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茼蒿营养成分分析及评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:为进一步了解茼蒿营养成分,对该植物的营养成分进行了分析与评价,为提高该植物利用度提供科学依据。方法:采用高效液相色谱测定纤维素、碳水化合物、维生素类及β-胡萝卜素。原子吸收分光度计测定矿物元素,用荧光分光光度计测定硒含量。结果:测得茼蒿植物13种营养成分;矿物元素K、Na、Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu、P、Se 10种。结论:通过所测定的成分表明,茼蒿植物是一种营养丰富的食用蔬菜,有较好的利用价值。  相似文献   

<正>鲍鱼(Haliotis discus hannai)又名海耳,是软体动物门(Mollusca)腹足纲(Gastropoda)原始腹足目(Archaeogastropoda)鲍科中的一种原始的海洋贝类。单壳软体动物,半面外壳,壳坚厚,扁而宽。是自古流传的名贵药材与食材,其位居四大海味之首。主治干热上逆,头晕目眩,骨蒸劳热,青盲内障,高血压眼底出血等症[1]。  相似文献   

不同产地薏苡仁资源营养成分分析与评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的对我国12个薏苡主产区薏苡仁资源的营养品质进行分析与评价,为薏苡资源的合理开发利用提供基础资料。方法采用常规生化分析方法。结果13种薏苡仁营养成分的平均值为:蛋白质15.80%,脂肪5.49%,均高于米、面;碳水化合物63.05%,低于米、面;粗纤维和灰分分别为1.75%与1.68%。薏苡仁的Ca含量丰富,高于米、面;VB1、VB2、VB6、Fe、Zn、Se平均含量与米、面相当。薏苡仁的谷氨酸、亮氨酸含量丰富,均高于米、面;赖氨酸含量较低;但含硫氨基酸平均含量丰富,为6.05mg/g,均高于米、面。以AAS为标准,13个样品中,赖氨酸为第一限制性氨基酸,第二限制性氨基酸随产地不同而异,云南产等8个样品为苏氨酸,四川产等5个样品为异亮氨酸,贵州产为缬氨酸。平均EAA/TAA、EAA/NEA值分别为35.86%、55.91%,平均EAAI值58.91%。结论我国薏苡资源营养较齐全,蛋白质具有较好的氨基酸组成,属于较优质蛋白质。  相似文献   

<正>野芝麻(Lamium barbatum Sieb.)为唇形科多年生草本植物,具轮伞花序,花白色,主要分布于我国东北、华北、华东各省区[1],含鞣质、挥发油、抗坏血酸、胡萝卜素、皂甙等生物活性成分,具有凉血止血、活血止痛、利湿消肿等生理功效[2]。目前对野芝麻研究主要集中在药用化学成分[3]、功效分析、生药鉴定[4]等方面,对其营养价值的分析与评价未见报道。本研究分析野芝麻全株营养成分,为综合开发利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

[目的]对驰名中外的云南过桥米线进行营养成分分析及评价,为改进名特风味食品传统工艺及提高产品质量提供科学依据.[方法]采用国内外公认的标准方法,进行蛋白质、脂肪、水分、灰份、膳食纤维、无机元素、维生素等全营养成分分析.[结果]过桥米线主食、配菜及高汤混合后其营养成分互相取长补短,营养素含量较全面均衡,但钠和脂肪的含量较高,其中钠含量为2 312.5 mg,占RNI推荐摄入量的106%;脂肪供热占总热量的37.1%,高于RNI推荐20%~30%的比值.而铁、硒和维生素B2的含量较低.[结论]过桥米线是一种营养成分较全面均衡、独具云南特色的中式快餐食品,值得推广,若降低钠和脂肪的含量,营养更均衡.  相似文献   

地皮菜营养成分分析与评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<正>地皮菜,学名普通念珠藻(Nostoc commune Vauch.),别名地耳、地踏菇、地衣、地木耳、地软等,为蓝藻科念珠藻属的片状藻类[1]。历来民间有食用地皮菜的习惯,但对其开发研究的不多。  相似文献   

<正>基胡蜂(Vespa basalis Smith),又名黑绒虎头蜂,属膜翅目(Hymenoptera),胡蜂科(Vespoidae),胡蜂属Vespa,主要分布于中国、尼泊尔、印度、泰国、缅甸、锡金、越南、斯里兰卡、印度尼西亚等国家。在我国主要分布于浙江、四川、福建、云南、台湾[1-2]。胡蜂的蛋白质含量高于鸡蛋、牛奶等常规食品,且富含人体必需氨基酸和脂肪酸[3]。民间食用胡蜂习俗很普遍,早在唐代  相似文献   

