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Using PET, subtraction and correlation analysis were jointly employed to determine the specific and complementary contributions of frontal and medial temporal regions to verbal episodic encoding and retrieval processes. Subtraction analysis highlighted prefrontal rCBF increases which were predominantly left-sided during intentional encoding and exclusively right-sided during retrieval, the latter being moreover associated with bilateral precuneus activation. However, significant correlation between rCBF values obtained during intentional encoding and performance scores obtained during retrieval concerned, among other regions, the left parahippocampal gyrus, which indicated that the higher the neuronal activity in this medial temporal region during encoding, the better the retrieval performance.  相似文献   

During natural speech perception, humans must parse temporally continuous auditory and visual speech signals into sequences of words. However, most studies of speech perception present only single words or syllables. We used electrocorticography (subdural electrodes implanted on the brains of epileptic patients) to investigate the neural mechanisms for processing continuous audiovisual speech signals consisting of individual sentences. Using partial correlation analysis, we found that posterior superior temporal gyrus (pSTG) and medial occipital cortex tracked both the auditory and the visual speech envelopes. These same regions, as well as inferior temporal cortex, responded more strongly to a dynamic video of a talking face compared to auditory speech paired with a static face. Occipital cortex and pSTG carry temporal information about both auditory and visual speech dynamics. Visual speech tracking in pSTG may be a mechanism for enhancing perception of degraded auditory speech.  相似文献   

Previous neuroimaging studies provided evidence that visual mental imagery relies, in part, on the primary visual cortex. We hypothesized that, analogous to the finding that motor imagery increases the excitability of motor cortex, visual imagery should increase visual cortex excitability, as indexed by a decrease in the phosphene threshold (PT). In order to test visual cortex excitability, the primary visual cortex was stimulated with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), so as to elicit phosphenes in the right lower visual quadrant. Subjects performed a visual imagery task and an auditory control task. We applied TMS with increasing intensity to determine the PT for each subject. Independent of the quadrant in which subjects placed their visual images, imagery decreased PT compared to baseline PT; in contrast, the auditory task did not change PT. These findings demonstrate for the first time a short-term, task-dependent modulation of PT. These results constitute evidence that early visual areas participate in visual imagery processing.  相似文献   

Most neurons in the inferior temporal cortex of the rhesus monkeys have visual receptive fields that extend across the vertical meridian well into both the contralateral and ipsilateral visual half-fields. We examined the role of different portions of the forebrain commissures in providing the ipsilateral input with the following results. (1) Combined section of the splenium and anterior commissure eliminated visual activation from the ipsilateral visual half-field. (2) Section of the splenium, with sparing of the anterior commissure, reduced the incidence of ipsilateral activation by about one-half. (3) Section of the anterior commissure, with sparing of the splenium, did not alter the incidence of ipsilateral activation. (4) Section of the non-splenial portions of the corpus callosum had no effect on the laterality of the receptive fields. Thus, both the splenium and the anterior commissure but not the non-splenial callosum can provide information from the ipsilateral visual field to neurons in inferior temporal cortex. These results are interpreted as suggesting that the converging input from the two visual half-fields onto single inferior temporal neurons provided by the forebrain commissures may mediate interhemispheric transfer of visual habits.  相似文献   

Past neuroimaging studies have focused on identifying specialized functional brain systems for processing different components of reading, such as orthography, phonology, and semantics. More recently, a few experiments have been performed to look into the integration and interaction of distributed neural systems for visual word recognition, suggesting that lexical processing in alphabetic languages involves both ventral and dorsal neural pathways originating from the visual cortex. In the present functional magnetic resonance imaging study, we tested the multiple pathways model with Chinese character stimuli and examined how the neural systems interacted in reading Chinese. Using dynamic causal modeling, we demonstrated that visual word recognition in Chinese engages the ventral pathway from the visual cortex to the left ventral occipitotemporal cortex, but not the dorsal pathway from the visual cortex to the left parietal region. The ventral pathway, however, is linked to the superior parietal lobule and the left middle frontal gyrus (MFG) so that a dynamic neural network is formed, with information flowing from the visual cortex to the left ventral occipitotemporal cortex to the parietal lobule and then to the left MFG. The findings suggest that cortical dynamics is constrained by the differences in how visual orthographic symbols in writing systems are linked to spoken language. Hum Brain Mapp 36:2580–2591, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc .  相似文献   

The volume of a portion of the frontal and occipital lobes was measured in 40 brains in the Yakovlev Collection. In 32 cases the volume of the right frontal lobe was larger than that of the left; in the same number of cases the left occipital lobe was larger than the right (p < 0.01). The asymmetries existed in fetal brains as early as 20 weeks of gestation. The results confirm observations made with computed tomography and indicate that this nonrandom asymmetrical pattern is an early manifestation of human brain development.  相似文献   

