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肌阵挛癫痫伴破碎红纤维 (MERRF)是最早认识的由点突变造成的伴有破碎红纤维 (RRF)的多系统疾病 ,是三个主要的线粒体脑肌病之一 ,本文就MERRF的分子致病机制进行综述 ,并介绍了基因诊断及遗传咨询等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

患者男性,16岁。发作性意识丧失伴肢体抽搐4年、双上肢抖动2年、加重2个月,于2013年9月4日人院。患者于4年前玩游戏时出现双眼反复眨眼,随即意识丧失、呼之不应,伴四肢抽搐、双眼上翻、面部发紫,无大小便失禁和舌咬伤,每次发作持续约2min后自行缓解。当地医院诊断为“癫痫”,  相似文献   

线粒体DNA突变与线粒体脑肌病   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文简述了线粒体DNA的基本结构、功能及特性,并着重讨论线粒体DNA点突变与几种临床常见的线粒体疾病如Leber's病,MELAS,MERRF之间的联系及特异性线粒体DNA点突变的基因诊断意义。  相似文献   

单纤维PCR技术在单细胞水平研究线粒体DNA(mitochondrialDNA,mtDNA)的突变,不仅能确定线粒体肌病与脑肌病患者骨骼肌是否存在线粒体DNA突变及其类型,还能研究线粒体DNA突变类型和突变比例与骨骼肌病理改变的相互关系,认识线粒体基因型与表型的对应关系。线粒体是细胞的“能  相似文献   

线粒体肌病和脑肌病患者骨骼肌细胞线粒体DNA缺失分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的为了检测线粒体肌病和脑肌病患者的骨骼肌细胞的线粒体DNA的缺失情况。方法从6例原发性线粒体肌病和1例脑肌病患者的骨骼肌活检标本中,提取总DNA,以线粒体DNA全长为探针进行分子杂交。结果发现1例MERRF患者有5kb的线粒体DNA基因缺失,另1例线粒体肌病患者有15kb的线粒体DNA基因缺失,剂量分析表明缺失型线粒体DNA分别占总线粒体DNA的19.3%和10.7%。结论线粒体DNA基因缺失是线粒体疾病的重要病因之一  相似文献   

目的 探讨线粒体脑肌病伴高乳酸血症和卒中样发作(MELAS综合征)的分子遗传学特点。方法 用聚合酶链反应-限制片段长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)方法检测来自7个家庭的9例MELAS患者及其部分母系亲属的肌肉和(或)外周血细胞的mtDNA的A3243G和T3271C点突变,并进行突变型mtDNA的定量。结果 在9例患者和1例亲属的肌肉和(或)外周血细胞中检测到A3243G点突变,未检测到T3271C突变。在这10例A3243G阳性标本中,外周血细胞(9例)的突变型mtDNA的比例为26.8%-50.3%;肌肉组织(4例)的突变型mtDNA的比例为46.8%-61.0%;对3例患者同时进行了肌肉和血细胞标本的检测,突变型mtDNA的比例肌肉组织均高于血细胞。对6个家庭的部分母系亲属的血细胞研究表明:只有1例先证者的同胞有此突变;另外3例先证者的母亲及2例先证者的同胞均未检测到此突变。另外有2例先证者的儿子临床表现符合MELAS,血中也检测到此突变。结论 mtDNA A3243G突变在本组MELAS综合征中的发生率较高,并且可在不同组织中检测到此突变,与国外文献报道一致;但国外报道多为母系遗传,而我们的病例以散发的居多,推测是由于新生突变所致。  相似文献   

Leigh综合征的线粒体DNA突变分析   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
目的:了解中国人Leigh综合征的线粒体DNA(mtDNA)突变特点。方法:对12例LS患者用Southern杂交和PCR-限制性内切酶分析的方法检测有无mtDNA的缺失及T8993G、T8993C、T9176C、A8344G、A3243G等点突变。结果:在4例患者中发现mtDNA点突变,包括T8993G1例、T8993C1例、A8344G2例,定量分析表明突变型mtDNA的比例均较高,为87.2%-97.8%,未发现mtDNA的大片段缺失及T9176C、A3243G点突变。结论:LS在遗传方面有显著的异质性,根据不同的病因,临床表现略有差异。  相似文献   

