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目的 了解上海市高中生的膳食摄入数量和质量。方法 2015—2016年,按照学校所在街道的性质将学校分为3层(城市中心地区、城郊结合地区和远郊地区),采用按规模大小成比例的概率抽样法抽取上海市19所高中,每校从各年级随机抽取1个班级,每班随机抽取18名学生,男女各半,共1026名学生。调查内容包含一般情况调查和膳食调查。用《中国居民膳食指南2016》评价膳食摄入量,用中国健康膳食指数(CHDI)评价膳食质量。结果 上海市高中生谷薯类摄入量中位数为313.8 g/d,蔬菜类189.7 g/d,水果类66.3 g/d,禽畜肉类179.2 g/d,鱼虾类34.7 g/d,蛋类48.9 g/d,奶及奶制品133.3 g/d,大豆坚果类33.3 g/d,烹调油27.1 g/d和烹调盐6.0 g/d。男生和女生蔬菜类、水果类、鱼虾类和奶及奶制品的日均摄入量中位数均低于标准,禽畜肉类高于标准(P0.05)。不同地区高中生的谷薯类、蔬菜类、水果类、禽畜肉类、鱼虾类、奶及奶制品、大豆坚果类、烹调油和盐的日均摄入量中位数差异存在统计学意义(P0.05)。上海市高中生的CHDI总分中位数为68.5,得分主要在60~80之间,比例为75.2%。男生蔬菜总量,深色蔬菜,水果和总分的得分均低于女生(P0.05)。城市中心地区CHDI总分高于城郊结合地区和远郊地区(P0.05)。结论 上海市高中生的膳食结构欠合理,膳食质量一般,城市中心地区优于其他地区。建议增加蔬菜、水果、鱼虾类和奶及奶制品的摄入,适当减少畜禽肉类摄入。  相似文献   

目的 通过人群膳食质量验证,筛选适用于中国居民的食物营养素丰富度指数(nutrient-rich food index, NRF指数)。方法 依据《中国食物成分表》和“中国食品标签营养素参考值”,以100 g为计算基准,构建16个NRF指数。利用“中国健康与营养调查”项目2018年在15个省14 068名成年居民中收集的食物摄入量数据,通过膳食质量评价指标中国精简膳食质量评分(China Prime Diet Quality Score, CPDQS)对NRF指数进行验证。以CPDQS为因变量,膳食NRF指数得分为自变量,调整协变量后进行多重线性回归分析,以决定系数R2最大的NRF指数作为最适宜指数。结果 NRF8.2指数回归分析的R2最大,为0.16。干豆类、菌藻类、坚果、蔬菜、蛋类、水产的NRF8.2指数得分较高。相对于膳食NRF8.2指数低得分组,高得分组平均每天有更多的谷薯类、蔬菜、水果、大豆及坚果、奶类、蛋类和水产的摄入,同时有较少的畜禽肉、饮料、盐和烹调油的消费。在营养素摄入方面,膳食NRF8.2指数中和高得分组有相对较高的能量、...  相似文献   

新鲜蔬菜水果是人类平衡膳食的重要组成部分,也是我国传统膳食重要特点之一。蔬菜水果是维生素、矿物质、膳食纤维和植物化学物质的重要来源,水分多、能量低。薯类含有丰富的淀粉、膳食纤维以及多种维生素和矿物质。富含蔬菜、水果和薯类的膳食对保持身体健康,保持肠道正常功能,提高免疫力,降低患肥胖、糖尿病、高血压等慢性疾病风险具有重要作用,所以近年来各国膳食指南都强调增加蔬菜和水果的摄入种类和数量。推荐我国成年人每天吃蔬菜300~500g,最好深色蔬菜约占一半,水果200~400g,并注意增加薯类的摄入。  相似文献   

