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The objectives of this phase I study are to assess the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics (PKs) of RO7049389 in healthy Chinese volunteers (HVs) and evaluate potential ethnic differences in the safety and PKs using data from this study and the first‐in‐human study (in which most of the HVs were non‐Asian). HVs randomly received a single dose of 200–600 mg of RO7049389 or a placebo in a single ascending dose (n = 28) or multiple doses of 200–400 mg of RO7049389 or a placebo in multiple ascending doses (n = 24). Safety and tolerability were monitored throughout the study. Serial blood samples were collected for PK analysis. RO7049389 was safe and well‐tolerated in the HVs. The time to maximum concentration ranged from 1.5 to 3.0 h, and terminal half‐life ranged from 3.66 to 14.6 h. A single dose of 200–600 mg and multiple doses of 200–400 mg exhibited nonlinear PKs. In general, the safety profiles were comparable between non‐Asian and Asian HVs, but the plasma exposure of RO7049389 in Chinese HVs was higher than that in non‐Asian HVs. The data generated from this study will provide guidance for future clinical studies on RO7049389 in Chinese/Asian patients with hepatitis B virus.

Study Highlights
RO7049389 is a small molecule that is being developed as an orally administered solid dosage formulation for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B infection. The healthy volunteers (HVs) part of the first‐in‐human study of RO7049389 was completed at the time the first volunteer of this study was enrolled.
The objectives of this phase I study are to assess the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of RO7049389 in Chinese HVs and evaluate potential ethnic differences between Chinese and non‐Asians.
In general, the safety profiles were comparable between non‐Asian and Chinese HVs, but the plasma exposure of RO7049389 in Chinese HVs was higher than that in non‐Asian HVs. The higher exposure might be due to the liver uptake of RO7049389 by OATP1B.
The data generated from this study will provide guidance for future clinical studies on RO7049389 in Chinese/Asian patients with hepatitis B virus infection.  相似文献   

Blockade of the binding between neonatal Fc receptor and IgG‐Fc reduces circulating IgG, and thus emerges as a potential therapy for IgG‐mediated autoimmune conditions. This was a double blind, randomized, single ascending dose study to evaluate the safety, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of HBM9161 (a fully humanized Fc receptor monoclonal antibody) in healthy Chinese volunteers. Subjects were randomized to receive a single s.c. dose of HBM9161 or placebo in a 3:1 ratio in 3 dosing cohorts (340 mg, 510 mg, or 680 mg, respectively), and then followed up for 85 days. Study end points included incidence of adverse event (AE), serum drug concentration, IgG and its subclasses, and anti‐drug antibodies (ADAs). Twenty‐four subjects were randomized. Dose‐dependent reduction of total IgG occurred rapidly from baseline to reach nadir at day 11, then recovered steadily from day 11 to day 85. The mean maximum percentage reductions from baseline total IgG were 21.0 ± 9.3%, 39.8 ± 5.13%, and 41.2 ± 10.4% for subjects receiving HBM9161 340 mg, 510 mg, and 680 mg, respectively. The exposure of HBM9161 (areas under the curve [AUCs] and peak plasma concentration [Cmax]) increased in a more than dose‐proportional manner at the dose examined. All reported AEs were mild in severity. The most reported AEs in the HBM9161 groups were influenza‐like illness and rash. Two subjects developed ADA during the study period. A single s.c. dose of HBM9161 results in sustained and dose‐dependent IgG reduction, and was well‐tolerated at a dose up to 680 mg in Chinese subjects. The data warrant further investigation of its effects in IgG‐mediated autoimmune disorders.