线粒体脑肌病患者的基因突变研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨线粒体脑肌病患者骨骼肌细胞线粒体DNA基因突变情况及发病机制。方法 观察总结5例线粒体脑肌病患者的临床表现,影像学变化特点,并应用PCR、限制性内切酶BglⅠ、ApaⅠ酶切,PAGE电泳鉴定DNA片段长度的方法,检测5例患者骨骼肌细胞中mtDNA是否发生nt3243和8344位点A→G突变。结果 5例患者(3例MELAS和2例MERRF)在临床表现和影像学改变等方面均与国外学者的研究结果相符。1例MELAS患者仅存在3243A→G点突变,1例MERRF患者存在8344A→G点突变,1例MERRF上述2个位点均存在突变。另2例呈家系起病的MELAS患者这2个位点都无突变。结论 3243及8344位点突变分别与MELAS和MERRF的发病有关,MERRF患者可以同时存在上述2个位点的突变。临床表现仍是确诊和分类的主要依据。Ⅰ  相似文献   

目的探讨线粒体脑肌病伴高乳酸血症和卒中样发作(MELAS综合征)的分子遗传学特点.方法用聚合酶链反应-限制片段长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)方法检测来自7个家庭的9例MELAS患者及其部分母系亲属的肌肉和(或)外周血细胞的mtDNA的A3243G和T3271C点突变,并进行突变型mtDNA的定量.结果在9例患者和1例亲属的肌肉和(或)外周血细胞中检测到A3243G点突变,未检测到T3271C突变.在这10例A3243G阳性标本中,外周血细胞(9例)的突变型mtDNA的比例为26.8%~50.3%;肌肉组织(4例)的突变型mtDNA的比例为46.8%~61.0%;对3例患者同时进行了肌肉和血细胞标本的检测,突变型mtDNA的比例肌肉组织均高于血细胞.对6个家庭的部分母系亲属的血细胞研究表明:只有1例先证者的同胞有此突变;另外3例先证者的母亲及2例先证者的同胞均未检测到此突变.另外有2例先证者的儿子临床表现符合MELAS,血中也检测到此突变.结论 mtDNA A3243G突变在本组MELAS综合征中的发生率较高,并且可在不同组织中检测到此突变,与国外文献报道一致;但国外报道多为母系遗传,而我们的病例以散发的居多,推测是由于新生突变所致.  相似文献   

目的:分析MERRF和MELAS型线粒体脑肌病的临床表现及辅助检查特点,以利明确诊断。方法:对确诊为MERRF和MELAS型线粒体脑肌病患者各6例进行回顾性研究。结果:MERRF型6例均有肌阵挛性癫痫发作,脑电图见发作性慢波,发作性棘波或棘慢波综合等典型的癫痫波型;5例有小脑性症状,头CT或MRI检查见全脑或小脑、脑干萎缩。MELAS型6例均有卒中样发作,头痛4例,头颅CT或MRI显示分布在颞、顶、枕叶的新旧不一的多发性梗死样改变,且不按血管支配区域分布。两型均有肌病伴RRF、血乳酸丙酮酸偏高及不同比例的智能损害。结论:MERRF与MELAS的临床表现多样化,有部分重叠,对两型的鉴别诊断必须与临床、神经影像学、病理相结合,有条件也可参考基因检测。其中,COX染色为本病的鉴别提供重要依据。  相似文献   

We report myoclonic epilepsy with ragged-red fibers (MERRF) syndrome in a Chinese family with confirmed mitochondrial DNA point mutation. Six members of the family including the grandmother, two siblings, and three grandchildren were affected. Among them, action myoclonus was seen in five; short stature, muscle weakness, and mental retardation in four; lactic acidosis, hearing impairment, and ataxia in two; and seizures in one. Muscle biopsy from two affected siblings revealed ragged-red fibers and abundant subsarcolemmal mitochondria with paracrystalline inclusions. Pedigree analysis suggests a maternal transmission. Analysis of mitochondrial DNA showed a point mutation from A to G at the 8344th nucleotide position located in the tRNALys gene. To our knowledge, this is the first report of MERRF syndrome with such genetic defect from a Chinese family. The present and previous reports support the notion that mitochondrial DNA point mutation at the 8344th nucleotide position is the most common cause of MERRF syndrome. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This man with myoclonus epilepsy and ragged red fibres (MERRF) syndrome due to the tRNALys A»G(8344) mutation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) died of bronchopneumonia at 18 years of age. He had progressive clinical symptoms from 6 months of age manifesting as ataxia, myoclonic seizures, and muscle weakness. A postmortem examination revealed 91–99% mutated mtDNA in all 32 examined tissue samples, including various organs and different brain regions. The brain appeared without macroscopic changes, but microscopic examination showed degeneration with loss of nerve cells and gliosis affecting the globus pallidus, substantia nigra, red nucleus, dentate nucleus, inferior olivary nucleus, cerebellar cortex, and the spinal cord. Skeletal muscle showed cytochrome c oxidase deficient muscle fibres with proliferation of mitochondria. In addition to pathological changes of muscle and brain there were few morphological changes that could be attributed to his mitochondrial disease. These data support the concept that in patients with the tRNALys A»G(8344) mutation who are manifesting disease there are high levels of mutated mtDNA in all tissues, but only some tissues and brain regions are vulnerable.  相似文献   