目的建立中国健康膳食指数(China Healthy Diet Index,CHDI),评价中国成年居民膳食质量及其特点。方法依据中国居民膳食指南选择CHDI构成指标。参照中国人群各类食物和营养素的推荐摄入量标准,确定每个构成指标的取值方法,利用2010-2012年中国居民营养与健康状况监测55528名18岁及以上人群数据,应用CHDI评价中国成年人的膳食总体状况及其特点。结果 CHDI由13个指标构成,包括9类食物摄入量(即精制谷物、全谷物和杂豆薯类、蔬菜总量、深色蔬菜、水果、奶类、大豆类、肉蛋类和鱼虾类)、食物种类、饱和脂肪酸供能比、纯能量食物供能比和钠摄入量。CHDI总分范围为0~100分,我国18岁及以上人群CHDI的平均得分(标准差)为49.18(11.89)。总体膳食质量呈现城市优于农村,女性优于男性,60~80岁人群优于其他年龄组人群,家庭收入、文化程度越高膳食质量越好,不吸烟人群优于吸烟人群、未婚或者已婚有配偶人群优于离异或丧偶人群。精制谷物摄入量、饱和脂肪供能比、纯能量食物供能比达到推荐量的比例较高,分别为83.9%,81.0%和64.2%;而钠、食物种类、水果类和奶类较低,分别为9.9%、5.3%、4.7%和4.3%。CHDI达到60分以上的比例为17.7%。结论 CHDI可以综合评价中国人群的膳食质量,不同社会、经济、健康特征人群膳食质量存在一定差异。总体来看,我国成年人膳食总体质量较低,其中食物种类不足、钠摄入量较高,水果和奶类摄入不足的问题更为突出。  相似文献   

目的建立中国老年膳食指南指数(CDGI(2018)-E),评价中国15省(自治区、直辖市)60岁及以上老年人膳食质量及影响因素。方法以中国居民膳食指南(2016)以及平衡膳食宝塔为依据,采用等权重连续性评分方法,建立CDGI(2018)-E,并利用2015年"中国健康与营养调查"数据,评价中国15省(自治区、直辖市)60岁及以上老年人的膳食质量现状及影响因素。结果 CDGI(2018)-E总分范围为0~110分,包含3个大类13个评价指标,分别为"足量"摄入类[谷薯类(碳水化合物供能比、其他谷物及杂豆)、水果、蔬菜(蔬菜总量、深色蔬菜占比)、大豆及坚果类、奶及奶制品]。"适量"摄入类(水产品、畜禽肉、蛋类)和"限量"摄入类(油、盐、酒)。2015年中国15省(自治区、直辖市)60岁及以上老年人膳食指南指数的均值为53.79分(中位数53.42分),高收入水平和高教育水平的老年人膳食指南指数较高,东部高于西部和中部,城市高于农村。"限量"摄入类的评分较高,而"适量"和"足量"摄入类的评分则主要分布于0~15和0~25,导致中国15省(自治区、直辖市)60岁及以上老年人膳食评分较低的前5个指标依次为奶及奶制品、水产品、水果、其他谷物和杂豆、畜禽肉。最高分数组的蛋白质、碳水化合物、膳食纤维、维生素A、维生素B_2、烟酸的摄入量高于其他组。结论蛋白质、脂肪、维生素以及钠、钾等一系列与心血管疾病风险相关的营养素在不同分值老年人群中存在差异,老年人的膳食质量整体偏低,奶及奶制品、水产品、水果的摄入状况亟待改善,营养教育和干预工作的主要针对对象应放在西部和中部地区、农村、低收入、低教育水平的老年人中。  相似文献   

目的分析评价新疆5个监测点成年居民每日的膳食情况。方法使用"2010年新疆慢性病及其危险因素监测"饮食情况部分的数据,分析评价新疆5个疾病监测点3000名18岁以上居民的每日各类食物的摄入情况。结果水产品、蔬菜、水果及奶类均摄入不足,低于中国居民膳食宝塔推荐量。女性蔬菜水果摄入较男性高。18~29岁组蔬菜、水果和奶类摄入最低。维吾尔族薯类、禽肉类、水产品、蔬菜、奶类及豆类的摄入量最低。农村谷薯类摄入高于城市,畜禽肉类、水产品、蔬菜水果、奶类和豆类的摄入均为城市高于农村。除了蛋类和畜肉类外其他各类食物的摄入量均为和田县最低。蔬菜水果摄入不足率较高,城市均低于农村;食用油每天摄入量为49.56 g,食盐每天摄入量为14.75 g,食用油和食盐过量摄入率较高。结论新疆5个监测点膳食结构不合理,需开展营养宣传教育活动,指导居民合理营养,平衡膳食。  相似文献   

