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目的 利用电子射野影像装置(EPID)对不同部位肿瘤放疗中的摆位误差进行量化分析,了解不同部位的摆位误差,不同医生对摆位误差的接受程度有无差异。方法 2006年1月—2007年12月接受放射治疗的患者中按头颈、胸部、腹盆腔不同部位,及不同医生治疗组随机抽出58例,按部位分别为头及头颈部20例,胸部19例,腹盆部19例。所有病例采用Philips公司AcQ-Sim大孔径CT和/或Nucletron公司Simulix-HQ X线模拟机模拟定位,治疗计划为ADCC公司Pinnacle3 7.4,用Elekta公司的Precise加速器实施放疗,利用Elekta的iViewGT采集图像,采用双曝光法拍摄照射野验证片。参考图像为CT定位后的DRR或X线模拟机定位图像,图像比较采用骨性结构为标志,勾画出参考图像上的骨性结构,与EPID进行最大程度重合后得出在水平、垂直方向上的摆位误差数据并进行分析。结果 得到102组数据,其中EPID为拍摄角度为0° 38组,90° 21组,其他角度43组。摆位误差水平方向为1.02mm±1.15mm(0mm~5mm),垂直方向为1.11mm±1.20mm(0mm~6mm)。90%以上摆位误差小于3mm。头部或头颈部固定摆位误差最小,水平方向和垂直方向分别为0.64mm±0.65mm和0.91mm±0.98mm。不同医生组之间摆位误差有所不同。结论 绝大多数摆位误差在容许范围。需提高EPID在胸、腹盆部的解剖识别率,以减少其对摆位误差的影响。实施治疗前,先行X线模拟机摆位不失为一种缩小摆位误差的有效办法。  相似文献   

电子射野影像装置对盆腔肿瘤放疗摆位误差的测定   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的利用Elekta iView GT量化测定盆腔肿瘤放疗摆位中的系统误差及随机误差,为放疗计划PTV的设定提供初步的参考依据。方法对12例接受盆腔放疗的病例进行摆位误差量化测定,共获取244组图像数据。所有入组病例均为CT模拟定位及适形放疗。将每日前后野和两侧野的电子射野影像装置(EPID),采用盆腔骨性标志与数字重建图像(DRR)比较,记录在左右、头脚、前后方向上的移动,从得到的数据计算系统和随机误差。结果每日摆位误差的最大值在左右、头脚、前后方向上分别为9.9、14.0、21.1 mm,摆位的系统误差分别为0.5、0.2、2.3 mm。12例病例数据显示,在左右、头脚、前后方向上移动幅度5~10 mm和>10mm的发生频率分别为8%、9%、21%和0%、1%、3%。结论应用EPID测定盆腔肿瘤放疗的摆位误差,为放疗计划PTV的设定提供初步的参考依据。在PTV设定时,考虑由摆位误差而引起的边界(SM)至少需5 mm,但前后方向以扩大到10 mm为好,以达到97%的靶区包绕率,且需注意个体差异。  相似文献   

果 30例患者纠正前所有EPID影像中,各个方向的摆位误差测定值大约88.3%≤3 mm、99.1%≤5 mm.其中16例分别出现某个方向或同时出现2个方向的摆位误差 2 mm,均已进行实时纠正.纠正后的总体系统误差和随机误差均明显低于纠正前水,各个方向的M PTV 值纠正前为3 mm芹右,纠正后约为纠正前的1/2.结论 牙合垫法与EPID结合交时纠正鼻咽癌调强放疗摆位误差可有效降低摆位系统误差和随机误差,从而降低摆位外扩边界值,进而提高摆位精度.  相似文献   

电子射野影像系统在放射治疗摆位中的临床应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:利用电子射野影像系统(EPID)研究不同的热塑体膜制作方式对胸部肿瘤放射治疗时摆位准确性的影响。方法:2005-01-2005-12分别对20例胸部肿瘤患者在热塑体膜固定后进行CT定位,其中10例热塑体膜制作完成后在热塑体膜上标记3个激光灯+,并马上行CT定位,治疗时仅根据体表标志进行复位;而其余10例,在热塑体膜制作完成24 h后,于患者体表描画热塑体膜上、下界,并分别在体表和热塑体膜上描画3个激光灯+,同时用卡尺测量身体在热塑体膜上、中、下3个部位有机玻璃板边缘的距离,并做好记录。治疗复位时先根据热塑体膜上、下界与其他体表标志粗略复位,然后移走热塑体膜,测量身体左右两侧至有机玻璃板边缘的距离与记录的吻合度以及体表激光灯标记与治疗室激光灯的吻合度,然后决定是否进行微调。在完成复位后,利用EPID分别于机架角为0°和90°两个方向上进行射野验证。结果:仅根据体表标志进行复位时摆位误差较大,特别是在Y轴上。在X、Y和Z轴上的摆位误差分别为(2.86±1.17)mm、(4.10±1.22)mm和(1.57±0.87)mm;而在摆位方法改进后,在X、Y和Z轴上的摆位误差分别为(1.54±0.93)mm、(2....  相似文献   

