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The effects of halothane on uptake and phosphorylation of uridine, and on cellular ATP content were studied in Tetrahymena pyriformis, a ciliate protozoan. Exposure to halothane inhibited the accumulation of 14C-uridine into the following acid-soluble intracellular pools: UTP, UDP, UMP, and an unidentified compound. Halothane did not alter ATP content of intact cells. It is concluded that inhibition by halothane of uridine incorporation into RNA of T. pyriformis is due to effects on uridine uptake and/or phosphorylation and not due to inhibition of the RNA polymerase reaction or reduction of ATP content.  相似文献   

Halothane decreases alveolar fluid clearance (AFC), a function required for efficient gas exchange in the rat. Further, halothane decreases amiloride-sensitive Na(+) transport in rat alveolar type II cells, a process responsible for a significant portion of AFC. We tested the hypothesis that halothane would decrease amiloride-sensitive AFC in rabbits. Rabbits anesthetized with 1.8% halothane had 5% albumin in 0.9% NaCl instilled into the right lung with (n = 11) or without (n = 11) 1 mM amiloride present in the instillate. Similarly, animals anesthetized with IV fentanyl and droperidol were administered 5% albumin solution with (n = 11) or without (n = 11) amiloride. At 90 min after instillation, alveolar fluid samples were obtained, and AFC was determined by changes in fluid protein concentration. Rabbits anesthetized with halothane or fentanyl and droperidol in the absence of amiloride had similar AFC values (35% +/- 12% and 35% +/- 7%, respectively, mean +/- SD). Rabbits anesthetized with halothane or fentanyl and droperidol in the presence of amiloride had similar AFC values (20% +/- 10% and 16% +/- 12%, respectively) that were significantly less than the groups not administered amiloride (P < 0.01). Unlike the rat, the ability of the rabbit to clear fluid from the alveolar space through amiloride-sensitive pathways is not decreased by halothane anesthesia. Implications: Unlike the rat, the ability of the rabbit to clear fluid from the alveolar space through amiloride-sensitive pathways is not decreased by halothane anesthesia.  相似文献   

The H2-blockers, cimetidine and ranitidine, are reported to inhibit liver regeneration. In this work, the effects of a new powerful H2-receptor antagonist, famotidine, on liver regeneration were studied in rats. The animals were divided into three groups: group I in which a standard two-thirds hepatectomy was performed, group II in which the rats were treated with famotidine (intramuscular dose of 0.8 mg/kg body weight) on the day of operation and 24 and 48 h after hepatectomy, and group III in which the animals were intramuscularly injected with a larger dose of famotidine (1.2 mg/kg body weight) in the same way as group II. The histology and mitotic index of remnant livers and serum levels of aminotransferase and albumin were examined from 24 h to 10 days after the operation. The treatment with famotidine (groups II and III) did not inhibit hepatocyte mitosis but, on the contrary, raised the index on day 3 after hepatectomy when compared with the controls (group I). The albumin synthesis was well preserved in the famotidine-treated animals. The noninhibitory effects of famotidine on liver regeneration are discussed.  相似文献   

An organ culture model of four bovine anterior cruciate ligaments was used to compare synovial fluid with bovine serum, lactated Ringer's solution, and Basal Medium Eagle's (BME) to determine their relative abilities to support in vitro conversion of proline into hydroxyproline. There was no difference between serum and synovial fluid in their ability to support collagen synthesis. These results suggest that bovine synovial fluid is not inhibitory in that it is similar to bovine serum in supporting ligament collagen synthesis under the conditions described.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study investigated whether halothane affects the functional coupling between the beta2 adrenergic receptor and the alpha subunit of its cognate stimulatory heterotrimeric guanosine-5'-triphosphate (GTP)-binding protein (Galphas). The authors hypothesized that halothane does not affect isoproterenol-promoted guanosine nucleotide exchange at Galphas and hence would not affect isoproterenol-induced relaxation of airway smooth muscle. METHODS: Halothane effects on isoproterenol-induced inhibition of calcium sensitivity were measured in permeabilized porcine airway smooth muscle. Galphas nucleotide exchange was measured in crude membranes prepared from COS-7 cells transfected to transiently coexpress the human beta1 or beta2 receptor each with human short Galphas. A radioactive, nonhydrolyzable analog of GTP, [S]GTPgammaS, was used as the reporter for nucleotide exchange at Galphas. RESULTS: Halothane (0.75 mm, approximately 2.8 minimum alveolar concentration [MAC] in pigs) did not affect isoproterenol-induced inhibition of calcium sensitivity. Isoproterenol caused a time- and concentration-dependent increase in Galphas nucleotide exchange. Halothane, even at concentrations of 1.5 mm (approximately 5.6 MAC), had no effect on basal Galphas nucleotide exchange in the absence of isoproterenol, whereas halothane inhibited isoproterenol-promoted Galphas nucleotide exchange in both the beta1-Galphas and beta2-Galphas expressing membranes. However, the effect was significantly greater on beta1-Galphas coupling compared with beta2-Galphas coupling, with no effect on beta2-Galphas coupling at 2.8 MAC halothane. CONCLUSION: Halothane does not inhibit the biochemical coupling between the beta2 receptor and Galphas and hence does not affect the inhibition of calcium sensitivity induced by isoproterenol. Therefore, halothane should not affect the efficacy of beta2 agonists, as suggested by studies of in vivo animal models of asthma.  相似文献   