目的分析中国7城市学龄儿童的膳食模式及其影响因素。方法采取立意抽样和整群随机抽样选取7城市学龄儿童620名,通过问卷调查获得其一般情况,采用膳食频率调查收集膳食资料。结果共确定了3种膳食模式:模式1与谷类、薯类、蔬菜、水果、大豆/豆制品的高摄入量相关;模式2与水果、水产品类、蛋类、奶类/奶制品、大豆/大豆制品、盐的高摄入量相关;模式3食物与谷类、禽畜肉类、蛋类、油脂类、盐、饮料的高摄入量相关。膳食模式受地域、父母文化程度、家庭收入、是否挑食、外出就餐次数、体力活动、是否超重等因素影响。结论中国7城市学龄儿童有3种主要膳食模式,分别为"传统型"膳食模式、"高蛋白型"膳食模式和"油脂/饮料类"膳食模式。膳食模式与人口社会学因素、生活方式等有关。  相似文献   

《中国居民膳食指南》强调居民应多吃蔬菜、水果和薯类。然而.我国居民近十年来餐桌上常是鸡、鸭、鱼、肉和蔬莱水果.唯独缺少了薯类,这真是令人扼腕。  相似文献   

多吃这5类食物有益健康1全谷物、薯类、杂豆(不包括黄豆)这是中国居民膳食宝塔的地基,也就是主食。这类食物含有较多的膳食纤维、维生素和矿物质,相比精米精面,它们饱腹感强,升糖慢,通便。2新鲜果蔬尤其是深色蔬菜(红、黄、紫、绿),以及苹果、橙子、猕猴桃、草莓等营养密度较高的水果。  相似文献   

蔬菜与水果含有丰富的维生素、矿物质和膳食纤维.食用含丰富蔬菜、水果和薯类的膳食,对保持心血管健康、增强抗病能力、减少儿童发生干眼病的危险及预防某些癌症等方面,都起着十分重要的作用.  相似文献   

三城市知识分子膳食组成的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:通过膳食调查了解我国不同地区知识分子的膳食营养状况。方法:在天津、广州、成都三个城市的教学和科研单位选择年龄45岁以上、具有高级职称的知识分子,营养专业136人,非营养专业389人,用食物频率法进行膳食营养状况调查,并进行分析比较。结果:非营养专业受试者的膳食摄入与《中国居民膳食指南及平衡膳食宝塔》建议的摄入量比较,谷类、乳类、水果、蛋类等食物摄入基本合理。存在的主要问题是(1)肉类食物摄入太多,摄入过量者达38.0%;(2)鱼虾类食物摄入较少,83.4%未能达到建议摄入量;(3)90%以上受试者的豆类食物摄入量远远低于建议值;(4)蔬菜摄入量未达建议水平者超过60%。(5)油脂摄入量超过建议量的三分之一,摄入过量的人数超过一半。营养专业知识分子的食物摄入量比非营养专业更接近平衡膳食宝塔的建议量。结论:知识分子的膳食结构需要改善,应当采取措施宣传贯彻《中国居民膳食指南》。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the association between daily diet costs and the Healthy Eating Food Index (HEFI)-2019, an index that reflects the alignment of dietary patterns to recommendations on healthy food choices in the 2019 Canada’s Food Guide (CFG). Dietary intake data from 24 h recalls, completed between 2015 and 2017, of 1147 French-speaking participants of the web-based multicenter cross-sectional PRÉDicteurs Individuels, Sociaux et Environnementaux (PREDISE) study in Quebec were used. Diet costs were calculated from dietary recall data using a Quebec-specific 2015–2016 Nielsen food price database. Usual dietary intakes and diet costs were estimated using the National Cancer Institute’s multivariate method. Linear regression models were used to evaluate associations between diet costs and HEFI-2019 scores. When standardized for energy intake, a higher HEFI-2019 score (75th vs. 25th percentiles) was associated with a 1.09 $CAD higher daily diet cost (95% CI, 0.73 to 1.45). This positive association was consistent among different sociodemographic subgroups based on sex, age, education, household income, and administrative region of residence. A higher daily diet cost was associated with a higher HEFI-2019 score for the Vegetables and fruits, Beverage, Grain foods ratio, Fatty acids ratio, Saturated fats, and Free sugars components, but with a lower score for the Sodium component. These results suggest that for a given amount of calories, a greater adherence to the 2019 CFG recommendations on healthy food choices is associated with an increased daily diet cost. This highlights the challenge of conciliating affordability and healthfulness when developing national dietary guidelines in the context of diet sustainability.  相似文献   

