动员贫血和铁营养状况的调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对广西105名5个项目的运动员进行了Hb值测定与铁营养状况等调查。105名运动员的贫血检出率为19.0%,女子(36.8%)显著高于男子(9.0%,P<0.01),且不同年龄组、不同运动项目运动员的贫血率亦不同。铁缺乏状况提示;ID者占8.9%,IDE者占6.9%,IDA者占5.9%,铁缺乏者共计21.8%。  相似文献   

优秀运动员血浆脂质水平和载脂蛋白基因多态研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对200名集训队优秀运动员高脂血症的发生率、脂质指标的特征和载脂蛋白基因多态的研究表明:运动员高脂血症的检出率为18%。举重和体操运动员的血浆TC、LDLC和ApoB平均水平显著高于其它项目运动员,而Apo AI低于其他项目。69名运动员ApoAI—CIII—AIV和ApoB基因多态分析,出现的S+和X+基因型的相对频率分别是0.167和0.065。具有S+基因型者血浆TG水平显著高于S-者;具有X+基因型者的血浆TC水平显著高X-者。运动员膳食具有高蛋白、高脂肪(高饱和脂肪酸)、低糖、高胆固醇和高钠等特点,可能会通过遗传和特殊的训练方式联合作用于运动员的脂代谢并可能形成高脂血症。  相似文献   

目的:分析国家竞走集训队运动员疲劳的中医证候特征.方法:采用《体能耐力运动员运动疲劳调查表》和《运动员劳累自我评价表》,调查国家竞走集训队运动员在2个月中高等强度训练后的中医症候因子及主观劳累程度.通过聚类分析、主成分分析对数据进行分析归纳,得出竞走运动员疲劳的中医证型.结果:40例国家竞走集训运动员劳累自我认知评价显...  相似文献   

目的:分析青少年运动员心电图及其异常表现。方法:分析2005~2008年在北京市先农坛体校门诊部进行常规体检的1241名青少年运动员的静息心电图。受试对象年龄9~17岁,训练时间4~10年,其中男性719名,女性522名,均为国家二级及以上运动员,涉及26个运动项目。结果:(1)1241名青少年运动员中,752名存在心电图异常,占60.6%。窦性心动过缓、窦性心律不齐、左室高电压检出率分别为35.70%、35.13%和20.06%。房室交界性心律、不完全性右束支传导阻滞,II、III、avf导联ST-T改变和一度房室传导阻滞检出率分别为4.11%、1.40%、1.21%和1.13%。(2)青少年运动员平均心率为63.91±10.68次/分,其中男运动员为62.33±10.79次/分,女运动员为66.00±10.18次/分,有显著性差异(P<0.01);体能主导类项目运动员的平均心率为61.66±9.89次/分,技能主导类项目的为66.82±10.99次/分,其差异也具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。提示青少年运动员的心电图特点是长期、系统的训练所致的心脏适应性的改变。  相似文献   

目的:了解中国优秀运动员心脏瓣膜生理性返流的发生情况。方法:自2000年对10个项目398名国家队运动员进行超声心动图检查,观察瓣膜运动及血流情况,测量心脏结构指标并计算其心功能指标。结果:398名运动员中,共检出各种瓣膜生理性返流90例(22.61%),其中男运动员44例(25.58%),女运动员46例(20.35%)。以三尖瓣返流最常见,检出率为14.07%,二尖瓣返流为4.52%,肺动脉瓣返流为1.76%,未检出主动脉瓣返流。联合瓣膜返流9例(2.26%),其中二尖瓣和三尖瓣联合返流6例,三尖瓣和肺动脉瓣联合返流3例。羽毛球项目心脏瓣膜生理性返流检出率最高,其次为游泳、女子垒球、举重和乒乓球,竞走运动员检出率为0。在兼具力量性和耐力性运动特点的混合型项目运动员中,与无返流者相比,检出返流者的左室舒张末期和收缩末期的内径增加、容积增大,右室和右房横径增加,射血分数下降但仍正常,其余结构和功能指标均无显著性差异。举重运动员中检出者和未检出者未见上述心脏结构和功能指标的差异。结论:中国优秀运动员瓣膜生理性返流检出率较高,以三尖瓣返流为主,性别之间无显著性差异,项目特点不明显。  相似文献   

