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Tomographic image reconstruction, such as the reconstruction of computed tomography projection values, of tomosynthesis data, positron emission tomography or SPECT events, and of magnetic resonance imaging data is computationally very demanding. One of the most time-consuming steps is the backprojection. Recently, a novel general purpose architecture optimized for distributed computing became available: the cell broadband engine (CBE). To maximize image reconstruction speed we modified our parallel-beam backprojection algorithm [two dimensional (2D)] and our perspective backprojection algorithm [three dimensional (3D), cone beam for flat-panel detectors] and optimized the code for the CBE. The algorithms are pixel or voxel driven, run with floating point accuracy and use linear (LI) or nearest neighbor (NN) interpolation between detector elements. For the parallel-beam case, 512 projections per half rotation, 1024 detector channels, and an image of size 512(2) was used. The cone-beam backprojection performance was assessed by backprojecting a full circle scan of 512 projections of size 1024(2) into a volume of size 512(3) voxels. The field of view was chosen to completely lie within the field of measurement and the pixel or voxel size was set to correspond to the detector element size projected to the center of rotation divided by square root of 2. Both the PC and the CBE were clocked at 3 GHz. For the parallel backprojection of 512 projections into a 512(2) image, a throughput of 11 fps (LI) and 15 fps (NN) was measured on the PC, whereas the CBE achieved 126 fps (LI) and 165 fps (NN), respectively. The cone-beam backprojection of 512 projections into the 512(3) volume took 3.2 min on the PC and is as fast as 13.6 s on the cell. Thereby, the cell greatly outperforms today's top-notch backprojections based on graphical processing units. Using both CBEs of our dual cell-based blade (Mercury Computer Systems) allows to 2D backproject 330 images/s and one can complete the 3D cone-beam backprojection in 6.8 s.  相似文献   

Ye Y  Wang G 《Medical physics》2005,32(1):42-48
Recently, Katsevich proved a filtered backprojection formula for exact image reconstruction from cone-beam data along a helical scanning locus, which is an important breakthrough since 1991 when the spiral cone-beam scanning mode was proposed. In this paper, we prove a generalized Katsevich's formula for exact image reconstruction from cone-beam data collected along a rather flexible curve. We will also give a general condition on filtering directions. Based on this condition, we suggest a natural choice of filtering directions, which is more convenient than Katsevich's choice and can be applied to general scanning curves. In the derivation, we use analytical techniques instead of geometric arguments. As a result, we do not need the uniqueness of the PI lines. In fact, our formula can be used to reconstruct images on any chord as long as a scanning curve runs from one endpoint of the chord to the other endpoint. This can be considered as a generalization of Orlov's classical theorem. Specifically, our formula can be applied to (i) nonstandard spirals of variable radii and pitches (with PI- or n-PI-windows), and (ii) saddlelike curves.  相似文献   

Contemporary reconstruction methods employed for clinical helical cone-beam computed tomography (CT) are analytical (noniterative) but mathematically nonexact, i.e., the reconstructed image contains so called cone-beam artifacts, especially for higher cone angles. Besides cone artifacts, these methods also suffer from windmill artifacts: alternating dark and bright regions creating spiral-like patterns occurring in the vicinity of high z-direction derivatives. In this article, the authors examine the possibility to suppress cone and windmill artifacts by means of iterative application of nonexact three-dimensional filtered backprojection, where the analytical part of the reconstruction brings about accelerated convergence. Specifically, they base their investigations on the weighted filtered backprojection method [Stierstorfer et al., Phys. Med. Biol. 49, 2209-2218 (2004)]. Enhancement of high frequencies and amplification of noise is a common but unwanted side effect in many acceleration attempts. They have employed linear regularization to avoid these effects and to improve the convergence properties of the iterative scheme. Artifacts and noise, as well as spatial resolution in terms of modulation transfer functions and slice sensitivity profiles have been measured. The results show that for cone angles up to +/-2.78 degrees, cone artifacts are suppressed and windmill artifacts are alleviated within three iterations. Furthermore, regularization parameters controlling spatial resolution can be tuned so that image quality in terms of spatial resolution and noise is preserved. Simulations with higher number of iterations and long objects (exceeding the measured region) verify that the size of the reconstructible region is not reduced, and that the regularization greatly improves the convergence properties of the iterative scheme. Taking these results into account, and the possibilities to extend the proposed method with more accurate modeling of the acquisition process, the authors believe that iterative improvement with non-exact methods is a promising technique for medical CT applications.  相似文献   