D L Bruce 《Anesthesiology》1976,44(2):151-154
Both theophylline and halothane inhibited transformation of human lymphocytes by phytohemagglutinin (PHA). Theophylline did not augment the inhibitory action of halothane and depressed PHA transformation of halothane-treated cells to the same extent as that of air-treated cells. Halothane- and air-treated lymphocytes, prior to PHA addition, had the same content of cyclic AMP. The addition of PHA to these cultures raised cyclic-AMP concentrations to the same extent in halothane- and air-treated lymphocytes. Halothane action on PHA-stimulated lymphocytes appears not to involve changes in cyclic nucleotide metabolism.  相似文献   

Cimetidine increases the duration of action of succinylcholine several-fold by an unknown mechanism. The hydrolysis rate of succinylcholine by human plasma was measured with a modified spectrophotometric assay. At a concentration of 1-50 micrograms/ml cimetidine did not inhibit the hydrolysis of succinylcholine. It is concluded that cimetidine may have an effect at the neuromuscular junction but does not inhibit plasma cholinesterase.  相似文献   

Conflicting results exist regarding the ability of halothane to alter the vascular response to alpha 1 adrenergic agonists in animals. Because data from humans are lacking, we studied the haemodynamic response to phenylephrine (PHE) in eight patients about to undergo coronary artery bypass surgery before and during halothane anaesthesia. After obtaining baseline measurements in patients while awake, the responses to PHE infusion at 30, 40, and 50 micrograms.min-1 were determined. New baseline measurements were made following stabilisation during anaesthesia with halothane, one per cent inspired in oxygen, prior to surgical incision. Then the responses to identical PHE doses were measured again. Halothane did not influence the cardiovascular response to PHE: there was no dose-response shift for any cardiovascular variable. No arrhythmias or signs of ischaemia were observed. We conclude that one per cent halothane anaesthesia does not attenuate PHE-induced vasoconstriction in man.  相似文献   

Propofol does not inhibit hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction in humans   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The influence of increasing doses of propofol (from 6 to 12 mg/kg/h by continuous infusion) on hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction was studied in 10 patients prior to thoracic surgery. All patients were intubated with a left-sided double-lumen endobronchial tube. Initial anesthesia and muscle relaxation were accomplished by administering fentanyl, droperidol, and pancuronium. After 100% oxygen ventilation of both lungs for 20 min in a lateral decubitus position, the nondependent lung was deflated and one-lung ventilation was started. The dependent lung was continuously ventilated with 100% oxygen. Twenty minutes after the start of one-lung ventilation, propofol at an IV infusion rate of 6 mg/kg/h was added to the anesthetic technique. Thirty minutes later it was increased to 10 mg/kg/h and another 15 min later to 12 mg/kg/h. Then the propofol infusion was stopped. Thirty minutes later, two-lung ventilation was restarted to compare initial values. No changes in venous admixture or PaO2 were observed during propofol infusion. There was no change in any respiratory or circulatory variables except systemic vascular resistance, which decreased significantly immediately after the propofol infusion commenced but returned to control values 15 min later for the rest of the observation period. After reestablishing two-lung ventilation, all variables did not differ from control values. In all patients, the hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction reflex was present after institution of one-lung ventilation and was not abolished after administration of propofol in doses from 6 to 12 mg/kg/h.  相似文献   