Events are stored in our episodic memory in varying degrees of accessibility for conscious retrieval and combined with varying amounts of associated information. A crucial aspect of episodic memory is to bind information together, e.g. linking an object to a certain location. Spontaneous or experimenter-induced variance in the allocation of attentional resources during encoding critically determines the strength of the resulting memory trace especially for associative information as measured in subsequent memory tests. The neural correlates of associative memory encoding were investigated by lesion, PET- and fMRI-studies. So far no study aimed to assess the memory for associative information in a non-categorical way. Such a parametric assessment opens the possibility for a closer inspection of the relationship between brain activity and memory trace formation. We established a novel associative object-location memory paradigm, together with a parametric assessment of subsequent memory performance for spatial location which allows: (i) to determine if associative information is retrieved in a continuous or discontinuous manner during recognition and (ii) to investigate the relationship between activity during encoding and the resulting memory trace. Such correlations were observed in the occipital, parietal and the parahippocampal cortex, areas known to be involved in processing either objects and/or locations. The analysis of response functions revealed for the majority of areas involved in encoding a continuous relationship between brain activity during encoding and the confidence in a subsequent memory test.  相似文献   

Brain regions modulated by cognitive tasks during emotional processing were investigated using fMRI. Participants performed indirect and direct emotional processing tasks on positive and negative faces and pictures. We used a multivariate technique, partial least squares (PLS) to determine spatially distributed patterns of brain activity associated with different tasks and stimulus conditions, as well as the interaction between the two. The pattern of brain activity accounting for the most task-related covariance represented a task x stimulus interaction and distinguished indirect processing of pictures and direct processing of faces from direct processing of pictures and indirect processing of faces. The latter two conditions were characterised by limbic (e.g. amygdala, insula, thalamus) and temporal lobe activity, in addition to greater activity in the ventral prefrontal cortex. Indirect and direct processing of pictures and faces, respectively, were represented by more dorsal prefrontal and parietal activity. These findings indicate that brain activity during processing of emotional content is critically dependent on both the type of stimulus and processing task. In addition, these results support the idea that the pattern of activity in the emotional network can be influenced in a 'top-down' fashion via cognitive factors such as attentional control, and as such, have important clinical implications for emotional disorders, such as depression and anxiety.  相似文献   

Three ion channel binding sites were examined by means of quantitative ligand binding autoradiography in temporal and occipital cortex from 9 patients with neuropathologically confirmed Alzheimer's disease (AD) and 7 matched control subjects. The following ligands were used: 125I-apamin to label a population of Ca2+-sensitive K+ channels; [3H]PN200-110 to label L-type voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels and [3H]glibenclamide to label ATP-sensitive K+ channels. Ion channel binding sites were compared to: choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) activity and plaque densities measured in the same tissue. In the temporal cortex in AD125I-apamin binding was increased compared to controls (e.g. superficial layers: control= 0.71 ± 0.07;AD= 1.02 ± 0.07,mean±S.E.M. pmol/g tissue). In contrast, in adjacent sections [3H]glibenclamide binding was reduced in AD compared to controls (e.g. superficial layers: control= 25.3 ± 1.7;AD= 17.9 ± 1.4pmol/g tissue). [3H]PN200-110 binding in temporal cortex was not altered in AD compared to controls. In the occipital cortex125I-apamin binding was increased in AD while both [3H]glibenclamide and [3H]PN-200-110 binding sites in this cortical area were not different from controls. Plaque density (per mm2) was higher in temporal (e.g. layers I–III, 43 ± 6) than in occipital cortex (layers I–III, 27 ± 4) in the AD patients while ChAT was reduced by 40% in temporal cortex and by 50% in occipital cortex compared to controls. The results suggests that the three ion channel binding sites are located on structural elements in the brain which are differentially affected by the pathophysiology of AD.  相似文献   

