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对121例甲亢患者和110例正常人的促甲状腺激素(TSH)用免疫放射法测定技术(IRMA)测定并进行对照性研究,发现甲亢组的TSH-IRMA范围和平均浓度显著地低于正常对照组,二者之间有高度的显著性差异(U=13.68,P<0.01)。根据TSH-IRMA<0.03mIU/L诊断甲亢的正确率为93.4%。结果表明:TSH-IRMA是一种高度敏感、高度特异性的方法,可以鉴别甲亢和甲状腺功能正常的人。  相似文献   

A New System for Rapid Measurement of ATP   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
TheATPthatplaysanimportantrole'inbiologicalactivityofcells,whichisnotnonlytheenergysourceoflifebutalsoakindofregulatingagentofmanybioactivesubstances.So,itisofgreatimportancetomeasureATPrapidlyandpreciselyinthefieldsofbasicmedicine,clinicalmedicine,andpreventivemedicine.Presently,thebestmethodformeasuringATPisblolumlnescentanalysis['].Themethodistomeasureluminousintensityafterinjectionluciferase.Itneedsavastamountofexpensiveluciferase[2'3.4J.Theinstrumentiscomplex,oflargesizeandexpensive.…  相似文献   

Objective This study aimed to identify internal ribosome entry sites(IRESs) in the open reading frame(ORF) of the Coxsackievirus B3(CVB3) genome.Methods The sequences of P1, P2, or P3 of the CVB3 genome or the truncated sequences from each antithymocyte globulin(ATG) to the end of the P1, P2, or P3 gene were inserted into the pEGFP-N1vector. After transfection, possible IRES-dependent green fluorescent protein(GFP)-fused proteins were detected by anti-GFP western blotting. The sequences of possi...  相似文献   

AnAbduction-TractionFramefortheTreatmentofIntertrochantericFractureofFemurYANGShu-hua(杨述华);DUJing-yuan(杜靖远);ZHUTong-bai(朱通伯)(...  相似文献   

Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is a new functional imaging technique. To monitor the development of the internal hemorrhage which can not be continuously detected by presented clinical imaging methods, the imaging techniques of EIT are proposed for the continuous monitoring. The individual image mapping technique and consecutive images displaying technique were both used. Internal bleeding within human body was simulated by the drinking of 0.3% saline water and was measured continuously by EIT over a long period of time. A sequence of EIT images were generated at a rate of one image per second. It was found that the variations of the amounts of the saline water drunk could be shown by the consecutive images of EIT. Therefore, the imaging techniques are useful to facilitate EIT to become a promising bedside monitoring tool for the patients suffering from the active ongoing bleeding.  相似文献   

Diffusion capacity for carbon monoxideof the lung (D_LCO_(SB)) of 118 normal subjectsand 48 patients was measured by using threedifferent gas mixtures respectively: (a) 10%He, 0.3%CO, 21%O_2 and the remainder N_2,(b)10% Ar, 0.3%CO, 21%O_2 and the remain-der N_2; (C) 10% He, 10% Ar, 0.3% CO, 21%O_2 and the remainder N_2. The results wereextremely close with each other (r= 0.99, P<0.0005). The date also showed that the concentra-  相似文献   

There is a connection between the health state of specific internal organs and the electrical characteristics of related skin areas, although sometimes remote. These skin areas are referred to as organ projection areas (OPA) and include acupuncture points…  相似文献   

TheDiagnosticValueofRadiographicMeasurementoftheMetacarpaltoSenileOsteoporosisDaiLiyang;(戴力扬),ChenDeyu;(陈德玉)WuDesheng;(吴德升)an...  相似文献   

筛选334例TSH免疫放射测定(TSH-IRMA)异常者,其中甲亢250例,甲减84例。并用放免法测定T3、T4与FT3、FT4水平。结果:①甲亢患者中32.0%T3、T4、FT3、FT4正常;11.2%仅FT3或/和FT4升高;2.0%只有T3或/和T4增高。②甲减患者中26.2%T3、T4、FT3、FT4正常;274%FT3或/和FT4下降;7.1%只有T3或/和T4减低。提示联合测定TSH-IRMA与FT3、FT4是了解甲状腺功能状态的首选方法;TSH-IRMA宜在治疗后6~8周复查。  相似文献   

Lymediseaseisatickborne,immune-mediated,inflammatorydisordercausedbythespirochete,Borreliaburgdorferi.Theinfectioncanproduceawidespectrumofclinicalmanifestationsthatcanbeconfusedwithmanyotherdiseaseentities.Clinicaldifferentiationisoftencomplexandconsequentlylaboratoriesareheavllyreliedontoprovidediagnosticevidence(Steereetal.,l977a,l977b,Steereetal.,l983a).CultureofBorreliablIrgdor/eri,thoughnotimP()ssible,israrelysuccessful,andtheseaIChfOrnonspecificlaboratoryabnormalitieswithdiagnosticv…  相似文献   