修订中国膳食平衡指数   总被引:22,自引:6,他引:22  
目的依据2007年发布的中国居民膳食指南和平衡膳食宝塔,修订中国膳食平衡指数DBI-07。方法利用膳食指南中的核心条目选择构成膳食平衡指数的单项食物指标,包括谷类食物、蔬菜水果、奶类及大豆类、动物性食物、酒精和调味品、食物种类以及饮水量。参照平衡膳食宝塔建议的食物摄入量确定每个单项指标的分值及计分方法,以负端分(LBS)、正端分(HBS)、膳食质量距(DQD)的方法进行计分评价。应用DBI-07对2002年中国居民营养与健康调查中26300名18~79岁成年人进行膳食质量评价。结果人群中负端分的均值为11.5,78%的人存在中、高度的摄入不足。正端分的均值为30.0,有35.1%的人存在中、高度的摄入过量。膳食质量距的均值为41.5,有43.8%的人存在高度的膳食不均衡。结论DBI-07的定义及评价方法,反映了中国居民膳食指南的基本原理,既能反映摄入不足又能反映摄入过量,可用于评价群体和个体的膳食营养状况。  相似文献   

膳食因素与宫颈癌关系的病例对照研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨膳食因素与宫颈癌发生的关系。方法 采用以医院为基础的病例对照研究 ,调查山西省肿瘤医院妇科 2 0 0 4年 1~ 5月经病理确诊的宫颈癌新发病例 (n =132 )和同期就诊的良性肿瘤患者 (n =133)的相关因素和膳食情况 ,膳食摄入情况的调查采用半定量食物频数问卷的方法。采用非条件Logistic回归计算各因素与宫颈癌的OR值及其 95 %CI。结果 在调整非膳食因素的影响后发现 ,深色蔬菜 (OR =0 34,95 %CI =0 15~ 0 76 )和膳食叶酸 (OR =0 36 ,95 %CI=0 14~ 0 95 )是宫颈癌发生的保护性因素 ,且存在剂量 -反应关系 (趋势检验P <0 0 1)。结论 宫颈癌的发生可能与膳食因素有关 ,摄入较多的深色蔬菜特别是富含叶酸的食物可能会降低宫颈癌发生的危险性。  相似文献   

We intended to precisely evaluate the dietary quality of male and female medical college students using canteen data from the “Intelligent Ordering System” (IOS), combined with the supplemental food frequency questionnaire (SFFQ) and the Chinese Healthy Eating Index (CHEI) in Shanghai, China, to explore the potential factors influencing dietary quality. A total of 283 college students with the average age of 24.67 ± 3.21 years and Body Mass Index of 21.46 ± 3.49 kg/m2 in the medical school were enrolled in this study, and an online questionnaire investigation was conducted to collect the general information, lifestyle behavior, and SFFQ. The dietary data of the study participants from the school canteen were exported from the IOS of the Information Office of Fudan University. The CHEI consists of 17 components and the total score is 100, with a maximum score of each component of 5 or 10. We calculated each component score of the CHEI and aggregated the total score for male and female study participants. The Chi-square test and Wilcoxon rank sum test were employed in comparing the differences between the demographic characteristics and CHEI component scores of males and females. Univariate and multiple linear regression models were employed to examine the potential influencing factors of the total CHEI score. The CHEI median score was 66.65, and the component score for total grains was relatively low. Added sugars was the most overconsumed CHEI component. There were relatively serious deficiencies, based on the CHEI component scores, in fruits, soybeans, fish and seafood, and seeds and nuts in both sexes. Females had significantly higher CHEI scores than males (68.38 versus 64.31). The scores for tubers, total vegetables, dark vegetables, fruits, fish and seafood, dairy, and red meats were significantly higher in females than in males. Influencing factors including sex, education, dietary health literacy, and amount of time spent sedentarily were significantly associated with CHEI score. Our research revealed that the overall dietary quality needs to be further improved for college students at the medical school in Shanghai, China, with low intakes of total grains, fruits, soybeans, fish and seafood, and seeds and nuts, and high intakes of added sugars. Compared with males, females showed higher diet quality and conformed more strongly with the recommended Dietary Guideline for Chinese. Education, dietary health literacy, and amount of time spent sedentarily should be noted for improving the dietary quality of college students.  相似文献   