We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate if different brain regions are controlling the temporal and ordinal structure of movement sequences during performance. Human subjects performed overlearned spatiotemporal sequences of key-presses using the right index finger. Under different conditions, the temporal and the ordinal structure of the sequences were varied systematically in relation to each other, using a factorial design: COMBINED had a rhythm of eight temporal intervals and a serial order of eight keys; TEMPORAL had an eight-interval rhythm produced on one key; ORDINAL had an isochronous rhythm and an eight-key serial order; two control conditions had an isochronous pulse performed on one or two keys, respectively. Brain regions involved in rhythmic and ordinal control of the sequences were revealed by analysing main effect contrasts for the corresponding factors. TEMPORAL and ORDINAL were also compared directly to test for significant differences. A dissociation was found between largely the presupplementary motor area, the right inferior frontal gyrus and precentral sulcus, and the bilateral superior temporal gyri, involved in temporal control, and lateral fronto-parietal areas, the basal ganglia and the cerebellum, which were implicated in ordinal control. The vermis and the superior colliculus were the only regions with an activity increase specifically related to combining long temporal and ordinal sequences. We conclude that humans use different brain networks for temporal and ordinal sequence control, and that the performance of combined sequences activates both networks, the medial cerebellum, and the superior colliculus.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the results of visual functional MRI with those of perimetric evaluation in patients with visual field defects and retrochiasmastic tumours and in normal subjects without visual field defect. The potential clinical usefulness of visual functional MRI data during resective surgery was evaluated in patients with occipital lobe tumours. METHODS: Eleven patients with various tumours and visual field defects and 12 normal subjects were studied by fMRI using bimonocular or monocular repetitive photic stimulation (8 Hz). The data obtained were analyzed with the statistical parametric maps software (p<10(-8)) and were compared with the results of Goldmann visual field perimetric evaluation. In patients with occipital brain tumours undergoing surgery, the functional data were registered in a frameless stereotactic device and the images fused into anatomical three standard planes and three dimensional reconstructions of the brain surface. RESULTS: Two studies of patients were discarded, one because of head motion and the other because of badly followed instructions. On the remaining patients the functional activations found in the visual cortex were consistent with the results of perimetric evaluation in all but one of the patients and all the normal subjects although the results of fMRI were highly dependent on the choices of the analysis thresholds. Visual functional MRI image guided data were used in five patients with occipital brain tumours. No added postoperative functional field defect was detected. CONCLUSIONS: There was a good correspondence between fMRI data and the results of perimetric evaluation although dependent on the analysis thresholds. Visual fMRI data registered into a frameless stereotactic device may be useful in surgical planning and tumour removal.  相似文献   

We sought to explore the roles of the hippocampal subregions and adjacent medial temporal lobe regions in pattern separation and any differential contributions based on sequential or spatial information. Young adults performed an incidental‐encoding task on a sequence of four objects presented on the screen in one of eight locations while we collected high‐resolution functional MRI brain scans. We employed five trials of interest: first presentations, exact repetitions, lures in which the same objects were repeated in different locations (spatial lures), lures in which the same objects were presented in a different sequential order (sequential lures), and lures in which both the spatial location and sequence were changed (both lures). We found no evidence for spatial or sequential specialization in the hippocampal subfields, consistent with the hypothesis that the dentate gyrus acts as a universal pattern separator. Likewise, we did not observe specialization for the perirhinal or parahippocampal cortices for spatial or sequential information, though both regions show evidence for associative processing in this task. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

As some apparently idiopatic epilepsies may occasionally pose diagnostic difficulties in regard to their precise status of etiology, evoked potentials, particularly visual evoked potential (VEP), may contribute to the diagnosis of childhood epilepsy with occipital paroxysms (CEOP) as a subsidiary method of evaluation. This study includes 19 children (10 boys 52.6%; 9 girls 47.4%) ranging in age from 5 to 17 years (mean SD = 9.68 3.28) suffering from CEOP and a control group of 30 normal children, matched for chronological age and sex. Peak amplitudes and latencies of the P100 component for pattern-shift VEP (PVEP) and of major positivity for flash VEP (FVEP) are measured, respectively. The results from this study demonstrate that amplitude and latency values in patients with CEOP differs insignificantly when compared with controls. Although, non-significantly, mean values of amplitudes for both PVEP and FVEP were higher in the patients than in the normal children, whereas latencies in FVEP were somewhat longer. There may be some tendency for the amplitudes to increase and the latencies to be delayed in VEPs in patients with CEOP, when an overall interpretation of our and similar studies are considered. In certain cases of diagnostic difficulty, VEP values may provide further information for the clinician, regarding either a symptomatic or an idiopathic nature of the underlying disorder.  相似文献   

External stimuli and tasks often elicit negative BOLD responses in various brain regions, and growing experimental evidence supports that these phenomena are functionally meaningful. In this work, the high sensitivity available at 7T was explored to map and characterize both positive (PBRs) and negative BOLD responses (NBRs) to visual checkerboard stimulation, occurring in various brain regions within and beyond the visual cortex. Recently‐proposed accelerated fMRI techniques were employed for data acquisition, and procedures for exclusion of large draining vein contributions, together with ICA‐assisted denoising, were included in the analysis to improve response estimation. Besides the visual cortex, significant PBRs were found in the lateral geniculate nucleus and superior colliculus, as well as the pre‐central sulcus; in these regions, response durations increased monotonically with stimulus duration, in tight covariation with the visual PBR duration. Significant NBRs were found in the visual cortex, auditory cortex, default‐mode network (DMN) and superior parietal lobule; NBR durations also tended to increase with stimulus duration, but were significantly less sustained than the visual PBR, especially for the DMN and superior parietal lobule. Responses in visual and auditory cortex were further studied for checkerboard contrast dependence, and their amplitudes were found to increase monotonically with contrast, linearly correlated with the visual PBR amplitude. Overall, these findings suggest the presence of dynamic neuronal interactions across multiple brain regions, sensitive to stimulus intensity and duration, and demonstrate the richness of information obtainable when jointly mapping positive and negative BOLD responses at a whole‐brain scale, with ultra‐high field fMRI.  相似文献   

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