<正> 对广东省体校304名(男182名、女122名)正常训练的青少年运动员的Hb进行了测定,然后对其中37名贫血运动员(男15,女12)及43名正常运动员发中Fe、Cu、Zn含量进行了测定,结果发现:贫血运动员发中Fe、Cu含量明显低于正常运动员的(P<0.01),Zn的含量无明显差异;贫血运动员发中Fe/Cu值与正常运动员的没有明显差异,而Fe/  相似文献   

运动性贫血一直受到国内外运动医学界的关注,我国运动员运动性贫血的发病率较高,有资料报道发病率在15.9%~57.9%,其中尤其以耐力项目运动员、女运动员、少儿运动员为高危人群.[1]关于运动性贫血的定义范围学术界存在两种观点:一种是广义的运动性贫血,即运动员机体上发生的任何贫血;一种是狭义的运动性贫血,即剧烈运动导致的贫血现象.后者是日本学者Yoshimura在运动训练与贫血综述一文中首次提到的.运动性贫血是由于剧烈运动而引起外周血中单位容积内血红蛋白(HB)的浓度、红细胞计数(RBC)及红细胞压积(HCT)显著下降甚至低于相同年龄、性别和地区正常标准的现象,也有学者把由于训练或比赛引起体内红细胞和血红蛋白减少,并在停止运动后,可迅速恢复的现象称作运动性贫血.其诊断标准是:男运动员HB低于120 g/L,女运动员低于105 g/L.外在表现是:"三白",即:脸白、嘴唇白、眼睑白;头晕、气喘、心慌,尤其在运动中感觉更加明显;畏寒,部分女性运动员还伴有月经紊乱等症状.最终表现为乏力、耐力素质下降[2-3].  相似文献   

目的:探讨运动员左室假腱索与心律失常和左心功能的关系。方法:1、通过对广东省体育运动技术学院1743名运动员进行心脏B超检查,调查运动员左室假腱索发生情况;2、将发现左室假腱索的93例运动员(排除心肌炎、心肌病等心脏疾患)作为一组,在无左室假腱索运动员中随机选取93名作为另一组,行心电图和心脏彩色多普勒检查,对比两组运动员心律失常和左心功能。结果:1743名无器质性心脏病运动员中,检测出93例左室假腱索,检出率为5.3%;其中Ⅰ型(横型)91例,Ⅱ型(纵型)2例。男、女运动员左心室假腱索发生率无明显差异。左心室假腱索运动员室性早搏发生率为74.19%,左心室无假腱索运动员室性早搏发生率为4.30%,二组差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);有、无左心室假腱索运动员左心功能指标之间无明显差异。结论:运动员左室假腱索与室性早搏明显相关。左室假腱索对运动员左心功能无明显影响。  相似文献   

我国优秀射击运动员大脑机能状态研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:分析我国优秀射击运动员大赛前训练时的大脑神经机能状态。方法:2006年7月~2008年7月备战北京奥运会期间,利用的脑电图和脑地形图技术对中国国家射击集训队手枪班和步枪班73名运动员进行了9次大脑机能评价和训练监测。结果:在9批次测试中,男运动员106人次的大脑唤醒水平值为26.90±4.81(%),大脑功率谱能量比值为2.41±0.45;92人次的女运动员上述2值分别为25.68±4.21(%)和2.27±0.52。中枢神经机能综合评定,多数运动员处于良好以上状态,男女运动员分别为87和59人次。有60(男)和67(女)人次的运动员的运动应激能力为好或较好。射击运动员发挥欠佳时表现出多种问题,如注意力过度集中、睡眠问题、视觉紧张、听觉敏感、时间空间判断失误、心理紧张等。结论:(1)男女运动员之间大脑唤醒水平与能量比值无明显差异,不同级别运动员之间无明显差异。(2)北京奥运会前1个月时,受试的参赛运动员大脑兴奋性达到较高水平,大脑承受的运动负荷也较高。  相似文献   

