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目的了解2010—2012年中国成年居民年龄标化的平均每日膳食钠的摄入现况。方法数据来自2010—2012年中国居民营养与健康状况监测,采用多阶段分层与人口成比例的整群随机抽样方法,研究对象为全国31个省(自治区、直辖市)150个调查县区中18岁及以上居民55 509人。居民膳食钠的摄入量计算依据膳食调查数据,膳食调查方法采用住户连续3天家庭食用油和调味品称重法和个人连续3天24小时膳食回顾法。结果采用2009年国家统计局的人口数据进行复杂加权计算。结果中国18岁及以上成年居民膳食钠的摄入量为(5335.7±95.3)mg/d,男性为(5744.9±117.8)mg/d,女性为(4918.9±79.4)mg/d。40~49岁、50~59岁、60~69岁组居民的膳食钠摄入量分别为(5602.3±152.7)、(5640.0±113.8)和(5363.5±100.8)mg/d,均高于其他年龄组。城乡成年居民膳食钠的摄入量差别不大,分别为(5319.5±145.9)mg/d和(5352.3±121.7)mg/d。大城市略低为(4993.8±150.3)mg/d,中小城市、普通农村和贫困农村居民的膳食钠摄入量基本持平,分别为(5378.4±170.3)、(5369.8±142.7)和(5335.9±231.6)mg/d。结论2010—2012年中国成年居民的膳食钠摄入量还处于较高水平,加强人群钠监测,采取措施控盐控钠非常重要。  相似文献   

目的了解扬州地区城乡居民食盐摄入量及高血压患病情况,为后期干预政策的制定提供依据。方法采用多阶段整群随机抽样,对18~69岁常住居民进行问卷调查和体检,统计居民食盐摄入量和高血压患病情况,分析两者之间的关系。结果扬州市居民高血压患病率为34.01%(标化患病率30.38%),收缩压和舒张压的平均水平分别为129.8mmHg和83.3mmHg,平均食盐摄入9.01g/d,24h尿液收集估算钠盐摄入12.94g/d。食盐摄入量6g/d组人群血压水平明显低于食盐摄入量≥6g/d组。结论扬州市居民平均食盐摄入量远超居民膳食指南推荐量,制定减盐干预措施刻不容缓。  相似文献   

2009-2010年浙江省三个地区居民膳食铅和镉暴露评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 评价浙江省3个地区居民膳食铅、镉暴露水平.方法 按照中国总膳食研究方法和要求,于2009-2010年在浙江省内选择内陆城市点、内陆农村点和沿海城市点各1个,对常住居民进行膳食调查,获得了512名居民的每日消费食物种类和数量.根据膳食调查结果采集食物样品,对样品进行聚类、采集、烹调加工,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)测定样品的铅、镉含量,并进行膳食铅、镉的暴露量评价.结果 浙江省3个地区居民膳食铅摄入量中位数(P50)为37.8 μg/d,第97.5百分位数(P97.5)为72.3μg/d.不同年龄组的膳食铅摄入量P50为23.2~44.2 μg/d,P97.5为34.2 ~ 88.1 μg/d.每日膳食镉摄入量P50为9.6tμg/d,P97.5为15.7 μg/d.不同年龄组膳食镉摄入量P50为6.4~11.4 μg/d,占暂定每月可耐受摄入量(PTMI,25 μg/kg)的15.6%~42.6%,P97.5为10.5 ~ 21.4 μg/d,占PTMI的27.5% ~77.6%.膳食铅来源(每日提供铅摄入量P50)前3位的食物种类依次是蔬菜(11.3 μg)、谷类(11.0 μg)、肉类(9.8 μg),其合计值占膳食铅(37.8 μg/d)的84.9%;膳食镉(P50)来源前3位的食物种类依次是谷类(3.6 μg)、蔬菜(2.1 μg)和豆类(0.9 μg),其合计值占膳食镉(9.6 μg/d)的68.8%.结论 浙江省3个地区居民膳食铅、镉摄入总体处于安全水平.  相似文献   