Study Highlights
Animal studies and recent human data from White populations showed that treatment with neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) inhibitor reduces circulating IgG levels and is well‐tolerated. Data of FcRn inhibitors in Asians is relatively limited.
This study investigated the pharmacokinetics (PKs), pharmacodynamics (PDs), and safety profile of HBM9161 (an FcRn inhibitor) in healthy Chinese volunteers.
Subcutaneous HBM9161 is safe and effective in IgG reduction in Chinese subjects. The PKs, PDs, and safety characteristics in Chinese are similar to the first‐in‐human study in the White population.
HBM9161 can be a potential treatment for IgG‐mediated autoimmune disorders and organ transplant rejection.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of multiple-dose paroxetine intake on the stereoselective pharmacokinetics and the pharmacodynamics of metoprolol. METHODS: We conducted an open trial with two sessions in eight healthy male volunteers. Racemic metoprolol (100 mg single oral dose) was administered before and after paroxetine treatment (20 mg/day for 6 days). The (R)- and (S)-metoprolol pharmacokinetics, metoprolol metabolic ratio (MR), exercise heart rate and blood pressure were assessed for 12 (pharmacodynamic data) to 24 (pharmacokinetic data) hours after each metoprolol intake. RESULTS: Paroxetine treatment increased the mean area under the plasma concentration-time curve extrapolated to infinity (AUC) of (R)- and (S)-metoprolol significantly (169 to 1,340 ng x h/mL [P < .001] and 279 to 1,418 ng x h/mL [P < .001], respectively), with an approximately twofold increase in both maximum plasma concentration and terminal elimination half-life. Furthermore, the (S)/(R) AUC ratio was significantly decreased, from 1.72 to 1.07 (P < .001). The mean metoprolol MR was significantly increased, from 0.17 to 5.69 (P < .05). The AUC of the metoprolol-induced decrease in exercise heart rate versus time curve was increased, with 46% (P < .01) after multiple-dose paroxetine intake, reaching significance from 6 hours after metoprolol intake, illustrating a more sustained beta-blockade. Similar results were obtained for the effect on exercise systolic blood pressure. Multiple-dose metoprolol administration combined with paroxetine can lead to an accumulation of the beta-blocking (S)-enantiomer of metoprolol, possibly resulting in unacceptable bradycardia, loss of cardioselectivity, or both. CONCLUSION: Multiple-dose paroxetine intake affects both metoprolol pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics and suggests that when paroxetine is added to an ongoing metoprolol therapy, caution is warranted and a reduction of the metoprolol dose may be required to prevent undesired adverse effects.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether there are gender-specific differences in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of metoprolol enantiomers. METHODS: Twenty normal volunteers (10 men and 10 women) received 100 mg oral metoprolol tartrate twice daily for a total of nine doses. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics were studied after the last dose. Subjects also completed a control pharmacodynamic study; the order of drug and control studies was randomized. Measurements of heart rate and systolic blood pressure were obtained during peak submaximal bicycle exercise testing. (R)-Metoprolol and (S)-metoprolol concentrations were determined by stereospecific HPLC. The percentage difference in exercise heart rate and systolic blood pressure (metoprolol versus control), and (R)- and (S)-metoprolol plasma concentrations were comodeled. RESULTS: Men and women showed stereoselective pharmacokinetics; (S)-metoprolol concentrations were significantly greater than those for (R)-metoprolol for both groups. Women had greater drug exposure than men (higher maximum concentration and area under the plasma concentration-time curve). No differences were observed between genders with respect to elimination half-life. Females had a greater reduction in exercise heart rate and systolic blood pressure; however, the area under the effect curve was significantly greater for heart rate only. Pharmacodynamic data were best fitted by the Hill equation with the effect site in the central compartment. The fitted maximum effect and the concentration at one-half of the maximum effect for heart rate and systolic blood pressure did not differ between men and women (P > .20). CONCLUSIONS: Gender-related differences exist in the pharmacokinetics of metoprolol enantiomers, resulting in greater drug exposure in female subjects. However, concentration-effect relationships did not differ between men and women. Therefore the observed differences in drug effects were the result of gender-specific differences in metoprolol pharmacokinetics.  相似文献   

There is an unmet need for an intravenous (i.v.) neuraminidase inhibitor, particularly for patients with severe influenza who cannot take oral medication. Two phase I pharmacokinetic and safety studies of i.v. oseltamivir were carried out in healthy volunteers. The first was an open-label, randomized, four-period, two-sequence, single-dose trial of 100 mg, 200 mg, and 400 mg oseltamivir i.v. over 2 h and a 75-mg oral dose of oseltamivir. The second was a double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, multiple-dose study in which participants were randomized to 100 mg or 200 mg oseltamivir or placebo (normal saline) i.v. over 2 h every 12 h for 5 days. Exposure to the active metabolite oseltamivir carboxylate (OC) after dosing achieved with 100 mg oseltamivir administered i.v. over 2 h was comparable to that achieved with 75 mg administered orally. Single i.v. doses of oseltamivir up to 400 mg were well tolerated with no new safety signals. Multiple-dose data confirmed good tolerability of 100 mg and 200 mg oseltamivir and showed efficacious OC exposures with 100 mg i.v. over 2 h twice daily for 5 days. These results support further exploration of i.v. oseltamivir as an influenza treatment option for patients unable to take oral medication.  相似文献   

