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<正>食物营养素度量法(Nutrition Profiling)是一种根据食物营养成分组成对其进行分类和营养评价的新方法。营养素度量法是目前国际上能够较好地体现食物整体营养价值的一种最新的评价方法,是食品包装营养标签的科学基础。营养素度量法用科学的方法根据食物的营养成分与人体健康或是否能预防疾病来分类食物,根据制定的营养评价指标对食物的营养成分进行评估。在实践应用中,NP可以用于包装正面的营养标签表达,这样就能帮助消费者简单容易的区分健康和非健康食物,并在超市等繁杂食物中轻松选择出自己所需要的食品。  相似文献   

目的掌握湖北省常见杂粮(麦类、荞麦类)的营养成分,进一步完善和扩展我省食物成分数据库。方法采集湖北省市场上常见杂粮,对其分别进行去皮磨粉和直接磨粉两种处理方式,按国标方法测定其中各营养素含量。参考美国营养素度量法模型,选取蛋白质、膳食纤维、维生素C、维生素A、维生素E、钾、镁、铁和钙为推荐性营养素,钠、添加糖、脂肪为限制性营养素,100 g为计算基准,建立富含营养素食物指数模型(Nutrient-rich foods,NRF_(9.3)),并将其运用到麦类、荞麦类杂粮的营养价值评价中。结果评价结果表明,麦类、荞麦类杂粮中推荐性营养素含量高于限制性营养素,营养价值较高。其中藜麦(黑色)NRF_(9.3)指数最高,为102.39,最具营养价值。去皮后各杂粮营养价值(NRF_(9.3)指数)损失率为38.73%~65.00%。结论麦类、荞麦类杂粮是较好的营养来源,推荐经常食用。同时人们在选购杂粮产品时,应尽量选择全谷物杂粮。  相似文献   

[目的]对驰名中外的云南过桥米线进行营养成分分析及评价,为改进名特风味食品传统工艺及提高产品质量提供科学依据.[方法]采用国内外公认的标准方法,进行蛋白质、脂肪、水分、灰份、膳食纤维、无机元素、维生素等全营养成分分析.[结果]过桥米线主食、配菜及高汤混合后其营养成分互相取长补短,营养素含量较全面均衡,但钠和脂肪的含量较高,其中钠含量为2 312.5 mg,占RNI推荐摄入量的106%;脂肪供热占总热量的37.1%,高于RNI推荐20%~30%的比值.而铁、硒和维生素B2的含量较低.[结论]过桥米线是一种营养成分较全面均衡、独具云南特色的中式快餐食品,值得推广,若降低钠和脂肪的含量,营养更均衡.  相似文献   

黄花菜具有较高的营养价值,在中国传统中是药食两用的蔬菜。本实验对比不同产地黄花菜中的可溶性蛋白、总糖、总黄酮、游离氨基酸、秋水仙碱含量的差别及不同加工过程对营养成分的影响。结果表明*产地的黄花菜营养成分最佳;晒干法及蒸制法过程中可溶性蛋白、总黄酮、秋水仙碱含量减少,总糖、含量变化不大,游离氨基酸含量增多;腌制法过程中总糖含量明显增加,秋水仙碱含量减少,其它营养成分含量变化不大。  相似文献   

食物的营养评价是科学认识食物的基础,科学的食物营养评价方法和技术不仅为营养工作者提供了客观评价食物的工具,也是政府部门制定食物营养政策的基础.传统的评价方法主要从营养素的含量和生物利用两方面进行,但多是针对单一的营养素,没有综合体现食物整体的营养价值.为了克服这一局限性,研究人员建立了一种新的能比较全面地体现食物特性的评价方法来界定食物对健康作用的大小,即食物Nutrient Profiling系统--营养素度量法.上述几种方法各有侧重,本文就常用的食物营养评价方法作一综述.  相似文献   