中国优秀运动员血清锌、铜水平的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为研究参加系统训练运动员冬春两季的血清锌、铜水平的变化及影响因素,作者对9个运动项目360名优秀运动员测定了血清锌、铜水平。结果表明:运动员在冬训期的血清锌水平偏低、血清铜水平偏高,18岁以下的运动员血清铜低于成年运动员。25名优秀运动员冬春两季血清锌、铜水平配对T检验的数据表明,女运动员在冬季时的血清锌远低于春季时的水平。本文数据为运动员微量元素的合理补充提供了依据。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Alterations of the red blood cell system and iron metabolism can influence physical performance. On the other hand, exercise can influence hematological variables. The purpose of this epidemiological study was to investigate the characteristics of the red blood cell system and the iron metabolism in athletes of different sporting disciplines and at different levels of performance. METHODS: We studied 851 male subjects (747 athletes, 104 untrained controls). Hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Hct), red blood cell count (RBC), iron, transferrin, ferritin (Fer), and haptoglobin were analyzed in standardized blood samples, obtained after 2 d of rest, considering levels of performance (internationally, nationally, locally competitive, and leisure time), distinctive sporting category (endurance- (END), strength- (POW), and mixed-trained (MIX)), and, within endurance athletes, distinctive disciplines (cycling (CYC) and running (RUN)). RESULTS: No difference was found between athletes and controls in Hb and Hct. Reduced Hb, Hct, and RBC levels were observed in END compared with POW and MIX. These findings can mainly be attributed to exercise-induced plasma volume expansion, and only to a lesser degree and in selected athlete populations to hemolysis, as low haptoglobin is only observed in RUN, not in CYC, suggesting that not exercise itself but the "traumatic" movement of running might trigger the destruction of red blood cells. Physical activity of increasing duration and workloads (leisure time compared with competitive athletes) leads to decreased Fer levels in athletes, disregarding their discipline, but more pronounced in RUN. CONCLUSION: Physical training itself has no significant effect on selected hematological variables in athletes compared with untrained controls. The specific type and duration of exercise is of major importance in the adaptations of the blood cell system and the iron metabolism.  相似文献   

14名大学生运动员在功率车上分别进行一次急性有氧或无氧运动,并在有氧或无氧运动前后抽取静脉血以测定血浆丙二醛(MDA)、红细胞丙二醛、红细胞超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和红细胞谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)。结果显示,有氧运动后即刻红细胞MDA含量显著增高,红细胞GSH-Px活力显著增强;无氧运动后即刻血浆及红细胞MDA含量均无显著改变,但红细胞SOD和红细胞GSH-Px的活力都呈显著性增高。提示急性有氧或无氧运动都对人体内的自由基代谢具有重要影响。  相似文献   

缺铁性贫血和运动负荷对大鼠红细胞损伤的影响   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
本研究采用红细胞最大和平均变形性、面积、直径、膜带-3蛋白、血液和肝线粒体丙二醛、超氧化物歧化酶等指标,观察运动负荷或缺铁贫血单一因素和这两种因素同时存在对大鼠红细胞损伤的影响及其与自由基代谢的关系。结果:1.铁缺乏和运动负荷在第五周时直至实验结束均会使鼠体重增长率抑制,以缺铁贫血的运动鼠的抑制最严重。2.缺铁性贫血和运动负荷的初期、大鼠血红蛋白(Hb)和红细胞压积容量(HCT)水平显著降低,但运动鼠在铁营养正常时,Hb及HCT水平不再进一步降低;而运动鼠缺铁时、即使是轻度缺铁,其Hb和HCT水平进一步显著降低。3.红细胞面积、周长、直径和球径仅在铁缺乏情况下缩小;红细胞形状因素的改变发生于缺铁性贫血的运动鼠。4.红细胞最大变形指数(DImax%)和平均变形指数(DI-r%)在缺铁、运动以及缺铁贫血运动时降低,并有明显的梯度反应。静态和铁营养正常鼠的DImax%为73.0±1.69%,静态缺铁和运动缺铁性贫血鼠分别为65.8±4.57%和58.5±6.20%,而铁营养正常的运动鼠和轻度缺铁性贫血运动鼠分别是69.2±1.49%和63.0±6.79%,各组数据均有显著差别。三组运动鼠不论其铁营养正常与否,红细?  相似文献   