Gemifloxacin mesylate (SB-265805-S, LB-20304a) is a potent, novel fluoroquinolone agent with a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity. The pharmacokinetics and tolerability of oral gemifloxacin were characterized in two parallel group studies in healthy male volunteers after doses of 160, 320, 480, and 640 mg once daily for 7 days. Multiple serum or plasma and urine samples were collected on days 1 and 7 and were analyzed for gemifloxacin by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-fluorescence (study 1) or HPLC-mass spectrometry (study 2). Safety assessments included vital signs, 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) readings, hematology, clinical chemistry, urinalysis, and adverse experience monitoring. Gemifloxacin was rapidly absorbed, with a time to maximum concentration of approximately 1 h after dosing followed by a biexponential decline in concentration. Generally, maximum concentration and area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) increased linearly with dose after either single or repeat doses. Mean +/- standard deviation values of AUC(0-tau) on day 7 were 4.92 +/- 1.08, 9.06 +/- 2.20, 12.2 +/- 3.69, and 20.1 +/- 3.67 microg x h/ml following 160-, 320-, 480-, and 640-mg doses, respectively. The terminal-phase half-life was approximately 7 to 8 h, independent of dose, and was similar following single and repeated administrations. There was minimal accumulation of gemifloxacin after multiple dosing. Approximately 20 to 30% of the administered dose was excreted unchanged in the urine. The renal clearance was 160 ml/min on average after single and multiple doses, which was slightly greater than the accepted glomerular filtration rate (approximately 120 ml/min). These data show that the pharmacokinetics of gemifloxacin are linear and independent of dose. Gemifloxacin was generally well tolerated, although one subject was withdrawn from the study after 6 days at 640 mg for mild, transient elevations of alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase not associated with any clinical signs or symptoms. There were no other significant changes in clinical chemistry, hematology or urinalysis parameters, vital signs, or ECG readings. In conclusion, the results of these studies, combined with the antibacterial spectrum and potency, support the further investigation of once-daily administration of gemifloxacin for indications such as respiratory tract and urinary tract infections.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a highly concentrated cyclodextrin-based intranasal (i.n.) midazolam formulation containing the absorption-enhancer chitosan were studied in 12 healthy volunteers and compared with intravenous (i.v.) midazolam. The pharmacodynamic (PD) effects were assessed using quantitative electroencephalography (EEG). Maximal plasma concentrations of 63 and 110 ng/ml were reached at 8.4 and 7.6 min after 3 and 6 mg i.n. midazolam, respectively. After 5 mg i.v. and 6 and 3 mg i.n. midazolam, the times to onset of significant EEG effects in the β2 band (18-25 Hz) were 1.2, 5.5, and 6.9 min, respectively, and the times to loss of response to auditory stimuli were 3.0, 8.0, and 15.0 min, respectively. A sigmoid maximum-effect (E(max)) model indicated disequilibrium between plasma and effect-site concentrations, with equilibration half-lives of 2.1-4.8 min. The observed pharmacokinetic-PD (PK-PD) properties suggest that i.n. midazolam deserves to be evaluated as an easy and noninvasive method of administering a first benzodiazepine dose, e.g., in out-of-hospital emergency settings with no immediate i.v. access.  相似文献   