四个地域小黄鱼肌肉营养成分分析与评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
正小黄鱼(Larimichthys polyactis),又名小黄花鱼,鲈形目,石首鱼科,黄鱼属,在我国黄海和东海北部均有分布,是我国重要的海产经济鱼类[1],其肉味鲜美、营养价值高。目前尚无不同地域小黄鱼肌肉营养成分、营养价值、氨基酸和脂肪酸含量的差异研究。本试验对中国4个不同地域的小黄鱼的肌肉营养成分进行测定、分析与评价,旨在为小黄鱼种质资源的开发利用、人  相似文献   

营养素度量法(nutrient profiling)是以预防疾病和促进健康为目的,综合考量食物的营养成分,对其进行科学的分类或排序的过程。国外学者建立了针对限制营养素、推荐营养素或两者相结合的多种营养素度量模型(nutrient profiling model),用以描述食物对人群健康的作用,通过数值的高低,消费者可以方便地判断哪个食物营养价值更高。我国对营养素度量法的应用仍然较少。本研究对国外几种营养素度量模型的建立和应用进行简要介绍,期望在此基础上,考虑建立适合我国居民膳食营养素摄入和需求的营养素度量模型,为今后更加有效的指导居民食品消费行为打下基础。  相似文献   

脐带血是胎儿从母体获取生长发育营养的主要途径,其含有蛋白质类、脂质类和微量营养素等不同种类营养成分以满足胎儿生长发育的需求,并影响新生儿的认知发育和免疫功能.同时,脐带血中某些营养成分还存在不同结构和生物活性形式,其中含量占比较高的营养素可称为优势营养素,对于胎儿和新生儿的生长发育可能有重要作用.本文就脐带血中营养成分...  相似文献   

水果的营养成份和营养价值与蔬菜相似,但它们却不能相互取代.多数蔬菜,尤其是绿色和红色蔬菜的维生素、矿物质、膳食纤维和植物化学物质的含量都高于水果,因此水果不能代替蔬菜.而水果中的有机酸和芳香物质比新鲜蔬菜多,且水果食用一般不用烹饪,其营养成分不受热力的破坏,可以保留更多的营养素,故蔬菜与水果应互为补充.  相似文献   

<正> 在玉米仍占居民口粮比重较大的地区,一些主食制售与科研单位,正在研究玉米主食的加工制做方式。这种制品的营养价值,不能不引起人们的注意。包括玉米在内的粮食的营养价值,取决于其营养成分组成、在人体内的消化率和某些营养素的利用率。但就作为主食的制做方式而言,对其中营养素组成和利用率影响不大,因而此类工作的许多文献报告,均以其主要营养素的人体表观消化率为评价标志。  相似文献   

赖氨酸及部分维生素强化面粉的营养评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 探讨经赖氨酸、维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素A等强化后食用面粉的营养价值。方法 将断乳大白鼠随机分为对照组(Ⅰ组)和实验组(Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ组),对照组饲以未经强化的普通面粉,实验组分别饲以不同配方的营养素面粉,定期观察各组实验动物的体重、氮平衡、食饲效率、热能效率、蛋白质功效比值及负重游泳持续时间等。结果 经过28天的分组饲养后,实验组动物的上述指标均显高于对照组。结论 食用面粉经赖氨酸及部分维生素强化后蛋白质的营养价值得到显提高,更有利于实验大白鼠的生长发育。  相似文献   

Shellfish products available on the Polish market were analyzed for the content of protein, fat, carbohydrates, water, ash, energy value and vitamins B. Nutrition value of the analyzed products was determined by analytical methods applying in food chemistry. Concentrations of niacin and vitamin B6 were determined by microbiological methods. The concentration of the selected shellfish in 100 g of the analyzed products and percentage of realization on recommended level of nutritive components by analyzed products for adults were determined.  相似文献   