目的了解我国大豆类及其制品在成年居民中的摄入状况。方法数据来源于2015年"中国居民营养状况变迁的队列研究",选取其中有完整膳食数据的18~59岁成年人作为研究对象,共计10401人。膳食调查采用连续3 d 24 h膳食回顾调查法,结合《中国食物成分表》,计算平均每人每天大豆类食物、烹调豆制品、预包装豆制品和豆类食物(包括大豆类食物和大豆制品)总的摄入量。不同豆类食物摄入量均按照其蛋白质含量与干黄豆蛋白质含量的比值进行折算,换算成相当于干黄豆的量。计算不同类别豆类食物的人群消费率和平均每天摄入量(全人群和消费人群)。分析豆类食物消费水平在不同人群间的差异。结果我国15省区成年居民豆类食物的总体消费率为62.1%,其中大豆类食物、烹调豆制品和预包装豆制品的消费率分别为4.7%、60.0%和2.0%。豆类食物平均消费量为11.3g/d,其中消费人群平均消费量为18.2g/d。大豆类全人群平均消费量为1.1g/d,消费人群为22.5g/d;烹调豆制品全人群平均消费量为10.0g/d,消费人群为16.6g/d;预包装豆制品全人群平均消费量为0.3g/d,消费人群为12.4g/d。城市居民、低年龄组居民、高教育程度者、高收入者中的豆类食物消费率较高。农村居民、男性、低教育程度、高收入者的豆类食物消费量较高。结论豆类食物在我国成年居民中的食用较为普遍,但消费量不足。应采取措施促进我国居民新鲜豆类食物的摄入,尤其是农村居民、女性和中老年人。  相似文献   

目的了解深圳市居民膳食营养状况,为营养教育和营养改善工作提供科学依据。方法采用分层整群随机抽样方法,对244户居民853人进行家庭膳食调查。3日24h回顾法获得每个调查对象各类食物的进食量,用称重法获得每个家庭的调味品的消费量。结果深圳市居民每标准人日能量摄入为10.2MJ,占推荐摄入量(RNIs)的102.00%。蛋白质摄入量为103.5g/d,占推荐摄入量(RNI)的138.00%。脂肪摄入量为96.4g/d。维生素A、硫胺素和核黄素摄入量分别为788.0μg RE/d、1.0mg/d和0.9mg/d,分别占RNIs的98.50%、71.43%和64.329%。维生素B6、叶酸摄入量为0.2mg/d、103.1μg/d,分别占RNIs的16.67%和25.78%。钙、铁、钠摄入量分别为620.0mg/d、23.0mg/d和5 310.8mg/d,分别为RNIs的77.50%、153.34%和241.40%。结论深圳市居民每日能量、蛋白质、脂肪摄入量充足,核黄素、硫胺素、维生素B6、叶酸和钙的摄入量偏低,钠的摄入量偏高。要加强合理营养、平衡膳食的宣传教育,防止营养相关慢性病的持续上升。  相似文献   

目的 利用2019年安徽省高血压和钠盐摄入监测基线调查数据,估算盐摄入量。方法 采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法,选取18~69岁居民进行问卷调查和相关指标检测。通过问卷询问获得调查对象的人口学特征、吸烟、饮酒和身体活动等信息;通过身体测量获取BMI、腰围和血压值。采集24 h尿液,检测尿钠、尿钾、尿肌酐和尿微量白蛋白。使用复杂样本基于设计的泰勒级数线性化法估算不同特征居民的盐摄入量,分析盐摄入量与血压值、腰围和BMI的相关性。结果 共纳入1 500人,成年居民盐摄入量为9.14 g/d,男性盐摄入量(9.84 g/d)高于女性(8.47 g/d),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。不同亚组居民的盐摄入量差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。单因素线性回归分析结果显示,平均盐摄入量与SBP、DBP、腰围和BMI均呈正相关(P<0.05)。调整后的多因素线性回归分析结果显示,平均盐摄入量仅与BMI呈正相关(β=0.053,95%CI:0.028~0.078,P<0.05)。结论 安徽省成年居民膳食的盐摄入量高于WHO的建议,需采取公共卫生措施减少盐的摄入。  相似文献   