电子射野影像系统临床应用的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
电子射野影像系统(EPID)越来越多的被应用、对摆位误差的研究是电子射野影像系统的最初设计目的,利用其进行摆位误差的校正有在线和离线两种形式?随着对电子射野影像系统的剂量学特性的不断了解,用它进行剂量学验证也开始从实验室研究走向临床应用。电子射野影像系统在放疗元件的质量保证中也起到重要的作用,近年来在这方面的研究主要是埘多叶光阑质量保证:本文就电子射野影像系统的临床应用做一简要的概述。  相似文献   

电子射野影像装置机械运动的位置误差研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究不同类型电子射野影像装置(EPID)机械运动的相对位置偏差,为基于EPID进行调强放疗剂量验证提供位置误差的修正依据。
方法 对3种不同类型EPID (瓦里安aS1000、aS500和医科达iViewGT)采用5 cm×5 cm射野进行照射。通过自编软件系统对EPID采集的射野图像进行分析,并确定射野中心点在EPID上投影。对臂架0°~360°射野中心点在EPID上投影位置进行分析,并与臂架0°时位置比较以确定相对位置偏移。
结果 在瓦里安aS1000、aS500、医科达iViewGT的EPID最大相对偏移左右方向上分别为(-0.23±0.17)、(2.94±0.17)、(0.35±0.09) mm,上下方向上分别为(-4.16±0.20)、(-4.15±0.25)、(-1.66±0.11) mm。对上下方向上的相对位移采用四次方经验函数可较好地进行拟合。
结论 不同类型EPID在不同角度下相对位置误差不同,且在上下方向上明显较左右方向大,应用EPID进行调强验证时必需考虑对在不同臂架角度下相对位置误差进行修正。  相似文献   

目的 应用电子射野影像装置(EPID)测量胸段食管癌三维适形放疗(3DCRT)的摆位误差,推算PTV与CTV之间的间隙.方法 对41例胸段食管癌患者每周拍摄1次正侧位EPI,通过比较EPI和数字重建影像(DRR)的差异来测量摆位误差.根据公式计算出PTV与CTV之间的间隙.采用自身配对设计对22例接受根治性放疗患者应用不同PTV与CTV的间隙值分别设计两套模拟治疗计划,A组x、y和z轴均为10 mm,B组采用本研究结果 的间隙值.应用配对t检验或Wilcoxon符号秩检验来比较两套计划间的差异.结果 x、y、z轴的PTV与CTV的间隙值分别为8.72、10.50、5.62 mm.两套模拟计划间的脊髓最高照射剂量不同,A计划为(4638.7±1449.6)cGy,B计划为(4310.2±1528.7)cGy(t=5.48,P=0.000);脊髓并发症概率也不同,A计划为4.82%±5.99%,B计划为3.64%±4.70%(Z=-2.70,P=0.007).结论 笔者单位胸段食管癌接受3DCRT时在x,y和z轴上的PTV与CTV之间的间隙值分别为8.72、10.50、5.62 mm;与3个轴均为10 mm的间隙值相比应用本研究结果 制定治疗计划可更有效地保护脊髓.  相似文献   

Objective To study the setup errors in three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT) for thoracic esophageal carcinoma using electronic portal imaging device(EPID) and calculate the margins from CTV to PTV. Methods Forty-one patients with thoracic esophageal carcinoma who received 3DCRT were continuously enrolled into this study. The anterior and lateral electronic portal images (EPI) were aquired by EPID once a week. The setup errors were obtained through comparing the difference between EPI and digitally reconstructed radiographs(DRR). Then the setup margins from CTV to PTV were calculat-ed. By using self paired design,22 patients received definitive radiotherapy with different margins. Group A: the margins were 10 mm in all the three axes;Group B: the margins were aquired in this study. The differ-ence were compared by Paired t-test or Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Results The margins from CTV to PTV in x,y and z axes were 8.72 mm, 10.50 mm and 5.62 mm, respectively. Between the group A and group B, the difference of the maximum dose of the spinal cord was significant(4638.7 cGy±1449.6 cGy vs. 4310.2 cGy±1528.7 cGy; t=5.48, P=0.000), and the difference of NTCP for the spinal cord was also significant (4.82%±5.99% vs. 3.64%±4.70%;Z=-2.70,P=0.007). Conclusions For patients with tho-racic esophageal carcinoma who receive 3DCRT in author's department,the margins from CTV to PTV in x, y and z axes were 8.72 mm, 10.50 mm and 5.62 mm, respectively. The spinal cord could be better protected by using these setup margins than using 10 mm in each axis.  相似文献   

