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Social anxiety has been characterized by an attentional bias towards threatening faces. Electrophysiological studies have demonstrated modulations of cognitive processing from 100 ms after stimulus presentation. However, the impact of the stimulus features and task instructions on facial processing remains unclear. Event-related potentials were recorded while high and low socially anxious individuals performed an adapted Stroop paradigm that included a colour-naming task with non-emotional stimuli, an emotion-naming task (the explicit task) and a colour-naming task (the implicit task) on happy, angry and neutral faces. Whereas the impact of task factors was examined by contrasting an explicit and an implicit emotional task, the effects of perceptual changes on facial processing were explored by including upright and inverted faces. The findings showed an enhanced P1 in social anxiety during the three tasks, without a moderating effect of the type of task or stimulus. These results suggest a global modulation of attentional processing in performance situations. 相似文献
Distraction and reappraisal are two widely used forms of emotion regulation. The process model of emotion regulation (Gross, 1998) holds that they differ (1) in when they act on the emotion-generative process, and (2) in their impact on subsequent responses to regulated stimuli. We tested these two predictions by measuring electrocortical responses to neutral and emotional images during two phases. In the regulation phase, images were watched or regulated using distraction or reappraisal. During the re-exposure phase, the same images were passively watched. As predicted, during regulation, distraction reduced the late positive potential (LPP) earlier than reappraisal. Upon re-exposure, images with a distraction (but not reappraisal) history elicited a larger LPP than images with an attend history. This pattern of results suggests that distraction and reappraisal intervene at separate stages during emotion generation, a feature which may have distinct consequences that extend beyond the regulatory episode. 相似文献
Vera Ferrari Margaret M. Bradley Maurizio Codispoti Peter J. Lang 《Psychophysiology》2011,48(4):515-522
Effects of massed repetition on the modulation of the late positive potential elicited during affective picture viewing were investigated in two experiments. Despite a difference in the number of repetitions across studies (from 5 to 30), results were quite similar: The late positive potential continued to be enhanced when participants viewed emotional, compared to neutral, pictures. On the other hand, massed repetition did prompt a reduction in the late positive potential that was most pronounced for emotional pictures. Startle probe P3 amplitude generally increased with repetition, suggesting diminished attention allocation to repeated pictures. The blink reflex, however, continued to be modulated by hedonic valence, despite massive massed repetition. Taken together, the data suggest that the amplitude of the late positive potential during picture viewing reflects both motivational significance and attention allocation. 相似文献
Wenbo Luo Weiqi He Suyong Yang Wenfeng Feng Taolin Chen Lili Wang Tian Gan Yue-jia Luo 《Biological psychology》2013
Using measurements of event-related potentials (ERPs) during a facial recognition task, we aimed to investigate the facial inversion effect and the role of time-based attention in processing upright and inverted faces. We presented upright and inverted faces at the T2 (target 2) position using a rapid serial visual presentation paradigm. Our results indicate that the N170 component shows the usual face inversion effect (FIE), in which inverted faces elicit larger N170 amplitudes and a longer elicit N170 latency. We also found that upright faces elicit larger P1 amplitudes than inverted faces over the left hemisphere. This study indicates that the N170 and P3, but not the P1, components are modulated by time-based attention. In addition, we found that the N170 amplitude was modulated by an attentional blink (AB) based on behavioral data. These results suggest that the disruption of facial configuration processing caused by inverted faces is relatively independent of attentional resources. 相似文献
The present event-related potential (ERP) study was conducted to investigate the P3 component in response to love-related stimuli while controlling for task-related factors, and to dissociate the influences of both love-related and task-related attention on the P3 amplitude. In an oddball paradigm, photographs of beloved and friends served as target and distractor stimuli. Love-related and task-related attention were separated by varying the target and distractor status of the beloved and friends full factorially. As expected, the P3 amplitude was larger for beloved compared to friends and for targets compared to distractors. Moreover, task-related and love-related attention were unconfounded. These results are in line with findings that the P3 is modulated by both emotion- and task-related factors, supporting the view that the P3 amplitude reflects attention. Furthermore, this study validates the notion that romantic love is accompanied by increased attention for stimuli associated with the beloved, and also shows that this form of attention is different from task-related attention. 相似文献
