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胸骨前支气管源性囊肿1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
病人 男 ,37岁。发现前胸壁肿块 30余年。查体 :胸骨柄前可触及一约 2 0cm× 3 0cm× 4 0cm软组织肿块 ,质韧、固定、无触痛 ,与周围组织分界清。胸部CT提示胸骨柄前方软组织内见一卵圆形影 ,密度高低不一 ,CT值约 1 6~ 33Hu ,大小约 1 0cm×2 7cm× 3 8cm。 2 0 0 4年 1月在局麻下行前胸壁肿块切除术。术中探及肿块表面光滑、质软、界限清、包膜完整 ,内含灰色混浊囊液 ,遂行囊肿摘除术。术后病理报告 :“前胸壁”囊肿 ,囊内壁衬假复层纤毛柱状上皮 ,考虑为前胸壁支气管源性囊肿。讨论 支气管囊肿系胚胎时期气管支气管树异常分化…  相似文献   

目的 探讨左侧肾上腺区特殊囊性占位病变的鉴别诊断,提高对胃重复囊肿临床病理特点及诊治的认识. 方法 2010年4月和2011年8月分别收治左侧肾上腺区特殊囊性占位病变1例,均为男性,年龄分别为28及42岁.患者均无特殊临床表现.超声及CT检查提示左肾上腺区囊肿,囊壁较厚且与胃大弯侧胃壁粘连.病变大小分别为5 cm×6 cm×7 cm及8 cm×12 cm×13 cm,囊内有分隔,动脉期无明显强化.术前诊断为左侧肾上腺区域囊性占位病变(肾上腺囊肿伴出血或感染).2例均施行后腹腔镜下囊肿切除术.结合文献分析囊肿临床病理特征及影像学表现.结果2例手术顺利.术中明确囊肿紧邻左肾上腺且部分囊壁与胃大弯侧胃壁粘连紧密,但并不与胃腔相通.病理证实为胃重复囊肿.2例分别随访8个月及2年,左肾上腺区均未见囊肿复发,胃镜检查未见异常. 结论 成人胃重复囊肿临床罕见,术前确诊困难,超声及CT检查对定位、定性诊断具有一定价值;内镜超声及其引导下细针穿刺活检有望确诊.应纳入左侧肾上腺区囊性病变的鉴别诊断之列.本病有潜在恶变性,腹腔镜手术切除是主要的微创治疗方法.  相似文献   

例1 女,28岁.左侧腰部胀痛伴腹部肿块3个月入院.体检:血压14/10kPa,左中上腹隆起,腹软,左侧腹可扪及20cm×12cm包块,边缘不清,固定,表面光滑,呈囊性感,无压痛.B超示腹膜后囊性肿块.CT检查示左肾后方巨大单房性囊性变,左肾向外移位.术中见腹膜外有一巨大囊性肿物,囊壁薄而透明,上经左肾蒂后方至胰腺上缘处,下至左骼窝,内侧超过中线,左侧输尿管推向内侧.行穿刺减压后完整切除囊肿,囊肿为单房性,内有咖啡色液体3500ml.病理报告:苗勒管囊肿.  相似文献   

目的:探讨胃憩室表现为左肾上腺假瘤的临床特点、诊断和治疗方法。方法:回顾性分析1例胃憩室表现为左肾上腺假瘤患者的临床资料。男性,15岁,因血压升高1个月,发现左肾上腺占位20天入院,超声检查提示左肾上腺区1.6cm×1.4cm等回声占位,边界欠清。CT平扫:左肾上腺可见一2.4cm×1.5cm高密度占位,CT值70HU。复查增强CT:左肾上腺区低密度灶,最大截面2.0cm×1.5cm,平扫-1 HU,增强后约10HU,其内可见气体影。结果:患者行腹腔镜肾上腺肿瘤切除,术中游离肾上腺过程中未见明确肿物,给予肾上腺分段切除并取出剖开,直至全部切除肾上腺后仍未见肿瘤。但左肾上腺毗邻腹膜内似有肿物突向肾上腺区,术中请外科会诊阅片并结合术中情况考虑有胃憩室可能,建议术中胃镜,胃镜可见贲门旁2cm处可见直径2.5cm的憩室,憩室内可见少量食物残渣。切除之肾上腺病理回报:左肾上腺皮质呈局灶性结节性增生。患者恢复良好,术后4天出院。结论:胃憩室临床罕见表现为左肾上腺假瘤。尽管罕见,胃憩室也应为左肾上腺肿瘤的鉴别诊断之一,尤其对于肿物内有气体影像时,应高度怀疑假瘤的可能。  相似文献   

