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游离上臂外侧皮瓣在头颈肿瘤缺损修复中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
游离上臂外侧皮瓣 (lateralarmfreeflap ,LAFF)最早由我国的宋儒耀于 1982年介绍[1] ,美国的Katsaros1984年对该皮瓣作了详细的解剖学和临床应用研究[2 ] 。该皮瓣与前臂皮瓣同属筋膜皮瓣 ,两者具有许多共同的优点 :①皮瓣解剖恒定 ,制备简便 ;②皮瓣质地薄而富有弹性 ,特别适合于口内缺损的修复 ;③供区具有明确的感觉神经 ,可以制备成感觉皮瓣 ;④皮瓣可以携带一片骨组织而制备成骨皮复合瓣 ;⑤供区远离头颈部 ,用于头颈重建时可以实施“双组手术”。此外 ,与前臂皮瓣相比 ,LAFF还具有其独特的优点 :①…  相似文献   

目的 探讨前臂皮瓣修复口腔颌面部软组织缺损特点。方法 回顾性分析8例口腔癌手术后软组织缺损应用前臂桡侧游离皮瓣修复的方法。结果 前臂皮瓣修复成功率100%。结论 前臂游离皮瓣是修复口腔颌面部软组织缺损较好的皮瓣之一。  相似文献   

目的:探讨游离上臂外侧皮瓣(LAFF)在口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤根治术后软组织缺损修复重建中的应用价值。方法:自2012-01~2012-12,应用LAFF修复口腔颌面部肿瘤术后缺损的患者22例,观察记录皮瓣大小、制取时间、血管直径、吻合时间、组织瓣成活情况、手术修复成功率及术后效果,评价其优缺点。结果:皮瓣面积最大14 cm ×8 cm,最小6 cm ×4 cm。术后22例皮瓣均成活,未发生血管危象;并发症少,修复效果满意。结论:LAFF解剖位置恒定,制取简单,能满足常见口腔颌面部肿瘤术后软组织缺损修复。  相似文献   

近年来锁骨上动脉皮瓣成功用于修复口腔癌根治术后的缺损,获得了较为满意的效果.本文介绍运用锁骨上动脉皮瓣修复口腔癌根治术后缺损7例的临床经验,以供临床参考.  相似文献   

本文介绍一种新型的游离皮瓣——上臂内侧皮瓣在颌面整形外科中的应用。该瓣以尺侧上副动脉和贵要静脉为血管蒂,蒂长可达8~14cm,皮瓣大小可达8×20cm。必要时尚可制成血管神经皮瓣。其供区较隐蔽。上臂内侧皮瓣质地柔软、厚薄适中、无毛发生长、肤色与面部一致。作者选用该瓣修及颌面部大面积萎缩性疤痕,获得满意效果。  相似文献   

上臂外侧皮瓣在口腔癌术后缺损修复中的初步应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨上臂外侧皮瓣(LAFF)在口腔软组织缺损修复重建中的应用价值。方法用上臂外侧皮瓣即刻修复口腔鳞癌根治术后的继发缺损10例。结果 除1例皮瓣坏死外,其余9例组织瓣全部成活,口腔组织形态和功能恢复满意。7例患者供区有麻木感,无其他并发症。结论 与前臂桡侧皮瓣相比,由于LAFF优点诸多,在口腔中小型软组织缺损的修复中,LAFF是一种可选择的优秀皮瓣。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨游离股前外侧皮瓣在口腔癌术后组织缺损修复中的应用效果。方法 :对5例(男性4例,女性1例,年龄6072岁,平均年龄68.2岁)行股前外侧组织瓣移植,进行口腔颌面部软组织缺损修复的病例,进行分析总结。根据不同组织缺损的具体情况,应用不同组织瓣类型对缺损进行修复,并对术后效果和供区恢复情况进行评价。结果:5例游离皮瓣面积6 cm×10 cm72岁,平均年龄68.2岁)行股前外侧组织瓣移植,进行口腔颌面部软组织缺损修复的病例,进行分析总结。根据不同组织缺损的具体情况,应用不同组织瓣类型对缺损进行修复,并对术后效果和供区恢复情况进行评价。结果:5例游离皮瓣面积6 cm×10 cm8 cm×10 cm,移植皮瓣全部成活,术后近期及远期随访效果满意,供区无功能受限。结论:股前外侧组织瓣组织量丰富,可塑性良好,是修复颌面部软组织较大缺损的理想游离皮瓣。  相似文献   