Breathing patterns,i.e.the time,volume andflow components of ventilation,may be recordedfrom inductive plethysmographic transducers placedaround the ribcage and abdomen.Respiratory induc-tive plethysmography ( RIP) is well suited for thestudy of breathing disturbances during sleep,since,unlike other techniques that require instrumentationof the airway,it disturbs neither ventilation norsleep.RIP has been used in recentyears for qualitativemonitoring of chestwallmotion during sleep.In par-tic…  相似文献   

Apoptosisisaphenomenoncommonlyseeninspecificdevelopingstageofphylogenesisinmanyanimals,andisoftenrelatedtotheshapeoforgan,maintenence,growthanddegenerationoftissues.Inrecentyears,owingtothefindingofitscloserelationtooncogenesis,studyingapoptosisbecomesthefocusincytobiologicresearch.Thisarticleexplorestherelationshipbetweenapoptosisandgastriccar.cinomaanditsprecancerosis,aswellasthepossibletherapeuticmechanismoftraditionalChinesemedicine.MORPHOLOGICCHARACERISTICSOFAPOPTOSISConfus…  相似文献   

Objective: The integrated method was investigated to measure Vm/Km of mouse liver glutathione S-transfer-ase (GST) activity on GSH and 7-Cl-4-nitrobenzofurazozan. Methods: Presetting concentration of one substrate twenty-fold above the other's and taking maximum product absorbance Am as parameter while Km as constant, Vm/Km was obtained by nonlinear fitting of GST reaction curve to the integrated Michaelis-Menten equation In [Am/(Am -Ai)] + Ai/ ( ξ× Km ) = ( Vm/Km )×ti (1). Results: Vm/Km for GST showed slight dependence on initial substrate concentration and data range, but it was resistant to background absorbance, error in reaction origin and small deviation in presetting Km. Vm/Km was proportional to the amount of GST with upper limit higher than that by initial rate. There was close correlation between Vm/Km and initial rate of the same GST. Consistent results were obtained by this integrated method and classical initial rate method for the measurement of mouse liver GST. Conclusion: With the co  相似文献   

Objective To explore the "3+1" monitoring mode for birth defects and quality control measures based on the population, and to obtain the related information data for birth defects.
Methods With the community population as the basis, adopting the unified monitoring scheme dominant by the leadership and administration of government, with districts (counties) as the monitoring sites, the "3+1 " monitoring mode for birth defects was based on a complete monitoring team with the combination of villages/residents' committees, townships (towns), counties (districts) and the municipality. Demonstration research was carried out in the pilot districts/counties in Chongqing City.
Results Birth defects population monitoring system based on population and family planning management and service network was established, and during 2005 and 2006.application research was carried out for the monitoring methods among birth defects population in the pilot districts (counties), obtaining the relevant information in regional birth defects, with a monitoring coverage of over 99%.
Conclusion Fully utilizing the birth management functions of Population and Famlty Planning System and the advantages of service networks, long term, dynamic birth defects monitoring system based on community population was established, with the integration of birth defects monitoring and regular reproductive health services, obtaining overall birth defects occurrence information in details, providing scientific basis for the government to formulate scientific, practical, economic and effective birth defects intervention policy, so as to improve the quality of the population.  相似文献   

Throughthestudyandapplicationof24hambulatorybloodpressuremonitoring(ABPM)itisfoundthatitreflectsthereallevelofhumanbloodpressurebetterthancasualmeasurementofbloodpressure(CBP)(1),ABPMhasbecomeaneffectivemeasuretoevaluateanti-hypertensiontreatments.InthisstudythetechniqueofABPMwasusedtoobservetheblood-pressure-loweringeffectofacupuncturetreatmentinpatientswithhypertension.METHODSClinicalDataAccordingtothecriteriafordiagnosinghypertensionanddecidingthestagesofhypertensionworkedoutbyWHO…  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the influence of glucose deprivation on the formation of multidrug resistance of hepatocellular carcinoma and to clarify its mechanism. Methods HepG2 cells were exposed to glucose-free DMEM medium for 24,48 and 72 h respectively. Apoptotic index of the HepG2 cells exposed to low glucose was analyzed by Annexin/P Ⅰ method using flow cytometry after administration of 5-Fu.  相似文献   

StudyfortheMechanismsofAcupunctureAnalgesiaHanJi-sheng(韩济生);(NeuroscienceResearchCenter.BeijingMedicalUniversity.Beijing)(100...  相似文献   

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