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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between Korean language-specific dysgraphia and unilateral spatial neglect in 31 right brain stroke patients. All patients were tested for writing errors in spontaneous writing, dictation, and copying tests. The dysgraphia was classified into visuospatial omission, visuospatial destruction, syllabic tilting, stroke omission, stroke addition, and stroke tilting. Twenty-three (77.4%) of the 31 patients made dysgraphia and 18 (58.1%) demonstrated unilateral spatial neglect. The visuospatial omission was the most common dysgraphia followed by stroke addition and omission errors. The highest number of errors was made in the copying and the least was in the spontaneous writing test. Patients with unilateral spatial neglect made a significantly higher number of dysgraphia in the copying test than those without. We identified specific dysgraphia features such as a right side space omission and a vertical stroke addition in Korean right brain stroke patients. In conclusion, unilateral spatial neglect influences copy writing system of Korean language in patients with right brain stroke.

Graphical Abstract


We report the re-education of a brain-damaged patient, LP, who presented a surface dysgraphia. This dysgraphia resulted from impairments of the lexical procedure of writing arising from a deficit located in the orthographic output lexicon. Our hypothesis was that LP had lost the relevant orthographic representations of some words. A two-stage therapeutic programme was carried out. In the first stage, we tried to optimise the relatively spared phonological procedure in writing by re-teaching some graphemic contextual rules. Because of residual surface dyslexia and verbal memory deficits associated with this surface dysgraphia, and because of the structure of the French language, we retaught, in the second stage, the spelling of some irregular and ambiguous words by means of a visual imagery technique. In post-therapy, we observed a selective effect of this imagery strategy by comparison with a classic methodology of repetitive presentation of ambiguous and irregular spellings. The results of our therapy support cognitive-oriented therapeutic approaches and are discussed with regard to recent debates on the subject in neuropsychology.  相似文献   

Twenty-six patients suffering from damage to the right side of the brain, 19 of whom exhibited signs of left neglect, as well as 32 matched controls, ran 3 spatial cuing tasks. Patients were also tested with 2 cancellation tests, a line-bisection test, the copy of a complex drawing, and a visual extinction procedure. Results first showed correlations between extinction and cancellation tests performance on one hand, and between line bisection and copy on the other hand. Second, results demonstrated that an engagement deficit toward contralesional targets appeared to be the most striking feature of neglect, and the engagement score was correlated with the cancellation score and extinction. Most patients with neglect also presented a deficit in disengagement, a deficit of inhibition of return, and probably a deficit of alertness. Deficits in engagement and in disengagement, as well as poor scores in cancellation tests, seemed to be related with posterior cortical and subcortical lesions. Most important, even if an endogenous deficit (frequently related with a thalamic lesion) could aggravate the neglect behavior, neglect syndrome was mainly explained by a deficit of exogenous attention.  相似文献   

A 56-year-old right-handed man with 10 years of schooling, who suddenly developed writing problems, is described. An M.R.I. revealed a left posterior cortico-subcortical parietal lesion. The patient was not aphasic, had no neglect, and no apraxia. In contrast, spontaneous writing, written naming, writing to dictation, and copying of words and sentences showed a remarkable impairment. Letters were ill-formed; nonletters, stroke and letter repetitions, and omissions were present, both in words and nonwords; some letter substitutions were also found. There were no effects of word length, imageability, frequency, or word class. Oral spelling was normal. All these features are typical of a peripheral dysgraphia. An inability to use abstract motor patterns as input to neuromuscular routines is suggested as the major deficit, with minor impairment to the allographic conversion system.  相似文献   

We report a detailed single case study of a patient, VB, who showed a form of dysgraphia which Lebrun (1976) termed “afferent dysgraphia”. VB, who was not aphasic and showed preserved spelling knowledge in spelling aloud or arranging cardboard letters, tended to write only down the right-hand side of a page and made frequent errors involving the omission or repetition of letters or strokes. These errors occurred most often in repeated sequences of identical or similar letters or strokes. The same letter and stroke errors, occurring at much the same frequency, were observed when normal subjects were required to write without sight of their writing hand whilst simultaneously executing a continuous tapping sequence with the fingers of their left hand.