Diet has been identified as a risk factor for some cancers, but its role in adult de novo acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is unclear. This study was conducted at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center to evaluate associations between consumption of vegetables, fruits, and meats with AML risk among Texas residents. All participants, 323 adult de novo AML cases and 380 frequency-matched controls, completed demographic and food frequency questionnaires. Overall, AML risk was significantly decreased among those who consumed the most dark green vegetables, seafood, and nuts/seeds; and it was significantly increased among greatest consumers of red meat. Among men, AML risk was lowest among those whose consumption was in the highest quartile for fruits [odds ratio (OR) = 0.25, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.10–0.69], poultry (OR = 0.28, 95%CI = 0.10–0.78), and seafood (OR = 0.39, 95%CI = 0.16–0.96) compared to those in the lowest. Among women, risk was lowest among those whose consumption was in the highest quartile of dark-green vegetables (OR = 0.28, 95%CI = 0.12–.68), orange vegetables (OR = 0.40, 95%CI = 0.17–.96) and nuts/beans (OR = 0.26, 95%CI = 0.11–0.60). Based on these findings, interventions can be developed to modify intake of specific dietary components to reduce cancer risk.  相似文献   

BackgroundEvaluating diet quality is a way to monitor a population’s adherence to dietary guidelines.ObjectiveTo adapt the Healthy Eating Index-2015 (HEI-2015) to the Brazilian population, to evaluate the validity and reliability of the adapted HEI-2015, and to assess diet quality of Brazilian adults as well as socioeconomic and demographic factors associated with diet quality.DesignIn this cross-sectional study, two dietary records from nonconsecutive days were used to obtain food intake information. The collected socioeconomic and demographic data included sex, age, education, per capita income, and residence area.Participants/settingA representative sample (n=27,760) of the Brazilian adult population participated in the Nutrition Dietary Survey 2008-2009.Main outcome measuresTotal and component scores for the adapted HEI-2015. The validity and reliability of the index were tested.Statistical analysis performedMean total and component scores were estimated for the adapted HEI-2015. Also, the proportion of subjects that achieved the maximum score for each component was calculated. Regarding validity and reliability analysis, principal components analysis examined the number of dimensions; Pearson correlations were estimated between total score, components, and energy, and Cronbach’s coefficient α was estimated. Diet quality was compared among socioeconomic and demographic categories.ResultsThe mean total score for the adapted HEI-2015 was 45.7 (95% CI: 45.4 to 46.0). Women had higher diet quality scores (46.4; 95% CI: 46.1 to 46.7) than men (44.9; 95% CI: 44.6 to 45.3). Age, education, and per capita income were directly associated with the adapted HEI-2015 total score. Greater than or equal to 50% of subjects received the maximum adapted HEI-2015 component scores for “total protein foods,” “seafood and plant proteins,” “fatty acids,” and “sodium.” In contrast, less than 30% of subjects received the maximum component scores for “total vegetables,” “dairy,” and “saturated fats.” Higher percentages of women received the maximum component scores for “total fruits,” “whole fruits,” “total vegetables,” “greens,” “dairy,” and “sodium,” whereas higher percentages of men received the maximum component scores for “total protein foods,” “seafood and plant proteins,” “fatty acids,” “added sugars,” and “saturated fats” components. Finally, validity analysis revealed weak correlations between component scores and energy and weak to moderate correlations with total scores; six dimensions were responsible for the total variance in diet quality and the standardized Cronbach’s coefficient α was .65 (unstandardized=.64).ConclusionsBrazilian adults have suboptimal diet quality as assessed by the adapted HEI-2015. Diet quality varied by socioeconomic and demographic factors. Results support the validity and the reliability of the index.  相似文献   