目的:探讨应用游离股前外侧肌皮瓣修复舌癌术后组织缺损的临床效果。方法 :2008-01—2011-01应用股前外侧肌皮瓣修复舌癌术后组织缺损19例,其中男性11例,女性8例,年龄29岁至65岁,平均年龄50岁。病理类型:高分化鳞癌15例,中分化鳞癌4例。按UICC标准TNM分期:T2N0M0 5例,T3N0M0 8例,T3N1M0 4例,T4N1M0 2例;皮瓣大小为(8 cm×5 cm)(15 cm×7 cm)。结果:19例股前外侧肌皮瓣全部成活,全部病例面颈部创面及大腿皮瓣供区均一期愈合。所有患者舌部缺损修复形态良好,患者语音、咀嚼、吞咽功能恢复良好,手术前后对比,未见明显颌面部畸形。术后随访1(15 cm×7 cm)。结果:19例股前外侧肌皮瓣全部成活,全部病例面颈部创面及大腿皮瓣供区均一期愈合。所有患者舌部缺损修复形态良好,患者语音、咀嚼、吞咽功能恢复良好,手术前后对比,未见明显颌面部畸形。术后随访13年,1例患者术后1年出现对侧颈部淋巴结及全身骨转移并死亡,余患者未见转移和复发。结论:股前外侧皮瓣组织量丰富,适用于口腔颌面部癌肿术后组织缺损修复及器官功能恢复;因其供区隐蔽,对供区影响小,尤其适合年轻女性患者。  相似文献   

游离大腿前外侧皮瓣 (freeanterolateralthighflap ,FALTF)最早由我国的宋业光于 1984年介绍[1] ,其后国内外学者对该皮瓣作了详细的解剖学和临床应用研究 ,并使其成为常用的游离皮瓣供区之一[2~ 5] 。但是 ,直到 1993年才由日本的Koshima首次介绍了该皮瓣在头颈肿瘤缺损修复中的应用[6] 。近年来 ,FALTF逐步显示出其超越其它皮瓣供区的独特优点 ,成为目前头颈缺损修复常用的皮瓣供区之一。本文对该皮瓣的解剖、制备和临床应用作一简介。一、解剖旋股外侧动脉 (lateralcircumfl…  相似文献   

目的:探讨游离股前外侧皮瓣在口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤根治术后缺损的修复重建中的应用价值。方法:2007年12月—2010年6月,采用股前外侧皮瓣游离移植修复76例口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤患者接受根治术后的缺损,其中舌癌32例、颊癌16例、口底癌10例、牙龈癌9例、口咽癌8例、面部皮肤癌1例,评价移植修复成功率及术后效果。结果:76例皮瓣中,74例移植皮瓣成活,2例坏死,成活率为97.4%。成活皮瓣术后效果满意,供区无明显后遗症。结论:游离股前外侧皮瓣血运可靠,可切取面积大,对供区影响小,是修复口腔颌面部肿瘤术后缺损的理想皮瓣。  相似文献   

The medial upper arm has previously been proposed as a potential free flap donor site, but the clinical application of such flaps in head and neck reconstruction has not been popular. The preliminary results of the clinical application of medial upper arm free flaps in oral cavity reconstruction are reported here. Five patients with oral cancer underwent surgical resection and neck dissection, with simultaneous reconstruction using a medial upper arm free flap. Functional outcomes were investigated using the University of Washington Quality of Life Questionnaire. Sensory-motor functions of the upper arm donor site were recorded before and after surgery. Four flaps were successfully transferred. One flap was abandoned during surgery because of a lack of perforators, and a forearm flap was used instead. All patients survived without loco-regional recurrence or distant metastasis. Functional outcomes, especially swallowing and speech, were satisfactory. The donor site scar was well hidden, with no functional impairment. This initial experience shows that the medial upper arm free flap represents an alternative perforator flap for oral cavity microsurgical reconstruction. The well-hidden scar and better texture match compared with other flaps make it suitable for oral cavity reconstruction.  相似文献   