We attribute certain of VB's dysgraphic symptoms to a general left-sided neglect which also affected her reading (Ellis, Young,&Flude, 1987). The letter and stroke errors (with the possible exception of failures to dot i's and to cross t's) are, however, given the same explanation as for the normal subjects, namely a failure to utilise visual and kinaesthetic feedback in the motor control of handwriting.  相似文献   

A right brain-damaged patient (CC) with visual neglect was evaluated for the presence and severity of anosognosic disorders, using a test described previously (Berti, Ladavas, & Della Corte, 1996). The patient was repeatedly questioned, on different occasions, about her motor deficits in an attempt to investigate and confront her denial behaviour. The patient showed a severe anosognosia for motor impairment in verbal report, without emisomatoagnosia. However, ''tacit'' knowledge of her physical condition was apparent in most conversations with the patient. Moreover, when asked to score her motor ability, she showed a dissociation between anosognosia on the verbal report and on the self-evaluation test. We conclude that investigations of anosognosia should take account of the patient's personal report and that this is crucial both for disclosing implicit mental content and for interpreting the underlying structure of conscious mental processes.  相似文献   

This paper reports a single case of ipsilesional left neglect dyslexia and interprets it according to the three-level model of visual word recognition proposed by Caramazza and Hillis (1990). The three levels reflect a progression from the physical stimulus to an abstract representation of a word. RR was not impaired at the first, retinocentric, level, which represents the individual features of letters within a word according to the location of the word in the visual field: She made the same number of errors to words presented in her left visual field as in her right visual field. A deficit at this level should also mean the patient neglects all stimuli. This did not occur with RR: She did not neglect when naming the items in rows of objects and rows of geometric symbols. In addition, although she displayed significant neglect dyslexia when making visual matching judgements on pairs of words and nonwords, she did not do so to pairs of nonsense letter shapes, shapes which display the same level of visual complexity as letters in words. RR was not impaired at the third, graphemic, level, which represents the ordinal positions of letters within a word: She continued to neglect the leftmost (spatial) letter of words presented in mirror-reversed orientation and she did not neglect in oral spelling. By elimination, these results suggest RR's deficit affects a spatial reference frame where the representational space is bounded by the stimulus: A stimulus-centred level of representation. We define five characteristics of a stimulus-centred deficit, as manifest in RR. First, it is not the case that neglect dyslexia occurs because the remaining letters in a string attract or capture attention away from the leftmost letter(s). Second, the deficit is continuous across the letter string. Third, perceptually significant features, such as spaces, define potential words. Fourth, the whole, rather than part, of a letter is neglected. Fifth, category information is preserved. It is concluded that the Caramazza-Hillis model accounts well for RR's data, although we conclude that neglect dyslexia can be present when a more general visuospatial neglect is absent.  相似文献   

This paper reports a single case of ipsilesional left neglect dyslexia and interprets it according to the three-level model of visual word recognition proposed by Caramazza and Hillis (1990). The three levels reflect a progression from the physical stimulus to an abstract representation of a word. RR was not impaired at the first, retinocentric, level, which represents the individual features of letters within a word according to the location of the word in the visual field: She made the same number of errors to words presented in her left visual field as in her right visual field. A deficit at this level should also mean the patient neglects all stimuli. This did not occur with RR: She did not neglect when naming the items in rows of objects and rows of geometric symbols. In addition, although she displayed significant neglect dyslexia when making visual matching judgements on pairs of words and nonwords, she did not do so to pairs of nonsense letter shapes, shapes which display the same level of visual complexity as letters in words. RR was not impaired at the third, graphemic, level, which represents the ordinal positions of letters within a word: She continued to neglect the leftmost (spatial) letter of words presented in mirror-reversed orientation and she did not neglect in oral spelling. By elimination, these results suggest RR's deficit affects a spatial reference frame where the representational space is bounded by the stimulus: A stimulus-centred level of representation. We define five characteristics of a stimulus-centred deficit, as manifest in RR. First, it is not the case that neglect dyslexia occurs because the remaining letters in a string attract or capture attention away from the leftmost letter(s). Second, the deficit is continuous across the letter string. Third, perceptually significant features, such as spaces, define potential words. Fourth, the whole, rather than part, of a letter is neglected. Fifth, category information is preserved. It is concluded that the Caramazza-Hillis model accounts well for RR's data, although we conclude that neglect dyslexia can be present when a more general visuospatial neglect is absent.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between methods of disclosure of recalled negative experience and well‐being. Six first‐year undergraduate class groups (N = 100) at an Australian university completed pre‐ and post‐intervention measures of psychological and psychophysical well‐being. For the disclosure intervention, three groups wrote, drew, or drew‐and‐wrote about a recalled negative experience (RNE groups); the three non‐disclosure groups wrote, drew, or drew‐and‐wrote on neutral topics (NT groups). The expectation that disclosure of negative experiences would enhance well‐being was partly supported, with writing and drawing‐and‐writing disclosure groups reporting increased psychological, but not psychophysical, well‐being. As predicted, verbal disclosure methods were more effective than non‐verbal methods, with the draw‐and‐write group showing the greatest improvement. Unexpectedly, disclosure via drawing alone was associated with decreased psychological well‐being. Against predictions, changes were found in two NT groups: The draw‐and‐write group reported improved psychological, and the draw group improved psychophysical well‐being. It was concluded that verbal disclosure, especially when combined with the non‐verbal method of drawing, may enhance psychological well‐being, but that drawing, without accompanying verbalization, may decrease psychological well‐being. It is suggested that future studies address variables such aslevel of disclosure, content and time of the negative experience, with time taken to manifest changes in well‐being, using both subjective and objective indicators.  相似文献   