Natural selective attention: orienting and emotion 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Bradley MM 《Psychophysiology》2009,46(1):1-11
The foundations of orienting and attention are hypothesized to stem from activation of defensive and appetitive motivational systems that evolved to protect and sustain the life of the individual. Motivational activation initiates a cascade of perceptual and motor processes that facilitate the selection of appropriate behavior. Among these are detection of significance, indexed by a late centro-parietal positivity in the event-related potential, enhanced perceptual processing, indexed by a initial cardiac deceleration, and preparation for action, indexed by electrodermal changes. Data exploring the role of stimulus novelty and significance in orienting are presented that indicate different components of the orienting response habituate at different rates. Taken together, it is suggested that orienting is mediated by activation of fundamental motivational systems that have evolved to support survival. 相似文献
To investigate whether the non-conscious processing of fearful faces exist in unattended condition, event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded in a facial expression detection task. Participants were asked to discriminate the facial expressions (fearful or neutral) at the attended location. Unattended faces were associated with a response that was either congruent or in conflict with the response to the attended face. ERP results showed that the trials with response conflict between attended and unattended faces enhanced the amplitude of the P3 component when the neutral face was presented at attended location and the fearful face was presented at the unattended location. Our findings imply that the non-conscious fearful faces can be processed in the unattended condition. 相似文献
The activation of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) has been suggested to reflect the engagement of a control mechanism for top-down biasing of context processing in resource-demanding memory tasks. Here we tested the hypothesis that the dlPFC subserves a similar function also in attention and emotion tasks. 18 healthy young adults were tested in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study where the demands for context processing were manipulated in three different cognitive domains: auditory attention, episodic retrieval, and emotion regulation. We found that the right dlPFC was jointly sensitive to increased cognitive demands in the attention and memory tasks. By contrast, increased demands in the emotion task (reappraisal) were associated with increased activity in ventromedial PFC along with decreased amygdala activity. Our findings of divergent prefrontal control networks for cognitive and emotional control extend previous separations of cognition and emotion in the anterior cingulate cortex. 相似文献
We investigated the electrophysiological correlates of the processing of subject's own name (SON) in comparison to familiar and unfamiliar names in the Chinese language. The three types of names were the deviants in an oddball paradigm among lexical and non-lexical phrases. All items consisted of three characters, and the non-lexical items were the targets. All names caused a clear N170 component of identical size which we take as a correlate of structural encoding. Only SON elicited a large N250 component, reflecting attentional capturing of SON. Additionally, SON caused a larger but later peaking P300 than the other two name stimuli which we interpret as a correlate of access to self-reference information. 相似文献
Increasing evidence suggests that emotion regulation (ER) strategies modulate encoding of information presented during regulation; however, no studies have assessed the impact of cognitive reappraisal ER strategies on the processing of stimuli presented after the ER period. Participants in the present study regulated emotions to unpleasant pictures and then judged whether a word was negative or neutral. Electromyographic measures (corrugator supercilli) confirmed that individuals increased and decreased negative affect according to ER condition. Event-related potential analyses revealed smallest N400 amplitudes to negative and neutral words presented after decreasing unpleasant emotions and smallest P300 amplitudes to words presented after increasing unpleasant emotions whereas reaction time data failed to show ER modulations. Results are discussed in the context of the developing ER literature, as well as theories of emotional incongruity (N400) and resource allocation (P300). 相似文献