三种养殖河豚鱼肌肉营养成分分析及评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
<正>河豚鱼(puffer fish)又名气泡鱼,广义上指硬骨鱼纲(Osteichthyes)、辐鳍亚纲(Actino-pterygii)、鲈形总目(Percomorpha)、豚形目(Tetrodontiformes)中所有种类河豚鱼的统称,但实际上河豚鱼是指与我们的文化生活密切相关的一类剧毒却又味道鲜美的经济种类[1]。我国目前  相似文献   

<正>小米是北方主要粮食作物之一,具有多种营养物质,但大多数蛋白质质量不高,利用率较低~([1])。冀产小米资源丰富,种植广,品种多,但相关营养价值研究尚未见报道。本研究旨在分析和评价冀产11种小米的主要营养成分。  相似文献   

小麦胚芽营养成分分析及其降脂作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近来小麦各种等级粉的深入加工发展很快,但其加工副产品如麦麸、麦胚等的研究工作还很落后,造成营养资源的极大浪费。本文就胚芽的营养价值做了初步研究。  相似文献   

赵莹  王玮  刘存卫 《实用预防医学》2022,29(12):1477-1483
目的 对陕西省9个代表性品种的荞麦进行氨基酸组成成分分析,比较不同品种荞麦的氨基酸组成,并做出营养评价,为荞麦的合理膳食提供选择依据。方法 选取陕西地区9种代表性荞麦品种,研磨成粉,运用全自动氨基酸分析仪对荞麦全粉的氨基酸成分进行检测分析,采用模糊识别法、氨基酸评分(amino acid score, AAS)法、化学评分(chemistry score, CS)法及氨基酸比值系数(ratio coefficient of amino acid, RCAA)法从不同角度对不同品种的荞麦进行蛋白质营养价值的评价。结果 9个品种的荞麦样品中均检出18种氨基酸,氨基酸总量(total amino acids, TAA)介于9.237 g/100 g~16.287 g/100 g之间,必需氨基酸/氨基酸总量(essential amino acids/total amino acids, EAA/TAA)的值在0.348~0.375之间,各品种的功能性氨基酸和呈味氨基酸含量均有差异,色氨酸含量为28.197 mg/g~44.521 mg/g,高于全蛋蛋白模式(17 mg/g)。9个品种的第一限...  相似文献   

‘Milano-type’ salami from 13 European and American countries were analysed to establish their nutritional value in relation to fat and fatty acid composition. The fat content, fatty acid profile, ratio of n-6/n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, ratio of hypocholesterolemic/hypercholesterolemic fatty acids (h/H) and the contribution to the daily intake recommended for the population were studied. Differences (P<0.05) in the dry matter, pH, water activity, fat content, and percentages of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids were found.

Principal component analysis permitted samples to be separated into three different groups: (1) salamis from Chile, Mexico and Brazil, with high n-6/n-3 ratios (14–16), medium iodine index (73–76) and high h/H ratios (2.6–2.7); (2) European salamis and salamis from Costa Rica and USA, with medium and high n-6/n-3 ratios (8–15), low iodine index (62–72) and low h/H ratios (2.1–2.6); and (3) products from Peru, with the lowest n-6/n-3 ratio (7.2), the highest iodine index (about 80) and medium h/H ratio (2.5).  相似文献   

PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: To provide nutritional composition of 34 composite dishes commonly consumed in Cameroon, in order to enable dietary intake to be calculated from a Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire developed specifically for this population to determine associations between diet and diabetes. METHODS AND PROCEDURES: A total of 197 recipes were collected for 34 composite dishes. Multiple samples of each dish were collected from a range of 2-16 households in the villages of Evadoula and in the city of Yaounde. MAIN OUTCOMES AND RESULTS: The average nutritional composition for these composite dishes was calculated using the US Department of Agriculture National Nutrient Database. We provide the energy, macronutrient and micronutrient content of these foods. CONCLUSIONS: We provide, for the first time, the macronutrient and micronutrient content of 34 commonly consumed composite dishes in the Central Province of Cameroon. Such data are essential for calculating nutrient intake and determining associations between diet and diabetes and other chronic diseases. These data may also be used for nutrition interventions aimed at modifying commonly consumed composite dishes to improve dietary intake.  相似文献   