The general goal of this paper is to extend the parallel-beam projection-slice theorem to divergent fan-beam and cone-beam projections without rebinning the divergent fan-beam and cone-beam projections into parallel-beam projections directly. The basic idea is to establish a novel link between the local Fourier transform of the projection data and the Fourier transform of the image object. Analogous to the two- and three-dimensional parallel-beam cases, the measured projection data are backprojected along the projection direction and then a local Fourier transform is taken for the backprojected data array. However, due to the loss of the shift invariance of the image object in a single view of the divergent-beam projections, the measured projection data is weighted by a distance dependent weight w(r) before the local Fourier transform is performed. The variable r in the weighting function w(r) is the distance from the backprojected point to the x-ray source position. It is shown that a special choice of the weighting function, w(r)=1/r, will facilitate the calculations and a simple relation can be established between the Fourier transform of the image function and the local Fourier transform of the 1/r-weighted backprojection data array. Unlike the parallel-beam cases, a one-to-one correspondence does not exist for a local Fourier transform of the backprojected data array and a single line in the two-dimensional (2D) case or a single slice in the 3D case of the Fourier transform of the image function. However, the Fourier space of the image object can be built up after the local Fourier transforms of the 1/r-weighted backprojection data arrays are shifted and then summed in a laboratory frame. Thus the established relations Eq. (27) and Eq. (29) between the Fourier space of the image object and the Fourier transforms of the backprojected data arrays can be viewed as a generalized projection-slice theorem for divergent fan-beam and cone-beam projections. Once the Fourier space of the image function is built up, an inverse Fourier transform could be performed to reconstruct tomographic images from the divergent beam projections. Due to the linearity of the Fourier transform, an image reconstruction step can be performed either when the complete Fourier space is available or in parallel with the building of the Fourier space. Numerical simulations are performed to verify the generalized projection-slice theorem by using a disc phantom in the fan-beam case.  相似文献   

Recently, we have derived a general formula for image reconstruction from helical cone-beam projections. Based upon this formula, we have also developed an exact algorithm for image reconstruction on PI-line segments from minimum data within the Tam-Danielsson window. This previous algorithm can be referred to as a backprojection-filtration algorithm because it reconstructs an image by first backprojection of the data derivatives and then filtration of the backprojections on PI-line segments. In this work, we propose an alternative algorithm, which reconstructs an image by first filtering the modified data along the cone-beam projections of the PI-lines onto the detector plane and then backprojecting the filtered data onto PI-line segments. Therefore, we refer to this alternative algorithm as the filtered-backprojection algorithm. A preliminary computer-simulation study was performed for validating and demonstrating this new algorithm. Furthermore, we derive a practically useful expression to accurately compute the derivative of the data function for image reconstruction. The proposed filtered-backprojection algorithm can reconstruct the image within any selected ROI inside the helix and thus can handle naturally the long object problem and the super-short scan problem. It can also be generalized to reconstruct images from data acquired with other scanning configurations such as the helical scan with a varying pitch.  相似文献   

Ye Y  Zhu J  Wang G 《Medical physics》2003,30(5):816-822
Computed tomography (CT) is one of the most important areas in the modern science and technology. The most popular approach for image reconstruction is filtered backprojection. It is essential to understand the limit behavior of the filtered backprojection algorithms. The classic results on the limit of image reconstruction are typically done in the norm sense. In this paper, we use the method of limited bandwidth to handle filtered backprojection-based image reconstruction when the spectrum of an underlying image is not absolutely integrable. Our main contribution is, assuming the method of limited bandwidth, to prove a pointwise limit theorem for a class of functions practically relevant and quite general. Further work is underway to extend the theory and explore its practical applications.  相似文献   

Recently, x-ray differential phase contrast computed tomography (DPC-CT) has been experimentally implemented using a conventional source combined with several gratings. Images were reconstructed using a parallel-beam reconstruction formula. However, parallel-beam reconstruction formulae are not directly applicable for a large image object where the parallel-beam approximation fails. In this note, we present a new image reconstruction formula for fan-beam DPC-CT. There are two major features in this algorithm: (1) it enables the reconstruction of a local region of interest (ROI) using data acquired from an angular interval shorter than 180 degrees + fan angle and (2) it still preserves the filtered backprojection structure. Numerical simulations have been conducted to validate the image reconstruction algorithm.  相似文献   

A novel exact fan-beam image reconstruction formula is presented and validated using both phantom data and clinical data. This algorithm takes the form of the standard ramp filtered backprojection (FBP) algorithm plus local compensation terms. This algorithm will be referred to as a locally compensated filtered backprojection (LCFBP). An equal weighting scheme is utilized in this algorithm in order to properly account for redundantly measured projection data. The algorithm has the desirable property of maintaining a mathematically exact result for: the full scan mode (2pi), the short scan mode (pi+ full fan angle), and the supershort scan mode [less than (pi+ full fan angle)]. Another desirable feature of this algorithm is that it is derivative-free. This feature is beneficial in preserving the spatial resolution of the reconstructed images. The third feature is that an equal weighting scheme has been utilized in the algorithm, thus the new algorithm has better noise properties than the standard filtered backprojection image reconstruction with a smooth weighting function. Both phantom data and clinical data were utilized to validate the algorithm and demonstrate the superior noise properties of the new algorithm.  相似文献   