AbstractTegoprazan, a novel potassium‐competitive acid blocker, is used to treat acid‐related diseases. However, there is no information on the pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) profiles of the marketed dosage of tegoprazan under various meal timings in a fed and fasted state. The study aimed to assess the effect of meal timing on PKs and PDs of tegoprazan 50 mg after a single administration in healthy male subjects. An open‐label, single‐dose, three‐treatment, three‐period crossover study was conducted. A total of 12 subjects were orally administered a single dose of tegoprazan 50 mg among various conditions: in a fasted state, at 30 min before or 30 min after a high‐fat meal. PK parameters were estimated by the noncompartmental method. Continuous 24‐h intragastric pH monitoring was done for PD analysis. The PKs and PDs of tegoprazan were compared among the various meal timings. Compared with the fasting condition, the PK profile of tegoprazan was similar when administered 30 min before a high‐fat meal; however, delayed absorption with similar systemic exposure was observed when administered 30 min after a high‐fat meal. The magnitude of acid suppression evaluated through the PD parameters increased when administered 30 min after a high‐fat meal compared with fasting the condition and when administered 30 min before a high‐fat meal. However, the increased difference in acid suppression was not clinically significant. Meal timing had no clinically significant effect on the PKs and PDs of tegoprazan 50 mg. Therefore, the marketed dosage of tegoprazan could be administered regardless of the meal timing. Study Highlights
Tegoprazan, a novel potassium‐competitive acid blocker, is used to treat acid‐related diseases.
This study evaluated the effect of food on pharmacokinetics (PKs) and pharmacodynamics (PDs) of tegoprazan under various mealtime conditions.
This study showed that delayed absorption of tegoprazan was observed at “after meal condition,” however, the amount of systemic exposure of “after meal condition” was similar to “fasting condition” and “before meal condition.” In addition, gastric acid suppression of tegoprazan was similar between fasting condition and before meal condition, whereas increased gastric acid suppression was observed at after meal condition.
In the actual clinical environment, patients take medicine under various fed conditions. This study evaluated the effect of food on PKs and PDs of tegoprazan in various clinical conditions, and provided the important information about meal timing when administering tegoprazan.  相似文献   

Eritoran, a structural analogue of the lipid A portion of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), is an antagonist of LPS in animal and human endotoxemia models. Previous studies have shown that low doses (350 to 3,500 microg) of eritoran have demonstrated a long pharmacokinetic half-life but a short pharmacodynamic half-life. The present study describes the safety, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, and lipid distribution profile of eritoran during and after a 72-h intravenous infusion of 500, 2,000, or 3,500 microg/h into healthy volunteers. Except for the occurrence of phlebitis, eritoran administration over 72 h was safe and well tolerated. Eritoran demonstrated a slow plasma clearance (0.679 to 0.930 ml/h/kg of body weight), a small volume of distribution (45.6 to 49.8 ml/kg), and a relatively long half-life (50.4 to 62.7 h). In plasma, the majority (approximately 55%) of eritoran was bound to high-density lipoproteins. During infusion and for up to 72 h thereafter, ex vivo response of blood to 1- or 10-ng/ml LPS was inhibited by > or =85%, even when the lowest dose of eritoran (500 microg/h) was infused. Inhibition of response was dependent on eritoran dose and the concentration of LPS used as an agonist. Finally, in vitro analysis with purified lipoprotein and protein fractions from plasma obtained from healthy volunteers indicated that eritoran is inactivated by high-density but not low-density lipoproteins, very-low-density lipoproteins, or albumin. From these results, we conclude that up to 252 mg of eritoran can be safely infused into normal volunteers over 72 h and even though it associates extensively with high-density lipoproteins, antagonistic activity is maintained, even after infusion ceases.  相似文献   

Raltegravir is a novel human immunodeficiency virus-1 integrase inhibitor with potent in vitro activity (95% inhibitory concentration (IC95)=33 nM in 50% human serum). Three double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, pharmacokinetic, safety, and tolerability studies were conducted: (1) single-dose escalation study (10-1,600 mg), (2) multiple-dose escalation study (100-800 mg q12 h x 10 days), and (3) single-dose female study (400 mg). Raltegravir was rapidly absorbed with a terminal half-life (t1/2) approximately 7-12 h. Approximately 7-14% of raltegravir was excreted unchanged in urine. Area under the curve (AUC)(0-infinity) was similar between male and female subjects. After multiple-dose administration, steady state was achieved within 2 days; there was little to modest accumulation of raltegravir. Trough levels were >33 nM for dose levels of 100 mg and greater. Raltegravir is generally well tolerated at doses of up to 1,600 mg/day given for up to 10 days and exhibits a pharmacokinetic profile supportive of twice-daily dosing with multiple doses of 100 mg and greater achieving trough levels >33 nM.  相似文献   