We investigated the nutritional quality of steamed and baked breads containing 35% potato flour from four potato cultivars. Compared with traditional wheat varieties, potato–wheat steamed and baked breads contained higher dietary fiber (1.87-fold), K (2.68-fold), vitamin C (28.56-fold), and total polyphenol (1.90-fold) contents and greater antioxidant activity (1.23-fold). Moreover, the estimated glycemic index of potato–wheat breads ranged from 61.20 (Hongmei-wheat baked bread) to 67.36 (Atlantic-wheat steamed bread), which was lower than that of wheat steamed bread (70.22) and baked bread (70.62). In terms of nutritional value, Hongmei was the optimum cultivar, followed by Blue Congo, Shepody, and Atlantic. For the same cultivar, the nutritional value of steamed bread was higher than that of baked bread. In conclusion, potato flour is a potential wheat flour supplement that improves the nutritional and functional properties of breads.  相似文献   

Millets have been neglected despite their nutritive value and therapeutic use. The present study was undertaken with the aim of preparing biscuits based on foxtail millet and barnyard millet and to evaluate their sensory quality and acceptability, nutritional value and glycemic index by comparing with biscuits made from refined wheat flour. The biscuits made from millet were prepared using 45% of millet flour and 55% of refined wheat flour. All the three types of biscuits were found to be acceptable by a trained panel and diabetic subjects. The shelf life study indicated that the biscuits made from both types of millet flour can be successfully stored for a period of 60 days in a thermally sealed single polyethylene bag at room conditions. The millet flour and biscuits had higher content of crude fibre, total ash and total dietary fibre than refined wheat flour and biscuits. Biscuits from foxtail millet flour had the lowest GI of 50.8 compared to 68 for biscuits from barnyard millet flour and refined wheat flour. Thus, besides its traditional use in making chapatti and porridge, millet can be exploited for the development of low GI therapeutic food products like biscuits. Further studies are needed to determine long term effects of consumption of foxtail millet biscuits on blood lipid profile and glycosylated haemoglobin of diabetics and cardiovascular patients.  相似文献   

The present study provides information about concentration of vitamins B1 and B6 in grain products as well as frequency of intake cereal products by students. Higher thiamine and vitamin B6 content was detected in the whole wheat flour. The group of 171 pupils was investigated. Frequency of cereal products consumption and choice of kind of bread intake was estimated using self-report questionnaire. The results of the study showed that respondents were more familiar with wheat bread. Most students reported the consumption of cereal products two times per day.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We compared the effects of different kinds of bread fermentation on mineral bioavailability. METHODS: Wistar rats were fed one of the following experimental diets for 21 d: control, reconstituted whole wheat flour (white flour plus bran), yeast bread, and sourdough bread. The apparent mineral absorption and intestinal fermentation were measured in each animal. RESULTS: Phytate contents in yeast and sourdough bread were lower than in reconstituted whole wheat flour (-52% and -71%, respectively). Total cecal pool of short-chain fatty acids, in particular the butyrate pool, was significantly increased by the ingestion of unrefined products. Calcium homeostasis was not modified by these nutritional conditions, whereas magnesium absorption was significantly greater in rats fed the control and sourdough diets than in those consuming whole wheat flour and yeast bread. Magnesium kidney excretion was slightly stimulated by sourdough bread. Compared with the control diet, iron balance was significantly reduced by reconstituted whole wheat flour diet. Yeast bread making counteracted the deleterious effects of whole wheat on iron absorption, whereas sourdough bread making enhanced iron absorption. Further, liver and plasma iron and transferrin saturation levels were lower in rats adapted to the flour diet than in other groups. Zinc absorption was strongly depressed in the presence of unprocessed reconstituted whole wheat flour in the diet, but yeast fermentation afforded a zinc assimilation comparable to the control diet, whereas the sourdough bread led to maximal zinc absorption. Copper absorption increased significantly when rats were fed the sourdough bread, whereas unprocessed whole flour depressed copper absorption (-41% versus control diet). CONCLUSION: Mineral bioavailability from reconstituted whole wheat flour can be improved by bread making. Although yeast fermentation minimizes the unfavorable effects of phytic acid, sourdough bread is a better source of available minerals, especially magnesium, iron, and zinc.  相似文献   