Reconstructing images from a set of fluorescence optical projection tomography (OPT) projections is a relatively new problem. Several physical aspects of fluorescence OPT necessitate a different treatment of the inverse problem to that required for non-fluorescence tomography. Given a fluorophore within the depth of field of the imaging system, the power received by the optical system, and therefore the CCD detector, is related to the distance of the fluorophore from the objective entrance pupil. Additionally, due to the slight blurring of images of sources positioned off the focal plane, the CCD image of a fluorophore off the focal plane is lower in intensity than the CCD image of an identical fluorophore positioned on the focal plane. The filtered backprojection (FBP) algorithm does not take these effects into account and so cannot be expected to yield truly quantitative results. A full model of image formation is introduced which takes into account the effects of isotropic emission and defocus. The model is used to obtain a weighting function which is used in a variation of the FBP algorithm called weighted filtered backprojection (WFBP). This new algorithm is tested with simulated data and with experimental data from a phantom consisting of fluorescent microspheres embedded in an agarose gel.  相似文献   

In this paper, a shift-invariant filtered backprojection cone-beam image reconstruction algorithm is derived, based upon Katsevich's general inversion scheme, and validated for the source trajectory of two concentric circles. The source trajectory is complete according to Tuy's data sufficiency condition and is used as the basis for an exact image reconstruction algorithm. The algorithm proceeds according to the following steps. First, differentiate the cone-beam projection data with respect to the detector coordinates and with respect to the source trajectory parameter. The data are then separately filtered along three different orientations in the detector plane with a shift-invariant Hilbert kernel. Eight different filtration groups are obtained via linear combinations of weighted filtered data. Voxel-based backprojection is then carried out from eight sets of view angles, where separate filtered data are backprojected from each set according to the backprojection sets' associated filtration group. The algorithm is first derived for a scanning configuration consisting of two concentric and orthogonal circles. By performing an affine transformation on the image object, the developed image reconstruction algorithm has been generalized to the case where the two concentric circles are not orthogonal. Numerical simulations are presented to validate the reconstruction algorithm and demonstrate the dose advantage of the equal weighting scheme.  相似文献   

A unified framework for exact cone-beam reconstruction formulas   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Zhao S  Yu H  Wang G 《Medical physics》2005,32(6):1712-1721
In this paper, we present concise proofs of several recently developed exact cone-beam reconstruction methods in the Tuy inversion framework, including both filtered-backprojection and backprojection-filtration formulas in the cases of standard spiral, nonstandard spiral, and more general scanning loci. While a similar proof of the Katsevich formula was previously reported, we present a new proof of the Zou and Pan backprojection-filtration formula. Our proof combines both odd and even data extensions so that only the cone-beam transform itself is utilized in the backprojection-filtration inversion. More importantly, our formulation is valid for general smooth scanning curves, in agreement with an earlier paper from our group [Ye, Zhao, Yu, and Wang, Proc. SPIE 5535, 293-300 (Aug. 6 2004)]. As a consequence of that proof, we obtain a new inversion formula, which is in a two-dimensional filtering backprojection format. A possibility for generalization of the Katsevich filtered-backprojection reconstruction method is also discussed from the viewpoint of this framework.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new image reconstruction scheme is presented based on Tuy's cone-beam inversion scheme and its fan-beam counterpart. It is demonstrated that Tuy's inversion scheme may be used to derive a new framework for fanbeam and cone-beam image reconstruction. In this new framework, images are reconstructed via filtering the backprojection image of differentiated projection data. The new framework is mathematically exact and is applicable to a general source trajectory provided the Tuy data sufficiency condition is satisfied. By choosing a piece-wise constant function for one of the components in the factorized weighting function, the filtering kernel is one dimensional, viz. the filtering process is along a straight line. Thus, the derived image reconstruction algorithm is mathematically exact and efficient. In the cone-beam case, the derived reconstruction algorithm is applicable to a large class of source trajectories where the pi-lines or the generalized pi-lines exist. In addition, the new reconstruction scheme survives the super-short scan mode in both the fan-beam and cone-beam cases provided the data are not transversely truncated. Numerical simulations were conducted to validate the new reconstruction scheme for the fan-beam case.  相似文献   