Two families with a point mutation in mtDNA associated with myoclonic epilepsy and ragged-red fiber disease showed pronounced clinical heterogeneity. The mothers of the two families had adult-onset myopathy with ragged-red fibers, partial deficiency of cytochrome c oxidase, and sensory neuropathy. Members of the first family had variable clinical features of progressive ataxic-myoclonic encephalomyopathy and of the other family, primarily adult-onset myiopathy. There was a point mutation from A to G at uncleotide pair 8344 located in the tRNALys gene of the tmDNA of all patients tested, three in family 1, and the mother of Family 2.This clinical heterogeneity may reflect the effects of varying proportions of mutant and wild-type mt DNA in the different organ systems in each individual.  相似文献   

MERRF is typically characterized by myoclonus, generalized seizures and ragged-red fibers in muscular biopsy. We report a family (harbouring the A8344G mutation) with a late onset of the disease and an uncommon clinical manifestation, including episodes of reversible respiratory failure, the presence of ophthalmoplegia, and the absence of seizures and myoclonus in most subjects. We conducted histochemical, biochemical and molecular genetic studies. Mutation analysis revealed that the level of mutated mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was above 80% in the skeletal muscle of all siblings. Nevertheless, one severely affected individual did neither present cytochrome c oxidase-negative fibers nor ragged-red fibers in the skeletal muscle biopsy. These data extend the phenotypic range associated with the MERRF syndrome. We suggest that the analysis of mtDNA could be of importance in many cases of unclear multisystem disorders in later life.  相似文献   

A new family of myoclonic epilepsy with ragged-red fibers (MERRF) was studied at clinical, histological, biochemical and molecular genetic levels. There was a remarkable variation in the age of onset, the clinical presentation and the severity of symptoms. Multiple defects affecting respiratory chain complexes I, III and IV were detected in 2 patients. The point mutation at 8344 of the mitochondrial genome was found in all the maternal lineage with a relatively narrow range of variation in the percentage of mutant mitochondrial genomes. The one exception was represented by a set of dizygotic twins, one clinically affected and showing high proportions of mutant mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) in blood cells, while the other was asymptomatic and showed very small amounts of mutant mt-DNAs in blood and skin. This could suggest an early segregation of the mitochondrial genome during ovogenesis.  相似文献   

MERRF (Myoclonic Epilepsy and Ragged-Red Fibres) syndrome is one of the maternally inherited diseases for which a mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) point mutation has recently been identified. The mutation is always heteroplasmic, that is normal and mutant mtDNA coexist within the same individual. We studied mtDNA heteroplasmy in two families with MERRF syndrome, using a denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis technique that avoids the errors in the evaluation of wild/mutant mtDNA ratios caused by restriction enzyme cutting in the situation of amplification of a heteroplasmic DNA. In two patients, the proportion of muscle mutant mtDNA was in agreement with the severity of muscle mitochondrial proliferation, energy defect and fibre type I predominance. In nine patients from three generations of one family, mutant mtDNA proportion in leukocytes was in relative agreement with the clinical severity of the disease. Transmission of mutant mtDNA through these three generations did not show any tendency toward homoplasmy. Homogeneity of the mutant mtDNA proportion among different tissues from one patient was demonstrated in brain, liver, muscle and heart but a possibility of divergence of the mutant mtDNA proportion during mitosis was documented in cultured skin fibroblasts.  相似文献   