Troponin C has been suggested as a possible target for the negative inotropic action of volatile anesthetics. This study has examined the effect of halothane on the structure and response of isolated cardiac troponin C to Ca2+ and the response of skinned soleus and cardiac muscle fibers to Ca2+. The high-affinity Ca(2+)-binding sites of cardiac troponin C were assessed by measurement of the change in intrinsic tyrosine fluorescence and ultraviolet circular dichroism in response to Ca2+ in the presence and absence of halothane. Halothane (0.9 mM, 1.4%) did not alter the 45% enhancement in intrinsic tyrosine fluorescence that occurs with saturation of the high-affinity sites or change the Ca2+ concentration at which half-maximal enhancement occurred. The molar ellipticity in the far ultraviolet region, a measure of the secondary structure, increased to a similar extent with addition of 10(-6) M Ca2+ in the absence and presence of 1.0 mM (1.6%) halothane. The binding rate of the sulfhydryl reagent, 5,5'-dithiobis (2-nitrobenzoic acid), to troponin C in response to Ca2+ titration was used as a measure of the integrity of the low-affinity Ca(2+)-binding site in troponin C in the presence and absence of 1.0 mM (1.6%) halothane. The rate of reaction was stimulated twofold, and the half maximal effect was observed at pCa 4.8 +/- 0.2 in both control and halothane-treated samples. Halothane (5 mM; 7.8%) did not change the pCa/tension response of skinned soleus fibers; the data were fit to the Hill equation and yielded dissociation constants of 6.2 x 10(-7) M for control and halothane-treated specimens.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study was designed to examine regional differences in the vascular injury induced by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and to determine its modulation by halothane in canine basilar and mesenteric arteries. METHODS: Rings of canine basilar and mesenteric arteries with intact endothelium were mounted in Krebs bicarbonate solution for isometric tension recording. The relaxation responses to substance P (10(-8) M) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP; 10(-8) to 10(-5) M) were examined before and after exposure to H2O2 (1 mM) for eight minutes in the presence or absence of halothane (2%), to evaluate the effects of oxidative injury on the endothelium-dependent and -independent relaxation. The contractile responses to KCl (30 mM) and prostaglandin (PG) F(2alpha) (3 x 10(-6) M) were also compared in rings with and without exposure to H2O2. RESULTS: After exposure to H2O2 the relaxant responses to substance P were significantly inhibited in basilar arteries (P < 0.01), but not in mesenteric arteries. Exposure to H2O2 also attenuated SNP-induced relaxation in basilar (P < 0.05), but not in mesenteric arteries. The attenuation of the contractile responses to KCl and PGF(2alpha) after H2O2 exposure was observed only in basilar arteries (P < 0.01). Simultaneous exposure to halothane did not affect the attenuation of these relaxant and contractile responses. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that H2O2 resulted in marked disruption of the endothelial layer in basilar arteries, compared to almost no morphological changes in mesenteric arteries. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that the endothelium and vascular smooth muscle of the basilar artery are more susceptible to oxidative stress than those of the mesenteric artery. Halothane, at clinically relevant concentrations, exerts no significant influence on this vascular injury.  相似文献   