Dietary modification is indispensable part of obesity treatment. Purpose: Assessment of vitamins supply in overweight and obese adults in habitual diet and during consuming a low-energy diet (about 1000 kcal/d). The studied group consisted of 67 women and 29 men, aged 20-68, with BMI above 25 kg/m2. Dietary assessment were carried out by 24-hours dietary recall. Intake of vitamin A, E, B1, B2, C, PP were evaluated. At baseline in men the lowest intake was found for vitamin A-87.6% of RDA, in women for vitamin B1--82.8% of RDA and for vitamin PP--90.2% of RDA, respectively. Low percentage of participants met the requirements for assessed vitamins. After 18 weeks of the low-energy diet the mean supply of assessed nutrients was below RDA. Only in subjects with baseline intake covering the requirement supply of nutrients on the low-energy diet was above the RDA level. Implementation of the low-energy diet can resulted in mean low supply of assessed vitamins. It is necessary to provide information for patients on energy value as well as nutritional value of food products. Subjects need consistent evaluation of realization of the low-energy diet.  相似文献   

目的了解新疆地产不同出粉率小麦面粉中蛋白质、VitB  相似文献   

内蒙古呼伦湖红鳍鲌的营养成分分析及营养评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的对红鳍鲌营养成分进行分析及营养评价。方法用常规分析方法分析营养成分。结果红鳍鲌水分含量为78.29%,蛋白质含量为18.31%,脂肪含量为0.97%,总糖含量为1.18%,灰分含量为1.17%。氨基酸(AA)总量为71.93%,其中必需氨基酸(EAA)总量为31.61%,非必需氨基酸(NEAA)总量为40.32%。氨基酸中鲜味氨基酸(FTAA)总量为25.57%。红鳍鲌肌肉中共有26种脂肪酸(FA),其中以C16:0和C18:1n9含量最为丰富,比例分别为17.88%和14.15%;另外,EPA和DHA的含量也比较高,分别为9.72%和12.97%。脂肪酸中饱和脂肪酸(SFA)比例为26.26%,单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)比例为29.61%,多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)比例为39.91%。脂类(Lipid Classes)分析结果是甘油二酯(DG)、甘油三酯(TG)、游离脂肪酸(FFA)、胆固醇(Cho)和磷脂(PL)比例分别为3.69%、11.71%、23.60%、0.54%和60.46%。结论红鳍鲌是一种蛋白质和多不饱和脂肪酸含量高,胆固醇含量低的鱼类,经常食用有利于人体健康。  相似文献   

Food legumes are widely consumed all over the world on account of their high nutritive value. These days legumes are greatly consumed on account of their therapeutic value in various lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and cancer. However, legumes contain several antinutritional factors in the raw seeds that need to be reduced by processing so as to enhance the digestibility and nutritive value. This review discusses the effect of common processing techniques viz ordinary cooking, pressure-cooking, microwave cooking, germination and soaking on the nutritional parameters and the antinutrients. A combination of the above techniques and also the effect of additives (such as citric acid, sodium bicarbonate used during processing) on the nutritional quality of the legumes has also been done. A comparison of the various techniques hence allows for the selection of the best processing technique that enhances the nutritional value with minimum loss of nutrients and maximum reduction in antinutrients. Extensive literature review demonstrates that in most cases such processing methods lead to considerable enhancement in the nutritional status of the prepared food legume. It is concluded that amongst all the processing techniques germination is the best one as it significantly enhances the nutritional value of legumes. For example, increase in content and bioavailability of minerals, vitamins, digestibility and decrease in antinutrients during germination is well established. Similarly, cooking treatments (ordinary cooking, pressure-cooking and microwave cooking) in addition to improving the digestibility lead to a considerable decrease in the antinutrients. Microwave cooking could be recommended for legume preparation, not only for improving nutritional quality (better retention rates of both B-vitamins and minerals, reduction in the level of antinutritional factors as well as increase in vitro protein digestibility), but also for reducing the cooking time. With respect to the whole soaking and cooking processes, the best conditions, which result in minimum vitamin loss, are 9 h soaking in 0.1% citric acid solution or in water and subsequent microwave cooking of the seeds. These conditions are found to be optimal for best retention of other nutrients as well.  相似文献   

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