Objective To study the setup errors in three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT) for thoracic esophageal carcinoma using electronic portal imaging device(EPID) and calculate the margins from CTV to PTV. Methods Forty-one patients with thoracic esophageal carcinoma who received 3DCRT were continuously enrolled into this study. The anterior and lateral electronic portal images (EPI) were aquired by EPID once a week. The setup errors were obtained through comparing the difference between EPI and digitally reconstructed radiographs(DRR). Then the setup margins from CTV to PTV were calculat-ed. By using self paired design,22 patients received definitive radiotherapy with different margins. Group A: the margins were 10 mm in all the three axes;Group B: the margins were aquired in this study. The differ-ence were compared by Paired t-test or Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Results The margins from CTV to PTV in x,y and z axes were 8.72 mm, 10.50 mm and 5.62 mm, respectively. Between the group A and group B, the difference of the maximum dose of the spinal cord was significant(4638.7 cGy±1449.6 cGy vs. 4310.2 cGy±1528.7 cGy; t=5.48, P=0.000), and the difference of NTCP for the spinal cord was also significant (4.82%±5.99% vs. 3.64%±4.70%;Z=-2.70,P=0.007). Conclusions For patients with tho-racic esophageal carcinoma who receive 3DCRT in author's department,the margins from CTV to PTV in x, y and z axes were 8.72 mm, 10.50 mm and 5.62 mm, respectively. The spinal cord could be better protected by using these setup margins than using 10 mm in each axis.  相似文献   

Purpose: The two setup methods commonly used to determine the anterior–posterior isocenter location in pelvic radiotherapy are to align lateral localization lasers with lateral skin tattoos on the patient, or to set the couch height so that the isocenter is at a fixed height (determined during simulation or treatment planning) above the couch top. This study was implemented to determine which technique gives more accurate patient treatment by comparison of the anterior–posterior setup variation measured with electronic portal imaging.

Methods and Materials: Eleven supine prostate patients were treated with tattoo localization and 159 left-lateral portal images were taken during the treatments. The field displacements were then determined by template matching. These patients were compared to nine patients (205 images) set up to a fixed isocenter height. Similarly, eight prone rectal patients (136 right-lateral images) set up to tattoos were compared to six patients (108 images) set up to a fixed height. The patients were not immobilized and were all treated with three field techniques on a hard couch top. The overall mean treatment position deviation and the standard deviation of the displacements (total setup variation) were calculated for each patient group along with the systematic (simulator-to-treatment) and the random (treatment-to-treatment) setup variation.

Results: The mean treatment position deviations were 3.3 mm anterior and 5.2 mm posterior with the tattoo method for the prostate and rectal patients, respectively. These mean position deviations were 0.4/0.1 mm anterior with the fixed height technique. The total setup variations were 4.6/5.2 mm (1 SD) with tattoo localization and 1.7/1.5 mm (1 SD) with the fixed height method. Similarly, random variation was 2.3/3.3 mm (1 SD) with the tattoo method compared to 1.3/1.2 mm (1 SD) with the fixed height method. Systematic variation was 3.7/4.5 mm (1 SD) compared to 1.2/1.1 mm (1 SD).

Conclusion: The fixed height technique gives much more accurate localization of the anterior–posterior isocenter in pelvic radiotherapy than lateral skin tattoos.  相似文献   

Objective:The aim of this work was to quantify the extent of set-up errors to conduct a quality assurance(QA)aspect of treatment delivery,verification of the treatment field’s position on different days using electronic portal.Methods:This study was carried out on 12 patients,treated for pelvis tumor;and total of 240 images obtained by electronic portal image device(EPID)were analyzed.The EPIs acquire using EPID attached to the Siemens linear accelerator.The anatomy matching software(Theraview)was used and displacement in two dimensions were noted for each treatment field to study patient setup errors.Results:The percentages of mean deviations less than 5 mm in X direction were 65%&92%,from 5–10 mm were 31%&19%and more than 10 mm were 11%&9%for A/P and lateral direction respectively.The percentages of mean deviations less than 5 mm in Y direction were 65%&63%,from 5–10 mm were 33%&28%and more than 10 mm were 22%&29%.The mean deviations in 2D-vector errors were≤5 mm in 47%and 46%,5–10 mm in 36%and 37%and>10 mm in37%and 37%of images in the A/P and lateral direction respectively.Conclusion:The results revealed that the ranges of set up errors are immobilization method to improve reproducibility.The observed variations were not within the limits..  相似文献   