Ondansetron does not inhibit the analgesic effect of alfentanil   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) causes antinociception via presynaptic5-HT3 (5-HT subtype 3) receptors on primary afferent nociceptiveneurones in the spinal cord dorsal horn. Therefore, ondansetron(a 5-HT3 receptor antagonist) may increase the perception ofa noxious stimulus or decrease the effects of concurrently administeredantinociceptive drugs. Using a randomized, doubleblind, crossoverstudy design, we have tested this hypothesis in eight healthyvolunteers who, on three different days, received either ondansetronand placebo, ondansetron and alfentanil or placebo and alfentanil.Experimental pain was induced with heat, cold, mechanical pressureand electrical stimulation. Ondansetron alone did not changethe response to any of the experimental tests, but alfentaniland the combination ondansetron- alfentanil significantly changedthe response compared with ondansetron alone. There was no differencebetween alfentanil alone and the combination ondansetron-alfentanil.We conclude that ondansetron does not change the response topressure, heat, cold or electrical nociceptive stimuli or antagonizethe analgesic effect of alfentanil.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The immunosuppressive drug cyclosporin is known to impair renalfunction. The degree of renal dysfunction is usually estimatedfrom the clearance of creatinine (CCr). Theoretically however,a fall in CCr can be caused by a decrease of GFR, an inhibitionof the tubular secretion of creatinine, or the combination ofboth. CsA has convincingly been shown to decrease GFR, but detailedinformation on the effects of CsA on tubular secretion of creatinineis lacking. METHODS: We performed two studies to investigate the influence of CsAon tubular creatinine secretion. In study A we simultaneouslymeasured CCr and GFR (using inulin) immediately before and 4weeks after cessation of CsA therapy in 17 renal transplantpatients. In study B, the rise in serum creatinine after administrationof cimetidine, which blocks the tubular secretion of creatinine,was compared in renal transplant patients treated with eitherCsA (in whom secretion might already be inhibited) or azathioprine. RESULTS: Study A: After cessation of CsA there was an increase of GFR(54±15 vs 63± 16 ml/min/1.73 m2; P>0.01) andof CCr (71±21 vs 82±23 ml/min/1.73 m2; P>0.01),but the ratio between CCr and GFR (a measure of the relativecontribution of tubular secretion to the clearance of creatinine)did not change significantly (1.33±0.21 vs 1.32±0.30).Study B: In nine couples of patients matched for GFR the relativerises in serum creatinine after administration of cimetidinewere 26±21% and 22±7% for the CsA and azathioprinetreated patients respectively (NS). CONCLUSIONS: CsA does not substantially inhibit the tubular secretion ofcreatinine. A rise in serum creatinine after administrationof CsA can thus be attributed completely to a fall in GFR.  相似文献   

Cromolyn sodium has been reported to inhibit hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) in dogs and sheep, presumably by stabilizing mast cell membranes and thereby preventing the release of mediators such as leukotrienes. Because the effects of leukotriene synthesis and receptor blockers on HPV have been variable across studies, we studied the effect of cromolyn on HPV in the halothane-anesthetized sheep, a model in which we have found leukotriene synthesis and receptor blockers to be ineffective. In control animals, hypoxia (FIO2 = 0.13) increased pulmonary artery pressure (Ppa) 67% and pulmonary vascular resistance 85%, and these responses were reproducible with a second episode of hypoxia. In a second group of sheep, hypoxia (FIO2 = 0.13) during cromolyn administration (6 mg.kg-1.min-1) for 30 min increased (Ppa) 104% and increased pulmonary vascular resistance 124%. In a third group of sheep, cromolyn sodium (6 mg.kg-1.min-1) without hypoxia did not significantly affect pulmonary hemodynamics. We conclude that cromolyn sodium does not inhibit HPV in halothane-anesthetized sheep. In experimental designs in which cromolyn does alter HPV, the effect is more likely due to altered release of modulators of HPV rather than to decreased release of obligatory mediator of HPV.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mycophenolic acid inhibits guanosine nucleotide synthesis and has been shown to be a potent inhibitor of lymphocyte proliferation as well as being effective at decreasing the incidence of graft rejection. Guanosine nucleosides are essential for protein glycosylation and many cell surface proteins including adhesion molecules, which are important for graft infiltration and rejection, are glycoproteins. There have been conflicting reports concerning the ability of MPA to interfere with glycosylation in lymphoid cells. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of MPA on cell surface protein glycosylation in lymphoid cells. METHODS: Cells were cultured in the presence of increasing concentrations of MPA for different lengths of time and stained with fluorescent-labelled lectins specific for either mannose or fucose residues on glycoproteins. Analysis was then performed by flow cytometry. RESULTS: MPA treatment had no effect on the binding of either fucose or mannose-specific lectins to Con A stimulated human PBLs and rat lymph node lymphocytes or to a CEMC7a T cell line. CONCLUSION: The results show that, contrary to previous reports, MPA does not affect cell surface glycosylation in T cells using T cells from different sources of both human and non-human origin.  相似文献   