淮北市居民硒营养水平调查与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解淮北市居民微量元素硒的营养水平状况,并为建立全国微量元素营养数据库提供有效的数据。方法于2003年9月—2004年6月,随机选取在淮北市出生或在淮北市居住10a以上健康居民513人,采用催化极谱法测定发硒含量,并划分硒丰度区;以发硒含量估算膳食硒摄入量,按照《中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量》进行评价。结果淮北市居民发硒含量为(0.3903±0.1045)μg/g,仅有51.9%(266/513)的居民发硒含量属于适硒区水平。淮北市居民膳食硒摄入量为(31.92±9.93)μg/d;除0~6岁人群外,其他各年龄段人群膳食硒摄入量远低于中国营养学会推荐的摄入量。达到推荐摄入量(RNI)、平均需要量(EAR)标准的居民分别占19.9%(102/513)和32.9%(169/513),也远未达到满足群体中50%个体生理需要量的摄入水平。结论淮北市民从膳食中摄取的硒量严重不足,提醒市民应适当补充微量元素硒。  相似文献   

目的了解中国九省区成年居民的乳类消费变化特征。方法利用1989、1991、1993、1997、2000、2004、2006、2009和2011年"中国健康与营养调查"(CHNS)的9轮调查数据,选择具有连续72 h回顾法收集的完整膳食数据的18~59岁的成年居民作为研究对象,共67778人。按不同性别、年龄、地区、文化水平、家庭人均收入分析该人群乳类消费率、摄入量平均水平及变化特征,并与《中国居民膳食指南》的乳类推荐量进行比较。结果1989—2011年中国成年居民乳类消费率、人均摄入量呈现上升趋势。成年居民乳类消费率由1989年的1.45%上升至2011年的16.84%;消费人群人均乳类摄入量由1989年的2.06 g/d上升至2011年的26.47 g/d;达到《中国居民膳食指南》推荐量300 g/d的人群比例由1989年的0.12%上升至2011年的1.13%。结论中国成年居民乳类消费状况发生了很大改善,但与《中国居民膳食指南》提出的300 g/d推荐量还有很大的差距。  相似文献   

目的分析中国15省(自治区、直辖市)18~59岁成年人肉类摄入状况及其人口经济因素的差异。方法利用2015年"中国居民营养状况变迁的队列研究"中有完整膳食及相关数据的18~59岁成年人作为研究对象,共计10 367名。采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样,以县城居委会、城市居委会、村和郊区村作为基本调查点,每个调查点随机抽取20户,户内所有家庭成员均作为调查对象。膳食调查采用连续3 d 24 h膳食回顾法,在调查的3 d中任意一天消费了畜禽肉的成年人,就被视为相应肉类的消费人群,利用3 d的肉类食物摄入计算肉类及亚类的人群消费率和平均每天摄入量(全人群和消费人群),评价各种肉类摄入量占肉类总摄入量的比例并分析肉类消费在不同特征(性别、年龄、收入、教育程度、城乡、地区)人群间的差异。结果 2015年我国15省(自治区、直辖市)成年人肉类总体消费率为86.0%,畜肉和禽肉消费率分别为83.6%和30.0%。成人肉类平均摄入量为94.0 g/d,其中畜肉和禽肉平均摄入量分别为77.4 g/d和16.7 g/d。消费人群肉类、畜肉和禽肉摄入量分别为109.8 g/d、92.5 g/d和55.6 g/d。猪肉摄入量占肉类摄入总量的73.9%,占畜肉摄入量的86.3%。与中国居民膳食指南(2016)推荐量比较,分别有49.9%和32.2%的成年人畜禽肉摄入量超过和低于推荐量。西部地区、城市、高收入及高教育水平人群肉类消费率、摄入量及超过推荐量的比例均较高(P<0.05)。结论 2015年中国15省(自治区、直辖市)18~59岁成人肉类摄入模式不甚合理,摄入过量的现象比较严重,猪肉摄入量所占比例较高。  相似文献   

正要健康,从小少吃盐研究表明,过量摄入钠与高血压、心脏病等密切相关。因而,世界卫生组织(WHO)建议,应减少钠摄入量。每天推荐儿童最高摄入限量为2g的钠,相当于5g盐,并应酌减儿童的钠摄入限量。2013版的中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量中,2~5岁儿童的钠摄入量(Al)值为1.2g/d,即每天3g盐。  相似文献   