Screening blood tests in members of the Israeli National Olympic team   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
BACKGROUND: Blood samples are frequently collected in elite athletes in order to screen for possible medical conditions that might affect their athletic performance. However, the extent of these blood screening programs is not known. METHODS: Blood samples were collected from all members of the Israeli National Olympic team (n=114; 75 males, 39 females, mean age 23.4+/-0.5 years) to screen for possible medical conditions that might affect their athletic performance. All the athletes participated in individual sports. Fasting, early morning blood was sampled from all the athletes during the early phases of the training season (period of relatively light training). Blood was collected for erythrocyte sedimentation rate, complete blood count, chemistry panel, lipid profile, and iron stores analysis. RESULTS: Fifteen athletes (13%; 9 females, 6 males) had low ferritin levels (<20 ng/ml) indicating decreased iron stores. Four of these athletes (3.5%) had overt iron deficiency anemia. Two other athletes had B12 deficiency anemia. Three athletes had elevated serum creatinine and urea. Surprisingly, elevated levels of cholesterol (>200 mg/dl) were found in 15 athletes (13%). Moreover, 24 athletes (21%) had mild low HDL-cholesterol levels. No electrolyte abnormalities were found. CONCLUSIONS: Evaluation of iron stores should be performed in elite athletes, due to the relatively high prevalence of depleted iron stores and iron deficiency anemia, which may affect their athletic performance. We suggest that renal function should be tested in athletes prior to the use of food supplements and/or medications that may interfere with their renal function. Further studies are needed to determine the benefits of screening tests in elite athletes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether monitoring reticulocyte profiles, which are known to respond to iron store depletion in sedentary populations, could also be utilised with intensely training athletes. METHODS: A retrospective study of blood samples from 134 national level athletes (61 males, 73 females) at the Australian Institute of Sport were analysed, from which reference ranges were calculated. To ascertain the stability of reticulocyte profiles during periods of intense physical training, the intra-individual variation of these parameters in 12 iron-replete female athletes over a four month period of training was documented. The precision with which the analyzer measured these parameters was also determined using duplicate samples from 37 female athletes. To establish whether reticulocyte parameters were sensitive to iron deficient erythropoiesis in athletes, reticulocyte profiles of five female athletes diagnosed by medical personnel as having depleted iron stores were compared before and after iron therapy to seven controls. RESULTS: Corpuscular hemoglobin concentration mean (CHCMr) and mean corpuscular volume (MCVr) showed little variation over time in iron-replete females, with 95% of all fluctuations being within 5.8% and 4.3% of original values, respectively. Iron supplementation in athletes with depleted iron stores elicited an increase in CHCMr (p = 0.01), and a decrease in the distributions of reticulocyte volume (RDWr, p = 0.01) and cell hemoglobin concentration (HDWr, p < 0.01). The ratios of reticulocyte to mature cell MCV (p < 0.01) and CHCM (p < 0.01) also changed following iron therapy. No such changes occurred in non-supplemented controls with normal iron stores. CONCLUSIONS: These data lend support to the thesis that monitoring of reticulocyte parameters can be of use in detecting iron deficient erythropoiesis in female athletes.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the acute effects of high-intensity exercise on blood hepcidin levels and other iron metabolic and hematological parameters in highly trained athletes of dragon boating as a sport performed in a sitting position.

Methods: We conducted an exercise intervention study with a pre- and posttest blood measurement to determine the effects of high-intensity training on hematological and iron metabolic parameters in both male (n = 19) and female (n = 12) elite athletes of the German national dragon boating team. The study took place during the final training camp before the European championships. Blood samples were collected at baseline and 3 h after 3 consecutive high-intensity training bouts at the same day, each one lasting 1 h in duration.