关于电子荧光类射野影像系统作为出射剂量仪使用的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的研究利用射野影像系统进行出射剂量测量的可能性。以便能进一步把该类系统发展为剂量仪系统。材料与方法使用荧光型电子射野影像系统,探头由金属板—荧光屏和Plumbicon照像机组成。通过与电离室及射野证实片所测结果的比较,建立一套与像素位置对应的灰度校正矩阵。并在多种射野面积和体模厚度下验证,所用射线为6MV-X线。结果通过对该系统的各种性能测试,如灰度的稳定性、探头的均匀性、剂量响应曲线、灰度的射野依赖性及对体模厚度的依赖性,发现短期稳定性好于1%,有较明显的灰度饱和性,但需作灰度饱和校正。作为相对剂量仪使用时,只要建立一个探头非均匀性校正矩阵,就能与证实片的剂量结果保持一致,误差小于±5%。结论研究证明,电子射野影像系统完全可以成为一套剂量仪系统。在对靶区的位置进行实时监测的同时,还能通过对影像灰度的计算,得出出射野的剂量分布  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To establish volume imaging using an on-board cone-beam CT (CB-CT) scanner for evaluation of three-dimensional patient setup errors. METHODS AND MATERIALS: The data from 24 patients were included in this study, and the setup errors using 209 CB-CT studies and 148 electronic portal images were analyzed and compared. The effect of rotational errors alone, translational errors alone, and combined rotational and translational errors on target coverage and sparing of organs at risk was investigated. RESULTS: Translational setup errors using the CB-CT scanner and an electronic portal imaging device differed <1 mm in 70.7% and <2 mm in 93.2% of the measurements. Rotational errors >2 degrees were recorded in 3.7% of pelvic tumors, 26.4% of thoracic tumors, and 12.4% of head-and-neck tumors; the corresponding maximal rotational errors were 5 degrees , 8 degrees , and 6 degrees . No correlation between the magnitude of translational and rotational setup errors was observed. For patients with elongated target volumes and sharp dose gradients to adjacent organs at risk, both translational and rotational errors resulted in considerably decreased target coverage and highly increased doses to the organs at risk compared with the initial treatment plan. CONCLUSIONS: The CB-CT scanner has been successfully established for the evaluation of patient setup errors, and its feasibility in day-to-day clinical practice has been demonstrated. Our results have indicated that rotational errors are of clinical significance for selected patients receiving high-precision radiotherapy.  相似文献   

目的 研究扫描液体电离室型电子射野影像装置 (EPID)的剂量响应特性及其各种影响因素 ,如机架角、照射野大小、图像获取模式 ,以便进一步利用EPID进行剂量验证方面的研究。方法 所有实验均在装备有PortalVisionTMMK2型电子射野影像装置的Varian 6 0 0C/D加速器上实现。为了得到剂量响应曲线 ,需要建立入射到探头的射线强度与EPID像素值之间的关系。首先 ,通过改变源到探头电离室的距离得到不同的射线强度。其次 ,针对任一剂量率条件 ,用EPID拍摄 3幅数字射野图像取平均 ,取射野中心轴附近 11× 11个像素点的平均值作为EPID响应。最后 ,根据相同条件下测得的剂量率和对应的像素值 ,绘制剂量响应曲线。改变机架角、照射野大小和图像获取模式 ,得到一系列剂量响应曲线。结果 EPID输出像素值与入射剂量率之间并非线性关系。EPID剂量响应曲线与图像获取模式关系密切 ,在离轴点略受机架角的影响 ,但不受射野大小的影响。结论 由于射野图像获取模式明显地影响EPID剂量响应曲线的形状 ,所以对不同获取模式应该分别刻度。机架角的影响可通过在不同机架角下刻度加以消除。EPID剂量响应与射野大小无关的事实为日常剂量响应刻度提供了便利 ,即用一种射野条件刻度就可以准确地应用于其它射野条件  相似文献   

在体剂量学方法是目前最直接、最有效的质量保证手段之一。EPID因具有优良的剂量学特性而被用于在体剂量验证。近年来,国内外有很多关于EPID的在体剂量学方法研究。此文目的是对基于EPID的在体剂量学方法研究进行综述,了解其研究现状,为后续运用研究和扩展提供参考。  相似文献   

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