目的 了解浙江省城乡及不同地域居民的膳食纤维摄入现状、食物来源等情况.方法 采用连续3 d24 h回顾法和称重法对9 798名≥2岁居民进行个人食物摄入量调查及调味品消费量调查.结果 浙江省每日人均膳食纤维摄入量为10.12 g,城市和农村分别为11.23、9.00g,总体上呈现男性>女性,城市>农村;18岁以前摄入量随年龄的增加而上升,老年组略有下降;平原、山区、海岛每日人均摄入量分别为10.58、9.64、8.94g,且中、青年组均呈现平原>山区>海岛的分布趋势(P<0.05);膳食纤维主要食物来源为蔬菜、谷类、干豆、菌藻和调味品,总摄入量分别为36 624.31、27 616.97、15 024.92、8 835.47、8 175.03g,分别占33.89%、25.56%、13.90%、8.18%、7.57%.结论 浙江省城乡居民膳食纤维摄入量普遍不足,农村和海岛地区更为缺乏,膳食纤维的摄入量有待提高.  相似文献   

目的:食物频率问卷法(FFQ)问卷评估人群膳食能量和营养素摄入量的准确性进行验证。方法:使用3d称重法(WFR)和FFQ收集北京市130名35~49岁健康成人食物摄入资料,计算出其能量和营养素的摄入量并加以比较。结果:由食物WFR计算到的研究对象能量摄入为9.6MJ/d,蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化物摄入分别为82.1、87.5和269.7g/d。由FFQ得到的能量摄入量为9.7MJ/d,蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化物摄入量分别为88.3g/d、113.9g/d和248.8g/d,两种方法调查的膳食能量、蛋白质及其供能比无显著性差异,FFQ显著高估膳食脂肪摄入量(高估27.2%),碳水化物摄入量则被低估(低估10.8%)。FFQ得到的膳食维生素和矿物质的摄入量普遍高于WFR,但低估维生素E、铁和硒的摄入量。由FFQ得到的能量和营养素摄入,除维生素C、胡萝卜素和视黄醇当量外,均与WFR显著正相关,相关系数在0.22~0.51之间,但在调整年龄、性别和膳食能量摄入量的影响后,FFQ对膳食脂肪、维生素B1、钠和磷摄入量的估计与WFR相关的显著性消失。结论:FFQ可以用于评估膳食能量、蛋白质、碳水化物、维生素A、维生素B2、尼克酸、钾、钙、锌和硒的摄入量,但FFQ不适于评估膳食脂肪、视黄醇当量、胡萝卜素、维生素B1、维生素C、维生素E、钠、铁和磷的摄入量。  相似文献   

  目的  分析我国各省成年居民胃癌归因于钠摄入过量的发病和死亡负担。  方法  根据2012年中国居民营养与健康状况监测获得的膳食钠消费量数据,结合协同克里金空间插值的方法估算各省成年居民的膳食钠暴露水平。2015年胃癌发病和死亡数据来自《肿瘤登记年报》,按照比例风险评估理论,分省计算胃癌发病和死亡归因于钠摄入过量的归因分值。  结果  2015年成年居民高钠饮食对胃癌发病和死亡的人口归因比例分别为29.94%和28.95%,归因于高钠饮食的胃癌发病数和死亡数分别为80 718人和56 578人,发病率和死亡率分别为8.04/10万和5.64/10万。甘肃省归因于高钠饮食的胃癌发病率和死亡率最高,分别为24.85/10万和14.51/10万。归因于高钠饮食发病率最低的省份是广东省(2.51/10万),西藏自治区居民归因于高钠饮食的胃癌死亡率最低(0.29/10万)。  结论  2015年我国成年居民胃癌归因于高钠饮食的发病和死亡负担处于较高的水平,各省间差异大。  相似文献   