目的 探讨肾上腺畸胎瘤的临床表现和治疗方法.方法 回顾性分析平15例素健康44岁女性,体检时发现巨大腹部肿物,腹部超声波及增强CT检查显示右侧肾上腺密度不均巨大囊性肿物(大小8.5cm×8.2cm×7 cm),其间可见条索状钙化,边界清晰.遂行手术切除,术后病理报告可见复层鳞状上皮及皮肤附属器(皮脂腺及毛囊)、呼吸上皮、脂肪组织、结缔组织以及散在神经纤维,诊断为右肾上腺巨大良性成熟畸胎瘤.结果 手术切除后随访1年未见复发或转移.文献复习国内、外目前相似病例共报告21例,大多发生在女性,肿物以右侧居多,患者多无自觉症状.肾上腺畸胎瘤可通过超声和CT检查初步诊断,发现后应尽早手术,术后依靠病理确诊,术后近期随访效果良好.结论 畸胎瘤是较为罕见生殖细胞来源肿瘤,睾丸以外器官如肾上腺畸胎瘤罕见,有恶变风险,可以通过超声波和CT检查特点初步诊断,及早手术切除治疗,病理检查确定诊断,需要定期随访.  相似文献   

患者女,55岁.右侧胸闷不适2月余.查体:无明显异常.X线胸片示右下心缘旁类圆形致密影(图1).胸部CT示前纵隔心右缘椭圆形占位影,边缘光整,大小约7.6 cm×4.5 cm,与心包关系密切,CT值-5~3 HU,注射造影剂后强化不明显(图2).各常规实验室检查未见异常.2010年10月在全麻胸腔镜辅助下行剖胸探查.术中见病变位于右前下纵隔,椭圆形,约8 cm×5 cm×5 cm大小,囊性,包膜完整,与心包关系致密.完整摘除送检.手术标本为壁薄光滑的单房囊性肿物,其内为无色透明液体.光镜下见纤维性囊壁组织内衬单层立方上皮,囊壁内可见巢状分布的甲状旁腺细胞(图3).诊断:(下纵隔)甲状旁腺囊肿.术后查血钙、磷浓度、血PTH均正常.术后6天出院.  相似文献   

目的探讨多发性肾上腺囊肿合并重复肾双输尿管畸形的诊断、鉴别诊断和治疗。方藩回顾分析1例左侧多发性肾上腺囊肿并左侧重复肾双输尿管畸形的临床资料。并结合文献进行讨论。结果术前联合应用B超、CT检查,诊断为左肾上腺多发囊肿;行IVU检查。进一步发现了重复肾双输尿管畸形,避免了漏诊和误诊。行后腹腔镜肾上腺囊肿探查术。术中见左肾上腺有2个囊肿。因术前CT及术中均可见囊壁钙化,术中行冰冻病理检查诊断为假性囊肿,行囊肿切除术。随访18个月未见复发,结论治疗方法取决于囊肿大小、重复肾的功能、是否有并发症等。对囊壁有钙化者,术中应行冰冻病理检查以确定有无恶性病变。后腹腔镜肾上腺囊肿切除术是外科首选的治疗方法。  相似文献   

患者,男,64岁.因体检发现左肾囊实性占位8年,无痛性肉眼终末血尿3个月,于2011年7月21日入院.查体未见阳性体征.泌尿系超声检查示左肾低回声占位性病变,约7.5 cm×8.0 cm,内部回声不均匀,可见丰富血流信号;膀胱左侧壁肿物3.3 cm×1.9 cm,突向膀胱.腹部CT检查示左肾上极实质内可见团块状混杂密度影,边缘不规则,8.0cm×9.0 cm大小,腹膜后淋巴结未见明显肿大.增强扫描后见左肾上极团块状密度影,左侧肾盂、输尿管未见明显异常.盆腔CT检查示膀胱左侧壁球状充盈缺损,约2.5 cm ×l.5 cm.胸部CT检查示双肺结节状密度影,最大直径约1.0 cm,考虑转移瘤.入院诊断:左肾癌、膀胱肿瘤、双肺转移瘤.膀胱镜检查见膀胱左侧壁直径约3.0 cm球形肿物,基底宽,表面有陈旧性血块覆盖.  相似文献   