目的 报告6例mtDNA G13513A点突变引起的线粒体脑肌病患者的临床、影像学特点,总结mtDNA G13513A突变所致的线粒体病的临床表型.方法 对35例mtDNA常见突变(包括大片段缺失及A3243G、T3271C、A8344G、T8993G/C点突变)检查为阴性的线粒体脑肌病患者,用线粒体DNA全长测序和(或)聚合酶链反应-限制性片段长度多态法检测mtDNA G13513A点突变,分析阳性患者的临床特点,复习文献报道的mtDNA G13513A所致线粒体病的病例.结果 35例患者中有6例存在mtDNA G13513A突变.该6例患者均出现偏盲、轻偏瘫或偏身感觉障碍等卒中样发作表现,其中3例成人发病者以卒中样发作为主要症状,伴随癫痫、头痛、身材矮小、神经性耳聋等,头颅MRI显示以顶-枕-颢叶受累为主的大片病灶,符合成人型线粒体脑肌病伴高乳酸血症和卒中样发作(MELAS)的临床和影像学特点;3例青少年发病者除卒中样发作外,还有构音障碍、共济失调、眼外肌瘫痪等脑干受累的症状,MRI检查可见枕-颞叶大脑皮质非对称性病灶,以及双侧基底节和脑干的对称性病灶,符合青少年型MELAS-Leigh叠加综合征的临床和影像学特点.肌肉病理检查在5例患者发现不整红边纤维.经复习文献,发现mtDNA G13513A突变患者还存在婴幼儿型Leigh或Leigh样综合征表型.结论 mtDNA G13513A点突变是线粒体脑肌病较常见的致病性突变,主要导致Leigh综合征、MELAS-Leigh叠加综合征或MELAS综合征,其临床表型具有年龄依赖性.
Objective To report 6 Chinese patients with mitochondrial encephalomyopathy caused by mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA)G13513A mutation and discuss the mitochondrial phenotype associated with this mutation based on the data of our patient series as well as the reports by others.Methods Direct sequencing of polymerase chain reaction(PCR)products or PCR-RFLP analysis Was performed to screen mtDNA G13513A mutation in 35 cases with mitoehondrial encephalomyopathy.who carried no mtDNA common mutations(1arge 8eale deletion,A3243G,T3271 C,A8344G,or T8993G/C).The clinical features,MRI changes were retrospectively collected and analyzed.Published studies of all patients with mtDNA G13513A mutation were also reviewed.Results Six patients were identified carrying mtDNA G13513A mutation.All patients presented stroke-like episodes with hemianopsia.hemiparesis or hemiparesthesia.Three adult patients presented clinical and radiological features of adult-onset mitochondrial myopathy,encephalopathy,lactic acidosis,and stroke-like episodes(MELAS),including stroke-like episodes,epilepsy,headache,short stature,sensorineural deafness,multifocal lesions on parietal,occipital and temporal lobes on cranial MRI scans.Three iuvenile.onset patients presented the clinical and brain MRI features of MELAS-Leigh syndrome(LS)overlap syndrome.In addition to the stroke-like episodes,they also showed brain stem lesions with dysarthria,ataxia,and ophthalmopJegia. Brain MRI revealed asymmetrical lesions in the cortex of the oecipital and temporal lobes,as well as symmetrical lesions in the bilateral basal ganglia and brainstem.Muslce biopsy showed ragged redfibem in 5 patients.The infant-onset LS or Leigh-like syndrome with mtDNA G135 13A was described in the English literature.Conclusions mtDNA G13513A mutation is a common pathogenic mutmion for mitochondrial encephalomyopathy,which can result in Leigh syndrome,MELAS-LS overlap syndrome and adult MELAS.The onset of various phenotypes is relatively age-dependent.  相似文献   

Summary The post-mortem findings are reported of two patients with myoclonus epilepsy associated with ragged-red fibers (MERRF, Fukuhara's disease), whose clinical findings have been described in detail previously. In addition to the mitochondrial myopathy, both patients had consistent lesions in the central and peripheral nervous systems: (1) degeneration of the dentatorubral and pallidoluysian systems, (2) spinal cord lesions resembling Friedreich's ataxia, and (3) degeneration of the substantia nigra, cerebellar cortex, inferior olivary nucleus, locus ceruleus, gracile and cuneate nuclei, and the pontine tegmentum. The nature and distribution of the lesions are different not only from the other mitochondrial encephalomyopathies but also from other known diseases. It is concluded that MERRF is a disease entity.Supported in part by grants from the Ministry of Health and Weifare of Japan  相似文献   

目的探讨全基因组检测线粒体脑肌病(ME)基因突变的临床意义。方法分析8例ME的临床特征、24h视频脑电图(VEEG)、肌电图(EMG)、头颅MRI、全基因组检测基因突变。结果 8例全基因组检测基因突变表明,存在核基因突变8例、有氨基酸改变7例、线粒体基因突变8例;其中t RNA基因突变5例、TRNL1基因突变4例、ATP6基因突变3例、ND5和TRNS2基因突变各1例。核酸3243AG改变4例(50%),其他有8860AG,11719GA,14766CT,8993TG等4例(50%),氨基酸改变4例。结论ME患者大多存在核基因的突变,线粒体的5个mt DNA均可发生突变。本组患者核酸改变仅50%发生在3243位点,检测核基因和线粒体基因是诊断ME的依据之一。  相似文献   

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