The estimated average requirement (EAR) for vitamin A (VA) of adult males is based on the amount of dietary VA required to maintain adequate function and provide a modest liver VA reserve (0.07 μmol/g). In the present study, the paired-deuterated retinol dilution technique was used to estimate changes in VA pool size in Bangladeshi men from low-income, urban neighborhoods who had small initial VA pool sizes (0.059 ± 0.032 mmol, or 0.047 ± 0.025 μmol/g liver; n = 16). The men were supplemented for 60 d with 1 of 8 different levels of dietary VA, ranging from 100 to 2300 μg/d (2 men/dietary VA level). VA pool size was estimated before and after the supplementation period. The mean change (plus or minus) in VA pool size in the men was plotted against their corresponding levels of daily VA intake and a regression line was fit to the data. The level of intake at which the regression line crossed the x-axis (where estimates of VA pool size remained unchanged) was used as an estimate of the EAR. A VA intake of 254-400 μg/d was sufficient to maintain a small VA pool size (0.059 ± 0.032 mmol) in the Bangladeshi men, corresponding to a VA intake of 362-571 μg/d for a 70-kg U.S. man, which is lower than their current EAR of 625 μg/d. The data suggest that the paired-deuterated retinol dilution technique could be used for estimating the EAR for VA for population subgroups for which there are currently no direct estimates.  相似文献   

We measured concentrations of sodium and creatinine in previously validated overnight urine and 24-h urine of 79 healthy infants of 3 to 5 y of age in two cities in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. Thereafter, we estimated daily salt intake from daily urinary sodium excretion and daily urinary volume. Corrections for potential sweat loss of sodium chloride were conducted based on urinary volume and urinary creatinine concentration. We also measured urinary volume and urinary sodium concentration in infants who failed to provide complete urine samples. The estimated salt intake did not differ between boys and girls, but varied between the two cities. The estimated salt intake per unit of body weight differed neither between genders nor between cities. The grand means for estimated salt intake and that per unit of body weight were 5.5 g/d (SD 1.8) and 0.32 g/kg/d (SD 0.10), which supported previous results both in Japan and abroad. It was also possible to roughly estimate salt intake from sodium concentration in overnight urine or incomplete 24-h urine, and published urine volume.  相似文献   

目的采用食物分类计算法评估中国居民膳食生物素平均摄入量。方法 448种食物,采用微生物法测定生物素含量后,根据2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查报告分为31类,计算各类食物算术均值和几何均值,乘以相应的食物消费量加和计算城乡居民和2岁以上各年龄段人群生物素平均摄入量。结果全国居民总体生物素摄入量(算术均值)为40.0 g/d,城乡范围36.8~48.9 g/d,几何均值计算结果比算术均值约低9 g/d。30岁前生物素摄入量随年龄增加,到30~45岁时达到最高;其中女性(38.7 g/d)低于男性(43.8 g/d);45岁后随老龄化生物量摄入逐渐下降,70岁时女性仅为31.2 g/d(算术均值)。结论我国城乡居民膳食生物素平均摄入量基本可以达到中国营养学会推荐营养素适宜摄入量(AI),育龄妇女和老年妇女生物素摄入量相对偏低。  相似文献   

The present study estimated the dietary intake of seven B vitamins using a total diet study (TDS) in Japan. The daily intake of vitamins estimated by TDS was calculated based on the mean contents of vitamins in 18 food groups, and the amount of food intake in the Nation Health and Nutrition Survey in Japan, 2006. The estimated daily intake of these vitamins for all ages was 22.8 mg NE/d for niacin, 7.4 μg/d for vitamin B(12), 146 μg/d for folic acid, 4.52 mg/d for pantothenic acid, 1.06 mg/d for riboflavin, and 1.44 mg/d for pyridoxine. The estimated daily intake of the vitamins of niacin, vitamin B(12) and pyridoxine exceeded the dietary reference values for adults aged 18-29 y. The estimated daily intake of these vitamins by TDS was higher than the daily intake reported in the National Health and Nutrition Survey in Japan, 2006. There was a strongly positive correlation between the intake levels estimated by TDS and those reported in the National Health and Nutrition Survey. This suggests that TDS is an effective dietary survey for estimating the dietary intake of water-soluble vitamins. Therefore, when being determined by TDS, the estimated daily intake of biotin was 51.0 μg/d for all ages.  相似文献   