X Tang  R Ning 《Medical physics》2001,28(6):1042-1055
The circle-plus-arc orbit possesses advantages over other "circle-plus" orbits for the application of x-ray cone beam (CB) volume CT in image-guided interventional procedures requiring intraoperative imaging, in which movement of the patient table is to be avoided. A CB circle-plus-two-arc orbit satisfying the data sufficiency condition and a filtered backprojection (FBP) algorithm to reconstruct longitudinally unbounded objects is presented here. In the circle suborbit, the algorithm employs Feldkamp's formula and another FBP implementation. In the arc suborbits, an FBP solution is obtained originating from Grangeat's formula, and the reconstruction computation is significantly reduced using a window function to exclude redundancy in Radon domain. The performance of the algorithm has been thoroughly evaluated through computer-simulated phantoms and preliminarily evaluated through experimental data, revealing that the algorithm can regionally reconstruct longitudinally unbounded objects exactly and efficiently, is insensitive to the variation of the angle sampling interval along the arc suborbits, and is robust over practical x-ray quantum noise. The algorithm's merits include: only 1D filtering is implemented even in a 3D reconstruction, only separable 2D interpolation is required to accomplish the CB backprojection, and the algorithm structure is appropriate for parallel computation.  相似文献   

Tang X  Hsieh J 《Medical physics》2004,31(11):2949-2960
With the evolution from multi-detector-row CT to cone beam (CB) volumetric CT, maintaining reconstruction accuracy becomes more challenging. To combat the severe artifacts caused by a large cone angle in CB volumetric CT, three-dimensional reconstruction algorithms have to be utilized. In practice, filtered backprojection (FBP) reconstruction algorithms are more desirable due to their computational structure and image generation efficiency. One of the CB-FBP reconstruction algorithms is the well-known FDK algorithm that was originally derived for a circular x-ray source trajectory by heuristically extending its two-dimensional (2-D) counterpart. Later on, a general CB-FBP reconstruction algorithm was derived for noncircular, such as helical, source trajectories. It has been recognized that a filtering operation in the projection data along the tangential direction of a helical x-ray source trajectory can significantly improve the reconstruction accuracy of helical CB volumetric CT. However, the tangential filtering encounters latitudinal data truncation, resulting in degraded noise characteristics or data manipulation inefficiency. A CB-FBP reconstruction algorithm using one-dimensional rotational filtering across detector rows (namely CB-RFBP) is proposed in this paper. Although the proposed CB-RFBP reconstruction algorithm is approximate, it approaches the reconstruction accuracy that can be achieved by exact helical CB-FBP reconstruction algorithms for moderate cone angles. Unlike most exact CB-FBP reconstruction algorithms in which the redundant data are usually discarded, the proposed CB-RFBP reconstruction algorithm make use of all available projection data, resulting in significantly improved noise characteristics and dose efficiency. Moreover, the rotational filtering across detector rows not only survives the so-called long object problem, but also avoids latitudinal data truncation existing in other helical CB-FBP reconstruction algorithm in which a tangential filtering is carried out, providing better noise characteristics, dose efficiency and data manipulation efficiency.  相似文献   

We present an exact filtered backprojection reconstruction formula for helical cone beam computed tomography in which the pitch of the helix varies with time. We prove that the resulting algorithm, which is functionally identical to the constant pitch case, provides exact reconstruction provided that the projection of the helix onto the detector forms convex boundaries and that PI lines are unique. Furthermore, we demonstrate that both of these conditions are satisfied provided the sum of the translational velocity and the derivative of the translational acceleration does not change sign. As a special case, we show that gantry tilt can also be handled by our dynamic pitch formula. Simulation results demonstrate the resulting algorithm.  相似文献   

Filtered backprojection is the basis for many CT reconstruction tasks. It assumes constant attenuation values of the object during the acquisition of the projection data. Reconstruction artifacts can arise if this assumption is violated. For example, contrast flow in perfusion imaging with C-arm CT systems, which have acquisition times of several seconds per C-arm rotation, can cause this violation. In this paper, we derived and validated a novel spatio-temporal model to describe these kinds of artifacts. The model separates the temporal dynamics due to contrast flow from the scan and reconstruction parameters. We introduced derivative-weighted point spread functions to describe the spatial spread of the artifacts. The model allows prediction of reconstruction artifacts for given temporal dynamics of the attenuation values. Furthermore, it can be used to systematically investigate the influence of different reconstruction parameters on the artifacts. We have shown that with optimized redundancy weighting function parameters the spatial spread of the artifacts around a typical arterial vessel can be reduced by about 70%. Finally, an inversion of our model could be used as the basis for novel dynamic reconstruction algorithms that further minimize these artifacts.  相似文献   

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