后腹腔镜切除巨大肾上腺囊肿1例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肾上腺巨大囊肿临床少见。2006年5月,我院应用后腹腔镜技术成功切除1例,报道如下。1临床资料患者女,37岁,体重43kg,身高153cm。因体检发现左侧肾上腺囊性肿物1周于2006年5月18日门诊以“左侧肾上腺囊肿”收入院。既往无外伤史,无发热、头晕、肢体无力、多尿,工作正常。入院查体血压120/70mm Hg,心肺正常,腹部柔软,左上腹可触及囊性肿物,边界不清。B超检查左侧肾上腺区可探及巨大低回声液性暗区,暗区内可见不规则分隔,18.0cm×10.2cm×10.0cm。CT见左侧肾上腺区巨大囊性肿物,强化后囊壁较厚,血液循环丰富,失去正常解剖关系,与周围组织关系密切,左侧肾脏被肿物挤压向下严重移位。MRI检查肿物将左侧肾脏挤压向下移位明显(图1)。2006年5月20日在静脉全身麻醉下应用后腹腔镜技术切除巨大左侧肾上腺囊肿。术中腹膜后腔气腹压力维持在12~14mm Hg(1mm Hg=0.133kPa)。左肾上腺巨大囊肿内侧与腹主动脉相连,下极与左肾上极和肾动脉相邻,界限不清。超声刀沿囊肿表面切开粘连组织,仔细分离清楚囊肿与周围组织界限,找出间隙,钝性分离。自囊肿壁背侧切开囊肿,吸出囊内暗红色液体1100m...  相似文献   

患者,男,62岁,因体检B超发现左肾上腺肿物合并右肾肿物于2011年11月2日入院.无发热、头晕、腰痛、血尿等症状,既往无高血压、手术病史.血压110/60 mm Hg(1 mm Hg =0.133 kPa),查体未见异常.实验室检查未见异常,肾上腺内分泌检查均正常.CT检查示右肾约5.8 cm×5.1 cm大小肿物,动脉期可见不均匀强化,左侧肾上腺区可见一椭圆形多房囊性密度影,大小约5.1cm ×3.6 cm,病变包绕肾动脉,肾静脉受压,增强扫描可见囊壁明显强化,双肾血流灌注正常.  相似文献   

AIMS: To understand their possible importance in long- and short-term control of continence, some properties of the striated muscles of the urethra and pelvic floor (levator ani) of dogs and sheep were investigated, especially fiber types and contractile characteristics. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Striated muscles of urethra and levator ani of 29 male and 6 female dogs and 11 male and 6 female sheep were removed and cut into strips. Some strips were frozen and stained for ATPase at pH 9.4 and 4.3 for fiber typing; others were set up in an organ bath to study contractile responses to nerve stimulation. RESULTS: All muscles contained both type I (slow) and type II fibers, ranging from 97% type II in female greyhound urethra to 60% in female sheep levator ani. For each muscle, there were fewer type II muscles in sheep than in dog. The diameters of the urethral fibers were about 60% of the levator ani in dogs and 34% in sheep. Contraction of the urethral muscle was faster than for levator ani and declined to about 80% of the peak, 500 msec after the beginning of stimulation at 20 Hz. The levator ani contraction rose to a steady level as long as stimulation continued. CONCLUSIONS: Both the levator ani and urethral striated muscles contain slow and fast fiber types. The levator ani muscles are capable of sustained contraction with rapid onset which will produce long-term closure of the urethra. The circular urethral muscle contraction was faster but less well maintained.  相似文献   