The case study of PR, a patient with acquired dyslexia without dysgraphia, is reported. PR was found to have a deficit in accessing phonology from semantics and a mild deficit in attending selectively to the components making up visual displays. Coupled together, these two deficits severely disrupted her ability to name the components of visual arrays although she could name each component in isolation (the symptom of patients classified as attentional dyslexics). We discuss the possible importance of the co-occurrence of two or more deficits in producing some neuropsychological syndromes.  相似文献   

This paper reports the case of a patient HP who presents a dysgraphia affecting the production of letters and digits while sparing shorthand writing. HP's writing impairmentis two-fold. On one hand, HP produces systematic lettersubstitutions affecting exclusively lower-case letters b, p, d, and q. Such confusions are also observed in tasks assessing the mental imagery of letters and the processing of visually presented, isolated letters. This deficit is attributed to a circumscribed disruption of allographic representations. On the other hand, HP can write correctly formed letters and digits but the production of these symbols is slow and nonfluent. This disturbance was investigated by using a digitising tablet to record movements performed in grapho-motor production. The results of the analysis of temporal and kinematic indices suggest that graphic motor patterns of letters and digits are no longer available to this patient, whereas motor patterns underlying the production of shorthand seem unaffected. Itis suggested thatthere are two ways forproducing spatially well-formed symbols. One route is mediated by graphic motor patterns and the other by a motor planning system that would be used in other tasks involving the generation of 2D trajectories as in drawing or in tracing unfamiliar symbols.  相似文献   


This study investigated the sublexical route in writing Chinese characters. Using a writing-to-dictation task, we compared neurotypical participants’ performance on writing a set of 40 characters with homophones sharing different phonetic radicals and another set of 40 characters with homophones sharing the same phonetic radicals. The first set of stimuli was regarded as both syllable-to-character and syllable-to-radical inconsistent, while the second set of stimuli was considered syllable-to-radical consistent but syllable-to-character inconsistent. The results of the error analysis showed that the control participants demonstrated a greater tendency to make errors with preserved phonetic radicals in the second set of stimuli. Furthermore, we conducted the same task with a Chinese brain-injured patient, WCY, who had mild dyslexia and severe dysgraphia associated with mild impairment to the lexical semantic route as shown by the patient’s character writing. The results showed that WCY demonstrated similar error patterns as those of the control participants and a shorter writing time in the second set of stimuli. Altogether, the observations were taken as evidence that supported our claim that a syllable-to-phonetic radical route governs the sublexical route in Chinese character writing.  相似文献   

Patients with semantic dementia, the temporal variant of frontotemporal dementia, are relevant to both the neuroanatomical and neuropsychological debates in the category-specific literature. These patients present with a selective and progressive semantic deficit consequent on circumscribed atrophy of the inferolateral polar temporal lobes bilaterally, including the inferotemporal gyrus. In this study, a patient KH with a significant advantage for artefacts over living things was compared to five other semantic dementia patients with commensurate levels of semantic impairment. KH demonstrated a consistent category difference in favour of artefacts across all the expressive and receptive semantic tests. This difference was reliable even when familiarity, frequency, and other potential confounding factors were controlled. While KH demonstrated an association between poor knowledge of sensory attributes and a consistently greater impairment on living things than artefacts, the other patients did not. As observed in a number of previous studies, all five of the patients, contrasted to KH, exhibited an advantage for functional/associative over sensory attributes but without demonstrating the category-specific deficit that the sensory-functional theory (and the locus of their atrophy) might predict. The results of this and other studies are discussed in relation to four accounts of category specificity: the sensory-functional theory, domain-specific knowledge systems, intercorrelated features, and individual differences.  相似文献   