Emotional words are preferentially processed during silent reading. Here, we investigate to what extent different components of the visual evoked potential, namely the P1, N1, the early posterior negativity (EPN, around 250 ms after word onset) as well as the late positive complex (LPC, around 500 ms) respond differentially to emotional words and whether this response depends on the availability of attentional resources. Subjects viewed random sequences of pleasant, neutral and unpleasant adjectives and nouns. They were first instructed to simply read the words and then to count either adjectives or nouns. No consistent effects emerged for the P1 and N1. However, during both reading and counting the EPN was enhanced for emotionally arousing words (pleasant and unpleasant), regardless of whether the word belonged to a target or a non-target category. A task effect on the EPN was restricted to adjectives, but the effect did not interact with emotional content. The later centro-parietal LPC (450-650 ms) showed a large enhancement for the attended word class. A small and topographically distinct emotion-LPC effect was found specifically in response to pleasant words, both during silent reading and the active task. Thus, emotional word content is processed effortlessly and automatically and is not subject to interference from a primary grammatical decision task. The results are in line with other reports of early automatic semantic processing as reflected by posterior negativities in the ERP around 250 ms after word onset. Implications for models of emotion-attention interactions in the brain are discussed. 相似文献
Rodent EEG theta activity recorded in the 30 min period after ECS treatment has previously been correlated with passive avoidance retention. In the present experiment rats were trained and tested in an appetitive maze, thereby avoiding the possible confounding of footshock-produced EEG arousal. Our results produced the same relationship between theta and retention, but since ECS was given 7 days after training, we conclude that theta activity is not related only to memory consolidation. Patterns of theta during reinstatement were also found to be more similar to the pattern recorded late in learning when the reinstatment took place in the original start box. The data support the notion of cue-dependent amnesia, and the hypothesis that ECS acts by inhibiting the memory which is active at the time of ECS. 相似文献
Previous findings suggest that episodic memory encoding is subserved by different brain structures that interplay and transform experience into memories. The present study aims to identify topographic location of the underlying neural generators, and correlate their activities with the subsequent memory effect, using electrophysiological neuroimaging of the event-related potentials (ERPs) recorded from 11 healthy subjects participating in word encoding tasks. Cortical potentials were imaged noninvasively from scalp ERPs. Different levels of brain activation were found in the left inferior prefrontal, left temporal and left parietal lobes with different latencies after onset of event. It is concluded that these regions work jointly across both spatial and temporal domains to promote verbal memory formation. 相似文献
《Biological psychology》2013,94(1):90-105
We recently demonstrated that the latency of a component of the event-related brain potential, the topographical N170 (NT170), is sensitive to the spatial location of reward-related stimuli in a virtual maze environment, occurring earlier for rewards found following rightward turns compared to leftward turns. We suggested that this NT170 latency effect may result from phase reset of an ongoing theta rhythm by a parahippocampal system for spatial navigation. Here we tested several predictions that follow from this proposal, namely, that the effect is observed only when the rewards are presented in a spatial environment, that it is sensitive to individual differences in spatial ability, that it is localizable to the right parahippocampal region, and that it is consistent with partial phase resetting of an ongoing theta rhythm. These results hold promise for integrating ERP measures of spatial navigation with extensive animal, human, and computational literatures on parahippocampal function. 相似文献
In an ERP experiment, we investigated whether a ‘permanent’ salient distractor changes the deployment of attention to target and nontarget singletons. Observers searched for a color target in a search array that mainly consisted of black vertical lines, but also always contained a line in a task-irrelevant color. Together with this distractor, a target or nontarget singleton was presented. Nontargets could be salient on the task-relevant dimension (color), or on a neutral dimension (line orientation). N2pc amplitude was maximal for targets, no N2pc was elicited by color nontargets, and orientation nontargets elicited an inverse N2pc. Targets and color nontargets elicited larger N2 amplitude than orientation singletons. P3 amplitude was high for relevant and low for irrelevant singletons. Targets also elicited higher reaction times and more errors. Attention seemed thus driven by the target feature, and by its feature dimension, even when constant distraction on that dimension had to be suppressed. 相似文献
Memory for words and novel visual patterns: Repetition, recognition, and encoding effects in the event-related brain potential 总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9
Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded during initial study and recognition of words and novel visual patterns. Words and patterns yielded similar recognition results that discriminated correctly recognized old items from correct new items, incorrect old items, and incorrect new items. The study phase data included a number of dissociations between words and patterns. Occasional repeated items yielded faster reaction times for both stimulus types but a late positive ERP repetition effect for words only. The study phase data differentiated words that would later be recognized versus unrecognized, but the patterns did not yield a similar encoding effect. Moreover, the study phase positivity contingent on subsequent recognition was restricted to words that received a positive semantic judgment during study. The functional relationships among the repetition, recognition, and encoding effects are discussed. 相似文献