目的分析总体膳食质量与青春期发育的关系。方法采用分层整群抽样法抽取1549名成都市7~15岁儿童青少年作为调查对象,通过食物频率法收集调查对象过去一年各类食物摄入及饮食行为情况,按照儿童青少年膳食指数评分体系评价其总体膳食质量。同时采用现场观测和询问法收集调查对象的青春期发育情况。结果被调查人群男、女生膳食指数的平均得分分别为57.57±11.32分和59.73±11.50分。在男生中,高膳食质量组的初遗和变声的发生率最低;在女生中,高膳食质量组乳房发育处于B1期的人数所占比例最高,初潮发生率最低;发育程度越高,男、女生的膳食指数得分越低。结论儿童青少年的膳食总体质量与青春期发育存在一定程度的负相关,且膳食质量对女孩青春期发育的影响作用可能更大。  相似文献   

[目的]应用膳食平衡指数(DBI-07)评价世居高原纳西族居民的膳食质量,探讨膳食模式与营养相关疾病的关系,为今后少数民族膳食干预提供依据。[方法]随机选取丽江地区10个村的纳西族居民473例,收集人群基本情况和食物摄入数据,使用DBI-07以正端分(HBS)、负端分(LBS)和膳食质量距(DQD)等指数对纳西族居民膳食质量和膳食模式进行分析评价。[结果]不同性别和不同体力劳动等级人群HBS、LBS和总分(TS)差异均有统计学意义(P <0.05),谷类、蔬菜和肉禽类能够达到或超过推荐摄入量的人群分别占76.1%、71.1%和92.8%,水果、奶类、豆类和鱼虾类有26.3%、2.1%、28.9%和3.0%的人群能够达到推荐摄入量。纳西族居民膳食质量主要存在中高度摄入过量、低度摄入不足和中度膳食不均衡状态,膳食模式集中在D、G模式,均存在着摄入过量问题。[结论] DBI-07能够客观评价纳西族居民的膳食模式和质量,可以参照中国居民膳食指南和膳食宝塔进行饮食指导,提高居民营养意识,有效防治营养相关疾病的发生。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To predict the mean adequacy ratio (MAR) scores of mothers and toddlers from intakes of fruits, vegetables, and dairy group foods and being seated during mealtimes. DESIGN/SUBJECTS: This was a regression analysis of cross-sectional data of the diet quality and being seated during mealtimes of 100 rural mother-toddler dyads from limited-income families using two 24-hour dietary recalls. Children were 11 to 25 months of age and at or below 100% of the poverty index. MEASURES OF OUTCOME: Dietary quality for mothers and toddlers was assessed using a MAR score for eight different nutrients (vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, folate, calcium, zinc, iron, and magnesium), and a score of 85 or above was considered nutritionally adequate. The main food groups of interest were servings from the fruits, vegetables, and dairy group foods. Mealtime sitting behavior was the percentage of times the toddler remained seated while eating. RESULTS: Servings of fruits, vegetables, and dairy foods predicted 0.62 of the variance in the mother's MAR score, whereas vegetable and dairy intakes along with being seated while eating indicated nutritional adequacy for toddlers. Mothers with low MAR scores were most likely to have toddlers with poor diets, although few toddlers had poor diet quality. CONCLUSIONS: Adequate intakes of dairy, vegetables, and whole fruits along with being seated while eating could be quick assessment tools to screen toddlers for nutritional risk. Mothers with poor diet quality were likely to have toddlers with poor diets; low intakes of fruits, vegetables, and dairy foods were markers for poor diet quality in mothers.  相似文献   

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