酸梨果实营养成分含量分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张继  吴建  姚健  杨永利  黄爱仑  梁万福 《营养学报》2003,25(2):161-162,166
酸梨是木梨 ( Pyrusxerophila Yu)的俗称 ,分布于山西、陕西、河南、甘肃等地 [1 ]。酸梨果实水分多、口感好 ,是人们喜爱的水果。在冬季 ,常被用来治疗哮喘、咳嗽等 ,本次对酸梨的营养成分进行分析研究 ,旨在为进一步开发利用提供理论依据。1 材 料 与 方 法1 .1 材料  酸梨果实采自甘肃和政。1 .2 仪器   HITACHI 1 80 -80型原子吸收分光光度计 ,640 0型火焰光度计 ,日立 83 5 -5 0型高速氨基酸分析仪 ,美国 Varian公司 5 0型高效液相色谱仪。1 .3 方法1 .3 .1 蛋白质测定 : 微量凯氏定氮法 [2 ]。1 .3 .2 水分测定 :…  相似文献   

Analysis of the complex composition of cocoa beans provides fundamental information for evaluating the quality and nutritional aspects of cocoa-based food products, nutraceuticals and supplements. Cameroon, the world’s fourth largest producer of cocoa, has been defined as “Africa in miniature” because of the variety it habitats. In order to evaluate the nutritional characteristics of cocoa beans from five different regions of Cameroon, we studied their polyphenolic content, volatile compounds and fatty acids composition. The High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) analysis showed that the Mbalmayo sample had the highest content of theobromine (11.6?mg/g) and caffeic acid (2.1?mg/g), while the Sanchou sample had the highest level of (?)-epicatechin (142.9?mg/g). Concerning fatty acids, the lowest level of stearic acid was found in the Mbalmayo sample while the Bertoua sample showed the highest content of oleic acid. Thus, we confirmed that geographical origin influences the quality and nutritional characteristics of cocoa from these regions of Cameroon.  相似文献   

The nutritional status of 91 cancer patients was assessed at the time of diagnosis and follow-up assessments were carried out at the third and sixth week after initiating different treatment modalities to study the effect of type and duration of treatment on nutritional status. Parameters assessed were anthropometry, biochemical status and clinical signs and symptoms of nutritional deficiencies. Treatment modalities studied were radiotherapy, chemotherapy, chemotherapy+radiotherapy, and combined treatment modality (surgery+radiotherapy+chemotherapy). The nutritional status of male patients was affected most by chemotherapy+radiotherapy while females were affected most with radiotherapy. Biochemical parameters showed a marginal decline in total serum protein and serum albumin concentrations. Haemoglobin concentrations declined substantially with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The lymphocyte count decreased substantially irrespective of the treatment modality. Clinical examination revealed increased incidences of deficiency signs and symptoms in all patients during follow-up irrespective of treatment modality.  相似文献   

<正>小粒黑豆是我国黄土高原种植的一个古老黑豆品种,为豆科植物大豆[Glycine max(L.)Merr.的黑色种子。黑豆在我国栽培历史悠久,是传统的药食兼用农产品资源。《本草纲目》中记载:黑者乌豆,可入药充食;服食黑豆,能治水消胀下气,制风热而活血解毒。现代研究结果表明,黑豆不仅含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、纤维素、矿物质等营养成分,同时含异黄酮、多糖、色素等生物活性物质[1]。黑豆活性成分的药理及保健功效  相似文献   

陕西省基层卫生机构绩效评价体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过文献评阅与整理分析,运用关键指标法和2轮德尔菲专家咨询法,初步确定基层卫生机构的绩效评价体系。再利用1轮德尔菲专家咨询法和层次分析法确定指标权重系数,构建完成基层卫生机构评价指标体系框架。并以此为基础对陕西省基层卫生机构绩效进行综合评价,选择综合指数法计算机构绩效值,验证基层卫生机构评价体系的实用性和可行性。最后在进一步分析绩效的影响因素的基础之上,提出建议,为实际工作中绩效考核的应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

崇明养殖文蛤和启东天然生长文蛤的营养成分比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>文蛤(Meretrix meretrix Linnaeus)是一种深受人们喜爱的埋栖型双壳贝类,生长于环境干净、污染小的沙质海滩中,肉质清鲜,除熟食外还可制干品或做罐头。1对象与方法  相似文献   

<正>营养不良是指因能量、蛋白质及其他营养素缺乏或应用过度,导致患者机体功能乃至临床结局发生不良影响[1]。但通常营养不良是指营养不足即蛋白质-能量营养不良(PEM)。住院患者发生营养不良会导致多种不良临床结局。国内有许多  相似文献   

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