CS-834, (+)-[pivaloyloxymethyl (4R,5S,6S)-6-[(R)-1-hydroxyethyl]-4-methyl-7-oxo-3-[[(R)-5-oxopyrroli din-3-yl]thio]-1-azabicyclo[3.2.0]hept-2-ene-2-carboxylate], is an ester-type oral carbapenem prodrug, and an active metabolite is R-95867, which has antibacterial activity. CS-834 was administered orally to healthy male volunteers at single doses of 50, 100, 200, and 400 mg and at a multiple dose of 150 mg three times a day for 7 days to investigate its safety and pharmacokinetic profiles. Other studies were conducted to examine the effect of food intake on the bioavailability of CS-834 and also the effect of the coadministration of probenecid on the pharmacokinetics of CS-834. In the fasting state, the concentration of R-95867 in plasma reached maximum levels from 1.1 to 1.7 h after the oral administration of CS-834, followed by a monoexponential decrease. The maximum concentrations of R-95867 in serum (C[max]s) after the administration of CS-834 at doses of 50, 100, 200, and 400 mg were 0.51, 0.97, 1.59, and 2.51 microg/ml, respectively. The half-lives (t1/2s) were almost constant, approximately 0.7 h. The areas under the concentration-time curves (AUCs) were proportional to the doses, ranging from 50 to 400 mg x h/ml. The cumulative recoveries in urine were approximately 30 to 35% until 24 h after drug administration. The C(max), AUC, t1/2, and recovery in urine were not affected by food intake. Probenecid coadministration prolonged the t1/2, and it increased the C(max) and AUC for R-95867 by approximately 1.5- and 2.1-fold, respectively. The multiple-dose study showed no change in the pharmacokinetics from those for the single doses and no drug accumulation in the body. A mild transient soft stool was observed in one volunteer in the study with a single dose of 400 mg. In the multiple-dose study, mild transient soft stools were observed in six volunteers, one volunteer had mild transient diarrhea, and one volunteer had elevated serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase and serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase levels (1.4- and 2.8-fold compared with the upper limits of normal, respectively). There were no other abnormal findings for objective symptoms or laboratory findings, including blood pressure, heart rate, electrocardiogram, body temperature, hematology, blood chemistry, and urinalysis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Factor XIII (FXIII) is a transglutaminase that cross-links fibrin and other proteins to improve clot strength and resistance to fibrinolysis. Both congenital and acquired FXIII deficiency may result in a bleeding diathesis, and plasma-derived FXIII has been used to treat many of these clinical conditions. OBJECTIVES: A clinical study was designed and performed to evaluate the safety, pharmacokinetics, and immunogenicity of recombinant FXIII (rFXIII) administration to healthy adult volunteers. PATIENTS AND METHOD: Fifty healthy adult volunteers were enrolled in this randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study. A single dose of rFXIII, ranging from 2 U kg(-1) to 50 U kg(-1), or placebo was administered. Safety was evaluated by capturing adverse events, clinical safety laboratory studies, and clinical score for deep venous thrombosis. Blood samples were taken for pharmacokinetic and immunogenicity analysis throughout the 28-day follow-up period. RESULTS: Recombinant FXIII was well tolerated, with no serious adverse events or dose-related toxicities. Following a single i.v. injection of 50 U kg(-1) rFXIII, the estimated terminal half-life was 270-320 h, the volume of distribution ranged from 40 to 75 mL kg(-1), and FXIII activity increased 1.77% per 1 U kg(-1) rFXIII administered. Increase in circulating A2B2 and decrease in free FXIII-B subunit indicate in vivo formation of FXIII heterotetramer. An immunogenic response to rFXIII or yeast, the production host, was not observed. CONCLUSIONS: Recombinant FXIII was well tolerated at doses of up to 50 U kg(-1) in healthy adult volunteers. The safety, pharmacological and immunological profile of rFXIII suggests it should be studied in patients with congenital FXIII deficiency as well as evaluated as a systemic hemostat in patients with acquired FXIII deficiency or hemorrhage.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to compare the pharmacokinetics of the low-molecular-weight heparin enoxaparin in obese and nonobese volunteers, by means of two administration regimens. METHODS: Enoxaparin was administered subcutaneously (1.5 mg/kg once daily for 4 days) and in a single 6-hour infusion (1.5 mg/kg) to 24 obese volunteers and 24 age-, sex-, and height-matched nonobese volunteers in a randomized, open-label, 2-way crossover design. Blood plasma was assessed for anti-Xa and anti-IIa activity and activated partial thromboplastin time. RESULTS: After subcutaneous administration, steady-state exposure was achieved after the second dose in nonobese volunteers and after the third dose in obese volunteers. Time to maximum anti-Xa activity was 1 hour longer in obese volunteers, but maximum anti-Xa activity was similar in both groups. For anti-Xa activity, exposure at steady-state was 16% higher in obese volunteers than in nonobese volunteers (90% confidence interval, 108%-125%). After intravenous infusion, total body clearance and volume of distribution at steady state were higher in obese volunteers than in nonobese volunteers, but when adjusted for weight, these values were about 10% lower in obese volunteers. Anti-IIa activity after subcutaneous administration did not differ significantly between obese and nonobese volunteers. Pharmacodynamic analysis of activated partial thromboplastin time showed similar results in obese and nonobese volunteers after both intravenous and subcutaneous administration. No deaths or serious adverse events occurred during the study. CONCLUSIONS: Enoxaparin was well tolerated when administered subcutaneously or intravenously, and there appears to be no need to modify the currently recommended dose for obese volunteers.  相似文献   