The extent to which exchange and reutilization processes of mineral tracers affect skeletal mineral accretion and resorption measurements was evaluated by comparing the rates of appearance and disappearance of85Sr and14C-proline-hydroxyproline in bones and teeth in growing rats for 12 days following simultaneous parenteral injection of these tracers. Expressions for the relative rates of collagen synthesis and breakdown, which unlike mineral metabolism are considered not to be complicated by exchange phenomena, were based on14C-proline conversion to14C-hydroxyproline; the specific activity of the latter was determined. Both the mineral and the collagen specific activities reflected the rates and patterns of growth of the samples assayed; rapid growth and a short interval of time between formation and resorption of tissue in themetaphyseal bone which contains the cartilagineous growth plate, slow growth and an interval of time between formation and resorption of tissue indiaphyseal bone and incisor teeth which is longer than the 12 days of the experiment. However, in metaphyseal bone the specific activity collagen/mineral ratio dropped by one half during the 4–12 day interval in contrast to diaphyseal bone and incisor teeth in which no change in this ratio was observed during this period of time. The data indicate that collagen in the metaphyseal growth zone is removed by resorption before it has become fully mineralized, and that exchange is a relatively unimportant factor in the long term kinetics of bone mineral.
Zusammenfassung Das Ausmaß, bis zu welchem Austausch- und Wiederverwendungsprozesse der mineralen Tracer die Messungen des mineralen Skelett-Auf- und Abbaues beeinflussen können, wurde ausgewertet; zu diesem Zweck wurde die Geschwindigkeit des Auftretens und Verschwindens von85Sr und von14C-Prolin-Hydroxyprolin in Knochen und Zähnen von wachsenden Ratten während der 12 auf die simultane parenterale Injektion dieser Tracer folgenden Tage verglichen.Der Ausdruck für die relative Geschwindigkeit des Kollagen-Auf- und Abbaues, bei welchem im Gegensatz zum Mineralmetabolismus kein Mitwirken des Austauschphänomens vermutet wird, basiert auf der Umwandlung von14C-Prolin zu14C-Hydroxyprolin; die spezifische Aktivität des letzteren wurde bestimmt.Aus der spezifischen Aktivität des Minerals sowie jener des Kollagens konnten die Geschwindigkeit und die Art des Wachstums der untersuchten Proben ersehen werden, d.h.schnelles Wachstum und ein kurzes Zeitintervall zwischen Bildung und Resorption des Gewebes imKnochen der Metaphyse, die auch die knorpelige Wachstumsplatte enthält, und andererseitslangsames Wachstum und längeres Zeitintervall (länger als die 12 Tage des Experimentes) zwischen Bildung und Resorption des Gewebes imKnochen der Diaphyse und in den Schneidezähnen. Immerhin fiel die spezifische Aktivität des Kollagen/Mineral-Anteils im Knochen der Metaphyse während dem 4–12tägigen Zeitintervall auf die Hälfte, im Gegensatz zum Knochen der Diaphyse und der Schneidezähne, bei welchen während dieser Zeitspanne kein Unterschied in diesem Verhältnis beobachtet wurde.Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, daß Kollagen in der Wachstumszone der Metaphyse durch Resorption verschwindet, bevor es ganz mineralisiert ist, und daß der Austausch ein relativ unwichtiger Faktor in der Kinetik auf lange Sicht des Knochenminerals ist.



Controversy continues regarding the best treatment for compression and burst fractures. The axial distraction reduction utilizing the technique employing the long straight rod or curved short rod without derotation to reduce fracture are practised together with short segment posterolateral fusion (PLF). Effects of the early postoperative mobilization without posterolateral fusion on reduction maintenance and fracture consolidation were not evaluated so far. The present prospective study is designed to assess the effectiveness of i) reduction and restoration of sagittal alignment, ii) no posterolateral fusion on the reduced, fractured vertebral body and injured disc, iii) fracture consolidation and iv) the fate of the unfused cephalad and caudal injured motion segments of the fractured vertebra.

Materials and Methods:

The study includes 15 Denis burst and two Denis type D compression fractures between T12 and L3. The lordotic distraction technique was used for ligamentotaxis utilizing the contoured short rods and pedicle screw fixator. Three vertebrae including the fractured one were fixed. The patients after surgery were braced for ten weeks with activity restriction for 2-4 weeks. The patients were evaluated for change in vertebral body height, sagittal curve, reduction of retropulsion, improvement in neural deficit. The unfused motion segments, residual postoperative pain and bone and metal failure were also evaluated.


The preoperative and postreduction percentile vertebral heights at, zero (immediate postoperative), at three, six and 12 months followup were 62.4, 94.8, 94.6, 94.5 and 94.5%, respectively. The percentages of the intracanal fragment retropulsion at preoperative, and postoperative at zero, 3, 6 and 12 months followup were 59.0, 36.2,, 36.0, 32.3, and 13.6% respectively.The preoperative and postreduction percentile loss of the canal dimension and at zero, three, six and 12 months were 52.1, 45.0, 44.0, 41.0 and 29% respectively suggesting that the under-reduced fragment was being resorbed gradually by a remodeling process. The mean initial kyphosis of 33° became mean 2° immediately after reduction and mean 3° at the final followup. The fractured vertebral bodies consolidated in an average period of ten weeks (range 8-14 weeks). The restored disc heights were relatively well maintained throughout the observation period. All paraparetic patients recovered neurologically. There were no postoperative complications.