Results: After exercise, leukocytes, CPK, CKMB, and hepcidin levels increased significantly both in men and women. In contrast, iron concentrations decreased significantly. No gender-related differences were found. Compared with baseline, the postexercise concentrations of serum iron decreased significantly both in men [99.3 ± 46.3 to 61.2 ± 20.9 µg/dL (p < 0.001)] and in women [116.3 ± 34 to 67.1 ± 21.8 µg/dL (p < 0.001)] without a gender difference (p = 0.28). Hepcidin levels increased significantly both in men [9.1 ± 6.5 to 12.2 ± 5.8 ng/mL (p < 0.001)] and in women [8.0 ± 4.6 to 11.7 ± 5.7 ng/mL (p < 0.001)] without a significant gender difference in hepcidin changes (p = 0.34).

Conclusions: In conclusion, three consecutive high-intensity training bouts lead to elevated hepcidin levels and decreased iron levels in elite athletes of dragon boating. The increase in hepcidin levels may contribute to the risk of anemia in these athletes.  相似文献   

高住低训对优秀女子跆拳道运动员运动能力和血象的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的:探讨高住低训对女子跆拳道运动员运动能力和血象的影响。方法:13名优秀女子跆拳道运动员随机分为实验组(高住低训,n=8)和对照组(n=5),分别在模拟海拔2500m低氧舱(氧浓度15.4%左右)内和平原环境下进行为期4周的高住低训和跆拳道常规专项训练。分别于实验前、高住低训第28天和高住低训结束后10天进行有氧运动能力和无氧运动能力测试,并于实验前1天、高住低训期间每周及高住低训结束后第3、12天清晨空腹取血进行血细胞分析。结果:(1)实验组高住低训第28天和高住低训结束后10天VO2max和PWC170均显著高于实验前(P<0.01),4000m成绩显著优于实验前(P<0.01)。对照组变化不明显。(2)实验组高住低训结束后10天Wingate最高功率显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。实验组高住低训第28天和高住低训结束后10天Wingate平均功率均显著高于自身实验前(P<0.05和P<0.01),Wingate疲劳指数则分别显著低于自身实验前(P<0.05和P<0.01)。对照组无明显变化。(3)实验组高住低训第28天血红蛋白、红细胞数目、红细胞压积显著高于自身实验前(P<0.05),实验组在高住低训第25天和28天血红蛋白水平分别显著高于对照组(P<0.05和P<0.01)。结果表明,为期28天的模拟海拔2500m高度的高住低训能提高女子跆拳道运动员有氧运动能力,同时在一定程度上提高其无氧功和60秒踢靶成绩。另外,高住低训可以提高与跆拳道运动员机体载氧能力直接相关的血液指标水平,这种改变主要表现在实验第3、4周。  相似文献   

In brief: This study compared three stages of iron deficiency (iron depletion, iron deficiency erythropoiesis, and iron deficiency anemia) in athletes and controls immediately after menstruation and at midcycle. All athletes had subnormal serum ferritin levels at both test periods, indicating stage 1 iron deficiency. The control group's serum ferritin levels were normal. Two athletes were stage 2 iron deficient, but no athletes or control subjects were in the third stage of iron deficiency. This study shows that stage 1 and 2 iron deficiency may exist in female athletes even in the absence of anemia. Therefore, sports programs should provide nutrition counseling, but indiscriminate use of oral iron supplements should be discouraged.  相似文献   

<正> 缺铁性贫血是贫血原因中最常见的一种贫血,其发生率较高。本病的早期阶段—无贫血的缺铁发生率要比预料的高的多。近年来随着对运动性贫血研究的逐步深入,不少学者把注意力集中到铁代谢的问题上,认为运动性贫血与长期缺铁有密切关系。因此定期了解运动员体内铁贮备对预防缺铁性贫血和保持运动员良好的运动能力尤为重要。  相似文献   

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