The safety and pharmacokinetics of ofloxacin in 48 healthy male volunteers were studied in a two-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Ofloxacin (200 or 400 mg) or placebo was administered as 1-h infusions every 12 h for 7 days. Plasma ofloxacin concentrations were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography. Mean harmonic half-lives ranged from 4.28 to 4.98 h in the 200-mg dosing group and from 5.06 to 6.67 h in the 400-mg dosing group. Intragroup comparisons of trough plasma concentration-versus-time data from study days 2 through 7 revealed that steady state was achieved by day 2 of both multiple-dose regimens. Intergroup comparisons of mean harmonic half-lives, the areas under the concentration-time curve from 0 to 12 and 0 to 60 h, clearance, and apparent volume of distribution (area method) revealed that the pharmacokinetics of ofloxacin are dose independent. Both ofloxacin dosage regimens appeared to be reasonably well tolerated. The two dosage regimens of ofloxacin, 200 or 400 mg every 12 h, appear to be safe and provide serum drug concentrations in excess of the MICs for most susceptible pathogens over the entire dosing interval.  相似文献   

Methylene blue-MMX tablets are proposed as colonic diagnostic staining. Methylene blue taken prior to colonoscopy is expected to provide an effective staining of colonic and rectal mucosa leaving unstained the dysplastic or polypoid areas. The present single dose, open-label study investigated the safety of methylene blue after single oral doses of 200 and 400mg in healthy volunteers. The absolute bioavailability was also investigated after the intake of 2L of bowel cleansing preparation in 2h and by comparing the dose of 200mg with a single iv dose of 100mg in the same subjects. Only non-serious adverse events occurred. Related events occurred to 8/22 subjects. Most of the events were mild and transient. Abnormal transaminases, gastrointestinal disorders and dysuria frequency were 13.6%. After intake of the laxative and the oral dose of 200mg, systemic exposure to methylene blue was shown in all subjects with concentrations increasing for 12h. The peak was reached in a median of 16 h. Peak blood concentration did not increase proportionally with the dose. AUC(0-t) was 32.94 μg/mL × h after 200mg and 38.08 μg/mL × h after 400mg. Half life ranged between 14 and 27 h after the lower dose and between 6 and 26 h after the higher dose. The cumulative excretion was about 40% of the injected dose, 39.67% after 200mg and 23.48% after 400mg. Absolute bioavailability of methylene blue calculated as ratio between AUC(0-t) oral/iv corrected for the dose was on average F(abs)=139.19 ± 52.00%.  相似文献   