Instrument-aided ligamentotaxis for compression and burst fractures utilizing the short contoured rod derotation technique and the instrumented stabilization of the fractured spine are found to be effective procedures which contribute to the fractured vertebral body consolidation without recollapse and maintain the motion segment function.  相似文献   

Principles and Practice of Hemofiltration and Hemodiafiltration   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
There is growing interest in the convective dialysis therapies, hemofiltration (HF) and hemodiafiltration (HDF). Both require dialysis membranes which are highly permeable to solutes as well as fluid, and in both cases large volumes of ultrafiltration are the condition for convective transport. In HDF the convection is combined with diffusion, and as a consequence, maximum clearance over the entire molecular weight spectrum is achieved. Optimal forms of HDF provide urea clearance 10–15% higher than the corresponding diffusive mode. The larger the solute, the greater is the impact of convection, and β2-microglobulin (β2m) levels may be up to 70% reduced. Traditional postdilution HF provides high clearance of medium sized and large molecules. Satisfactory clearance of small solutes requires blood flows in excess of 500 ml/min. With access to practically unlimited volumes of substitution solution through on-line ultrafiltration, predilution HF can now be used. This increases the clearance of small solutes to an acceptable range. For HDF as well as HF, large patient populations consistently treated for longer periods of time are needed to make valid outcome comparisons with other therapies.  相似文献   

Phaeochromocytomas and paragangliomas (PPGL) are catecholamine-secreting neuroendocrine tumours arising from the chromaffin cells in the adrenal medulla. These tumours may be identified incidentally, as part of a work-up for multiple endocrine neoplasia or following haemodynamic surges during unrelated procedures. Advances in perioperative management and improved management of intraoperative haemodynamic instability have significantly reduced surgical mortality from around 40% to less than 3%. Surgery is the definitive treatment in most cases and laparoscopic resection where possible is associated with improved outcomes. Anaesthetic management of PPGL cases represents a unique haemodynamic challenge both before and after tumour resection. In this article we describe the physiology of these tumours, their diagnosis, preoperative optimization methods, intraoperative anaesthetic management and management of postoperative complications.  相似文献   

骨折不愈合与延迟愈合的成因与治疗   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
目的探讨骨折不愈合与延迟愈合的成因、报肯治疗的方法与设果。方法对1990年7月~2004年12月间收治的107例骨折不愈台、54例骨折延迟愈合2例先天性胫骨骨不连进行回顾性研究,分析原因,随访治疗结果。18例延迟愈合行保守治疗,本组其他145例行手术治疗,结果除2例先天性胫骨骨不连外,其余161例的成因中均有医源性因素。10例失去随访,153例平均随访17(6-28)个月,骨折均获骨性连接,愈合时间平均10(6-14)个月,肢体功能恢复良好,结论医源性技术缺陷是骨折不愈合与延迟愈合的主要原因,针对各种不同因素进行合理治疗可获得满意效果。  相似文献   

Nausea and vomiting are both very unpleasant experiences. The physiology is poorly understood; however, understanding what we do know is key to tailoring a preventative or therapeutic antiemetic regime. There are two key sites in the central nervous system implicated in the organization of the vomiting reflex: the vomiting centre and the chemoreceptor trigger zone. There are five key neurotransmitters involved in afferent feedback to these areas. These are histamine (H1 receptors), dopamine (D2), serotonin (5-HT3), acetyl choline (muscarinic) and neurokinin (substance P). Postoperative nausea and vomiting will occur in around one-third of elective patients who have no prophylaxis. This can result in many detrimental effects including patient dissatisfaction, unplanned admission and prolonged recovery. It is therefore essential that clinicians understand how they can prevent and treat nausea and vomiting using either a single agent or a combination of antiemetics to target relevant receptors. Commonly used drugs include antihistamines, dopamine antagonists, serotonin antagonists and steroids. More novel agents are being developed such as aprepitant, a neurokinin receptor antagonist, palonosetron, a 5HT3 receptor antagonist and nabilone, a synthetic cannabinoid.  相似文献   

Nausea and vomiting are both very unpleasant experiences. The physiology is poorly understood; however, understanding what we do know is key to tailoring a preventative or therapeutic antiemetic regime. There are two key sites in the central nervous system implicated in the organization of the vomiting reflex: the vomiting centre and the chemoreceptor trigger zone. There are five key neurotransmitters involved in afferent feedback to these areas. These are histamine (H1 receptors), dopamine (D2), serotonin (5-HT3), acetyl choline (muscarinic) and neurokinin (substance P). Postoperative nausea and vomiting will occur in around one-third of elective patients who have no prophylaxis. This can result in many detrimental effects including patient dissatisfaction, unplanned admission and prolonged recovery. It is therefore essential that clinicians understand how they can prevent and treat nausea and vomiting using either a single agent or a combination of antiemetics to target relevant receptors. Commonly used drugs include antihistamines, dopamine antagonists, serotonin antagonists and steroids. More novel agents are being developed such as aprepitant, a neurokinin receptor antagonist, palonosetron, a 5HT3 receptor antagonist, and nabilone, a synthetic cannabinoid.  相似文献   

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