We investigated the ability to learn new words in a group of 22 adults with developmental dyslexia/dysgraphia and the relationship between their learning and spelling problems. We identified a deficit that affected the ability to learn both spoken and written new words (lexical learning deficit). There were no comparable problems in learning other kinds of representations (lexical/semantic and visual) and the deficit could not be explained in terms of more traditional phonological deficits associated with dyslexia (phonological awareness, phonological STM). Written new word learning accounted for further variance in the severity of the dysgraphia after phonological abilities had been partialled out. We suggest that lexical learning may be an independent ability needed to create lexical/formal representations from a series of independent units. Theoretical and clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Patients with semantic dementia, the temporal variant of frontotemporal dementia, are relevant to both the neuroanatomical and neuropsychological debates in the category-specific literature. These patients present with a selective and progressive semantic deficit consequent on circumscribed atrophy of the inferolateral polar temporal lobes bilaterally, including the inferotemporal gyrus. In this study, a patient KH with a significant advantage for artefacts over living things was compared to five other semantic dementia patients with commensurate levels of semantic impairment. KH demonstrated a consistent category difference in favour of artefacts across all the expressive and receptive semantic tests. This difference was reliable even when familiarity, frequency, and other potential confounding factors were controlled. While KH demonstrated an association between poor knowledge of sensory attributes and a consistently greater impairment on living things than artefacts, the other patients did not. As observed in a number of previous studies, all five of the patients, contrasted to KH, exhibited an advantage for functional/associative over sensory attributes but without demonstrating the category-specific deficit that the sensory-functional theory (and the locus of their atrophy) might predict. The results of this and other studies are discussed in relation to four accounts of category specificity: the sensory-functional theory, domain-specific knowledge systems, intercorrelated features, and individual differences.  相似文献   

In visual search tasks, neglect patients tend to explore and repeatedly re-cancel stimuli on the ipsilesional side, as if they did not realize that they had previously examined the rightward locations favoured by their lateral bias. The aim of this study was to explore the hypothesis that a spatial working memory deficit explains these ipsilesional re-cancellation errors in neglect patients. For the first time, we evaluated spatial working memory and re-cancellation through separate and independent tasks in a group of patients with right hemisphere damage and a diagnosis of left neglect. Results showed impaired spatial working memory in neglect patients. Compared to the control group, neglect patients cancelled fewer targets and made more re-cancellations both on the left side and on the right side. The spatial working memory deficit appears to be related to re-cancellations, but only for some neglect patients. Alternative interpretations of re-exploration of space are discussed.  相似文献   


We report the effects of different forms of cue on a patient who shows left neglect when processing single objects and right neglect when addressing separate actions to independent objects (Riddoch et al., this issue). Visual cues were found to reduce neglect within single objects but not between separate objects; motor cues reduced neglect between separate objects but not within single objects. We discuss the relevance of these independent cueing effects for understanding the nature of the spatial deficit within this patient, and for attempts to rehabilitate neglect by cueing.  相似文献   


We report the case of a patient, JR, who manifests left neglect in reading single words but right neglect in copying and drawing tasks. We show that left neglect is not confined to reading, but is also found in picture naming and in line-bisection tasks. In each of these tasks, JR neglected the right side of multiple stimulus displays. We show that neglect is manifest on the left or right side as a function of whether visual stimuli are encoded as parts of a single perceptual object or as separate perceptual objects. JR's left neglect in reading words can be switched to right neglect by having him read aloud all the letters in the string. He also showed left neglect in a search task in which the visual elements configure into a coherent object, but right neglect in displays using similar elements which did not so configure. JR's case demonstrates that the visual system employs separate representations to encode the spatial relations between the parts of single objects (within-object spatial coding) and between separate perceptual objects (between-object spatial coding). These two forms of spatial representation are encoded independently and in parallel.  相似文献   

We investigated the ability to learn new words in a group of 22 adults with developmental dyslexia/dysgraphia and the relationship between their learning and spelling problems. We identified a deficit that affected the ability to learn both spoken and written new words (lexical learning deficit). There were no comparable problems in learning other kinds of representations (lexical/semantic and visual) and the deficit could not be explained in terms of more traditional phonological deficits associated with dyslexia (phonological awareness, phonological STM). Written new word learning accounted for further variance in the severity of the dysgraphia after phonological abilities had been partialled out. We suggest that lexical learning may be an independent ability needed to create lexical/formal representations from a series of independent units. Theoretical and clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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