Recent event-related potential (ERP) studies revealed the selective processing of affective pictures. The present study explored whether the same phenomenon can be observed when pictures are presented only briefly. Toward this end, pleasant, neutral, and unpleasant pictures from the International Affective Pictures Series were presented for 120 ms while event related potentials were measured by dense sensor arrays. As observed for longer picture presentations, brief affective pictures were selectively processed. Specifically, pleasant and unpleasant pictures were associated with an early endogenous negative shift over temporo-occipital sensors compared to neutral images. In addition, affective pictures elicited enlarged late positive potentials over centro-parietal sensor sites relative to neutral images. These data suggest that a quick glimpse of emotionally relevant stimuli appears sufficient to tune the brain for selective perceptual processing. 相似文献
Emotional stimuli tend to capture attention, and this so-called motivated attention is commonly measured using the early posterior negativity (EPN) and the late positive potential (LPP). We hypothesized that voluntary, directed attention reduces motivated attention more strongly for highly than moderately arousing pleasant or unpleasant pictures. Participants were instructed to direct their attention to either a picture at fixation or the letters flanking the picture. Pictures varied substantially in arousal and valence. When the pictures were attended to, EPN and LPP increased linearly with arousal. When the letters were attended to, these linear effects decreased in the EPN for pleasant and unpleasant pictures and in the LPP for pleasant pictures. Thus, directed attention decreases processing of emotional distracters more strongly for highly than moderately arousing pleasant and unpleasant pictures. These results are consistent with the view that directed attention decreases emotion effects on sensory gain. 相似文献
Short duration power changes in the EEG during recognition memory for words and faces 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Although memory has been widely studied using event-related potentials, memory-related changes in the electroencephalogram (EEG) have been relatively neglected. The aim of this study was to determine whether evidence could be found for memory-related changes in the EEG. EEG was recorded from a sample of healthy volunteers while they performed word and face recognition memory tasks. Data were analyzed using the method of event-related desynchronization. In the theta frequency range there was a short-duration increase in power that occurred in the first 250 ms that was maximal at temporal sites (T5/T6). For words, but not faces, there was a repetition effect in theta such that new words elicited greater synchronization than old words at the midline frontal electrode (Fz). In the alpha frequency range there was a lateralized repetition effect, which occurred from 750 ms. In upper alpha this effect was lateralized in the expected way with greater desynchronization at temporo-parietal sites on the left for words and on the right for faces. For lower alpha, the lateralization was reversed. The meanings of these findings are interpreted in the light of existing models of recognition memory. 相似文献
Wei Sun Yuping Wang Weiwei Wang Xun Wu 《International journal of psychophysiology》2008,68(3):235-241
The present study was designed to reveal changes of cognitive processes in epilepsy (EP) patients with Topiramate (TPM) or Valproate (VPA) treatment using Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-CR) and event-related potential (ERP). Thirty untreated epilepsy patients were randomly divided into two groups receiving TPM or VPA, respectively. Fifteen healthy volunteers were included as controls. All the patients were examined by WAIS-CR and ERP before and 3 months after drug treatment. Controls were examined by ERP at the time recruited into the study and 3 months later. Unfamiliar grey-scale photographs of faces (front view) were used as stimuli. ERP were recorded at the same time. Mean Intelligence Quotient (IQ) in TPM group decreased after the 3-month treatment (90.40 vs. 81.00, P < 0.05). One component of ERP-P300 was smaller in epilepsy patients than controls (P < 0.05), but remained unchanged after TPM or VPA treatment (P > 0.05). A delayed and smaller N270 was detected in patients compared to controls (P < 0.05). After 3 months TPM treatment, it decreased further compared to before treatment (P < 0.05). N170 was lower in patient groups, and it became lower after TPM treatment than before. Our results demonstrate that in all epilepsy patients with mild cognitive impairment ERP changes were found. TPM affected the cognitive functions in epilepsy patients reflected by the decreased full-scale intelligence quotient (FIQ). The imperative effects of TPM on visual perception function reflected by N170 were more obvious than that of VPA. Attention reflected by N270 was impaired after TPM treatment. 相似文献