Nakayama S  Miyabe M  Kakiuchi Y  Inomata S  Osaka Y  Fukuda T  Kohda Y  Toyooka H 《Anesthesia and analgesia》2004,99(4):1131-5, table of contents
Propofol is sometimes used in combination with epidural anesthesia with lidocaine. In this study, we investigated the effect of propofol on the plasma concentration of lidocaine and its principal metabolites during epidural anesthesia with lidocaine. Thirty-two patients were randomly allocated to receive either propofol or sevoflurane anesthesia (n = 16 each). In the propofol group, anesthesia was maintained with a target concentration of propofol of 4 microg/mL. In the sevoflurane group, anesthesia was maintained with 1.5% sevoflurane. Lidocaine was administered epidurally in an initial dose of 5 mg/kg, followed by a continuous infusion at 2.5 mg x kg(-1) x h(-1). Free components of plasma lidocaine and its metabolites-monoethylglycinexylidide (MEGX) and glycinexylidide (GX)-were measured 30, 60, 120, and 180 min after the initiation of continuous epidural injection by using high-performance liquid chromatography. Free lidocaine, MEGX, and GX were separated from 2 mL of plasma by ultrafiltration filter units. Hemodynamic data were similar between groups. The plasma concentrations of free lidocaine were not significantly different between groups. The ratios of free MEGX to free lidocaine and free GX to free MEGX were not different between groups. In conclusion, propofol does not alter the metabolism of epidural lidocaine compared with sevoflurane.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Sevoflurane reportedly inhibits adenosine diphosphate-induced platelet aggregation by suppressing thromboxane A2 formation. The increase in intracellular calcium concentration that fosters platelet aggregation, however, is also induced by other cell signaling pathways, such as activation of the production of inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate by thrombin. The current study aimed to clarify the net influence of sevoflurane on thrombin-induced platelet aggregation. METHODS: Washed platelets were stimulated by thrombin after incubation with 0.5, 1.0, or 1.5 mM sevoflurane, halothane, or isoflurane. Aggregation curves were measured by an aggregometer. Intracellular calcium concentration was measured fluorometrically using fura-2. Calcium mobilization via plasma membrane calcium channels and the dense tubular system was assessed differentially. Intracellular inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate was measured by radioimmunoassay. RESULTS: Halothane significantly suppressed aggregation ratios at 5 min compared with those in controls (89 +/- 7%) to 71 +/- 10% (1.0 mM) and 60 +/- 11% (1.5 mM) and the increase in intracellular calcium concentration (controls, 821 +/- 95 nM vs. 440 +/- 124 nM [1.0 mM] or 410 +/- 74 nM [1.5 mM]). Halothane also significantly inhibited release of calcium from the dense tubular system (controls, 220 +/- 48 nM vs. 142 +/- 31 nM [1.0 mM]). Neither sevoflurane nor isoflurane produced a net change in aggregation ratios, intracellular calcium concentration, or calcium mobilization. Halothane (1 mM) significantly suppressed inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate concentrations, whereas neither 1 mM isoflurane nor 1 mM sevoflurane had any effect. CONCLUSIONS: Although sevoflurane has been reported to inhibit human platelet aggregation induced by weak agonists such as adenosine diphosphate, it does not inhibit human platelet aggregation induced by strong agonists such as thrombin.  相似文献   

The immunosuppressive drug cyclosporin-A (CsA) has been widely used to prevent pancreatic islet allograft rejection. Because it has been suggested that CsA may inhibit the process of revascularization of transplanted islets, the purpose of the study was to analyze by a double indirect immunofluorescence technique the revascularization process of isolated islets grafted in the liver and in the renal subcapsular space of rats treated with immunosuppressive doses of CsA. Lewis rats were grafted with either Lewis (isografts) or Wistar (allografts) pancreatic islets obtained by collagenase digestion. Rats were killed at different days after implantation and the liver and kidney bearing the grafted islets were snap frozen and immunohistochemically stained with a double immunofluorescence technique using a rabbit antifactor-VIII antiserum (which labels endothelial cells) and a guinea pig antiinsulin antibody. Islets implanted into nonimmunosuppressed hosts completed revascularization by days 3–7 after transplantation, as shown by the detection of endothelial cells within and surrounding the islets. The identical staining pattern of revascularization was observed in nonrejecting allografts as well as in isografts treated with CsA. We conclude that CsA did not inhibit the process of revascularization of rat islets after free transplantation. This finding is relevant for human islet transplantation, where CsA is currently employed to prevent kidney and islet allograft rejection.  相似文献   

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