The lateral arm flap (LAF) may offer an alternative option for oral cavity repair. Twenty-five Chinese patients with oral cavity defects were reconstructed with a LAF. The anatomical characteristics of the flap, the donor site complications, and the functional and aesthetic assessments of recipient site were reviewed. The overall flap survival was 96.0% (24/25patients). The average pedicle length was 7.07 ± 1.09 cm when it was cut off at the insert of the deltoid, with an average arterial diameter of 1.30 ± 0.37 mm and vein diameter of 2.06 ± 0.48 mm. The average flap length was 7.06 ± 1.01 cm, and the average flap breadth was 5.28 ± 0.66 cm, with the average flap size ranging from 18 to 42 cm2. One to three reliable perforators supplied the flap, with the proximal, middle, and distal perforators being located at 9.9 ± 1.1 cm, 8.6 ± 1.4 cm, and 5.7 ± 1.2 cm from the lateral epicondyle, respectively. The donor defect was closed primarily and healed uneventfully. A longitudinal scar was the most common morbidity of the donor site. The function and shape of the reconstructed tissues were well restored. The LAF provides a reliable choice for reconstructing medium-sized oral cavity defects, with minimal donor-site morbidity and ideally functional and aesthetic rehabilitation of the recipient site.  相似文献   

This study assessed swallowing function after tumour resection and reconstruction utilizing free vascularized flap closures in patients with oral cancer. Swallowing function was evaluated postoperatively in 23 patients (21 men and 2 women) who had undergone reconstruction with either a lateral upper arm free flap (LUFF, n=16) or a radial forearm free flap (RFFF, n=7). Videofluoroscopy was used to assess tongue mobility and abnormalities of swallowing function.All patients who underwent reconstruction with LUFF or RFFF free flaps had decreased tongue mobility, except for the tip of the tongue. Patients who underwent anterior or posterior resection had greater decreases in tongue mobility than those who underwent medial resection. Swallowing impairment was similar in patients with LUFFs and those with RFFFs. Anterior resection of the oral cavity had a significant negative effect on swallowing function. Silent aspiration occurred in five patients. In conclusion the resection site affected swallowing function, but the type of flap did not, in patients with oral carcinoma, who underwent tumour resection with reconstruction  相似文献   

ObjectiveThere is lack of standardized management and mobilization strategies after oral and maxillofacial reconstruction surgery. We used prospective randomized controlled trials to explore improvements in postoperative mobilization protocol in such patients.MethodsA total of 149 patients were randomly divided into tracheotomy control group A (38 cases) and test group A (37 cases), nontracheotomy control group B (38 cases) and test group B (36 cases). Test group patients sat up in bed on the 2nd day after surgery and performed off-bed activity on the 3rd day, whereas control group patients sat up in bed on the 4th day postoperatively and performed off-bed activity on the 6th day. Objective evaluation included free flap success rate, postoperative complications, sleep time, and catheter removal time, among other parameters. Subjective evaluation included postoperative pain and comfort evaluation.ResultsThe success rate of free flaps was 97.3% in test group A and 100% in the other groups. In terms of mean sleep time, 4.6 ± 1.0 h in test group A, which was longer than 4.1 ± 1.0 h in control group A (P = 0.034); 5.7 ± 1.4 h in test group B, which was longer than 4.9 ± 1.7 h in control group B (P = 0.026). Early activity makes catheter removal time (tracheal incision, nasogastric tube, urethral catheter) shorter and gets higher comfort evaluation scores in both test groups versus control groups (P < 0.05).ConclusionsThe early mobilization protocol for patients undergoing free flap reconstruction was safe, and can effectively improve sleep, shorten the catheter indwelling time, and increase the patient's comfort level.  相似文献   