Respiratory tract infections cause 90% of premature mortality in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). Treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection is often very problematic. Piperacillin-tazobactam has good activity against P. aeruginosa, but its pharmacokinetics (PK) in CF patients has not been compared to the PK in healthy volunteers in a controlled clinical study. Therefore, we compared the population PK and pharmacodynamics (PD) of piperacillin between CF patients and healthy volunteers. We studied 8 adult (median age, 20 years) CF patients (average total body weight [WT], 43.1 +/- 7.8 kg) and 26 healthy volunteers (WT, 71.1 +/- 11.8 kg) who each received 4 g piperacillin as a 5-min intravenous infusion. We determined piperacillin levels by high-performance liquid chromatography, and we used NONMEM for population PK and Monte Carlo simulation. We used a target time of nonprotein-bound concentration above the MIC of 50%, which represents near-maximal bacterial killing. Unscaled total clearance was 25% lower, and the volume of distribution was 31% lower in CF patients. Allometric scaling by lean body mass reduced the unexplained (random) between-subject variability in clearance by 26% compared to the variability of linear scaling by WT. A standard dosage regimen of 3 g/70 kg body WT every 4 h as a 30-min infusion (daily dose, 18 g) achieved a robust (> or =90%) probability-of-target attainment (PTA) for MICs of < or =12 mg/liter in CF patients and < or =16 mg/liter in healthy volunteers. Alternative modes of administration allowed a marked dose reduction to 9 g daily. Prolonged (4-h) infusions of 3 g/70 kg WT every 8 h and continuous infusion (daily dose, 9 g), achieved a robust PTA for MICs of < or =16 mg/liter in both groups. Piperacillin achieved PTA expectation values of 64% and 89% against P. aeruginosa infection in CF patients, based on susceptibility data from two German CF clinics.  相似文献   

A single inhaled dose of laninamivir octanoate (LO), a long-acting neuraminidase inhibitor, exhibits efficacy in treating both adult and pediatric patients with influenza virus infection. The intrapulmonary pharmacokinetics (PK) of LO and laninamivir, a pharmacologically active metabolite, were investigated by a single-center, open-label study of healthy adult volunteers. Subgroups of five subjects each underwent bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) 4, 8, 24, 48, 72, 168, and 240 h following a single inhaled administration of LO (40 mg). Plasma, BAL fluid, and alveolar macrophages (AM) were analyzed to determine LO and laninamivir concentrations, using validated liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry methods. The concentrations in epithelial lining fluid (ELF) and AM from the first and subsequent BAL fluid samples were determined separately to explore the drug distribution in airways. Mean laninamivir concentrations in ELF, calculated using the first BAL fluids and BAL fluids collected 4 h after inhaled administration, were 8.57 and 2.40 μg/ml, respectively. The laninamivir concentration in ELF decreased with a longer half-life than that in plasma, and it exceeded the 50% inhibitory concentrations for viral neuraminidases at all time points examined for 240 h after the inhalation. Laninamivir exposure in ELF from the first BAL samples was 3.2 times higher than that in ELF from the subsequent BAL fluid samples. ELF concentration profiles of laninamivir support its long-lasting effect for treatment of patients with influenza virus infection by a single inhaled administration.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: BB-10153 is an engineered variant of human plasminogen that is activated to plasmin by thrombin. Thrombus-selective induction of reperfusion and prevention of reocclusion have been demonstrated following bolus administration in animal models of thrombosis. OBJECTIVE AND METHODS: The objective of the study was to examine the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of BB-10153 administered as an intravenous bolus to healthy male human volunteers. Cohorts of four were dosed with BB-10153 (n = 3) or placebo (n = 1). In total, placebo was received by eight volunteers and 0.08, 0.2, 0.6, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 3.6 and 4.8 mg kg(-1) BB-10153 by three volunteers each. RESULTS: There was a linear relationship between AUC/Cmax and dose. The half-life of BB-10153 was approximately 3-4 h and all the BB-10153 in the circulation retained the ability to be activated by thrombin. There was a dose-related increase in plasma fibrin D-dimers. Ex vivo plasma clot lysis was observed at doses of 3.6 and 4.8 mg kg(-1), whereas lysis of clots formed from euglobulin-fractionated plasma was first evident at 0.6 mg kg(-1) and activity increased with dose. This activity decreased with time in line with the half-life. BB-10153 had no effect on plasma alpha2-antiplasmin or fibrinogen levels, coagulation assays or bleeding time. An increase in plasminogen was observed as BB-10153 was detected by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for human plasminogen. CONCLUSIONS: BB-10153 was well tolerated and had a 3-4-h plasma half-life. Fibrinolytic activity was demonstrated by dose-related ex vivo clot lysis and in vivo production of fibrin D-dimers. These effects were not accompanied by consumption of alpha2-antiplasmin or fibrinogen.  相似文献   

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