High sodium and low potassium intakes are associated with increased levels of blood pressure and risk of cardiovascular diseases. Assessment of habitual dietary habits are helpful to evaluate their intake and adherence to healthy dietary recommendations. In this study, we determined sodium and potassium food-specific content and intake in a Northern Italy community, focusing on the role and contribution of adherence to Mediterranean diet patterns. We collected a total of 908 food samples and measured sodium and potassium content using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Using a validated semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire, we assessed habitual dietary intake of 719 adult individuals of the Emilia-Romagna region. We then estimated sodium and potassium daily intake for each food based on their relative contribution to the overall diet, and their link to Mediterranean diet patterns. The estimated mean sodium intake was 2.15 g/day, while potassium mean intake was 3.37 g/day. The foods contributing most to sodium intake were cereals (33.2%), meat products (24.5%, especially processed meat), and dairy products (13.6%), and for potassium they were meat (17.1%, especially red and white meat), fresh fruits (15.7%), and vegetables (15.1%). Adherence to a Mediterranean diet had little influence on sodium intake, whereas potassium intake was greatly increased in subjects with higher scores, resulting in a lower sodium/potassium ratio. Although we may have underestimated dietary sodium intake by not including discretionary salt use and there may be some degree of exposure misclassification as a result of changes in food sodium content and dietary habits over time, our study provides an overview of the contribution of a wide range of foods to the sodium and potassium intake in a Northern Italy community and of the impact of a Mediterranean diet on intake. The mean sodium intake was above the dietary recommendations for adults of 1.5–2 g/day, whilst potassium intake was only slightly lower than the recommended 3.5 g/day. Our findings suggest that higher adherence to Mediterranean diet patterns has limited effect on restricting sodium intake, but may facilitate a higher potassium intake, thereby aiding the achievement of healthy dietary recommendations.  相似文献   

中国成年居民营养素日常摄入量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的计算我国成年居民营养素日常摄入量(usual intake,UI),为准确评估我国居民膳食营养素摄入状况提供科学依据。方法使用"2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查"数据,采用ISU方法和NCI方法计算43 672名成年居民的能量、15种营养素、膳食纤维和胆固醇的UI,并与直接计算的3 d摄入量进行比较。结果钙、硒、维生素B2和胆固醇的UI分布均值明显高于3 d摄入量均值,其中男性和女性胆固醇UI分布均值比3 d摄入量均值高14%和30%左右,能量和其余营养素UI分布均值稍低于3 d摄入量均值,其中碳水化合物和维生素C的UI分布均值比3 d摄入量均值低6%左右。能量和所有营养素UI分布标准差均低于3 d摄入量标准差,其中维生素B2的UI分布标准差比3 d摄入量标准差低50%以上;能量和大多数营养素摄入量分布的P10、P25和P50比3 d摄入量分布高,P75和P90比3 d摄入量分布低。结论未经统计学校正的直接计算法高估了大多数营养素摄入量均值及所有营养素摄入量分布的标准差,ISU和NCI方法对于改善营养素摄入量分布曲线尾端的估计很有效。  相似文献   

The Multiple Source Method (MSM) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) method are used to estimate usual dietary intake from short-term dietary assessment instruments, such as 24 hour dietary recall (24-HRs). However, their performance has not been validated in the Chinese population via nutrition surveys. To validate the accuracy of the MSM and NCI method in estimating usual dietary intake in the Chinese population, 752 individuals from northern and southern China answered four seasons of seven consecutive 24-HRs (one for each season). The true usual dietary intake was considered as the average of the 28 collection days of dietary component intake. Using data sets with consecutive 3 collection days, the usual intakes of the selected dietary components were estimated by MSM, NCI and the within-person mean of three 24-HRs (3 day method). These estimates were compared with the true usual intake at the group and individual level. At the group level, the MSM and NCI method performed similarly, yielding estimates closer to the true usual intake than 3 day method. The percentage differences of the estimates for dietary components not consumed daily from the MSM and NCI method were larger than for the dietary components consumed daily. However, the larger percentage differences were observed in the tail of the usual intake distribution. In general, dietary components with larger variance ratios had greater percentage differences. At the individual level, for overall seasons and dietary components, the biases of individual usual intake did agree for MSM and NCI method, whereas NCI method estimates were closer to true intakes than for the MSM and 3 day method. Similar results were observed in the relative biases of dietary components consumed daily. As with the group level, there was less percentage difference in dietary components consumed daily. Both the MSM and NCI method can be used to estimate usual intake in Chinese populations and are closer to the true usual intake than the traditional mean method, at both group and individual levels.  相似文献   

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