目的比较国产73-Ⅱ型血管套接器与普通血管缝合两种血管吻合方式对游离组织瓣修复口腔颌面部缺损中皮瓣成活的影响。方法根据不同的血管吻合方式将2005年10月至2012年1月间本院63例应用游离组织瓣修复口腔颌面部缺损的患者分为两组,血管套接组(n=32)修复时采用国产73-Ⅱ型血管套接器吻合动脉及静脉,普通血管缝合组(n=31)采用血管缝线吻合血管,比较两组病例血管吻合时间,术后皮瓣危象发生率、皮瓣成活率,以及患者面部外形、面部功能恢复情况。结果血管套接组、普通血管缝合组血管吻合时间分别为(15.66±8.76)分钟、(65.55±15.14)分钟,两组吻合时间有统计学差异(P〈0.05)。两组共移植组织瓣63例,术后发生皮瓣危象3例,成活61例,皮瓣危象发生率4.76%,总成活率为96.83%。血管套接组移植游离组织瓣32例,术后发生皮瓣危象1例、成活31例,皮瓣危象发生率3.13%、成活率96.88%;普通血管缝合组移植游离组织瓣31例,术后发生皮瓣危象2例、成活30例,皮瓣危象发生率6.45%、成活率96.77%。两组术后皮瓣危象发生率、皮瓣成活率均无显著差异(P〉0.05)。所有患者的创口均一期愈合。所有患者面部外形恢复良好、舌体运动、咬合关系及吞咽功能基本正常。结论游离组织瓣移植修复口腔颌面部缺损安全有效,患者面部外形、功能恢复满意。术中血管套接和普通缝合吻合血管的方法,术后皮瓣危象发生率和皮瓣成活率基本相同,但血管套接法吻合速度快、易于掌握,临床上需根据具体病情,结合患者自身经济条件进行选择。  相似文献   

目的:研究游离腹直肌肌皮瓣即刻修复口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤切除术后缺损的方法并评价其作用。方法:6例患者在进行广泛的口腔癌切除术后,应用游离腹直肌肌皮瓣进行缺损即刻修复,3例颊癌患者分别切除唇,颊,下颌骨及上颌骨后造成大面积洞穿性缺损,2例舌癌及1例下颌骨恶性肿瘤患者在进行舌切除及下颌骨切除后造成大面积及复杂的缺损,缺损修复的转移皮瓣最大面积达110mm×230mm。结果:游离腹直肌肌皮瓣及供区无严重的手术并发症,6例游离腹直肌肌皮瓣有5例愈合无并发症,1例皮瓣出现部分坏死,供皮区腹壁无组织感染及裂开。结论:游离腹直肌肌皮瓣使口腔颌面部缺损修复在功能和美观上达到满意的效果,提高了口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤患者广泛切除术后的生存质量。  相似文献   

Swallowing, speech, and morbidity were assessed postoperatively in 25 patients, 18 of whom had had intraoral defects reconstructed by lateral upper arm free flaps (LUFF) and 7 by radial forearm free flaps (RFFF). Video fluoroscopy was used to assess swallowing, the Freiburger audiometric test to assess speech; and measurement of arm circumference to assess donor site morbidity. A questionnaire was used to evaluate swallowing, speech, and donor site morbidity subjectively.The degree of impairment in swallowing depended on the site of resection. Anterior and posterior resections affected swallowing more than lateral resections. Anterior resection and the use of LUFFs reduced intelligibility. There was no significant difference in impairment between LUFF and RFFF. We conclude that the LUFFs are superior to RFFFs because they can be closed primary and the incidence of donor site morbidity is slight.  相似文献   

目的:探讨颈阔肌皮瓣在颊癌术后缺损修复中的应用价值。方法术前检查颊部及颌下淋巴结未见显性转移的颊癌患者40例,观察组及对照组各20例,均常规实施颊癌切除和择区性颈淋巴清扫术,观察组颊部缺损选择颈阔肌皮瓣修复,对照组选择前臂皮瓣修复。随访1年,观察并比较2组患者皮瓣成活、颈部活动度、开口度以及颊部皮瓣黏膜化情况。结果观察组皮瓣成活率与对照组相比,差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.013,P=0.909)。但观察组内,皮瓣绕下颌骨者出现远端坏死的发生率明显低于未绕下颌骨者,差异有统计学意义(χ2=3.429,P=0.044)。颈阔肌皮瓣术后1年供区疤痕明显软化,对颈部活动影响不大,2组颈部活动度差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。2组患者术后1年的开口度及颊部皮瓣黏膜化情况均良好,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论颈阔肌皮瓣对于术前颊部及颌下淋巴结未见显性转移的颊癌患者的术后缺损具有较好的修复效果,尤其适用于颊部病灶切除后有牙列缺失者,以及手术风险较高不宜实施游离皮瓣者。与游离皮瓣相比,颈阔肌皮瓣具有手术创伤小、临床效果好、操作简单容易开展等优点。  相似文献   

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